MFf, teen/ped, first, nc, snuff
My Life as a Whore (Part 1)
by Dirty Little Claudia
Author's Note:
This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. None of the events in this story are actual events, no name have been changed to protect the innocent, as there are no innocent
Feedback welcomed, and encouraged. Enjoy.


The whole town had talked about what had happened... it wasn't until 
several years later that the story had actually been released, and that 
Alyssa's story had been told to everyone about everything that had 
happened to her over the course of her life.

Her father was found dead in the basement of the family home. He was 55 
years old, and fairly healthy for a man his age. His unexpected and 
unexplained death left many people whispering here and there about the 
possibilities. Alyssa stayed quiet most of the time, her and her mother 
never really discussed their family affairs at town gatherings. 

We all lived in a small town in Colorado. On the outskirts of Denver, the 
town often got snow in the winter, as well as an influx of tourists 
driving up and down the highway, frequently spinning off the road due to 
their lack of snow-chains. This one winter in particular, I remember 
seeing Alyssa standing outside the market, her face hovering above a cup 
of hot chocolate as she watched her father with the jack by the car.

Her mother had run off down the street, taking in the scenery, and 
appreciating the small town atmosphere. She spoke with some women sitting 
inside the local coffee house, and returned with a cup of coffee for 
herself and stood next to her daughter. Marissa, Alyssa's mother, had very 
young skin, and had a jovial presence around her. Alyssa wore a faint 
smile, despite the uncomfortable circumstance of being stranded in 

A few months later, I was sitting inside the Sherrif's office, and I 
glanced out the window. It was the second time I'd noticed the car. It 
wasn't often that we recieved a visitor more than once a year with the 
same car, so I knew something was up.

Alyssa's father, Benjamin, had come alone this time, and parked his car 
outside of the real estate office. He bundled himself up in his coat, the 
small snowflakes slapping him in the face as he rushed under the eaves. 
The door opened, and he stepped inside. 

A few months later, a moving van pulled into town, followed by the same 
familiar car. I noticed Benjamin right away, and looked to the care behind 
him to recognize his wife and daughter. The whole town had been buzzing 
about Willowbrooke's newest residents.

The Wilkses had purchased a home up on Hickory Hill, with a few acres 
that touched the forest and the lake. I immediately rushed out to the van 
to greet the Wilkses and nodded to the two ladies in the car, who seemed 
much more shy than they had been before. They just smiled and nodded and 
turned to each other to talk.

After picking a few things up from the market, Benjamin returned to the 
van and smiled at me one last time before getting in and continuing the 
way up the hill.

A few weeks went by, and I wondered how the unpacking was going, so I 
packed up my jeep with some 'Welcome Goodies' and headed up there with a 
colleague. We were the only law office in town, and I was the only one in 
the office who had actuallyed passed the barr exam. I had also been 
pronounced the town's welcomeer... whatever that meant.

I pulled up to the driveway and we got out of the jeep, loaded our arms 
with baskets of home made goodies and what-not, and approached the door. 
Before we could even knock, Marissa opened the door with a big smile. I 
couldnt help but notice that she had dark circles under her eyes, but she 
still seemed quite as jovial as ever. The move must have exhausted her 
something aweful.

Alyssa couldn't have been more than 7 years old at the time. She ran up to 
the door and her eyes got wide with excitement. She giggled and swooned at 
the gifts and then thanked both my colleage and myself profusely with 
kisses on the cheeks.

Alyssa was well proportioned, but her hair was extremely beautiful. It was 
long, down below her tiny bottom, and as golden as the sun on a clear fall 
day. She had big blue eyes, and eyelashes that seemed a mile long. Her 
lips were pouty a little, but just enough to make it cute, and her high 
cheekbones made it very obvious that she'd be a heartbreaker some day.

I found it odd that the way Alyssa moved stirred something inside of me 
that I hadn't felt before. It was almost sexual, but I would never have 
even thought of anything like that with regard to a 7 year old girl. 

Marissa invited us in for coffee, but we politely declined, explaining 
that we had to get back to the office (for what, I'm not sure, there was 
nothing so pressing that we couldn't have visited for a while, it just 
felt rather uncomfortable, especially since Benjamin wasn't making an 

When I asked Marissa of Benjamin's whereabouts, she explained that he was 
busy in the cellar cleaning some things up. Apparently the previous 
residents had canned their own jams and jellies, and some of the jars had 
fallen off the shelves leaving a sticky mess for them to clean up.

I smiled and nodded, then excused myself and my partner. We headed back to 
town, and my colleage, Mark, turned to me and asked, "Did you get the 
feeling that something weird is going on up there?".

"I thought I was the only one who noticed." I responded. I wasn't prepared 
to talk to Mark about the hardness of my cock when Alyssa's lips touched 
my cheek. It was just too perverse, even for me.

"It just felt..." he hesitated, "... a bit odd up there."

We rode the rest of the way to town in silence. It was a short 10 minutes, 
but it seemed like it lasted forever.

A few months ago, I read in Alyssa's memoirs of her story of what 
happened. They were fairly detailed, and extremely well written. I 
gathered she'd combined all of her thoughts as she started getting older, 
but there was still much innocence in her writings. This is how she told 
the story of her life.

                                  Chapter 1                                 

Part 1 - Welcome to Denver

Hi, I'm Alyssa, a 34 year old woman. I've spent most of my life in a small 
town just outside of Denver, Colorado. I've spent some time thinking about 
my past and my childhood, and decided it in fair taste to put these 
thoughts down on paper, for fear that one day I may lose these memories.

I considered how far back I could remember, and then I remembered that 
Mom, Dad and I had bought the house on Hickory Hill.

The furthest back I can remember, it was the winter of 1995. My parents 
and I moved to a small town just outside of Denver and I was 7. Things had 
returned to normal, sort of, but Phoebe's sudden death had left me lonely. 
She was two years my elder sister, and I missed her greatly.

I would lay awake at night, and think about her. I remembered her face, 
but as the days passed, it became more and more a faint memory, and by the 
time we moved, two years later, the lonliness was still there, and the 
memories were beginning to fade. Not knowing how she died only made it 

Mom and Dad didn't like to talk to me about Phoebe's death but I know they 
used to discuss it when I wasn't around. Too many times, I'd enter a room, 
and silence would pierce the air. I knew when my presence wasn't desired, 
and would, most of the time, return to my room.

Nights following this series of events, I would find myself dreaming of 
the day that I watched my parents bury her body in that big empty field. 
In the dream, I would return to my bedroom, and Phoebe would be laying on 
my bed in her bruised and battered glory, smiling at me, and reaching out. 
Her pale skin almost glowed, the cuts and bruises on her neck and arms 
were more obvious than ever, and her eyes were distant and devoid of 

I would wake up sweating and crying out her name. Mom would come into my 
room, and cradle me until I fell back asleep, but we never talked about 
the dreams. I was never really sure about how it happened, and Mom and Dad 
never took measures to fill me in on the details.

I tried to be friendly to the people in town. The lawyer and his friend 
seemed to be very friendly. I kind of liked him a little, he was handsome.
Since my relationship with Dad had started to deepen, I'd found myself 
often looking at older boys and men and wondering if I'd ever find one 
that would marry me and be as good to me as Dad was to Mom.

The lawyer and his friend visited us shortly after we moved in. They were 
very nice and brought us a lot of goodies from the other citizens in the 
town. Homemade breads and pastries made our house smell good, and brought 
a certain warmth with them that made it feel a bit more like 'home'. I 
thanked them with kisses on their cheeks, and began my search for the 
delight I was most certain to enjoy.

When they came over, Dad was in the cellar. I wasn't allowed to go in 
there yet. Dad told me that the cellar was for 'big girls' and that I was 
still his 'little girl'. He often told me that there were things 
downstairs that could hurt me, and that he'd rather I not be down there at 
all. I just accepted this, and steered clear of the cellar altogether.

Part 2 - The Storm

One night, it was dark, and raining. I could hear the drops of rain 
hitting my window and the shutters outside. The sound of the water 
spashing against all the leaves of the trees surrounding our house was 
somewhat soothing, and usually made it smell good outside. My door creaked 
open, and my father stood in the doorway in his bathrobe. I was startled 
and jumped a little. I sat up quickly and tilted my head a little to the 
side when I addressed him.

"Is everything okay, Daddy?" I asked. Admittedly, the storm had me a 
little on edge, and the creak of the door hadn't helped.

"Yes, baby, everything is fine. I thought maybe you'd like to play 

"Ohh! Yes, Daddy, is Mommy coming too?"

"Not tonight, Mommy is very tired from all the moving, and she still has 
many more chores to do tomorrow."

I was a little bit hesitant, but trusted my Dad compeltely. It was the 
first time he had ever come to me to play without Mom. I smiled a bit 
nervously, and even though I was scared, I was excited at the same time.

"Okay, Daddy."

He approached my bed and sat down at the foot and told me to remove my 
night gown. I did as instructed, and lifted the gown over the top of my 
head, gathering my hair behind me. It was cold, and goosebumps covered 
my entire body, I started breathing heavier.

My skin had paled a little, as I'd been staying in a lot helping Mom with 
the chores. Back in the old town I spent a lot of time outside playing, 
but there wasn't much for me to do outdoors. Hickory Hill was pretty 
isolated from the rest of the town, mostly by forest, but once in a while 
I could hear the large cargo trucks passing through town late at night 
when it was quiet.

Dad reached over and started running his hands all over my body. His 
hands were warm and comforting. He laid me back in the bed. I closed 
my eyes and enjoyed the warmth that his hands provided, and began to 
squirm a little. I was overcome with arousal, and felt my clit start to 

Mom and Dad had taught me all about the female body, about what a pussy 
was, and a clit, and how the male body was different and had a cock, and 
balls. I was fairly well-versed by the time I was five on the basic parts 
of the body, and which parts felt good to be touched, and rubbed, and 
licked, and sucked.

He took his other hand and spread my legs open, puting both of my feet 
flat on the bed, and bending my knees outward. My body was laying there on 
the bed naked and exposed, but it was nothing Dad had never seen before.

As his hand made it's way over my skin, he told me how beautiful I was and 
how proud he was of me for being so brave. I suppose he sensed my 
hesitation that Mom wasn't there. I always liked to make him proud.

His fingertips brushed over my pussy lips and I shuddered a little. It had 
been a few nights since anything had touched me there, and I was extremely 

He pressed a finger between my lips, and started rubbing my clit. My skin 
felt so hard and tight against his hand, and I couldn't resist the urge 
but to lift my hips to him. Every time my hips would move upwards, he'd 
shove me back down and keep rubbing, getting a bit more rough as he did.

He had a look in his eyes that night that I hadn't remembered ever seeing 
before. It was actually kind of scary. He started rubbing harder and 
faster, and as I felt an orgasm quickly approaching, my knees snapped 
together quickly and hard. My legs trembled around his hand and arm. In 
response, his hand came down on my outer thigh very hard. A resounding 
smack echoed against the vaulted ceiling. My eyes welled with tears as I 
looked up at him.

"Be a good girl, Alyssa, open up for Daddy."

I wasn't sure whether to feel safe or scared or hurt, or to cry or what. 
He kept rubbing harder and harder, and my tears kept filling my eyes but I 
didn't weep. I closed my eyes and did my best to enjoy my special time 
with Dad.

For the first time, he began to insert a finger into me. I did not want 
it, and it was very uncomfortable. Before, it had just been touching. We 
had talked about waiting until I was 10 to have anything go inside of me. 
We'd used vibrators, and bullets on my nipples and clit, and around my 
butt hole, but nothing had ever gone inside of me.

I squirmed and sat up, crawled away from him, and slid off the bed. I 
stood there, naked, my blond hair hanging around my hips, my whole body 
trembling nervously. The look in his eye went from mysterious to evil, and 
he lunged foward, capturing me once again.

He grabbed my hair, put his other hand over my mouth and slammed me onto 
the ground on top of a thick rug next to my bed. His robe had come undone, 
and his hard cock pressed against my stomach as he moved on top of me.

"No running, little girl." He said roughly.

His voice was different, dark, and scared me. I laid there, and the tears 
began filling my eyes faster, falling down the sides of my face. I felt 
his finger probe deep inside again. When I tried to move away, he put his 
hand over my throat, and pinned me down so that if I moved at all I would 
not be able to breathe.

Dad was very rough that night. When he saw that I was crying, he told me 
to stop crying or he was going to have to give me a real reason to cry. I 
couldn't help it, and I began to bawl my eyes out. His hand came off of my 
neck and he smacked me swiftly across the face, and then he put his hand 
over my mouth so I couldn't wake Mom.

My cheek was burning and my whole body was shaking. A dull ache roared 
between my legs as I felt him invade me with his finger. I tried to close 
my legs, but his body was between my legs, and he was much too strong for 
me to fight.

His face was red, and his cock was even more hard now. He pulled his 
finger out, and grabbed the back of my head by my hair and pulled roughly, 
forcing me to sit up. He moved, and positioned me on my knees, and pushed 
my face down to his lap. I knew what he wanted me to do, and I didn't want 
to make him angry anymore, so I opened my mouth and managed to shove the 
head of his enormous cock into my tiny mouth.

I could feel my lips stretching, as they always did when I sucked him. A 
big of a numb feeling began to spread throughout my face, and I could 
taste the pre-come starting to ooze out the tip.

In one fluid movement, he was back on top of me, with his cock pressed 
against my thigh. My knees were tucked under me, and my body was beginning 
to grow more and more tired. I found it difficult to resist him anymore, 
and thought maybe I should give up, but the rough nature left me in panick 
and I tried to fight.

He shoved his prick up between my legs and my eyes grew wide. I started to 
protest, but he put his fingertip to my lips and simply said "Shh."

Suddenly, with a swift motion, his hand went back to my throat, and he 
shoved his cock inside of me. I tried to scream, but I only ended up 
choking as my body jolted upward and his hand strangled me. 

He rammed me very hard, and I felt like I was being torn to shreds. I was 
coughing and choking almost silently. My pussy felt like it was being drug 
against a cheese grater, and my clit drug against his cock every time he 
pulled out and pushed it back in.

I don't recall whether I was aroused, angry, tired, hurt, or scared, but 
it was probably all of them. He kept pounding and I kept on silently 
whailing inside, hoping for it to stop. My face was covered in sweat and 
tears, and my body felt so exhausted. My thighs felt wet, a wet I had 
never felt before.

I'm not sure at what point I decided to try to enjoy it because he 
appeared to be having so much fun, but there was a moment where I closed 
my eyes and felt the pain move through my body, and was relieved that he 
chose me to make him feel good that night.

He pulled his cock out of me and stood over me with his hand still on my 
neck, and shoved his thick hard cock into my mouth. I could taste 
something both familiar and unfamiliar. It wasn't until then that I 
realized that his entire dick was covered in my blood. I was horrified and 
gagged. He shoved it into my mouth and told me to suck.

"Suck your daddy's cock, baby, suck it good."

Not wanting to be displeasing, for fear that he may do something more 
harsh, I sucked, but tried not to swallow any of the taste. I tried to 
ignore the taste, but the familiar scent of blood kept the tears flowing 
as I felt my bruised and battered pussy ache.

After a few more thrusts into my mouth, I felt Daddy's come start to shoot 
deep down my throat. It was just as tastey as it had always been, but 
knowing that there were other things gathered at the corners of my mouth 
made me sick to my stomach.

Bile rose into my throat as I swallowed his come, and somehow I managed to 
keep it all down.

My eyes grew dark, and I gave him a hateful look as my pussy ached and 
throbbed. I pushed my knees together tightly and closed my eyes hoping for 
the pain to go away.

Dad stood up and pulled me up into his arms, and cradled me.

"I'm so proud of you, baby."

"But Daddy, I didn't like it."

His eyes grew dark again, and he growled a little. He had noticed that I 
hadn't eaten everything off his cock, and he took a finger and wiped it 
all up from just outside of the corner of my mouth and ordered me to open 
and clean his finger with my tongue.

I held back a groan, and took his finger, concentrating hard on not 
letting the taste and the thought get to me, and cleaned his finger like a 
good girl. The bile rose once again, this time I couldn't handle it, and I 
turned my head, and vomitted on the floor next to where we were laying.

He stood up and laid me back on the floor, slapped me across the face, and 
left me in a pool of blood and vomit as he walked away. My pussy ached, 
and I touched my thighs gently but they ached and burned so much even a 
feather would have sent me screaming in pain.

I fell asleep in that spot, but woke up in my bed in a clean night gown. 
I guess Mom had come in early in the morning to clean up the mess, and 
cleaned me, but my exhausted body was limp in her arms, and I never was 
concious enough to appreciate these efforts and thank her.

Part 3 - Battered, Bruised & Still Going

A few nights later, Mom showed up at my door. She was standing there in 
the corset Daddy had bought her, and a long pair of boots. She came over 
to my bed and crawled on top of it. Without saying anything, she straddled 
my waist and moved higher, and higher and higher, and before I knew it, 
she had her pussy right on my mouth!

She turned around and told me to lick and suck her clit good as she 
lowered her face between my legs. She told me that she knew Daddy had 
fucked me. She saw the bruises, and knew that I was still suffering from 
my first fucking.

She reached down and started gently rubbing my clit. It felt so good. 
Mom's hand was always so gentle, even in the roughest of moments. She 
rubbed me off so good that night that I must have soaked the sheets three 
times over. 

She started licking me, too, something she had never done before. She said 
she could still taste a little bit of blood. Daddy must have ripped me up 
something aweful, she had commented.

She moved her hand down and slid a finger inside of me. It felt good after 
having Daddy's big cock in there. It was small enough to enjoy, and not 
too big. She moved her finger in and out, and like an obedient girl that I 
was taught to be, I kept licking and sucking. She tasted good, I'd grown 
to like the taste of Mom's pussy a lot.

Mom started to get more wet the more I licked and sucked. I felt her add 
a finger, and now two fingers were probing my tiny cunt. It hurt a lot 
now, and I tried to ask her to stop, but instead of speaking, I was 
muffled by her pushing herself down onto my mouth harder, grinding her 
clit against my teeth.

I began to cry because the pain was too much to bear. It wasn't until this 
point, that I felt Mom's third finger press in. I cried harder and weeped 
against her clit. I could feel her hands roaming towards my chest, and she 
pulled on one of my nipples as she rode my face. My nipples were so tiny, 
but still just as sensitive.

Once the third finger entered, I became increasingly aware of the fact 
that there was someone else in the room. I knew Daddy was there and he 
must have been watching, either from the doorway or the chair across the 
room in the shadow. I heard him breathing heavily.

"Do it." He said to her.

At that precise moment, I was certain that I was going to die. Mom shoved 
her WHOLE HAND into my tiny pussy, stretching it out and making me scream 
and shudder under her. Just like when Daddy fucked me, it felt good and 
horrible at the same time, and she pulled it out almost all the way before 
shoving it back in.

She started to ride my face harder, and harder, and I felt her coming into 
my lips and I started slurping it up as fast as I could, but I couldn't 
catch it all. I was so focused on Mom that I wasn't really paying 
attention to the fact that she was abusing my pussy. My whole body began 
to shake and shudder, and I started to come so hard that it squirted.

Right then, I heard Daddy's grunt, and Mommy's moan, and there were juices 
all over the room.

Mom pulled her hand out of me and I curled up as she crawled off the bed 
and walked over to Dad, as I suspected, sitting in the chair. She 
straddled his lap and she began to fuck him. I'd seen them fuck before, 
but this time, it was more of a celebratory fuck than anything I think.

They fucked long and hard, and before Dad came, Mom got up higher, and 
pushed Dad's cock into her ass. Suddenly, my cunt was very jealous, and I 
whimpered as I felt my wetness grow. My hand wandered between my legs and 
I softly touched my engorged clit, swollen from abuse, and screamed out as 
another orgasm crashed into my body.

I was only 7, I thought I was having a heart attack or something, but by 
the time I was done, the entire bed needed to be re-made, and Mom and I 
were curled up on a blanket on the ground while Dad brought us some water.

That night we all slept together in front of the fireplace in the living 
room, curled up together, me, nestled between Mom and Dad, eyes sore and 
swollen, pussy burning and aching, but content to be where I belonged.

Part 4 - How kind the years have been.

A few years later, just after my 10th birthday, we received a visitor. It 
was the lawyer man from town. I'd learned that his name was Matthew. Dad 
had invited him over for dinner and coffee.

It was summer, and it was very warm outside. We had an enclosed patio on 
the back of the house. Mom had set up a table, and Dad was grilling some 
steaks. It was a lazy day, and I remembered rolling out of bed several 
hours after the sun had been up. I showered, and shaved, and got dressed.

Over the past couple of years Dad had fucked me several more times, and 
Mom had used my pussy as well. Mom had taken time to show me how to 
shave properly as I had started growing hair on my pussy and under my 
arms. She told me that soon I would start having monthly periods. It 
sounded kinda scary, but I trusted her when she told me it wouldn't hurt.

I helped Mom in the kitchen with the potato salad and drinks. We took them 
outside to the patio, and just about the time we were setting the table, 
Matthew walked up around the back side of the house. 

Dad and Mom smiled at him, and motioned for the door on the side of the 
patio that he could come in through. Matthew walked in through the door, 
and shook my father's hand, and kissed the top of my mother's hand. It was 
somewhat bizarre the formalities that took place as I simply recieved a 
small pinch on my cheek.

We ate and there was some conversation between Dad and Matthew, but Mom 
and I stayed quiet most of the meal. When it was clear that everyone was 
finished eating, she and I cleared the table and did the dishes, and 
returned the patio with fresh coffee and cream.

I never saw my mother move so quickly and gracefully. She deftly handled 
the cups, and poured the hot coffee for my father, Matthew and herself. 
She offered me a cup, but I declined. We sat and watched as the sun 
disappeared over the side of the hills, and retired to the den where the 
talking continued.

Matthew and my father talked for hours about where we had come from, my 
mother, his decision to home school me, and some political things 
having to do with business in town.

After it had been dark for a while, Mom told me to get ready for bed, so I 
headed upstairs to the bathroom for my bath with a fresh towel and clean 
night gown and panties.

I finished my shower, and made sure to clean and shave everything that I 
had been taught to. When I opened the shower curtain, Matthew was standing 
at the toilet peeing. I was befuddled and beside myself as I noticed the 
size of his huge prick.

I blushed and quickly closed the shower curtain and stood against a wall 
until I heard the door close. I took a deep breath and released a relieved 
sigh, then, thinking it was safe, I opened the curtain, and stepped out of 
the shower. I lifted my head and was shocked and amazed to see that he was 
still standing there.

"Like anything you see, little one?"

What had Dad told him about me? 

"Uhm. No Sir, I mean, Yes Sir, I mean. I don't know, I didn't see much of 

Matthew laughed under his breath and took a step towards my naked body. I 
was embarassed, but too far out of the shower to step back in and cover 
myself. I glanced over at the towel on the counter and then back at him, 
one hand covering my privates, the other arm drawn across my chest. Mom 
had told me that I was an early bloomer, as my breasts were beginning to 
form, and my nipples began to grow larger.

He must have known that I was truly embarassed, and handed me the towel. I 
waited for him to leave, but he didn't.

"There's no need to be embarassed, Alyssa." He reassured me.

"Why are you still here, Matthew?" I asked somewhat accusingly.

"I was just affirming what your father said. You are, indeed a beautiful 

He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye, and though I wasn't sure what 
to think at first, I got the impression that he was admiring more than my 
beauty. My nipples hardened even more and began tingling, and I quickly 
wrapped the towel around myself.

My face flushed red and suddenly, I wasn't sure whether to feel invaded, 
embarassed, or flattered.

As I stepped towards the door, he reached his arm out and slid his hand 
over my waist and pulled me towards him. My breasts were just above his 
waist, and he leaned down and kissed me on top of my wet head.

"With respect, Sir," I stated, "Mom has instructed me to get ready for bed 
now." I began to grow more uncomfortable in his presence.

"What's the rush? We have all night." He grinned at me crookedly and I 
felt my stomach sink. Had my father sold a night of me to Matthew? Even if 
he had, while I found him extremely handsome, I didn't know him very well. 
Even though his cock seemed like it would probably be fun, I had never 
even considered being with a man besides Dad.

He stepped closer to me and slid both hands around my waist, and pulled me 
closer to him. I could feel his hard cock press against my stomach, and I 
swallowed back my fear and tried to step away. He tightened his grasp, and 
pulled me even closer.

He was more foreful than I'd ever seen or felt from him. He lifted my 
entire body and sat me down on the counter, then snatched the towel out 
from in front of me and threw it on the other side of the bathroom. It 
landed near the tub, much too far out of my reach.

As he started unbuttoning his pants, I tried to slide off the counter but 
he forced me back up with his hips, and cornered me so that I could barely 
move. His pants dropped and his semi-hardened cock slapped down on the 
counter and brushed against my thigh.

"I hear you like big hard cocks, little girl, is that true?" 

I felt so dirty hearing those words from someone besides Dad. My entire 
body flushed bright red, and I tried to stand up, but he grabbed my hair. 
I tried to scream for my dad, but he slapped his hand over my mouth and 
pushed my head back against the mirror.

His cock was now fully hard, and he pulled my hips closer to him with his 
free hand, and pushed his cock against me, and pressed it into my cunt 
lips. Slowly the flesh of the head of his cock split my lips apart and I 
could feel his prick mash against my clit.

I grunted and squirmed, but before I could protest, he pressed my head 
against the mirror harder with his hand over my mouth, and pushed his cock 
inside of me. 

It felt so huge, so big, and it felt like the first time all over again. 
It had been a few months since Dad had fucked me, and I had been using a 
small dildo in it's place, but I started feeling like I had been missing 
something since the last time.

I found myself enjoying being forced to fuck this stranger, but at the 
same time felt like I was betraying my father. If I were being forced 
though, it wasn't completely my fault, right?

I continued to fight, and every struggle seemed to make him more and more 
determined. He fucked me harder and harder with every attempt to get away. 
It wasn't long before he leaned over and kissed my neck, something that I 
had never experienced while being fucked, and my tiny body shuddered and 
responded with a flood of fluids over his cock.

I flung my arms around and scratched at his arms and chest and face, and 
he got more rough, reaching up and wrapping his fingers around my throat 
and gripping tightly. My eyes got wide, turned red, and began to water, 
and I choked my begging out, hoping he would let go, but he didn't. 

I remember watching the room go dark, and feeling my entire body tingle. I 
woke up on the bathroom floor, covered in something sticky that smelled 
acidic. I sniffed the air, and ran a finger over my chest, and licked it. 

He had peed on me! I immediately spit on the ground and felt dizzy as i 
sat up.

I was disgusted, but felt an oozing sensation in my pussy. I figured it 
was because when Matthew finally came, he did so inside of me. It was my 
first experience with having come inside. Usually, Dad would just pull out 
and Mom would either swallow it, or we would share. I often got jealous 
when he let her swallow it all without sharing, but I understood that it 
was her 'reward' for rubbing herself off while he fucked me.

I laid back down on the bathroom floor for a moment and gathered my 
thoughts, and just as I was about to stand up, the door opened, and my 
mother walked in. It was very strange. She helped me up and stepped into 
the shower with me.

She turned the water on, ensuring it was tepid, and urged me to sit. I sat 
on the floor of the bath tub, while she knelt behind me, the water 
trickling down from the showerhead. She stepped out, and took her clothes 
off, then stepped back in, grabbed the soap and lathered up her hands.

Her hands felt like velvet, and the soap brought a pleasing aroma. As the 
stench of stale urine flowed down the drain, I began to feel the life 
return to me, and I closed my eyes, leaning back against my mother.

For a long time she continued to stroke my body with lathered hands, and 
towards my thighs, she rubbed especially hard. They were sore and I moaned 
as she grabbed and kneaded them in her nimble fingers.

She shifted a little and pulled me into her lap so that she was sort of 
cradling me in her arms. Eventually her hands made their way between my 
legs, and she rubbed gently. I could feel her fingers enter me, and felt 
much better after my pussy was void of most of Matthews semen. She 
continued to rub, and without thinking twice, I spread my legs a bit more 
and invited her hand in further.

One by one, she added another finger until her entire hand was inside of 
me. It hurt, GOD it hurt!, but it felt so good at the same time. Quite a 
predicament I was in that whole time, craving, and despising it all. She 
pushed in further, and I started to come. My legs were trembling and she 
leaned down and kissed my neck and whispered to me that she loved me.

I don't remember ever coming so hard. I'd just been had by the town 
lawyer, and now my mother was using my cunt. I know she was enjoying it 
because I could feel her shuddering behind me and I could feel her naked, 
wet tits pressed against my back.

After we had both come several times, I washed her in return, and we 
crawled into her and Dad's bed together and fell asleep. As I drifted off, 
I heard the laughter of two grown men from downstairs, and I knew they 
must have been discussing the events in the bathroom, and both hoped and 
feared that they were making future plans.