Molly pulled a long sleep shirt over her naked body.  She stopped in
the bathroom and then went to the kitchen.  When Molly saw her mom
standing at the counter, she giggled.  Laura turned around and smiled.

"Good morning, Honey.  Did you sleep well last night?" Laura asked.

Molly walked up to her mom, gave her a hug, and said, "Yeah, after
the noise from your room stopped."

Laura gasped as she realized her daughter heard what went on between
her and Joel.  She also blushed.

"Um, just what did you hear?" Laura asked almost fearing her
daughter's answer.

"Nothing you have to be worried about, Mom."  Molly giggled.  "I
couldn't understand what you two were saying, but…"

Laura sighed and chuckled.  "Sorry about that."

"You shouldn't be sorry, Mom.  I'm happy for you," Molly said.

"Honey, Joel has been asking me to marry him.  Last night I told him
I would," Laura said.

"Really?  Wow, that's so cool!  When are you going to get married?"
Molly asked.  She hugged her mom tightly.  "I'm so happy for you, Mom."

"Just as soon as she says we can," Joel said as he walked into the

Molly glanced at Joel, smiled, and wished him good morning.  Joel
walked over to Laura and Molly.  He gave Laura a kiss and said, "It
can't be soon enough for me."

"Joel, I told you last night why I want to wait," Laura said.  She
moved away from Molly and hugged Joel.

"I know, and I told you I would pester you," Joel said with a grin. 
"Tell your mother she should marry me as soon as we can put something
together, Molly."

"Don't put me in the middle of this.  I already told Mom I was happy
for you two," Molly said.

"I need some time to figure out what I'm going to do now that I'm
unemployed.  I have to find a job first," Laura said.

Joel nodded and glanced at Molly.  "I told her I would take care of
her, but apparently she doesn't want to be a kept woman."  Joel
chuckled and added, "I completely understand.  I may not be happy
about it, but I will bide my time until she gives in and sets a date."

Molly poured a cup of coffee.  When her mom asked why Molly didn't
add cream and sugar, Molly said, "I've learned to drink it black.  I
don't like fooling with the cream and sugar while I'm on the boat. 
Now I like it this way.  I'm going to take a shower.  Eddie and Kathy
are picking me up so we can go get the boat this morning."

"Molly heard us last night," Laura said after Molly left the kitchen.

"What did she hear?" Joel asked.

"She said she couldn't hear what we said, but I'm not too sure." 
Laura laughed and said, "Oh well, now she knows her mom likes sex."

Joel grinned.  He slipped his hands into Laura's robe and began
massaging her breasts.  "I hope you enjoyed what we did last night. 
I know I did."

"I'm glad you did.  I was a little worried that you would feel I was
over the top.  Joel, I never said anything like that to a man
before."  Laura let out a soft moan and pressed her chest into Joel's
hands.  "I meant every word though."

"I hope so.  I've always wanted a woman that wasn't afraid of
expressing her feelings or desires."  Joel lowered one hand to
Laura's crotch.  He slipped his hand into her panties and rubbed her.
"Do you think we have time?"

Laura giggled, something she hadn't done in years, and said, "If we

Joel removed Laura's panties.  He stuffed them in the pocket of her
robe and led her to the table.  Turning her around, Joel bent Laura
over the table.  He freed his penis, fisted it and then slipped it
into her vagina.  Laura let out a grunt as Joel filled her.

"Tell me when you're ready, Baby," Laura said as she looked back at

"Okay, it won't be long," Joel said while sliding his penis in and
out of Laura.

Joel pumped his member in and out of Laura.  She pushed back,
relishing the feeling.  Laura thought of one of her trysts with Bill.
He had bent her over the hood of his car in the bar parking lot one
night.  While it was fun with Bill, Laura felt something much more
meaning full with Joel.

"Oh, Baby, I can't hold back much longer," Joel said.

Laura disengaged their bodies.  She turned around, knelt on the
floor and took Joel's penis in her mouth.  A moment later, she felt
his hot semen spraying her tongue.  Laura sucked him firmly.  She
felt his member pulse and swell.  When Joel's penis stopped, Laura
swallowed.  She removed his penis and licked it clean.

"Mmmm, that was so good," Laura said as she stood up and fastened
her robe.  "You better put your cock away before Molly gets back."

Joel tucked his spent member into his slacks.  "That was amazing,
but why did you finish me with your mouth?" Joel said.

"I didn't want come running down my legs when Molly came back." 
Laura kissed Joel.  "We can do it right after she leaves-if you have
time before you have to go to work."

"Baby, I'll make time!  You are something else, do you know that?"
Joel said.

"I just have to take care of my man, Sweetie!"

Laura and Joel sat at the table drinking coffee.  They shared silly
grins and winks.  Molly came back, freshened her coffee, and joined
them at the table.

"I'm ready to go.  Will I see you two before we leave tomorrow
morning?" Molly said.

"Yes, we'll stop by tonight.  I want to meet the film crew," Laura
said.  "Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, I think so.  We have our uniforms and the clothes we got from
Jenny's mom.  I have a few things on the boat too," Molly said.

Molly jumped up when she heard the doorbell.  She opened the door
and let Eddie and Jenny into the house.  They followed Molly into the
kitchen to say hi to Laura and Joel.  After a few moments, Eddie said
they had to get going.  Laura hugged Molly.

"I'll see you later, Molly.  You kids be careful with the boat,"
Laura said.

"We always are, Mom," Molly said.  She grabbed her overnight bag and
the three teens left.

Eddie drove to Brad and Kathy's house.  He honked the horn and Brad
and Kathy came out.  Jenny moved to one of the back seats with Brad
and gave him a kiss.  Kathy kissed Molly and then Eddie.  She sat up
front and Molly sat with Brad and Jenny.

Eddie parked near the guesthouse.  They all got out and went to the
door.  Kim opened the door and invited them in.  "We'll be ready in a
few minutes.  Make yourselves at home," Kim said.

"Are you guys getting excited about going to the Bahamas?" Kathy
asked as she followed Kim to her bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm really geeked about going.  We all are," Kim said.

Tom came out of the bathroom.  He smiled and said, "Oops, I didn't
know anyone was here."

"Don't worry about it.  I've seen you naked before," Kathy said and
then she giggled.  "You don't have to get dressed on my account."

Tom laughed.  He began dressing while Kim and Kathy talked about
what they planned to wear on the way to the Bahamas.

"Can't girls make up their own minds when it comes to clothes?" Tom

"Shut up, you're a boy and boys don't understand," Kim said and then
she stuck out her tongue.

"You're right, I don't understand.  I don't think I ever will," Tom

Kathy giggled and said, "That's what makes us so mysterious."

Sally came into the room.  She wore her bra and panties, but nothing
else.  "Are you wearing shorts today?" she asked Kim.

"Yeah, it's supposed to be nice," Kim replied as she showed Sally
the shorts she planned to wear.

The group left to get the boat once everyone was dressed.  Eddie
drove to his dad's boatyard and parked near the office.  Harry came
out of the office and walked with the teens to the shed where they
moored Lady Guinevere.

"We changed the oil in the engines and the generators.  I had my
mechanics service the heating and cooling systems and check all the
hydraulic fluids.  They also changed the filters on the watermaker. 
You kids should be good to go," Harry said.

The group went into the shed.  They looked up at the boat and
realized there were graphics on the side of the cabin.  The graphics
had the name of the fishing team as well as logos for the sponsors. 
Listed on the vinyl were Shimano, Marlin Perfect Lures, Bowman Boats,
Unique Adventure Charters, and Sid's Tackle Shop.  In the cockpit,
there were more graphics with the same information on them.

"The graphics in the cockpit were put in so the cameras will get
shots of them.  When we, Don, Marc, Jack, and I, told your sponsors
about being taped, they agreed to increase what they will give you if
their names showed up on television," Harry said.

The teens looked at the graphics.  Jenny looked up at her dad and
said, "Do they come off?"

"Yes, they can be removed.  We used a special vinyl and adhesive. 
All you have to do is get a corner started and then use a little
window cleaner to remove them.  Don't you want them on the boat?"
Harry said.

"I don't know.  We haven't talked about it yet.  I didn't know you
were going to have them installed," Jenny said.

"It's up to you, but before you decide to remove them, check the
paper on the table in the galley.  It explains what your major
sponsors are willing to do for you," Harry said.

The teens went into the cabin.  Jenny picked up the paper from the
table and began reading it aloud.  The rest of the group listened to
Jenny as she listed the added benefits of having the sponsors' names
displayed.  "It looks like Shimano is willing to pay for trips if we
test their new rods and reels.  Marlin Perfect will also pay for fuel
and food if we test their lures and provide reviews.  What do you
guys think?" Jenny said.

"I think we should do it.  What difference does it make having our
sponsors' names displayed?  Who knows, we might pick up additional
sponsors too," Jack said.

"I agree with Jack.  I think it'll be okay," Eddie said.

"Okay, if anyone doesn't want to have the graphics on the boat,
raise your hands," Jenny said.  No one raised their hand.  "It looks
like it's settled.  We keep the graphics."

Jenny went out to the cockpit to tell her dad about the vote.  He
said it was a wise choice.  Jenny and Harry went back into the cabin.

"If you've ever watched bass fishing, you know that the fishermen
all wear the names of their sponsors.  You kids may just be exposing
offshore fishing in much the same way the bass fishermen did years
ago.  Anything you do to bring attention to the sport will help
insure its future," Harry said.

"Thanks for remembering Sid's Tackle Shop, Dad.  I know he will
appreciate it," Eddie said.

"Okay, I have to get to work.  I have a yacht to finish," Harry
said.  He told the teens he would see them later and left the boat.

Eddie and Jack went up to the bridge.  Eddie watched as Jack went
through the checklist and started the engines.  Once the two diesels
were warm, Brad and Tom tended to the lines.  Jack felt nervous as he
backed the boat out of the slip and into the narrow channel.  Eddie
gave Jack instructions.  When the boat was in the middle of the
channel, Jack sighed in relief.

"That wasn't bad, was it?" Jack said while motoring slowly toward
the ICW.

"No, you did great, Jack.  It won't be long until you'll be able to
do it alone," Eddie said.

On the way back to the house, Tom and Jack took turns at the helm. 
Tom eased the boat to the seawall while the rest of the teens stood
ready.  With the boat tied securely, and the water and power
connected, the teens went up to the house.

"Are you kids hungry?  We're fixing lunch," Marge said.

"I'm hungry, but then I'm always hungry," Brad said.

Marge and Anne placed a platter of ham and cheese sandwiches on the
table.  Kim and Sally took potatoes chips out of the cupboard.  Kim
asked Jenny and Molly to get the pickles and olives from the

"When are you kids planning to go grocery shopping?" Marge asked as
she passed out cans of soda.

"This afternoon, Mom," Kim said.  "We have our list made so all we
have to do is get the things we need.  Do you want to come with us?"

Marge glanced at Anne.  Anne nodded and Marge said, "Sure, we'll go
shopping with you girls."

After finishing lunch, the guys cleaned up so the girls could go

"Do you or Tom have a digital camera?" Eddie asked Jack.  "I'd like
to take a picture of the boat so we can show Sid his name is on it."

"I have one," Jack said.  "I got a digital camcorder for my last
birthday.  Give me a minute.  I'll run to the house and get it."

Jack jogged to the house, grabbed his camera, and returned to the
boat.  He took several still shots and shot some video of the graphics.

"Let's go to Sid's Tackle Shop.  We can show him the pictures and
pick up some hooks.  There are several sizes we don't have yet,"
Eddie said.

Jack drove to the tackle shop.  He and the others showed Sid the
pictures of the boat.  Sid thanked them for adding his name to the
bright graphics.

"Sid, we need some hooks," Eddie said.

"Take what you need, Eddie," Sid told him.  "If you decide to print
any of those pictures, please make me a copy to hang in here."

"Will do, Sid.  Tom can take a few pictures with his good camera and
then we'll make a few enlargements for you," Jack said.

Eddie and Brad showed Tom and Jack the hooks they needed.  He added
packages of hooks to a basket while explaining each of their uses. 
When Eddie finished, he took the basket to the counter.  Sid rang up
the hooks.  He took the tape from the register and made a note on it.

"You boys are all set.  When are you heading to the tournament?" Sid

"In the morning," Brad said.  "We want to get down there so we can

"Will you be at the meeting tonight?" Sid asked.

"Oh crap!  I forgot all about the club meeting.  I think we'll be
there tonight," Eddie said.

The four boys talked with Sid for a few minutes and then told him
they would see him later.  They headed home and took the tackle to
the boat.  Sally came aboard and told the guys they needed to come
help carry the groceries.

"Why don't you just use the cart?" Tom said.

"We're going to.  You guys can push," Sally said with a giggle.

The boys followed Sally to the car.  They helped load the food and
other things into the cart.  It took two trips to carry all the items.

"We have a club meeting tonight," Eddie said while helping the girls
put the things away.

"You're right, Eddie.  I forgot all about it.  I guess I've been too
excited about the trip," Jenny said.

The teens finished stowing the food, soda, bottled water, and other
things.  Don and Marc came aboard to tell them the crew from ESPN had
arrived.  The group went to the house to meet the crew.

Everyone gathered in the living room.  Pat Baker moved next to a man
and a woman.

"I'd like to introduce you to Fran Barnet and Randy Wade.  They will
be taping you on your trip," Pat said.  He chuckled and continued. 
"I'm sorry, but I don't remember all of your names.  Why not just
introduce yourselves?"

Jack moved closer to the two people.  He extended his hand and
introduced himself to Randy and then Fran.  One by one, the teens
followed suit.  When they finished, Pat went on.

"Fran and Randy are cinematographers.  They both graduated from NYU
last year. They have been doing work for ESPN since.  Fran has a
degree in journalism as well as film.  She will do the narrative for
the pilot.  Randy is a skilled a cameraman," Pat said.

The group sat in the living room and got to know each other.  Marge
and Anne offered cold drinks to anyone that wanted one.  While they
talked, Harry, Ellen, Sarah and Jack Waters came in.  A few minutes
later, Laura and Joel joined the group.  Molly introduced Fran and
Randy to her mom, Joel, and the other parents.

"Have either of you been on a fishing boat before?" Eddie asked.

"Yes, we both have.  Fran and I worked on a shrimp boat last summer.
We filmed a documentary about shrimp fishing in the Gulf of Mexico,"
Randy said.

"Do you guys get seasick?" Jenny asked.

"We haven't yet," Fran said with a chuckle.  "That was a very good
question, Jenny."

"Thanks.  We get pretty busy when we're fishing and there isn't much
time to nurse anyone.  We also can't run back in to get someone off
the boat," Jenny said.

"Fran and I will try to stay out of the way.  When can we see the
boat?" Randy said.

"We can go out now if you want to," Eddie said.

The teens led Fran and Randy outside.  When he saw the boat, Randy
stopped and said, "Damn, Pat said it was big, but I didn't realize it
would be that big."

The group went aboard.  Fran and Randy began looking around the
cockpit.  They made comments about how nice the boat was and talked
about positions for taping.  Jenny led Fran and Randy up to the
sundeck off the bridge.  Then she took them inside.

"This is going to be a blast," Fran said.  "I can't wait to get

"Where is your equipment?" Jenny asked.

"It's out in Pat's truck.  He picked us up at the airport this
afternoon," Randy said.  "I noticed cameras outside.  What do you use
them for?"

"We have cameras in most parts of the boat and the engine room." 
Jenny giggled as she pointed at a flat screen monitor.  "Everywhere
except the staterooms and heads.  We can monitor the cameras from
here or from the saloon.  The cameras that cover the cockpit are
connected to a digital recorder."

"Why would you want to record?" Fran asked.

"In case of a dispute in a tournament and to help us learn.  We can
review the recordings and pick up mistakes," Jenny said.

Jenny led Randy and Fran down to the cabin.  She showed them the
galley, saloon and day head.  When Jenny showed them the staterooms,
both Fran and Randy expressed how nice everything was.

"Did you two get the nickel tour?" Jack asked when Jenny brought
Randy and Fran back to the cockpit.

"Yes, the boat is gorgeous," Fran said.

"Do you want to get your gear aboard?  We can help you if you'd
like," Brad said.

"Thanks, yes we would like to get our equipment out of the truck. 
Where would you like us to put it?" Randy said.

Kathy led them to the crew's quarters.  "You can use the crew's
quarters if it will work for you."

"Yes, this will work fine.  It's a lot nicer than some of the places
we've had to set up," Fran said.

Randy, Jack, Eddie, Tom, and Brad went to the house.  They loaded
the equipment into a dock cart and took it to the boat.  Randy and
Fran stowed their things in the crew's quarters.

"We have a meeting tonight.  Would you two like to come with us? 
It's our fishing club," Jenny said.

"Sure, that would be great.  It will give us a chance to get to know
all of you a little better.  Are the members going to be fishing in
the tournament?" Randy said.

"A few will, but I don't know who.  We'll find out tonight," Jenny

They all went back to the house.  Don told them he ordered pizzas
for dinner and that the food would be there soon.  While they waited,
the group talked and got to know one another.  The parents asked Fran
and Randy about other assignments.  They learned that Randy and Fran
worked on outdoor programs.  They told the parents about doing
several programs on hunting, as well as fishing.

"Do you work for ESPN or are you contractors?" Joel asked.

"Fran and I are freelancers.  We enjoy working outdoors and doing
stories on hunting and fishing.  We did some work for The Discovery
Channel during the summers when we were in college," Randy said.

The pizzas arrived.  Don and Pat argued about who was going to pay
for the food and Pat won.  The group sat on the patio to eat and
enjoy the warm weather.

"It's a lot nicer here than in New York," Fran said.  "I don't mind
working in the cold and snow, but I don't like living in it."

"I know what you mean.  Jack, Tom, Kim, and I are from Michigan,"
Sally said.

"Yeah, but not for long.  Right Sally?" Jenny said.

"No, we're moving down here after we get out of school.  I can't
wait," Sally said.

The group finished eating.  They told their parents they were going
to the fishing club meeting and that Randy and Fran were going with

"Where are you staying?" Don asked Randy.

"I don't know.  Pat hasn't told us yet," Randy said.

Eddie overheard Randy and Don.  He gathered the rest of the team and
asked if they thought they should invite Randy and Fran to stay on
the boat that night.  Everyone agreed they could stay in the crew's

"Fran, Randy, if you'd like, you can stay on the boat with us
tonight.  There's plenty of room in the crew's quarters," Eddie said.
"That way we can get going early tomorrow morning."

"That would be great.  Are you sure you don't mind?" Fran said.

"No, we don't mind at all.  We have to get going or we're going to
be late for our meeting," Eddie said.

"How are you kids going to get there?" Harry asked.

"Um, I don't know," Jenny said.

Harry laughed and told the kids he brought the van.

"Would anyone mind if we brought a camera?  We might be able to get
some tape at your meeting," Randy said.

"No, but we have to hurry," Eddie said.

"You guys get in the van.  I'll take Randy to the boat so he can get
what he needs," Tom said.

Tom and Randy jogged down to the boat.  Randy went below, grabbed a
case, and returned.  The two of them jogged back to the van and got
in.  Eddie pulled away and headed for the meeting.

"Hi Tom," Jenny said when she saw Tom Gordon.  "How are you doing?"

"I'm well, Jenny.  How about you kids?  Are you headed down to the
Bahamas for the tournament?" Tom said.

"Yes, we're leaving in the morning.  Are you going?" Jenny said.

"I'm going down, but I'm not fishing.  I'm one of the judges this
year," Tom said.

"That's cool.  Tom, I'd like you to meet the newest members of our
team.  This is Jack and Kim Graham, Tom and Sally Lewis, and Molly
Durham.  Tom has taught us a lot about fishing and sportsmanship,"
Jenny said.

"I don't know how much I've taught you kids.  It's nice to meet all
of you.  I noticed your names on the club roster.  It's always great
to have new members," Tom said.  "I have to get going.  I'm running
the meeting tonight."

"He's really nice, isn't he?" Jack said.

"Yeah, Tom's great.  He taught Jenny and me a lot about fishing,"
Eddie said.

The teens found two tables close together and sat down.  Randy
pulled out a camcorder and attached the microphone.  Fran grabbed a
notebook from the case.

"Let me check with Tom and make sure he doesn't mind if you tape
during the meeting," Eddie said.  "I'll be right back."

Eddie found Tom Gordon.  He told Tom about the film crew and asked
if they could tape during the meeting.

"I don't think it would be a problem," Tom said.  "The club can
always use exposure."

Eddie returned to the table.  He told Randy and Fran what Tom Gordon
said.  They thanked Eddie and went to work.  Randy got up and began
taping the teens at the table.  He also scanned the room to capture
the other members.

Several of the members came over to greet Jenny, Eddie, Kathy, and
Brad.  Jenny introduced the new members of the fishing team to the
other members.

When Tom Gordon opened the meeting, everyone turned their attention
to him.  He went over several items regarding the club and then
introduced Jack, Tom, Kim, Sally, and Molly as new members.  He told
the group the teens joined several months ago, but that they had been
up north in Michigan.

"I'm not a member," Molly whispered to Kathy.

"Don't worry about it.  You will be soon enough.  I'll pick up an
application so your mom can fill it out," Kathy whispered back.

"I hear the Lady Guinevere fishing team is heading to the Bahamas
this weekend.  They're fishing the Billfish Classic.  Are there any
other members fishing the tournament?" Tom Gordon said.

Nate Johansson stood up.  "I'm not fishing this year, but I'm going

A girl stood up and said, "My dad and I are going to fish the

"That's Tammy Pratt.  She's a member of the youth group," Jenny
said.  "Her dad told me she didn't like to fish until we started the
youth division."

Another member stood up and said his team would be going down to
fish too.  Tom Gordon wished everyone good luck.

The speaker came up and introduced himself.  He gave a talk on
fishing for snook and bonefish using fly fishing tackle.  After his
talk, a few of the members began selling raffle tickets while there
was a break.

"Jack, may I buy some tickets?" Sally asked.

Jack smiled.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out some bills. 
He gave Sally forty dollars and told her to buy tickets for the team.
Sally grabbed Molly's hand and went to find a seller.

During the drawing, Sally and Molly checked the tickets against the
numbers that were drawn.  None of the tickets won.  The meeting broke
up at ten o'clock.  The teens milled around and visited with some of
the members before getting ready to leave.  Randy and Fran
interviewed several of the members and taped them.

"I want to know more about the club's youth division," Fran said on
the way to the van.  "Several of the adults we talked with told us
they thought the division was a great asset to the club."

"We'll have plenty of time to talk about it on the way down
tomorrow.  The trip will take us about four hours," Jenny said.

The teens, along with Randy and Fran, went into the main house. 
They told their parents about the meeting.  Molly gave her mom the
application and asked if she would join so Molly could become a
member of the youth division.  Laura said yes without looking at the

After talking with the parents for a few minutes, the teens decided
to head for the boat.  Marge asked what time they planned to leave. 
Eddie told her they wanted to leave by seven and Marge told him
breakfast would be ready at six.

Randy and Fran sat in the saloon with the teens.  They talked about
what to expect on the upcoming trip.  Jenny told Randy and Fran that
when they fished, they all worked together.  The teens told them
about the things they should watch for when they set up and while
they fished.

"We better get to bed if we're going to be up at five," Eddie said.

The teens told Randy and Fran goodnight.  Jenny took them to the
crew's quarters to make sure they knew where everything was.  Jenny
showed Randy and Fran the head and explained how it worked.

"Thanks, Jenny.  I think we'll be okay," Fran said.  "Thanks for
letting us stay on the boat tonight."

"Yeah, thanks a lot.  I don't have an alarm clock.  Will you wake us
up in the morning?" Randy said.

Jenny giggled and said, "We start the engines to warm them up."  She
pointed at the bulkhead.  "The engines are on the other side of that
bulkhead.  You'll know when we're up."

Jenny left Randy and Fran.  She went back to the saloon to talk with
the rest of the group.

"How are we going to sleep tonight?" Molly asked.  "I mean, should
we be careful because Randy and Fran are here?"

"I don't think we have to change our normal sleeping arrangement. 
Fran and Randy won't come to our staterooms," Eddie said.

"Okay, if you say so," Molly said with a big grin on her face.

The teens went below.  They said goodnight in the passageway and
went to their staterooms.

"This is cozy, isn't it?" Fran said to Randy.

"Yes, it's very cozy."  Randy put his arms around Fran and kissed her.

Fran snuggled against Randy.  She ran her hand up and down his back
while they hugged.  Randy moved back, grabbed the hem of Fran's tee
shirt, and pulled it over her head.  She began unfastening his jeans
as he unhooked her bra.  I few moments later, they stood naked.

Randy led Fran to the berth and pulled back the covers.  They got
into bed and cuddled together.  Randy kissed Fran and said,
"Goodnight, Sweetheart."

"Night, Baby.  See you in the morning," Fran said.

* * * *
The roar of the engines and the vibration caused Randy to bolt
upright.  He looked around and then chuckled.  Fran sat up next to
him and stretched.

"Jenny wasn't kidding, was she?" Fran said.  "The engines are loud!"

"We better get going, Sweetheart.  I'll shower first and then you
can get ready," Randy said.

Fran chuckled and said, "Why don't we shower together?  It'll save

Randy and Fran went to the head.  The crew's shower stall wasn't as
large as the ones in the staterooms, but it was big enough for them
to share.  They washed each other, dried off, and dressed for the day.

When Randy and Fran emerged from the crew's quarters, they saw Kathy
and Eddie in the cockpit.  Eddie greeted them and told them he and
Kathy were waiting for the others.  The team assembled in the cockpit
and then headed to the house.

"Did you guys sleep well last night?" Kim asked Randy and Fran.

"Yes, right up until the engines started," Fran said with a chuckle.

"Did you find everything you needed?" Kim said.

"Yes, thank you," Randy said.

The group went into the house.  Marge, Anne, Don, and Marc were up
and in the kitchen.  Don offered everyone coffee and asked if they
were ready to leave.

"Mmmm, something smells good.  Is my mom here?" Molly asked.

"Yes she is.  Laura will be right back.  She went to get Joel up,"
Anne said.

Laura came back followed by Joel.  She went to the oven, opened the
door, and pulled out a tray of fresh baked sweet rolls.  The teens
waited impatiently for them to cool.

"These are to die for," Jack said as he pointed at the sweet rolls. 
"Molly's mom bakes the best stuff I've ever tasted."

The rest of the group also praised Laura's baking skills.  Molly
beamed with pride.  She couldn't help grinning as she listened to her
friends.  Laura tried to brush it off, but the teens were relentless.
Jack, Tom, Brad, and Eddie told Randy and Fran about the things Laura
baked for them.

"These should be cool enough to eat," Laura said.  She used a
spatula to serve the sweet rolls.  The teens waited for her to put
one of the rolls on their plate.  Tom said they should allow their
guests to get theirs first.

The group sat at the table.  They ate the sweet rolls and told Laura
how good they tasted.  Marge and Anne began frying bacon for
breakfast.  Jack and Sarah Waters came in with Harry and Ellen.  The
kitchen buzzed while the women prepared the food and the men served.

After breakfast, the teens talked with their parents.  They agreed
to keep in contact and let them know when they arrived at the marina
in the Bahamas.  Don handed Jack an envelope and said it was spending
money for the trip.

The teens said goodbye to their parents.  The adults walked down to
the boat, standing at the seawall while their children prepared to
leave.  As the boat pulled away from the seawall, the parents waved.

Randy went down to the crew's quarters.  He returned to the cockpit
with two large black plastic cases.  When he asked, Jenny told him he
could put his gear in the main saloon.  Fran went into the cabin with
Randy.  They unpacked the things they would need for the time being.

Fran put on a belt pack with the recorder for the microphone she
planned to use.  Randy took out a video camera and put in a fresh
battery pack.  Once they were ready, Randy and Fran went back out to
the cockpit.

"We would like to tape you guys while we travel," Randy said.  "Fran
will record you, if it's okay."

"That's cool, just tell us what you want us to do," Jenny said.

"Could we start up where you drive the boat?  Maybe all of us could
go up there," Fran said.

Kathy giggled and said, "That's the bridge.  We can all go up if
that's what you want."

The group went up to the bridge.  Eddie stood behind Kim as she
steered the boat through the canal.  He stayed close, telling her how
to maneuver the boat without over-steering.  Sally stood next to Kim,
listening to what Eddie said.

"Kim and Sally are learning how to handle the boat.  We feel it's
important that the entire crew knows how to do everything.  No one is
more important than anyone else," Jenny said.

Randy taped and Fran recorded while the teens talked.  Holding her
microphone toward Jenny, Fran said, "Who is the captain?"

"Jenny is the captain," Molly said.  Fran moved the microphone so
she would pick up what Molly said.

"We have to have a captain for the tournaments.  We all decided it
should be Jenny," Molly continued.  "She was the captain of the other

"So, this isn't your first boat?" Fran asked.  She moved the
microphone toward Jenny.

"No, Eddie, Brad, Kathy, and I fished on my dad's boat before we got
this one.  It's a nice boat, but this one is bigger," Jenny said.

Eddie reached around Kim to point at a gauge.  "You have to make
sure the engines run at the same RPM.  If one runs slower, the boat
will pull to that side and you have to steer to compensate.  If
they're running at the same speed, the boat should track in a
straight line," Eddie said.

Kim noted one engine's RPMs were slower than the other was.  She
gripped the throttle for the port engine and slowed it.  Watching the
tachometers, she adjusted the speed until she synchronized the two

"We have a synchronizer, but you need to learn how to do it with the
throttles, Kim.  It's important to be able to do things manually in
the event something fails," Eddie said.

While Eddie talked to Kim, Fran and Randy captured it on tape and
recorded what they said.  Jack and Brad stood back and watched what
was going on.  It was a bit crowded in the enclosed bridge, but they

Sally took over at the helm.  As he did with Kim, Eddie stood behind
Sally.  He helped her hold the boat in place while they waited for a
drawbridge.  Sally used the throttles and transmissions to hold the
boat steady.  Eddie told her to use the bow thruster too.

"Okay, power her up, Sally.  You need more speed when going through
the inlet.  It can get a little rough.  The faster you're going, the
more control you have," Eddie said.

Sally eased the throttles forward.  The boat responded, pushing
through the choppy water in the inlet.  Once she was in open water,
Eddie told her to take the engines up to cruising speed.

"Jack, you can program our course into the chart plotter," Brad
said.  He pulled out a chart and unrolled it on the chart table.

Brad showed Jack their destination.  He showed Jack the place they
should make a turn.  Jack noted the coordinates on a pad.  He went to
the chart plotter and punched in the numbers.

"Can't you just use the chart plotter for your course?" Randy asked.

"Yes, but you have to know how to read a chart too.  Depending too
much on the electronics can get you in trouble.  Learning to navigate
is very important to everyone's safety," Brad said.

With the boat on course and at cruising speed, Eddie showed Sally
how to set the autopilot.  She turned the unit on and then made sure
the boat stayed on course.  Eddie told Sally that she was at the helm
and responsible for making sure they stayed on course.

"It looks like Sally is really taking to this," Brad said to Jack.

"She is having a blast, Brad.  Sally loves learning new things,"
Jack replied proudly.

Randy and Fran stopped taping and recording.  They went down to the
saloon to put their gear away.

"I can't believe how well those kids seem to get along," Fran said
as she took off the belt.  "I think this assignment is going to be

"They aren't that much younger than we are, Hon," Randy said.

"I know.  In fact, the way they act makes me forget how young they
are.  Those girls seem very mature for fifteen and sixteen years
old," Fran said.

"Can you imagine our parents letting us do something like this when
we were their ages?" Randy said as he put his arms around Fran.

"No I can't.  This would sure beat the hell out of the backseat of
your dad's car, wouldn't it?" Fran said.

"It did last night, Baby," Randy said with a chuckle.

Kathy saw Randy and Fran holding each other when she came down to
get coffee for the others.  She cleared her throat to announce her
presents.  Fran and Randy separated and Fran blushed.  Kathy ignored
them and prepared a carafe of hot coffee.

"Make yourselves at home," Kathy said as she started up the steps to
the bridge.  "There's hot coffee in the pot and sodas in the

"Thanks," Fran said as Kathy disappeared.

Fran poured coffee for her and Randy.  They stood in the galley for
a moment contemplating what happened.

"I think we should tell them we're a couple, Hon," Randy said.

Fran nodded.  They went up to the bridge to join the others.

"Um, I think we need to come clean.  Randy and I are a couple," Fran
announced.  "We've been going together since high school.  I guess we
thought it would cause a problem if you knew.  We try to keep it a
secret when we're working."

"That's not necessary around here," Brad said.  "Just be yourselves
and everything will be fine."

"Do you mind if I ask you guys a question?" Fran said.

"You're a journalist, I'd be surprised if you didn't," Jack replied
with a chuckle.  "After all, we don't have to answer if we don't want
to, do we."

Fran smiled and shook her head.  "I think Jack and Sally are a
couple.  The way she looks at him makes me think so.  How about the
rest of you?  Are any of you together?"

The teens looked at one another and began laughing.  Jenny moved
closer to Fran and said, "Okay, here's the skinny.  Brad and I are a
couple.  So are Tom and Kim.  Eddie, Kathy, and Molly are all

"That's a bit different, isn't it?" Randy said.  "I mean, Eddie,
Molly, and Kathy."

"We don't think so, Randy."  Molly moved next to Kathy and put her
arm around Kathy's waist.  Eddie put his arm around Molly.

"Look, we do what we want to do and don't make excuses to anyone. 
If the fact we're couples is going to affect your ability to be
objective, please say so.  We don't want our personal lives to be the
focus of your program," Jack said.

Randy and Fran stood and stared at Jack for a moment.  Finally,
Randy said, "How old are you, Jack?"

"Seventeen," Jack replied.

"I wish I had been as insightful when I was your age.  Look, our
pilot is about fishing, your fishing.  It's impossible for us to
ignore the fact you all have relationships too.  Fran and I will
remain objective and concentrate on the fishing, but the personal
perspective will make the pilot that much more interesting to the
viewers," Randy said.

"Our relationships aren't like what you see on MTV.  We aren't drama
queens or anything like that.  We all get along.  I can't stand the
way most of the actors behave on those silly reality shows," Jenny

"No one is going to be thrown overboard," Kim said with a giggle. 
"We're a team, all of us.  We also care about one another."

"You wouldn't be able to hide that," Fran said.  "Even if Randy and
I didn't know, it would come out in the program.  You guys can't help
it.  The fact you care shows."

"Besides, you all have the final say.  You will be part of the
editing process and can throw out anything you don't like.  I agree
with Fran, you wouldn't be able to hide your relationships forever. 
I think we should use the relationships to enhance the show," Randy

Sally turned her attention from the helm to the conversation.  She
looked at Jack and said, "Leave our relationships out.  We don't want
the program to be about us, we want it to be about us fishing.  If
you can't do that, I think we should scrap the idea."

Kim looked at Sally and furrowed her brow.  Sally smiled and said,
"Think about it, Kim.  How will it look if the whole world finds out
we're cousins?"

There was an uneasy silence for a moment.  Jack nodded and said,
"Sally's right, we can't have a show that goes into our private
lives.  Randy, Fran, can you make the pilot without stressing our

"Yes, we can keep that out of the program to some degree.  As we
said, it will be very hard to hide.  People will see the closeness
everyone shares," Fran said.  "Randy and I will work it out though. 
We still feel the program will be interesting and the viewers will
want to see it."

Sally turned back to the helm.  Jack walked over and whispered, "I
love you, Baby."  Sally giggled and nodded her head.

Jack and Brad went out to the sundeck.  They sat down and watched
the wake the boat created as it cut through the blue water.

"I didn't know Sally could be so assertive," Brad said.

"You have no idea!  That girl knows what she wants and isn't afraid
to go after it.  She can be a real whirlwind when she wants to be,"
Jack said.

"I thought she was, um, I don't know how to say it," Bran said.

"Submissive?  Sally is toward me, but that is what she wants.  Far
be it for me to deny her," Jack said with a chuckle.

"Somehow, I believe you.  Sally is something else, isn't she?"

"Yup, and that's why I love her like I do."

Brad and Jack sat quietly for a few minutes.  Tom and Eddie came out
and took seats.

"Do you guys think this is going to work?" Eddie said.  "I never
thought about the fact Jack and Tom were with their cousins.  I can
see why Sally was so adamant about keeping the relationships out of
the program."

"I didn't think about it either.  If my sister hadn't said
something, I wouldn't have," Tom said.  "I was so excited about the
idea of being on television that I didn't consider the possible

"You, shit, we all were, Tom.  Sally seems to be the only one of us
that was able to see the downside.  I know we can keep what goes on
between all of us out of the limelight," Eddie said.  "I don't think
the fact that Kathy, Molly, and I are together would play well either."

"Do you mind if I join you?" Randy asked as he came out onto the

"Not at all, have a seat," Jack said.

"Fran and I are sorry about all of this.  We didn't really think of
the fact Jack, Tom, Sally, and Kim are related.  We can keep that out
of what we tape.  If anything shows up, we'll edit it out of the
program.  Fran and I want this to work.  It could be our big break. 
We've been freelancing for a while now and we want a steady gig,"
Randy said.

"None of us thought about it, Randy.  That's what we were talking
about when you came out here," Jack said.

"Fran is talking to the girls right now.  We have an idea that might
work if you're interested," Randy said.

"We're open to anything," Brad said.

"We know you're all couples, but you don't have to let the viewers
know who is with whom.  If we do it right, it will create suspense. 
Viewers will watch to see the fishing as well as try to figure out
how everyone fits together," Randy said.  "Think about it.  Fran and
I don't need an answer right away."

It was close to eleven in the morning when the island came into
view.  Eddie went into the enclosed bridge to make sure someone
covered the helm that could dock the boat in the slip.  When they
were a few minutes away from the opening to the marina, Eddie called
the harbormaster on the radio.  He gave the man the name of the boat
and waited for the slip assignment.

"You're in slip seventy three, Man," the harbormaster said in a
thick accent.

Eddie thanked the harbormaster.  He watched Kim ease the boat into
the marina.  "Do you want me to take her?" Eddie said.

"No, just be ready in case I screw up," Kim said with a giggle.

Kim became nervous when she turned into the marina.  She stayed in
the middle of the canal and looked for the slip number on the
pilings.  Finally, she asked Eddie to take over.

"I think I need more practice before I'm ready to dock in these
close quarters," Kim said.

"No problem, Kim, I'll take her in.  You did great though.  You just
need more confidence in your abilities.  We can get some practice
while we're down here.  If you can learn to dock in this marina,
you'll be able to dock anywhere," Eddie said.

Jack, Tom, Brad, and Molly stood ready with the lines.  When Eddie
backed into the slip, they secured the boat.  Eddie shut the engines
off before coming down from the bridge.

"Let's check this place out and get some lunch," Eddie said.  "I'm

The group stepped onto the pier.  When Jenny noticed Fran and Randy
weren't coming, she said, "Come with us."

"We don't want to interfere," Randy said.

"You won't be interfering.  You two need to stand on solid ground
for a while.  We're going fishing this afternoon," Jenny said.

Randy and Fran followed the teens.  Jack spotted a restaurant near
the marina and asked if it would be okay for lunch.  Everyone said it
would be fine.  They sat on the outdoor patio and ordered lunch.  Kim
used her cell phone to call her parents and let them know they had
arrived at the marina.

After lunch, the teens walked around the resort.  They saw a local
charter boat in the marina.  They decided to see if they could get
some information about the fishing in the area, and find out where to
buy bait.  Eddy and Jack went over to the boat while the rest of the
group waited.

Jack and Eddie came back after about fifteen minutes.  They gathered
the group and told them what they learned.

"The captain said we can buy bait from him.  He goes out every
morning and catches ballyhoo and mackerel.  He said the fishing has
been pretty good off a shelf about two miles out.  He also said the
sailfish have been biting," Eddie said.

"That's cool.  I wonder if he will tell the other teams about the
fishing," Sally said.

"I'm sure he will if they buy bait from him.  We told him we would
buy all our bait from him before he shared any information," Jack said.

"I guess we should buy some and go fishing then," Sally said.

The group went back to the boat.  Eddie went over to the man and
told him they needed to fill their live well.  When he saw the Lady
Guinevere, he said he would bring the bait to them.  Eddie told him
to wait until he pulled out of the slip so they could transfer the
baitfish to the stern live well.

Jack and Sally tended to the line.  Eddie started the boat, pulled
out and stopped in the canal.  The man with the bait pulled up and
tossed Brad a line.  They bought enough bait for the next two days
from the man.

"We can rig some of the ballyhoo while Eddie takes us out," Jenny

Randy and Fran went below to get their gear.  They taped Jenny,
Molly, and Kim as they rigged the eight to ten inch baitfish on large
circle hooks.  They wrapped copper wire around the long nettle beak
to secure the fish to the hook.  Once a fish was rigged, they coiled
the leader and placed the bait in the refrigerator drawer in the
tackle and bait station.

Eddie eased the boat out of the marina.  He headed southeast to the
continental shelf.  Sally, Jack, and Brad began getting the rods out
of the locker and placed them in the holders.  Jenny attacked teasers
to several of the rod.  The team worked together, preparing to fish.

Eddie watched the fish finder.  He located the shelf and turned to
run along it.  Tom stood with Eddie at the helm.  The two of them
talked about what they saw on the screen.  Eddie slowed the boat to
trolling speed and asked Tom to check on the others.  Tom went out on
the sundeck and looked down.

"How long before you're ready?" Tom said to the group in the cockpit.

"We're almost there, Tom.  I'd say about five minutes," Kathy yelled
up to him.

Tom watched Kim, Sally, Jenny, and Molly as the girls started
sending the teasers out.  Jenny lowered the outriggers and helped
attach the lines.  Once the lines were out, Kathy looked up at Tom.

"We're fishing, Tom," Kathy said.

Tom turned around and conveyed the information to Eddie.  Eddie
nodded and turned on the intercom to the cockpit.

"We should have someone on the tower to watch for fish," Eddie said
into the microphone.

"Jack and I will go up," Jenny replied.

Jenny went up to the sundeck and then up the tower.  Jack followed
her.  Randy and Fran tried to stay out of the way while capturing the
events on tape.

"They work well together, don't they?" Fran said.

"Yeah they do.  It's easy to see they have practiced this," Randy

The boat moved through the calm water.  Jenny and Jack stood next to
each other and watched for fish.  Sally, Kathy, Molly, and Brad stood
ready to offer a rising fish one of the baitfish that they rigged.

"Maybe we'll catch a dolphin.  We can have it for dinner if we do,"
Kathy said.

"How do you tell the difference between the fish?  Aren't you going
to be trying to catch billfish for the tournament?" Fran said.

"During the tournament we won't offer a hook to anything except
sailfish and marlin.  You can tell the difference from the tower or
the sundeck," Kathy said.  "If we can catch a dolphin today it would
be cool, but we won't try for them when we're competing."

The team had been trolling for a half hour when Jenny spotted a dark
shadow in the water.  She nudged Jack and then grabbed the microphone
of the intercom.  "We have a fish following the port teaser," Jenny
said.  "I can't tell what it is yet."

Brad grabbed a rod with a ballyhoo on it.  He handed the rod to
Sally and told her to be ready.  Sally moved to the stern so she
could send the bait out to the fish.  Brad pulled the rod with the
teaser out of the holder and got ready to reel it in.

"Send it back," Jenny said over the intercom.

Sally dropped the baitfish into the water.  She free-spooled the
reel while Brad brought in the teaser.  When the fish hit, Sally
locked the reel and waited.  The fish hooked itself and began to run.
Sally pulled back on the rod and waited for the fish to stop running.

Tom told Eddie which way the fish ran.  Eddie turned the boat toward
the fish.  Molly, Kathy, and Brad cleared the lines.  The reel
screamed as the fish took line.  Sally asked for a harness.  Brad
grabbed one of the harnesses and put it on Sally.  She held the rod
with one hand while clipping the harness to the reel with the other.

"Don't let it get away from you," Brad said.  "Keep your eyes on the

Fran let out a screech when the sailfish came up and danced on its
tail.  Randy did his best to capture it on tape.  Sally settled in
for the fight with the fish.  Brad stayed with Sally and gave her
encouragement.  Forty minutes later, Brad reached over the gunwale
and grabbed the sailfish by the bill.

Kim tagged the fish while Brad held it.  He removed the hook and
then moved the fish along side the boat to revive it.  A moment
later, the fish swam free.

"That was amazing," Fran said.  "Randy, I hope you taped all of that."

"I got most of it.  It was so exciting I stopped a few times," Randy
said with a giggle.

Sally gave Brad a hug and thanked him for helping.

"Hey, keep you paws off my boyfriend," Jenny yelled down from the

Sally giggled, looked up and yelled, "What if I don't want to?"

"Then I'm going to attack your boyfriend," Jenny yelled back.

The two girls laughed and made faces at each other.  The rest of the
group also laughed at them.  Molly and Kathy began resetting the
lines.  Brad and Sally helped.

"Who gets the next fish?" Molly said once the teasers were out.

"I think we should let Fran catch one.  That way she'll know what
its like," Kathy said.

"Really?  You guys would let me catch one?" Fran said.

"Sure, why wouldn't we?  Like Kathy said, you should know what it
feels like to fight one," Molly said.

The next fish came a few minutes later.  Molly helped Fran while
Randy captured her on tape.  When the fish made its first run, Fran
let out a squeal.  Molly had prepared Fran by putting the harness on
while they waited.  She helped Fran clip the reel to the straps and
adjusted the harness.

"We can't help during a tournament, but I can help you," Molly said.

"It looks like a dolphin," Jenny yelled down to the cockpit.  "A
nice one too."

Tom looked up at the tower.  He yelled out and asked Jack to take
the helm so Eddie could come outside.  Jack chatted with Eddie on the
intercom and took over steering the boat.  Jenny turned on the
displays so she and Jack would be able to see what was going on with
the radar and the fish finder.

Eddie came out of the enclosed flying bridge and stood next to Tom. 
He glanced around and then said, "How are things going out here?"

"Great.  Fran is fighting a dolphin.  It came up and jumped a moment
ago," Tom said.

The fight ended when Brad gaffed the fish and pulled it through the
transom door.  Randy kept his camcorder trained on the fish while
Brad removed the hook.  He lifted the fish and handed it to Fran. 
Brad held the head of the fish while Fran cradled the body in her arms.

"Oh my God, this is so heavy.  How much does it weight?" Fran said.

"I would guess it is somewhere between fifty and seventy pounds,
Fran," Brad said.

Once Randy finished taping, Brad put the fish in the hold.  Kathy
held the hatch open and then turned on the water to fill the hold. 
Molly hosed the deck to wash away the blood and slime.

"Thanks for letting me catch the fish.  That was the first time I
ever caught anything that big," Fran said as she giggled.

"Okay, Randy, you're next.  Let's get the harness on you," Kathy said.

"I need to change my top," Fran said.  "That fish made me messy."

"It's getting hot, I'm going to put on the top of my suit," Sally

"Would you grab mine too?" Molly said.

"I didn't think to bring a bathing suit.  I didn't realize it would
be this warm down here," Fran said.

"That's okay.  We have a lot of suits.  You can borrow one of them
if you want to," Sally said.

Molly, Kathy, and Brad reset the lines while Sally took Fran below. 
They stood back to wait for another fish to start following the
colorful teasers.

Sally and Fran returned with bikini tops on.  Sally handed the tops
she brought with her to Kathy and Molly.

"Turn off your camera," Molly said with a giggle.  She turned her
back to Randy and removed her top and bra.  Kathy stood next to Molly
and changed too.

"Nice top," Randy said to Fran.

"It's a lot smaller than any of my suits," Fran said with a grin. 
"It isn't too small, is it?"

"Hell no!  I love it," Randy said.

Jenny spotted a fish and grabbed the microphone.  She told the crew
in the cockpit that the fish was following the port outrigger.  Kathy
grabbed the port teaser and began to reel it in.  Sally helped Randy
get the rod and send out the bait.  Jenny shouted instructions over
the intercom.  When the fish took the bait, Jenny said, "He ate it!"

Sally coached Randy.  She told him to wait until the fish hooked
itself before pulling back on the rod.  When Sally told him to, Randy
began reeling.  The fish took off and made a long run.  Randy held
the rod and watched the reel give up line.

Fran grabbed the camcorder and began taping Randy.  She encouraged
him while he fought the fish.

The fish made a jump and Sally said, "It's a sailfish."

Randy fought the fish to the port side of the boat.  Brad reached
over the gunwale and grabbed the leader.  Carefully, Brad wrapped the
leader around his hand as he pulled the fish close.  Sally stuck a
tag into the back of the sailfish while Fran recorded everything on
tape.  Brad cut the leader at the hook and the fish swam away.

"Are we going to keep fishing?" Sally asked Brad.

"I think we should.  It's still early," Brad said.

Tom and Eddie came down to take a turn with the rods.  Jack
maneuvered the boat back to the course that had proven fruitful.

"You're getting good at running the boat while standing backwards,"
Jenny said.

"Thanks.  It's like a girl dancing, you have to do everything
backwards," Jack said with a chuckle.

"It's warm.  Would you mind if I went down to get a different top?"
Jenny said.

"No, I'll be fine up here," Jack told her.

Jenny giggled and said, "If we didn't have guests, I'd just go

"I'll go toss them overboard," Jack said and then he laughed.

Jenny laughed, gave Jack a playful smack on the arm and said,
"You're so bad."

Jack watched Jenny go down the ladder to the sundeck and then to the
cockpit.  She chatted with the others for a moment and went below. 
When she came up, she asked if Jack wanted something cold to drink. 
He said he would like a soda.  Jenny put the microphone of the
intercom on its hook and took two sodas from the cockpit
refrigerator.  She carried them up to the tower, handing them to Jack
before finishing her climb.

The teens fished for another two hours.  They hooked three more
sailfish and one dolphin.  Eddie said they should call it a day and
head in.

"Can we go swimming?" Molly asked Eddie as she hugged his arm.

"Sure, we can stop before we go in the marina, Sweetie," Eddie said.

"We're heading in," Eddie yelled up to Jack and Jenny.

Jack turned around and set a course for the marina.  He found the
waypoint on the chart plotter and locked it in.  After setting the
autopilot, he sat back in the chair.  Jenny sat next to Jack with her
feet up.

The rest of the group took care of the rods and reels.  They rinsed
them with fresh water and put them in the holders to dry.  Brad and
Sally hung the lures to dry after washing them.

"I'm going to go up to the bridge and take over for Jack," Brad
said.  He started up the ladder and Sally followed him.

"Hey, Jack, I'll take her in," Brad said into the intercom.  "We're
going to stop and go swimming."

Jack waited for Brad to take control.  He shut down the electronics
on the tower and then he and Jenny went down to the bridge.

"Jack is getting good at steering while standing backwards," Jenny
told Brad as she gave him a hug from behind.  "He has to remember to
look forward though."

"I thought you were the lookout," Jack said.

"I am, but I'm looking for fish, not for what's in front of us,"
Jenny said.

Brad chucked at the banter between Jack and Jenny.  Sally giggled
and told them to behave.  Brad guided the boat into five feet of
water and dropped the anchor.  He shut down the engines and then all
of them went to the cockpit.

The guys went below to change into suits.  Eddie offered to lend one
to Randy and he accepted.  They changed and went back up.  Jenny
brought towels and placed them on the mezzanine seat.  The group went
out on the swim platform and dived into the warm clear water.  They
swam toward the front of the boat and stood in water four feet deep.

"This is great," Fran said.  "It's a lot nicer than the beach we go
to in New York."

"I can't believe how clear the water is.  I can see the bottom,"
Randy said.

The group spent a half hour in the water.  They swam, splashed, and
goofed around.  When Jack said he was getting out, the rest of the
group decided to get out too.  They climbed aboard and rinsed off
with fresh water.

"Let's go up on the sundeck," Molly said.  "I'll grab sodas for

"I'll help you, Honey," Kathy said and then she realized what she
said.  Fran smiled at Kathy and Molly.  The girls giggled and went to
get sodas.

"Nice ass," Kathy said as she rubbed Molly's bottom.  Molly had bent
over to get sodas from the refrigerator.  She wiggled her hips and

Molly handed Kathy the sodas as she removed them.  Kathy placed them
in a basket so it would be easier to carry the cans up to the
sundeck.  Once they had enough for everyone, they paused to hug.

Kathy gave Molly a deep kiss.  Molly moaned and began to rub Kathy's

"I'm so horny," Molly said.  "I can't wait until we go to bed

"Oh really?  What are you going to do?" Kathy said with a giggle.

Molly slid her hand into the bottom of Kathy's suit.  She rubbed
Kathy's sex and kissed her ear.  "I'm going to eat you until you
scream, that's what I'm going to do."

"Mmmm, that sounds nice.  Maybe Eddie will fuck you while you eat
me," Kathy said.

Molly giggled and said, "One can only hope."

The two girls went up to the sundeck.  After handing out the sodas,
they sat down.  Randy and Fran told the group they had finished
taping for the day.  Randy said he had several hours of tape to review.

After an hour, Eddie went to the helm and started the engines.  He
pulled the anchor and headed to the marina.  Once the boat was secure
in the slip, Brad, Jack, and Tom washed it down.

"I'm leaving the watermaker on to refill the tank.  They charge an
arm and a leg for fresh water here," Eddie said.

"We need to clean the dolphin.  I wonder where the cleaning station
is," Brad said.

Jenny went down to the staterooms.  She returned wearing a pair of
shorts and said she would go find out where the cleaning station was.
She came back a few moments later and told Brad there was a table at
the end of the pier.

Brad, Eddie, Jack, took the fish to the cleaning station.  Randy
followed them to watch.  Eddie filleted the large fish.  Brad, Jack,
and Tom placed the thick slabs of meat in plastic bags.  They cleaned
up the mess and returned to the boat.

Eddie and Tom put the meat in the freezer.  They kept enough out for
dinner that night.  Jack, Randy, and Brad went to the sundeck to join
the girls.

"They have a grill onshore," Jenny said.  "We should grill the fish

"I'll take care of it," Eddie said.  "Tom can help me.  You guys
make a salad and maybe some rice."

The teens prepared their meal.  They sat in the galley and dined on
the succulent fish and other things.  After eating, Molly and Sally
cleaned up.

"This has been a great day.  I can't remember the last time I had
this much fun on an assignment," Fran said.

The group had gathered in the saloon.  They discussed the day's
fishing.   Then they talked about what they planned to do the next
morning.  Eddie felt they should hunt for fish in other areas.  He
told the group that there might be a lot of pressure on the area they
fished that day.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Kathy asked Fran.

"Randy and I started dating in high school.  We went to the same
college too.  Both of us wanted a career in the film industry.  Randy
and I planned to go to California, but when we got the opportunity to
do nature films, we took it," Fran said.

"Do you think this will make it to television?" Brad asked.

"I don't really know if it will ever be aired.  Pat seems to think
the idea has merit and said he plans to push for it.  I just hope we
do a good job the next few days," Randy said.

"Tell us if we can help in any way," Eddie said.

"We will.  I guess Fran and I should go check into our room.  It's
getting late and I know you guys will want to get started early,"
Randy said.

Fran and Randy went to the crew's quarters to get their luggage. 
They said goodnight and headed to the hotel attached to the marina. 
The teens watched them leave and then went into the cabin.

"Do you think we should have asked them to stay?" Kim said.

"I don't know.  I was thinking that too, Baby.  They already had a
room reserved so I think they'll be okay," Tom said.

Kim gave Tom a hug.  She stretched up and kissed him.  "Let's go to
bed.  I have plans for you tonight," Kim said with a giggle.

The teens locked up the boat.  They went down to the staterooms,
said goodnight to each other and went into their rooms.

"What do you have planned for me tonight?" Tom asked Kim as he
started to undress her.

"I plan to get laid, Baby.  I plan to have your big cock in my
pussy.  How does that sound?"

"Sounds great to me.  We fell asleep last night," Tom said and then
he leaned over and kissed one of Kim's breasts.

"I know, but that doesn't bother me.  I like snuggling with you
almost as much as I like making love with you, Tom."

Kim and Tom finished undressing.  They climbed into bed and began
kissing each other.  Kim stroked Tom's penis while he worked a finger
into her vagina.  They turned each other on and then Tom rolled Kim
onto her back.  He moved between her legs, leaning down to kiss her. 
Kim reached between them, grabbed his penis, and guided it into her. 
Tom moved slowly.  He slid his penis deep into Kim's vagina.  After
kissing her tenderly, he said, "I love you."

"Mmmm, I love you too.  I love feeling you inside me."

Tom started moving.  Kim put her legs over Tom's and humped up to
meet his thrusts.  He fought the urge to climax so he could please
Kim.  They screwed for fifteen minutes and then came together.

Rolling off Kim, Tom sighed and said, "It just keeps getting better,

Kim put her head on Tom's chest.  She kissed one of his nipples and
then kissed her way down to his flaccid penis.  Taking him in her
mouth, Kim moaned around Tom's shaft.  She lifted her head, looked up
and smiled.  "You bet it does.  Every time we do it, it's better than
the last time."  Kim took his member back in her mouth to clean him. 
Tom clasped his hands behind his head and enjoyed what Kim did to him.

"Come up and sit on my face," Tom said when Kim released him.

Kim straddled Tom.  She walked on her knees until her crotch hovered
above his face.  Tom gripped her hips, pulled her down, and began
licking her.  Kim fondled her breasts as he drilled his tongue into
her vagina.  It didn't take long for Kim to let out a groan.  Her
body quivered as she had another orgasm.

"That was wonderful, Baby," Kim said.  She kissed Tom and snuggled
against him.  He wrapped her in his arms and they fell asleep.