Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Archive name: mandi2 Authors name: Fitfully Yours ( Story title: by Fitfully Yours ------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author (C) 2011. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. ------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note If you are not old enough to read stories describing sexual activity, go away. If you are not allowed, legal or otherwise, to read stories describing sexual activity, get lost. If you are morally offended about stories concerning consensual sex between an adult and a child, pick a different story. If you are ignorant enough to think any part of this story is in any way, shape, or form, non-fiction, get lost. If you think this story is a good thing to do in real life, go kill yourself. As an author, I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback for my work. I do not write for profit, so the only payment I get is knowing what my readers think. -------------------------------------------------------- If you've read the first part of my tale, you know that my eleven year old daughter and I had sex, well, actually I took her virginity on the living room floor not twenty feet from where my wife was cooking dinner. It wasn't something I had planned, but I wondered about Mandi. I know my daughter isn't stupid, so deliberate mischief was the only explanation I could think of. I didn't understand why she would want to "do sex" with her own dad, but I wondered if it had anything to do with what she told me about her friend Allison. According to Mandi, Allison's dad had been sexually active with Allison since the girl had turned eight. It didn't excuse what I had just done with my daughter on the living room floor, but then again I had sex with my eleven year old, not my six year old. I know, still not an excuse. And, speaking of my six year old, here she came, walking down the stairs. "Mandi said she was gonna take a shower," she said as my wife walked through the kitchen door. "Go tell your sister she doesn't have time for a shower right now, and if she hasn't changed her clothes yet that's too bad." My wife turned to me. "I take it you won?" "Yeah," I said, and thought 'in more ways than what you mean.' After all, here I was, standing in front of my wife with my eleven year old daughter's virginal blood still coating my dick. How much more of a win could there be? Katie, our six year old, came back down the stairs. "Mommy, Mandi said she's not hungry. " My wife stormed across the room, scaring Katie away from the bottom of the stairs. "Mandi, you get your ass down here right now, and don't try and give me the not hungry crap!" "But mom, I'm not..." was as far as she got. "I don't give a shit if you're naked! I told you to get your ass down here NOW!" At the top of the stairs, Mandi appeared. She was still wearing the bikini bottoms (which, thankfully, didn't show any signs of wetness, either blood or cum) but her bikini top was missing. She was blushing all the way down to her tiny little breast buds, embarrassed beyond belief, but she started walking down the stairs. "Get up those stairs and put on a shirt, you little slut," my wife said, turning around and looking at me. Thank goodness I saw her mood change as soon as I did, because I shudder to imagine what would have happened to me if she had turned around and saw me staring up at my half naked daughter. Instead, I had grasped Katie's hand and was leading the little girl into the kitchen. Supper that night was muted. My wife had never gone as far as calling Mandi a slut before, and I could tell she was sorry for that. Not that she would tell the girl, who was probably taking that word personally (since, if she hadn't had a chance to wash, she was probably sitting across from her mom with her dad's cum leaking out of her freshly fucked pussy. I tried to catch her eye without my wife noticing, but all I got was a quick glance up before her face was fixed on her food. My wife excused Mandi before the girl could ask. Two minutes later, she excused Katie before she was even done eating. The six year old showed tremendous maturity in that she didn't argue with her mother; she just pushed away from the table and walked slowly up the stairs. "Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" I asked the moment our younger daughter left the room. I needed to see if she suspected anything had happened between Mandi and me. "When I was that age, I wouldn't dare talk to my mother that way!" "That may be, but this is a different age, and kids are growing up faster now," I replied, trying to keep my voice calm. "Things we saw as a special privilege as kids are now looked at as a matter of course. She might not even understand why we would object to her dating a sixteen year old, or why we don't let her wear her swimsuit to those dates. Hell, maybe her date was supposed to be a swimming date tonight. Did you ever think of that?" She sighed. "No, I didn't even ask. I just don't think it's a good idea for her to be hanging around with a boy who's so much older than her." "Why not?" She thought about it for a few minutes before answering. "When I was her age, I thought it was fun to hang out with the 'older' crowd, and I almost got raped because of it." "Well, you can't keep her locked away forever, you know." "I know, but I just don't want her to get hurt." She smiled ruefully. "I guess my imagination was running away from me. I even started thinking...well, never mind." "Do you think you should apologize for what you called her at least? If you can start talking, you can always tell her why you object to her boyfriend." "I don't think I can do that. Every time I talk to her, I just get so angry. I don't mean to, but..." "Do you mind if I tell her what you..." "Don't you even dare," she hissed. Here was the normal 'I'll tear your head off if you even suggest the world isn't flat' woman I had gotten used to for the past fifteen years or so. Sometimes I swear that I married a schizophrenic. I tried to figure out what I was going to say to Mandi now that that avenue of discussion was closed, and what was I going to say about what had happened before supper. I was as nervous as a teenager as I made my way up the stairs and into the bedroom where Mandi had slept for the past eleven or so years. I knocked on the door, waited for her to answer, and felt weak when I heard her soft voice filter through the door. "Come in, daddy." I was worried at the lack of emotion I heard in her voice, but I opened the door and slowly made my way in. I realized how long it had been since I had seen the inside of Mandi's room the moment I walked in. I was expecting unicorns and ponies, and instead saw music and movie posters decorating the walls. The only poster I recognized for sure was the Harry Potter poster that seemed to hold pride of place over her pillow. "Honey, I think we need to talk," I said, looking around her room before noticing that she wasn't in sight. I turned around saw her standing behind the door, her hands loosely clasped in front of her panties, and I slowly sat down on the edge of her bed. Which, of course, I could plainly see. She was wearing a cute pair of white little girl panties which did nothing to hide the shape of her developing body. Neither did the little white training bra which did nothing more than accentuate her tiny little nubbins. "Did you want to do sex again, daddy? I can get in my sexy clothes and go downstairs if you want." "No, honey. I don't think it would be a good idea for us to do anything like that again, especially with your mother downstairs." I wasn't sure why I threw that qualifier in there, but I had to continue. "Girls your age aren't supposed to even be thinking of sex, let alone doing sex. Sex can really hurt you at your age." "I know," she said, her hand drifting down to her panty clad pussy. "At first it really hurt, but it's sort of feeling better now." "I'm sorry that I hurt you," I said, reaching for the injury before I really realized what I was doing. My finger brushed along where her smaller hand lay and I could feel the heat baking out of her, and I snatched my hand away as if I had just placed it on a hot stove. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," I mumbled. I was getting hard from the mere memory of that instant of contact with her panties. I wondered what my reaction would have been if I had touched her bare pussy. "Your thingy's getting hard again, daddy. I think it wants to do sex again." She reached up behind her and unhooked her training bra. I had caught a brief glance at them when she was walking down the stairs, but this time, I could look at my leisure. Her breasts looked like someone had tucked plums underneath Mandi's skin, her nipples, perfectly round and a beautiful shade of pink sitting delicately over the mounds on little puffy pillows. She stepped between my legs, my face level with her beautiful little breasts, and my arms automatically curled around her cute little ass, pulling her to me. I kissed her left breast gently, the rough texture of my lips making it hard. "That feels good, daddy," she breathed, and I started. I was sitting on my eleven year old daughter's bed, kissing her nude little body, and my wife was sitting downstairs, and might some upstairs any minute! "Baby, we can't do this," I moaned around her tiny breast. "Your mom could come up any second." "Daddy, it's ten o'clock. Love Boat's on, and you know mommy won't miss that show for anything." I looked at my watch and realized she was right. It had just turned ten. I had an hour before my wife would even realize I wasn't in the living room with her. My mind churned with ideas, first and foremost was I should really get up and leave the room. Instead, I went with another train of thought. I unlatched my arms from around her ass and reached next to me, picking up the tee shirt she had worn during supper. "I think you should put this on, baby." Mandi looked confused for a moment before raising her arms and allowing me to slide the fabric over her torso. I stood up, turned around, and pulled the blanket and sheet away from the pillow. I turned back around, thinking my daughter would have moved back, but she was still right there, and my hardon bumped against her flat stomach. I looked down at her, and she looked into my eyes with her beautiful blue eyes. "Do you trust me, baby?" "Yes, daddy," she said. I knelt in front of her, our eyes never breaking contact. Going by feel alone, I slid my hands up the outside surfaces of her legs until I felt the fabric of her panties. She gave me an almost imperceptible nod, and I pulled the fabric down. Her shirt was long enough to reach most of the way to her knees, so I still couldn't see anything even if I could tear my eyes away from my daughter's eyes. Instead, I lifted each foot individually, removing her panties and slid them into my pocket. I ran my hands back up her smooth legs until they reached the bare patches of skin where her panties had made small indentations in her skin. I guided her to her bed and sat her down where I had cleared a space. "Lay back, baby," I said, settling myself between her legs. Mandi lay back and clenched her eyes shut. "I'm ready to do sex now, daddy," she whispered through clenched teeth. Mandi, honey. We're not going to do sex right now," I assured her. "Just lay there and relax, ok?" She nodded her head, her eyes still closed but not squeezed shut in anticipation of pain. I rubbed the outside of her hips until the tension left those as well. I sat on the floor in front of her. "Spread your legs a little more, ok baby?" She spread her legs and I raised the front of her shirt. I was more than pleased with what I saw. Her pussy was a slender slit, topped by a small patch of wispy blonde hair, her mound puffed and red from the use and abuse it took not two hours before. Just seeing that made me feel bad. I lifted her legs up on my shoulders and leaned forward, planting soft kisses on her exposed skin. "I'll make it all better," I whispered to her. I kissed the outside of her pussy for five minutes or so, not even trying to spread her outer lips. I don't think my ministrations did anything for the redness or swelling, but the very tip of her little clit started peaking its way into the light. I very slowly, very deliberately, licked my eleven year old daughter's excited clit. She shuddered, gasped, and pulled my head against her. My face jammed against her, and I had to move a bit to compensate, but I was able to suck her clit into my mouth, and I started flicking her clit with my tongue. Her little body writhed against my face, my chin being coated by my saliva and her juices. Mandi had her legs locked around my head, so I wasn't going anywhere. I let go of her thighs and reached up her body. I slid my hands across her chest, feeling the nubbins now hiding under her skin, the erect skin of her nipples small pebbles in my palms. Hers were the smallest breasts I had ever felt, but I tell you, they were amazing. I knew I couldn't have seen them with her lying on her back, but the feel of such small, perky breasts was amazing. We stayed like that for quite a while, me sitting with my knees under her bed and my face pasted to her pussy, she laying, well writhing, on her back, her legs wrapped around her dad's head, her breasts under her dad's hands. I couldn't tell you how many times this little girl came, but I can tell you she came big time. Every time I thought she was done, her legs clamped around my head again, my tongue feeling every twitch her muscles made. After what seemed to be forever and no time at all, I happened to glance up at the alarm clock Mandi kept by her bed, and I was shocked to see that it was already 10:45! I had been eating out my daughter for the past half hour or so, and my wife's show was about to end. I regretfully stopped licking and released her clit, resting my mouth against the outside of her pussy, trying not to stimulate her. After a few moments she started calming down, her legs relaxing from around my head until I could finally pull away from her. "Why did you stop, daddy?" she whined. "It's almost eleven, baby. Your mother will be up her in just a few minutes." Her face was flushed, and at first I worried about it, but then realized that would fit in with my original idea. "Climb back up on the pillow, and I'll cover you up." With a little difficulty, she did. I grasped her sheet, wiped her juices from around my mouth, and covered her lower half up with the sheet. I then sat on the floor next to the bed to wait for my wife to start up the stairs. Not two minutes after we got situated, I heard her call my name. The instant she did, the non-blue pill erection I had since walking into Mandi's room vanished. Instead of answering, I whispered, "Just agree to whatever I say, ok?" Mandi nodded, and I continued a conversation I had never started. "I need your word on it," I said as my wife approached Mandi's door. "Don't wear those clothes again, ok? I don't want you to antagonize your mother any more." "Ok, daddy," Mandi said, her voice soft and reflective, but her eyes shining bright. "I'm sorry." "I think you should be telling your mom that, don't you?" "Yes, daddy." "Well, I think you need to tell her first thing tomorrow, ok? It's late, so I think you should go to sleep now." "Ok, daddy," she said, her voice meek, but her mouth quivered in a suppressed smile. "I'm sorry for being mean." "Don't think about it right now," I said, standing up and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Go to sleep now, and don't forget to apologize to your mother in the morning. Good night." I walked out the door, and deliberately ran into my wife. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," I lied. I was discovering that lying to my wife was getting easier and easier. "What's up?" She looked in my eyes for so long I thought she suspected something, but the just said, "Thank you for backing me up. I thought you were going to cave like you have every week for the past month, but you stood up for me." "Honey, I try to stick up for you all the time, but I don't always understand your point of view." She mulled that over for a minute. "That may be, but I'm glad to finally see you stand up for me." She looked at Mandi's bedroom door. "Do you really think she'll apologize tomorrow?" "I may have to remind her, but I think so, yeah." "And will she stop pushing me with those clothes?" "I have a feeling she will, yes," I said, hoping Mandi will start behaving - at least as far as her mother knows. "Well," she said suddenly, "I'm going to bed." She gave me a quick hug and walked past me into the bedroom that had been used for nothing but sleep for the last several months. "Good night," I said to her back as it disappeared into the room. "I'm going to go watch the news, ok?" "Whatever," she said, not even bothering to look out the door. "Just try not to fall asleep on the couch again, ok?" "I'll try." I turned and walked down the stairs. I changed the channel to NBC and started watching the local news. Fifteen minutes after I started watching, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 'I wonder what she wants now' I thought, assuming the footsteps belonged to my wife. I turned around, the question on my lips of "what's up" when I realized the shadowy figure at the bottom of the stairs was much too thin and small to be my wife. Mandi stood at the bottom of the stairs in the shirt I had her put on earlier, and as far as I could tell, nothing else. "What are you doing down here like that?" I hissed under my breath. I was terrified if I made any abnormal sound, my wife would magically appear at the top of the stairs. "Mom's asleep," she said, walking over to the front of the couch. "She started snoring about five minutes after you came downstairs. I waited for a little bit, but I don't think she'll wake up. I was hoping you could do what you did earlier." I sat up straight, and Mandi moved between my legs. I wrapped my arms around her torso and pulled her close, her t-shirt covered breasts level with my face. I nuzzled against them, feeling her rapidly hardening nipples underneath the thin fabric. I slid my hands under the back of the shirt, cupping her small ass cheeks. "Oh, daddy," she said, running her fingers through my hair. "That feels good!" She spread her legs and I ran a hand between her legs and started flicking her clit. "That feels VERY good!" I could feel her legs getting weak, and she collapsed against me, leaving me to support her with one hand on her ass and the other cupping her pussy. I could feel her juices pouring over my palm. "What if your mom wakes up? She'd ground you and kill me," I mumbled into her tiny breast. "You mean you can't..." "I didn't say that, baby," I said, pulling my face away from her luscious little body. "I just think we have to do something so we can tell if she wakes up." She looked at me, confused. "We need to go up to your room, but you'll need to be very quiet, ok? Can you do that?" She nodded, and I pulled my hand away from her pussy and settled it back on her ass. "We also have to make sure Katie is asleep too, ok?" Mandi nodded, and I let her go. She turned to turn off the TV (apparently my wife and I had taught her enough to be conservative - sort of), but I put a hand on her shoulder. "If your mom does wake up, she'll just think I fell asleep on the couch. Leave it on." "Ok," she said and headed to the stairs. I followed close after her, not being able to resist staring up at her cute little ass on the way up the stairs. I did, however, manage to resist feeling those flexing little buns. We passed the first door on the right, and Mandi peeked in. I came up right behind her and wrapped my arms around her slim body. "She's asleep, Mandi whispered as my hands strayed up her slim form to cup her breast buds. From down the hall I could hear my wife snoring softly. I pressed my rapidly hardening dick against the middle of my eleven year old daughter's back. I felt her stiffen in my arms, and she whispered "Did you want to do sex first daddy?" "Let's just start by going into your room." I relinquished my hold on her breast buds and she led me to her bedroom. She made as if to close the door, but I stopped her. "We need to be able to hear if your mom stops snoring." "What about Katie?" she asked. "Once Katie's asleep, nothing can wake her up. Remember that thunderstorm a few weeks ago? She slept right through it even though that tree fell right outside her window." She nodded, looked around the room, and lay on the floor. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "You want to do sex now, right daddy?" "Come on, get up," I said, holding my hand down to her. She grasped my hand and I pulled her to her feet. "We're not going to do anything you don't want to, ok?" "But won't you get... um... blue balls if you don't do sex? I could feel it hard on my back." "Don't worry about me getting blue balls, honey. I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do, ok? Now, you said you wanted me to do what I did earlier. Which earlier were you talking about?" Mandi's face lit up and she lay down on the bed, pulled up the bottom of her shirt and spread her legs. "Can you use your mouth again? That was wonderful!" I smiled and knelt between her feet. I stretched one leg out toward the door so if I heard the snoring sound stop, I could kick it closed. I leaned forward, once again drawing that sweet smell of Mandi's pussy into my nostrils. I couldn't get over how different my daughter smelled compared to every woman I had ever been with. It was almost the difference between a freshly plucked grape and a month old prune. This time Mandi was already wet when I started licking her, her juices coating my tongue at once. I delved deep, her little pussy clenching at my intruding tongue in quick, pattern less bursts. My right hand drifted up her body and started playing with her nipple again, feeling the rapid beat of her heart against my palm. My left hand stayed on her thigh - I had other plans for that hand. She started to cum almost immediately, so I pulled my tongue out of her pussy and started flicking it against her clit. At the same time, I started stroking my fingers against the outside of her pussy, feeling the heat baking out of her. I don't know if all eleven year old girls can get this wet and this hot, but the feel of it was heaven! I rubbed and licked her through three orgasms, which came almost back to back, before I slipped one finger into my daughter's body. At first she stiffened at the feel of the invader, and then she spread her legs more and welcomed the invader in. My finger slid all the way in without a problem, coated by Mandi's juices. I could feel every ridge of her internal muscles as they clenched and unclenched against it. After a while (and a few more orgasms) I slid my second finger inside my daughter. I curved my fingers, wiggling them around as much as I could, and I think I even found her g-spot. She clenched up, her head and shoulders leaving the surface of the bed, and I felt her pussy on overdrive, almost hard enough to push my fingers out of her. I kept at it, though, barely able to twitch my fingers inside her, until her body started to relax. I stopped moving my fingers (keeping them buried inside her) and stopped flicking her clit. It took her a little while to relax enough to lay down, but she eventually did. I started lapping at her clit again, until she propped herself up on her elbows. "Daddy?" "Yes, baby?" I looked up at her face for a few minutes before she was able to catch enough breath to talk. "Allison never told me about feeling like that," she said, her face looking concerned. "Is there something wrong with me that made me feel like that?" "Like what, Mandi?" "Well... It was sort of like I was blowing up, or maybe shrinking or something - it sort of hurt, but not really hurt 'cause I wanted it to last forever, and then it sort of hurt when it stopped, but it was a good hurt too, cause I wanted that to last too." She looked at my face buried between her bare legs. "Does that make any sense? I don't really know what happened, but it felt better than before." "I'm glad you liked it. Did you want some more?" Mandi started chewing on her bottom lip. "I don't think I can take any more of that," she said, blushing. "If you want to do sex again, I think I can do that." I looked closely at her face. "Only, and I mean only if you want to. I'm not going to trick you like your friend's dad." "Do you think it will hurt?" she asked timidly. "Baby, I don't really know. I really can't know. I've heard it only hurts the first time, but there's no real way for me to answer that." She started chewing on her lip again. "If we do sex, and it hurts, can I ask you to stop?" "You say stop at any time, and I'll stop. I don't ever want to hurt you, ok?" "Ok daddy. I think I can handle doing sex then." She lay back down, but I reached for her arms and pulled her back into a sitting position. "I don't want to make you embarrassed, but I was wondering..." I said, plucking at the bottom hem of her shirt. "Oh, ok," she said, reaching for the hem I had plucked. "I thought you wanted me to put my shirt on 'cause you didn't like my boobies," she said, lifting her shirt off her frame. My heart stopped as I caught sight of her naked body. I had been getting glimpses of her for a few weeks, but this was the first time I had seen her naked since she was about three. She was cute then, in no way sexual, but what a change had taken place in the eight years in between. My daughter, very bluntly, is beautiful. "Baby, I love your boobies," I said, and to prove it, I leaned over and sucked her right nipple into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around her nipple, reveling in the smooth skin of her breast bud and relatively rough skin of her areola. Mandi lay back down, pulling my head with her and, of course with my help, my body over hers. My still clothed dick rubbed against her naked pussy, and I could feel her heat and wetness through my sweats. I pulled myself off her, and sank back to my knees between her legs. "This way this time, ok?" I asked, and she nodded. I looked at her lying there, and even though I had needed to use "the little blue pill" with my wife, Mandi's mother, for the past three years or so, and I hadn't taken any in three weeks or so, but my dick was as hard as it had ever been. I pulled the waistband of my sweats underneath my balls, my dick jutting out proudly before me. "Are you ready, baby? Tell me if it hurts too much, ok?" Mandi nodded, and I grasped my dick and started leaning forward. The tip of my head touched the outer folds of flesh that made my daughter's vagina. I used the fingers of my left hand to slightly spread her flesh to allow the extreme tip of my dick entrance. I pressed, watching as first the head, then the first inch disappeared into my daughter. I had never seen anything as erotic as this in my life. Mandi winced, and I paused, but she shook her head. "It doesn't hurt like last time, daddy. It feels good like your fingers did, but bigger. I'm ok." Taking that as a good sign, I continued to push forward, until the last inch of my dick sank into her pussy. It now felt like it was being squeezed in a vice just taken out of an oven and soaked in oil. "You ok?" "Yes, daddy," she breathed. "It feels weird, but good." I pulled out until all that was left inside Mandi was the head, wondered at the amount of little girl sex juice coating my dick, then pressed it in again. I had to struggle not to cum yet, and let me tell you, it was a real struggle. Every movement I made sent a mini orgasm through her pussy, and threatened to squeeze my dick right off. I grasped her hips, pulling her to me as I pushed toward her, slowly and carefully pushing my dick back into her hot little hole. I worked my way up to a rhythm, watching the changing emotions on her face change from confusion to pleasure to ecstasy. At first I thought she was going to cry out loud, but her breath caught and the steady if erratic pulsing of her pussy evened out into a mind numbing squeeze that prevented me from moving. Mandi clamped down so tight, she even prevented me from cumming. Her back curved again, arching her head and shoulders off the bed, and I reached up and curved my arms around her shoulders. Her small frame was trembling in my hands, her heart racing hard enough for me to feel it beat through her shoulder blade. I held her that way until her orgasm ebbed, drinking in the view of my daughter cumming. When she started to relax, I lowered her back to the bed. Her blonde hair was at least two shades darker than normal, her entire body coated with sweat. "Wow, daddy. That was fantastic. I can't wait to feel that again," she panted. I didn't take time to answer. Instead, I grasped her hips again, and started pumping again. Her pussy was still twitching against me, and after the pressure of her orgasm, it wouldn't be long before I exploded. I gazed at my daughter's prone body, amazed at how beautiful she was and I hadn't really noticed it before. Mandi's breath started hitching again, and the muscle contractions getting closer and closer when I felt the pressure build to overflowing in my balls. I thrust forward harder than I had before as the cum started spurting into my eleven year old daughter's womb. A split second after that first jet of cum sprayed in her womb, her little pussy clamped down again in another orgasm, literally squeezing the cum out of my dick. Mandi curled up again, and I curled down, our heads ending up next to each other as we held each other in our mutual bliss. This time I did not let her down when her muscles relaxed - instead I held her tightly against me, my dick still buried in her pussy, her tiny breast buds pressing against my lower chest. She didn't speak this time, but just looked up in my face with an exhausted, pleased look that took my breath away. I leaned my face toward hers, placing gentle kisses around her mouth, innocent kisses that would have seemed perfectly natural if my dick hadn't still been inside her. Then the kisses became less and less innocent until I was suckling on her tongue, my dick not showing any sign of wilting even though I had cum twice that night already and hadn't even taken my blue pill. I started pumping again, this time Mandi's entire body off her bed except her ass, our arms wrapped around each other, our tongues tangling against each other's. This time I heard when she came. She moaned directly into my mouth, and the sound of her pleasure and the feel of her grasping pussy sent me over the edge again, and I shot the third load of cum that night deep into my eleven year old daughter's womb. This time there was no stopping my overused dick from getting soft, but my daughter didn't seem to notice. She slid off the bed onto my lap, not letting my dick out of her body, but trapping it inside. We sat there making out on her floor for a good part of an hour until my dick fell out entirely. We stopped kissing, and she laid her head on my shoulder. "Allison always says how it hurts when her daddy does sex things with her," she said. "She said it really hurt the first time, and the rest of the time it hurts but not as bad." She paused, and I could imagine her lower lip being chewed on. "Unless he's really angry at her. Then she says it really REALLY hurts." "I promise you, baby. I'll never hurt you for all the world, ok? If you want to do sex again, I will, but only if you really want to. Don't ever think you have to, ok?" At that, Mandi sat up and looked me in the face. "If I want you to kiss me down there, but I don't want to do sex, would that be alright?" "Whatever you want, baby. Just don't ask for anything in front of your mother or sister, and for the love of God, please don't piss your mother off anymore. No more dressing in sex clothes or anything like that. I don't care if you're wearing a pumpkin costume, if you want me to do sex things with you, all you have to do is say something. Deal?" "Sure daddy, it's a deal," she said as she slid back up on her bed. Seeing her sitting there, naked and covered in sex sweat, my cum dripping from her barely visible (yet red and swollen) pussy made my dick twitch once, then go back to sleep. The thought of my semen saturating her still maturing womb made the guilt try and come back, but somehow I managed to quash it. I hadn't forced my will on her, and she seemed to enjoy "doing sex," so if my daughter wanted to do sex with her own daddy, who was I to say no! "Stand up a second," I said, holding my hand out. She stood in front of me without hesitation, and I couldn't help running my hands up and down her smooth leg. I finally stopped, picked up her panties and held them by her feet. She lifted one, then the other, and allowed me to slip the fabric up her thighs. Before they covered her pussy, I paused and leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on the inflamed flesh of her pussy. A shiver rippled over her body at the contact, and she swayed towards me. Instead of taking advantage, I finished pulling up her panties. I stood up, then turned her so I could sit on her bed. I pulled her close and nuzzled against her breast buds, feeling her shiver again. After a few minutes, I stopped and picked her shirt off the floor where it had fallen on the floor. I straightened it out and guided it around her arms, then pulled it over her head. When the hem of the shirt reached her breast buds, I leaned forward and gently kissed each nipple. I lay her back on the bed, covered her with the sheet, and kissed her on the forehead. "I love you, baby," I said to the innocent looking little girl under the sheet. "I love you too, daddy. Goodnight." "Goodnight," I said, and walked into the hall. If my daughter wanted to do sex, that was her choice. I vowed I would never pressure her, but that didn't mean I wouldn't go along with her! To be continued??? ------------------------------------------------------- As I stated at the beginning, this is entirely fiction. I write fiction, and do not believe fiction should be censored, but neither should it be followed. If you have an urge to have sex with a child, seek immediate help, or cut off your pecker. Kids need to be cherished, not ravaged, protected, not exploited. As an author, I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback for my work. I do not write for profit, so the only payment I get is knowing what my readers think. Fitfully Yours (