"It's time to put on your dress, Molly.  Eddie, Kathy, Brad, and
Jenny are going to be here soon," Erin said as she sat next to her
cousin on Molly's bed.  "We're going to have fun tonight.  I wish
Frank could have come down, but we'll have a blast anyway."

Nodding, Molly stood up.  She removed her robe, moved to her full-
length mirror, and looked at herself.  Earlier that day, the girls
all went to a salon to have their hair and nails done.  Erin went to
Molly's house to put on her makeup and get dressed with her cousin.

Molly touched her hair, pushing one of two red curls hanging along
her cheeks back a bit.  She tugged at the cups of her new sheer pink
bra, noting how her areolas showed through the delicate material. 
The matching garter framed her thong panties and held up the
stockings she'd decided to wear.  All of the girls purchased similar
lingerie at the shop where Jenny's mom worked.

Erin helped Molly put on the new gown.  She zipped it up for Molly
and then smoothed the shimmering material.

"You look great, Molly," Erin said as she turned Molly around.  She
adjusted the front of the dress, making sure Molly's bra wasn't

"You look good too, Erin.  That dark blue dress fits you like a
glove," Molly said.

The two girls finished primping.  They went out to the living room
to wait for their friends to arrive.  Laura and Ted watched their
daughters walk into the room.  The girls modeled their gowns for
their parents, giggling at the comments they received.  Joel told
Molly and Erin that they looked elegant.

"What time are the other kids supposed to arrive?" Ted asked.

"They will be here at about five thirty, Dad," Erin said.

While they talked, Cindy and her Mom showed up.  The three girls
compared dresses while Cindy's mom, Clair, gave Ted a quick kiss.

"Sorry we're late.  Cindy spent way too long getting ready," Clair
said while slipping her arm around Ted.

Ted and Clair had been dating for several months.  They planned to
move in together after the school year ended.  The idea of living in
the same house and the possibility of becoming stepsisters excited
Erin and Clair.

The parents took pictures of the girls as they stood together
posing.  Cindy's date was due to arrive shortly to take her to the
junior prom.  When Erin asked about Kevin, Cindy smiled.  The girls
went to the kitchen to talk away from their parents.

"I thought you and Kevin broke up," Molly said.

"We did, but we're back together-at least for now," Cindy said.

"You told me you weren't going back with him after he went out with
what's her name," Erin said.

"I don't know why I do it, Erin.  Kevin can be such a jerk
sometimes.  He begged me to take him back and I did.  I know he's
going to just do it again," Cindy said.

"So why do you keep going back with him?" Erin asked.

"I decided to give him another chance," Cindy said.  "Kevin and I
have been planning to go to the prom and if we didn't go together,
neither of us would have a date."

"What's wrong with that?  Molly and I don't have dates for the
prom."  Erin put her arm around Molly and giggled.  "We're going

"I thought you didn't like girls," Cindy said as she giggled.

"I don't, but who can refuse a cute redhead with big boobs?" Erin
said, causing all three of them to laugh.

"Why isn't Kevin taking the other girl?" Molly asked Cindy.

"It turns out she used him to get back at her boyfriend.  Lesley
didn't like Kevin.  She wanted to make some guy jealous.  I found out
that they didn't even have sex.  That was a rumor," Cindy said.

"Kevin would have had sex if she would have let him, wouldn't he?"
Molly said.

"Probably, but that's because he's always thinking with his dick. 
I've been mean to him for the past two weeks."  Cindy giggled.  "I
haven't let him touch me."

Erin laughed and said, "Is that going to change anytime soon?"

"Maybe, I'm horny," Cindy said with a grin.

"Are you going to the hotel after the dance?" Erin said.

"I plan on it.  I think I'll make Kevin sweat for a while before I
tell him though.  He's been so nice since we talked.  I don't think I
can keep him hanging too long," Cindy said.

The doorbell rang.  Cindy giggled and then said, "Well, that should
be him now.  Don't let him know what we've talked about."

The three girls went to the living room to see Kevin.  He came in,
said hello to everyone and then smiled at Cindy.

"You look great, Cindy.  All of you do," Kevin said.  He handed
Cindy a box with a corsage in it.  "This is for you.  Want me to help
you put it on?"

Cindy nodded.  She removed the flowers from the box and handed Kevin
the corsage.  Holding her hand out, Cindy watched Kevin slip the
flowers on her wrist.  Clair moved Kevin and her daughter so she
could take their picture.  The couple posed for several shots before
Molly and Erin joined them.

"We have to go, Cindy.  My mom wants us to stop at the house so she
can see you and me all dressed up," Kevin said.

Cindy and Kevin told Molly and Erin they would see them at the
dance.  They left the house so they could stop at Kevin's house
before going to dinner.

At Jenny and Eddie's house, Jenny, Brad, Eddie, and Kathy waited for
Tom to arrive.  Brad and Eddie sat with the girls, talking about the
upcoming surprise they planned for Molly and Erin.

"This could backfire on us you know.  We might hurt Molly," Kathy

"What do you mean?" Jenny replied.

"Well, what if she thinks we asked Tom to come because Eddie and I
didn't want to take her as our date?" Kathy said.

"We didn't ask Tom, Kim offered to have him come," Eddie said.

"We know that, but Molly doesn't.  I hope we didn't screw up," Kathy

"Don't worry about it, Kathy.  I'm sure Molly will understand after
we explain everything to her," Jenny said.  "The last thing I want is
to hurt her."

When the doorbell rang, Jenny jumped up.  She went to the door,
opening it for Frank and Tom.  Kathy joined her, greeting the two
boys.  Tom and Frank walked into the house.  They took a few moments
to greet everyone and then sat down.

"How are you doing, Tom?" Eddie said.

"To be truthful, I'm as nervous as hell," Tom replied.

"Don't be, everything will be great," Eddie said.  "In fact, I have
an idea."

Eddie told the others his plan.  By the time he finished, everyone
agreed that what Eddie proposed would be a good idea.

Jenny, Eddie, Brad, and Kathy's parents came in from the backyard. 
They chatted with the teens, took pictures and told them they should
get going.  Ellen told the kids that she and the other parents would
follow the limo to Molly's house so they could take pictures of the
entire group.

Eddie gave Tom the flowers for Molly.  Jenny bought a corsage for
Erin and gave it to Frank.  They went out to the limo and got in.  On
the way, Eddie, Brad, Jenny, and Kathy thanked Tom for getting the
car.  Tom quickly told them it was his Dad and Uncle Don that
arranged everything.

The limo pulled up in front of Molly's house.  The teens climbed out
and headed for the door.  As they planned, Frank slipped around the
side of the house to stay out of sight.  Jenny knocked on the door. 
The group waited for someone to answer.  Tom stood back behind Eddie
and Brad.

Laura opened the door for the teens.  Jenny, Kathy, Eddie, and Brad
filed in.  Tom lagged back a few steps.  Molly and Erin began
grinning when their friends came into the living room.

"Hi, Tom.  What are you doing here?" Molly said the moment she saw

"Hi, Molly.  They told me Erin needed a date so I came down," Tom
replied.  "Hi, Erin."

Erin furrowed her brow.  "Um, hi."  She turned to Jenny and Kathy. 
"What's going on, you know I'm in love with Frank?"

"We know, but we thought you'd like a date for tonight," Kathy said
as she fought the urge to laugh.

"I appreciate you making the trip, Tom, but I don't know about this.
What if Frank found out and got mad at me?" Erin said.

"I don't think Frank would mind, Erin.  I guess I could ask him if
it would be okay-that is if you want to go to the prom with me," Tom
said, reciting what the group planned.

"Tom, I don't know how to tell you, but I just don't thing this is a
good idea," Erin said.

"If Frank says it's okay will you go with him?" Jenny said.

Erin shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm going to ask Frank.  If he says no, I'll figure out something
else to do," Tom said.

Tom turned around.  Sticking his head out the door, he said, "Hey,
Frank, can I take Erin to the prom?"

Turning around, Tom looked at Erin.  "Frank said he didn't want you
to go with me."

"You're a nut Tom!" Erin said and then she giggled.

"I'm not kidding.  Ask him yourself if you don't believe me," Tom
said.  He opened the door again.  Frank stepped into the doorway and

"Are you sure I can't take Erin to the prom?" Tom said.

Erin let out an ear-piercing screech.  She pushed past the others
and threw herself against Frank.  Frank and Erin kissed each other
for several moments.  When they separated, everyone started laughing.

"How did you get here?  I didn't think you could come down," Erin
said while clinging to Frank.

"I came with Tom.  He called me and asked if I wanted a ride," Frank
said.  "We flew down on a private jet."

Turning to Tom, Erin said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you.  You
had me going there."  She moved close to Tom and gave him a kiss on
the cheek.

Once things settled down, Erin said, "So who are you going to the
prom with, Tom?"

"I don't know.  I heard there was an extra seat at the table so I
decided to join you guys."  Tom looked at Molly.  "I would be honored
if you would go with me tonight, Molly."

Molly swallowed hard.  She looked at Tom and then at Kathy and
Eddie.  Kathy smiled as she nodded her head.  Molly took Kathy's
hand, dragging her out of the room.

"What are you doing, Kathy?  Did you ask Tom to take me to the
prom?" Molly said.

"No, actually, it was Kim.  She called and offered to have Tom take
you.  Look, you don't have to if you don't want to.  I'll be Tom's
date and you can be with Eddie.  We, Eddie and I, wanted to make sure
you would have a good time tonight.  We know you were leery about
going with Eddie and me.

"The four of us can go as a group too, if that would make you feel
better," Kathy said.

Molly mulled over the situation.  She didn't know what to think or
do.  Kathy wrapped her arms around Molly.  Kathy gave her a kiss and
said, "Please don't think we did this because we didn't want to be
with you tonight-we do.  Eddie and I thought it would more fun for
you if you had a date other than us.  Molly, we love you and want you
to be happy."

The two girls hugged for a moment.  When they walked back into the
living room, they held hands.  When Tom saw them, he put his arm
around Eddie's shoulders.  "Well, I guess it's you and me tonight."

Eddie grinned.  He nodded and said, "Okay, but I get to lead when we

"Only half the time," Tom said, sending the room into a fit of

Once the laughter subsided, Tom offered Molly the corsage he had for
her.  She thanked Tom as he put it on her wrist.

Laura told the kids she wanted to get pictures of the group.  Tom
ran out to the limo to get his camera.  For the next twenty minutes,
the teens posed for the cameras.  Harry, Ellen, Sarah, and Jack
Waters showed up to join the festivities.  Tom asked Harry to take
pictures with his camera for him.

As the couples moved around, Molly found herself standing next to
Tom.  She looked up at him and smiled.  Tom put his arm around
Molly's shoulders and posed with her while the parents snapped away
with the cameras.

"Thanks, Kim would kill me if I didn't come home with a picture of
you and me together," Tom said.

Molly looked shocked, but didn't say anything.  The group moved
outdoors so the parents could get a few pictures of the kids next to
the limo.  Once the photo session finished, the girls put the duffel
bags they packed in the trunk of the limo.  The teens climbed in the
long car, jockeying for seats.

Erin and Frank sat very close together.  They didn't' pay much
attention to the others while they made up for lost time.  From the
moment they sat next to each other, the two of them made out without

The driver pulled away from the curb.  He drove through the
neighborhood and then turned onto a main road.

"This is great," Jenny said as she held Brad's hand.  "I'll have to
remember to thank your dad, Tom."

Tom nodded.  He glanced at Molly and smiled at her.  Molly returned
the smile, but then she turned away.  She sat between Tom and Kathy,
wondering what was going on as well as what she would do.

The limo driver pulled up to the front door of one of the area's
most exclusive restaurants.  He opened the door, holding it so the
teens could get out.  In the restaurant, the host greeted the teens. 
Tom gave the man his name.  The host nodded and led the group to
their table.  He held the girls' chairs as they sat down.

Two servers came to the table.  They took drink orders from group
and left.  Molly glanced at Kathy, stood up, and cocked her head
toward the restrooms.  All of the girls got up and left.

"What is going on?" Molly said to Kathy.  "Do you want me to be
Tom's date tonight?"

"I want you to have a good time, Sweetie.  You can do whatever you
want to as long as you have a good time," Kathy said.

Jenny took her cell phone out of her purse.  While Kathy and Molly
talked, she called Kim.  The two girls arranged to have the call as
soon as Jenny could get Molly away from Tom and the other boys.

"Here, it's for you, Molly," Jenny said as she handed the telephone
to Molly.

Giving Jenny a strange look, Molly took the telephone from her.

"Hello," Molly said.

"Hi, Molly, this is Kim.  How are you doing?" Kim said.

"Um, okay I guess," Molly said.

"Look, this was all my idea.  I suggested that Tom go down to take
you to the prom.  I asked Kathy and Eddie about it before we cooked
up our plan.  If you have to be mad at anyone, be mad at me.  Don't
blame Kathy or Eddie.  Honey, if they didn't love you, they wouldn't
have agreed," Kim said.

"What about you?" Molly said in almost a whisper.

Kim giggled.  "What about me?"

"I mean Tom is your boyfriend-isn't he?"

"Molly, I love Tom.  I love you too.  We all know we're too young to
be tied down.  What ever happens, I will still love you," Kim said. 
"You have to get back to your friends.  Tell everyone I said hi. 
Most importantly, have a great time tonight," Kim said.  She giggled
and added, "Sally and I are going to double team Jack all weekend."

"You're crazy, Kim," Molly said.

"Yeah, I guess I am.  Oh, I want to tell you that Tom is great in
the sack!  Have a blast, Sweetie," Kim said with a giggle.

"KIM! I can't do that," Molly said.

"Why not, don't you know how?" Kim replied.

"That's not what I mean."

"I know, but just so you know, I plan to seduce Eddie as soon as we
move down there.  He's cute," Kim said.

"You are so bad, Kim," Molly said.

"I don't think so.  In fact, I'll seduce you too and then you'll
know I'm good," Kim said.  "Have fun and give me a call tomorrow."

"By, Kim.  Thanks, I love you," Molly said.

Kim didn't respond.  Molly closed the phone and handed it to Jenny. 
She giggled, turned to Kathy and said, "I'll be Tom's date tonight
and see how things go."

"What did Kim say?" Kathy said.

"She told me it was her idea for Tom to come down and take me to the
prom.  Kim also said Tom is good in bed," Molly replied with a grin.

"Maybe you'll get a chance to find out.  If you do, remember that
Eddie and I love you and we want you to have fun.  If you and Tom
have sex, we won't be mad," Kathy said.

The girls finally left the restroom.  When they arrived at the
table, they shifted their seats so Molly sat next to Tom.  The boys
all glanced around, looking at the girls.  Molly leaned close to Tom
so she could whisper in his ear.

"Thanks for coming down to be my date tonight.  I'm sorry if I acted
weird," Molly said.

Tom chuckled as he nodded.  "I don't think you acted weird at all. 
We'll have a good time tonight, Molly.  Just so you know, I have no
expectations other than enjoying our evening."

"You're sweet, so is Kim," Molly said.

Tom ordered appetizers for the table.  The four couples munched on
shrimp cocktail, oysters, clams, fried cheese sticks and the other
items on the large platter.  Tom asked Molly for a suggestion.  She
pointed at the surf and turf, asking if it would be okay to order it.
Tom said she could have anything she wanted.

"Molly says the surf and turf is good here, that's what I'm going to
order," Tom said.  "By the way, dinner is complements of my dad and

"They don't have to pay for our food," Brad said.

"I know, but Dad told me he and Uncle Don would take care of dinner.
You can call my dad or uncle if you want to argue with them," Tom
said.  He turned to Molly.  "Have you eaten here before?"

"Yes, Joel brought Mom and I here once," Molly replied.  "I had the
surf and turf then.  That's how I know it's good.  They have great
garlic mashed potatoes, but I don't want bad breath tonight."

Tom chuckled and said, "Garlic mashed sound good to me.  I'll get
them too so we'll both have bad breath."

Giggling, Molly nodded her head.

The teens all ordered the surf and turf when the server came back to
take their orders.  Unlike most restaurants, the surf and turf
consisted of a whole Maine lobster instead of just a tail.

"How was your flight, Frank," Jenny asked her cousin.

"It was the best!  The plane picked me up at a small executive
terminal.  I didn't have to wait in line or go through the security,"
Frank said.  "Maybe you'll get to fly on a private plane someday."

"She will, all of you will fly on the jet when you come up to
Michigan to fish in a couple weeks," Tom said.  "Do you like fishing,

"Fishing is okay.  I don't get as geeked as the rest of you do
though.  I do like going on the boat," Frank said.

"I like boating better than fishing too," Erin said.

"You two will have to go out with us this summer.  Even if you only
go for the boat ride," Tom said.

The dinners came and the server passed them out to the teens.  As
they ate, everyone complemented the food.  "My steak is cooked to
perfection," Eddie said.

"So is mine.  This lobster melts in your mouth," Kathy said.  "How
is your food, Jenny?"

"Excellent, this is one of the best meals I've ever had in a
restaurant," Jenny said.

The praise went on until everyone finished.  The guys sat back,
groaning because they felt so full.  The girls also complained about
eating too much.  The teens declined desert when the server brought a
tray filled with cakes, cheesecake, and other sweet treats.

When the host brought the bill, Tom simply signed it.  The host
thanked the teens for coming and invited them back.  On the way to
the car, Molly held Tom's hand.

"You didn't have to give them a credit card," Molly said.

"No, I guess my dad and uncle have an account here now.  Dad told me
that I would only have to sign the check," Tom said.

When they all got in the limo, Molly sat closer to Tom than she had
on the way to the restaurant.  There was room on the seat, but Molly
ignored it.  Kathy and Eddie sat next to Molly and Tom with Kathy
next to Molly.  On the far end of the long leather seat, Frank and
Erin resumed their kissing and hugging.

The driver pulled up in front of the country club.  He stopped
behind several other limousines to wait his turn at the door.  The
other cars pulled away so the driver could pull forward.  He opened
the door for the teens, making sure he didn't watch the girls exit
the car.

Jenny led the rest of the group into the country club.  She checked
the table assignment and pointed at the chart when she found the
table the group would sit at for the evening.  The teens walked
through the elegant hall to their table.  Cindy spotted the group,
stood up, and waved.

Tom held Molly's chair as she sat down.  Brad, Eddie, and Frank
noticed what Tom did and mimicked his action.  Once they seated the
girls, the guys sat beside them.  Eddie asked if anyone wanted
something to drink.  When everyone said they would, he enlisted Brad,
Tom, and Frank to help.  Kevin got up and followed.

On the way to the bar, Eddie walked next to Tom.  "It looks like
Molly has relaxed a bit," Eddie said.

"I think so.  I can understand how she must have felt when I showed
up today," Tom replied.

"Yeah, if I had it to do over, I think I would talk to Molly first. 
It was a little presumptuous of us to do what we did," Eddie said.

"You think?" Tom replied with a chuckle.

"Kim is a special person, isn't she?" Eddie said to Tom.

"Yes, she's very special, Eddie.  I thought there was problem
between us when she asked me to come down, but I realize there isn't.
She just wanted Molly to have fun," Tom replied.

At the bar, the guys ordered sodas for the group.  Each of the boys
carried two glasses back to the table.  They handed the girls their
drinks and sat down again.  While they sat at the table, several kids
stopped by.  Molly and Erin gleefully introduced Tom and Frank as
their friends and made sure everyone knew how far the boys traveled
to be there.  The girls didn't mention the fact that Tom and Frank
came down on a private jet.

The band came on stage.  The lead singer introduced the band members
and then they began to play.  The song they started the set with was
a fast rock and roll number.  Tom stood up, offering his hand to Molly.

"Would you like to dance?" Tom said.

"There isn't anyone out on the dance floor yet," Molly said.

"So, we don't need anyone else, do we?" Tom said.

"We'll dance too," Jenny said as she glanced at Brad.

By the time Tom, Molly, Jenny, and Brad reached the dance floor;
other couples were starting to dance.  Tom stared into Molly's eyes
as he began to move.  He remembered the steps Kim and Sally taught
him before he ventured down to Florida for the dance.  Molly started
to grin.  Her body swayed with the music as she danced with Tom.

After two fast songs, the band slowed the pace.  Tom took Molly in
his arm and began to lead.  Molly followed, smiling up at Tom.  He
maintained a proper distance between their bodies as they danced. 
Molly kept smiling as she followed Tom's steps.

"You're a good dancer," Molly said.  She giggled and asked, "Did Kim
teach you?"

"Yeah, Kim and Sally helped me learn.  I didn't want to embarrass
either of us," Tom said.

"That's sweet," Molly said as she closed the gap between them.

Tom and Molly stayed on the dance floor.  They danced to every song
during the band's first set.  When the lead singer announced a break,
Tom led Molly back to the table.

"Wow, I didn't think you two were ever going to quit," Kathy said to
Molly.  She looked past Molly at Tom.  "I hope you don't think you're
going to have every dance with her tonight."

"I might share, but not too often," Tom replied, causing Molly to

During the second set, Tom sat at the table while Molly danced with
Kathy.  The girls moved to the fast song, moving their arms and feet.
Tom took out his camera, got up and moved closer.  He took several
shots of Molly and Kathy before returning to the table.  Tom grinned
when the music slowed and Molly danced close with Kathy.  He watched
the two girls as they moved, trying to decide which one of them lead.

Jenny asked Tom to dance.  He got up, took her arm, and walked out
to the dance floor.  He took Jenny in his arms when they got close to
Molly and Kathy.

"Are you having a good time tonight?" Jenny asked Tom.

"Yes, I'm having a great time, Jenny.  This is a nice place," Tom

"Tom, I think Molly is having a good time too," Jenny said.

"I hope so.  Molly is a sweet girl," Tom said.

The song ended so Jenny and Tom returned to the table.  Eddie went
out to the dance floor to dance with Molly.  While they held each
other, Eddie kissed Molly's ear.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Sweetie?" Eddie said.

"Yes, I'm having a nice time, Baby.  You aren't upset because I've
been dancing with Tom, are you?" Molly asked.

"No I'm not.  I'm happy that you're having a good time.  You know
that we're going to Tom's house after the prom, don't you?" Eddie said.

"I didn't know that.  I thought we were going to a hotel," Molly

"We were going to, but Tom's parents talked to our parents and they
decided they would rather have us at the house.  I couldn't tell you
before because we wanted to surprise you," Eddie said.

Molly giggled.  "Well, you certainly accomplished that.  I was very
surprised when Tom showed up.  I was even more surprised that he came
down to be my date tonight," Molly said.  "What he did for Frank and
Erin is precious.  I think that Erin almost pissed her panties." 

"It was funny, wasn't it?  It was my idea to tease Erin by telling
her that Tom came down to take her to the prom," Eddie said.

Molly giggled and smacked Eddie on the arm.  "You're a brat, do you
know that?"

"Yeah, but you still love me," Eddie said.

"Molly, I'll always love you.  I know that someday you're going to
find someone special, someone that you'll want for a boyfriend.  That
won't change how I feel about you."  Eddie stopped dancing and looked
into Molly's eyes.  "Sex isn't love, Baby.  I can love you even if
you're making love to someone else."

"Eddie, what are you telling me?" Molly said.

"I'm telling you that I love you.  And that I always will," Eddie
replied as he began to move again.  The song ended so Eddie and Molly
went back to the table.

"Where's Tom?" Molly asked Jenny.

"He's dancing with Kathy.  Didn't you see them out there?" Jenny said.

"No, I was busy talking to Eddie," Molly said.

"Is everything okay?" Jenny said.

"Jenny, I don't know how I could be any better," Molly said.

Tom and Kathy came back to the table.  Tom held the chair for Kathy
and then sat next to Molly.  Brad came back from the bar with a tray
full of sodas.  He passed out the glasses before sitting down.

"Aren't you two going to dance?" Brad asked Erin and Frank.  "You
guys haven't moved since we got here."

"We're fine, Brad.  Frank and I are catching up," Erin said.

"More like feeling up," Cindy said with a giggle.  "You haven't
moved your hands from under the tablecloth since we sat down."

Everyone acted shocked for a moment and then they all laughed. 
Erin's blushing gave away the fact she and Frank were fooling around.
Giggling, Jenny smacked Brad on the back.  "I'm jealous," Jenny said.

The group of teens laughed and kibitzed.  Molly stopped laughing and
said, "Oh shit, here comes trouble."

Everyone turned to see Lenny walking toward the table.  Behind
Lenny, Bobby Jackson and his two friends followed.  When Erin saw
Bobby, she cringed.

"Hi, Molly," Lenny slurred as he stood behind her.  "Who's your new

"Lenny, please go away.  We don't want any trouble from you or your
friends," Molly said.

"Trouble?  I'm not causing trouble.  I just want to know who this
guy is.  I don't remember ever seeing him before now.  What's the
matter, did your girlfriend throw you out.  You know, like you did to
me?" Lenny said.

Tom started to stand up.  Molly put her hand on his arm, but Tom
didn't stop.  Standing nose to nose with Lenny, Tom said, "Hi, I'm
Tom.  I'm Molly's friend from Detroit.  I came down to take her to
the prom."  Tom offered Lenny his hand.

"Fuck off, Yankee.  I was talking to Molly," Lenny said.

"That's right, you were talking to her.  Now you're finished talking
to her and leaving," Tom said.

"How would you like to get your ass kicked around this room?" Lenny

"Sorry, I promised Molly the next dance," Tom said.  "Maybe one of
your boyfriends will dance with you."

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, trying to make fun of me?"
Lenny said as he stood swaying.  It was obvious Lenny was drunk.

"No, I'm not trying to make fun of you.  You're doing a fine job by
yourself, Lenny," Tom said.  Tom glanced at Bobby and the other two
boys.  "Why don't you take him outside so he can get some fresh air?"

Lenny doubled his fists.  Stepping back, he looked as if he was
ready to take a swing at Tom.  When Bobby and the other two boys
stepped up, Frank got out of his chair.

"Tom, I think we should escort these guys outside.  It looks like
Lenny wants to start a fight," Frank said.

All of a sudden, Bobby recognized Frank.  He grabbed Lenny's arm and
tried to pull him back.  "Lenny, we should just leave.  I don't think
we want any trouble tonight."

"What, from these wimps?  Don't make me laugh.  Hey, Molly, want to
go out to my car.  I think you remember the backseat," Lenny said.

Tom put his left hand on Lenny's shoulder.  He shoved his right hand
between Lenny's legs and grabbed his genitals.  Applying pressure,
Tom leaned close and whispered, "I've tried to be nice to you, but
you're too stupid to realize it.  I think you owe Molly an apology. 
I would suggest you do it while you can still piss standing up.  If
you say anything else, I'll crush your nuts like the grapes they feel

Brad and Eddie stood up.  They moved closer to Tom and Lenny to
block the view of anyone that walked by.  A simple glance from Frank
caused Bobby and his two friends to stand back.

Tom glanced at the table.  He told Jenny to find one of the
chaperones and have him come over.  He tightened his grip on Lenny,
causing him to gasp.

When Tom saw Jenny heading toward the table, he gave Lenny a final
squeeze.  Lenny doubled over the moment Tom released him.  Kneeling
on the floor, Lenny gripped his stomach.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Paulson said when he walked up and
looked down at Lenny.

"I think Lenny is drunk, Sir.  He seems to be sick too," Tom said.

Kneeling next to Lenny, Mr. Paulson took a deep breath.  He shook
his head, grabbed Lenny's arm and stood him up.  "You know the policy
about drinking at school or a school function, don't you Lenny?  Our
policy is zero tolerance."

Mr. Paulson led Lenny away from the table.  Bobby and his friends
faded into the crowd that had gathered.

Molly began to cry and wrapped her arms around Tom.  She quivered
while squeezing him as tightly as she could.  Kathy moved close to
Molly.  She began rubbing Molly's back while telling her everything
would be okay.  After a moment, Kathy, Jenny, Erin, and Cindy took
Molly to the restroom.

"Thanks for taking my back," Tom said to the rest of the guys. 
"What was that all about anyway?"

Brad and Eddie told Tom about Lenny.   They told him how he treated
Molly when they dated.  Eddie told Tom how Molly broke up with Lenny
and how she ended up dating Kathy and him.  Brad told Tom about the
party at Erin's house when Frank took out Bobby and his two sidekicks.

"I think I overreacted.  I should have just gone and found a teacher
or someone to handle this.  Now I've screwed up the prom for all of
you guys," Tom said sadly.

Molly came up behind Tom.  She put her arms around his waist and
gave him a hug.  "You didn't ruin the prom, Tom.  You saved it for
us," Molly said.

Tom turned around.  Molly and the rest of the girls stood near him. 
"How can you say that?" Tom asked Molly.

"Lenny has been mean to me ever since I broke up with him.  If
Eddie, Brad, or Kevin had stepped in, they would have gotten into as
much trouble as Lenny is in now.  The school has a zero tolerance
rule about fighting too," Molly said.  "It they beat up Lenny, they
won't get to go into their next grade."

"That goes for Frank too.  He doesn't go to school here so he
wouldn't have gotten into any trouble if he kicked Bobby's ass
again," Erin said.

Bobby walked over to the table.  His two friends stood behind him. 
When Frank stood up, Bobby held up his hand.  "Look, I don't want any
trouble.  I tried to talk Lenny out of making a scene, but he
wouldn't listen.  You know how he gets when he starts drinking.  I
want to say I'm sorry," Bobby said.  Bobby's two friends nodded and
apologized too.

"Thanks," Tom said.

"No problem.  Look, when Lenny sobers up I'll talk to him.  If he
wants to give any of you any shit, I'll take care of it," Bobby said.

Bobby and his friends walked away before anyone could say anything. 
The music began again and Molly sidled up to Tom.  "Will you dance
with me?" Molly said.

Nodding, Tom took Molly's hand.  They walked out to the dance floor
and started to dance to the slow song the band played.  Molly pressed
her body against Tom's and moved her hand through the hair on the
back of his head.  Tom held Molly's waist for a moment before he
circled her waist with both hands.

"Thank you for standing up for me, Tom.  I know Eddie wanted to, but…"

"Don't worry about it, Molly.  Everything is okay now," Tom said,
cutting her off before Molly finished her thought.  "Let's try to
enjoy the rest of the prom."

Tom and Molly danced to every song.  The rest of the group danced
too, even Erin and Frank.  The band announced the last song of the
evening.  The lights dimmed as the band played an old song that most
of the kids didn't know.  When the singer began singing, 'Put Your
Head on My Shoulder,' Molly hugged Tom tighter.  He rubbed her back,
moving his hand over the slick material of her dress.  She looked up
and gave Tom a kiss.

The song ended and the lights came on.  The teens made their way to
the table so the girls could gather their purses.  They went outside
to wait for the limo driver to pull up to the door.  Cindy and Kevin
told the others goodbye.  Tom invited them to the house, but Kevin
said they had other plans.

The limo pulled up and the driver jumped out to open the door.  The
teens climbed in one by one.  Tom waited for Molly, watching as she
bent at the waist to get into the car.  When he sat next to Molly,
Tom chuckled.

"What?" Molly said.

Tom shook his head.  "I can't tell you want I'm laughing about."

"Why not, is it bad?" Molly asked as she wrapped her arms around one
of Tom's arms.

"No, but I don't think I should say anything," Tom said.

"Don't be a brat.  Tell me," Molly insisted.

"Well, when I watched you get into the car, I couldn't help thinking
about how nice your butt looked," Tom whispered.

"Oh my God, could you see it?" Molly asked.

Shaking his head, Tom said, "No, but I remember how it looks."

Molly giggled as she thought about the time on the boat that Tom
told her she had a nice ass.  She hugged his arm tighter, pressing it
against the side of her breast.  Kathy noticed and winked at Molly. 
The two girls shared glances and they giggled.

The driver took the teens to Tom's house.  After all of them got out
of the car and retrieved their things from the trunk, the driver said

"What do I owe you?" Tom asked the driver.

"Nothing, Sir, your father took care of the bill and my tip.  Have a
great night," The driver said.

The limo pulled away.  Tom told the others to follow him to the
guesthouse.  Once inside, he told his friends they could put their
things in one of the bedrooms.  Tom showed Eddie and Kathy to the
room Jack and Sally used.  He put Molly's duffel bag on the floor
next to Kathy and Eddie's.

"You guys can use Jack and Sally's room.  It has a king size bed,"
Tom said.  He left to put his bag in his bedroom.

"Is anyone hungry?  There's food in the main house," Tom announced.

"I'm hungry," Frank said.  Erin nodded and said she was hungry too.

The teens went to the main house.  Tom used his key to open the back
door so everyone could go inside.  In the kitchen, Tom pulled the
trays of food out of the refrigerator.  He placed them on the counter
and then found the bread and rolls.  Molly's mom left a note, telling
Tom where he would find everything.

Brad helped Tom remove the plastic wrap from the trays.  The teens
made sandwiches as they milled around the counter.  Laura made potato
salad as well as a nice relish tray.  The group sat at the kitchen
table to eat their food.  Tom passed out cans of soda before he sat
down with his friends.

While they ate, the teens talked about the events at the prom. 
Molly thanked Tom and Frank for taking care of things the way they
did.  Both boys tried to remain humble as their friends praised them.

The teens finished eating and all pitched in to clean up the
kitchen.  They recovered the trays and put the dirty dishes into the
dishwasher.  Tom suggested they go to the recreation room to relax.

Tom turned on the big screen television.  He searched the channels
until he found one of the music stations.  After adjusting the
volume, he sat next to Molly on one of the couches.

"We should take the boat out tomorrow," Brad said.  "The weather
report says it's going to be in the mid to high eighties with calm

"That would be great," Tom said.  "Jack, Sally, and Kim will hate
me, but what the heck?"

"Are you going to fish?" Frank asked.  He sat in one of the
recliners with Erin on his lap.

"We might.  It's been a while since we've done any fishing," Eddie

"I'd like to go out on the boat," Erin said.  "I haven't been on the
new boat yet."

The teens decided to take the boat out if their parents would allow
them to.  They planned to call their parents in the morning.  Tom
stood up, taking Molly's hand.  Pulling her to her feet, Tom asked
Molly to dance.

Soon, all four couples were dancing.  Tom held Molly close, enjoying
the feeling of her body against his.  They danced for about twenty
minutes before Erin and Frank returned to their seat.  The couple
began kissing and running their hands over each other.

"I'm going to change," Jenny said.  "I want to get comfortable."

Brad wrapped Jenny in a hug.  "Why don't we just call it a night? 
It's after one and if we're going fishing, we should get up early."

"You aren't planning on getting up too early, are you?" Erin said. 
She giggled and added, "I'm not tired yet."

"How about ten in the morning, is that too early?" Kathy said.

"No, ten will be okay.  Does that mean we're leaving at ten or
getting up then?" Erin said.

"We should leave by ten.  You two can catch a nap on the boat if you
don't get enough sleep tonight," Jenny said and then she giggled.

Erin and Frank told everyone good night.  With their arms around one
another, they left for the guesthouse.  The rest of the group
couldn't help laughing at the couple's urgency.

"They only get to see each other every few months.  I would be in a
hurry if I was them too," Kathy said.

"A long distance relationship would suck," Brad said as he put his
arm around Jenny.

"You can tell Erin loves Frank.  She doesn't go out or flirt with
any of the boys at school," Molly said.

"I wonder if Frank is as faithful as Erin is." Eddie said.

"From what Frank told me on the plane, he is.  He talked almost
nonstop about Erin," Tom said.  "He also said he thinks he and his
mom will be moving down here soon."

"That will make Erin happy," Molly said.

The teens continued to talk on their way to the guesthouse.  When
they stepped outside, Jeri said, "Hi, how was the prom?"

They stopped to tell Jeri about the evening, but left out the
incident with Lenny.

"We're planning to take the boat out tomorrow.  We want to do a
little fishing," Tom told Jeri.

"Okay, have a good night and I'll see you in the morning," Jeri said
as she turned to leave.

In the guesthouse, the teens milled around in the living room.  They
said good night to each other and headed to the bedrooms.  Jenny and
Brad took one of the small rooms.  Kathy, Molly, and Eddie went into
Jack and Sally's room.  Tom shut off the lights and went to his room.

Tom removed his jacket, hanging it on the hanger that came with the
rented tuxedo.  He kicked off his shoes and went to the bathroom to
brush his teeth and get ready for bed.  When he walked back into the
bedroom, he saw Molly standing in the room.  She held her duffel bag
in one hand as she stood smiling.  Molly dropped the bag and walked
over to Tom.

Turning around, Molly said, "Tom, would you please help me with my

Tom moved closer.  He located the tiny zipper tab and began to lower
it.  As he did, he gazed at Molly's back.  Once he lowered the zipper
as far as it would go, Tom released the tab.  He cleared his throat
and said, "There you go."

Molly turned around.  She used one hand to hold her dress against
her chest.  "Thank you, Tom-thanks for everything," Molly said as she
slowly lowered the front of her gown.

Tom swallowed and nodded his head.