Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: Once Upon a Time Part 2 - Mystify (Merry Christmas) Author: EastinJoel Email: Basic Codes: mf,mff,rom Synopsis: Joel takes a trip down memory lane. Literally. Author Note: This is the second chapter of a longer series. Joel recalls a racy Christmas present from two cheerleaders. --- Have you ever heard a song that took you back to a distant time and place. Somewhere that, if only for a few minutes, you were young and carefree once again? This happens to me all the time since I hit the big four-oh, and I have started to relish these moments like a fine wine. I got the idea to chronicle these short adventures after my last experience - both to extend the pleasure as well as have something to refer to in case it ever stops. I'm Joel by the way Joel Eastin of Dallas, Texas. For reasons that should be fairly evident, some of the names and places will be changed in these stories. But, there is no excitement without some danger - so many will be left as they are, beginning with my name and ending who knows where. I spend my days managing the IT group for a large aerospace company. As one might imagine, this is a very boring job, so we have to find ways to entertain ourselves during the week. Friday's are almost always dead in the afternoon since no one wants to have to wait for us to show up and fix something - so most things that break on Friday usually don't get reported until Monday. As a way to pass the time, I have taken to playing DJ on Friday afternoons. Taking requests and playing them on the entertainment system in my office. Since the team is so diverse, I usually have to suffer through a variety of music that does not appeal to me. But as compensation, I get to subject my listeners with my selections from time to time - so it balances out. I rarely veto any requests, but if you want Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber - you're in for a hard time. On this particular Friday, a song that I had heard a million times served as the trigger for my latest trip down memory lane. Most of the time, I have a sense of the person, place, or time that triggers it - but this time there was no warning. By the time Michael Hutchence belted out 'Some silken moment, Goes on forever' I was lost in time. The scene before me was familiar enough. As with a lot of these visits back in time - I was in high school, I recognized the classroom and knew I was in Drama class. That made this my Junior year, but I didn't have much else to go on. Before I could get my bearings,the bell rang and young me was up and out the door. If you haven't been following along, now would be a good time to understand that this is not some trading places trick, nor is it any kind of possession. If anything, I am moving around in a television program that I can control. What I see is the entirety of the scene, not just my younger self's point of view. Normally, this is not an issue, because I know what he, or I, is/was thinking at the time. This time was a bit different, I had no idea what was going on in that head of his/mine. I followed Joel out into the hall, and had I any substance here, I would have been bowled over by the girl running up behind him. "Joel. Hey Joel, wait up!" she cried as she sprinted to catch up. When she finally did, she hugged him around the neck and only when he spun to greet her did I catch a glimpse of anything besides long dirty blonde hair. Holy shit! Reagan White, I hadn't seen her in decades. I still wasn't sure where this was going - but rather than fast forward, I let things play out for a bit. "You were right, I loved this album - how did you know I would like it?" She handed Joel the cassette tape, and I noticed it was 'In My Tribe' by the 10,000 Maniacs - a great album if your into lush vocals and jangly guitars. Joel smiled as he answered "I like female singers, and when I heard how topical it was, I figured you'd dig it. Glad I was right, did you make a copy already or should I put one together for you?" I almost laughed at his attempt at suave, because even though I didn't recognize this memory, I knew how anxious I got when I dealt with the cheerleaders. Even though I knew all of them, and was at least friendly with the ones I liked - I never could shake the idea that they were too good for me. It wasn't because they were all ten's, although a few of them were way up there. It was a sense of entitlement that they carried around with them wherever they went. I had noticed that it was worse when they were together, so I tended to only take chances with one of them when they were away from the herd. Reagan was my favorite, she wasn't the prettiest or even the best cheerleader - in reality she was as big a geek as I had ever met, but she was cute and in the right social circles, so there she was. Reagan explained that she had made a copy, and was wondering if Joel had any other suggestions that he thought she might like. "Yeah I think I could find you a few others that might suit you, I can bring them Friday, that work for you?" She shook her head, "It's only Wednesday, why the wait?" Joel explained that he had to work that evening, and by the time he had time to pull a few things it would be after school on Thursday. "What about then, can we meet up after school tomorrow? If you can bring me home, I can skip the bus and go home with you." Joel agreed that would work and they both headed off to class. I was starting to get an idea where I was now, so I fast forwarded to just before final bell on Thursday. My old buddy Martin and I were waiting in Journalism class for the bell to ring. "...and so you say yes, and now she is going home with you? What the hell man, your punching above your weight class here." Joel Eastin, both then and now, was never shy about his abilities. "No, I'm punching above yours, sir. Give it a rest, we are going to listen to music, make a few tapes and then I'm taking her home - this isn't a date dude." Just then the final bell rang and it was time to go. Joel flashed a mischievous grin "Don't wait up..." he said as he headed out to his car. After a few minutes, Reagan exited the school and waved at him as she walked across the parking lot. "It is so cool that you have a car! I cannot wait until I get my license, I've been practicing for six months." I watched as they both jumped in the car and made the twenty minute drive to the house. Another jump ahead and we're arriving at our house, Reagan had never been this far out in the sticks, so she was surprised to find such a nice neighborhood in what most people thought of as empty woods. Joel gave her a quick tour of the place before leading her back to his room to look over his gigantic music collection. "Wow, that is some collection" she said as she browsed around the shelves upon shelves of tapes and CD's and Joel explained that since there was no cable service in that neck of the woods, music was his main source of entertainment. Having long gotten over the creepiness of reviewing memories featuring underage girls, I watched as she reviewed the available options and began selecting items she wanted to listen to. At five and a half feet, she was not the tallest of the cheerleaders, but she certainly had a nice shape. Even back then, I was not a fan of the stick figure girls - preferring a softer shape. Built for comfort, that was my type then, and it still is today. As she bent to see the bottom shelves, I admit to being distracted - but when she noticed the books that took up the bottom two shelves of each case - I knew what this memory was. Reagan, having lost all thought of the music collecting, began reviewing my library and pointing out the ones she had read. "Ooh, you like Saberhagen? I loved the Book of Swords series, but I never heard of the Lost Swords, is it the same? Oh wow, you have a lot of horror that I have never heard of before." She browsed a bit more and grabbed the paperback version of 'Swan Song' off the shelf and read the description. "this sounds good, can I borrow it?" Joel assured her that anything she would like to try out was hers, and suggested that he get them some drinks while she browsed. He returned a few minutes later with sodas for the both of them, and she had selected a few more books from the shelves. "How is it possible that you are this cool, and we've never hung out before?" she asked. Joel kind of shrugged it off, "how is it you are a super geek, yet one of the most popular girls in school? There is no rhyme or reason to it - it's just the way things are." She took him by the hand and led him to sit on the edge of his bed, we both watched as she sat and was shocked by the movement of the waterbed mattress. She grinned and patted the spot next to her, "come sit here for a minute." Now, I was never a particularly good student - but I am also not stupid, so when beckoned by the cheerleader on my bed to come join her, I was there in a flash! "There is no point in trying to understand what you are thinking about Reagan, cliques just kind of happened when we left middle school - ya' know? I may have been upset for a bit when it happened, but you know what? I am happy it worked out that way, I have had the chance in the last two years to meet some very cool people. People who would never have spoken to me if I was part of your group." She looked puzzled at this, "Who would not talk to me or my friends?" Joel smiled at her, "You're smarter than that babe, yes you are always nice to people and I've never seen you look down on or bully anyone - but many of your friends do. And even when you're nice to a geek or stoner, they feel nervous because you are so out of their league - with your expensive clothes and fancy house and what will surely be an expensive flashy car very soon, right?" She sat and considered this for a moment, and then she dove in - "But wait, you have a car and you live in this big, beautiful house. I mean sure, you could dress better, but it's clear you have an individual style. Why would you be different?" Joel explained a bit more, "I'm not putting you down, its really not that hard to see from the outside. Next time you are hanging out, just watch your friends, it's a very self-contained system." She was clearly distraught over his accusation, "Give me an example, Joel. What do you mean by self-contained?" He asked who she was currently dating, and when she replied that she was single at the moment, he changed the question "Who was your last boyfriend?" She said it had been Rob Parks, and that she was pretty sure Joel knew that already. "That's my point Reagan, who else would expect everyone to know who they were dating like that? Who am I dating at the moment?" Joel was surprised when she answered him "no one since you broke up with that Ginger girl a few months ago." Undeterred by the evidence that she apparently followed his love life, he continued. "Since your group is self-contained, most of the school figures you will soon be dating Todd Sipps, because he recently broke up with Amy Charles, has he asked you yet?" Her blush was answer enough, "that's what I mean by self-contained. You will more than likely say yes, and in a few months you will move on to another guy in your group. You and your friends live in an aquarium, and like most fish - you have no idea that someone is always watching you." She put her arm around Joel, smiling a sad smile, and asked him how he got so smart. "I read a lot and I watch people even more, that's why I love being able to move through all the social groups - I get to observe more that way. I can hang out with you like this, and still go play Dungeons and Dragons with Paul Moon and his crew after I drop you off. How cool is that?" She leaned over and kissed him, nothing x-rated - but sweet "I can see why she likes you so much, you are an awesome guy. I've known you for years and never realized how cool you are." I watched as young me floundered, trying to come up with a way to respond to the kiss. "Uh, Reagan, what are you doing? And who are you talking about, that likes me?" She stood up, and began to remove Joel's shirt as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I am simply taking advantage of your offer, you said I could try out anything you had - so since I found something I like, I'm going to give it a try before I decide how much I like it. As for who I meant - you have to know that Anna is in love with you, as smart as you are." The look on his/our face was one of bewilderment, and I could see the wheels turning in that thick young head of his. We only knew two Anna's at this point in our lives, and one of them was a very slutty stoner chick from the rival high school - no way Reagan knew who she was. That left Anna Hopwil, another cheerleader, and one that we knew only a bit from some shared classes. "You're crazy, that girl is so uptight that I doubt she knows who I am, all she seems to care about are grades and getting into the right college." At this point, Joel was trying to decide if he should fight her in her attempts to disrobe him, or simply give in - he certainly had no complaints about the idea of getting with her, but was thinking it could be a trap. "She is only like that at school, in reality she is a sweet girl who is more than a bit infatuated with you. I think it's the bad boy image that does it for her, but then again - you don't seem that bad to me. A bad boy wouldn't be fighting me taking his pants off like this, would he?" Joel grinned, "No ma'am, a bad boy would start ripping your clothes off wouldn't he?" s Two hours later, Joel was dropping her off at her house armed with enough reading and listening material to last her a few weeks. She gave him a quick peck before she exited, and asked him if he was planning on attending the Titusville Christmas parade on Friday night. Joel shook his head, "I wan't planning on it, I am on call tomorrow at work, so I was thinking I'd hang at the pool hall or something." Reagan shook her head, "No, you should hang out at the end of the parade route, we're marching at the front - so we'll look for you there when we finish." Before he could ask who 'we' was, she was out of the car and walking up to her front door. Just before she entered, she turned a blew a little kiss at him, "Todd Sipps, my ass!" - and she was gone. True to his word, Joel headed over to Paul's to play D&D. While I had enjoyed it then, I'd be damned if I was gonna watch that shit show - so I hit the fast forward. Friday at school began with a heartfelt diatribe from Martin, on the dangers of disrupting the social order, often punctuated by the guffaws of several of the guys who were hanging around. Joel watched Anna in their Gym and AP English classes, she never looked at him or showed any signs of being a living, breathing human at all - that he saw. He came to the conclusion that Reagan was screwing with him, and let it go. On the subject of Reagan, although she had approached him after Drama to make sure he was going to the parade - he had made no attempt to find her during the day. Although his buddies knew he had taken her to his place, there was no other details out there, and he wanted to keep it that way. Even though Martin was a dumb shit - his speech wasn't too far off the mark, Joel feared he would get a visit from the prep squad if that got out. His suspicions were confirmed when he noticed Amy talking to Todd on his way to Journalism, the only way she could have been more blatant was if she'd pointed at him and shouted "That's Him!". While he wasn't afraid to fight over important things, he wasn't really sure that the thing with Reagan was all that important. He liked her, sure enough, but the thought of a high maintenance girlfriend was more than he wanted to deal with at the moment. As the bell rang, Joel headed out towards the parking lot but was cut off before he could make his exit. Six cheerleaders surrounded him and began pummeling him with questions. All things considered, the idea of six preppy guys trying to wail on him would have been a better time. Amy Charles, the captain of the squad was asking him who he thought he was, and her minions were squawking questions about what he and Reagan had been up to yesterday. I watched as young me kept his head and grabbed Amy's hand, pulling her towards the door. "If you have something to say to me, just come say it - but leave these bitches here please." he said. Amy allowed him to lead her over to his car, where he opened the passenger door and asked her to take a seat. Once she had, he took his place in the drivers seat. "Is this going to be quick or should I take you for a bite to eat while you interrogate me?' he asked. Without waiting for an answer he headed out of the lot and towards the closest burger joint. Once food had been secured, Joel sat down and asked flat out, "What's the problem, Amy?" She took a huge bite of the burger, "I haven't had one of these in forever, damn that's good!" She got the bite down and looked at Joel very seriously. "What were you thinking, messing around with Reagan? You know half the guys want to kick your ass right?" Joel smiled as she dug into the food, "That wasn't my idea Amy, and since when did you care who I mess around with? Not like we hang out anymore, I wasn't aware I needed your permission - is that some new cheerleader code of conduct or something?" She gave him a searing glance, and quickly erupted into laughter - loud enough, it turned out, to get them some wary looks from the old folks in the restaurant. "God I miss you, you asshole. When are you going to come to your senses and join the rest of us? You belong with us, and you know it. You may have the rest of them fooled, but I know you, and if you are running around with my girlfriends you might as well join the group - don't you think?" Like me, Amy had transferred during middle school to the other side of the school district. While her parents had moved into a nice place in Kingwood where all the preppy kids lived, mine had ventured out into the unincorporated area to the north. Like I said, it was the sticks to all of them, the land of trailers and front yard parking lots. We had known each other for years, and while she rarely recognized that fact, I knew deep down we had each others' backs. The distance was understandable, I mean she became the queen of the crew, Head cheerleader and Treasurer of the Student Government. I on the other hand, had taken my hands off the wheel and decided to let life take me where it wanted. As I watched, I could see that all she wanted was for him/me to say yes. While we had been too young to 'go out' I have no doubt she was imagining the two of us parading around the halls like we owned the school. But it was not to be, and both young Joel and old knew it without a doubt. "Amy, I miss you too but like I've told you before, that's your scene - not mine. I had no intention of doing anything other than listening to some music with Reagan, she started things and almost insulted me when I was considering how to proceed - so yes, I went for it. I am not going to ask her to marry me, nor am I seeking anything more from her. It was fun, but it was just a thing, right? No use in making a huge deal out of it." Amy sighed "No big deal right? so you're not going to the parade tonight to watch her march? Cause she certainly thinks you are, she told Anna you would be waiting at the finish area tonight. And she told Todd she wasn't interested in dating him, so unless she plans on being single until one of the other guys becomes available - what do you think she is planning on doing?" Unable to care less, Joel was at his wits end until the Anna part, that made some sense. "She is under the impression that Anna is crushing on me, so I assume she is trying to hook us up. That seems about as likely as you entering a pie eating contest, but yes, I told her I would stop by to get her off my ass about it." When he mentioned Anna, the look on her face changed drastically, "Come on, we have to go - you get to drive me home since you kidnapped me." In the car, away from prying ears, Amy was a bit more forthcoming. "She thinks Anna is into you? That's what she said? What words did she use - tell me everything." Joel repeated her words as best he remembered them from that day, and as she heard them Amy was visibly shaken. "You have to go tonight, regardless of the outcome of all this - you need to go and we need to talk after, you get me? You come by tomorrow, and we can go somewhere and talk OK?" Joel wasn't sure he wanted to agree to anything, the whole damn thing seemed like a trap, but he couldn't figure out why Reagan would go along with all of that for a prank. He told Amy as much, and she disagreed, "It's not a trap, at least not with Reagan involved, she is too nice for that. She is just a passionate person, and obviously you two connected somehow - she'd never do anything like that. Do you remember Freshman year when we both went to the old neighborhood for Brandon and Brandy's birthday? Remember the secret I told you that day?" Joel nodded, they had both been friends with the twins for a long time, so an hour ride was a small price for their two families to visit old friends. What he and I remembered most was the fact that Amy had been like her old self again, and the two of them had hung out for a few hours like old times while the twins bounced between them and their local friends. Once, in a moment when they were alone - Amy had confided that she had recently had sex for the first time. While it had seemed odd when she blurted it out, I think both of us realized that had we remained close - we would have talked about this kind of tuff with each other, so it was no big deal. "I do remember, but I cannot begin to fathom why that would be important to our current discussion. I assume you've done it more than once since then, right? Just spill it, what the actual fuck is going on?" Amy seemed embarrassed which was a surprise, as Joel never remember her being that type. Since I had the benefit of over twenty years worth of experience, I was prepared for it - but he had no clue what was coming. "Joel, I never would tell you who it was, and you were nice enough not to pester me, but I'm sure you had to wonder who it was right? It was her, it was Anna." The look on his/my face was worth the wait, but the rest of this was going to be a bit too sappy for my taste - perhaps someday I will trigger off of some tune and revisit, but for now - fast forward. Starting time for the parade was rapidly approaching when Joel, fresh from his visit to barter goods for services in order to have the night free of work, parked and approached the staging area at the end of the route. When he recognized some folks he knew, who were obviously working on the parade - he put on his cool guy mask. I knew, however, that he was freaking out on the inside worried about what was coming next. Joel took a seat on the curb and waited until he could hear the music coming. The route was about a six blocks, so he moved to the back of the crowd and watched them approach. Front and center was Amy, damn near the six foot she would reach by senior year, too thin for our taste, but undeniably sexy. She was apparently 'conducting' the group, as they marched about ten yards before stopping to do a routine for the crowd, and then repeat. During the last routine, Joel saw Reagan scanning the crowd, and he shifted to remain out of her line of sight. When she moved past him, he returned his attention to the group, and Anna was staring right at him. As soon as she saw that he'd noticed her, she winked at him and motioned toward the end of the line. Realizing that he was caught, he made his way over to the staging area and waited for them to come find him. I watched as my younger self waited, trying to keep up a cool, detached attitude, as if he was only there because he had nothing better to do at the moment. While I knew about all the crazy shit we'd gone through since, to him this was the weirdest couple of days in his young life. I remembered being alternately concerned that this was an elaborate trap to kick my ass, or that it was leading to a kinky as hell three-way with two cheerleaders. I honestly couldn't decide which scared me more. Joel was waiting for Anna to approach, but was not surprised when half the cheerleaders made their way over to him. Amy was in the lead, and the look she gave him was one part 'sorry for this' and two parts 'you better come talk to me tomorrow'. "Get out of here, you skeevy asshole! I told you earlier to leave her alone, do I need to get some guys over here to kick your ass?" Upon arriving, she grinned and slapped Joel in the face - not hard enough to do damage, but damn it stung. This make believe aggression was the last straw, he would indeed go find her tomorrow, and if she pissed him off any more - he'd let the whole world in on just how well they knew each other. Before she could do anything else, Reagan was on her, "I asked him to come, cut the BS Amy - you are not my mom, so you get no vote in who I hang out with! Come on Joel." Taking her hand, Joel was pulled along in her wake, until she finally stopped near the edge of the parking lot and turned to apologize. The apology was cut off when she found Joel laughing his ass off over the whole deal. "I'm sorry...wait, what is so funny?" Joel had finally had enough, "I don't know, this entire damn thing? Where are the boys tonight Reagan? Was that show for them or what? Why should Amy care if you asked me to come? This whole thing feels like a trap, is it?" From the look on her face, it was clear to him that if it was a trap - she had no idea about it. "Look, I think you are awesome, and you are totally my favorite cheerleader - but you know we can't go out right? It would really make life hard for you, and I'm not really in the market for a girlfriend anyway." Reagan directed Joel to get in the car, and when she sat in the passenger seat she let him have it. "So because we got friendly, you assume that I want to be your girl? Do you think I am so shallow that I need a guy to be happy? I had fun with you, but that's all it was Joel. I wanted to make sure you were the kind of guy I thought you were before you got anywhere near Anna." She directed him to head for the school, saying that they'd meet Anna there. "She has to ride with her parents because they are so overprotective, but she will meet us there in about an hour." The ride to the school was only about fifteen minutes and when they arrived, Reagan took him into the field house beside the football stadium. Producing a key, she unlocked the door and motioned for Joel to enter. I knew the fear he had, I'd lived this once already, but he manned up and headed in - expecting to be jumped by any number of guys once inside. "If she's not going to be here for an hour, why are we already here Reagan?" She sat on a bench and told him to have a seat. "We are here because you need to know a few things before she gets here, OK? First, she is my best friend, and we have a bond that you wouldn't understand." Joel thought he might have a bit of a clue about that bond, but he couldn't say anything - he'd promised Amy he wouldn't. "Second, this is probably going to be very strange for you, but I need to tell you what is going to happen here. Before I go any farther, you need to agree that you are OK with this, it is very likely that you will have sex with Anna tonight, but it has to be on our terms - do you understand that?" Joel nodded, still convinced he was being setup. "Very well, as I said - Anna is my best friend, and she has decided that she wants you to be her first. The thing is, I couldn't figure out why she picked you, so I needed to get to know more about you before I went along with this. Honestly Joel, you are a great guy and I think we probably have more in common than anyone would have guessed. While I meant what I said earlier about not needing a boyfriend, I certainly could see us becoming an item, because you are not only fun to fool around with, but you are interesting to talk to as well." As she was speaking, she got closer and closer to Joel, finally standing before him with her hands on his shoulders. "Anna and I are alike in some ways, but as you've noticed - she is a bit timid and is entirely focused on her future. That's her parents influence, and it will never go away, when she gets away from them, she has always had the desire to experiment, but she is afraid of sex. Her mother has her convinced it is painful and derogatory. Now, imagine that mental picture and guess what it is like to hang out with our group." He didn't have to work too hard to imagine that, the guys in that group were mostly cool, but a few of them were bullies of the highest order - and they usually got the others worked up pretty good. "Somebody got the idea in her head that she should find a guy from outside the group to be with first, so that if things went wrong - there would be no worries of stories passing between everyone." Looking back on it now, I have come to believe that person was Amy - it's the only thing that makes sense. First, the explosive reaction when she'd heard Anna wanted to meet me, and then the confession out of left field about how she'd had sex with her Freshman year. Amy was just crass enough to worry about the impact to her squad if Amy went into meltdown on the lap of some football player. When this trip down memory lane is over, I need to call that bitch. "So, with that decided, she was almost ready to approach you when she freaked out about what might happen if you hurt her, or she couldn't make herself do it. She really seems to be interested in you, and I became worried that if you did become her first, she'd do anything for you. So I did my little recon trip to gauge for myself if you were that kind of prick. I asked a lot of the girls that know you questions and you'll be glad to know, that aside from one angry band chick, you are a pretty well liked guy - even by your pump and dumps." She paused here and gave Joel another of those wonderful brief kisses. "I found out that you are an awesome guy. Hell I wish you'd have been my first, but no point in crying over spilled milk eh? I told Anna that, and she was glad to hear it, but she was still scared. So that gets me to the strange part of this evening..." Joel snorted, "oh, so we haven't hit the weird part yet? This outta be outrageous!" He was rewarded with a punch in the shoulder, and she smiled. Looking at her now, I realize that smile was the gold standard in my view for most of my high school life. There have been a few since this, but hers was the first - the smile that made me fall head over heels. "The strange part is I am going to be here for the entire thing, to hold her hand, to coach her, to answer questions - to make sure she is alright." Joel choked a bit at this. "I know, this is super weird, and I am sorry - if that changes your mind, you need to say so now because she will be here any moment." Again, young me tried to play it off like things like this happened all the time, but I remember the fear and excitement that he was battling with. I watched as he agreed to proceed, much to Reagan's relief. "Perfect, thanks for this, it means so much to us. Now, you might see some things that shock you, and we can talk about that afterwards - but please be patient with her." She got up and opened the door to the trainers office, explaining that it would be more comfortable. The office was large, and had two stainless steel tables in its center, as well as a few cots against the wall. Joel helped Reagan move the cots closer together, creating a makeshift bed. "It's not a palace, but it'll do. Do you have what you need?" Joel removed a condom from his wallet, "Yes, but at this point I am too nervous to imagine putting this on." She grabbed a backpack from the trainers desk and place a box of Trojans on the desk, "just in case..." and withdrew a cassette tape which she placed in the small boombox on the desk. She noticed Joel trying to sneak a peak at the case, "nothing sexy, she's a big fan of INXS so I thought this would relax her some." She hit play and the loud grunting at the intro for 'Guns in the Sky' began. "Jesus, not exactly romantic is it?" she asked. "I got this, no worries." Joel assured her. While not his favorite group, he was a big fan of this album. He stopped the tape and fast forwarded to the silence at the end of 'Devil Inside'. "That should do it, there is one bump in the middle - but it should work out nicely." At that moment, they both heard the front door open and they both got quiet real quick. While he had no doubt that Reagan was as nervous as he was, she was probably not fighting the lingering idea that there was still an ass-kicking waiting in the wings. They both calmed down when they heard the quiet "Hello?" from the other room. Without waiting for any kind of sign from Reagan, Joel walked out to greet Anna, who tensed up as soon as she saw him. "Hello Anna, we need to talk for a minute, is that OK?" he motioned for her to have a seat on the bench. While she was getting comfortable, both old and young Joel took the picture in. Anna, while a cheerleader, was not athletic in the least. I'd bet money that the cheer thing was application fodder for college. At maybe an inch or two over five feet, her build is one that to this day I believe can only exist in teenage girls, not a stick but not chubby either - the only word that could describe her build was soft. Dirty blonde hair and a small B-cup complemented the package, but the killer was her eyes - they were a damn near silver shade of gray. "Where is Reagan?" Anna asked. "I'm here, Anna - no worries" she came out of the office. Joel took charge of the scene, the presence of authority even giving me pause. Suddenly, I felt very visible and like I should be excusing myself. "Anna, Reagan has dropped quite a bit of strange shit on me this evening, and while I did tell her I would go along - you and I need to talk for a moment. Did you set this up? Is this what you want to happen?" She nodded, but Joel would have none of that. Even though I was aware of how this turned out, I was proud that he was sensible enough to ask these questions. "Nope, you need to speak, and you need to confirm what she's said to me. I am sorry if this is upsetting, and if what she told me is true - I am prepared to do my best for you - but I need to hear it from you." She stood, leaving her bag on the bench, and approached him. "Yes, Joel. I arranged this evening, and I do want you to be my first. Some of what Reagan did was not in my plan, but I understand why she did it - and I love her for it." She looked at Reagan, "Did you explain to him?" and when she nodded, Anna went to her and wrapped an arm around her before resuming, "I want to do this, and I want it to be you. She is here because I couldn't do it without her. So, how do we do this?" Joel held up a finger, "just one more question, why me? We have never really talked beyond the simple niceties, how did you decide on me?" At this point I fast forward again. Don't worry, you aren't missing anything interesting. It turns out that she was friends with a girl I dated Freshman year. Anna was ready to date, but her parents wouldn't let her, so apparently she lived vicariously through her friend while we dated. Maybe I will visit that memory another time. The trio gathered in the trainer's office, both Joel and Anna moving as if in a daze. Reagan started the music, and Joel was surprised when Anna began to dance to the music, her mood seemed to respond to the beat of the song. "How about we start slow?" Joel suggested, as he grabbed her in his arms and went into kiss her on the neck. The response was immediate, as she pulled his face up and began the type of kiss that most virgins are not familiar with. "OK, not your first kiss then, am I? What about this?". Joel reached up the back of her shirt, undoing her bra - he allowed it to hang free while he removed the shirt altogether. Anna was clearly comfortable up to this point, and I watched as Joel wrestled with the decision to move along - alternating between each breast as a stalling tactic. The pants came off next, and to his surprise - there was nothing underneath. "I guess you came prepared, eh?" he joked. She pushed him back, "I sure did, now it's your turn." She took her time removing his shirt and when it came time for the pants, she shot her a questioning gaze at Reagan. "Hell if I know, most guys are usually naked if I let them get that far!" Joel offered some assistance, unbuckling his belt to allow her to drop his shorts and underwear. Then she was face to face with what I really believe was her first penis. She touched it, and the look of concentration gave truth to my assumption. Needless to say, I was not really paying that great of attention the first time this happened to me. She tentatively licked the head, and finding nothing objectionable - she took the first few inches into her mouth and held it there. Both Joel and Reagan waited to see what she'd do next, and Anna didn't disappoint, taking the remainder and pressing her nose into Joel's pubic hair. While Reagan was in shock, it was Joel who gasped, he'd never felt such intense pleasure in his young life. The girl had taken him into her throat, which had only happened with one other girl he'd been with so far. The difference was the suction she provided, and the fact that she never lost eye contact with him. The look on her face was an erotic mix of longing and dogged determination, and it was unbelievable the effect that it had on him. Before Joel could even consider his next action, Reagan was on her knees next to Anna. "How in the hell did you do that?", she asked. Anna explained that 'a friend' had given her a toy to practice on, and that while it was a bit thinner than Joel, it was a few inches longer. Apparently she'd practiced until she could swallow most of that toy. "Can't you do this?" Anna asked her friend. "Maybe half of that, and that is pushing it for me." Reagan replied. Anna smiled up at Joel and asked is she should continue and he responded by pulling her up off her knees, "Why don't I return the favor for a few?" Reagan backed away as Anna laid down on the cots and spread her legs for Joel. "Don't go far Reagan..." she said. Joel knelt down and was surprised to find the girl shaved damn near bald. She'd crafted a small patch of hair into a heart just above her clit, but beyond that - there was not a stray hair to be found at al. This was a new experience for him, and he wondered if it had to do with the girl on girl things that Amy had told him about. Being in Florida, it wasn't uncommon for the girls to keep their bikini areas well manicured - but this took the cake. As he ran his tongue along her outer lips, she moaned a bit. The moan became a purr as he plunged his tongue into her entry, using it like a tiny penis, he quickly warmed her up before raising up to give some attention to her clit. Anna was responding to each and everything he tried, so he went a little farther - diving below again and probing the edges of her asshole lightly. To say she enjoyed that would be an understatement, and Joel almost got crushed between the powerful thighs of the cheerleader before he stopped. "Oh my god, that was amazing! Do it again please." So Joel returned to her ass and began to ring it with his tongue. After a moment he inserted a finger into her sopping pussy, and quickly followed it up with a second. As he flicked her rosebud, he pumped his fingers forcefully in and out - trying to find her g-spot. "Oh Reagan, his tongue is in my asshole! Jesus, it feels so good! I'm gonna... oh fuck... uungh!" As she came, Joel stopped his pumping motion, he simply traced the outline of her asshole with the tip of his tongue. Reagan, who'd moved over to watch him, when Anna had told her what he was doing, smiled at Joel. "You are just full of surprises aren't you?" Joel just smiled at her, as he climbed up Anna's prone body to nuzzle at her neck. Although it had only been about ten minutes, Anna was breathing hard as she came down from her orgasm. She kissed him passionately, ignoring Reagan's reminder of where his tongue had just been, and told him it was time. As the opening strains of the first truly romantic song on the album started, Joel entered her slowly. He stopped about halfway in, expecting some resistance, but none was encountered. As if reading his mind, Anna mentioned that gymnastics had taken her cherry many years before. Joel was soon buried to the hilt in Anna, who was visibly trembling. "Do you want me to stop?" Joel asked, and Anna shook her head. Reagan crawled over and sat near her friends head, stroking her hair. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to, babe. Just say stop and Joel will stop immediately." Anna insisted that she wanted to continue, and Reagan sat there as Joel began to slowly thrust in and out. After a minute or two, things were moving very smoothly, and Anna, who was back to making her almost catlike purr's, demanded that he speed up "Harder Joel, harder!". As the current song ended, I knew the moment that I'd come for was upon me. Despite the fact that young Joel was balls deep and plowing the girl for all he was worth, Anna wanted more. As Joel watched, she grabbed at Reagan - who was concerned for a moment that her friend was in distress. The concern passed when she was pulled down and kissed most passionately by her friend, who immediately began to come again. Seeing this almost put Joel over the edge, and only then did he realize that he'd neglected to put on a condom. He slowed down to prevent an accidental discharge, and told Reagan and Anna that they'd forgotten to get a rubber, "I guess I need to pull out." he said. Anna released Reagan's head, "No, do it in me - I want to feel it." Reagan's look told Joel that would be a bad idea. She stroked Anna's face, and asked "Do you trust me babe?" Anna nodded, and Reagan laid her head down next to Anna's. "Do it up here Joel. Anna open your mouth." Her words, and the fact that she also opened her mouth wide, made it difficult for Joel to keep it under control. He managed to pull out and climb up beside both girls just in time, and with no real warning - he began to hose them down. Three or four big blasts, as well as a few smaller dribbles were distributed evenly between the two girls. The first had overshot Anna's mouth and traced up the bridge of her nose all the way to her hairline. The last dribble ended up on Reagan's chin, which earned him a wink from the more experienced girl who'd kept her eyes open to watch him. As Michael Hutchence was promising that the stars would shine upon us, and kiss us every night, Reagan swallowed and turned to her friend. "Are you alright Anna? You did great, I'm so happy for you." Anna was concerned about swallowing, but took solace when Reagan assured her that it wasn't bad. After she'd downed her load, she grabbed Reagan and the two cleaned each other up, and began to kiss again. Joel simply muttered "Holy shit..." as he watched them pass the remainder of his load between them with their tongues a few times before swallowing that as well. Anna eventually broke the kiss with her friend, just long enough to bring Joel into the action as well, and the three of them traded kisses for several minutes. I laughed remembering the thoughts going through his/our head as he could taste himself on the lips of both girls. After a few moments of this, Reagan broke the silence as the scene began to fade out on me. "So Joel, what are your plans for New Years?" "Joel. Hey Joel. Earth to Joel!" I slowly realize that the person is speaking to now Joel, not then Joel, and I snap back to life. "Yeah, Earl. What's up?" One of my employees is standing in my office doorway, wondering why the delay in playing the next song. "Man it's been quiet for a few minutes, you alright?" I assure him I am fine, and I start 'Sister Ray' by the Velvet Underground, which gives me almost twenty minutes to get a quick smoke. As I walk out to the smokers area, I thumb my phone's button to trigger Siri. "Siri, call Amy Charles"