I love hearing from readers, so please feel free to send me an email at
dirk.carlor@gmail.com with any questions, comments or suggestions for
future work!  You can also catch me on yahoo chat under the name
teenboy4manlydad.  Enjoy the story and don't cum till the end!

The Institute of Father-Son Incest Research (IFSIR)

This is the log of Agent Carl Gregory, recorded while visiting the
undisclosed Institute of Father-Son Incest Research (IFSIR).  I was sent to
IFSIR to investigate it, not to screen for illegal activities as many would
assume, but to determine if IFSIR should continue to get the same amount of
government funding.  The institute is top secret, and most Americans would
be horrified to know that their tax dollars are going to research involving
wild, different sexual activities between fathers and their biological
sons.  But I was happy to be selected to do an in depth study.

IFSIR is located a very large underground facility that was designed for
this purpose.  It is heavily funded already, and my job is to assess
whether or not it is properly using its money.  I was given a private tour
of the most promising studies in the facility's 5 wings, each focusing on a
different branch of study: oral studies, anal studies, semen studies, piss
studies and the very mysterious "Miscellaneous Acts" wing.  For each
experiment I will document the name of the particular study, the duration
of the study, the "name" used to refer to the subjects, and I will also
record whether or not the subjects were "Volunteers", "Recruits", or
"Other".  All those who do not fit into the first two categories will have
an explanation.


Before heading on to the next wing of the institute, Agent Gregory will be
treated to a lunch within the building.  He has been told that there will
be a special even to follow the meal, and all of this has perked his
interest, and his cock.

Before we moved on to the next wing, my guide explained that he had a
special treat set up for me during our lunch period.  He led me through the
long and bending hallways of the IFSIR facility to a room labeled "Mess

"I'm going to leave you here for a while, I think you'll enjoy your meal
thoroughly," My guide said.  "I'll be back in an hour.  Bone appetite!"

I watched my guide disappear down the hall, and then turned to the door.
There wasn't anything else to do but open it.  Once again, I was completely
blown away by what was waiting inside the room.

The first thing to hit me was the wonderful smell.  They had obviously
prepared an incredible banquet for me.  The foods were piled high and were
very expensive, there was champagne and wine and whiskey flowing.  But more
than the smell was the sight of all those naked men and boys!

There must have been 30 or 40 sets of fathers and sons in the big, fancy
dining hall.  Not a one of them was wearing a stitch of clothing, except
for the sons who only wore little bowties around their necks.  As I entered
the room, I realized the sons were acting as waiters, and the fathers were
all standing around chatting, their big daddy cocks at various stages of

As I wandered into the room, a group of three men who were chatting all
turned and greeted me.  They opened up their circle, inviting me to join.
I examined them as I came up.  The first was a big, wide Arabic man.  He
had massive biceps and pectorals, covered in curly dark hair.  His olive
skin was tanned from head to toe, and a thick mustache ran across his face.
The next was a younger black man, probably in his early thirties.  He had a
shaved head and was nicely toned, but still tall and somewhat skinny.  He
could easily have been a basketball player.  The last man was a smaller
guy, and older too.  He could have been in his late 50's.  He was bald, but
still sexy as hell, with a square cut jaw and sharp features.

"You must be the agent they told us about," said the black man, whose name
turned out to be Jay.

"Yeah, that's me."

"We could tell by all the clothes your wearing," the Arab man, Abeed, said.

"You ought to disrobe, it's going to get messy in here in a bit," the third
man said.  His name was Drake.

"I don't think I can do that, it would be unprofessional..."  I started,
but the men wouldn't have it.  Abeed snapped his fingers, and suddenly 4
boys ran over to us.  As they arrived, the four of them immediately dropped
to their knees in front of what I could only assume was their respective
fathers.  At Jay's knees was a boy of about 13.  He had a backwards hat on,
and a tough look on his face.  I couldn't really take him seriously, as he
was kneeling in front of his own father's fully erect cock.  And even
through his tough gaze, I could see deep hunger as he looked up at his dad.
The boy was slender and toned, like his dad, and had slightly lighter skin.
His own cock, like all of the boys in the room, was raging hard.  Obviously
whatever all these men were doing here, the kids were loving it!

At Abeed's knees was his adorable, dark little son.  The kid was probably
somewhere between 8 and 10, and his big brown puppy dog eyes were full of
innocence, and like the boys around him, total hunger.  Like his dad, he
had olive colored skin and dark hair, dark features.  He was smooth as
could be, and had a nice sized cock for a boy his age.

Finally, the last two boys were on their knees side by side by the third
man.  These two were obviously brothers.  The older one was probably 15,
and I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful ass as he crouched on the
floor.  He looked up at his dad with a smile on his face, a real innocent,
boy next door kind of kid.  Both of the boys had curly brown hair,
something they had obviously inherited from their mother.  The younger boy,
about the same age as Abeed's son, was cute as a button.  He was slender
and long limbed, and had enormous green eyes to match his brother's.

Abeed was clearly in charge.  "Son, go get the Agent here something to eat.
Archie," he said, turning to the beautiful black boy, "You go get some
champagne for him.  And don't let us catch you drinking any!"  Finally, he
turned to Drake's two sons.  "Boys, please help Agent Greg off with his

"Uh, I don't know if that's a--" but before I could speak all of the boys
were off.  The two who had been ordered to get me food and drink left in a
hurry, and the curly haired brothers stood up and approached me.  Their
little hands had my tie and jacket off, and the little kid was already
fumbling at my pants.

"Wait...I don't..."  I tried to protest, but now my pants were around my
ankles and my shirt was unbuttoned.

"Please," said Drake kindly, "You'll be much more comfortable.  We want you
to enjoy yourself!" The boys were giggling and laughing as they tried to
pull down my briefs, but I was clutching them tightly.

"Please!  I need to keep these briefs on, my boss would have me strung up
if he knew I got naked here!"

Finally, Drake called his sons off.  The boys looked disappointed, and the
younger one even gave out a whiney, "Awwwww," when his dad made him take
his little hands out of my briefs.  I was rock hard, and the front of my
white underwear was completely see through with precum.  Fuck!  I was
enjoying my day so much, but couldn't wait to go home and finally get my
rocks off!

At just about this time, the other two boys returned, each with a tray.
Abeed's son had a plate full of steaming, high quality food.  If this was
the kind of food they served at IFSIR, they must be spending a lot of
money.  But hell, after what I had seen, I wasn't going to deny this
amazing institute one penny less than they asked, no matter how much tax
money they wanted!

The men guided me over to a glass-topped table after the boys had taken my
drink and plate over to a table, and we sat down.

"I'm sure you've been anxious to talk to some of us," Jay said as we sat.
I realized quickly why the tables were glass.  Each boy slipped under the
table one by one.  "Feel free to ask us anything you want."  Jay rolled his
head back and let out a little moan, and I looked at the other three men,
all of them doing the same.  I looked through the table to see the boys in
between all of their dads big, hairy legs.  I thought my erection would rip
right through my shorts.  Each of the boys were giving their dads nuts a
good working over.  Abeed's son's little pink tongue was out, lapping at
his dads hairy Arabic nuts.  I noticed that Abeed's nuts were exceptionally
large, like two eggs.  His son was enjoying the taste, swirling his little
tongue under the nut sack.  Jay's kid was busy trying to stuff his dad's
black low hangers into his mouth.  I couldn't believe he could actually get
his young lips around both of those heavy nuts.  His dad was also well
endowed in the nuts department.  Finally, lucky Drake had his two sons
sharing his nuts.  Each was tonguing and licking the huge heavy hangers,
switching back and forth and kissing each other around the balls.  Why did
all these men have such huge nuts?  Something else was going on here.  I
could just feel it.  I decided to concentrate on the offer, to ask these
men the question I had been wondering since I got to the place.

"So how did you all end up...uh...being in the position you are in today?"

The men all started to tell their story at once, each eager to tell me how
he ended up in an underground facility with his own flesh and blood sucking
on his nuts.  Finally they agreed to let Abeed start.

"Well, me and my son Ahmed came over from Iran when he was only six.  We
left my wife behind, promising we would send for her...and I thought we
would...but now that I am here that looks less and less likely. "  As he
said this he ran his hand under the table, and ran his fingers through his
son's coarse hair, holding the boys head in his nuts.

"You see, it was very hard for Ahmed when we moved here.  He was a lonely
boy, and being from Iran he didn't have many friends at school.  He would
come home to our tiny apartment every day crying because the kids would
beat him up at school.  So one way I would soothe him would be to let him
lay his head on my lap, and I would run my fingers through his hair like
this.  It was very good for him, calmed him down."  Ahmed was grabbing his
fathers tree trunk thighs and licking with intense vigor.  What a hungry

"One night, last year, little Ahmed had a nightmare.  So I let him come
into my room and let him lay his head on me.  You see, I sleep in my...what
you are wearing now.  Briefs.  I didn't think much of it.  Ahmed had seen
me in my briefs before.  So I let him lay his head there, and pretty soon I
fell asleep.  I had one of those...what you call them...wet dreams that
night.  It was so embarrassing, but I had a dream that someone was licking
my nuts.  I woke up and I was cumming.  But would you believe that when I
woke up I looked down and saw my cock was out of my briefs, and I was
sperming all over my little boys face?  I coated him in...how you call
it...daddy juice right there!  And the warmth and amount of it woke him up!
He looked up at me, sleepy but shocked, his dad's cum dripping down his
face.  It was a very...interesting sight.  I was surprised when the first
thing he said was, `Daddy, I'm sorry!'

`Sorry for what?  I am sorry!'  I said.  I was still breathing hard and
dripping a little, and trying to find a towel for to wipe my son's face
clean of my cum.

"I took off your undies, Daddy, because I wanted to feel your skin.  I'm
sorry, did it make that happen?"  You see.  My sweet little boy had wanted
to feel his daddy up close, and he had been talking or moving his tongue in
his sleep.  Without either of us knowing it, my son had given me a very
intense orgasm.  And it was far from the last!  As we talked that night, I
had to teach him what cum was.  And as we talked, inevitably some of my
sperm fell into his mouth.  He gobbled it up that boy!  And realized he
loved it!  And the rest is history."

I looked down at Ahmed lapping at his dad's balls like a dog.  Imagining
that little face covered in his daddies white Iranian cum, it was so hot I
felt like I could cum if I thought about it too hard.

"What's funny is," Drake cut in, "my story has to do with my older son's
taste for my balls as well.  See, I was at home one day on a Saturday with
both of my boys.  I was laying out by the pool, minding my own business in
my speedo, when suddenly my boys come running out.  They were rowdy boys,
always fighting.  I wasn't surprised to see them coming out.  My older son,
Larry was chasing my little guy here Devin.  He was saying, `Don't you dare
tell him or I'll kill you!'  But Devin here used to be a bit of a
tattletale, so I knew whatever offense Larry had committed, I was going to
find out about it.  I was annoyed that they were interrupting my pool time,
but not for long.

`Daddy!  Daddy!  Guess what I caught Larry doing!'  Larry socked him but it
didn't stop him.  He always loved to get his brother in trouble.  `I found
him in your bed sniffing these!'  And then, to my surprise, he tossed one
of my old jocks from the gym at me.  I couldn't believe it!  I asked Larry
if it was true, and he hung his head and said yes after a moment.  Devin
was like, `Are you gonna spank him Dad?  Huh?  Please?'  I looked at my
boys, and poor Larry looked so humiliated.  I was mad at his brother, and
almost gave the little kid a spanking too for being such a tattletale.  But
then...I thought...why not see if the boys like my universal smell.  I got
up, slipped off my briefs and tossed them at my little Devin.'

Suddenly from under the table the boys started talking.  "Larry!  I want
the right one now!  It's my turn!"

"Now now, Devin.  You had the right one all during breakfast.  It's Larry's
turn.  Don't interrupt, just keep working my left nut like a good boy."  I
watched, and little Devin popped his dad's big left ball back into his
hungry mouth.  He returned to his story.  "To my surprise, my speedo just
hit the ground.  Both my boys were too distracted by these."  He grabbed
his nuts and tugged on them.  Both of his massive nuts popped out of his
kids mouths, and I watched with lust as the boy whined and chased after
them.  "It wasn't long before Larry was showing his brother how good these
smelled, and how good they taste, right boys?"  Both boys were too busy
sucking on the nuts to answer.

I turned to Jay, who was still reveling in his son's nut washing mouth.
"What about you?"

"My story is a little less cute," he said, "but still hot as fuck.  See, me
and my boy, we lived in a bad part of town.  And I had run into a little
uh...financial trouble you see.  I owed this one man, a very twisted
individual, quite a bit.  He gave me a way to pay it off...see he had been
eying my son.  Of course I said no way, like any good father would!
But...it was so much money.  So we worked out a deal.  He wouldn't touch my
son, but he wanted to watch my son...uh...blow me.  Bascially.  I know it
sounds horrible, but I sat my boy down and had a good chat with him about
it.  He was only 10 at the time.  He was upset, but such a good boy, really
wanted to help his daddy out.  On the night of the event, the man showed
up, and started giving orders.  Ordered us both to strip down...I sat down
on our couch and the man watched us like we were a TV program.  My little
boy got between my legs, and slowly started to go down on me, kinda nervous
about it, you know?  We both were.  My son worked down me, and when he got
to my nuts, both me and the man watching us perform this nasty act were
shocked.  Something changed!  All of the sudden, instead of hesitantly
licking my cock, my boy was gagging himself trying to suck on both my nuts.
I mean, look at him right now, that's how he was!"  I looked down and sure
enough the little black boy was gobbling his dads egg sized nuts with haste
and impatience.  As I looked around the room at all the men eating at the
tables, I noticed all of the boys underneath were washing their dad's nuts
like crazy.  Something was happening here...it had to do with men with
oversized nuts...but what was it?

"The man watching us couldn't believe how much my boy liked my nuts," he
went on.  "It made him cum, and he left pretty quickly after that.  But I
couldn't pry my boy from my love sack. And when he saw how much I--"
Suddenly Abeed put up his finger to silence Jay.

"Shhhh!" Abeed commanded.  "You'll give away the surprise!"  What surprise,
I wondered?  What was going on here?  I guess I would just have to wait and
see.  The meal went on, several courses of delicious, expensive food.  All
the while we chatted the boys under the tables never paused from sucking,
licking and massaging the massive, low hanging, hairy father balls in front
of them.  Finally after we had all finished, a bell rang, and suddenly all
of the boys gave their fathers' sacks one last lick and climbed out from
under the table.  I watched the 20 some little boy butts walk away to the
back of the room where the food table had been set up.  I loved to see all
those boys in their bowties, little naked waiters.

"What's going on?" I asked my companions.

"Just watch, it's time for dessert," said Drake.  I watched as the boys
approached the table, and then all climbed onto it.  The food had of course
been cleared away, and now the boys were covering it.  It was like a son
buffet, their little bodies touching against each other.  Then staff came
in with carts piled high with desserts of all kinds.  Decadent cakes and
cookies, everything you can imagine.  The adult waitstaff, mostly
scientists, started to unload the desserts onto the naked boys.  I couldn't
believe it!  Soon the boys, all smiling and giggling at the game, were all
covered with delicious looking desserts.  Then the fathers descended on the
tables, all with empty plates, and began plucking the desserts off their
kids.  Jay turned back to me and with a wave of his hand said, "Come on!
Before they're all gone!"

What else could I do?  I grabbed my own dessert plate and headed to the
table.  This was the first time I was invited to touch the boys...and I was
very nervous.  I made my way down the line.  First I took a brownie off of
a boys neck.  He was about 17, fully grown, and smiled at me as I did so.
"Thank you, Agent," he said.  Next I took a cookie off the nipple of a boy
about his age or younger, still kind of nervous.  Just like the first boy,
he smiled and thanked me.  I began to realize that the boys were arranged
by age, and I as I moved on I saw a young boy about 15 with ice cream over
his navel.  There was nothing to scoop it out with.  When I looked around,
he spoke up, looking at me with his deep brown eyes.  "It's just to taste
test, take a lick please!"  I almost passed out.  I couldn't believe what I
was hearing, and was even more shocked as I leaned down and took a few good
laps out of his naval.  I moved down, and was aroused to see a boy of about
13 laying on his back, rock hard.  His cock was running through several
doughnuts, and men were plucking them off.  There was one left when I got
to him, and he gave out a little moan as I grabbed it and pulled it off his
dick.  At the end of the table was Drake's younger son.  He must have been
the youngest boy in the room.  His whole crotch was covered in whipped
cream, though most of it had been whipped away.  What little that remained
was on his dick, and it was clear to me that the other men had left this
for me.

"Would you like some whipped cream, sir?"  He asked me in his accent.

"Well, I uh..."  but before I could say anything more, Ahmed grabbed my
hand and guided it towards his cock.  I looked deeply into his eyes as he
helped me scoop some whipped cream off his boy dick.  It was amazing how
rigid it was.

I returned to the table to eat with the men.  We chatted some more, but my
mind was drifting.  After touching those boys, my mind suddenly wandered
back to my own sons, Brady, who is 17, Marcus who is 14 and little Charlie,
who just turned 8.  What would I do if they had done the things like the
boys here in this room?  Would I have submitted?  No, I couldn't think of
Charlie, his floppy, blonde hair, his big blue eyes, his red lips wrapped
around my...no!  I would never.  And yet, my cock was more hard and wet
than ever.  What was that all about?  No time to focus, because suddenly
the boys, having washed the desert off themselves, were beginning to gather
plates of food and drinks for themselves.

"Now comes the real show," said Abeed as he and his men rose.  All the dads
in the room were making their way to a row of couches that lined one wall.
They all took seats, their legs spread wide, and after their dessert, their
cocks harder than ever.  I had a good chance to survey them, looking at all
of their balls hanging there in a row.  Each set was huge, heavy, so
clearly full of cum.  What was going to happen?

One by one the boys came with their full plates of food, some had empty
glasses as well, and each took a spot between the legs of their fathers.
My focus, of course was on my three men who I had dined with, as they sat
next to each other.  On the other side of them, though, was something very
interesting.  A man who apparently seemed to have 5 sons!  Raging in ages 9
to about 17.  Each of them with a plate of food in his hands.  A bell rang

Suddenly, all of the dads leaned forward and starting grabbing their cocks
and jacking them furiously.  The big balls all starting bouncing, as the
sons all rose up on their knees and started smiling.  At the rate they were
going, they were definitely going to cum soon.  No sooner had I had that
though than I heard my good friend Abeed scream out, "HERE YOU GO SON!"
Everyone turned to look at him as Ahmed, smiling so big on his knees,
reached up and grabbed his dad's dick.  Abeed's heavy balls pulled up
tight, and BAM a HUGE STREAM of cum started spasming out of his dick.  It
was the biggest single shot I had ever seen, and it landed squarely on
Abeed's face.  With an enormous amount of cum dripping down his face, Ahmed
quickly adjusted his dad's dick so it was pointing straight as his plate of

"Oh FUCK SON I HOPE YOU'RE HUNGRY!"  Spurt after spurt, each one bigger
than the one before, came out of his dick onto the son's plate.





All over the room men had begun to explode.  The air filled with the scent
of daddy cum as the boys rushed forward to have their dads sperm shot all
over their lunch.  I realized now that these men had been selected to dine
here because they were MASTER CUMMERS.  They shot the biggest loads for
their boys, and the boys were in heaven because of it!

"GAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"  I heard Jay yell as he began to spurt.  His son was so
excited he nearly spilled his food.  He pointed his dad's spurting cock at
his own face, and then let the cum drip down into his plate.  He looked
like he was in heaven spraying his face all over with the gallons of cum
his father dumped out.

I heard a group of boys cheer as the father of 5 started to explode.  He
was a larger man, but still taught.  He appeared to be a farmer, his face
tanned and his arms thick.  I watched his biceps work as he grabbed his
cock and pumped it with both fists.  His sons looked like the same boy,
aged at different years.  They all had sandy blonde hair that fell into
their eyes, and all were thin and toned, even the little one.

"Alright dad!" they shouted.  "Way to go Pop!" as he started cumming like a
wild stallion.  The boys took over, passing his cock from brother to
brother as dad gave them more than enough sauce for their food.

Finally, one of the last men to cum, Drake, the father of two.  His two
boys had set their plates down, but had each bought an empty cup to hold.
They were each massaging one testicle, finally sharing well.  Finally with
a loud grunt, Jake started to spasm.  The boys held their glasses up.

"Here's your milk, boys!" He shouted.  Since they couldn't be trusted not
to hog their favorite drink, he held it for them, and spurted into the
cups.  His thick, gooey cum dripped down the sides of the glasses as he
filled them.  "More!  More!" the boys were chanting, but soon their glasses
were overflowing.  He was still spurting, shooting more cum than anyone
else in the room, and the boys quickly set down their full glasses.  They
then took turns catching the spurts in their mouths like dogs catching a
ball.  Finally he was spent, and the boys walked to the table sipping and
gulping from the glasses full of their father's thick, white jizz.

Once again, I could not believe my eyes.  The boys returned to their
tables, all chatting happily like any school cafeteria.  But they each were
digging in hungrily to plates piled high with delicious food, covered in
their own dad's spunk.  Needless to say, I loved the sight.


While I was still watching at the cum feast in shock, I felt a hand on my
shoulder.  I turned around to find my guide, smiling.

"Did you enjoy your lunch?" He asked.

"Uh...not as much as these boys are enjoying theirs!  But yes, I did, thank
you.  I have to ask though...what is all this?  Is this a study?"

My guide just laughed, and his smile grew bigger.  "No, not exactly.  You
don't expect our men to go hungry, do you?  No...there's a mess hall in
each wing of this institute.  The cum wing has by far the most fun lunch
ritual though, that's why I wanted you to see it."

"Cum Wing?!?!?" I stammered.

"Yes, I know, shocking," He said, still smiling.  "But we do have just as
many studies devoted to daddy and son ejaculation as we do to anal and oral
studies.  And I hope you won't mind spending part of your afternoon
watching some of these men," and he swept his arm out at the boys and men
in the room, "participating in some fascinating studies."

"Of course!" I said.  I started to wonder if I should mention that having a
mess hall in every wing, with such extravagant food every day, must be very
expensive.  I could think of many ways to save money here at the institute,
but to be honest, I don't think our American dollars could be better spent
on anything but catering to these men and boys here at the study!

"Excellent, I thought you might.  But before we continue, do you remember
how I mentioned some uh...after dinner entertainment?"  My guide was
smiling wide.

I nodded in response, trying not to lick my lips in anticipation.

"Alright, well, I know we said it would not be happening for 2 weeks, but
we think your visit is a special enough occasion.  You're going to want to
keep your eyes focused to the front of the room, behind the banquet table."

I turned my attention to where he spoke.  The boys had mostly finished
their meals, a few were licking the last bits of cum off their plates,
fingers, and lips.  Suddenly the light dimmed, and a large curtain behind
the banquet table opened up.  Out walked one of the scientists, I
recognized him from an earlier study but I couldn't remember which.  All of
the boys and dads were now staring intently at the scientist about to

"Hello Gentleman and Boys!" the scientist said, clearly excited and happy
to see all these fathers and sons together.  "I'm glad you could all be
here today.  We have some new recruits to bring into your wing.  They have
spent some time in one of our other wings, and though it's a little ahead
of schedule, we're hoping we can bring them here to you."

A few cheers from dads and sons alike rang out in the crowd.

"It's going to be a difficult transition for them.  So we've decided to
help them out by having them perform their...previous experiment...on stage
for you."

The room erupted into cheers, and I have to admit, I joined in.

"Now, now.  The reason we are doing this is because...once the spectacle is
over, we're going to need your help.  You'll see what I mean afterward.
But for now, we need complete and utter silence during their presentation.
You see gentlemen, they are going to think that they are only being
observed by scientists, but you'll all be here to see it!  So please
welcome, in your silence, Paul and Caleb.

My heart skipped a beat.  Paul and Caleb!  From the oral wing!  Those were
the ones in the study that...they had no idea they were committing incest!
And yet they both loved it!  Oh man...I remembered that Paul, the big burly
daddy, he even thought he was in a heterosexual study!  What was going to

The men and boys grew very quiet as the scientist left the stage.  A few
moments later, a large chair was wheeled out onto stage.  I saw many of the
boys cover their mouths as Paul was brought out.  The burly man, huge and
hair and thick like a wall, sauntered onto stage with a huge hard on and a
black blindfold on.  Completely unaware that he was in front of a room full
of rock-hard, incest-loving, cum-sharing father's and sons, Paul was led to
the chair and sat down.  His big belly, hairy and hard, rising and falling
as he breathed deeply.  He was obviously practicing silence, like he had in
his study, and like all the boys in the room were doing now.

Then came beautiful, adorable, sexy Caleb.  He was buck naked as well, his
thin, smooth, skater body tight as all hell.  He was giddy, licking his
lips and playing with is lip ring, stroking his adolescent cock.  He too
was blindfolded, and he was brought over to kneel between his father's
thick and hairy thighs.

And there they were.  Father and son, straight and gay, with one between
the others legs, on stage in front of a silent room of incestual fathers
and their little boys.  Both unaware of everything.  Father thinking he's
got some chick with a hot mouth breathing on his nuts, and the son thinking
he's inhaling the scent of stranger with the hottest cock and hottest cum
he's ever tasted.  You could taste the tension in the room.

Caleb braced himself on this fathers thighs, his mouth only inches from the
big, bobbing cock of his father that he loved so much.  Then, DING, the
bell rang out and suddenly Paul's hairy daddy dick disappeared down the
throat of his unknowing son.  I didn't think it was possible, but Caleb was
sucking with even more vigor than he had before.  He slobbered up his dad's
dong quickly, covering any part that wasn't down his throat with his fists.
He was loving it, all the while moaning "Mmmmmm" and gagging himself as he
hungrily tried to swallow every inch.

Needless to say, Daddy Paul was loving it.  His head was back, a huge smile
on his face as he imagined the girl sucking him off.  He bucked his hips,
gagging his own son and smiling at the choking sounds.  His hands rubbed
his own chest, tweaking his nipples as he got the blow job of a lifetime
from his son.

The pair increased in rhythm.  It was easy for all of us to tell that Caleb
was going to bring his sexy dad to a quick and ferocious cum shot.  And
knowing that I was in a room filled with daddy-cum loving boys, I could
sense that everyone was on the edge of their seat, silently encouraging
Caleb to suck deeper, Paul to buck harder.  And as though they could feel
the thoughts of their silent audience, the two men did so.

We all saw Paul's big daddy nuts start to roll up.  We knew he was going to
shoot.  Caleb sensed it too, and pull back a bit, opening his mouth so that
the cum from his favorite cock would land squarely on his tongue.

"GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Paul shouted out, approaching his massive release.  And
then, like magic, a pin fell from both of their blindfolds, which both
fluttered to the floor, and both men were able to see what they were really
loving: father...son...INCEST.



"SON!  NOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHHH FUCK!!!"  The sheer surprise of it all sent Paul
over the edge in an instant, just as he met eyes with the best cocksucker,
his own son.  The first string of cum landed, inevitably, where it was
intended.  Caleb got another taste of the cum he loved, but now that he was
aware it was from his own father, he looked less than thrilled.  Unable to
stop himself from cumming hard and fast, the second shot of Paul's cum
landed on the bridge of his son's nose as the boy tried to get away from
his father's giant cumming dick.

"FUCKING COCKSUCKING SON!" Paul uttered as he came again, this time hitting
his boy in the chest as Caleb fell back onto his arms and scrambled

Caleb was shouting, "MY DAD?  IT WAS MY DAD?"  As he did so his father's
cum was mixing in his mouth, getting stuck to his lips.  What a sight!

"My son...is a fucking...cocksucker..." Paul panted as the last of his
daddy milk ran down his cock and into his still pumping fist.  And then, as
if timed, both men turned to look out and noticed for the first time that
they were in front of a huge audience of naked men and boys.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" They screamed in unison, and both leapt off the
stage and began hurrying towards separate exits.  But as though they were a
militarized unit, the men and boys of the cum loving audience separated.
The boys, still naked and boned from eating cum, quickly came to surround
Caleb.  The fathers, all sauntering with newly hard raging boners from the
show, came to encircle the still dripping Paul.

At first I thought they were trying to prevent the men from leaving, but
then as I approached the young boys group, swirling around Caleb at their
center, I realized something very different was going on.  A boy about 17,
Caleb's same age, had his long and toned arm around the shaken kid.  Caleb
was looking concerned, apparently too concerned to notice that his dad's
cum was still dripping down the son's nose and was about to land on his

"Really, it's ok," the other boy was saying to him gently. "We all went
through something like this, but we realize now that what we have is

"Yeah!" A smaller voice piped up.  Caleb looked down and saw that there was
a kid of about 11 pulling on Caleb's erect teenage cock to get attention.
"It's really fun!  And the cum tastes way better when it's from your own
Dad!  Trust me!"  I watched this for about 10 minutes, then headed over to
the men's group.

The dads were seated now, most of them leaning over and talking to Paul,
who looked distressed but had obviously calmed down.

"What do you mean?  He's my own son!"  He was saying to Abeed, who was
seated to his left.

"I know," Abeed said.  "It shocked me too, but he really does seem to want
it.  No...more than want...how you say...NEED it.  And I think, judging by
your boy, he does too.  I mean look at him."

We all glanced over to Caleb, who was licking his lips.  There was no doubt
about it, whether he was aware of it or not, he was eating his father's cum
again.  And this time he KNEW it shot out of the cock that made him.  And
then, when he saw his dad looking at him, a shy smile crept across his

The men slowly returned to the stage.  They didn't say a word, but just
looked at each other.  Then, without saying a thing, Caleb looked at the
chair.  Paul sat down, his cock rising again.

The crowd was loud now, cheering, "Come on Caleb!  It will be great!" and
"Trust me Paul, he'll thank you for this for the rest of his life!"

Slowly Caleb lowered himself to his knees.  He pushed his face towards his
father's cock, his green eyes looking up at his Daddy sitting there.  Paul
looked down, a look of disgust at his son and undeniable desire to get more
cocks sucking performed.  And then, it happened again.  In an instant,
Paul's straight dad cock was plunging into the throat of his faggot son.

Paul grabbed the back of his boy's head.  "Shit son, you really do love my
man cock, don't you?"

Caleb pulled up and looked his dad in the eye again.  "I do dad."  He
licked the piss slit of the cock.  "A lot.  I'm sorry."  Then his nose was
buried in his dad's pubes as he swallowed again.  He was only down there
for a moment when he pulled off and stood up suddenly.

"It's ok--I mean...had enough boy?" Paul asked, blushing.  He obviously
was not happy to have his cock out of his boy's throat.

Caleb didn't say anything, but just took a step toward his father.  Then
suddenly the boy had his feet on either side of the arm rests, and was
lowering his tight little ass down on his father's massive cockhead.

"Wait--Caleb--we shouldn't...AHHHHH" With a pop that we all could hear
Paul's cock popped into his son, and then, just like Caleb's throat had
done, was swallowed into the boy.  Caleb starting riding like a pro, and
Paul couldn't help but fuck back.



"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WAS YOU!" The boy shouted out, and at that moment,
gazing into each other's eyes, father and son shared their first orgasm.
Paul's teen cock spurted like a fountain, spraying hot cum up his father's
rolling hair stomach and muscular chest.  He still rode it, and we could
see cum dripping down the shaft of the daddy cock buried inside Paul.  It
was then, I noticed, that I had my hand down my own briefs and was about to
bring myself to orgasm.  I was about to cum when I felt a hand on my

"Well, I think we can both agree that was successful!" My guide said,
spinning me around.  "Shall we move on to some more studies?  Wait till you
see what we have going on in this wing!"