Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Archive name: canihelp2.txt (bF, inc, ped) Authors name: Fitfully Yours( Story title: by Fitfully Yours ------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author (C) 2011. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. ------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note If you are not old enough to read stories describing sexual activity, go away. If you are not allowed, legal or otherwise, to read stories describing sexual activity, get lost. If you are morally offended about stories concerning consensual sex between an adult and a child, pick a different story. If you are ignorant enough to think any part of this story is in any way, shape, or form, non-fiction, get lost. If you think this story is a good thing to do in real life, go kill yourself. As an author, I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback for my work. I do not write for profit, so the only payment I get is knowing what my readers think. -------------------------------------------------------- Can I Help 2 - A Mother's Tale (bF, inc, ped) Hello. My name is Karen, and I will be the first to admit I am a bad parent. Not in the beat your children, let them run rampant through the neighborhood tearing everything to shreds eating candy all day sort of way. I try my best to raise them to be respectable people. My daughter has the best of everything, and at eleven years old, she is one of the brightest children in her grade. Angel has always gotten top marks, but even those have improved in the past year in such a way that her teachers are shocked. She's a daddy's girl, but that's nothing to be too concerned with, right? After all, they say a girl's first love is usually the man who reminds her most of her father. I think I'm a pretty good parent when it comes to her. My son is why I think I am a bad mother. He is also extremely smart. Maybe not top of his class, but near the top at least. He is spoiled; he had his own space, his "apartment" as he called the addition to the house, as well as an indoor basketball court built specifically for him. How I've failed him as a mother, though, is something that takes a path through history. I was eighteen when I got pregnant with Jason. He was born the March after Matthew and I graduated from High School. Now, I know what you think two kids having kids and not being able to support them, but our life was almost perfect. I'm a writer by trade, and my husband is paid quite well designing and writing computer programs, so lack of money isn't why I'm a bad parent. Jason turned seven a month before Angel was born, and I admit for a while Angel got more attention than Jason for a while. He seemed to accept that gracefully, for a while at least. It came to a boil the day before we had planned a birthday party for Angel's third year. He came stomping into the house, just having turned ten himself, and complained at the top of his voice that he hadn't had a big birthday party, why should his bratty sister. I realized that I had been neglecting him, and when I asked him how I could make it up to him, he said he wanted to play basketball when school started in the fall, and I had to agree to go to all the games, home and away. Feeling guilty, I agreed immediately, not really thinking things through. I mean, I can write pretty much anywhere, and Matthew felt just as guilty and agreed with Jason's request even though it meant he would be stuck watching the almost three year old Angel. All that aside, Jason started playing basketball that fall, and he was GOOD! I'm not saying all the other kids sucked, or Jason was a super-athlete and could dunk at ten years old or anything, but it seemed his team was running circles around the other ten year old teams from around the city. I think they only lost one game that entire year, and that was because one of their team had been caught making out with a girl and his parents had grounded him. With only one loss for the year, though, they easily made the playoffs the state held for grades k-6. When there was no doubt that the team was going to be in the finals, I started planning for the trip. Because I'm an author, I can do my work anywhere I want, so the thought of an extended trip didn't really come into play in my thinking. Besides, I thought, it will give my son and me a chance to get reacquainted. It seemed that as soon as his age had included a second digit he didn't have much time for "family life". So, as it had been predicted, Jason's team made it to the finals, and we set off to the city where the final game was to be played. Nothing of note happened on the way there, although I did notice Jason was much quieter than normal, and he seemed to be fascinated with the mechanics of driving - at least he was staring at me whenever he wasn't gawking at every teenage girl we passed. I hadn't even known he was interested in girls. I resolved right then to pay more attention to my son. When we got into town, we went to check in at the hotel. Apparently, though, they had made a scheduling mistake, because instead of a two room suite, we were given a single room with double queen beds. As compensation, we were given complimentary room service for as long as we stayed. Since that was supposed to be one night, that hardly seemed like an equal trade, but we agreed to it. We dropped our bags off at the room and headed to the gymnasium where the final was supposed to start at eight that night. Instead of seeing two teams starting their warm-up practice, we see a notice on the entrance door. "Attention parents of the "X" Academy team; Due to allegations of drug use and age tampering in the team from "X" Academy, the board has no choice but to require each player to submit to a drug screen, and each player must produce a valid birth certificate. The game has been rescheduled for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Any student without a negative drug test and valid birth certificate at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow will not be allowed to play. If the majority of players from this team do not pass this test, "X" Academy will be forced to forfeit, and "Y" Junior High will be declared champions." Underneath that was an address, presumably to the "drug test" facility. Now, I knew the other team was going to be nervous, because Jason's team had skunked them the two times the teams had met this season. I didn't think they would stoop this low. We drove back to the hotel, and I called my husband. I had him call the other parents, and fax me the birth certificate of all the students who hadn't had the foresight to bring every scrap of paper they might ever need (in other words, every player.) We brought the birth certificates to the other parents, and formed a caravan to the testing site. Luckily, the testing site had its own lab, so the results were ready in two hours instead of two days. Five minutes before five, I walked into the office of the county Student Athletic Association office, bearing the negative drug tests and birth certificates of all Jason's teammates. "Well, you have to understand," the superintendent said, "that when we get as many allegations as we did, we have to investigate it. I'm glad that none of your team was actually involved with drugs..." "And are you going to punish the other team for lying like this, then?" "Well, there is no way to tell who reported the drug, well, alleged drug use." I could tell this guy used "well like my son uses "umm"; as a space filler used to think of a not quite lie to stay out of trouble. I have to admit I gave up at that point, and walked out of the building. We went to the hotel, turned on the TV and settled in for the night. About 8:00, I called my husband and told him not to be surprised if there were more delays. If they were willing to try and win by forfeit, there could be other ways they had planned to win without actually playing. He, of course, volunteered to come too, but even though I missed him and Angel, I knew it would only cause problems to have all four of us stuck together in one room for who knew how long. Besides which, the game might happen tomorrow, so our stay would only be lengthened by one night. We called room service and ate about 9, and then Jason took a shower and crawled into bed. He usually wasn't tired this early, but the stress of the trip and the accusations must have worn him out. I took a shower too; thankful I had brought several changes of clothes with me. If worse came to worse, I could always pay the hotel to wash our clothes. I lay down in my bed and slowly drifted off to the sounds of whatever Jason had turned on the TV. We were awakened by the phone ringing an hour before I had set the alarm. It was one of the parents. "They might not have the game today," the concerned mother said. "There's a severe thunderstorm watch, and they're talking about a rain delay." I hung up with her, and called my "well" buddy, who assured me the game was going to happen, just a little later than 10:00. I called the other parents, and told them what I had been told, and asked them all to come to my room. We talked about it, and I told them my suspicions about the superintendent and his possible bias in favor of the other team. We agreed, and they went to their own rooms to get their children ready to play. It was a good idea that we did, because in our absence, the superintendent had stated if our team were more than ten minutes late, he would declare it a forfeit, and of course the game was right on time, rain or no rain. Apparently, that was their last trick, because the game went as scheduled, and as predicted. The score was so one sided Jason's team were declared the winners by skunk at the half. Happy that we beat the cheating super, we all went out and celebrated. The game was done at around noon, and none of us got back to the hotel until just after midnight. I didn't drink as much as the others, so I was the designated driver, having to make three trips to and from the hotel just for the parents. By the time I got back to the room, it was a little past 1:30, so I took a brief shower, threw on a t-shirt and panties, and crawled into bed. I woke up briefly at around three, when I felt the bed shake a little as Jason crawled into it. "Are you ok Jason?" "Yeah, I just had a bad dream, mom." "OK, just try and get back to sleep," I said, feeling him curl up behind me. Yes, it was a little odd - he hadn't tried sleeping in our bed since right before Angel was born, but if he had a nightmare so bad he couldn't sleep by himself, I wasn't going to chase him away. I woke a short time later, not sure I understood what was happening. I felt Jason pressing up against me, felt something small and hard pressing against the cleft of my ass, and it was spasming! I felt a small amount of hot liquid soak the back of my panties, and realized my 10 year old son had just had a wet dream against my ass! I didn't want to wake him, and embarrass him as well, so I just lay there. As it turned out, that wasn't the best idea. No sooner than his penis stopped twitching did I feel his hand snake its way around my hip and rest lightly against my stomach. I didn't know what to do, so I just lay there. I thought he was going asleep again, and was just about to doze off myself when I realized that small hardness that had been twitching against my ass was still there. Almost as soon as I realized this, I felt Jason's hips pumping against me! I froze, still not knowing what to do, my 10 year old son pumping his hard penis on my ass. Suddenly, his hand pulled back, his hips withdrew, and I thought he might have been asleep, but then his hips pressed against my butt again, and his hand snaked around to my stomach, but this time it was different. His hand slid up under my t-shirt and rested briefly against my stomach before sliding its way to cup my breast. And I couldn't be sure, but I could swear I felt his bare penis against the skin of my upper leg just under the hem of my panties! I stiffened in fear, and apparently my motion did something for him, because his hand tightened on my breast, his hips pistoned forward, and his hard penis pushed my panties partially into my butt hole, where I felt his cum shoot into the opening of my ass. My own son's cum, shooting in my ass with nothing to stop it but my panties. "Oh, wow that was great, mom" Jason whispered. "I think we need to talk," I said into the darkness. "Ok," Jason said, without a hint of embarrassment in his voice. "Whatcha wanna talk about?" "I think we need to talk about what you just did." "Rubbing is pretty fun, isn't it?" Jason asked, pressing his hips forward and sinking another few millimeters of panty covered boy cock into my ass. "Rubbing?" I asked, distracted by the feel of his still hard dick. "Yeah, I rub every night before I go to sleep, but I never rubbed with anyone else before." "Well, what you call rubbing with someone else is a form of sex, and you aren't old enough to do that with anyone, let alone your own mom." "I thought sex was where I put my willie into your kitty," he said, reaching around and gripping my pussy mound through my panties. I reacted instinctively, pulling my hips away from his hand, and that pushed his little cock harder into my ass, and what happened then couldn't really be blamed on either of us. My panties, old and already stretched past what was usual, ripped. And, of course, it ripped precisely where the most pressure was, and precisely when both Jason and I were moving, him forward, me back. Lubricated by the cum he had already shot into my ass, his cock sunk all the way into me. "Oh, god, that feels good!" he exclaimed, sliding his hand into my panties and cupping my pussy. He pumped his hips furiously three or four times, and then I felt a sensation I had only ever felt with my husband Matthew - hot cum pulsating into my bowels. Not that it ended there. "Jason, we ..." was all I could get out before the 10 year old started pumping his hips again, his boy cock still hard even after three orgasms. He gripped my pussy tighter, and one finger slid between my labia and started teasing my clit before fully entering my pussy. I couldn't believe it! I was getting horny as my preteen son was practically raping my ass! I felt him cum again, but this time he didn't even pause - he just kept pumping for all he was worth, and by this time, there was no way my body was going to let me stop him. Jason had two fingers in my pussy, and his apparently permanently hard cock buried in my ass, and I felt my own orgasm wash over me. It wasn't as strong as when my husband and I make love, but it was intense - probably because of the taboo of the act itself. Finally, I came down off my high, feeling Jason spurt inside me again. I had lost count of his orgasms in my own, but it had to be at least his fifth cum of the night. I peeled his hand away from my pussy and out of my panties, and moved my body away from his. His cock popped out of my ass, and as I got up out of the bed and turned on the night table light, I saw it was still hard, standing up from his small frame. "I think we have to talk," I said again, then stopped. How was I supposed let him know what he had done was wrong, but not do more damage to him than necessary. "Ok, what we did, it's not right for family to do that together. I could get into a lot of trouble if anyone ever found out what happened." "Why would you get in trouble mom?" "Because you are still too young to make decisions about that part of your life." "I am not!" he exclaimed. "Well, society thinks you are," I countered, "and they're the ones who make the laws about this kind of thing." "Well, society's stupid," Jason pouted. "I know what I want, and what I want it to do that again. It was a million times better than rubbing my willie myself!" "Well, I'm afraid it's going to have to be a one time thing, Jason. No matter how much you may want to do those kinds of things with me or anyone else, I can't risk our family. Do you understand?" Jason looked depressed as he nodded yes. "Now, I'm going to go take a shower - you got me all messy." That was an understatement. I could feel his cum leaking down my leg. "Why don't you put your willie away and try and get some sleep." "Ok, mom," he said, pulling his still hard dick back through his fly and rolling over. I went to the bathroom, closed the door, and just sat on the toilet seat. What was I going to do? Sooner or later, the fact that Jason had lost his virginity to me would come out, and even if it didn't land one of us in prison, it would ruin my marriage, and I would lose both kids. Even if it didn't, what had happened tonight would change my relationship with my son forever. Sighing, I got up and stepped into the bathtub. I stood under the water for a while, not even trying to wash. I suppose I was trying to get my mind around the fact that my son's semen was slowly being rinsed off my leg. I think that's why I didn't notice the bathroom door slowly open, or the shower curtain near the back of the tub slowly open and then close. The first sign that I was not in the shower alone was when Jason started washing my back. "Jason, what are you doing?" I yelled. "Don't worry, mom. I got you messy, so I wanted to help get you clean, that's all." He moved the scrubby down lower and started on my lower back. "Don't worry, we're not doin any sex things, so we won't get in trouble." "Well, you have to remember to add this to the things you never tell anyone, then, ok?" "Ok," he said, and moved the scrubby down onto my butt cheeks. I knew I should stop him, but for some reason I couldn't. "Did I hurt you here?" he asked as the scrubby brushed over my asshole. "No, you didn't hurt me," I reassured him. "Good," he said, and moved down to my legs. After he had scrubbed my feet (including waiting for me to lift each foot so he could scrub the soles) he said "Turn around mom." "I think I can wash my own front, young man," I said. "I can do it," he said, and stood up. Now, I'm not tall, and Jason is getting to be tall, only about six inches shorter than I am. That's not to say there's all that much of a difference, because when he stood up, he plastered his front against my back, and I could feel the tip of his cock pressing against my recently washed ass. "Whoa, you're hard again?" I asked, stunned. "Well, not really. It's usually stiff until I squirt at least ten or twelve times." "Ten or twelve... you mean you haven't gone soft at all yet?" "Nope. It probably won't until I rub it for a while." I turned around, facing my son, both of us naked. "Does it always stay hard that long?" "Most of the time," he said, shrugging the question off as he started soaping my breasts. I let him continue (and, no I'm not quite sure why), my nipples getting increasingly hard. There was no question that I was getting aroused by my son's attention. He soaped up my breasts until I thought I could take it no more, and then moved his hands down to my stomach. And of course he didn't stop there. His hands, running low on soap suds, worked his way to my hips, then to my pussy. I usually keep a well trimmed "landing strip", and he seemed fascinated by the hair there. I could see his hard little penis didn't have any hair yet. "Honey, you really shouldn't be doing this," I gasped as his fingers stroked across my clit. I was sure that if I hadn't been wet from the shower, the boy would definitely be able to tell I was making my own wetness. "Well, mom, I was thinking. I know you said we shouldn't do this, and that it was going to be one night only, but since the night isn't done, we can still rub each other. If you say it's all right, I promise to never tell anyone, ever." He paused, slipping his middle finger along the lips of my pussy, and then sinking it all the way in. I felt like collapsing at the wave of pleasure that washed over me as I felt that digit inside me. Jason stroked me, well to call it as it is, finger fucked me for a time which could have been ten seconds or ten hours, I could no longer tell. I put one foot on the faucet without even realizing it, giving my son better access with his fingers. I pressed my back against the wall, reveling in the feeling as he added another finger to the one he had buried in his place of conception. By then, the shower had rinsed the soap off my breasts, and my orgasm hit the moment his mouth clamped over my right nipple. There was only a minute or two between that orgasm and the next, with Jason's fingers buried in my pussy and mouth clamped on my breast, and he didn't rest or retreat. He kept plunging his fingers into me at a frantic pace and his tongue kept swirling its way around my nipple, and I closed my eyes, buried in the sensation. When I came again, I squeezed his fingers so tight he couldn't pump them for a minute or two until my pussy muscles relaxed enough to release him. I was relieved (and a little disappointed, I have to admit) when he removed both fingers and mouth from my body after that orgasm. I think the taboo of the act, coupled with the illegal age and obvious willingness of my son had sent me further over the edge than my husband ever had before. Not to say my husband is a bad lover - far from it, but the way that ten year old could use his fingers, holy hell! Then I felt his fingers at the entrance to my pussy again, and although he didn't resume with my breasts, the pleasure started crashing in on me again. I had just had one of the best orgasms in my life, and here he was, driving me to another one with his terrific fingers. At least that's what I thought until his "fingers" started pulsating. My eyes shot open, and I realized that where Jason was standing made nursing on my breasts difficult at least. He was standing with his hands on either side of me, his head thrown back and his dick buried to the balls in my pussy! Honestly I tried to stop him, or at least I tried to try, but I just couldn't move. Another orgasm rocked through my body, and I could finally move, but instead of pushing him away, I grabbed his ass and pulled him deeper into me. I could feel his cum shooting into me, and I knew it was wrong on every level there was, but I couldn't help myself. He stopped spurting into me, pumped his hips for a few minutes, then began spasming again, and again I could feel his cum pumping deep where he had last been ten years ago, then nothing but a fetus, now there as a man. That was when it happened. So far there had been even a slight pause between my orgasms, but as soon as I felt his semen flooding into my pussy, I had four orgasms back to back. The only thing holding me on my feet was my ten year old son and his dick, constantly pumping, and cumming every minute or so for the next fifteen minutes or so. Let me tell you, that was the first time I had orgasmed that long in my life, and I think that's what hooked me. I clasped his body to mine, reveling in the feel of skin on skin, the feel of our hearts beating against each other, the feel of penis in vagina, the feel of warm cum boiling out of me. We stayed linked together for as long as we could stand up, which wasn't very long, and Jason finally pulled out of me, his dick still mostly hard and still dripping cum. I instinctively knelt in front of my son, took his dick in my mouth, and sucked our combined juices off his dick. He got hard again, pumping into my mouth like he had my pussy, and shot another load directly down my throat. Apparently, once Jason gets hard, he stays hard, because even after cumming at least two dozen times already, his dick stayed hard after I sucked his load out. I continued sucking him until he came again, then stood up and hugged him. "Let's get out of the shower honey." He nodded yes, and we carefully climbed out of the shower and dried ourselves off. When I started putting on my shirt, though, Jason looked at me and laughed. After a minute, I started laughing as well. After what had just happened between us, modesty was probably unnecessary at best. We lay down, both of us still completely naked. I lay on my back, and Jason lay with his head on my breast, snuggling like we had since he was born (except the nakedness, of course.) I remember the last thing I said to him was, "We really need to talk about what happened." Later, I'm not quite sure how much later, but I do know it was still dark, I woke up to the feel of Jason's dick slowly sliding its way back into my pussy. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him into me, not caring that I was committing statutory incest rape with my son, just wanting to feel the orgasms again. It was more than wanting - it was almost a need to feel them. He came quickly again, and then again, and then again, not pausing in between, but driving me with the feel of his dick, his cum, his passion. We made love for an hour or so, stopping only long enough for me to teach him different positions. When we finally stopped, Jason fell asleep on top of me, his dick still buried in me. A couple hours later, I woke up to his motions, slowly pumping in and out of me again, making me shiver with orgasms. Now that he had cum so many times in the past few hours, his urgency seemed to be waning. Instead of an hour long marathon, he would cum inside me two or three times and then fall back asleep on top of me. I think that once that night, his dick did get soft enough to fall out, but he didn't stop touching me once. He even went into the bathroom with me when I got up at about seven o'clock to pee. We got into the shower again, slowly making love under the warm spray of water. I felt absolutely full of his cum, and tried my best to wash most of it from around my sore pussy, then knelt down and started fondling and sucking on his dick again. I paid close attention to his testes, and realized that they were extremely large - even larger than his father's, and wondered if that was why he had such an extreme sex drive. When we got back to the bed, we collapsed next to each other. Jason reached over and cupped his palm over my mound, sliding his fingers once more into my sore yet hungry pussy and gently started kissing my nipple. "Jason, I did say it was one night only, you know." "I know, mom, but I really want to try something I heard about," he mumbled past my nipple. I couldn't think of what this kid wanted to try and hadn't yet, but I didn't have the willpower to stop him. "Oh, go ahead and do what you want," I moaned. He got up and moved between my legs, but instead of feeling his dick working its way back into me, I felt his lips locking onto my pussy. "Oh, god!" I cried, grabbing him by his hair and pulling his face against me. He had found my clit with his fingers, and now he rediscovered it with the tip of his tongue. He ate me to five orgasms before I had to push his head away, not wanting to suffer a heart attack at 28. I was breathing hard, and Jason moved up the bed and lay nest to me, his young dick a stark exclamation point. As my breathing returned to normal, I looked at the clock and realized it was after nine o'clock already. Matthew would be expecting us to be heading home already. "I have to call your father and tell him we'll be late," I told Jason. "How late are you going to tell him we'll be?" he asked, flicking my nipple with his fingers. A warm rush of pleasure washed through my body. "I'm not sure, but I'll figure it out." I picked up the phone and dialed the home, hoping I'd get the answering machine. I didn't of course - Matthew answered on the second ring. "So, did they settle those disputes yet?" As soon as he asked the question, I realized he hadn't heard anything about the game, and I think my son might have heard the question and understood it too. Jason grinned and moved between my legs again as I lied to my husband and said nothing had been settled. As I asked how Angel was doing, Jason started licking up and down my pussy, dipping his tongue in and out like it was a small dick. "We're all fine here. Just do what you need to do there. Any idea when you'll be home?" I was about to answer "late tonight" when Jason's tongue ran its way over my clit again, and I had to struggle to keep my voice level. "They rescheduled the match for Saturday, so we'll be heading home next Saturday morning," I heard myself say. Jason looked up from where he was tonguing my clit, winked at me, and went back to work. My conversation didn't last too long after that, but I don't think my husband noticed a thing. I was about to cum, so I reached over to the night stand, knocked three times, and said, "The food's here, I gotta go." After we exchanged our "byes", I hung up and pulled Jason's head against me as hard as I could. I almost smothered the boy, but he didn't seem to mind. My orgasm rocked through my body instantly, and when I could let up on his head, Jason crawled up my body and replaced his face with his dick, pounding it without mercy into his poor mother's body. Ok, well maybe not "poor mother", but you know what I mean. During that week, I taught Jason everything a growing boy should know about sex, and everything that should be kept from said growing boy as well. I taught him things like the vagina produces its own juices, but you need some outside lubrication for anal sex; you can switch from oral to vaginal, vaginal to oral (with the woman's approval, of course), oral to anal, vaginal to anal, but it was not a good idea to switch from anal to oral or vaginal due to possible infections; it wasn't poison to eat out a woman after vaginal sex, but it was a choice only he could make; fast and hard may be great, but slow and gentle has its points too. The list could go on. That's not to say we had sex every minute every day, but the only time either of us wore anything was when I put on a towel to get the food service tray. We had sex in the shower, in the bathtub, in the bed, against the wall, on the floor, basically anywhere we could. I lost track of the number of orgasms my ten year old son gave me that week, and there was no way to keep track of his orgasms. I think that if I hadn't been "fixed" after Angel was born, my son would have more than likely knocked me up that week. We left the hotel Saturday at 11 o'clock, waiting until the last possible moment, and using every minute we could. I wore the panties that had the hole in the ass, knowing I would have to throw them away, not only for the hole, but for gallon or so of cum that seemed to be saturating my pussy. We started out in silence, neither of us wanting to start the conversation that would admit our fun week was at an end, and we would never be able to do those things again. We stopped at a rest stop after only twenty minutes of driving, and I went into the ladies restroom to pee, but when my son knocked on the door thirty seconds after I went in, asking if I was alone in there, I opened the door and let him in. As soon as he walked in, he spun me around, pressed me against the door, and started kissing me. My hands went to his pants as his started pushing my dress up to my waist. He pushed my panties to one side as I released his hard dick, and he pushed his way into me. I started cumming the moment his dick was all the way in, squeezing it so hard, it started shooting cum as far into me as he had ever been. He kept on fucking, though, and I matched him orgasm for orgasm through three more. Then, satiated, we separated. Jason tucked his dick back into his pants and stood aside. I just took my panties off, knowing there were two more rest stops between there and the exit that would take us home, and I had a feeling that even if Jason didn't ask to stop, I would end up stopping anyway. Which we did. The second rest stop was busy, but the back of the rest stop was right up against the woods, and nobody paid attention to the twenty-something mother and her almost teen son walking around the building. We were there for at least half an hour, and afterward, Jason went around and told me when the coast was clear. The last rest stop was deserted, and this time we went into the men's room, which was admirably clean for a rest stop, for the last sex I thought I would ever have with my son. We were only twenty minutes away from the house when Jason broke the silence. "I had fun this week, mom." "I did too, honey, but it wasn't supposed to happen, and you know it." "But I don't want it to stop!" he protested. I sighed. "Neither do I, honey, but if your father found out, hell if anyone ever found out, I would go to jail for a really long time." "Dad will never have to know," he said, "and I'll never tell anyone." "Don't you think he'd be a little suspicious if your bedroom door were locked, then I came out the door?" "I've been thinking about that," Jason admitted. "I think I have an answer. You and dad always say "practice makes perfect," right?" I nodded. "Well, since we have this big trophy," he said, hiking his thumb back to the trophy taking up the back seat. "We have to keep it somewhere, and I need a place to practice. I can ask dad to have a half court built, and maybe a trophy room for any trophies I bring home, and maybe a locker room for my team to change in when they come over to practice, and a large room with a few beds in it in case I want to have a sleep over - do you think he would do it?" "I doubt he would build you the hotel you seem to be asking for, but if you ask for a bedroom and shower attached to the house but kept separate, and the half gym, I'm sure I could convince him to at least consider it." I knew mentally that I was in the wrong, trying to find a way to continue our illicit relationship, but I couldn't help it. There was no way I could willingly give up the pleasure I had felt that previous week. We got home, I greeted Matthew like nothing had changed, and went to take a shower. There was no way I wanted him to see me naked until after I had a chance to clean Jason's cum out of me. I got into the shower, turned the water on, and stepped under the stream. Moments later, I heard the door open, and as I was asking if Matthew had Angel, the shower curtain opened. Instead of Matthew, Jason stood there, in all his youthful glory. "Jason, what if your father comes in?" "Don't worry. He asked me to tell you he went to get some supper. He didn't feel like cooking, and knew you were too tired, so he went to get some Chinese food. He wants to go run some more errands, so he won't be back for an hour or so." My son stepped into the shower, closed the curtain, and kissed me. "We have time." I surrendered to his touch, and screamed my orgasms out as I made love to my son for the first time in my marital home. We did cut it a little short, each of us only cumming three or four times, but I did have to clean up, and my husband would probably want to have sex tonight. As we sat down to supper, Jason asked about his practice room, and as I predicted, he said he had to discuss it with me. That night, after Matthew and I made love, we lay in bed snuggling. The orgasm that I had with him was satisfying, but not as powerful as the multiples I had been getting used to. "What did you think of Jason's request?" Matthew looked at me. "You realize our ten year old son is asking for an apartment, don't you?" "I do, but I think it's a really good idea. We have sort of been neglecting him since Angel was born, and it would be a good idea to have a practice area for him to use even after school hours. He was really good, but I think he would benefit a lot with more practice." Yes, I am aware that there were severe double meanings, but I didn't think it would be a good idea to bring up the fact I wanted our ten year old son to practice sex with me. "Besides which, we can always convert his old room to that larger study you always wanted." "I still don't know," he started. "We had a lot of time to talk," I interrupted. "Since Angel was born, we've been ignoring one of our children, and that's not good. I was finally starting to get through to him, but I don't know if it will last without some significant changes around here. I don't want him to feel neglected anymore, and if building him a gym with a bedroom attached, so be it." "Ok, ok. I think I understand, but we need to think of his safety, too. What if I install security cameras around the gym? Would that be ok?" "The outside or the inside?" Security cameras on the inside of the building would ruin the plans Jason and I had for the room. "Well, the inside of the gym, but around the outside of the structure. I'm not proposing we put them in the bedroom or shower or anything. I just want to make sure he stays safe." I thought for a minute, and then nodded. "That would be fine. I was wondering, though, if there was a way to put a weight room too. I really need to lose some of this weight I put on from Angel." "Sure," he said, rolling over on me and sliding his dick into me again. I'm glad he didn't realize my pussy was wet from thinking of the fun Jason and I were going to have instead of from horniness on his part. It's wrong, but that's the way I felt then, and have felt at least a couple times since. We built the room in the next few months, during which time Jason and I made love like rabbits every time we had a chance, which was not as near as we would have liked. When the construction was finished, for the first few months, Matthew would come out and watch us play scrimmage games, but soon lost interest in the constant bantering. Once his presence was no longer a constant thing, I started accessing the in gym cameras and recording our games. We only played about once a week, and I was able to record those, and play them back over the camera systems every day when Jason and I retired to his room (and mostly to his bed, but his shower and the weight room got a lot of attention as well.) That was eight years ago. We've managed to keep our relationship from both Angel and Matthew. We've had to slow down a little, but Jason's staying power has grown during that time. Although he no longer cums as often, he manages to last a little more, so the length of our lovemaking has stayed about the same. Sex with my husband had stayed the same until about a year ago, and I'm not sure why he stopped wanting it as much, but that's fine by me too. Maybe he's just getting older. Well, that's my story, and I bet you can see why I'm a bad mother, but to be honest, I don't think I'd change a thing. ------------------------------------------------------- As I stated at the beginning, this is entirely fiction. I write fiction, and do not believe fiction should be censored, but neither should it be followed. If you have an urge to have sex with a child, seek immediate help, or cut off your pecker. Kids need to be cherished, not ravaged, protected, not exploited. As an author, I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback for my work. I do not write for profit, so the only payment I get is knowing what my readers think. Fitfully Yours(