Elise Olisbos (c) 2010 | email: eliseolisbos@yahoo.com
website: /~Elise_Olisbos/
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Title: Little Red
Author: Elise Olisbos
Keywords/Codes: futa/dickgirl, fingering, oral, Ff
Summary: A twist on the old fairy-tale.

"Are you sure," Ruby's mother said with tears standing in her
eyes, "are you sure that you'll go?"

"Yes, I'll go. It will all be fine." Ruby tried to nod
reassuringly, but her father's stony expression and mother's
tears were quite unnerving. The rest of the village stood some
distance away, a crowd of hard-working farming people with
resigned, sympathetic faces. The cold air was quiet around them,
the calm of early morning. Over Ruby's village, there were always
grey clouds; the farming was always difficult; the fires always
low. It had always been that way.

"Don't worry," Ruby repeated, but her voice trembled. "I'll be

"Keep on the path," Ruby's father rumbled, looking steadfastly
away from her. "Goodbye."

Ruby blinked and then nodded, making sure her basket was securely
fixed over her arm. She kissed her mother on her tear-damp cheek,
checked that the red hood and cloak were fastened properly and
turned to enter the dark forest.

The silence of the villagers followed her in.


After few hours of careful walking, Ruby became convinced that
she was being followed.

When she stopped and listened, the furtive movements through the
shadowy underbrush stopped. As she began to move quickly over the
beaten-down black earth of the path, magically clear of even the
smallest dry autumn leaf, the sounds began again.

"Who's there?" She called out in a trembling voice, stopping
again and looking around with wide eyes. There was a long pause,
and then a dark form slunk out of the bushes to her right.

Ruby stumbled back, staring in fright at the yellow eyes, the
sharp fangs and the black fur. A wolf, sleek and intelligent, sat
on its haunches and regarded her curiously.

Finally, it deigned to speak. "Is this what they're sending
Grandmother Witch these days! Pretty scrawny, if you ask me. Just
a child."

Ruby frowned, her fear almost completely washed away by anger at
the Wolf's mocking words. "I'm a woman," she informed it. "I've
started my monthlies and I'm the best person they had. There's no
one else to send to Grandmother Witch." She lifted her chin. "So,
excuse me, Mister Wolf. I have to get to the Cabin in the Woods
before nightfall."

There was a hoarse, coughing sound and Ruby realised that the
Wolf was laughing.

"A mere running of blood doesn't make you a woman," the Wolf said
derisively. "What season were you born in?"

"Summer," Ruby said stiffly and turned around to continue on her
way. To her annoyance, the Wolf went with her, trotting along
slightly ahead.

"I'm sure you're not more than ten summers," the Wolf mused.

"I'm thirteen summers," Ruby snapped and the Wolf laughed harder.

"With that scrawny little body and all that silly red hair, I was
fooled!" the Wolf exclaimed in amusement. "Well, I was wrong
about something and you were wrong about something. That makes us
all even."

"What?" Ruby gave the Wolf a quick, confused glance. "What are
you talking about?"

The Wolf gave her a quick, amused flash of its yellow eyes,
peering over its shaggy shoulder before slipping into the bushes
again, disappearing completely.

"I'm not a Mister Wolf." Its voice filtered through the leaves
and then Ruby was all alone again.


"It's about time you got here, girl," Grandmother Witch snarled
when Ruby finally made her way to the rickety Cabin in the Woods.
Her eyes, white and filmy, gazed at Ruby as the girl slowly
climbed the sloping, wooden steps. Her lips curled ferally,
revealing an alarming amount of spaces; the few remaining teeth
were blackened stumps. "Hurry up, you little bitch. I haven't
gotten all fucking night."

Grandmother Witch peered around at the quiet forest as Ruby,
shocked at her filthy speech, scampered into the house.
Grandmother patted down her wispy white hair and clomped inside,
slamming the heavy door and seizing Ruby's basket, flinging it to
the ground; some of Ruby's clothing and personal trinkets tumbled
out. Trembling, Ruby backed away and pressed against the wall;
she couldn't bear to look at the old woman's strange, burning
eyes, so she cast her gaze around her new surroundings.

The cabin was a single large room, with a high, unmade bed in one
corner; at the other end of the room was a stove and table with
pots, spoons and dull-looking knives strewn over the surfaces. On
a chair near the back-door, a large round metal washtub reigned
over some smaller buckets placed on the ground.

She looked back at Grandmother, who was squinting at her.

"Like it, dearie?" She took Ruby by the wrist, pulling her
towards the bed. "Now come on. Don't we have business? Yes, we

Ruby took a deep breath and meekly allowed herself to be pulled
along. This is what the village had sent her for, and she would
do her best, so that they would all be protected.

As Grandmother Witch clambered up into the bed, Ruby stopped to
pull off her hood and cloak, folding them neatly and putting them
on the floor. She removed her sturdy shoes; she should have taken
them off before she came in, she thought as she grimaced at the
dark mud caking the soles, but she put them aside to pull off her
thick white cotton dress.

The Witch was already under the covers, licking her dry lips as
Ruby slowly got in the bed. Her heartbeat thrummed in her chest
fast as she lay back against the pillows.

"Now, now," the Witch said softly as she doused the light. "No
need to be afraid."

Ruby couldn't see properly; night had come quickly to the Cabin
in the Woods, so she could barely make out the pale shape of the
old Witch as she rose over the girl. Ruby felt dry hands rubbing
over her thighs, pushing them apart. Ruby bit her lip as
Grandmother Witch slid down and she jumped as she felt a wet
tongue lap at her secret slit.

"Oh!" She flinched again as the hot tongue jabbed at her and
Grandmother snickered.

"Never had someone taste your pretty snatch?" Grandmother crooned
and did it again. She twisted her tongue up and down, yanking at
the few hairs there. "Such a nice little pussy," Grandmother
hummed. "Such a delicious sweet cunt. I'll gobble it all up."

Ruby went red and hot all over; her nipples seemed to stand up
painfully on her almost flat chest and she moaned as
Grandmother's tongue slipped deep inside. She bit her lip as
Grandmother pulled back, whimpering.

"Do you want more, my little precious Ruby?" Grandmother asked
and Ruby didn't know whether to shake her head or not. She
groaned loudly, though, when she felt a long finger rubbing at
her wet cunt, slopping through spittle and Ruby's own juices.
"Want more?"

"Y-yes," Ruby finally whispered, her hips moving in tiny, anxious
circles and Grandmother laughed a witch's cackle. The heavy
covers slid down and Ruby's eyes had adjusted a little to the
dark; she could see the flabby skin of the old woman and the
thick erect flesh between her legs.

Ruby stared at it; her mother had whispered many things to her
about Grandmother Witch, how she could change the shape of things
with magic. She was an old, bitter, powerful witch, Ruby's mother
had warned, so it was just best to do as she was told.

Ruby opened her thin legs even wider, pulling them up to her
chest and holding them there. Grandmother Witch smiled almost

"That's a fine girl," she said and taking herself in hand,
pressing the round knob of the erect cock against the girl's
puffy cunt-lips, rubbing it around the slickness, before easing
it inside the willing hole, slowly.

They both moaned as the cock of the old witch slid thickly into
the girl; then Ruby jerked as the stiff penis pressed against
something resistant inside her.

"Don't tense up!" Grandmother hissed, her breath hot on Ruby's
cheek. Grandmother drew out and little, and thrust back in. Ruby
cried out at the flash of pain.

Grandmother kept still for a moment, until the ache began to fade
slowly, retreating from the huge throbbing presence deep inside
Ruby. She was heavy atop the girl, and Ruby found she could
hardly draw a proper breath as the witch pulled out and pushed in
again, sliding slick and hot and firm.

It was less painful and more pleasurable with every thrust. Ruby
arched up, her hard little nipples scraping against the large,
flabby breasts of the ancient witch.

She felt the old woman curl over a little, suckling on each her
small, pert breasts and mumbling things like, "fuck" and "yes, so
hot and tight, oh yes," now and again.

Then, the witch stretched out again and sucked hard on her neck,
squeezing and rubbing at the delicate skin of her chest and
thighs. Ruby felt own her body shake and tremble, completely out
of control. She heard herself whining breathlessly as her legs
tensed underneath the witch.

Then, the witch cursed and groaned loadly, her strong thrusts
becoming erratic and a hot wet fluid splattered inside Ruby's
quivering young body.


Someone shook Ruby roughly awake and she sat up; she made a
grimace of pain as her sore pussy and thighs made themselves

"Get up," the Witch snapped and whirled a large black cloak
around her shoulders. "You have work to do."

Ruby stared up at her. This couldn't be the old Witch who had
slid a hot prick inside Ruby last night. The white hair and
rheumy eyes were gone, leaving a tall young woman with long,
shiny black hair and shining black eyes. Her hair was pinned in
curls around her head; some of the curls artfully escaped to curl
over the large, half-exposed swell of her considerable bosom.

Grandmother Witch smiled at Ruby's shocked expression. "This is
the magic of youth, my dear," she told the girl smugly and then
strode off to the front door. "Get this house cleaned. When I get
back in the evening, it better be spotless."

She opened the door, covered her face with her cloak against the
morning sun and left.

Ruby sighed; she pushed away the covers and looked down between
her naked legs. There were faint streaks of blood, not as much as
she thought there would be when the Witch took her virginity.

As a matter of fact, it looked like someone had wiped her up a
little... or licked her clean.


"Do you want to hear a story about the Witch?" The Wolf asked
mischievously as Ruby cleaned the Cabin in the tackled. For such
a small place, it was so hard to clean. Ruby had the back door
open so she could go back and forth from the old well, drawing
cold water in the buckets to wash down the floors. The Wolf was
just outside the door as if it had a right to be there, grinning
at the hard-working Ruby. It did not enter the house and for that
reason, Ruby was very glad.

"No," the girl told it crisply. "Now go away."

"I'll tell you, in any case." The Wolf flopped down on the packed
earth and made itself comfortable. "Once upon a time, the Witch
was once a very ordinary woman who was learning the ways of
darkness. Then one day two young sisters from your village
happened upon her home."

Ruby scrubbed the floors and listened.

"One of the girls was tricked by the witch. Her name was Gretel
and she was beautiful and sweet, but she believed all the sweet
lies of the Witch and would return to this very Cabin nearly
every night afterwards. One night Gretel's sister, Hanne,
followed the bewitched girl and peeked through the window. She
saw her sister being hurt by the Witch and she rushed in to help
her, grabbing up the fire-poker. But it was too late: Gretel's
life had already been taken by the evil woman."

Ruby cleaned the kettle and the pots and listened.

Hanne ran back the village to warn tell of the gruesome murder;
when the villagers came to the Cabin with their picks and fire,
the Witch was laughing over the still body of Gretel, her hands
covered in her blood. They dragged the witch out to punish her in
the forest."

Ruby turned over the mattress and spread the bed; and she

"However, it was too late. The witch already used Gretel's life
to strengthen her own. She also cursed the village, that their
fields would never grow, and their fires never burn, unless they
gave her a young virgin every one hundred and six years. The
virgins make the Witch young again, but at the end of a month,
she kills the girl."

Ruby froze and turned her white face to the now solemn yellow
eyes of the Wolf.

"How do you know all this?"

The Wolf simply answered, "It is the story that the whole forest
knows. You are the sixth virgin. But," and the Wolf's gaze
remained serious, "don't you want to know how to escape?"

Ruby hesitated. "You'll help me?"

"Yes," the Wolf said, and laughed its wolfish laugh. "I shall


Every night for the next two weeks, the Witch fucked the young
Ruby. She would grab onto Ruby as soon as she got home from
wherever she went in the day, sometimes just pushing up Ruby's
clothes and simply sticking her heated cock inside Ruby's
prepared pussy. She had made sure to tell Ruby to get herself wet
and ready before she got home.

Every day, the witch looked younger and healthier. Ruby herself
didn't change at all; apparently, the magic of youth was a very
strong type. The Witch liked it when the girl knelt down and
sucked on her erect dick, her small tongue flickering over the
angry purple head. Then, she would push Ruby onto her back and
enter her, grabbing onto her small waist.

Once, she made Ruby go on her hands and knees in the bed,
entering the girl from behind. Ruby felt as if her cock went even
more deeply then, and clutched onto the pillows and moaned

The Witch kissed the back of her neck softly and went to sleep.

In the mornings, after she left, the Wolf told Ruby where to look
for the books of magic; during her free time, Ruby read quickly
about casting glamours. Once, Ruby found a small golden locket
with the painting of a golden-haired girl inside it.

"That's Gretel," the Wolf confirmed and looked closely at the
tiny likeness when Ruby went outside to show her since the Wolf
could not enter the house. "She's very pretty, isn't she?"

"Yes, very." Ruby gazed at Gretel's pretty blue eyes and felt a
strange stab of jealousy. With her own red hair and ordinary
brown eyes, she was quite plain compared to this long-dead
beauty. She made sure to put everything back very carefully back
where she found it, just in case the Witch became suspicious.
However, the Witch did not become suspicious; she even told Ruby
that she was doing a good job keeping the house clean as they ate
dinner that evening, and gave Ruby a very small smile.

Ruby felt very warm at that, and blushed for a long time


"Tonight, the Witch is going to kill you. Remember what I said,"
the Wolf lectured before it skulked off into the forest on the
last day of Ruby's month. "Remember the spells you learned!"

Ruby nodded and closed the door, making the preparations. She lit
many candles and set them around the room, then lay in the bed,
naked under the sheets. In her hand, the locket of Gretel lay
cold as she chanted out the spells. The inscription on the back
of the locket seemed to burn into her skin.

The door flew open, letting in the night and cold and the Witch.
All of the candles blew out.

"Ruby!" The Witch called out irritably. "What in the world--"

The Witch stopped and stared, her dark eyes wide and amazed. Ruby
had cast a glamour, changing her appearance completely.

"Gretel?" The Witch's whisper was full of hopeful disbelief.

"Yes!" Ruby called in a high, pretty voice. "Come close,
Vasilissa." She was only making a very educated guess, for at the
back of the locket was a faint inscription: For Vasilissa. The
Wolf had said that Gretel must have been under an extremely
powerful spell to give the Witch such a precious locket.

The Witch wavered now, as if she would faint, and then stumbled
over her skirts as she raced over to the bed, falling on her
knees and touching the newly blonde hair with one trembling hand.

"Gretel," Vasilissa the Witch whispered, and when Ruby smiled,
she cried out wordlessly, kissing Ruby on the mouth, touching her
shoulders and arms with reverence. Ruby writhed under the
attention as the witch murmured in her ear, "I knew you would
return to me. You said so."

"What?" Ruby pulled back in confusion, meaning to ask what this
meant, but there was a low growl by the door, and Vasilissa
whirled around, getting to her feet and staring at the Wolf,
whose eyes were shining in the darkness.

"You can't come in here," the Witch said in a terrible voice.
"There is magic to keep you out."

"Magic that has been broken by your little Ruby there." The Wolf
stepped inside, teeth gleaming in the darkness. "And now... you
will suffer as I have suffered."

The Wolf leaped at Vasilissa the Witch, its teeth rending at her
face. Ruby screamed and scrambled back, and the Wolf snapped at
her with bloody jaws. It lunged at her, but one of Vasilissa's
pale hands grabbed at the scruff of its neck, dragging it away
from Ruby's trembling frame.

"Run!" Vasilissa shouted and screamed in pain when the Wolf
turned on her again, sinking its teeth into her arm. "Run,

Ruby got up to flee; then she spotted the axe by the woodbox. She
snatched it up and swung it over her head, not knowing where she
gained this strength. Then, she let it fall on the neck of the
Wolf, who let out a howl that curdled the blood as the sharp
blade sunk into its flesh. It tried to crawl to the door,
bleeding all over Ruby's clean floors, and as it did so its form
began to change. All the fur shed at once and the limbs smoothed
out, until a girl with long black hair lay dying in its place.

"Hanne," Vasilissa murmured in a very sad voice, and the girl
rolled hate-filled eyes at the Witch before her body jerked and
she breathed her last.


"Once upon a time," Vasilissa murmured, reclined on the pillows
as Ruby dabbed at her wounds, "the Witch wasn't an evil witch at
all. She was just a lonely and foreign woman living in this
Cabin, learning about the magic of the sun, the moon and the
stars. Then, two young sisters from your village happened upon
her home."

One of the girls, Gretel, was so beautiful and stubborn and she
decided that she loved the witch and wanted to stay. The witch
refused, sending her and her sister back to the village. But
Gretel would return in the nights and make love to the witch."
Vasilissa's gaze turned inward and Ruby could almost imagine how
it had been between her and the beautiful Gretel.

Ruby said nothing, though; she just squeezed the blood out of the
rag into a bucket and listened.

"One day, Gretel's sister Hanne followed her and peeked through
the window. She saw her sister beneath the witch and thought that
she was being hurt. Rushing in, she tried to kill the witch with
the fire-poker, but Gretel jumped in the way and was killed by
her own sister."

Ruby tried to make Vasilissa more comfortable on the bed, but
Vasilissa's breathing was becoming a bit more laboured.

"Hanne ran back to the village and told them the witch had
murdered Gretel; when the villagers came to the Cabin with their
picks and fire, the Witch was holding the still body of Gretel
close, crying over her loss. They dragged the witch out to beat
and torture her in the forest.

"However, the witch cast a spell that would make her age slowly.
With a broken and bitter heart, she also cursed the village, that
their fields would never grow, and their fires never burn, unless
they gave her a young virgin every one hundred and six years. The
virgins make the Witch young again, but at the end of a month,
she gives the girl a choice: return home or go on to the city."
Vasilissa's lips tilted up in a tired little smile. "They always
chose to go on. The Witch also turned Hanne into a Wolf, to
punish her for what had been done, and she would only return to
her human form when she met with her own death."

"You should make yourself better with a spell," Ruby whispered
worriedly. "You've lost a lot of blood."

"I'm tired of being bitter and broken," the Witch sighed and she
touched Ruby's hair with a very shaky hand. "You've shown me my
heart again, Ruby. It just doesn't want to be this way any more.
And... Gretel said she would see me again one day." She suddenly
looked behind Ruby's shoulder as if someone was standing there
and her face lit up. "Gretel!" she cried, and stretched out her
hand further. "My love!"

Ruby turned around, but saw no-one. When she looked at the
Witch's face again, Vasilissa's eyes were blank and lifeless.


The fields were full again, and the fires burned brightly. Ruby
smiled as she watched the farming people marvel at the removal of
the curse, watching them from the edge of the forest. Then, she
returned to the Cabin in the Woods, locked it up tight and began
her journey to the city.


email: eliseolisbos@yahoo.com
website: /~Elise_Olisbos/
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