Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Part 2 After Anna got home after dropping Beth off it felt a bit quiet on her own, she opened a bottle of wine, that's ok she thought as long as I don't drink more than 2 glasses I'll be fine for picking Beth up at 9:30. Suddenly half way through the first glass Anna remembered where she'd smelt that odd aroma from the cake. It was from way back in her college days, when those two guys had brought those cannabis joints to her and Mary's room. All four of them had smoked some of it, it was all good fun and relaxing but for some reason she couldn't remember why they never did it again. Oh my God that cake she and Beth had eaten had cannabis in it. Probably also the cake Tommy's mother had given her when she'd dropped Beth off. Anna almost jumped back in the car to rush back to get her daughter. She suddenly stopped, that was exactly the sort of thing her ex always criticised her for. Rushing in and doing something stupid without thinking first, and also being too protective of their daughter. Anna sat back down for a moment, she'd text her daughter instead. She read the text that she quickly compiled before sending it. Hmm... that would frighten her and it was her first sort of date. She deleted it and typed another 'Hi sweet hope your having a nice time. The cake might not be quite right probably best not to eat anymore of it. and if you feel AT ALL a bit funny text me and I'll come and get you straight away. Love mum'. That's better thought Anna hitting the send button. She nervously finished the glass waiting for a reply, then rushed into the kitchen to unwrap that cake. She had intended to just throw it away, after seeing the Assaf's house from the outside she wondered about its quality. Anne unwrapped the cling film from it and gave it a good sniff. Yep that was defiantly the smell she remembered. Why did people smoke it she wondered if it could just be put into food. Anna switched the PC on and did a quick Google, Ahh it less effective and slower she read. Just then she heard her phone ping and rushed back to the kitchen to read the text. 'Don't worry mum having a gr8 time c u 9:30 love Beth'. Anna felt relieved, she read the text a second time, mmm... Beth doesn't normally finish her texts love Beth... Oh Derik the ex was right, I'm such a worrier. Anna looked at the cake again perhaps I'll have a small piece to help stop me worrying, it did say it's not as strong as smoking it. Anna cut about a quarter of the cake, poured her second glass of wine and went and sat in front of the TV. Fifteen minutes later the cake and wine were finished Anna was still feeling worried. That bloody cakes done nothing... I'll have another quarter she thought. She cut another generous quarter of cake and looked at the wine bottle, then at the clock. It was still 2 hours before she had to go and get Beth. Another glass of wine wouldn't hurt, it would almost be out of her system by the time she needed to drive. She was half way through it when she got another text. Anna quickly read it. 'Can I have an extension to 10:00 mum'. Her mum thought about it for a minute then text back `I'll pick you up at 9:45 no later' Anna thought it was a good compromise. See she was worrying over nothing Beth wouldn't have wanted an extension unless everything was going fine. The cake was now finaly starting to have a small effect as well. Anna wondered about the wine after she finished the third glass, there was less than one glass left in the bottle now, should she drink it? It was still an hour before she had to get Beth. Shame to waste it she thought emptying it into her glass and cutting what was left of the cake in half. By the time Anna come to get in the car to pick Beth up, the wine and cake were really having an effect. Can't turn the clock back she thought driving as carefully as she could and keeping to the speed limits. At least it wasn't far, they should be back home in less than half an hour. Anna stood at the door, starting to worry a bit in spite of the wine and cake, why were they taking so long to answer. Mrs Assaf opened the door and smiled, "We've has such a nice time with Beth come on in". Anna could smell the cannabis in the house, she also noticed Mrs Assaf wasn't wearing, a bra, bit odd for someone of her size. Nyla hugged Anne to her just inside the door and kissed her lightly on the lips. Anna looked up into Nyla's eyes and smiled weakly. Anna felt confused with the welcome, Nyla was still holding her against her big body, it was almost like Nyla was feeling her body pushed against hers. Nyla finally released her. Anna followed behind her along the narrow hall, which Nyla seemed to fill. Anna looked at her large butt which moved in a slightly exadurated way, she looked lower and saw the skirt was quite short and finally noticed the high heel shoes. Oh my god how can anyone wear shoes like that around the house especially when they're that big. Anna wished she'd put some better clothes on, she was wearing just her old leggings and blouse, she hadn't expected to be invited in. Nyla opened the door to their dimly lit living room, the cannabis smell hit Anna's nose a lot more strongly. Anna was surprised to see the 2 brothers just inside the door, they were stood in line waiting to greet her. They were both only wearing a pair of jeans, no top or footwear which seemed very odd. The first smaller boy smiled, stepped forward then hugged and kissed her. Anna felt embarrassed with the topless boy hugging her like this, what is it with these people hugging and kissing all the time Anna thought. The boy held onto her and kissed her on the lips again before speaking "Hi I'm Tommy, very pleased to meet you." Anna took a breath to reply but stuttered. Nyla's hand went to her back and rubbed it gently. Anna took a slow breath again and replied, "I'm Mrs... I mean Anna, p...pleased to meet you". This was so weird, he was still holding her and Nyla still gently rubbing her back. He kissed her once more before slowly stepping back only to be replaced by a hug from the next bigger boy. He placed his lips on hers and kissed her for longer than the other two. All this kissing and hugging was starting to have an effect on Anna, her body slowly waking to the sexual vibes she was feeling from them all. "I'm Asher, pleased to meet you Anna". God they are all so polite thought Anna. Asher was still holding her against him. God he's gently stroking my cheek thought Anna before he bent to her and kissed her again. His hands were gently holding her cheeks as he kissed her again, then his tongue started to gently probe her lips. She parted them slightly and his tongue slowly pushed into her mouth. God this can't be happening she thought, a second later Tommy's body pushed up against her back his hands gently feeling her sides. This is just unbelievable, ridiculous she thought, two young boys pushing their bodies against mine. Asher slowly took his lips away from hers and his hands slid down from her face onto her shoulders. She looked to the side now feeling a bit panicky. Nyla smiled at her, she was holding some sort of tube. "Breathe from this my dear it will make you feel even better" she said quietly. Asher had taken hold of her face again as Nyla gently pushed the tube thing into her mouth. "Big slow breaths my dear" Nyla said with a reassuring voice. Anna couldn't help but breathe in the vapour, after just a few breaths she was already feeling a little more relaxed. Asher was still right in front of her he smiled at her, his fingers running down off her shoulders onto the top of her breasts. Anna attempted to move back from him only to push her butt hard against Tommy. Oh my god she felt the hard bulge in his jeans. Nyla was still standing next to them still holding the tube in Anna's mouth. Anna was starting to feel very light headed from all the vapour. Nyla noticed she'd had enough and pulled the tube out. Nyla gave the two boys a breath from the tube then took one herself. This was going rather well she thought. Tommy was rubbing his bulge against Anna's butt now and also feeling her up with his hands, while Asher was undoing the buttons down the front of Anna's top. Anna concentrated taking some deep breaths of fresh air, she'd felt herself about to collapse a few seconds ago. She could feel the two boys fussing around her, her muddled mind was trying to work out what they were doing. She vaguely felt a hand slide up her side then onto the side of her breast squeezing gently. She lifted her hand up to pull it away only to feel some fingers running over her exposed cleavage from the front. God this is so confusing what is going on, she started to feel a little panicky Asher hands were pulling open her blouse. Nyla noticed Anna's eyes suddenly grow, she quickly put her hand on Asher's shoulder and pulled him out of the way. Anna felt a little relief then realised Tommy behind her was now feeling the weight of her breasts. Nyla gently pushed the tube back into Anna's mouth. "Boys will be boys" Nyla was saying as Anna sucked in the vapours she'd already learnt would help relax her. "Come and stand behind the sofa, you look a little pale" Said Nyla as she and Tommy guided her there. Why? What's going on, was all a confused Anna could think. Asher stood in front of the sofa watching and blocking Anna's view of Beth for now just in case she looked up. "Now rest you forehead on your arms on the back of the sofa dear until you feel a little better". Anna was feeling a bit faint again she hadn't realised that Nyla had kept the tube in her mouth this time until she finally removed it now. She felt a little better bent over leaning on the back of the sofa, not quite so light headed. "Let's just loosen your clothing some more love, help your circulation" Nyla continued. Anna vaguely felt Nyla release her bra catch, from her position with her head resting on the back of the sofa she saw her bra and breasts drop lower. She was now so dazed she never even reacted as Nyla pulled her bra cups out of the way then felt up her hanging breasts. Anna felt her nipples harden as she watched the small podgy hands with there bright red long nails play with her hanging tits. She did give a little jump as she felt Tommy's hand slide down right into the front of her leggings and found her hairy bush. God his hand must be in my knickers as well it slowly dawned on her deep somewhere in her head. Nyla carefully pushed the tube back into Anna's mouth, Anna sort of realised she didn't want it, it made her feel dizzy, but she immediately gasped in a lung full of vapour as Tommy suddenly pulled her leggings and knickers straight down to her ankles in one smooth go. "Oh my god, oh my god" Anna muttered, the tube still pushed into her mouth. "Tommy wants' to fuck his new girlfriends mummy, you just relax love, he won't take too long" Nyla replied with a big beaming smile across her face as she put an arm around Anna to hold her tightly in position. Tommy was now crouched down trying to get Anna to lift one foot up so he could pull her knickers and leggings off one of her legs and then spread them. Anna lifted her head and spit the tube from her mouth. What, what the hells going on! She shook her head trying to make some sense of what was happening, she shouldn't have done that it made her feel more giddy. She felt a bit off balance as Tommy lifted her foot and managed to untangle her clothes from it. Asher now knelt on the sofa in front of her, he smiles sweetly and gently stroked her face. Anna looked at his body her eyes slowly blinking, he was a bit older and more filled out than his brother, her eyes almost focusing on his bare torso, the young fit body slowly registering in her mind. She was vaguely aware of the cooler air around her butt and legs. Tommy stood up and undid his jeans pushing then down enough to expose his tackle. "Spread e'm more woman, come on spread 'em!" he demanded, all his earlier politeness gone as he forced Anna to spread her legs further. Tommy was keen to get his dick in and fucking, the 'speed' he'd taken half an hour ago was really kicking in now. He wanted in, to feel that new fanny around his dick and to offload deep into the bitch. He stabbed his hard dick between her legs a couple of times but did not find his target. "Comon Tommy you can do better than that" his mum reprimanded. She took hold of his member and helped it to Anna's fanny. Tommy pushed into her, Anna simply gasped in response very confused, she was the oldest woman he'd ever fucked so far and she didn't feel that tight to him, especially after Beth earlier. He quickly got a good rhythm going, hmmm at least he could last longer he realised. Asher gently stroked the confused looking woman face reassuringly. An alarm message was running around Anna's head, god that younger one is fucking me, He's fucking me! he's entered me from behind and is actually screwing me right now. Anna couldn't believe it, wasn't he meant to be Beth's new boyfriend. Beth where is Beth she suddenly thought finally realising she hadn't seen her since her arrival. "Beth where's Beth" she quietly mumbled getting used to the steady rhythm of Tommy pushing into her. God what if she came into the room now her mother suddenly thought. "Don't worry she's just behind me relaxing" Asher replied in his relaxed voice. He leant forward and kissed Anna gently before pushing the tube back into her mouth. After Anna had taken a few good breaths, he leaned to the side so Anna would be able to see her daughter on the sofa opposite. "Oh my god.. Oh my God!" Anna cried out, she just couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her daughter lay naked on a sofa not much more than 10 feet away from her. Tommy felt more excited by her outburst and thrust into her harder, he though it was him making her cry out. Asher removed the tube, moved in front of her again and kissed her gently. Her whole body was now moving back and forth with Tommy's thrusting, accompanied by a slapping sound at the end of each stroke. Anna was so confused, despite the situation she could no longer ignore the waves of pleasure, now coming from her fanny. Nyla was stillplaying with her breasts and the good looking Asher gently kissing her as well, it was too much, much too much. "Oh my God... oh my god oh my God" she quietly chanted as the huge pleasure wave built in her. She hadn't had sex for 2 years, not since her husband left. "Ahhh..." she cried out as she felt Tommy starting to cum in her. She stood up straighter trying to pull away from Tommy, even though she was reaching a peak herself it was too much. Asher moved to the side still gently stroking her cheek when he could. She cried out again she couldn't help it, even though she began realising her daughter could see her, see her starting to cum, she just couldn't help it her body had never had so much attensuin. Her breasts were now also above the height of the sofa back, Nyla's hands still fondling them her nipples were as hard as Tommy's dick in Nyla's expert hands. "That's great my love that's great" Nyla enthused moving in closer and nibbling her neck as well now as Tommy pounded the last of his load into her and a second huge of pleasure ran through her. Less than a minute of intense sensation later Anna griped the back of the sofa gasping for air it was over, Tommy was just pulling out of her. Asher went around the back of the sofa and gently put his arm around her as the other two moved away. "Come and rest on the sofa with me love." he was saying. He sat on the sofa first and laid the now naked woman along it, her head and shoulders resting on his lap. She felt the cum running from her, her breathing slowly returning to normal. Anna's daughter on the sofa opposite spoke for the first time, "Hello mum" she said quietly. End of part 2