Story: Master PC: Gaps in Time 5

Author: Abe Froman


(mc, mf, md, gr)


The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature, so if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental. The author is not responsible for any damage resulting from reading this work.  It is written with thanks to JR Parz for his original idea and comments and with apologies to him for any lack of quality.  Any of the story’s faults are my own. Please send any comments/suggestions to me at [email protected].


This story may be reposted or archived provided the following conditions are met:

1. The story is not altered in any way

2. The story contains my name and disclaimer

3. You do not make money from the story



Maria woke slumped in her desk chair, a bit uncomfortable and confused.  As she fully regained her senses, the memory flashed back into her mind.  Was it a dream perhaps?  No – all she had to do was check the history of her web browser to see that horrible image of herself in all her glory, wrapped up in tight rope with her breasts painted with that horrible contest slogan – like she was a used car ad. 


Her mind was racing.  She had seen so many of her employees in that last image.  Drawing in a deep breath, she brought the image back up onto her screen.  She tried to avoid looking at herself as she scanned it.  Her heart was beating so fast, pounding in her temples.  There they were – dressed in tiny little outfits, grinning like they’d won Miss Universe, full breasts nearly spilling out into the open.  She was afraid to step outside her door.  If she actually saw them all like that, like Deb, it would be too much to take.  Had her entire company been turned into sluts and bimbos? 


Then she remembered her own breasts, or more specifically, the holes that Deb (now absent and presumably back at her desk, grinning to herself no doubt) had cut in her top at her nipples.  Her eyes jerked downwards.  “Oh god,” she moaned to herself.  Not only were the holes still there, drawing ready attention to her pierced nipples and their golden rings, but a chain had been added to dangle between the rings, locked on with small silver locks – and the chain was on the outside of her top!  She managed to cover herself up for the moment by putting her jacket back on and buttoning it up.


She needed to get some clarity in her mind; to try to figure out what had really happened.  Back to business then – she started pulling up company documents online and rummaging through the filing cabinets where she kept all her important files and contracts.  In minutes she was able to confirm the terrible truth.  Not only had Delacruz Industries, her pride and joy and life’s work, purchased this sex-toy business, but her signature was over the deal and the contracts.  Her mind was numbing as she looked through the details – the warehouse, the inventory, the website, staff, research and development (she didn’t dare think what that was) was all laid out, with audits and evaluations.  A wry smile crossed her lips – at least her slutty self was still paying attention to detail in business.  She continued to graze though the documents.


She stopped as she found a large manila envelope in with the executive summary files. It was sealed, and addressed to her – the writing even crossing the seal of the envelope as a protection against tampering.  “Something I would do,” she thought.  A double-take at the writing made it even clearer – it was in her own handwriting.  She tore open the envelope to find a hand-labeled videotape inside – again in her own hand.


Her curiosity was intense as she slid the tape into the VCR, the remote control gripped tightly – she didn’t sit down but instead stood staring at the television, impatiently waiting for it to warm up and display the image.  She didn’t know why she was so sure this wasn’t just another humiliating video – maybe the lack of “presentation” or build-up.  She pressed play and was looking back at herself from the screen.  On screen she was dressed in a tighter than skin-tight red latex dress – tight enough that her full breasts were spilling out over the low cut scooping neckline.  Rather than being engaged in a vigorous sexual activity, or being humiliated by coworkers, she was just smiling and starting right into the camera.


“Hello Maria,” came her own voice of the of television’s speakers with a giggle, “I just wanted to talk to you, or to me I guess.  Oh, and to make sure I’ve got your attention, Master made it so you’ve got to do whatever I say.  So, I want to go and sit down on the sofa, in front of the TV, but first let’s get you more comfortable.  Master probably didn’t let you notice this morning, but there’s a zipper down the side of your skirt.  Unzip it, and take it off.  Then you can sit down.”


Maria felt so numb that she barely noticed that her body was obeying.  But in her haze, her fingers found the zipper she couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen before, and freed herself from the skirt.  Of course, this left her bottom bare but for the leather strap holding the dildo into her pussy.


“Okay, that should be enough time,” slut-Maria continued from the tape, “but make sure your thighs are spread.   So, Master tells me that you should know about my latest acquisition, and the wonderful contest that goes with it.  But I guess I should back up a bit first.  Master, who I guess you just know as Mr. Foxx, has been keeping me up to date on how he’s been teasing you…or me… it’s hard to keep track of it.  I think of the former me, which I guess is still you, as such a long time ago.  God, we were such a prude, and not having any fun.  Say, speaking of fun – I asked Master not to lock your dildo strap today, so take off the strap, and while I’m talking, why don’t you start fucking that pussy of ours with the dildo.  Go ahead, I’ll wait.”


On the sofa, Maria was mortified.  Her eyes shot to the unlocked door and her body responded on its own to nimbly unbuckle the leather strap, slide it from her body, and pull the dildo, slick from her juices, out of her pussy.  Her hand worked on its own, drawing it nearly all the way out before sliding it back inside, over and over, achingly slow.  Maria’s face and neck burned red as she helplessly fucked herself with the toy, her legs spread wide.  As much as she hated to admit it to herself, it felt so good, and she felt her heat build and her juices flow.  All the time her eyes were locked on the image on the screen.  Her alter-ego was sort of fiddling around, waiting to continue, but Maria’s eyes were drawn to her own cleavage swelling inside the tight dress, the soft orbs of flesh swelling visibly with each breath.  She was disgusted – was she now lusting after herself?


Mmmm, I can just picture you in my mind there, frigging yourself with that toy,” slut-Maria cooed.  “I’ll bet Deb would like to see this.  But, I want this to be just between us for now.  So, where was I?  Ah yes, I wanted you to know that Master has been keeping me posted on your torments.  It’s a strange thing to take joy in the pain of your former self, but I certainly am.  I think of it as punishing you for keeping us from having this kind of fun earlier.  God, working so hard in college, nothing but school, when we could have been going out to some clubs and getting some action.  I know we didn’t have the tits or body we do now, but we could have made a lot of people very happy, including us.  And to think that I never had this pussy licked by a woman, or wrapped my hands and mouth around a set of tits and great at Denise’s.  What a waste.”


The dildo was still sliding in and out of Maria, her nectar now soaking her, running down onto the sofa.  Her body only had freedom of movement to squirm with pleasure, and she found herself moaning softly.


“But oh no, we had to work and work.  And even when we made it, we had our own company, then still nothing.  An occasional date with some loser who didn’t know the first thing about taking a woman and giving her some pleasure, or having her give him the pleasure he wanted.  But instead, someone like Master looks around at what comes naturally, and you want to put him out on the street.  I’m so happy that he found that program, and was able to save us.”


The jumble of thoughts and mixed emotions and sensations were making Maria’s mind buzz.  Her cunt was so wet, dripping around the dildo she couldn’t stop teasing herself with – filling her body with a deep and growing pleasure, but her mind with shame and fear of being discovered.  As she heard these condemnations of her life choices she told herself that she had done the right things all along and built herself a successful life – this version of herself on the TV was just a puppet of Foxx, made to think what he wanted, just like she was dressed like he wanted.  But there was just that twinge of doubt driving her mad; she had longed at times for more pleasure, more company, for something that was missing.  As her lust built steadily in her body, she just drank in the image of her own body on the screen.  How her immense tits heaved, her stiff nipples and rings visible though the thin, tight latex.  Lips moist and shining with a come-fuck-me red lip gloss.


Her whorish self continued to torment her, “But even now, given a body that men and women would give anything to see and to fuck you’re not happy.  We’ve been given a Master that knows how to take us to the limits of sensation, giving pleasure with an intensity we’ve never know before.  Clothes that make people drool and fall all over themselves.  And Master can even give us other people, and make them into our fantasies.  Do you know how much I thank Master in my mind each time I can drive my tongue into Denise?  Or hold her wonderful tits in my hands?  But you, you’re still feeling guilty, aren’t you?  You don’t want to feel this good.  You’re ashamed even of these!”  With that, her hands went to her latex dress, and started to peel it down her shoulders, freeing her breasts from its tight grip.  They seemed to pop out into the air with enthusiasm.


Despite herself, a wave of pleasure hit Maria as she saw those tits spring free.  As she saw herself on screen squeeze and knead them, she felt a wave of jealousy.


“I guess, my poor former self, that I just wanted you to know that all of this is why I begged Master to let us buy the sex-toy company.  I found it for him, and at least the education you made us get was useful.  I was able to realize that not only could having access to all those wonderful toys get me fucked in all kinds of new ways, but it’s going to make us, and Master, even richer.  So you see, I’m taking what you made us learn, what you mortgaged our pleasure for, and I’m going to have Master make up for lost time.  And we get to be the grand prize!  Can’t you imagine it?  Think how much lust someone is going to have for our body, seeing all those photos of us.  Then think how much they would do to us will all the toys they desire.  God, a weekend isn’t going to be enough time.”


Maria’s lust and dripping cunt were defeating her.  Tears rolled down her face, but she ached for release.  Her entire body was a jumble of twitching nerves.  Her nipples were diamond-hard, and the chain between them shook with her grinding motion.


“I also wanted to make this tape to let you know that I’m having the time of my life – or the time of our life, and I wouldn’t give it up for the world.”  She got up and moved towards the camera.  The image started to shake after she slid out of view, as she picked up the camera and moved it around the room.  The view spun to reveal her living room, and there was Denise, her wrists cuffed and pulled up to the ceiling and her legs spread wide.  She was stripped completely and drooling and smiling around a bright red ball gag.  Maria’s voice continued, “but now I’ve got to go, and fuck this slut Denise as hard and as much as I can before Master turns me back into you.  Once this tape ends, you can cum, lick the dildo clean, and strap it back inside yourself.  Then get your skirt back on, and forget about the zipper again.  Bye-bye, baby.”


The tape ended with a flash of snow, then a blank blue screen.  Maria’s orgasm struck at once and she heard herself moaning and groaning out loud as her body convulsed with the release.  It lasted for what seemed like an hour, washing over her again and again.  When she could finally breathe again, she found her body going into autopilot.  With the orgasm past, she was able to think clearly enough to feel the complete humiliation of being half naked in her own office, licking and sucking her own juices from a sex toy.  To an outside observer, she would have seemed like an enthusiastic participant, lapping at it as if it were her lover. Finally it was clean and pushed back inside her aching pussy.  Minutes later, she stumbled back to her desk in short steps, unable to determine how she had ever gotten the skirt off in the first place.


She sat in a daze.  She couldn’t believe it.  Had she turned against herself?  It was bad enough being teased by Foxx, and she knew that he was using that damned software to mess with Deb’s mind to turn her assistant into one of his tools.  She just didn’t know how to deal with this.  It even sounded like her, not just her voice, but her way of speaking.  She had worked hard to get her life and her business, and now any of the small doubts she’d had about what she’d sacrificed were being used to torment her by this new version of herself.  No, it didn’t mean anything, she told herself.  After all, if Foxx can mess with her mind so much that she can forget all those things, and that she can’t look at breasts without her juices flowing, he could make her do and say anything. 


She spend the rest of the day combing through the rest of her files, trying to find out if Foxx had initiated any other changes to her company.  She was unable to find anything new, but at least it was enough of a distraction.  She gathered her things and made her way out of the office to head for home.  


The view of the general office was a genuine shock to her.  It looked something like the Playboy mansion.  All of the women working for her were dressed only slightly more conservatively that Deb’s new wardrobe.  It was all tight dresses, short skirts, stockings and cleavage.  She wasn’t able to lay eyes on one set of breasts smaller than a D cup.  The men were in a dazed kind of heaven.  They gathered in groups of three or four, pointing out the merits of their coworkers with laugher and lust.  There was visible swelling at the crotch of more than one of them. 


For the rest of the week, Maria’s torment was subtly restricted to what she saw around her in the office.  She tried to seek refuge in work, but more and more the financial and business aspects of the sex-toy division took over.  Maria took some grudging pleasure in that the company was hugely profitable.  But right outside her door, Deb’s clothing managed to make her look more shameful than if she was naked.  But Deb was no longer alone in the office with her new fashion sense.  Every woman working there seemed to be purchasing all their clothing from the line available from their new acquisition.  Maria had to fight to stare at their showcased cleavages, asses, legs and bellies – each sight tugged at her growing new lesbian lusts.  As her mind filled with the sex acts that her body cried out for with each sight of them, she cursed Foxx for the torment. 


She was clearly not alone in these tendencies.  Throughout the week, Maria was not able to go to a meeting room, stock room or copy room without walking in on her employees giving in to the atmosphere of lust – and she discovered two women together just as often as a woman with a man.  They’d be wrapping their bodies all over each other, teasing each other with a variety of toys, or she’d walk in just in time to see a woman wiping hot cum from her face.  Each time she stumbled backwards out of the room, mumbling apologies as she blushed.


The same women that had complained so self-righteously about Deb’s wardrobe so recently were now regarding her with confused looks for her restraint.  She could see in their eyes that now that they’d been changed into pleasure-mad sex-toy models, they couldn’t understand why their boss wasn’t joining in.  Foxx kept her dressed in clothing that would appeal to all and with their normal senses of decorum long gone, their attraction to her was made very clear.  Only her position as their boss kept her ass from being slapped each time she passed.  They all loved their jobs now, since the office had become a non-stop orgy, and weren’t going to risk them.


What remained Maria’s most trying torment during the week was the tape.  She couldn’t get the accusations of her “new” self out of her mind.  Had she really sacrificed her own life to work?  What the bimbo plaything show to her really happier than she was?  She had made the mistake of popping the tape in again on Wednesday, wanting just to hear it again, but of course she was still compelled to obey the commands, and once again she had found herself soaking her sofa and screaming through a soul-shaking orgasm.  But seeing once again the joyful lust in her own eyes as she departed to take the bound Denise, who looked just as gleeful, only weaken her resolve that she was right.  Thinking back to before this whole nightmare began, she couldn’t remember the last time she had seemed as happy as that version of herself.


It was finally Friday, the afternoon passing slowly, and Maria was still tormented by these thoughts.  Her mind kept drifting as she was supposed to be dictating a letter to Deb.  Today, her assistant wore a knit skirt that was past her knees, but the fabric moved in such a way that it seemed to cling to her curves with each stride.  And the top had a cowl neckline, plunging deep down to her navel, opening up a very generous view of her breasts.  Maria had to exert considerable effort to tear her eyes away from the way the soft slopes of Deb’s tanned flesh moved with each breath or motion, the way the chain dangling between the girl’s nipple rings went in and out of view.


Maria even found herself pacing as she dictated, something she never did.  She realized with a shock that she was subconsciously doing it to get a fuller view of Deb’s body as she jotted the shorthand in her notepad.  Passing by, moving closer each time, Maria’s gaze fell into Deb’s purse that had fallen slightly open at the side of her chair.  She drew in a deep breath as she immediately recognized a number of toys poking into view.  Her knees were weak as the toys filled her imagination with wickedness.  


“Is everything okay, Ms. Delacruz?” Deb asked.  Maria realized that she had stopped talking, and she didn’t know for how long. 


“Yes, yes, everything’s fine,” she mumbled.  But whatever the letter had been about was vanished from her mind.  Would it be so bad, she wondered, to give in?  Her body screamed for Deb’s flesh, she wanted to feel those tits in her hand and mouth, to tasted the girl’s nectar, and lick her own off those full red lips.  Could it be that bad, to allow herself some pleasure on her own, after Foxx had been doing god-knows-what with her.


She walked to the door, and locked it.  Deb was now following her movements, craning her neck to watch, but neither of them said anything.  Stepping back to Deb’s chair, Maria reached down and gathered up Deb’s purse, spilling its contents out over the surface of her desk.  Along with her makeup and other items, the toys fell out in plain view.  Deb’s eyes stayed on Maria, her mouth opened, but no words came out.  Maria took a pair of handcuffs from the treasure, and walked behind Deb, gripped her wrists, tugged them behind her and locked the cuffs onto them.  With her arms pulled back behind her, Deb was forced into a posture that pushed her massive breasts out even further.  Maria moved before her and pulled at the loose neckline of Deb’s top, pulling and stretching the fabric until both glorious tits were fully exposed. 


“Oh, Ms. Delacruz,” was all Deb was able to moan before Maria put a finger to her lips, commanding silence. 


Maria picked a rather large cock-shaped vibrator from the pile of toys and turned it on, feeling it shake in her grip.  Working slowly, she started to rub it over Deb’s exposed breasts.  The soft skin was stretched tight, and her breasts shook with the vibrations like water-balloons.  Maria moved all over the mounds, dragging the vibe against Deb’s rapidly stiffened nipples.  She guided the rubber cock between Deb’s breasts and lifted it, pulling at the chain linking her nipple rings, stretching them tight, and letting the vibration shake all through.  Deb’s eyes were now closed, taking in the sensations, giving in to the pleasure, just as Maria was.


Maria used the dildo to pull the chain higher and higher.  Deb’s eyes opened with a gasp, the pain in her nipples growing as her full breasts were now being tugged upwards.  “Follow me,” Maria said in a hoarse whisper.  God, was she really going to do this?  She guided the cuffed Deb by her nipples up out of her chair.  Looping the rubber balls of the anatomically correct toy over the dangling chain, Maria released it for a moment, making Deb wait with the added weight pulling down at her.  Maria stood before her and removed her jacket.  Her own top was held straining over her breasts with thin laces that took only seconds to tear open.  As she felt her own tits fall free, letting Deb gaze at her nipples, ringed as well, Maria felt a surge of power and pleasure pushing away her shame and self-judgment.


Turning her back to Deb, Maria bent forwards at the waist as she slid down the miniscule skirt she’d been dressed in that morning.  She made sure to bend enough so that Deb would be sure to see the base of the bright red silicone plug filling her ass as she kicked the skirt aside.  Her heels were locked on with ornamental silver padlocks, but she wouldn’t have removed them if she could.  Deb signaled her appreciation of the view with an audible moan.  Maria turned back to Deb now, and she drunk in her beauty as well.  Her breasts were framed and lifted high by the stretched top.  She moved to release the cuffs just long enough to re-cuff them in front.  She lifted the dildo from the taut chain, and Deb responded with a “thank you” that was half moan and half whisper.  Maria smiled, feeling real joy and affection, and placed the dildo in Deb’s hands.  She backed up, moving as gracefully as she could, and lowered herself into an easy chair, perching her ass on the edge, feeling the plug pushed deeper into her, and spread her thighs wide. 


Deb needed no further urging.  She moved close, dropping onto her knees between Maria’s spread legs.  Deb first slid the length of the dildo up against Maria’s sex, letting her feel its length.  Maria’s head rolled back, and she purred with pleasure.  Once Maria’s juices were well spread over the toy’s length, Deb started to work it inside.  It was so large that Maria’s mouth fell open with a guttural moan as it slowly stretched her and filled her.  She looked down to see Deb’s eyes wide, so intent on her task as her cuffed hands started to slide the rubber cock in her boss’s cunt.  As Maria’s fingers laced into Deb’s hair, her strokes increased in speed. 


“Oh yesss, fill me up with it, Deb, fuck me hard, fuck my cunt, tease my ass,” the words had made their way out of Maria’s mouth before she could believe it.  There was a twinge of shame that followed them, but Maria wasn’t about to stop now.  Thankfully, Deb responded immediately, fucking her harder with the dildo, and reaching down to push at the base of the butt plug.  Soon Maria’s body was glistening with sweat.  Deb had gripped the base of the plug and Maria’s breasts were bouncing as Deb pounded into her with both toys at once.


In the end it took just a look down at Deb to finish her off.  Maria gazed down between her spread thighs to see this lovely girl, her breasts heaving, cuffed hands pistoning toys into her, lips glazed with the juices drawn from stolen kisses from her dripping pussy and her heart swelled along with her tortured clit.  Her orgasm was wonderful and violent, her cum splattered out around the dildo, and Deb’s eager mouth moved close to suck it all it, extending and enhancing her release. 


Maria pulled Deb up to her, releasing the cuffs as she gathered her up in her arms.  Their sweat covered bodies slid against each other as Maria held her tight, unable to express the sensations flowing through her.  After a while, Maria released her and reached forwards to pull the fabric of her top out from underneath her breasts, smoothing it back to barely cover them, as it had before. 


“Deb, my love, thank you so much.  I don’t know how to thank you,” Maria felt tears in her eyes as her emotions spilled out.  Maria pulled Deb’s face to hers and kissed her deeply, and found the taste of herself on Deb’s lips.


“I’ll think of something, I’m sure, Ma’am,” replied Deb with a knowing wink.  She gathered up belongings, threw them back in her purse and made her way out of the office with a seductive wiggle of her ass.


Maria fought it as much as she could, but soon feelings guilt and regret were nagging at her.  Did she think she was getting anywhere by giving in to what Foxx wanted?  Was this what Foxx wanted?  Would she be able to face Deb again?  Could she explain what happened?  What was she going to do if and when Deb wanted reciprocation?  It made her tired, frustrated and ashamed.  She fought to hold on to that hour or so of pleasure, where she’d been able to feel nothing but good, even if what she had done wasn’t the kind of thing she’d been able to even think of before all this happened.  Did it make her terrible that she’d enjoyed it?  Was that version of herself on the videotape right?  Had all her choices been wrong up to now?  She felt like she was losing herself, and she no longer had the clarity of thought or strength to even know if she cared.


As she sat in her office, trying to think, she was constantly interrupted by the chime of her email.  As an additional tease Foxx had set it up so that all the contest entries came directly to her email address.   Each one contained a list of the toys they’d bought.  Many also included enthusiastic personal notes, about how much they loved, lusted or drooled over the fabulous Maria Delacruz, and looked forward to making her fantasies come true as well as their own.  Maria was compelled to read each one fully, with a mix of repulsion and curiosity filling her thoughts.


Finally the day was over, and Maria started her walk home.  After the afternoon’s frolicking, she was very aware of the plug inside her.  Her mind was racing once more.  She wondered if giving in to lust for Deb was an act of strength or weakness.  As well, she knew Denise might be home, and her body would lust for her in the same way as it had for Deb.  Would this afternoon’s experiment make her more or less likely to give in again?


When she arrived, as always, she stripped out of her street clothes and into the leather cuffs and collar that made up her “uniform.”  The plug would have to remain in until Foxx chose to remove it, but the apartment was silent so she assumed she was alone.  She started to quietly explore the apartment.  She looked in all the rooms, save Foxx’s, and didn’t see or hear anyone.  Either Foxx was quietly sound asleep in his room, or she was alone.  She still felt strange walking around her apartment wearing only the straps of leather, but at least it was a strangeness she was used to.  She took a bottle of water from the fridge and moved back to the living room to read.  Only then did it catch her eye.


Sitting on the dining room table was Foxx’s laptop, open, with a simple starry sky screensaver humming away.  She knew nothing about the software that had given Foxx his control over her and all the others, but she assumed that there was a reason she’d never seen his computer unattended before now.  All of a sudden, Maria became very aware of her own heartbeat.  She moved over to the table, and slid into the chair behind the laptop.  She sat there upright, on edge but also with the excellent posture that her butt plug commanded.


Her finger grazed the touchpad, and the screensaver flipped off.  She looked at the application, and it was indeed called “Master PC.”  She took another glance over her shoulder, and restored the minimized window.  Up popped two rotating, apparently perfect, three dimensional images of her body with statistics flowing down beneath them.  On the right it was her as she was now, right down to her current uniform.  Looking at the image she was amazed how much her body shared the shape of Denise and Deb.  It was different in certain ways, but the curves were so sexy, her breasts so wonderfully round and firm.  It was a shock, given this unique perspective of her form, to realize that she had the body she found herself lusting after in others.  And though the image bore the outfit she currently wore, the look even in those graphic eyes was the look of wicked lust that had stared her down from the videotape.  This image, spinning like something on a showroom floor, was the “new” Maria in mind and body.


Even a bigger shock was the image on the left.  It was the old her, how she had looked and dressed before the fateful day she fired Foxx.  Wrapped in a conservative pants suit was a very plain and ordinary looking woman.   Her face was basically the same, but the body amazed her.  Compared to herself now her breasts seemed tiny and the curve of her waist and hips barely visible at all.  Was that really how she looked?  Maria realized that she’d been surrounded by women like the new version of herself almost exclusively.  Except for the women that turned their heads in disgust as they saw her walk the sidewalks between the office and home, nearly every female form she encountered at work on in play had felt the touch of Foxx’s desires. 


She was becoming bolder as the seconds passed.  When she first sat down, she was sure Foxx would appear behind her immediately somehow and punish her for daring to look at this, but now she started a further investigation of the screens before her.  The two windows mirrored each other, with references to her measurements, skin sensitivity, hair color and length.  Then even more detailed information relating to her desires, compatibility and desire for the same sex, for the opposite sex, fantasy life… on and on it went.  She was amazed to discover the detail of control Foxx had available through this piece of software. 


With that thought in her mind, she found a way to open up a new window.  She entered Foxx’s name.  Now her skin was tingling and her heart seemed to be beating its way up into her throat. In a split second Foxx’s image and statistics filled the screen.  Her wide eyes hadn’t even begun to drink it all in when a secondary warning popped up behind it. “This profile has been locked, and is read-only without administrator password access.”  She cursed silently, but still looked over the information.  She barely seen Foxx in any of the tapes she’d be shown and if he’d been with her himself she had never been allowed to remember it, so she had a certain curiosity to see what he had changed of himself in any intimate way.  As she read over the information, she found herself drawing in a deep breath.  “God, what must it be like to get fucked with that thing?  And so much cumm…”


She closed the Foxx window, and looked back at the spinning versions of herself.  There was a kind of help or dialogue window at the bottom of the screen.  She decided to try a question.


“Is this profile read-only?”


“No, this profile can be read, modified and/or deleted,” came back the automated response.


Deleted?  “How will deleting a profile affect the person?”


“If the current configuration is deleted, the subject will revert to the backup, if available.  If the backup is deleted, the subject’s current configuration will become the permanent or default configuration.”


Maria was amazed at the rather matter-of-fact way this software dealt with such amazing power.  Was this really it, just sitting under her fingertips?  The last weeks were running through her head as she sat there, stunned.  Her first moments of panicky confusion over her blackouts, then the crippling humiliation over the things she’d been made to do.  Being with women, even women that she’d known.  Seeing the changes in Deb, and more recently in all the rest of women that worked for her.  Being tormented by her own recorded self, knowing that some new version of herself had masterminded some of her physical and mental torments.  And had all of that led somehow to her “experiment” with Deb?  It made her head spin. 


Finally Maria knew that her mental torment could end.  She pressed DELETE.







Maria smiles and whistles to herself as she’s getting ready to leave after the latest photo shoot.  As her hands smooth out the last details of her outfit, she smiles with the awareness of how much she loves both not only the look of her body in the mirror, tight thin latex gripping her, but the feel of it on her body, hugging her tight.  She’s pleased she was able to convince her Master to make her breasts larger; the way they now filled out this outfit approached perfection.  Her smile grows with the thought of how hot the photos and video of sweet Deb teasing her to three orgasms with the new line of vibrators and toys are going to be.


She steps out from the photo studio into the rest of the office, seeing the women around her, drawing in their scents with a deep breath.  It gives her a fresh flush of arousal and she reaches up to give her stiffening nipples a hard double pinch.  She loves these women, her coworkers, and her beautiful assistant most of all.  She’s proud of the atmosphere of love and pleasure she can provide them, as well as the lifestyle the healthy profit sharing her success makes possible.


But as much as she loves her company, the lifestyle that its profits allow her, and all this beauty around her, she can’t wait to get home.  Only there will she be able to fully cast aside her role as a boss like an actor walking off the stage.  At home, in her proper uniform, she’ll be able to fully dwell in her true nature as her Master’s slave and pet, feeling the exquisite experiences of his control and the touch.  Perhaps tonight he’ll share himself with both her and his other beloved pet, Denise.


As she reaches the street, she pulls the zippered front of her latex top nearly down to her waist, feeling her breasts strain to be free, the fleshy mounds pushed tight together.  God, she loves the stares and whistles, the feeling of raw lust directed right at her.  It’s just what she needs to be properly wet when she arrives home to be with Master.  She whistles as she walks and feels the warm afternoon breeze up under her skirt.






Please send any comments/suggestions to me at [email protected], and thanks to all of you who have sent encouragement throughout this story’s creation.