Trent and Kim leaned into each other.  Their lips met awkwardly, as
they cocked their heads.  Kim detected Trent's inexperience, but it
didn't deter her.  Kissing closed mouth, the two teens began moving
their heads.  A moment later, Trent pulled back.

"I haven't done much kissing," Trent confessed.

Grinning, Kim giggled.  "We'll have to practice."

Trent returned Kim's grin as he nodded his head.  He put his car in
gear, backing out of the parking space.  Kim sat sideways in the
seat, watching Trent shift gears.  He seemed distant to her.

"Are you okay?" Kim said.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Kim."

"You look like something's bothering you.  Didn't you like kissing
me?" Kim said.

"It was the best kiss I've ever had.  Like I said, I haven't done it

"You said you used to have a girlfriend.  Didn't you kiss her?"

"Yeah, we kissed a few times.  I went out with her because my best
friend asked me to double with him and his girlfriend.  We went out
for a couple months.  When my dad became sick, I spent most of my
time with him.  After Dad passed away, we started dating again.

"I guess I wasn't much fun.  I was so sad and couldn't think of
anything except Dad.  We went out a few more times and then she told
me she wanted to break up.  I spent all of my time finishing my car
after that," Trent said.

"Well, if she couldn't understand, you probably didn't need her
anyway," Kim said.  "Do you still think about her?  Is that what's
bothering you, Trent?"

Trent shook his head.  "I've had a great time today, Kim.  You guys
have treated me so nice.  I guess I'm wondering what's going to
happen now.  I mean, all of you are rich and I'm just a kid from
Iowa.  I don't think I fit in."

Kim told Trent where to turn as he drove toward the house.  She
started to giggle and put her hand on top of the hand Trent rested on
top of the shifter.

"You're funny," Kim said.  "Just a little over a year ago, my family
lived in a small house in the suburbs of Detroit.  Dad won the
lottery and things changed, but I haven't-none of us have.  My
parents have money, but that doesn't mean that we're spoiled brats or

"Trent, you can fit in if you want to.  We don't smoke, do drugs, or
get into trouble.  We fish, boat, and have fun.  I'm not telling you
to be something you're not, but I think that if you hang around with
us, you'll find you're no different from the rest of us."

"I smoke," Trent said.

"That's up to you.  Me, I don't like the taste or the smell of it. 
So, if you want to kiss me, you're going to have to brush your teeth
after you have one of those stinky things."

"Maybe I should try to quit," Trent said with a grin.  Kim giggled.

Trent stopped at a red light.  Kim stretched over and kissed Trent. 
They continued to kiss until the car behind them honked the horn. 
Laughing, Trent took off.

Jack, Tom, and the rest of the teens waited for Kim and Trent to
arrive.  They sat by the pool, talking about the yacht moored against
the seawall.  Molly waved at Erin, watching her cousin and Frank
washing the yacht.

"Hey, what did you two do, stop somewhere?" Jenny said when Kim and
Trent joined the rest of the group.

"Yeah, we checked into a motel," Kim said.  She giggled and stuck
out her tongue.

"No we didn't!" Trent said as he stood next to Kim and blushed.

"Don't mind them, Trent.  You'll get used to the teasing," Kim said.

"Hey, Trent, would you like to check out the fishing boat?" Brad said.

"Sure, I think I saw it already.  Is it the boat on the trailer by
the garage?" Trent replied.

"That's one of our boats.  Lucky Lady is the first boat our parents
bought," Kim said.

"It's all of ours," Jack said correcting his sister.  "We might use
that one for inshore fishing.  Come with us, we'll show you the boat
we're taking out tomorrow."

The teens walked down to the seawall.  Walking along the seawall,
Kim pointed.  "That's Lady Guinevere.  She's the fishing team's boat.
We'll take her out tomorrow morning."

Kim took Trent's hand.  The teens climbed aboard, gathering in the
cockpit.  They started talking, telling Trent about the boat.

"Let's go below and I'll show you the engine room," Tom said to Trent.

"I can't get over how big the engines are.  They must burn a bunch
of fuel," Trent said.  He leaned over, looking at one of the four

Eddie came into the engine room.  He and Tom showed Trent all of the
equipment, explaining each item.

"Who takes care of the engines and other things in the engine room?"
Trent asked.

"We do.  If we need anything major, we can take the boat to my dad's
boatyard so the mechanics can take care of it.  We take care of
changing the oil and things like that," Eddie said.

"I'd like to learn more about diesel engines," Trent said.

"If you decide you like fishing with us, you'll have your chance,"
Tom said.

Trent, Tom, and Eddie went back up to the cockpit.  They showed
Trent the pilothouse and sundeck.  Kim and the girls took Trent down
to the staterooms.  They showed him each of the rooms and the heads. 
As they gave Trent the tour, the girls taught him the proper names
for the things they showed him.

"Want to check out the tackle?" Kathy said.  "You have to learn
about that too."

Trent, feeling overwhelmed by all of the new information, as well as
the friendliness of the teens nodded.  He followed the girls up to
the salon and out to the cockpit.  For the next half hour, the teens
showed Trent the different rods, reels, tackle, and other things
they'd use while fishing.

Eddie sat Trent in the fighting chair.  Giving him a rod, Eddie
showed Trent how to fight a fish.  After a stint in the chair, Brad
helped Trent into one of the harnesses.

"There sure is a lot to know, isn't there?" Trent said while Brad
showed him how to use his legs to apply pressure on a fish.

"Yeah, but like anything else, the more you do it the better you
get.  If you like it, and start fishing with us, it'll become second
nature," Brad said.

Trent helped put the rods and reels away.  They stood in the
cockpit, telling him what to expect the following day.  Trent asked
questions and someone in the group answered them for him.

Kim stood next to Trent, both of them leaning against the gunwale. 
Tom told Molly to get everyone sodas and Jack told Sally to help her.
Trent glanced at Kim.  She smiled and said, "It's a long story."

Frank and Erin walked over to the boat.  Frank said hi, asking for
permission to come aboard.  Molly saw her cousin and Frank.  She went
back to the galley to get two more sodas.

"You guys did great today," Jack said to Frank and Erin.  "I'm glad
you two got the jobs."

"So are we.  Frank and I love it, don't we, Baby?" Erin said.

"You bet we do.  Jeri said that Erin and I could stay in the crew's
quarters.  We're going to," Frank said.

"April told us we have our first paying charter too.  We're taking
Mr. Stone and some of the people from his law firm down to the
Bahamas.  We're going to be out for a week," Erin said.

"How's Cindy doing?  I haven't talked to her in a long time," Eddie

"Cindy is good.  She and Kevin are still fighting all the time, but
if you ask me, they do it so they can make up," Erin said.

"Cindy and Kevin are going together.  Cindy's mom is going to marry
Erin's dad.  Eddie used to date Cindy," Kim said to Trent, keeping
her voice low.

Trent nodded.  He put his arm behind Kim, lightly touching her back.
Kim grinned as she slid closer to him.

"Did you guys get to meet Trent?  He's going fishing with us
tomorrow.  Trent and his mom just moved down here from Iowa.  Sid,
the man that owns the tackle shop we use, is Trent's granddad," Kim

Frank moved toward Trent.  He extended his hand, shaking Trent's
hand.  "I just moved down here too.  My mom and I used to live in
Ohio," Frank said.

"That's cool.  So, you and Erin work for Kim and the rest of them?"
Trent said.

"They work for April and Jeri.  April and Jeri run Tomiko," Kim
said.  "They're our friends."

"I thought that you, Jack, Tom, and Sally owned the boat," Trent
said to Kim.

"We do, but we hired Jeri and April to run it for us.  We don't know
enough about it to do it ourselves.  Not yet," Sally said.

Trent looked at Sally and then at Kim.  Jenny laughed and said,
"You'll get used to it, Trent.  We're always answering questions for
each other.  We're a team."

"I think it's wild that my mom knows your mom, Molly," Trent said.

"No kidding.  It's a small world, isn't it?" Molly replied.  Trent
nodded and smiled at Molly.

"If you get here early enough tomorrow, you'll get to sample Mom's
baking.  She works for Kim and Sally's parents," Molly said.  Trent
furrowed his brow.  "Mom takes care of their house."

"My mom works in the tackle shop with my grandpa," Trent said.  "Um,
I think I'm going to take a walk.  I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Going to have a smoke?" Kim said.  Trent nodded and Kim made a face.

"I can wait until later.  I don't have to go right now."

"I used to smoke too.  When I started hanging around with these
guys, I quit," Molly said.

"Does anyone smoke?" Trent said.

The group shook their heads and told Trent that none of them smoked.
"We don't allow smoking inside the boat.  You can do it outside
though," Brad said.

As much as he wanted to have a cigarette, Trent felt uncomfortable
smoking around the other teens.  "Back in Iowa, almost all of the
guys I hung around with smoked.  I don't know why I started."

"You probably smoked to be like your friends," Kim said.

Nodding, Trent said, "I started after Dad died.  He would have been
upset if he knew I smoked."

Kim slipped her arm around Trent's waist.  She bumped her hip
against his and giggled.  "Remember what I told you."

"What did you tell him, Kim?" Kathy asked.

"I told him I didn't like the taste of cigarettes and that I
wouldn't kiss him after he smoked unless he brushed his teeth."

Trent blushed.  The girls giggled.

"I think that would be a good reason to quit," Brad said.  "I've
never smoked, but kissing has to be much better."

"Is Trent a good kisser?" Jenny said.

Kim giggled.  She turned to Trent, stretched up, and kissed him. 
Trent stood frozen as Kim moved her mouth against his.  Breaking the
kiss, Kim said, "Yup, he's good at it."

Trent blushed.  His face turned so red that he could feel the heat. 
The rest of the teens chuckled.  Kim stood next to Trent with her arm
around his waist.

"You have to forgive my sister, she's shy," Jack said.  Everyone
laughed at that.

"Trent, if you hang around with us, you'll find out that none of us
are very shy.  We like to have fun.  Oh, and don't take the teasing
seriously," Eddie said.

"This is much different from what I'm used to.  Back home, I hung
around with a bunch of guys.  Some of them had girlfriends, but they
weren't like you guys are.  If someone said something about another
guy's girlfriend, there would be an argument or a fight," Trent said.
"It wasn't mean things.  They'd go at it if someone said another
guy's girl was cute."

"That crap won't fly with us.  None of us gets jealous or mad about
something someone says.  We don't get nasty either.  We're friends
and friends don't get pissed off over silly things like that," Tom

"I used to date a possessive jerk.  If another boy even looked at
me, he wanted to start a fight.  It sucked big time!" Molly said. 
"Tom doesn't get pissed off if one of the guys says I have a nice

"That's because you do have a nice, butt, Molly," Eddie said.

Tom laughed and said, "Yeah, you have a nice ass and great boobs too."

"Hey, what's wrong with our butts and boobs?" Kathy said.

"Nothing, all of you have great bodies," Brad said.

Trent shook his head.  Kim giggled, and pulled him against her side.
The group laughed and continued to tease each other.

"We better get back to the yacht.  We'll see you guys later," Frank

"Do you and Erin want to go fishing tomorrow?" Jenny said.

"Thanks, but we have to work tomorrow.  April said that she wanted
to change a few things.  We learned a lot about where we keep things
and how it would be better," Erin said.  "We'll go another time."

Frank and Erin said goodbye to everyone and left.  The rest of the
group decided to go up to the house.  As they walked, Kim held
Trent's hand.  She slowed, letting everyone walk ahead of her and

"I hope we didn't shock you too much," Kim said.  She stopped
walking, turned to Trent, and looked up into his eyes.

Chuckling, Trent said, "Um, no, not too much.  You guys are very
different from my old friends."

"Good different or bad different?"

"I guess it's good.  All of you seem to say what's on your minds. 
I'm not used to that.  My old friends used to badmouth each other
behind each other's backs.  It was stupid," Trent said.

"We don't say things we wouldn't say to each other's faces.  I can
tell anyone if something they do upsets me.  We talk and work it out
rather than harboring grudges or things like that.  When we fish,
we're together for a long time in close quarters.  There's no room
for petty crap," Kim said.

Kim and Trent began walking again.  "It shocked me when you said you
wanted to kiss me," Trent said.

"Why?"  Trent shrugged his shoulders.  "Didn't you want to?"

"Yes, but I guess I expected that we'd go out a few times and stuff
like that first," Trent said.

Kim giggled.  "I know, but why?  I mean, we could go out, get
something to eat, and go to a movie.  We could park and make out. 
After a few dates, you might try to feel me up.  I might let you. 
You spend a bunch of money trying to impress me and get me to do
things with you.

"Trent, I'm not a slut, but I do know what I want and what I like. 
You may not know it, but girls want to do things just as much as boys
do.  I guess some girls make boys jump through hoops, but I think
that's wrong.  What's the sense in spending all that time and money
only to find out that you're not compatible with a girl?

"I'm not talking about sex either.  To me, sex isn't a bargaining
chip.  I would never lead a boy on, making him think that if he does
nice things for me that I'll fool around with him.  As far as I'm
concerned, girls that do that are the real sluts.  I know I keep
telling you that we're different, but that's because we are.

"The last thing any of us wants is for you to feel uncomfortable
around us.  You have to feel as if you fit in and we have to feel the
same about you.  We get there by talking and doing things together. 
I think it's easy to see that we're very close friends."

"I don't know what to say.  I'm having the best time I've had since
my dad died.  For once, I've been able to have fun without becoming
sad about Dad.  He was my best friend, Kim.  When he died, I felt as
if I'd lost everything."

Trent looked away, blinking the tears from his eyes.  Kim noticed. 
She wrapped her arms around Trent's waist, resting her head on his
shoulder.  Kim rubbed his back, letting him compose himself again. 
Trent relaxed and hugged Kim.  Neither of them said a word for
several minutes.

"Dad and I used to spend hours out in the garage working on my car. 
Almost every day, he came home from work and we ate dinner.  As long
as I'd completed my homework, we'd go out and work on the car for a
few hours.  He taught me so many things about cars and about life.

"When he died, I felt so angry that I couldn't see straight.  I
turned into an asshole.  Mom tried to help, but she couldn't.  I
started hanging around with a few guys that smoked and drank.  For
almost a year, I acted up and caused Mom a lot of grief.  I've
finally came to grips with Dad's death.  I brought my grades back up
and stopped getting into trouble.  Then we moved down here because
Mom lost her job.

"I thought it would be hard to meet people and find friends.  My
grandpa asked me to go to the fishing club meeting.  He didn't tell
me too much about it, but said he knew some people that might take me
fishing.  That's when I met you guys.  Since then, my life has been a
whirlwind.  I've been out on a yacht, met you, and now I'm going

"You can see why I'm feeling overwhelmed, can't you?" Trent said.

Kim looked up and nodded.  She stared into Trent's eyes, smiling
back when he smiled at her.  Kim moved one of her hands to the back
of Trent's head.  She pulled his mouth to hers, kissing him.  Trent
returned the tender kiss.  Kim opened her mouth, swiping his lips
with her tongue.  He stiffened for a moment, and then Trent relaxed
and opened his mouth.  He let out a moan when Kim flicked her tongue
around the inside of his mouth.

Trent grinned at Kim when they broke their kiss.  "That's the first
time I've done that.  A French kiss that is."

Kim giggled as she thought about all of the firsts she hoped to show

"I like it when you kiss me," Trent said.

"Well, that's going to have to change."  Kim giggled and gave Trent
a peck on his chin.  "You're going to have to start kissing me!"

"I don't want to make you mad."

"Sweetie, the only way you're going to make me mad is by not doing
what you want to do.  If we're going to be together, you have to
learn to go for what you want.  I can say no if you do something I
don't want you to do.  You can say no too.  All I ask is that you
stop if I do say no.  I promise that I will stop if you want me to,"
Kim said.

"I've never met anyone like you, Kim.  You're so sure of yourself,"
Trent said.

"Yup, that's me!  You're going to find out that all of us are like
that.  You'll get used to it."

Trent smiled.  He pulled Kim's mouth his, kissing her.  "I'm already
used to that," Trent said as he pulled his head back.

"Mmmm, me too!"

Kim and Trent continued to hold each other.  They shared a few more
kisses before heading toward the house.  Kim and Trent kept their
arms around one another as they walked across the yard.

Sitting on the patio with the other parents, Jodie watched her son
and Kim.  Laura put her hand on Jodie's arm and said, "It looks like
Trent has made at least one friend."

"I didn't think my son would work that fast," Jodie said.

Laughing, Marge glanced at Kim and Trent before looking at Jodie. 
"Hun, if I were to bet, I'd give odds that Kim is the one that's
making the moves on Trent.  When that girl sets her sights on
something, she can be relentless."

"I'm sure you're right, Marge.  Trent has always been shy."

"He'll get over that, Jodie.  These kids have a way of pulling
someone out of their shell.  I know that they did it for Molly,"
Laura said.

"Hi, Mom.  You should see the fishing boat.  It's great," Trent said
when he and Kim reached the patio.

"That's nice.  What time are you kids going out in the morning?"
Jodie said.

"We get up at around six.  I think we plan to leave at seven or so,"
Kim said.

"In that case, we should think about heading home so you can get a
good night's sleep.  Are you going to be able to get up that early?"
Jodie asked Trent.

"I'll be up, Mom.  I have to get the reels from grandpa before I
head over here," Trent said.

"Where is everyone?" Kim asked.

"They went to the guesthouse," Marge said.

Kim and Trent excused themselves.  They went through the main house
and out the back door.

"Jack, Tom, Sally, and I stay in the guesthouse," Kim said.

"Why don't you stay in the big house?" Trent said.

"We decided that it would be fun to have our own place," Kim replied.

Kim led Trent into the guesthouse.  The rest of the teens sat in the
living room, talking about where they planned to go the next morning.
Kim pointed at a chair and Trent sat down.  She sat on his lap.

"What should I bring to wear tomorrow?" Trent said when there was a
lull in the conversation.

"We usually wear sweats in the morning because it's cool.  Later,
when it gets warm, we wear shorts and tee shirts," Brad said.  He
chuckled, adding, "If we're lucky, and it's hot, the girls wear their

"Yeah, and then the boys can't keep their hands to themselves,"
Jenny said.

"Who wants them to?" Sally said with a giggle.

The teens sat around talking for a half hour.  Jodie came in to tell
Trent it was time to leave.  She left and Kim got off Trent's lap. 
She held his hand as she walked outside.

"I'll see you in the morning, Trent.  I've had a great day today,"
Kim said.

"Kim, I can't begin to tell you how much fun I've had today.  I
can't wait until tomorrow morning so I can see you again and go
fishing," Trent said.

Trent hugged Kim to his chest.  He gave her a kiss, as they ran
their hands over each other's backs.  Jodie came out of the main
house, paused, and watched her son and Kim for a moment.  When she
cleared her throat, Trent removed his arms from around Kim's body. 
She hung on, kissing him once more before letting go.

Trent and Jodie got into Trent's car.  He rolled down his window,
leaning his head out so he could give Kim a quick kiss.  Trent pulled
down his sun visor, grabbed the half pack of cigarettes that fell,
and handed them to Kim.

"Will you throw these in the trash for me please?" Trent said.  He
crushed the pack in his fist before handing it to Kim.

Kim took the cigarettes from Trent.  She smiled, gave him another
kiss, and said, "You better believe it!  When you get here tomorrow
morning, just come in the house.  We should be up.  Do you drink

"Yeah, I like it black," Trent said.

"I'll make sure we have a pot ready for you.  Bye, see you in the
morning," Kim said.  She straightened up, stepping back from the car.

Trent nodded.  He started the car, let it warm up for a moment, and
drove off.  Kim took the cigarettes to the trash, tossing them into
the can.  She went back into the guesthouse, told the others
goodnight, and went to her room.

"I take it you enjoyed yourself today," Jodie said as Trent drove.

"Mom, I had a blast!  Thanks for letting me go," Trent replied. 
"Did you have a good time too?"

"Yes, I had a wonderful day.  It was so nice seeing Ms. Durham
again.  Everyone was very nice.  Not at all what I expected."

"I know what you mean, Mom.  They're very nice, aren't they?"

"Yes.  I think you found one of them especially nice," Jodie said
with a chuckle.  When Trent blushed, she laughed.

"I like Kim a lot.  She's so different from any of the other girls I
knew back home."

"I'm sure she, as well as the other kids, are much different from
what you're used to.  I know the parents are."

"Maybe you'll get to know them better and have friends down here
too, Mom."

"I'm think that would be very nice.  I like them and would like to
become friends with them.  They told me that I'm welcome to come over
anytime I want to.  In fact, if you don't mind, I'm going to be there
when you get back from your fishing trip.  Mr. Graham invited me for
a barbeque."

"Why would I mind?" Trent said as he glanced at his mom.

"I don't know.  I guess I felt that you might not what your mom
around when you're with your friends."  Jodie chuckled.  "Most kids
don't want their parents hanging around."

"Mom, I don't think my new friends fall into the 'most friends'
category.  They're very different from my old friends."

"Is that how you feel about them-friends?" Jodie said.

"They treated me as if we'd known each other for a long time, Mom. 
Yeah, I think of them as friends.  Mom, could we stop at Walmart so I
can pick up a few things?  I need shorts and sweatpants for tomorrow.
I don't have shorts."

"Yes, we can stop for a few minutes, Trent."  Jodie smiled to
herself.  In the past, her son had always said that shorts were for
sissies.  She knew that Trent had just met the other teens, but she
felt that he was on his way to a new beginning.  It was all she could
to contain her joy when he gave Kim his cigarettes and told her to
throw them away.

Jodie helped Trent pick out several pairs of cargo shorts, new tee
shirts, and a pair of swim trunks.  He selected two pairs of
sweatpants, two sweatshirts, and a new windbreaker jacket.  She also
bought Trent a few pairs of khaki slacks and a duffel bag.

When they arrived at home, Jodie washed Trent's new clothing.  Trent
talked to his grandfather, telling Sid about his day.  Sid told Trent
that the reels were ready for him to take the next morning.  An hour
later, Trent went to bed.

Trent tossed and turned as he thought about his day.  He stroked
himself, revisiting the kisses he'd shared with Kim, but stopped to
think about the things that she'd told him about dating and their new
relationship.  Trent wasn't completely sure of what she meant when
Kim talked about dating.  He didn't know if she didn't want to date,
or if she felt it wasn't necessarily part of growing closer.  It took
a while, but Trent finally fell asleep.

"Dad, how much do you know about these people?" Jodie said as she
sat with Sid in the living room.

"Not too much, Jodie.  I met Mr. Graham and Mr. Lewis once.  They
came into the shop to establish an account for the kids.  Whenever
the kids come in, they're very polite.  I knew Eddie, Jenny, Brad,
and Kathy, but I haven't known the others very long.  Is there a

"No, I don't think so.  All of the women are very nice.  They're
frank, but nice.  They seem to have a very different view of life
from most people I know.  By the way, I ran into Laura Durham.  Do
you remember her?"  Sid shrugged his shoulders.  "We were friends in
high school.  She had a baby when she was sixteen.

"Anyway, it turns out that her daughter, Molly, is going with Tom
Lewis.  Molly is part of the fishing team."

"It's good that you're meeting some of your old friends," Sid said.

"Yeah, it was great seeing her again.  Dad, those families have a
very different view about raising teenagers.  None of them feels it's
wrong for their kids to have sex.  When the teens go away for their
tournaments, they all stay together on the boat.  I don't know what
to do about Trent," Jodie said.

"Just what do you think you can do?"

Jodie shrugged her shoulders.  "I guess I can't stop him from having
sex if he wants to, can I?"

Laughing, Sid said, "You'd stand a better of standing on the tracks
and stopping a fright train."

"The other moms say they'd rather know where their kids are instead
of worrying.  They also told me they don't like to put the kids in a
position that they have to lie."

"That sounds like good advice to me, Jodie.  If you remember, you
weren't always honest with Mom or me when you were a teenager.  Don't
kid yourself, we knew what was going on," Sid said.

Jodie chuckled and nodded.  She thought about her younger years, and
how guilty she felt when she told her mom and dad one thing, and did
something else.  Some things she could never admit to.

"Dad, I'm going to let Trent do what he feels comfortable doing and
see how it goes."

"I think that's a good idea.  I have to open at five thirty so I'm
going to bed," Sid said.

"I'll be up too, Dad.  Trent has to be at the boat early tomorrow

Jodie went to her room.  She stopped at her son's bedroom door,
listening.  Smiling when she heard Trent snoring, she went to bed.

Trent woke up when his alarm went off at five the next morning.  He
took a quick shower, put on his new sweats, and packed his duffel bag
with the things he felt he'd need.  In the kitchen, Trent greeted his
mom and grandfather.

"Do think you should take something so you don't get seasick?" Jodie
asked as she poured her son a cup of coffee.

"I don't know, Mom.  I'm going to try it without taking anything so
I'll know if I get sick or not."

"That's a good idea, Trent.  Listen, the reels are in that box." 
Sid pointed at a brown box on the floor near the door.  "Tell them
Andy said the new reels are on the way.  I'll spool them as soon as
they come in."

"Okay, Grandpa.  Are the new reels for the one hundred thirty pound
test line?" Trent said.

"Yes, that's them.  I see you remembered what you learned at the
meeting," Sid said.

Smiling, Trent nodded.

Trent sipped his coffee and watched the clock.  It seemed as if the
hands on the clock didn't move.  Jodie noticed how anxious he was
acting.  At five forty five, Trent rinsed his cup and put it in the
dishwasher.  He told his mom and grandfather goodbye, grabbed the
reels, his duffel bag, and left.

Trent parked his car and turned it off.  Glancing around, he
wondered if he'd arrived too early.  He checked his watch, noting it
was six fifteen.  Trent went to the door, opening it as Kim told him
to do.  He stepped in, listening for any sign someone was awake. 
Moving slowly, Trent walked toward the kitchen.  He heard the sound
of the coffee maker.

Moving into the kitchen, Trent froze in his tracks.  Kim stood at
the counter wearing a pair of bikini panties and a snug tank top that
didn't reach her waist.  Hearing Trent gasp, Kim turned around.  She
giggled and walked over to the stunned boy.

"Good morning, Trent."  Kim gave him a kiss on his cheek.  "The
coffee is ready.  The mugs are in the cupboard over the microwave. 
Make yourself at home.  I have to jump in the shower while there's
still hot water."

Trent tried to say something, but nothing came out.  Kim hugged him
and kissed him on the mouth.  Pressing herself against his body, she
felt Trent's erection against her stomach.

"Um, good morning, Kim," Trent managed to choke out.

"I'll be right back.  You can sit in here or in the living room,"
Kim said.  She tightened her arms around Trent and then let go.

Trent stood in the kitchen watching Kim's butt as she walked away. 
He took a deep breath, walked to the counter, and poured himself a
cup of coffee.  Trent went to the table, placing his mug on it before
sitting down.  A moment later, Sally came into the kitchen.

"Hi, Trent, I see you have your coffee," Sally said.

"Hi," Trent replied as he looked up.  "How are you…" he stopped mid
sentence when he saw Sally standing there with a towel wrapped around
her waist.  He tried not to stare at her naked breasts, but couldn't
remove his eyes from the sight before him.

"I have to get Jack his coffee or he'll be a bear.  See you in a
few," Sally said as she turned around and poured coffee into two mugs.

Trent couldn't gather his thoughts.  As Sally left, Tom and Molly
came in.  Trent felt relieved that they were both dressed.  Tom sat
at the table while Molly got coffee for him and herself.

"Morning, Trent.  Are you okay?" Tom said.  Trent nodded and then
Tom laughed.  "I forgot that you're not used to us yet.  None of us
are shy around each other."

"You'll get used to it," Molly said with a smile.  She put a mug in
front of Tom and said down.

"That's what everyone keeps telling me.  I'm not sure I'll ever get
used to all of this," Trent said.

"Sure you will.  It might take a day or two though.  I assure you
that no one is trying to shock or embarrass you, Trent.  This is how
we are and we don't change it, not for friends," Tom said.

While Tom talked to Trent, Jenny and Kathy came into the kitchen. 
They said good morning and got their coffee.  Kathy started another

"I think Sally shocked Trent this morning," Molly told the other two

"How, did she come in here naked?" Jenny said.

"No, she had a towel around her waist," Trent said as he blushed.

Trent sat quietly listening to the girls talking about what they
planned to wear that day.  The rest of the group began filtering into
the kitchen, each of them greeting Trent.  When Kim came in, she took
a chair next to Trent.

"I heard Sally surprised you this morning," Kim said as she smiled
at Trent.  He blushed and nodded.  Kim giggled.

"I know, I know, I'll get used to it," Trent said.

"Oh I don't know about that, Trent.  I don't think I'll ever get
used to watching Sally, or anyone else, walking around showing off
their boobs," Eddie said.

Giggling, Jenny said, "I'd be worried about you if you did, Eddie."

The teens finished their coffee.  Kim took Trent's hand, pulling him
to his feet.  "It's time for breakfast.  Let's go," Kim said.

When the teens walked into the kitchen, Laura placed a platter of
hot muffins on the table.  The teens filled coffee cups and poured
orange juice before taking their seats.  Marge and Anne stood at the
stove, frying eggs and sausage.

"These are amazing," Trent said after taking a bite of a muffin.

"I know.  They're so good.  Molly's mom bakes for us all the time,"
Kim said.

Marge served the scrambled eggs and sausage.  Anne placed a platter
of toast on the table for the teens.  As they ate, Trent began
relaxing.  He joined the conversation, asking questions when someone
said something he didn't understand.  After eating, the teen took
their dishes to the sink.  They rinsed them, placing them in the

"I have the reels in my car.  My grandpa said the new reels should
be in soon and he said he would spool them when they arrive," Trent

"That's cool.  We'll grab them on the way to the boat.  Thanks for
bring them," Jack said.

The teens told the adults goodbye.  Don and Mark came in as they
were leaving.  Don reminded the teens to be careful and to have a
good time.  They went to Trent's car to get the reels and his duffel
bag.  On the way to the boat, Trent asked about the vacant lot.

"There used to be a house there.  The owner burnt it down for the
insurance money, but they caught him.  Our parents bought the
property and plan to build another house on it," Tom said.

Trent glanced around at the property.  He could see where the
contractor had started the work.

On the boat, Jenny and the girls went into the cabin to make coffee
and start the engines.  Eddie and Brad pulled the rods from a locker
so they could remount the reels.  Trent watched as the other boys
placed the reels into the reel seats and tightened them.

"What are the clamps for?" Trent said as he watched Eddie fasten a
clamp to the bottom of the reel.

"They're to make sure the reels don't come off the rods.  The reel
seats are strong, but the clamps insure the reels stay attached,"
Eddie said.

Tom gave Trent one of the rods.  He showed him how to thread the
line through the line guides and then showed him how to tie on the

"We use a special knot to attach the leader to the main line.  We
use twenty-five feet of two hundred pound test leader.  When we fish
a tournament, we mark the leader three feet from the hook.  You have
to cut the leader within three feet of the hook or you get a
penalty," Tom said.

"Why don't you just remove the hook?" Trent said.

"We try, but when we fish for billfish it isn't always possible to
remove the hook.  We also have to tag the fish.  We'll show you how
to tag if we hook a sailfish today.  We're planning to fish for
dolphin and wahoo," Tom replied.

Yoshi came up to the side of the boat.  "Try to catch a nice dolphin
for dinner tonight.  We're having a barbeque and your parents are
inviting friends," Yoshi said.

"We'll see what we can do," Jack said.

"Thank you," Yoshi said as he turned to leave.

Jenny fired up the twin diesel engines.  Trent jumped when the
engines came to life.  Jack and Brad tended to the lines, showing
Trent what they were doing.  Jack disconnected the electrical and
water so Jenny could pull away from the seawall.

"Who's driving?" Trent asked as the boat began moving.

"I don't know.  You can go up and see if you want to," Eddie said. 
"We'll start rigging after we get bait and head out."

Trent went up to the bridge.  He stood near Jenny, watching her
operate the boat.  Kim came up behind Trent, hugging him.

"Did you guys finish with the rods?" Kim asked.

"I think so.  Eddie said we have to rig them after we get bait,"
Trent said.

"I'm going down for coffee.  Would you like some?" Kim said.

"Sure, I'll go with you," Trent said.

Kim and Trent went down to the cabin.  He grabbed his duffel bag,
held it up, and asked where he should put it.

"Come with me.  We'll put it in one of the staterooms," Kim said.

Trent followed Kim down to the staterooms.  She opened one of the
doors and said, "You can leave it in here, Trent."

"Thanks, Kim."

"So, I guess Sally sort of shocked you this morning," Kim said with
a giggle.  "She can be crazy at times."

"Um, yeah, she did shock me.  Sally embarrassed me too."

"I told you we're different, Trent.  When you spend time on a boat,
you can't worry about modesty."

"We weren't on the boat and I didn't expect to see anyone like
that," Trent said.  He stared at his feet.  "I've never seen a girl's
breasts before."

Giggling, Kim said, "Well, all girls have them.  It's not a big deal."

"That's easy for you to say," Trent said and then he laughed.

Kim hugged Trent.  She gave him a kiss, probing his mouth with her
tongue.  He kissed Kim back and held her close.

"Are things going too fast for you Trent?  Because if they are, I'll
back off," Kim said.

Trent shrugged his shoulders.  "I don't think so.  I mean I really
like kissing you and being with you.  I never thought I'd kiss a girl
that's as cute as you are, Kim.  You drive me crazy."

Giggling, Kim said, "Good, I like driving you crazy.  You make me
feel that way too.  I get all tingly when we kiss."

Trent stared into Kim's eyes.  "I feel like I'm going to burst." 
Trent kissed Kim for a moment.  "I guess we should get back."

"Yeah, we should go back now."  Kim hugged Trent and then they
kissed again.  She backed up a little and giggled.

Kim and Trent went back to the galley to get their coffee.  Trent
went to the cockpit while Kim went up to the bridge.  Jenny pulled
the boat alongside the bait boat so they could fill the livewell with
pinfish and ballyhoo.  Eddie and Jack transferred nets full of the
baitfish into the livewell.

"Have a good day," the man in the bait boat said after Tom paid him
for the fish.

Tom called up to Jenny, telling her they were ready to go.  She took
off, heading for the inlet. She guided the boat through the choppy
water into the open ocean.  Kim came down to get Trent and take him
to the bridge.

"Want to take her for a while?" Jenny said to Trent.

"Sure, but I don't know what I'm doing," Trent replied.

"Just take the wheel and get a feel for it.  Don't over steer or
grip the wheel too tightly," Jenny said.

Trent moved into position.  He took the wheel from Jenny and held it
firmly.  Jenny told him to relax.

"She's very responsive, Trent.  Make a slight turn to port to see
how she reacts," Jenny said.

"Um, port?"

"Left.  Port is left, starboard is right.  You can remember it by
thinking about port wine and the fact port has four letters, just
like left does.  There are red lights on the port side of the boat
and green lights on the starboard side," Kim said.

Trent made a gentle turn to port.  When Jenny told him to, he turned
to starboard.

"That's wild.  This boat turns a lot tighter than I thought it
would," Trent said.

Kim moved next to Trent.  "If you plan on fishing with us, you have
to learn how to operate the boat and everything about it," Kim said.

Trent pointed at the dash and chuckled.  "That looks like a lot to

Kim began pointing at the dash.  She told Trent what each instrument
was and how they used it.  She explained the radar, the chart
plotter, and the other things.  Changing one of the displays, Kim
showed him the gauges for the engines, generators, and other
equipment in the engine room.

Jack came up to the bridge.  He wrapped his arms around Sally,
pulling her back against him.  She giggled, turned in his arms, and
gave Jack a kiss.

"We're ready to start rigging the baits if you want to learn how to
do it," Jack said to Trent.

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute," Trent replied.  Kim took the
wheel so Trent could go down to the cockpit with Jack.

"Sorry about flashing your boyfriend this morning.  I didn't know
Trent was in the kitchen," Sally told Kim.

"That's okay.  I think he liked it," Kim said with a giggle.  "Trent
is so shy it's cute."

"I'll bet he won't be shy when you get through with him," Jenny said.

"Who me?" Kim replied.

"So, I guess you like him then," Kathy said.

"What's not to like?  He's cute and I think he's sweet," Kim said.

"I think he's nice," Molly offered.  "Do you think he'll like

"Only time will tell, Molly.  I hope he does," Kim said.

In the cockpit, Trent watched Jack and Eddie rigging the small
baitfish.  Tom and Brad stood next to Trent and began talking about
how they'd be fishing.

"We'll use teasers to attract the fish.  When we spot a fish, we'll
send a live bait back and try to get the fish to switch.  When we're
fishing, we have someone up on the sundeck or the tuna tower watching
for the fish," Brad said.

"Why don't you troll with the live bait?" Trent asked.

"We could, but the live baits don't last very long when we do. 
That's why we use the teasers.  The teasers are lures without hooks. 
When we fish for billfish, we use lures with hooks, but we also tease
them up and then send out a lure with a hook," Tom said.

"I can't believe how much there is to learn," Trent said.

"That's part of the fun.  We try different things and use what works
for us," Brad said.

"Okay, your turn," Eddie said to Trent.  "Rig one of the ballyhoo."

Trent netted one of the six-inch fish from the livewell.  He used
the copper wire to attach one of the large circle hooks to the
baitfish.  When he finished, he showed the bait to Eddie.

"Yup, that's how you do it," Eddie said.  "Now all we need are fish."

"How do you know where the fish are?" Trent asked.

"We watch for birds and for junk floating on the water.  The birds
dive into the water to feed on baitfish.  Where there's baitfish, we
usually find fish we want to catch.  The bait fish will gather under
floating debris and we'll troll near the junk," Jack said.

"Let's get a cup of coffee or something," Tom said to Trent.

Tom and Trent went into the cabin.  They walked over to the galley,
filling their cups with coffee.

"How are things between you and Kim?" Tom said to Trent.

"Okay I guess.  She's hard to figure out," Trent replied.

Tom laughed and nodded his head.  "Kim is a very straight forward
girl.  Sometimes she is hard to read, but normally, you'll know
exactly what she wants.  Don't let her scare you, Trent."

"I'm not scared of her, but I don't want to piss her off either."

"There's one thing I can say for Kim, she will tell you what's on
her mind.  Don't be afraid to push her a little.  If anything, she
enjoys it," Tom said.

"I don't want her to smack me for being fresh," Trent said.

Laughing, Tom said, "She'll smack you if you're not fresh with her. 
Kim likes you a lot, Trent.  I wouldn't worry about pissing her off."

"How do you know she likes me?  Did she tell you?"

"No, but I can tell.  Kim wouldn't be kissing you and staying so
close if she didn't like you.  Kim isn't a tease, Trent.  She won't
lead you on and then smack you down.  I know, Kim and I used to be a
couple," Tom said.  "Let me tell you what kind of girl she is."

Tom went on, telling Trent about Kim insisting that he take Molly to
the prom.  He told him that they were still close, but not the way
they used to be.  Trent listened, finding it hard to believe that Kim
would do something like Tom described.

"Why did she do that?" Trent asked when Tom finished.

"Because she knew I liked Molly and because she wanted to move on. 
I don't know if Kim is looking for a committed relationship or not. 
It's hard to tell."

"I just don't want to go too fast," Trent said.  "I've never done
much with a girl.  Shit, I've kissed Kim more in two days than I
kissed the girl I used to go with during our entire time together."

"Don't worry about going too fast.  If anything, you should be
worried about not going fast enough with Kim.  I'll let you in on a
secret.  Tits and ass," Tom said.

"What's that mean?"

"Kim loves to have her boobs played with and her ass held and
squeezed.  It drives her nuts," Tom said.

"You're not trying to set me up, are you?"

Tom laughed and shook his head.  "The next time you kiss her grab
her butt and squeeze it.  See what happens."

"I'll get slapped, that's what will happen."

"You're wrong, Trent.  Trust me.  She won't slap you.  She may
attack you, but she won't hit you," Tom said.

Trent shrugged his shoulders.  He and Tom returned to the cockpit to
sit with the other guys.  Kathy leaned over the rail and yelled down
to them.  "Hey, we see birds ahead.  Get ready to set the lines."

"Come on, it's show time," Tom said to Trent.

"Tom, you and Trent take the starboard side.  Jack and I will take
the port side.  Brad can help Trent and Tom," Eddie said.

"We have to wait for the boat to slow to trolling speed.  Look
ahead, you can see the birds diving," Brad told Trent.

Trent leaned over the gunwale and looked forward.  He saw the flock
of seabirds diving into the ocean.  The boat turned toward the bird
and slowed.

Tom gave Trent a rod.  He told him how to free spool the reel,
letting the teaser out.  Tom told Trent to lock the reel and put it
in a holder when the teaser was about fifty yards behind the boat.

"This is the switch for the outrigger.  You have to release this
locking clip before you lower it."  Brad showed Trent how the
outrigger worked.  "We use the outriggers to widen the spread of our
teasers.  When someone spots a fish, they'll yell out its position. 
If you hear 'starboard rigger' you'll know that the fish is following
the teaser we'll put out on this outrigger."

Brad helped Trent send out another teaser and attach the line to the
clip on the outrigger.  Once they set the two rods, the boys stood
back.  Brad moved one of the pitch rods to a holder on the transom. 
He let the bait dangle in the livewell to keep it fresh.

"Fish on the port rigger," Kathy yelled from above the cockpit.

"Here you go Trent.  Just let the bait out the same way you did the
teaser.  I'll clear the lines," Jack said.

"This isn't our side of the boat," Trent said as he took the rod
from Jack.

"That's okay, you're our guest, and you get the first fish," Jack

Trent listened to Jack's coaching as he fed the bait back to the
fish.  Jack cranked on the teaser rod, working the fish closer to the

"He ate it!" Kathy screamed from the sundeck.

"Okay, Trent, be patient now.  You have to wait a few seconds before
the fish will hook itself.  When you feel it taking line, flip the
lever, and hang on.  If it's large, we'll get you into a harness,"
Eddie said.

Brad and Tom cleared the lines on the starboard side of the boat. 
The reel started screaming and Trent flipped the lever.  He held on
tightly as the fish made its first run.

"Keep the rod tip up and crank when you can.  When you start gaining
line, lower the rod tip while cranking and then pull back," Jack said.

Trent did as Jack told him.  The fish came out of the water, making
several jumps.  "It looks like a nice dolphin, Trent.  When the fish
jumps, crank like mad and take up the slack.  You don't want it to
toss the hook," Jack said.

"Do you want a harness?" Eddie asked Trent.

"Not right now, I think I can handle it," Trent said.

Kim scurried to the cockpit to watch Trent fight his first fish. 
She stood on the mezzanine, bouncing as she watched.  Kim called out,
giving Trent encouragement.

Trent fought the fish for twenty minutes before getting it close to
the stern of the boat.  Tom stood ready with a long gaff, waiting for
Trent to bring the fish into range.  Trent continued to wind in line,
pulling up on the rod.  Tom leaned over the transom and snagged the
fish.  Brad helped Tom hoist the dolphin into the cockpit.

"Let me take that for you," Eddie said as he took the rod from Trent.

"That was amazing!  I never knew a fish could fight so hard," Trent
said.  He leaned against the transom, catching his breath.

Brad removed the hook from the fish's mouth.  Kim told her Tom to
get his camera so he could take pictures of Trent's fish.  She went
down to the cockpit and over to Trent.

"You did great!" Kim said.  "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay.  I'm tired, but that's all.  I can see why you guys work
out now.  That was harder than I thought it would be," Trent said.

"Tom's getting his camera so he can take your picture.  You have to
hold your fish," Kim said.

Brad hooked a scale into the mouth of the fish.  Lifting it, he
asked someone to read the scale.

"Forty six pounds.  Nice fish," Eddie said.

"How big do they get?" Trent said.

"The state record is something like seventy seven pounds.  Most of
the dolphins we catch are smaller than this one.  We might pick up a
wahoo today.  They can go over a hundred pounds," Eddie said.

Tom told Trent to hold his fish.  He took a few shots and then Kim
stood next to Trent.  She put her arm around his waist and smiled. 
Brad put the fish into the hold.  Jack and Eddie began resetting the
lines.  Brad and Trent reset the starboard side.

Kim pulled out the wash down hose.  She held it for Trent so he
could rinse his hands.  They went into the cabin so Trent could wash
with soap.

"Congratulations on your first saltwater fish," Kim said.  She put
her arms around Trent, hugging him.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever done.  Well, fishing that is. 
Back in Iowa, the fish I caught weren't much bigger than the bait we
used," Trent said.  He put his arms around Kim and kissed her.

"I'm glad you had fun.  So, do you think you're going to like
fishing with us?"

"Heck yeah!"

Kim giggled.  She stretched up, planting a kiss on Trent's mouth. 
Remembering what Tom said, he moved his hands to Kim's bottom.  Trent
rubbed her cheeks for a moment and then gripped them.  Kim moaned
into Trent's mouth.  She jumped up, wrapping her legs around him.  In
order to keep her from falling, Trent gripped Kim's butt tighter.

Breaking the kiss, Kim slid down until her feet hit the deck.  She
leaned into Trent and gave him another open mouth kiss.

"Mmmm, how did you know I love to have my butt squeezed?" Kim said.

Trent was going to tell her he didn't know, but he remembered the
things Kim said about honesty.  "Um, Tom told me," Trent said.

"Oh he did, did he?  What else did he tell you?" Kim said as she

"Well, Tom said you like your breasts touched too," Trent said.

Giggling, Kim said, "Do I?"

"I don't know."

Taking Trent's wrists, Kim placed his hands over her breasts.  She
pressed them into her chest, giggled, and said, "Hmmm, it seems I do
like this."

Trent gently massaged Kim's breast.  She smiled and then gave him a
kiss.  He removed his hands after a few moments and grinned.  Kim
looked into Trent's eyes and said, "Did you like that as much as I

"More I'll bet," Trent said.

Kim giggled.  She lowered the zipper of her hoodie sweatshirt,
exposing her breasts to Trent.  "Do mine look as good as Sally's
boobs did?"

"Oh my God, they're beautiful!"  Trent covered Kim's naked breasts
with his hands.  He sighed as he massaged her firm mounds.

Giggling, Kim pulled away.  She zipped her sweatshirt and said, "We
better get back."

Trent nodded and then followed Kim out to the cockpit.  Holding
Trent's hand, Kim walked over to Tom.  She pulled his head down and
kissed his cheek.  "Thanks, Tom!"

Kim giggled.  Trent blushed as Tom broke out laughing.  "Didn't I
tell you?"

"Tell him what?" Jack said.

"I told Trent that Kim liked her butt squeezed," Tom replied.

"Who doesn't know that?" Jack shot back, causing Trent to blush even

"Don't let these two get to you, Trent.  They're just jealous that
you're playing with my butt and they're not," Kim said.

Everyone in the cockpit laughed.  Kim gave Trent a quick kiss and
went up to the bridge.  She started laughing the moment she walked
over to the helm.

"What are you laughing about?" Sally said.

"Our brothers are teasing Trent.  Tom told him I liked my ass and
boobs touched.  Trent found out it was true," Kim said.

"That poor boy is going to have a hardon all day, Kim.  You're such
a tease," Jenny said.

"Maybe you should take care of it for him," Molly said.

"Yeah, maybe I should," Kim said.  She giggled, thinking of how
Trent would react if she played with his penis.

In the cockpit, Trent and Tom stood against the gunwale watching for
a fish to rise.  Kathy stood above them, gazing out into the prop
wash behind the boat.  They trolled for another hour before deciding
to look for another place to fish.  Tom, Eddie, Brad, Jack, and Trent
reeled in the lines.  They lifted the outriggers, locking them into

Brad went up to the bridge.  He moved behind Jenny, putting his arms
around her.  "Let's look for another place, Baby.  We haven't raised
anything in over an hour," Brad said.  He moved one of his hands
under Jenny's sweatshirt.  "Maybe you can have someone else take over
and we can find something to do."

Jenny giggled.  "Hmmm, what do you have in mind?"

Sliding his hand into her pants, Brad said, "We could see if my dick
will fit in here."  He moved his finger against her labia.

Jenny looked back over her shoulder.  "I think that's a good idea. 
Hey, Sally, would you take the helm please?"

Sally took the wheel.  Jenny and Brad went down to the staterooms
and went into the one they normally used.  They pulled back the
covers on the berth, stripped, and climbed in.

"Where did Brad and Jenny go?" Eddie asked Sally.

"I think they're taking a nap, or something," Sally replied.  "Where
should we go?"

"Why don't we head in and try to find a weed slick?"  Eddie stood
next to Sally, watching the chart plotter.

Sally turned toward shore.  Eddie watched the sonar, looking for any
sign of baitfish.  "Start making lazy S turns, Sally.  We should be
able to find something," Eddie said.

Molly went down to the galley for fresh coffee.  She took her full
cup out to the cockpit, sitting on the mezzanine next to Kim and
Trent.  Tom saw her and sat with them.

"Hey, there's a bunch of baitfish on the sonar.  Should we set up
and troll?" Sally said to Eddie.

"You bet we should.  Start your course and I'll tell the others,"
Eddie said.

Eddie went to the cockpit.  He told Jack, Tom, and Trent that they
were going to set up.  The four boys started deploying the teasers. 
Trent and Jack set up the port side of the boat, making sure the
teasers were set properly.

"You did great, Trent.  You remembered everything we showed you,"
Jack said.

"Thanks, I'm trying to learn how to do this," Trent replied.

"Molly, let's go up and watch for fish," Kim said.  The two girls
went up to the bridge and out to the sundeck.

A few minutes later, Kim saw a shadow in the water.  She called down
to the boys, telling them there was a fish following the starboard
teaser.  Eddie grabbed one of the pitch rods.  He gave it to Trent,
telling him to get ready.

Trent listened to Kim calling out the location of the fish.  Eddie
started working the teaser, luring the fish into range.  He told
Trent to send the bait out toward the fish.  Trent dropped the bait
into the water, free spooled the reel, and let the bait move away
from the stern.

Eddie cranked in the teaser.  The fish hit the bait and Trent waited
for a moment before setting the hook.  He began reeling, taking up
the slack in the line.  As soon as the fish felt the resistance, it
made a long run.  The reel screamed against the drag.  Trent held the
rod tip up, waiting until he could crank on the reel and gain some of
the line the fish stripped from the reel.

"That's a big sail," Jack said as the fish tail walked across the

"Wow, it looks huge," Trent said.

"That's too big to be a sailfish.  I think you have a marlin hooked
up.  You better get into the chair," Eddie said.

Trent moved to the chair.  He went to hand the rod to Eddie, but
Eddie shook his head.  "When we fish a tournament, the person that
hooks the fish has to fight the fish.  No one can touch the rod or
help," Eddie said.  "Now is as good a time as any to learn.  Keep
tension on the fish and back into the chair.  Put the rod butt in the
gimbal and then you can fasten the straps to the reel."

Doing what Eddie told him to, Trent maneuvered into the fighting
chair.  Eddie handed him the straps, but let Trent attach them to the
reel eyes.

"Do you remember what we showed you yesterday?" Eddie said to Trent.
He nodded.  "Good.  Use your legs and back.  Lean forward while
reeling and then push with your legs and pull back on the rod."

Holding the rod with his left hand, Trent cranked the reel with his
right hand.  He lowered the rod, cranking in the slack, and then
pulled back.  The fish came up again, startling Trent.  Eddie stood
behind the fighting chair, giving the novice instructions.

Tom grabbed his camera.  He stood in the corner of the cockpit
leaning against the transom.  Holding the camera to his eye, Tom
waited for the fish to jump again.

Trent fought the fish for thirty minutes.  He felt the fatigue in
his arms, but kept fighting.  Jack opened the hatch covering the
cockpit controls.  He called up to Sally, telling her he would take
over.  Sally and Molly came down to join the rest of the group.  Kim
and Kathy watched from the sundeck, cheering Trent on.

"Where have you been?  You're missing all the action," Eddie said to
Jenny and Brad.

"Not all the action," Jenny said and then she giggled.  "What's up?"

"Trent is hooked up with a big fish.  I think it might be a blue
marlin.  It's too big to be a sail," Eddie said.

Jack watched the forward facing camera on the display on the cockpit
console.  He made sure there weren't other boats in their path.  Jack
shifted his concentration from the display to the action in the water
behind the boat.  He made turns, trying to gain line on the tireless

Kim told Kathy she was going down to the cockpit.  On her way
through the cabin, Kim grabbed a couple bottles of water.  She knew
that Trent would be thirsty.

"How are you doing?" Kim said to Trent.

Trent held the rod, putting pressure on the fish.  "I'm okay.  This
fish is fighting hard."

"I brought you some water.  Are you thirsty?" Kim said.  Trent
nodded, but kept his eyes trained on the water.

"Here you go, Sweetie," Kim said.  She gave Trent one of the bottles
of cold water.  He took it with his right hand, tipped it up, and
drained half of the bottle.

"Thanks, that hit the spot," Trent said as he handed Kim the bottle.

"I'll keep it here.  If you want another drink, just tell me."  Kim
stepped back to watch Trent.

"I think the fish is tiring," Eddie said.  "Try to reel in more
line, Trent."

Trent began reeling down, puling back, and repeating the process. 
The fish made a few more runs, but they weren't the reel stripping
runs the fish made earlier in the fight.  Jack put the boat in
reverse, backing down on the fish.  Water splashed over the transom,
but no one cared.

"There's the leader," Tom said.  He reached out and touched the
leader.  "It's a caught fish!  Now, get it close so I can get a few

It took another twenty minutes to bring the fish along the starboard
side.  Brad wrapped the leader around his gloved hand, keeping the
long blue marlin under control.  Trent managed to get out of the
fighting chair so he could look at the fish.

"That's the biggest fish we've caught on the boat," Eddie said.  "It
has to be over eight feet long.  Let's get it into the cockpit so we
can measure it."

Brad and Eddie worked the fish through the transom door and into the
cockpit.  They told Trent that they normally didn't take billfish out
of the water, but they wanted to take a few measurements.  Tom
continued snapping pictures while Trent, Brad, and Eddie measured the
fish.  Kim noted the measurements on a pad of paper.  Trent knelt
next to the fish so Tom could take his picture with it.  Brad placed
a tag in the fish.

"Let's get this thing back into the water," Eddie said.  He and Brad
slid the fish back through the transom door.  Brad held the fish by
its long bill, forcing water through its mouth and over its gills.

Jack kept the boat steady, moving forward at about five knots.  Brad
moved the fish's head back and forth, waiting for it to revive.  Ten
minutes later, the fish broke away from Brad's grip.  Everyone stood
along the gunwale, watching it disappear into the depths of the blue

Eddie was first to give Trent a high-five and congratulate him.  One
by one, the other boys did the same thing.  Kathy, Molly, Sally, and
Jenny chose to give Trent hugs and quick kisses.  When it was Kim's
turn, she hugged Trent tightly while kissing him.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Kim said to Trent.

"I don't know.  What am I forgetting?" Trent said.

Kim giggled and said, "You're forgetting that I like your hands on
my ass."

Trent laughed and moved his hands to Kim's bottom.  "Is that better?"

"Mmmm, yes, much better," Kim said.  She kissed Trent again and they

"Let's calculate the weight of the fish," Eddie said.

"How do we do that?" Trent asked as he continued to hug Kim.

"I have a formula.  We square the girth and then multiply it by the
length.  Then we divide the results by 800.  So, the girth is 55
inches.  Fifty-five squared is 3,025.  The length is 102 inches.  One
hundred and two times 3,025 is 308,550.  That divided by 800 is three
385 pounds.

"The fish weighed 385 pounds, give or take a few pounds," Eddie said.

"Holly shit!" Trent said.

"Yeah, and you caught it on eighty pound test line.  If we'd been
using the one thirty, the fight wouldn't have lasted as long," Sally

"Jenny, did you turn on the cockpit cameras this morning?" Kim said.

"You bet I did.  We have it recorded," Jenny said.

"What cockpit cameras?" Trent said.

Kim pointed to the cameras mounted around the cockpit.  "We record
everything when we fish tournaments.  It helps settle disputes," Kim

"Are you ready for another one?" Brad asked Trent.

"Not for a while, Brad.  My arms feel like Jell-O," Trent said.  "I
need to take a break.  Thanks for letting me catch that fish."

Kim hugged Trent from behind.  "You did great, Trent."

"I just did what everyone told me to do.  On my own, I would have
never been able to land the fish.  Why didn't we keep it?  It might
have been a record or something."

"The state record for a blue marlin is over a thousand pounds,
Trent," Eddie said.

"I think we should head into shallow water so we can anchor and have
lunch," Molly said.

The teens agreed that lunch was a good idea.  The boys started
stowing the tackle and Jenny went up to the bridge.  Jack and Brad
secured the outriggers and Brad used the intercom to tell Jenny they
were ready to go.

Jenny headed toward shore.  She slowed the boat, stopping in six
feet of water.  After lowering the anchor and setting it, Jenny shut
down the boat.  The group gathered in the galley.  Eddie and Tom put
out lunch meat, bread, and other sandwich fixings.  They all made
their own sandwiches and sat down to eat.

The conversation centered around Trent's fish.  His excitement
showed as he went over the entire fight.  Trent asked if he did
anything wrong.  Eddie and Brad assured him he did fine.

Kim sat next to Trent listening to him.  She felt happy that Trent
was able to catch a marlin on his first trip out on the boat.  Kim
was also happy that he didn't show any signs of seasickness.

"What do you think, Trent, do you want to fish our club tournament
next weekend?" Jenny said.

"I'd love to if you'll have me.  I know I still have a lot to learn,
but I'm willing," Trent replied.

Kim giggled.  She put her hand on Trent's leg, rubbing him at his
knee.  He smiled at Kim and blushed.

Kathy and Sally cleaned up after lunch.  The teens sat at the table
for a few minutes and then Molly said, "We should rest and go for a
swim later."

"Are you tired or horny, Molly?" Sally said.

"Both, but I know how to fix that," Molly replied.  She giggled,
sticking her tongue out at Sally.

"Don't do that unless you intend to use it," Sally said.

"You know you'd like that, wouldn't you, Molly?" Kathy said.

"Who me?  What gives you the idea I'd do something like that?" Molly
replied and then she giggled.

"I have a good memory-but its fading.  Maybe you and Tom should take
a nap with Eddie and me," Kathy shot back.

Trent leaned close to Kim.  "They're just goofing around, aren't

"You can never tell, Trent."  Kim put her mouth near Trent's ear. 
"Want to take a nap with me?"

Blushing, Trent nodded.  Kim got up, took his hand, and pulled him
out of the booth.  "We're going to go rest.  We'll see you guys
later," Kim said.

"See you in an hour or so, Kim.  Have fun," Jenny said.

Kim took Trent down to the stateroom.  Inside, she gave him a hug. 
Trent kissed Kim as he moved his hands to her butt.  They held each
other, kissing and running their hands over one another's bodies.

Breaking their hug, Kim moved away from Trent.  She giggled as she
lowered the zipper of her sweatshirt.  Trent watched with wide eyes. 
Kim slipped off her sweatshirt, tossing it on the foot of the bed. 
She pulled back the covers, looked over her shoulder, and said, "Are
you going to join me?"

Trent nodded.  He started removing his sweatshirt, blocking his view
as he pulled it over his head.  By the time he got the shirt off, Kim
had removed her sweatpants.  She giggled when she saw the look on
Trent's face.

Kim climbed onto the berth.  She stretched out on her side, propping
her head on her hand.  Grinning, Kim waited for Trent to join her. 
She hadn't decided how far she and Trent would go, but Kim knew she
wanted to take their budding relationship to the next level.

"Um, should I take off my pants?" Trent asked nervously.

"You can't get into bed in your clothes," Kim replied.  She giggled
when Trent blushed.

Turning his back to Kim, Trent removed his new gray sweatpants.  Kim
grinned when she saw his white briefs.  He sat on the edge of the bed
to remove his socks.  Keeping his back to Kim, Trent stretched out
near the edge of the bed.

Kim reached over and stroked Trent's naked back.  He flinched, but
quickly relaxed.  Removing her hand, Kim said, "Don't you want me to
touch you?"

"Yes, but I'm nervous, Kim.  This is, um, embarrassing," Trent

Kim grinned, realizing that Trent was probably excited.  Not wanting
to embarrass him, anymore than she thought he was, Kim snugged
against Trent's back.  She put her arm over his body, gently rubbing
his chest.

"You don't have to be embarrassed because you're excited, Trent."

Kim slowly moved her hand lower on his body.  When she reached his
briefs, she traced the elastic waistband from his hip toward the
front.  Trent sucked in his breath as Kim's fingertips brushed
against the part of his penis extending past his underwear.

"I'm embarrassed because I don't know about sex," Trent said.

Kim continued moving her hand on Trent's stomach.  Each time she
brushed against his penis, he flinched.

"You didn't know anything about deep-sea fishing before today, did


"Did you like learning about it?" Kim said as she pressed her
breasts against Trent's back.

"Yeah, it was fun."

"Well, sex is the same way.  It's fun to learn about it.  No one
knows much about it until they do it-like fishing."  Kim kissed the
back of Trent's neck and then pulled against his shoulder.  "Lay on
your back."

Trent rolled onto his back.  Kim rose up, leaning over so she could
kiss him.  She scooted closer, pressing her breasts against Trent's
chest.  He returned her kisses.  Trent put an arm around Kim and
rubbed her back.

Sliding her hand down his stomach, Kim covered his erection with her
hand.  She gently squeezed his shaft, realizing Trent's penis felt
big in her hand.  She broke their kiss and said, "I want to see it." 
Kim gave his penis a squeeze to emphasize her point.

Before Trent could respond, Kim pushed the covers down.  She smiled
at him and then lowered her eyes.  Kim tugged at the waistband of
Trent's underwear, trying to uncover his penis.  He lifted his butt,
allowing her to lower his briefs.

Kim gazed at Trent's erection.  She smiled, knowing that Trent's
penis was the largest one she'd seen.  Up until then, Jack's penis
was the longest and thickest one she'd played with.  Kim knew that
Trent was at an inch, or more, longer and just as thick as Jack was.

Wrapping her hand around Trent's penis, Kim noticed that, as with
Jack and Tom, her fingers didn't touch.  She stroked his length,
smiling when Trent groaned.

"You have a nice cock, Trent," Kim said.  She felt Trent's body jerk
and let go of him.

"Um, thanks," Trent said with a shaky voice.  He glanced down at
Kim's pink bikini panties.  "Can I see you too?"

Giggling, Kim nodded.  "You'll have to take my panties off."

Trent moved so he knelt next to Kim's hip.  He reached for the
waistband of her panties and tugged at it.  Kim lifted her butt so
Trent could remove them.  She smiled as she watched his eyes open
wide.  Kim knew it was the first time Trent saw a naked girl and was
happy he was seeing her.

Kim kept her knees together as Trent slid her panties down her legs.
She pulled her legs back, bending them at her knees.  Planting her
feet on the bed, Kim watched Trent staring at her mons.  The look on
his face excited her.  Kim slowly parted her legs, exposing herself
to Trent.

Reaching for his head, Kim pulled Trent down so she could kiss him. 
He stretched out on his side next to her, placing a hand on one of
her breasts.  "You're so beautiful, Kim," Trent said.

"I'll bet you tell that to all the naked girls you take to bed," Kim
replied.  She shifted her lower body to make contact with Trent's
erect penis.

"You know I've never been in bed with another girl, dressed or naked."

"I hope I didn't disappoint you, Trent."

"Are you kidding?  This is a dream come true for me."  Trent gently
kneaded Kim's breast.

"I like it too.  I like you, Trent."

Trent chuckled.  "I hope you don't do this with boys you don't like."

Kim giggled as she moved away.  She sat up, folding her legs under
her.  "If you mean being naked, I've been naked in front of people I
didn't know.  Our family went to a clothing optional resort last
year.  We swim and sun naked at home all the time."

"You let your brother and parents see you naked?"

"Yeah, we go skinny dipping off the boat too.  We'll probably go
later today," Kim said.  She giggled at the look of shock on Trent's
face.  "You know, being naked and sex don't have anything to do with
one another."

Trent shrugged his shoulders.  "I don't know if I could do that.  Go
naked in front of everyone that is.  It would be too embarrassing."

"You don't have to swim naked if you don't want to, Trent.  No one
cares either way," Kim said.  "As far as it being embarrassing, you
get used to it.  Once you realize that no one is going to make fun of
you it gets easier.  Are you uncomfortable now?"

"No, I guess not.  I mean I was, but you're easy to talk to," Trent

"Did you notice that you're not as excited as you were?"  Kim
glanced at Trent's semi flaccid penis.  She giggled when his member

"Um, yeah," Trent said.

Giggling, Kim fondled Trent's penis.  She watched his face as it
grew in her hand.  Kim continued stroking him as she leaned over and
kissed him on the mouth.  She pressed her tongue against his lips,
slipping it into his mouth when Trent parted his lips.  He put one
hand on Kim's breast and the other hand behind her head.  They kissed
tenderly, darting their tongues together.  Kim felt Trent's hips
moving up and down.  She removed her hand, slipping it between his
legs.  Kim gently fondled his testicles, feeling the size of the orbs
in his sac.

Kim removed her mouth from Trent's mouth.  She gazed into his eyes,
smiling as he moved his hand from one of her breasts to the other. 
Kim kissed his chest, flicking her tongue against his nipple.  Trent
jerked at the strange new sensation.  She moved her kisses down his
body.  Trent let out a moan as she neared his erection.

Looking up at him, Kim watched Trent's face as she licked his glans.
Trent's eyes and mouth opened wide.  She smiled, moved her free hand
to his shaft, and lifted his throbbing penis.  Kim kissed his member,
while still watching the look on Trent's face.  It was all she could
do to keep from giggling.

Trent told Kim he didn't have any experience with girls.  The look
on his face confirmed he told her the truth.  Knowing that she was
giving Trent his first exposure to sex excited Kim.  She ran her
tongue around the head of his penis and then cocked her head.  Kim
rubbed Trent's hot penis against her cheek for a moment.  Trent's
eyelids drooped, hooding his eyes.  His body squirmed and he started
moving his hips.

Kim kept her eyes locked with Trent's as she took the head of his
penis between her lips.  Trent gasped, realizing that one of his
fantasies was about to come true.  Kim lowered her head, taking half
of his penis into her mouth.  Trent gripped her breast, but not too
hard.  Slowly, Kim began bobbing her head.

Trent's penis flinched and throbbed in Kim's mouth.  She knew from
experience that he wouldn't last long.  Kim thought about stopping to
prolong Trent's first blowjob, but she decided that she could take
her time some other time.  She applied suction and moved her head up
and down.  Kim fondled Trent's testicles and stroked his shaft.

"Oh God, Kim, I'm going to come," Trent growled.

Kim moaned around his penis and took him deeper.  She felt his glans
against the back of her mouth, but knew that because of the angle,
she would gag if she took more.  A moment later, Trent let out a
throaty grown.  His semen shot into Kim's mouth and she pulled back
until only about an inch of his penis remained in her mouth.  She
felt his penis throbbing and his semen splattering against the inside
of her mouth.  Kim swallowed, not losing a drop.

Trent's penis stopped sending semen into Kim's mouth.  She ran her
tongue around his glans and bobbed her head to clean his member.  Kim
stopped moving.  She held his penis between her lips as she gazed up
at Trent's face.  Kim loved the look of contentment he showed. 
Removing his penis from her mouth, Kim kissed and licked his shaft. 
She made sure she cleaned every trace of semen from his penis.

Kim sat up and then she stretched out next to Trent.  She smiled,
listening to him try to regain his composure.  Turning to face him,
Kim kissed Trent's chin.  When she moved her mouth toward his, Trent
turned his head.  He kissed Kim's cheek and held her close.

"Don't you want to go brush your teeth or rinse your mouth?" Trent

Kim stiffened.  She jerked away from Trent, sat up, and looked down
at him.  After a few seconds, after what he said sank in, Kim jumped
from the bed.  She grabbed her clothes and left the room.