"I wonder how Tom's night is going." Kim said as she sat on the couch
next to her brother.

Looking around Jack, Sally grinned and said, "I'll bet he's having

Jack listened to his sister and Sally.  The two girls talked about
what their friends and Tom might be doing.  Kim told Sally that Tom
had remembered how to dance and that she was sure Molly would enjoy

"Why did you do that, Kim?  I mean, why did you insist that Tom go
to the prom with Molly?" Jack said.

"Because I wanted to," Kim replied.  She didn't look at her brother
when she spoke.

"There's something going on, isn't there?" Jack said.

"No, Jack, there isn't anything going on.  Why can't you see that I
just wanted Molly to have a good time?" Kim said.

"What about Tom?" Jack said.

"What about him?" Kim replied.

"Are you two still getting along?  Has Tom said he wants things to
change?" Jack said.  Sally moved closer to Jack, putting her arm over
his shoulders.

Shaking her head, Kim said, "No."

"Do you want things to change, Kim?" Sally asked.

"No, I don't want things to change, but I do want to be able to
expand my horizons so to speak.  In a very short time, we're going to
move.  We're going to meet new people and do new things.  I don't
want to feel that I'm attached to Tom, or anyone else, at the hip,"
Kim said.

"Does that mean you want to go out with other guys?" Jack asked his

"Yeah, I guess it does.  Look, I love Tom-I love him to pieces.  Tom
and I get along great and," Kim giggled, "he's great in bed.  This
isn't about Tom.  It's about me.  I'm going to be sixteen soon and
the last thing I want is to be in a committed relationship.  I want
to, no, I'm going to have fun."

Kim shifted, pulling her legs under her and facing Jack and Sally. 
"You two are different.  Sally has made her choice and you seem to
accept it, Jack.  I think it's cool that you two love each other the
way you do.  As I said, I love Tom, but it's different for me."

"Have you talked to my brother about this?" Sally said.

"Yes, Tom and I have talked about it.  Not in detail, but we've
talked.  He knows that I don't want to be tied down and that, because
we're cousins, the odds of us spending the rest of our lives together
are slim."  Kim grinned and then she giggled.  "That doesn't mean I
plan to stop fucking him."

Jack smiled at his sister.  He moved his arm, placing it around her
waist.  Pulling Kim closer, he slid his hand up to her breast.  Kim
grinned as Jack gently squeezed her breast.

"Are you going to stop fucking me?" Jack said.

Giggling, Kim said, "No, not unless you don't want to fool around
with me."

"Hey, what about me?" Sally said.

"You know I'll still fool around with you, Sally," Jack said. 
"You're mine and I love you."

"I know, but I was talking to Kim," Sally said.

Kim leaned across Jack.  She put her hand behind Sally's head and
pulled their mouths together.  Kim gave Sally a hot, open-mouth kiss
and then pulled back.  "Does that answer your question?"

Scooting closer to Jack, Kim rested her head against his shoulder. 
He continued to fondle Kim's breast, causing her to sigh.  "Do you
think I'm wrong, Jack?" Kim said.  Her voice was almost a whisper.

Jack moved his hand from Kim's breast to her hip.  Patting her
lightly, Jack said, "I can't tell you what is right or wrong for you,
Kim.  You have to make that decision.  If you want to find a
boyfriend, it's up to you."

"That's my point.  I don't want a boyfriend, not a steady one.  If
Tom found someone, I wouldn't be mad, I'd be happy for him."  Kim
giggled.  "I just hope he would still want to sleep with me.  I love
being able to snuggle and stuff."

"I know what kind of stuff you like," Sally said.

"Look who's talking.  You're as much of a minx as I am," Kim said.

"You two are a pair.  Tom and I are lucky that we have sisters as
cool as you two are," Jack said.

"We're lucky too, Jack.  Sally and I have the greatest brothers a
girl could ask for.  Look, we all know we're not normal teenagers,
not like most of the other kids we know.  Although, most of our
friends are a little different too," Kim said.

"How so?" Sally said with a giggle.

"Well, first off there's Lisa and Megan.  They broke up with Jack
and Tom so they could be together.  Then there's Brad.  He turned out
to be gay.  I think that Paul is one of the only boys that's close to
normal, at least out of our friends up here.

"Jenny and Eddie have sex.  So does Kathy and her brother Brad. 
Kathy and Eddie is a couple and they have Molly as a girlfriend.  
You two have fooled around with Jenny and Brad.  Let's face it; our
friends and us are different.  Not that I mind, I think it's cool,"
Kim said.

"Do you think we would have turned out this way if our parents
hadn't won the money?" Sally said.

Jack chuckled and said, "We'll never know.  I do know that I thought
about you two before they won the money.  Who knows, maybe we would
have ended up screwing around and poor."

"We weren't poor, Jack.  We just didn't have as much money as we
have now.  Our parents don't have to pinch pennies anymore, but we
didn't live in cardboard boxes.  I think we did fine before the
money," Sally said.

"I know, that's not what I meant.  Let's face it; we are now what
people refer to as privileged.  I think we're doing a good job of not
turning into spoiled brats.  Sure, we can do things most other people
only dream of, but that's only because our parents are so generous. 
They could be like some of the parents of the kids we went to school
with at the Academy.  We could be like some of those kids," Jack said.

"Speaking of our parents, when are they supposed to be home?" Kim

"I don't know.  They went to Mr. and Mrs. Stone's house for a
meeting about the property next out Florida house.  If they start
partying, they might spend the night," Jack said.

Sally put her hand on Jack's leg.  Sliding it up to his crotch,
Sally said, "How about it, want to party?"

Jack chuckled and gave Sally a kiss.  While they kissed, Kim's hand
joined Sally's on Jack's crotch.  "Am I invited to the party?" Kim
said with a giggle.

"Sure, but this party is for naked girls," Jack said.

Kim and Sally laughed.  They got up and began undressing each other.
Sitting back on the couch, Jack watched them.  The telephone rang and
Jack jumped up to answer it.  When he returned from the kitchen, he
began to chuckle.

"That was Mom.  She said they wouldn't be home tonight," Jack said. 
"Um, am I invited to this party?'

Sally removed her head from between Kim's legs.  Looking up and
Jack, she giggled and said, "This party is for naked people."  Sally
returned her face to Kim's crotch, moaning as Kim licked her vulva. 
The two girls had sprawled out on the floor and were happily licking
each other's sex.  Jack began removing his clothes.

Kneeling between Sally's legs, Jack gripped his penis, and pressed
it against Kim's face.  She looked up.  Smiling, Kim opened her mouth
so Jack could feed her his member.  She clamped her lips around
Jack's shaft, slowly bobbing her head.  After a moment, Kim guided
Jack into Sally's vagina.

Jack moved in and out of Sally a few times and then presented his
penis to Kim again.  She sucked him for a moment before returning his
penis to Sally's vagina.  After a few minutes, and several changes,
Jack moved between Kim's legs.  Sally took Jack into her mouth and
began sucking him.  Kim squirmed around so she could lick the part of
Jack's shaft that wasn't in Sally's mouth.

"Get on your back," Kim said to Jack.

Jack rolled onto his back.  Straddling his body, Kim guided his
penis into her vagina.  She put her hands on Jack's chest and began
to move.  Kim rocked her hips, feeling Jack's penis work deep inside
her.  Sally giggled, straddled Jack's head, and lowered her crotch to
his face.  Jack held Sally's hips as he stabbed his tongue into her.

Above Jack, Kim and Sally began kissing.  They massaged each other's
breasts as they rode Jack.  It didn't take long for Jack to reach his
orgasm.  He pushed up into Kim, groaning into Sally's crotch as he
began to spew his semen into his sister's vagina.  Kim moaned into
Sally's mouth when she felt Jack swelling inside her.

"Jack came in my pussy," Kim said as she stared into Sally's eyes.

Sally lifted her crotch off Jack's face.  Looking down at him, Sally
said, "Is that right?  Did you come in Kim?"  Smiling, Jack nodded. 
"Mmmm, I'll bet her pussy would be tasty right now."

"Why don't you find out?" Jack said.

Sally pulled Kim off Jack.  Rolling Kim onto her back, Sally lowered
her head between her cousin's legs.  She licked Kim, cleaning the
semen that leaked out of her vagina.  Kim planted her feet on the
floor.  She pushed herself up, trying to increase the contact with
Sally's darting tongue.  Kim let out a sharp scream and came as Sally
lightly bit her clit.  A moment later, Kim pushed Sally away.

Scrambling, Sally swooped down on Jack's slick penis.  She pulled it
into her mouth, sucking the mixed fluids from it.  Jack watched Sally
bobbing her head and taking his entire length into her warm mouth. 
Kim sat up, reached out and slapped Sally's butt.  Sally moaned, but
didn't remove her mouth.

"What was that for?" Jack asked his sister.

"Sally bit me, she bit my clit!" Kim said.

"That makes her a bad girl, doesn't it?" Jack said.  Sally moaned as
she rubbed her nose against Jack's pubic hair.  "I think Sally needs
a spanking, don't you?"

Grinning, Kim nodded.  She moved closer to Sally and smacked her
upturned butt again.  Kim gave Sally's bottom several smacks.  Sally
moaned around Jack's penis.  When Kim stopped spanking her, Sally bit
down on Jack's penis.  It wasn't hard, but Jack knew what she did.

"Now she's biting my cock," Jack said while trying not to laugh.  He
knew what Sally was doing.

"Such a bad little girl," Kim said as she administered another smack
against Sally's bottom.  "What are we going to do with her?"  Kim
began spanking Sally.

Sally pushed her bottom out, moaning as she waited for Kim to slap
her again.  Each time Kim's hand contacted her butt, Sally wiggled
it.  Jack's penis began to swell in Sally's mouth.  She growled as
she felt Jack expanding into her throat.

Kim stopped hitting Sally and rubbed her red bottom.  She put her
hand between Sally's legs and probed her vagina.  Sally opened her
legs so Kim could finger her.  Kim pushed two fingers into Sally,
sawing them in and out.

Sally felt her orgasm building.  She wanted Kim to spank her again,
but she didn't want to remove her mouth from Jack's penis.  Instead,
Sally used her teeth on Jack.

"She bit me again!" Jack said.

Keeping one hand between Sally's legs, Kim used her other hand to
spank Sally.  Seeing Sally squirm, and hearing her moan, caused Kim
to get carried away.  Kim's fingers pounded into Sally as she slapped
as hard as she could.  Sally sucked on Jack as a continuous groan
came from her throat.  When Jack came, Sally pushed her head down so
his semen went straight into her throat.

Kim felt Sally's vagina contract around her fingers.  She stopped
the spanking so she could concentrate on getting Sally off.  When
Sally's orgasm reached its summit, she pulled her mouth off Jack's
penis and screamed.

Removing her hand from between her legs, Kim gently rubbed Sally's
butt.  Her cheeks glowed from the spanking.  Sally rolled onto her
side, pulling her legs up to her chest.  Jack sat close, running his
fingers through Sally's sweat dampened hair.

"Let's go for a swim," Jack said.  He moved around so he could scoop
Sally into his arms.  Kim got up and opened the door to the pool area.

Jack carried Sally into the shallow water.  She wrapped her arms
around Jack's neck and began kissing his cheek.  When Sally felt the
cool water on her heated bottom, she flinched.  Jack kissed Sally's
forehead and kept moving into the deeper water. 

"You can put me down now," Sally said.  Jack lowered her, letting go
when Sally's feet hit the bottom of the pool.

"Are you okay?  Did I hurt you?" Kim said as she wrapped her arms
around Sally.

"No, you didn't hurt me.  You need Jack to teach you how to give a
girl a spanking," Sally said as she grinned at Kim.

Kim hugged Sally.  The two of them shared a kiss and then they
giggled.  "Did you have fun?  I did," Sally said.

"It was different.  I don't think it's something I would want to do
again," Kim said.

"Oh pooh, you're no fun at all," Sally said with a giggle.

Looking at Jack, Kim said, "She's weird, isn't she?"

"I don't think so, but then I love her," Jack said.  "When you love
someone as much as I love Sally, you do things to make that person

Sally giggled as she squirmed out of Kim's arms.  She moved over to
Jack and gave him a tender kiss.  "My baby understands me."  Sally
glanced at Kim.  "Thanks, it was nice of you to join us."

Kim, Jack, and Sally stayed in the pool for a few minutes.  Sally
enjoyed the feeling of the cool water on her warm bottom.  Kim
decided to get out so Sally and Jack followed her.  The three of them
sat on lounges, relaxing.

"I'm ready for round two," Sally said with a giggle.  "Who wants to
go upstairs?"

Laughing, Jack sat up.  "You are one horny little thing tonight,
aren't you?"

"What do you mean tonight?  I'm always horny," Sally said.  She
turned to Kim.  "Are you going to come with us?  I want you to."

"Why not?  I don't have a better offer tonight," Kim said with a
giggle.  She got up and hooked her arm through Sally's arm.  "Let's
give Jack a night to remember."

Jack, Kim, and Sally shut off the lights.  They went upstairs and
into Jack and Sally's bedroom.  Sally pulled the covers back and
beckoned Kim to join her.  Jack waited for the girls to get
comfortable before he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Aren't you going to get in with us?" Kim said.

Shaking his head, Jack said, "I thought I'd watch for a few minutes."

Kim grinned.  She turned to Sally and the two girls began kissing
and hugging each other.  Jack sat quietly, watching them.

* * * * 

Don, Marc, and Sam sat in Jerry Stone's home office.  Joel was on
the telephone from Florida.  In the family room, Marge, Anne, Liz,
and Joanne talked about what was happening in their lives.

"We made the deal on the property today," Joel said.  "The bank was
more than happy with your offer, Don and Marc.  They thought they
were going to be stuck with it.  The old owner is going to end up
serving time for arson."

"What about the inspection?  Did you get the report back yet?" Jerry

"Verbally, I'll get the written report on Monday.  I'll fax it to
you," Joel said.  "The inspector said that the foundation is okay,
but the rest of the structure has to come down.  The house was built
post Hurricane Andrew so the foundation is almost indestructible."

"We're going to want it removed.  I think we'll start from scratch
so we can design the new house the way we want to," Don said.  "How
about the seawall, is it in good shape?"

"Yes, there wasn't any damage to the seawall, the pool, or the
cabana," Joel said.

Leaning closer to the speakerphone, Sam said, "Have you made
arrangements with the bank so we can close?"

"Yes, I will email you the information after we're finished here,"
Joel said.

The men finished their business.  Before hanging up, Marc said, "How
are the kids doing?"

"I assume they're fine.  Laura and I took a lot of pictures when
they were at the house.  I'll send them to you," Joel said.  "All of
the girls looked great and the guys looked very handsome.  Laura made
food for them so when they get to your house, they'll have something
to eat."

"Great, thanks, Joel.  We'll see you soon.  Let us know when we need
to come down for the closing," Marc said.

The conversation ended.  Everyone said goodbye to Joel before Jerry
hung up.  The men went into the living room to visit with the women.

"It looks like we're on track for the new property," Don said after
sitting on the couch next to Marge.  "Joel is handling everything
down there."

"Joanne, it looks like you're going to have another house to
decorate this summer," Anne said.

"I'll see if I can fit you in.  I've picked up several new clients,"
Joanne said and then she chuckled.  "Just let me know what you want
and when you want it."

"Are you still planning to let the kids help with the design of the
house?" Anne said as she looked at her brother.

"They'll help, but with a lot of guidance.  I want to make sure the
house is something we can sell if we decide to," Don said.

Jerry offered the group fresh drinks.  He went to the small bar in
the family room to mix drinks for his friends.  Liz passed the drinks
out as Jerry finished mixing them.

"How are Lisa and Megan doing?  I haven't seen them in awhile,"
Marge said as she accepted her cocktail from Liz.

"They're doing well, Marge.  Now that they are living together in
Bob and Dianne's old house, I don't see much of Megan.  She stops by
a couple times a week and I have gone to her house to visit her," Liz
said.  "She seems very happy."

"I talked to Bob yesterday.  He said the golf course is ready to
open as soon as the weather improves.  He said he already has lessons
booked.  The clubhouse is finished and Bob has his new inventory.  It
looks as if things are moving smoothly for him," Marc said.

"We'll have to book a round.  I wonder if Bob will give us a
discount," Don said.

"What would you like to drink, Joanne?" Liz said.

"Um, I'll have a soda, Liz," Joanne replied.

"Not drinking tonight?" Anne said.

Joanne took Sam's hand.  She glanced at him and then smiled.  Sam
winked at his wife and chuckled.  "I won't be drinking alcohol for
awhile," Joanne said with a smile.  "I'm pregnant."

"Wow, when did you become pregnant?" Marge said.  "Oh, and

"Sam and I found out a week ago.  I missed so I bought one of those
home tests.  When it showed positive, I went to the doctor and he
confirmed that I am indeed pregnant," Joanne said.

The women made a fuss over Joanne's news.  Don, Marc, and Jerry
shook hands with Sam, congratulating him.  The men gave Joanne hugs
and told her they were happy for her and Sam.

"When are you due?" Liz asked as she placed her hand on Joanne's

"January, maybe the end of December," Joanne replied.

Chuckling, Liz moved her hand up to Joanne's breast.  "Are you going
to breast feed?"

"I want to.  It depends on the baby and my ability to produce enough
milk," Joanne said as she smiled and leaned against Liz's hand.

Liz gave Liz a kiss on the cheek.  "I'm so happy for you and Sam. 
Have you had any morning sickness yet?"

"No, not yet.  Sam and I are going to start on the nursery as soon
as we know what we're having," Liz said.

"Marge and I didn't know until the kids were born.  I liked it
better that way, I liked the surprise," Anne said.

"Sam and I have decided to find out.  As I said, I want to remodel
one of the bedrooms as a nursery," Joanne replied.  She smiled at her
friends and took a deep breath.

"Sam and I also talked about the parties we have, you know, the sex
parties.  We don't want to stop until we have to," Joanne said.

Liz, Marge, and Anne laughed.  "You have certainly changed, haven't
you, Jo?" Liz said.

"Yes, and I like it."  Joanne giggled and said, "So does Sam.  We
love to talk about the things we used to do while we're making love. 
I still get tingly when I think about the first time we all did it

"That was a wild night, wasn't it?" Marge said.

"It was a wonderful night for me.  I discovered that I could live
out some of the fantasies I have, or should I say, I used to have. 
Sam's and my sex life has never been better," Joanne said.

"It's amazing how much fun sex can be when you realize it isn't
wrong to enjoy it, isn't it?" Marge said.

"Yes, it sure is fun.  I can't believe I bought into all those
things my mom told me.  Once I learned that sex and love are two
different things, I was able to enjoy both completely.  I know that
Sam loves me and he knows I love him.  Now when he looks at another
woman, I don't get all weird and jealous.  I know he isn't going to
cheat on me," Joanne said.

Liz pointed at the mini skirt Joanne wore.  "You've changed the way
you dress too."

Giggling, Joanne said, "Yeah, Sam loves me in short skirts and tight
tops.  I don't own a pair of pantyhose anymore."  Joanne lifted her
skirt to show the woman her stockings.  When the men whistled and
cheered, she wiggled her hips.  "Sam likes me to wear stockings and
garters.  If you ask me, Sam has a lingerie fetish."

"Honey, I think all men have a lingerie fetish!  I know that Marc
and Don do.  Marge and I are forbidden to wear pantyhose," Anne said.
She smiled at Joanne.  "Don doesn't allow it."

"Sam and I have a sexy clothes fund.  We save money and then he
takes me shopping.  While we're shopping, I show him each outfit
before we buy it.  We've been caught in the same dressing room a
couple times," Joanne said.

Liz chuckled and said, "Sam sounds like Jerry.  My hubby has been
telling me what to wear ever since we got together with Marge, Anne,
and their husbands.  Frankly, I love the fact that Jerry has become
involved.  It has added to our relationship."

Don walked over to where the women sat.  He winked at Joanne, put
his hands on her knees, and pushed her skirt up.  His fingers stroked
Joanne's outer thighs.  "I didn't get to see you flashing the
others," Don said.

Joanne grinned.  "Like what you see?"

"You bet I do.  You have sexy legs," Don said as he continued to
stroke Joanne's legs.

"If you keep that up, you're going to get me all hot and bothered,"
Joanne said while looking up at Don.

"Well, I can stop if you don't want me to turn you on," Don said as
he moved his thumbs to Joanne's mons.

"You don't have to stop, but you're going to have to take care of me
after you crank me up," Joanne said.

Don knelt on the floor in front of Joanne.  He moved his hands up,
gripped the waistband of her panties, and began tugging on them. 
Joanne lifted her butt so Don could remove the garment.  Don removed
Joanne's panties, carefully working them over the high heels she wore.

"My, what a nice pussy you have, miss," Don said as he stroked
Joanne between her legs.

Joanne pulled her skirt up around her waist.  She parted her legs,
giving Don access to her sex.  Don leaned forward and licked the
length of her vulva.  Joanne let out a stifled moan as Don's tongue
teased her.

"Damn, I need some of that," Liz said.  She stood up and removed her
slacks and panties.  Before sitting down, Liz took off her top and
bra.  She looked across the room at the other men and chuckled.  "Do
any of you handsome men want to take care of me?"

Marc stood up.  He moved across the room and leaned over so he could
give Liz a kiss.  Marc's hands went to her breasts as his tongue
pressed into Liz's mouth.  Liz reached for Marc's belt.  She
continued to kiss Marc as she undid his pants.  Liz tugged Marc's
pants down and wrapped her hand around his stiffening penis. 
Standing up, Marc removed the remainder of his clothes.  He took
Liz's hand, pulling her to her feet.

Sitting on the couch next to Joanne, Marc guided Liz to her knees. 
He gripped his penis and rubbed it against Liz's lips.  She opened
her mouth, taking him in.

Sam and Jerry got up to join the fun.  Jerry and Marge moved to
another couch.  Sam began kissing Anne and undressing her.

A few moments later, the four couples were all naked.  The room
became a sea of naked bodies, filled with the sounds of moans, noisy
sucking, and slapping flesh.  For the next hour, they enjoyed sex
with one another.  The group swapped partners several times.  Once
the men couldn't perform, the women cuddled together.  They lapped at
each other, cleaning up one another's sated sexes.

At midnight, the group decided the beds would be more comfortable. 
Pairing up, they went upstairs.  Before going into separate rooms,
the husbands and wives kissed each other.  Joanne took Don's hand,
leading him into one of the bedrooms.  Marc and Marge shared another.
Jerry took Anne to his room while Liz and Sam went to the room that
used to be Megan's bedroom.

* * *  *

Tom watched as Molly slowly lowered her dress.  He gazed at the
frilly pink bra she wore as the dress gathered at Molly's waist. 
Molly stepped out of the dress, allowing Tom to see the rest of her
lingerie.  Molly's panties and garter matched her bra.  Leaning over,
Molly picked up her dress.

"Do you want to hang your dress in the closet?" Tom said.  He felt
like his throat was constricted.

"Yes please," Molly replied, feeling her cheeks warm.

Tom pointed at the closet.  Molly opened the door, found a hanger,
and hung up her dress.

"Um, do you want to use the bathroom first?  I planned to take a
shower before I went to bed.  I'm sweaty from dancing," Tom said.

Molly nodded.  She went to her bag and looked inside.  Realizing she
hadn't brought anything to sleep in, Molly turned to Tom.

"I didn't bring anything to sleep in."  Molly looked down.  "I
thought I would be sleeping with Eddie and Kathy."

"You can go sleep with them, Molly," Tom said.

Shaking her head, Molly said, "Um, they said they wanted to be alone

Tom went to his dresser.  He opened a drawer and pulled out a long
tee shirt.  From another drawer, he pulled out a pair of running
shorts.  "Here, these should fit you," Tom said as he handed the
items to Molly.

"Thanks, I'll be out in a few minutes," Molly said and then she went
into the bathroom.

Molly removed the rest of her clothes.  She took the pins out of her
hair and shook her thick red tresses until they began to uncoil. 
Stepping into the shower, Molly turned on the water.  She stepped
under the spray, letting the warm water cascade over her head and
down her body.  While shampooing, Molly began to cry.  She didn't
understand why Kathy and Eddie rejected her or what Tom expected. 
For the first time that night, Molly felt she'd made a mistake by
going to the prom.

It wasn't that she didn't enjoy dinner and the dance.  She loved it.
It had been wonderful dancing with Tom as well as the others. 
Molly's only regret was that she wasn't in bed with Eddie and Kathy. 
She had been planning since she decided to go to the prom.

By the time she finished in the shower, Molly stopped crying.  She
dried off and then used the blow dryer on her hair.  As she dressed
in the tee shirt and shorts, Molly decided that she would have sex
with Tom.

Tom hung his tuxedo on the hangers and waited for Molly to come out
of the bathroom.  He paced the room, turning down the bed for
something to do.  His penis was once again flaccid.  He became
aroused while watching Molly undress.

Molly came out of the bathroom.  She forced a smile and said, "It's
your turn."

"Thanks, I'll be finished in a few minutes," Tom said as he walked
past Molly and into the bathroom.  He closed the door and began to
remove his boxers.  Realizing he hadn't grabbed something to wear to
bed, Tom went back into the room.

"I forgot something to wear," Tom said as he found a pair of nylon
shorts in his drawer.

Molly, sitting on the edge of the bed, nodded.  Tom returned to the
bathroom so he could shower.  While standing under the showerhead,
Tom began fondling his penis.  He stroked himself until he came. 
While he jacked off, Tom thought about Molly.

"I'm finished," Tom said as he came out of the bathroom a few
minutes later.  He glanced at the bed, noticing that Molly had
stretched out and covered herself.

Turning off the light, Tom got into bed.  The light from the
bathroom illuminated the room.  Molly rolled onto her side, facing
Tom.  She scooted closer and kissed him.  Tom put his arm around
Molly and kissed her back.

"Thank you for coming down to take me to the prom.  I had a
wonderful time," Molly said.

"So did I, Molly.  It was fun dancing with you tonight," Tom replied.

Molly put her hand on Tom's chest.  Rubbing him slowly, she moved
her hand toward his crotch.  When her hand ran over his genitals, Tom
reached for Molly's hand.  He pulled it away and placed it on her
hip.  Tom kissed Molly tenderly and then moved away.

"Molly, you don't have to do anything.  Just going to the prom with
you was great," Tom said.  He gave her another kiss.  "It's been a
long day and I'm kind of tired."

Hugging Tom, Molly kissed him again.  "Thank you," Molly said.

Tom returned Molly's hug and kiss.  "You know, it isn't that I don't
want to-I do.  It's just that I think we should take our time and see
what happens.  I don't want you to feel you own me anything.  I came
down here to take you to the prom.  I don't expect anything else."

Molly felt her eyes fill with tears.  She nodded, kissed Tom and
then rolled over.  Molly hugged her pillow, her back to Tom.  After a
moment, Tom rolled away on to his side.

Molly heard Tom's breathing change, followed a few moments later by
his soft snoring.  She smiled, wiped her eyes, and tried to sleep.  A
groan and then Erin's scream jolted Molly.  She listened carefully as
the sounds of Erin and Frank's lovemaking filtered though the wall
from the next room.  Giggling to herself, Molly folded the pillow
over her ears and fell asleep.

The next morning, Molly woke up to the sounds she fell asleep to. 
She could hear Erin and Frank next door, and wondered if they had
slept at all.  Glancing over at Tom, Molly sat he was stretched out
on his back.  She watched him sleep for a few moments and then
smiled.  Molly scooted closer to Tom, resting her head on his chest. 
She put one leg over his, cuddling against his side.  Tom stirred,
rolled toward Molly, and put his arm around her.  His hand came to
rest on her hip for a moment before it moved to her bottom.

Molly wondered if Tom knew it was her, or if he thought he was in
bed with Kim.  Tom wiggled a bit, finding a comfortable position. 
Molly put her arm over Tom's side and scooted as close as she could. 
Her leg was scissored between his and she could feel his morning
erection.  Molly couldn't seem to get close enough to Tom.  She moved
her body, trying to eliminate any gaps between them.

Tom shifted again.  He kissed the top of Molly's head, letting his
lips linger in her hair.  "Morning, Molly," Tom mumbled.

Molly squirmed.  "Good morning.  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to wake
you up."

"That's okay.  I have to get up anyway."  Tom removed his hand from
Molly's butt, sliding it up her back.  "Nature calls."

Tom slipped out of Molly's grip.  He got up and went into the
bathroom, closing the door behind him.  When we returned, Tom sat on
the edge of the bed.  "Your turn.  I'm going to take a shower when
you're finished."

Molly giggled, climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom.  She
came back into the bedroom and sat next to Tom.

"Is everything okay, Molly?" Tom asked.  "I hope I didn't do
anything to upset you last night."

"You were a perfect gentleman all night.  Thank you again for a
wonderful time," Molly said.

"I had a great time too.  I'm going to jump in the shower.  I think
we're taking the boat out this morning," Tom said.  He stood up and
started for the bathroom.  Pausing, Tom turned around and smiled at
Molly.  "Want to wash my back?"

Molly giggled as she nodded her head.  She jumped off the bed and
walked toward the bathroom.  Tom walked in, followed by Molly.  He
turned on the shower, removed his shorts, and stepped into the stall.
Still giggling, Molly stripped so she could join him.

Tom wet his head and then stepped aside so Molly could get under the
spray.  He picked up the soap, rubbing the bar between his hands. 
Stepping up to Molly, Tom put his arms around her and began washing
her back.  Molly looked up at Tom, smiling as she pressed her chest
against him.

"Mmmm, nice ass," Tom mumbled as his hands moved down Molly's back
and rubbed her butt.

Molly giggled and said, "You've told me that before."

"I meant it," Tom said.  He dropped to one knee so he could wash
Molly's legs.

Molly looked down, watching Tom run his soapy hands up and down her
legs.  He washed one and then the other, but didn't go high enough to
wash her crotch.  Molly parted her legs so Tom could touch her, but
he didn't.  He began washing Molly's stomach and sides.  Standing,
Tom covered her breasts with his soapy hands.  He coated her breasts
with suds while looking in Molly's eyes.

"Nice tits," Tom said with a grin.  He removed his hands, moving
them to Molly's shoulders.

Giggling, Molly said, "I think my boobs are still dirty."

Tom laughed and returned his hands to Molly's breasts.  He massaged
her, feeling Molly's nipples harden against the palms of his hand. 
Molly put her hands on Tom's shoulders for support.

"I think you missed a spot," Molly said when Tom tried to hand her
the bar of soap.

"Do you want me to?" Tom asked.  Molly grinned as she nodded.  Tom
ran his hand between Molly's legs, washing her vulva.  He did his
best not to make it sexual.  "There you go."

Molly took the soap from Tom.  She giggled as she washed his body
from head to toe.  Molly didn't hesitate when she reached Tom's
crotch.  She spent several moments running her hands over his
genitals.  Tom's penis had been erect, but when Molly fondled him, it
became even harder.

"Want me to shampoo your hair?" Molly asked.

When Tom nodded, Molly picked up the bottle of shampoo.  She poured
a small dollop in her hand and began massaging it into Tom's hair. 
Molly pressed her breasts against his chest as she stood on her toes
so she could reach.  Tom put his hands on Molly's hips, holding her

Tom shampooed Molly's hair after she finished with him.  They rinsed
their bodies and got out of the shower.  Tom gave Molly a towel and
took one for him.  They stood staring at one another as they dried
off.  Molly began drying her hair.  She watched Tom shaving while
pointing the blow dryer at her head.

Molly pulled a brush through her thick hair while drying it.  Tom
finished shaving and then brushed his teeth.  Moving behind Molly,
Tom wrapped his arms around her waist.  His hands gently stroked
Molly's stomach, tracing the contour of her slight bulge.  His
fingertips came close to the small tuft of pubic hair, but he didn't
touch Molly's mons.  Stepping back, Tom winked at Molly.  She winked
at him as they traded smiles in the mirror.

"I'm going to get dressed so we can get some coffee," Tom said.  He
dropped his head and kissed Molly's shoulder.

"Okay, I'm finished.  My hair is dry enough," Molly said.

In the bedroom, Tom found a pair of boxers in his drawer.  Molly
pulled the clean bra and panties she'd packed out of her duffle bag. 
While they dressed, Tom and Molly talked about the prom.

"I'm glad there wasn't any trouble with Lenny," Molly told Tom as
she fastened her bra, turned it around her middle, and pulled the
straps over her arms.  She straightened her bra and situated her
breasts in the cups.  It amazed Molly that she felt so comfortable
getting dressed with Tom.  It wasn't the first time they had seen
each other naked, but it was the first time they were alone.

"Yeah, so am I.  I think those guys knew better," Tom said.

When they finished dressing, Tom and Molly made the bed before they
left the room.  They went out to the living room and found Jenny and
Brad sitting on the couch.  Jenny and Molly traded grins.  Kathy and
Eddie came out and said good morning to everyone.

"Are Erin and Frank up yet?" Jenny said.

Molly giggled and said, "They were earlier.  I could hear them
fooling around."

Jenny went to the bedroom Erin and Frank slept in.  She knocked on
the door and stood waiting for someone to answer.  Frank opened the
door and smiled at his cousin.

"Are you two going to get breakfast or are you going to stay in that
room all day?" Jenny said.

"We're coming, Jen," Frank said.

Erin came to the door.  She greeted Jenny and then the three of them
went to the living room.  They went to the main house, finding Laura
in the kitchen.

"Hi, kids, coffee is on.  Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. 
I didn't know what time you'd be up so I haven't started cooking
yet," Laura said.

Molly went over to her mom.  Molly gave Laura a hug and said,
"Morning, Mom, thanks for fixing our breakfast."

"Good morning, Honey.  Did you have a good time last night?" Laura
said as she looked at her daughter.

"Mom, it was great!  I'll tell you all about it later," Molly said.

The teens poured juice and coffee for themselves and then sat at the
table.  Molly made sure her chair was next Tom.  Laura came to the
table with a large plate of her cinnamon rolls.  The othres told Erin
and Frank how good they were.  When Frank took a bite of one of the
rolls, he agreed.

Laura served bacon, sausage, and waffles for breakfast.  Jeri and
April came down to join the group.  The teens began telling Jeri,
April, and Laura about their night.  A few times, all four girls
talked at once.  Laura laughed and told the girls to slow down.

"Let's get the boat warmed up and ready to go," Eddie said after
finishing breakfast.

"Aren't you going to help with the dishes?" Jenny said.

"Don't worry about the dishes.  I'll take care of them.  You kids go
and have a good time," Laura said.  Jeri and April said they would

Tom, Brad, Eddie, and Frank headed to the boat.  The girls remained
at the table, finishing their coffee.

"How was your night?" Kathy whispered to Molly after Laura, Jeri,
and April left the table.

Molly smiled and said, "It was great."

Jenny and Kathy giggled.

"It's not what you think.  Tom and I just slept together.  You know,
close your eyes and sleep," Molly said.

Kathy got up, took Molly's arm and pulled her to her feet.  She led
Molly outside so they could talk.

"Didn't you want to fool around with Tom?" Kathy said.

"I never said that," Molly replied.

"You mean Tom didn't want to?" Kathy asked Molly.

"I didn't say that either.  Tom said he was tired.  He gave me a
kiss and went to sleep," Molly said.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie.  I thought you and Tom would get together,"
Kathy said.

"Kathy, I'm not the least bit sorry.  It was the perfect ending to a
wonderful night.  Neither of us, Tom nor me, felt obligated to do
anything."  Molly giggled and said, "We did take a shower together
this morning."

"Well, as long as you're happy, so am I," Kathy said.

"I hope you and Eddie had a good time," Molly said.  She wanted to
add 'without me,' but she didn't.

Kathy nodded.  Jenny and Erin came outside and the girls walked to
the boat.  Molly looked around for Tom.  She saw him heading up to
the bridge and followed him.  Tom stood at the helm and started
turning on the electronics.  Molly stepped up beside him and watched.

Glancing at Molly, Tom smiled and said, "Hey there."

Molly giggled.  "Hi, are we about ready to go?"

"Yup, I just have to start the engines and let them warm up.  Why
don't you do it?" Tom said.

Molly reached across Tom and fired up the port engine.  Tom moved
back a bit so she could see the gauges.  As Molly started the
starboard engine, Tom put his hands on her hips.  Molly cocked her
head so she could look up at Tom.  Smiling, Tom pulled Molly closer. 
He slid his arms around her waist, holding her against him.

"Are you going to tease me all day?" Molly said softly.

Tom turned Molly around.  Placing his hand under her chin, he tilted
her face up and gave Molly a kiss.  Tom began to hug her tightly as
he worked his tongue into her mouth.  Molly put her arm around his
neck and pulled Tom's mouth to hers.  They held the kiss for several
moments.  Tom backed off a little, kissed Molly's nose, and said,
"Yup.  Is that okay?"

Molly gave Tom a kiss and giggled.  "Yup."  Both of them laughed.

Tom went to the sundeck and looked down into the cockpit.  He saw
Eddie and told him the engines were ready.  Eddie nodded and began
casting off the lines.  Brad went forward to cast off the bow line.

Eddie came up to the bridge.  Tom walked back to the helm and stood
near Molly.  He watched Eddie give Molly a kiss.  While she kissed
Eddie, Molly looked at Tom.

"Okay, Tom, you ready to take the boat out?" Eddie said.

"Why don't we let Molly do it?" Tom said.

Nodding, Eddie stood next to Molly at the bridge.  He told her how
to use the engines and the bow-thruster to move the boat away from
the seawall and into the channel.  Molly acted nervous, but she
calmed down when Tom put his hand on her back and encouraged her.

"Good job, Sweetie.  Tom, would you take over please?  I want to
talk with Molly for a minute," Eddie said.

Tom took the wheel.  Eddie and Molly went below to the saloon. 
Kathy smiled at Eddie and Molly as she prepared a pot of coffee.

"Is everything okay, Molly?" Eddie said as he and Molly stood near

"Yeah, everything is fine.  Why do you keep asking me if I'm okay?"
Molly replied.

Eddie put his arms around Molly.  "Kathy and I are worried.  We
thought you and Tom would have some fun last night," Eddie said.

"We did have fun.  We had a great night," Molly said.

"You told me you and Tom didn't do anything," Kathy said.

"We did what we wanted to do," Molly said as she twisted out of
Eddie's arms.  "You two obviously didn't want me to be with you."

"That's not true.  We just thought that you would like to be with
Tom," Kathy said.

"What?  Tom takes me to dinner and to the prom so I was supposed to
have sex with him?" Molly said.  "I thought you were my boyfriend and
girlfriend.  Why did you send me to Tom's room in the first place?"

"Molly, Kathy and I didn't send you to Tom's room.  I just asked if
you wanted to spend the night with him.  Sweetie, you are our
girlfriend and we love you, but you're also our friend.  We want you
to be happy," Eddie said.  "If we screwed up, we're sorry-aren't we

Kathy gave Molly a hug.  "I'm so sorry, Molly.  I guess this all
turned out wrong.  We wanted to surprise you.  I thought you liked
Tom.  When Kim suggested that Tom come down to take you to the prom,
Eddie and I thought you would be happy about it."

Molly held onto Kathy.  She put her head against Kathy's shoulder
and began to cry.  "I'm so confused.  I don't know what I want or how
I feel.  I love you and Eddie and I don't want you guys to get mad at
me."  Lifting her head, Molly looked into Kathy's eyes.  "I do like
Tom, I like him a lot.  That's what makes everything so confusing. 
I'm afraid that if Tom and I…  I don't know-I just don't want to hurt
anyone, especially you, Eddie, or Kim."

"That wouldn't hurt me, Molly," Eddie said.  Kathy nodded in
agreement.  "We, the three of us, are proof that we can love more
than one person.  I don't get jealous or mad when you're with Kathy
and I don't think she gets mad at me when I'm with you."

Kathy giggled and said, "No, and I love watching the two of you

"So, if Tom wanted to-you know, you wouldn't care?" Molly said.

"What we care about is you, Sweetie.  Do what makes you happy and
Eddie and I will be happy for you," Kathy said.

"What about Kim?" Molly said shyly.

Kathy laughed and gave Molly a hug.  "It was Kim's idea to have Tom
come down here and take you to the prom."

Molly kissed Kathy on the cheek.  Keeping her mouth close to Kathy's
ear, Molly whispered, "I do like Tom.  I like him a lot."

Jenny came in the cabin to tell Kathy and Eddie they were ready to
fish.  Eddie nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go up to the bridge and
help Tom."

Eddie went up the steps to the bridge.  He told Tom they were ready
to fish.  "Have you been watching for birds?" Eddie said.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen any yet.  Do we have any waypoints we can
go to?" Tom said.

Eddie started pushing the buttons on the chart plotter.  He pulled
up a few waypoints that they marked on other trips.  "We can start on
any of these.  When we get close, call me on the intercom and slow
the boat to trolling speed."

"Will do.  Is everything okay with Molly?  I think she's mad at me
for coming down here," Tom said.

"Molly isn't mad at anyone.  She may be a bit confused, but she
isn't mad.  Tom, Molly likes you a lot.  She's just afraid of hurting
Kathy, Kim, or me.  Kathy and I told her that she should do what she
wants to do," Eddie said.

"This is a weird situation, isn't it?" Tom said.

"No, I don't think so," Eddie said.

"Does that mean you wouldn't be pissed at me if Molly and I became
closer?" Tom said.

"Hell no!  I think it would be great.  Tom, just don't do anything
that would hurt her," Eddie said.

"I wouldn't think of it, Eddie.  I just don't want Molly to think
she's everyone's girlfriend," Tom said.

"You know, I never thought about that.  I can see how she might feel
that way," Eddie said.

"I've been thinking about it.  The last thing I want to do is hurt
Molly or make her feel bad," Tom said.

"Yeah, I see your point.  What do you want to do?" Eddie said.

"I don't know yet.  I think I should take it slow and see how Molly
feels," Tom replied.

"What about Kim?"

"Kim and I have a good relationship.  Neither of us believes we're
going to spend the rest of our lives together, not as a couple," Tom

"The only thing that worries me is having all of this affect our
friendships.  I still like to fool around with Jenny once in a while
and I know that Brad and Kathy still have sex with each other.  I can
see how we might expand our horizons once you guys move down here." 
Eddie chuckled.  "This is going to be a great summer."

"I hope it's more than just the summer," Tom said.

"You've got that right!" Eddie said.  "I'm going to go down and help
get the rods set.  We're almost to our first waypoint."

Eddie went below to tell the others to get ready.  Jenny and Brad
told him they were ready and waiting.  Brad told Eddie they rigged
for Wahoo and dolphin.  Kathy came out and moved across the cockpit
to Eddie.

"I think Molly is okay now," Kathy said.

"Good, I think we should just drop it and let things take their
course.  Where are Erin and Frank?" Eddie said.

Chuckling, Jenny said, "They're in one of the staterooms.  From what
Erin said, they didn't get much sleep last night."

"I guess you can't blame them.  They don't get to see each other
very often," Brad said.

Tom turned the boat and slowed it down to trolling speed.  Molly
came up to the bridge, carrying a cup of coffee for Tom.  She placed
the cup in one of the holders and stood next to him.  Tom put his arm
around Molly's waist and said, "Thanks for the coffee.  Would you
tell Eddie that we're ready to fish?"

Molly nodded and used the intercom to tell Eddie and the others what
Tom said.  Tom smiled and picked up his coffee.  Taking a sip, he
told Molly it was good.

"I'm going to head up to the tuna tower.  I want to be able to see
better.  Do you want to go up with me?" Tom said.

"Sure," Molly said.  She watched Tom set the autopilot and then
followed him out to the sundeck.

"You go first, I'll follow you," Tom said.  He chuckled, adding, "I
want to watch your butt when you climb the ladder."

Giggling, Molly said, "I should have worn a skirt."

"I could wait for you to change," Tom said with a grin.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Are you kidding?  I'd love it.  Have I mentioned you have a nice
ass?" Tom said.

"Um, I don't remember.  Maybe you should tell me again," Molly said
and then she giggled.

"You have a nice ass.  In fact, you have a great ass," Tom said.

Molly turned to Tom and said, "I'll go put a skirt on if you want me

"That's okay.  I can still remember what I saw this morning.  Head
up, I'll be right behind you," Tom said.

Molly started up the ladder.  Tom watched her, smiling when she
looked down at him.  He started up when Molly was half way to the top
of the tower.  Tom reached up, handing Molly his coffee cup.  When he
got up to the helm, Tom uncovered the dash and checked the speed.

Tom looked down at the cockpit.  He could see the lines running
behind the boat and his friends watching them.  Tom took a sip of
coffee and set his cup down.  He put his arm around Molly, letting
his hand rest on her hip.  She glanced up at Tom and smiled.

"I love being up here when we're on the boat," Tom said.

"So do I.  You can see for miles when it's clear like this," Molly

Pulling Molly to his side, Tom said, "I like seeing what's close to

Molly giggled and then smiled at Tom.  "If you keep talking like
that, you're going to get kissed."

"One can only hope, can't one?" Tom said.

Molly turned so she faced Tom.  She put her arms around his neck,
stood on her toes, and gave him a kiss.  Tom held Molly, returning
the kiss.  Their mouths opened and their tongues began to intertwine.
Molly moaned into Tom's mouth.  He moved one of his hands to her
bottom and kneaded her cheek.

Eddie shouted, "FISH ON!" ending Molly and Tom's kissing.  Tom
peered down to see Kathy fighting a fish.  He turned off the
autopilot and began to steer.  Tom stood with his back to the helm
with one hand on the wheel and the other on the shifters.

Molly moved to one side and looked down.  "Get that fish, Kathy,"
Molly yelled.  She leaned against the railing watching the action

Tom kept the boat on course while Kathy fought the fish to the
stern.  Brad leaned over the transom and gaffed the thirty-pound
dolphin.  After he removed the hook from the fish, Eddie slid it into
the hold.  Jenny and Kathy reset the lines as Brad hosed down the deck.

"I love watching that.  It's like everyone knows what to do without
being told," Molly said.

"It is fun to watch."  Tom chuckled.  "It's almost as fun as
watching you lean over the rail."

Giggling, Molly wiggled her butt at Tom.  He reached out, giving her
a playful smack.  Molly turned around and said, "You brute!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Tom said.

"Well you did and I think you should kiss it better," Molly said and
then she giggled.  She moved closer to Tom and gave him a quick kiss.
"You didn't hurt me."

Smiling, Tom said, "I'll still kiss it better for you.  Do you want
to go down and fish?"

"No, I'd rather stay up here with you, if that's okay," Molly said.

"Cool.  I promise not to spank you again," Tom said.

Molly put her arms around Tom's waist.  She gave him a tender kiss
and then said, "Don't make promises I might not want you to keep."

Tom chuckled.  He put one arm around Molly and gently stroked her
bottom.  She leaned against Tom, hugging him closer.

Over the next hour, they caught two more dolphins.  Eddie asked Tom
is he wanted to take a break.  When Molly nodded, Tom told Eddie he
would like to come down for a while.

Eddie and Jenny took over on the tuna tower.  Tom and Molly stood in
the cockpit, waiting for the next fish to strike.  Erin and Frank
came out of the cabin to join the others.

"You're not going to be able to walk," Kathy told Erin.

"So what?  I'll have fun getting that way."  Erin grinned and put
her arm around Frank.  "Actually, we took a nap."

"That's because you two didn't sleep last night," Molly said.  "I
fell asleep and woke up hearing you guys going at it."

"We did get a little sleep, but not too much.  Erin and I haven't
seen each other in a while," Frank said.

"In that case, I guess it's okay," Molly said and then she giggled.

Tom saw one of the rods jumping in the holder.  He pulled it out and
let the fish take the hook.  Once Tom hooked the fish, he began to
reel.  Molly came over to Tom.  He smiled and offered her the rod. 
Shaking her head, Molly told Tom to go ahead and land the fish.

Molly encouraged Tom as he fought the fish.  When he managed to get
the fish close, Brad said, "It's a wahoo."

Kathy gaffed the fish.  With Molly's help, she pulled it onboard. 
Brad and Tom removed the hook so they could put it in the hold with
the other fish.

"It's you turn next, Frank," Kathy said.

"Okay, thanks.  This is great.  I love being on the boat," Frank said.

Erin stretched up to kiss Frank.  "I love being with you, Honey. 
This has been the best two days I've had in a long time."

"We still have most of Sunday too.  Our flight home isn't until
three tomorrow afternoon," Tom said.  "Are you guys planning to stay
at the house again tonight?"

"I haven't thought about it, but it would be great if we could.  I
have to make an appearance at home, but I think my dad will let me
stay again," Erin said.

Molly sidled up to Tom and whispered in his ear.  "I'd like to stay
too.  I think my mom will let me stay-if you want me to."

"That's cool, I'd like you to stay," Tom said.

A few minutes later one of the rods started jumping.  Brad grabbed
the rod, set the hook, and handed it to Frank.  Tom moved to the
transom to watch Frank fight the fish.

"Tom seems like a nice guy," Erin said.  "This is the first time
I've had a chance to spend time around him."

"I think Tom is very nice," Molly said.

"So, what's going on between you two?" Erin said.

"We're friends, that's all.  You already know he came down to take
me to the prom.  Did you know that it was Kim's idea?  Um, Kim and
Tom are sort of a couple," Molly said.

"I know, Jenny told me everything.  I think it was sweet that he
came down here for that.  I also think it was great that he brought
Frank with him," Erin said and then she giggled.

"Tom, Jack, Kim, and Sally are all great.  They never make you feel
as if you're beneath them.  Sometimes I forget they're rich," Molly

"I think it is so cool that Aunt Laura is working for Tom's family. 
My dad said she is very happy," Erin said.

"It bothered me at first, but I'm over it.  If it makes Mom happy
who am I to say it's wrong?  Things have gotten better for Mom.  She
has a job she loves and now she is getting married to Joel," Molly

Frank landed the dolphin he fought while Molly and Erin talked. 
Once the fish was on the deck, Erin went over to see it and tell
Frank that he did well.  Frank gave Erin a hug, holding her to his
side.  Brad and Tom put the fish in the hold and then Kathy hosed
down the deck.

"Let's call it a day.  We have enough fish for now," Brad said.  He
walked to the bulkhead so he could use the intercom to tell Eddie.

Tom, Brad, Jenny, and Molly reeled in the lines.  They rinsed the
tackle before stowing it.  Eddie and Jenny came down to the bridge
for the trip back to the house.  After securing everything in the
cockpit, the rest of the group went up to the bridge.

"Do you want us to make sandwiches for lunch?  We brought some of
the meat and cheese from the house," Kathy said.

Everyone agreed that food sounded good.  The girls went down to the
galley to prepare lunch while the guys stayed at the bridge.  Eddie
headed the boat toward the inlet.

"This is a great boat.  I can't believe how much bigger it is than
your last boat, Eddie," Frank said.

"We still have the other boat.  Dad changed the name to 'Lady
Guinevere Too' as in also.  He said that he and Mom wanted to have
something they could go out on when they wanted to.  This boat is a
fishing machine.  Jenny, Kathy, Brad, and I helped design it.  We
didn't know we were designing it for us," Eddie said.

"It looks like you could stay out on this boat for a month.  It has
all the comforts of home," Frank said.

"We could and we hope we'll have a chance to do just that.  We're
fishing in a few money tournaments this summer.  We have sponsors
now.  Sally has come up with an idea to make videos and a television
show.  Did you know we had a film crew aboard on our last tournament?
They made a pilot for ESPN's outdoor show," Brad said.

"If you think this boat is big, you should see Tom and his family's
other boat.  It's a huge yacht," Eddie said.  "My dad's company built
it for them."

"How big is it, Tom? Frank asked.

"She's one hundred forty five feet with the swim platform and
cockpit.  Her beam is twenty-five feet," Tom replied.

"Holly shit, that is big, isn't it?" Frank said.

"Yeah, and it's gorgeous!  You wouldn't believe how nice the
interior is.  It looks more like a home than a boat," Brad said.

Tom felt uneasy as he listened to Brad and Eddie telling Frank about
the boat.  He interrupted and said, "Next time you come down, we'll
go out on Tomiko.  That's the name of the yacht.  We plan to charter
her as a business."

The girls came up with the food.  They set it up on the sundeck and
then Jenny told the guys lunch was ready.  Kathy fixed a plate for
Eddie and took it to the bridge.  "I'll eat with you after I fix my
plate," Kathy said.

Eddie set the autopilot so he could use both hands to eat.  Kathy
took the seat next to Eddie and began to eat.  On the sundeck, the
rest of the group sat at the table on the sundeck.

"What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" Jenny said.

"Frank said he would like to go swimming if that's okay," Erin said.
"We have to go by my house, but maybe we could go later this

"I love to swim, but I don't get much of a chance at this time of
year.  We get to swim in school, but only twice a week," Frank said.

"I think going swimming is a great idea.  What do you guys want to
do about dinner?" Tom said.

The teens talked about the remainder of the day.  Molly went to the
bridge to let Eddie and Kathy know the plan.  They agreed and said it
would be fun.  Before she returned to the sundeck, Molly said, "I
plan to spend the night with Tom tonight."

"If that's what you want, I'm all for it," Eddie said.  Kathy smiled
and nodded her head.  Molly giggled, turned around and went back to
sit with Tom.

"I hope Molly isn't doing this because she's mad at us," Kathy said
after Molly left.

"Molly isn't mad, Eddie.  I think she is afraid of hurting us if she
falls for Tom," Kathy said.

"Falls?" Eddie said as he raised his eyebrows.

Kathy giggled and said, "Yeah, I know.  I should have said fallen. 
Now, we have to make sure Tom doesn't hurt her."

"I can almost guarantee Tom won't hurt Molly.  We talked earlier and
he said that was the last thing he wanted.  No matter how he feels
about her, he won't hurt her," Eddie said.

Eddie eased the boat against the seawall.  Brad, Tom, and Jenny
tended to the lines, securing the boat to the pilings.  Brad and
Eddie cleaned the fish while the rest of the group took care of the
power and water.  Tom and Molly worked together, swabbing the deck of
the cockpit.

"I just thought of something, we don't have a car here," Erin said. 
"How are we going to get home?"

"We can take the Suburban.  I'll drop you guys off and you can bring
your cars back," Tom said.

Tom went up to Jeri and April's apartment.  He knocked on the door,
got the keys from Jeri, and told her what he was doing.  Jeri smiled
and told Tom to have fun and to be careful.

The teens gathered their things from the house and climbed into the
Suburban.  Molly sat in front with Tom.  They stopped at Erin's house
first, dropping her and Frank off.  Tom drove to Eddie and Jenny's
next.  Brad and Kathy got out with Jenny and Eddie, telling Tom they
would see him and Molly in about an hour.

Molly gave Tom directions to her house.  While he drove, she
couldn't keep her eyes off him.  Whenever Tom glanced at her, Molly
smiled.  He pulled into the driveway and shut off the car.  Tom and
Molly went into the house.  Laura smiled when she saw the two teens.

"Hi, Mom.  All the kids are spending the night at Tom's house. 
We're going to swim and have pizza.  Can I go?" Molly said.

Laura chuckled.  "Hello, Molly.  Hello, Tom," Laura said.

"Hi, Mrs. Durham," Tom replied.

"I don't see why you can't go, Molly.  Do you want me to come over
tomorrow morning and make breakfast?" Laura said.

"Um, sure, but don't come over too early," Molly said.  "I'll be
back in a few minutes, Tom.  I have to hang up my dress, change, and
pack clean clothes for tomorrow."

Tom sat in a living room chair when Laura invited him to.  Molly ran
down the hallway to her room.  As soon as she hung her dress in her
closet, Molly pulled her address book from her purse.  She sat on her
bed, picked up the telephone, and dialed.

"Hello, this is Molly.  Is Kim there?" Molly said when someone
answered the telephone.