Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. ï>¿ï>¿ï>¿ï>¿ Archive name: help3 Authors name: Fitfully Yours( Story title: Can I Help 3 A Son's Tale by Fitfully Yours ------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author Â(C) 2013. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. ------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note If you are not old enough to read stories describing sexual activity, go away. If you are not allowed, legal or otherwise, to read stories describing sexual activity, get lost. If you are morally offended about stories concerning consensual sex between an adult and a child, pick a different story. If you are ignorant enough to think any part of this story is in any way, shape, or form, non-fiction, get lost. If you think this story is a good thing to do in real life, go kill yourself. As an author, I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback for my work. I do not write for profit, so the only payment I get is knowing what my readers think. -------------------------------------------------------- I had the best mom ever. And I do mean ever. I was an only child until I was seven or so, when my mom and dad had my baby sister, Angel. Sure, I got jealous about having to share my parents when before I had them all to myself, but right around when I turned ten, my mom realized they had been paying all their attention to her, and she started playing basketball with me. Now, most guys would be embarrassed to practice basketball with their moms, but it never really bothered me. I got to spend time with my mom, and I got good enough to get on the fifth and sixth grade basketball team. Being taller than the sixth graders didn't hurt either. From the beginning of that year, everyone could tell our team was the best my school had seen in a long time. Up until then, they would usually win one or two, but in a regular season of fifteen games, that kind of record didn't win any trophies. Our first year, we won all but one of the games, and we only lost that because Josh got busted kissing a girl and he got grounded by his parents. I asked him about it after we graduated high school, and he admitted that it had been a little more than kissing - he had been caught trying to undo her training bra too. Of course, other things were happening around that time that plays a part, too. My school would always teach sex ed in the fifth grade, and of course my team mates would always talk about the cute girls and the hot women. I think it was after practice about a week before our first game when we were supposed to bring a picture of a naked woman to show to the other guys. Not everyone was able to find one of a fully naked woman, but most were able to bring an underwear ad or something like that. Only one guy found a Playboy magazine, and that was passed around the locker room. I didn't get to see it at first, because I couldn't even find an underwear ad around the house, and was told that if I couldn't find something, I would never get to see it. Out of desperation I looked around the house that night, but the only thing I could find was an old picture of my mom wearing a bikini. Hoping that would be enough, I snuck it out of the house and showed it to the guys the next day. I thought they would say it wasn't good enough, and I would never see the Playboy, but that's not what happened. "Holy cow," one kid said. "Who's the babe?" I thought he was kidding so I didn't answer until I realized the entire team was standing around us, eyes glued to the picture, and the Playboy was sitting on the bench all alone. "Its my mom," I said, expecting to be teased for bringing the picture in, but instead they all started staring at me. Finally the kid who called her a babe asked a question that led to my life changing forever. "Dude, have you ever seen her naked?" Of course, I denied it - after all, what kind of son would I be if I tried seeing my mom naked. "If I lived with that babe, I'd be checkin her out no matter who she was." The protesting murmur I expected never started. Instead, every single one of them nodded in agreement, looking at me like I was the crazy one. I'm not sure who ended up keeping that picture, but after that day I never saw it again. The question, though, started echoing in my mind until I couldn't think of anything but trying to see mom naked. Every time I heard the shower running I wanted to burst through the door. I wanted to run into my parents room every time she went in there just in case she was changing her clothes. I didn't really get to see much until a few nights later. I was trying to sleep and I heard a squeaking sound along with moaning coming from mom and dad's room. I tip toed to the door and quietly opened it just a little. At first I couldn't see anything, because their room was completely dark. I started seeing my dad standing at the foot of his bed, and he was sort of moving his butt back and forth, and then I realized he must be doing mom! I tried as hard as I could to see, but all I could make out was moms legs wrapped around dad. Then they switched, mom getting on her hands and knees (at first I was afraid she would notice the door not being closed all the way, but she turned the other way, and all I caught a glimpse of between her legs, but in all honesty, I saw more in the picture than in the room. Dad started at her again, and I watched with eager anticipation, but all that I dared watch was until dad's back arched, mom pushed back, and both of them made a lot of noise. It looked like they were going to turn around, so I softly closed the door and went to my room and stroked off. The basketball season went smoothly that year, and that's how the question managed to change my life. We made it to state finals, and I had thought dad would take me, but for some reason, mom volunteered. I had no complaints, of course, so I went on a long overdue, never really expected trip with my hot mom. The trip there was awesome. The roads hadn't been fixed from over the winter, and mom's boobs spent most of the trip bouncing, and I spent most of the trip watching. Of course I had to look away every time mom looked at me, but that was a rare thing. Finally, we arrived in the city where the finals were being held. It was far enough away that we had to get a hotel room for the night before the game. The other team tried cheating their way to a win without even playing, but mom ruined that for them. When we got back to the hotel for the night, and walked into the room after mom, I realized that it was only one room, and mom would be sleeping in the same room as me! I hadn't gone to bed at nine for years, but that night I lay down early, hoping that mom would sort of forget I was there and get changed in the room with me. Of course it didn't happen, but I did get a good look at her in a shirt and panties before she turned off the light. I didn't see much, but what I saw kept me awake for hours. The next morning, mom woke up and got dressed before I woke up, so I missed out on watching her get dressed. We got a call from the basketball guys, something about not having the game because of weather, but I don`t think mom believed it, and it was a good thing, because when we got to the gym, the other team was ready to go. Well, we played the game, and the dweebs didn't stand a chance. Everyone was in a good mood when we got back to the hotel, and the parents all went out and partied, telling all us kids to stay in the hotel. I didn't really care, cause mom gets a little wierd when she drinks, and I was sort of tired out from the game. I lay down almost as soon as I got to the room, and I slept on mom's side of the bed. I know it sounds wierd, but I loved the smell of her hair on the pillow, and it made me go to sleep fast. It was dark when I woke up. I heard mom come in, and I peeked at her as she walked around the room. I could smell the beer across the room, and when she peeled her shirt and pants off and threw them toward the door, I realized this might be gold. I watched as she walked to the bathroom in her bra and panties, and then heard the shower turn on. I snuck across the room and eased the door open. The shower curtain was solid yellow, so I really couldn't see anything, but I took a chance and peeked around the edge of the curtain. Lucky me, mom was in the middle of washing her hair, and was facing away from the showerhead directly at me. Oh, and her eyes were closed. I couldn't help but stare at her bare boobs, now closer than I had ever seen them. I watched them jiggle as she soaped her hair, then watched as the water poured down them and off her pointy nipples. She turned around and rinsed the shampoo off her face, and I saw her butt close up for the first time. I snuck back to the bed and lay down before mom got out of the shower. I wanted to watch for longer, but I really didn't want to get caught. I peeked through my eyelids as she walked in to the room, and I noticed she was wearing panties and a t-shirt, both of which looked real thin to me. Even through my squinted eyes I could see the dark spots on her boobs. I watched as closely as I could without opening my eyes all the way until she turned off the light and climbed into her bed. I waited a while until I heard her start to snore, then I crawled into bed with her. I snuggled up against her and waited until her breathing settled before moving up against her. I rubbed against her butt until I started squirting in my underwear. Now, I don't know about you, but I can squirt my stuff quite a lot before my pecker goes soft. I took my pecker out of my underpants and put it against mom's panties and started rubbing it against the cloth. I'd never felt that kind of heat before, and almost immediately I started squirting all over her panties again. My pecker still didn't go down, so I pushed forward again, and I actually felt mom's panties rip as my pecker went through them and into her butt crack. I had started rubbing my pecker between her butt cheeks when her breathing changed, but I noticed she didn't say anything, so I figured she was either still asleep or she thought I was dad, so I reached around and under her shirt, and I got my first feel of a real boob. I lost it again, and pushed against her, squirting my squirt on her panties, and that was when mom spoke. "Honey, I think we should talk." Oh, shit, I'm dead now," I thought, but then realized she didn't sound angry, so I figured if I talk like I didn't know what was going on, I might not get in trouble at all. "Whatcha wanna talk about, mom?" "Don't you think we should talk about what just happened?" Deciding to go all innocent, I said "Rubbing is fun, isn't it?" "Honey, what you're calling rubbing is called sex if you do it with someone else, and you're too young to even think about sex." Of course I knew that - hell, every kid in my class knew that much. Innocent, though, right? "I thought sex was when I put my willie into your kitty," I said, reaching down and grabbing her panties over her privates. The heat I felt made me push my hips forward, but I didn't really expect her to pull away from my hand, and suddenly, my pecker was in a HOT tight place. HOLY CRAP!!! I had never even imagined anything feeling that good, and I moved my hand back to mom's privates, but my hand somehow went underneath her panties. My hand immediately found a hot, wet fold in her skin, and when I curled my fingers around it, the middle two fingers actually went inside my mom. That feeling was almost a distant second at the moment. The hot feeling on my pecker took up all of my concentration as I began t move my hips like I saw dad do it. It felt so good I squirted inside my mom's butt hole over and over again, not wanting to stop. I felt mom twitch, both with my fingers and my pecker, and I squirted again, but almost immediately, mom pulled my hand out of her panties and moved away from me. My pecker felt good, but a little lonely, when mom stood up. "We really need to talk now," she said, then shook her head. "Honey, you shouldn't have done that." "But mom, that was a million times better than rubbing by myself!" "But you're too young to do that kind of thing, especially with your own mom," she said. "I'm not too young," I started, but she cut me off. "Society says you are, and if anyone found out about what we did, I would be in a lot of trouble. What happened, happened and there's no changing that, but this has got to be only tonight." She looked toward the bathroom. "I think I need a shower - you made quite a mess." She walked into the bathroom, not closing the door all the way, and I saw her get undressed through the crack in the door. She stepped into the shower and turned the water on, not looking once at the gapped open door. I got up out of bed and snuck into the bathroom, peeling off my unders and shirt as I went, and stepped naked into the tub. I really don't think mom even knew I was there at first. She was standing in the shower with the water running down her back and her head against the wall under the showerhead. I saw her scrub thing, put some soap on it and started washing mom's back. She jumped as I started washing. "What do you think you're doing,"" she gasped, not turning around. "I got you messy, I'll clean you up," I said, not adding that I would do anything to get a closer look at her naked body. "Well, this is going to be something else that you can never tell anyone," she said. I washed her back, and worked my way to her butt. "Did I hurt you here?" I said, running my finger down her butt crack. "No, you didn't hurt me," she said, her hips twitching forward, ""and I wish you'd stop doing that." I left her butt and washed the backs of her legs. "Ok, turn around, mom," I said. "I think I can wash my front myself, young man," she said. "I could too," I said, standing up. I made sure my hard pecker brushed against her butt as I stood up. "You're hard again?"" "Well," I answered truthfully, "I didn't get soft yet." Mom turned around. "You haven't gone soft yet? After all the times you..." I shook my head and started scrubbing her chest and boobs. She seemed to be staring at my pecker and not paying much attention to what I was scrubbing. I washed her boobs and then worked down past her stomach and finally got a close look at her privates. My friends kept calling it a pussy, but it didn't really look much like a cat to me, so I just chalked it up to things that they pretended to know. She had a small strip of hair on the lowest part of her belly, and it looked like it pointed to the folds I had put my fingers in. "We really shouldn't be doing this," mom gasped, her knees trembling. "I've been thinking about that. You said that tonight was going to be the only time, but tonight isn't done yet, and I promise not to tell anyone, ever." As I said this, I watched my finger slip back into the folds, and I pushed in as far as my finger could reach. Mom groaned and let her head rest on the shower wall as I worked my finger in and out of her body like I had my pecker earlier. I could feel the muscles inside the folds squeeze against my finger, and I put another finger in. I worked my fingers inside mom, making her shudder and shake, and suddenly she put her foot on the tub faucet. I could clearly see between her legs, and I watched, fascinated, as my fingers went in and out of my mom's body. I stood up, keeping my fingers inside her, and watched her boobs as they rose and fell with her panting breath. Her boobs looked so cool I leaned forward and clamped my mouth over her nipple. She started panting even more, almost collapsing against the wall. After a few minutes, I straightened out, looking at mom's body leaning against the wall, and felt the pressure against my fingers, and realized how we were standing. I took my fingers out of her folds and grasped my pecker. I leaned my hips forward slowly until the tip of my pecker was touching the hole in the folds my fingers had been in. I pressed forward, and my pecker slowly disappeared into my mom's body. I thought my pecker going into my mom's butt hole had been the best feeling ever, but this feeling was much better than that. I put my hands to either side of her body and started pumping into her. I had just started squirting into her when her eyes opened and she saw that my pecker was squirting inside her. I thought I was dead. Instead, she reached her arms around me and grabbed my butt, pulling me further inside her. Encouraged, I started pumping again until I had squirted more times than I could count. Then, my pecker finally starting to go down, mom surprised me my kneeling down and putting her mouth on my pecker. It sprang to life again until I started spurting into her mouth. I thought she would make a face, but she just gulped down my spurt like it was soda. When we got out of the tub, I expected everything to stop, but I guess once I made mom feel good, she wanted more, cause we spent the next week in bed doing sex things almost all the time. We even stopped several times on the way home so I could squirt into her and make her shiver. We got home, and dad didn't suspect a thing, even when mom arranged it to build a gym and a room for me next to the house, so if she wanted to and I wanted to, we could do all the sex type things we could ever want. We've been having sex for eight years or so, every day she hasn't been on a book tour. Occasionally when she does have a tour when I'm not in school, I go along with her and we spend all her free time in bed or in the shower of the hotels where she stays. There have been times, though, when I had to stay home, and it was about seven years after our first time that I noticed what was around the house already. I was masturbating in my room one day, three days into one of mom's two week tours, when my kid sister walked into my room. Now, at fifteen, I hadn't really looked at my eight year old sister as a sexual being, but with my dick in my hand, I was already in the frame of mind to put her in the ""female"" frame instead of "brat sister". "Come on in, Angel," I said, motioning with my free hand. She walked over to the bed, looking a little nervous. "Whatcha doin, Jason?" "Well," I said, thinking fast, "my privates get hard sometimes, and I have to get them to go down or they hurt." I kept on stroking my dick, hoping she would get the hint and start doing it herself. I had almost given up when she finally spoke up. "Can I help? I don't want you to be hurt." ""Sure,"" I gasped as I reached out and grabbed her hand, guiding it to my shaft. At first, I guided her hand up and down, but then just let her at it, ""Careful, now Angel," I warned. "It's going to spurt some liquid out in a few minutes. It won't hurt you, ok?" She nodded her head and continued to stroke it until I started spurting, coating her small hand with my cum. "Eew, gross," she said, wiping her hand on the comforter. "Its not all that gross," I said, hoping to talk her into other things. "I forgot to tell you, but I don't think mom and dad would understand you were trying to help, so you have to keep it to yourself, ok?" She nodded her agreement and walked out of the room. Since then I've tried over and over to get her to go further, but she refuses to do anything other than what she calls ""helping". Hell, I haven't even been able to get her to take her pants off, and she thinks sucking on my dick would be gross, so that's out too. I guess that would be enough, but last time mom went on a tour, instead of Angel walking in as I was masturbating, my dad came in and shut the door. I covered up quick, but my dad waved his hand. "Don't bother, Jason. I won't be here long. All I have to say is if I ever hear of you pressuring your sister for sex again, I'll tell your mom." With that, he turned around and walked out. "Shit," I thought. "I think I'm lucky to be alive. At least he didn't find out about mom and me!" ------------------------------------------------------- As I stated at the beginning, this is entirely fiction. I write fiction, and do not believe fiction should be censored, but neither should it be followed. If you have an urge to have sex with a child, seek immediate help, or cut off your pecker. Kids need to be cherished, not ravaged, protected, not exploited. As an author, I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback for my work. I do not write for profit, so the only payment I get is knowing what my readers think. Fitfully Yours(