Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Fictional fantasy for adults only If stories involving adults and adolescences make you uncomfortable, stop reading or delete this story NOW. There are numerous very good authors included in "ASSTR Authors" that will satisfy your literary desires. This story may be downloaded by readers uniquely for their private use, and may not be distributed for profit or posted to newsgroups or other websites. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors. Copyright (C) 2001, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Date of first publication: Tuesday PM, December 25, 2001 Story codes: M/ f/F f/ con Story intro: Young teen finds a unique way to get funds for her family for Christmas. All Because of Christmas Another Story By Jack Spratt Special thanks to my Proof Reader, Mr. Argon from the Land Down Under It's been three weeks since school ended for the year. I feel good as I did exceptionally well, as my marks will attest. I'm looking forward to high school next September. The thought makes me feel grown up. I've watched high school girls at the malls and on the street they seem to be very mature. I would love to be able to dress as they do but I know it's only a dream. Mom doesn't earn that kind of money to indulge me in designer clothing. I've been babysitting since I turned twelve but I use most of the money for school projects and trips. What little I've left over is used for lingerie. That's the only sexy items I own. I developed early and had noticeable titties in grade six. The rest of my body took shape at the same time. Mom is always concerned about me outgrowing my clothes before she can afford new ones. I envy many of my girlfriends that have a dad and a mom. My dad was killed in a work accident when I was eight. The insurance money went to pay off all the bills so mom didn't have to worry. The small pension mom receives makes sure we always have food on the table. Mom's wages pay the rest. That made it necessary for me to become a babysitter for my brother Robbie at a very early age. He's in subsidized day care but he's home at four each afternoon when I get home from school. Mom can't afford a babysitter so that job fell to me. I've learnt over the years how to keep Robbie happy when he fidgets. It's early in July when Robbie and I start to look at the advertising in the local paper, speculating about what we would like for Christmas. It's a game we play to keep us occupied till mom comes home for supper. We both know that it's only a dream; mom just cannot afford the items we wish for. Robbie is seven and I am thirteen. My name is Catini St. Pierre. I have been looking out for my brother for as long as I can remember. When Robbie was little he always seemed to be crying. At least it seemed that way to me. The job to soothe him is my responsibility because mom is usually exhausted when she comes home and needs to get some sleep. I discovered quite by accident rubbing Robbie's third thumb is the answer. When I want to get him to relax and be quiet I rub his little cock, that's what I call his third thumb. As he got older and then realized how good it feels to have me massage his third thumb, he often comes to me and exposes himself for me to rub him. Robbie is six. I've just finishing bathing him and I'm putting him to bed. He is lying on his back and his thumb is sticking straight up. "Cat, rub my thumb it feels so good when you do it." For some reason his stub looks most appealing so I lean over and suck it. It didn't taste bad and I suck for nearly twenty minutes. Then looking at him I notice Robbie's asleep with a contented look on his face. From that time on I suck his third thumb regularly. When mom gets home there is usually a mad scramble as we have the supper that I've prepared, and then clean up before mom lies down. I take care of Robbie and if it's early enough we go to the park for some exercise before getting ready for bed. The park is usually full of people enjoying the evening. I enjoy watching the flow of families with their children in tow. Often I watch as some very beautiful women pass through all dressed in designer fashions I'd die for. Their bodies are well toned and accented by their skirts and blouses. Their long legs are always encased in nylons and striking high heels. I ask one of my girlfriends who they are and she whispers. "They're escorts. They're likely going to work. They're beautiful aren't they?" Nodding my head yes, we watch them parade in from of us. I've heard the term escorts before but never understood what it meant. That night after putting Robbie to bed I log on to the Internet and search the word escort. It appears that there is a massive amount of information on escorts. There are a number of sites and I read a number of them, one has a listing of escorts. It provides names and I bring up Eritrea Tekie. The site provides four pictures of a very beautiful woman. In all of them she is wearing very revealing clothing then I see a box labeled 'more pictures'. It opens up a set of four nudes showing everything. I've never seen a naked woman before. Eritrea is beautiful. When I click on rates I am baffled. One hour three hundred and fifty dollars, overnight one thousand dollars and the biggest one, five thousand dollars for a weekend. I don't know what she does for a living but it's obvious she's well paid. There's an email address for appointments. I decide to write her. Maybe she could suggest away for me to get some Christmas money for my family. 'Eritrea: I was on your site today and seen your pictures. You're very beautiful. I don't know what you do for a living but I'm in dire need of money for my family and Christmas. My name is Catini St. Pierre. My friends call me Cat. I'm thirteen years old. Hope to hear from you. Cat.' I really didn't expect an answer but I dream about all that money and what a wonderful Christmas I could have with mom and Robbie. After school when I come through the door Robbie is crying. "Cat, some boys pushed me down and I bruised my knee." "Come over here Robbie let me look at it." Dropping his pants he shows me a large bloody area on his knee. It's only a deep scrap but it looks terrible. I walk him to the bathroom. "Take off your pants and I will clean it." Off come his pants and shorts. He's standing before me naked. I clean the wound and put a bandage on it. His thumb is now erect and looks enticing. "Cat will you suck my thumb. I feel so much better when you do." I really enjoy sucking his thumb so we head to the bedroom. Mom won't be home for another two hours. With Robbie on his side I lie beside him and engulf his thumb. Sucking him relieves me of any stress from my day. It works well for both of us. I close my eyes and suck. I'm a little surprised when Robbie starts to move his hips back and forth as I suck. This is something new. Usually I just suck and he lies very still. I'm stunned when his body stiffens and he ejaculates in my mouth. I swirl the liquid in my mouth. It tastes a bit salty. "What happened Cat? I have never felt anything like that before. Can you do it again?" "You ejaculated. It means you're growing up. It's what happens when you masturbate or have sex. I didn't think you could do it so young." "Can we do it again?" "Not with that shriveled up thumb." For some reason I feel all tingly between my legs like just before I masturbate at night in bed. I've been reading many stories about guys using their thumbs in girls. I wonder if Robbie is actually big enough to put is cock in me. It's something to think about. "Mom will be home soon. Get dressed and I will start supper." "But you will do it again Cat please?" "Maybe we can try after you bath and I put you to bed." "Thanks Cat, you are the greatest." Mom comes home in a good mood but very tired. She got a small raise in her hourly rate and plans on spending the extra on something for the family for Christmas. It's not much but to us it's something we all can look forward too. Maybe Christmas isn't going to be as bleak as it usually is. After dinner the usual ritual of cleaning up and washing dishes takes place. Mom is yawning and I tell her to sleep and will make sure Robbie is bathed and put to bed. Robbie is smiling. After mom goes to bed I have my bath and dress in a nighty and robe. My luv lips are all puffy. It must be from the excitement of Robbie cumming. Compared to the picture of Eritrea I'm very small between my legs. Her pussy is shaven and her luv lips are very thick. It makes me tingle just thinking of her picture. "Robbie, it's time for your bath and then to bed." "Cat you will do it right. It feels so good." "We will see get bathed and ready for bed." When Robbie bathes I check my email. There is a reply from Eritrea. There's a surge in my tummy and between my legs. I won't open it till Robbie is in bed. "Cat I'm ready." Entering his bedroom, Robbie is on his back with his thumb sticking into the air. It really looks good. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I caress it. "Robbie you know girls are different them boys?" "Yes. I've seen Pam naked." Pam is our eight year blond neighbor. She's very attractive for her age. "How did you manage that?" "Well I showed her mine and she showed me hers. It looks like a peach." "What else did you do?" "I touched it. It's so soft. She put her hand on my thumb and rubbed it. She liked doing it." "So how often do you do this?" "Whenever we can usually when you're late coming home from school we go to her house and to her bedroom. Her mom doesn't get home till six every night. Her daddy is usually out of town during the week." "Well my peach likes to be touched like Pam's. Would you like to touch mine?" "Oh yes Cat please." I took off my robe and lift up my nighty and stand in front of him. My pussy is puffy and it feels wet. Robbie's eyes light up as he stares. "Oh Cat you're bigger than Pam and you have some hair." "Well I'd like it touched, I'd like you to kiss me there." The look on his face is one of surprise. He's thinking about it. "You want me to suck your thumb don't you?" "Oh yes like you did this afternoon." "Well I'm waiting." Robbie leans over and I can feel his hand gently touch my luv lips. His finger runs up and down my slit and then he spreads them. It's the first time anyone has touched me there. It does feel good to have someone else do it. Then he kisses me on my luv lips. His tongue licks me. I push my pussy towards his mouth. Oh this feels so good. I lift my nighty higher so he can see my titties. He stops licking me to get a better look and touches them. "Pam only has little nipples. Yours are so big." "Well, you can touch them Robbie." His hand gently rubs each nipple and then he cups my lemon-sized breasts. I take his head and pull it to my nipple his mouth opens and he sucks me. I feel the thrill of ecstasy run through my body. Then Robbie looks at me. "It's your turn Cat." Robbie's on his back and his thumb seems to be bigger than it was this afternoon. It must be in my mind. I have him lie beside me on his side and I start sucking. Almost immediately he starts pumping his cock into my mouth. This time he doesn't take long. I feel this thumb start surging and again he squirts cum into my mouth. I just swallow it. "That feels so good Cat. I want to do it every day. Please?" "Well we can when we have time but you have to lick me too." "I promise Cat." "It's time for you to go to sleep." When I leave the room Robbie has a smile on his face and his eyes are closed. He has had a big day today, his first cum and my first blowjob. I head to my room and bring up the email from Eritrea. 'Are you for real girl? Where do you live? Eritrea.' I'm surprised at the terse wording but I answer that I live in Rhodes that is what the area I live in is called. It covers many square miles. I send the reply and wonder what she is really like. When I get home from school the next day I have to suck Robbie's thumb as soon as I get in the door. He had seen Pam and had licked her. He said she didn't taste as good as I did. With Robbie's taste still in my mouth I log onto the Internet. There is an email from Eritrea. 'What a coincidence, we both live in Rhodes. If you really want to meet I am free Saturday morning. Do you know Riverside Park? Eritrea.' I answer her saying yes. The next day I receive the following. I'll meet you in the park at ten o'clock, at the coffee shop. You know what I look like. Eritrea.' I'm excited and confused. Excited because I'm going to meet Eritrea and confused because I don't know what to say to her. Mom has to work late Friday night so Robbie and I will be on our own till nine thirty. Robbie wants his usual. His thumb is out the minute I close the door. I do enjoy milking his small thumb but I feel I need more for myself. Tonight we will try something different. Robbie gets ready for bed early not because he is tired but his thumb is hard again. I follow him to his bedroom and he lies on his back. Instead of lying beside him as usual I drop my robe and stand before him naked. I get on the bed and straddle his body. My pussy is just above his small spear. Robbie is nearly four inches long. I guide my body towards him. He looks at me in bewilderment. Then I lower my body. I can feel his thumb against some resistance. It feels different but nice. I've seen guys doing this to girls on the porno sites but this is the first time I've put something in my pussy. Robbie is getting into the swing of things, his eyes are closed but he's pushing his hips against me but no actual penetration. My finger is on my bud. It feels good. Robbie stiffens and I can feel his cock jerk. He squirts his cream inside of me. "Cat what did we do? I put my thingy inside of you. Did you feel it when I squirted? I want to do that again." "Well maybe tomorrow. Let me tuck you in." That night all I could think of is my meeting with Eritrea. I fall asleep wondering what I should wear. The morning starts with a rush. Robbie is up early and waiting for his breakfast. Mom tells me to wake her at noon, as she needs to rest after the rough week she had. I see Robbie mouth the words 'Can we do it now?' I answer 'no maybe later'. He finishes and is gone outside to play. I finally decide to wear a red mini skirt and white blouse for my meeting with Eritrea. I select a sexy red pair of bikini type panties with white lace trim. My hair is in a ponytail. I wish I had more on top. I dab a drop of mom's perfume to the back of my ears and I'm ready. It's a warm sunny morning. The street is full of people. It is a few minutes to ten when I reach the coffee shop. I'm so nervous. I notice her sitting at a table next to the window. She's beautiful. She is one of the girls I've seen walk through the park many times. Today she is wearing a tailored pantsuit. Her hair is piled on her head giving her a majestic look. I slowly walk towards the table.F "Eritrea? Hi, I am Catini St. Pierre. How are you?" "Hello Catini. That's a beautiful name. Sit down; can I buy you a coffee? It's very good this morning. Sometimes it's very bitter but this morning is just right." I nod my head yes and look at her. She's strikingly beautiful. She looks better in person than the pictures posted on the Internet. Her breasts are full and her suit accents them in an attractive way. Her makeup is flawless. Her perfume is a very provocative scent, and likely very expensive. After my coffee comes she looks at me. "Cat you are a very beautiful young girl. Your email has me curious. What can I do for you?" I explained my situation and how I wanted to help my family at Christmas. I told her about looking at her site and the money she made and wanted to know if I could do it too. "Cat, do you know what I do for a living?" "Yes you're an escort." "Yes but do you know what an escort does for a living?" "No but it must be important to make that kind of money." Eritrea's smile is very disarming. "Do you know about sex?" I'm blushing but I whisper. "Yes. I have taken it in school and seen some of those naughty sites on the Internet." "Well that's what I do for a living. I sell my body for sex. It pays well but it cost a lot of money for me to look like this. Are you sure you want to hear more about this?" "Do you think I could sell sex?" "Are you really sure you understand what I am talking about Catini?" "Not really." "You have seen people having sex on the net?" "Yes." "Well that's what I charge men to do with me. Do you want to do that? You're very young." "Would men pay me to do that? I don't look much like you." "At your age men would pay a fortune to have sex with you." "You mean men like having sex with young girls? I have never heard of any girls doing it." "It isn't something that anyone advertises. It's very illegal. That's why they would pay a small fortune to have sex with someone as young as you." "What do you mean, fortune?" "I don't think this is the place to discuss this. Would you like to come to my apartment tomorrow morning? I've an appointment this afternoon and again tonight." Now I know what she'll be doing. "I'll have to ask mom if I can go out. She has tomorrow off but sometimes she sleeps and I have to take care of my brother Robbie. Do you have any appointments tomorrow afternoon?" "Not yet." "Well I'm sure I'll be able to visit you sometime tomorrow." "Ok. This is my telephone private telephone number. The second one is my cell just in case I'm on an appointment. I'll leave my cell on, that's my address. Tell the doorman I'm expecting you. He'll call to announce you." The address is a swanky apartment building two blocks from here. I've often wondered who could afford to live there. Now I know. Eritrea is about to leave. She leans over and kisses me. Her lips are so soft and she does smell so good. "Cat you're so beautiful I want to have sex with you. I'll see you tomorrow if everything goes well." With that she is off. I watch her beautiful body move gracefully to the door. All the male patrons watch her every movement. I can't blame them she's so striking. Watching her I wonder what she meant by wanting to have sex with me, we're both girls. After finishing my coffee I return home and wake mom. She's in a good mood. She suggests we go window-shopping at the mall. She calls a neighbor that has a son Robbie's age to see if she will keep an eye on him when we are away. Mom tells me to find Robbie and tell him what we are doing and to make sure he knows he will be eating at the Greens. With that task done mom and I walk the five blocks to the super mall. There's a large department store and nearly seventy other stores. I like looking at all the woman's clothing daydreaming how they would look on me. The first thing we see is one of the new High Definitions Televisions. They have a movie playing showing its features. It sounds like a movie theatre. "Wouldn't that be something to be able to afford? Mind you I don't know where would put something that big in our small apartment." We look at clothing for the family, everything that is out of our means but that is the fun of window-shopping. When we leave the mall we stop at a real estate kiosk and pick out our dream house to hold all the imaginary things we just purchased. It is a four-bedroom bungalow with a garage for the new SUV in a good subdivision. Places were dreams come true. We are exhausted from the walking when we get back home. I go and retrieve Robbie from the babysitters. Mom stays up for a while chatting with Robbie and me. She gives in to her tired body and goes to bed. I have Robbie take a bath and I get ready for mine. That night in Robbie's bed I have him lie on top of me and pump. Now that really feels good. The next morning I'm on pins and needles. Mom gets up feeling rested. It's okay for me to go out and see my girlfriends. I neglect to mention how old the girlfriend is. It's ten-thirty when I call Eritrea and she answers the phone with a pleasant voice. "Hi Eritrea it's me Cat. Are you free this morning?" "Yes can you come over? It's funny I was thinking about you. I talked one of my clients yesterday about you." "You did? I can be there in about twenty minutes. I'm nearly ready but I have to walk." "I'll see you soon." My outfit consists of a soft pink spandex shorts and a tube top. Everything I have can be seen. I hope Eritrea likes it. The men that I pass on the way certainly do. As I walk to her apartment I wonder what Eritrea talked about with her client in regards to me. Her apartment building is so large compared to the one we live in. It must be thirty floors. The doorman rings Eritrea's apartment then he opens the door for me and directs me to the elevator. She lives on the eighteenth floor. Soft music fills the elevator. It comes to a very smooth stops and the door opens. Her apartment number is 1807. Ringing the bell there's a soft chime inside. It opens. Eritrea is dressed in a flowing white robe and a red sheer lace trimmed chamisol. When the robe opens I can see her massive nipples. She's so beautiful. "Come Cat. My you look beautiful this morning." I'm in awe of the room. It's larger than our whole apartment. The furniture is the type you see in the fancy magazines. I didn't think people actually bought it. The sofa is massive. There's another large room next to this one. I can see a large stereo system and a large screen television. I follow her wave of provocative scent. My body's tingling. Eritrea's body movements are smooth like a cat. "You're really sexy. Would you like something to drink?" "Me look sexy? I like your chamisol. It makes you look sexy yourself." "Well I hope you don't mind. I had a shower and when I have no appointments I like to dress like this." She leaves the room and I hear cups and saucers. When she returns she has a tray with the cups and coffee. She puts it on the table in front of me. She sits down across from me and offers me coffee. "The cream and sugar is on the tray. I have a special blend of coffee. I think you will like it." I prepare my coffee then sit down. That's when I notice that the slit in the gown has caused the chamisol to ride up her legs. She isn't wearing any panties. I am mesmerized looking at her full bare luv lips. She shifts her body and they spread showing a bright pink interior. When I look up she is looking at me, smiling. "I guess you want to know exactly how I earn my money." "Yes and if you think I could do it too." "Well I and a number of other girls who also live in the building have a clientele that are willing to pay dearly to have sex. We watch out for each other and meet once a week for coffee and compare notes on the weirdos. If one girl gets a weirdo she makes note of his name description and phone number and passes it out. It helps the other girls to avoid the nut. We don't share the good clients for obvious reasons." "So guys pay you all that money for sex. How come?" "Well many are business men that haven't got time for a relationship, others are married and their wives may not be as young and willing as we are." "To us it is a business, so we keep up our bodies and tell them how manly they are even if they are a pain in the ass." "Do you think I could earn money that way?" "Well I have an offer of seventy five hundred dollars for an hour of your time if you are a virgin." I am astounded at that comment. Who would pay that kind of money to me for an hour of my time? "How much?" "You heard me. I had coffee with an old friend of mine and told him about you. Nothing personal, just that you were thirteen and were interested in getting into the profession. He made the offer." "If being a virgin means no sex, then I'm a virgin. I've touched my brother Robbie but he is only eight." "That's what it means but I may have to check you if we actually do anything." "Check me?" "Would you like to see the rest of the apartment?" "Oh yes please. It's so large." "Well it does the job." We go to the next room with a very large television and a massive stereo system. There are more sofas set up to watch television. The accessory tables and lamps are all large and very fashionable. They are similar to what mom and I looked at last night but I guess much better. I don't think they came from a mall store. I couldn't believe the bedroom. It is very large with a king-sized bed with very stylish coverings. It's a very large bed for one person. The bureaus and set of drawers all match. The closet is larger than my bedroom and full of very stylish clothing. Her bathroom has a tub the size of a small swimming pool. How I would love to bathe here. "Well what do you think?" "It's breathtaking Eritrea. I'd like something like this but it's a dream." "Not necessarily Cat." "Want to try the bed. It has a very special mattress." Taking off my shoes I climb up to the top. The top of the bed is at my boobs. It's soft and luxurious. I sink into the mattress. My eyes are closed. When I open them Eritrea is standing beside me naked with her legs slightly spread. My eyes are her crotch level. Her both lips are smooth with no stubble showing. They are puffier them mine. They look so kissable. "Why don't you let me undress you and then we can get under the covers. What time do you need to be home?" "Mom is expecting me at three." "Good we have nearly three hours to get to know each other." Once undressed she spreads my legs I'm so embarrassed. "Catini you're beautiful. You're going to be a real man killer. Your body is so well proportioned. You skin is so smooth." With her hands on my legs, Eritrea caressing me with a calming motion. She's moving towards my pussy. It embarrassing but exciting and it feels so good every time she moves her hand. I have never felt anything like this. The only person that has seen between my legs is Robbie. I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel her lips on my thigh. Her kisses are so soft and so soothing. Then her tongue is on my peach. I can feel her fingers spreading me wider. Her moist tongue is pushing against my slit. Then I feel her finger enter me. She meets resistance. "Well, you're still a virgin. Don will certainly pay for the privilege but you have to decide if want to go through with this." Eritrea moves beside me and hugs me. She moves my face to one of her massive nipples. Opening my mouth, I suck. Her breasts are so soft. Her nipples are the size of large grapes and in my mind as tasty. When I stop sucking it's pointed and hard. I take the other one and do the same to it. "Cat, that feels so good. Have you done this before?" "No. I didn't even think about it but you're so beautiful." She gently puts pressure on my head wanting me to move down her tummy. Soon I am facing her luv lips that are full and puffy. Her scent is overwhelming. There's moisture on her slit. Her body moves as she spreads her legs. The slit magically opens up showing me her moist pink inner lips. What really has my attention in the half-inch protrusion at the top of her slit? It reminds me of Robbie's third thumb. I touch it with my tongue. Eritrea body moves like she is have a convulsion. "Oh Cat don't stop. You're so gentle. You have no idea how good that feels." I continue to suck her clitoris. Her fingers are running through my hair. I can't believe how wet she is. Her moisture on my chin, I am surprised when she tenses up and cums. There is a surge of cream flowing from her pussy. It's semi clear and there's lots of it. It doesn't taste bad. I continue to lick as it continues to flow. My face is covered. "Oh Cat I've girlfriends that will pay you to do that to them. You're wonderful." When I look up at her she laughs. "You look a mess. I really secrete lots of juice. In my business it is good because I need it to take the large cocks. We will have to check to see if you are able to do the same." "How will we do that?" "Well I'll bring you to a climax. You know what I'm talking about?" "I think so. It is something like you just did?" "Yes have you ever done to yourself?" "Well I have rubbed myself and my bother Robbie has licked me but I never did what you did." "Let me try to bring you to a climax." Eritrea has me straddle her face with my pussy at her mouth. I can feel her tongue tracing my slit and then she spread my peach and concentrates on the top of my slit. She touches something that makes my body twitch and I grab the headboard for support. She continues her assault on that area. My legs feel rubbery and my body starts to tremble. What's happening? Then something wonderful happens. My body feels like it's floating on air and then everything explodes, the image in my mind is magnificent. I've never felt anything like this. I've no control and collapse on top of Eritrea. Eritrea lifts me from her face and is smiling. Her face is wet with liquid which I can only assume is from me. "Well we don't have to worry about lubrication for you. You have a well of it and you taste good." "Was that a climax? It feels much better when you do it. I have never felt so good. Does that happen with a guy?" "Well with some guys yes but in my business it really doesn't matter as long as he cums. That's what we get paid for." "So it doesn't happen all the time?" "No." "I feel so sticky." "Well let's have a bath. Would you like that? We can talk about you and the choices you'll have to make." I follow her naked body to the bathroom. I watch as she runs the water, adding bath oil. The room fills up with her scent. "I have the bath oil made up especially for me. It is scented with my favorite perfume. You like it?" I nod yes. Then I realize we are both stand naked in her massive bathroom like we have been friends for life. When Eritrea leans over her bum cheeks spread exposing her pussy I enjoyed and her large bum hole. It is much larger than mine with wrinkled skin around the opening. I stare fascinated. "What are you looking at?" I'm blushing being caught looking at her large anal opening. What am I to say? "I was looking at you. I think everything about you is so sexy. I wish I could be like that." "What do you find so sexy?" "Well your pussy is so large compared to mine and your bum hole is so big. How'd it get that way?" Eritrea starts to laugh. "Well that bum hole, as you put it, gets a lot of use from the guys I date. Many of them like to put their cocks in there and use it like my pussy." She can tell by the look on my face I'm startled. I can't comprehend how that could happen. "Many men like to fuck a girl's asshole like they do a pussy. I like the feel of having something deep inside my bum. I hope you do too. If you really want to do what I do, men will want to fuck you there." "Really?" "Oh yes you're so cute with your clothes off. I can imagine how horny they'll get when you lean over and show them your butt." I leanover and spread my bum cheeks. I know my hole is small and smooth. How will it get wrinkles? "Oh Cat that's beautiful. Some man will pay handsomely to be the first one to use it." "How much do you think?" "Plenty. But we can talk about that later. Come get in the tub with me." I've never enjoyed a bath as much as this one. The scented water combined with the scented soap is a dreamy experience. Eritrea takes great care to wash me everywhere. She shampoos my hair and then works down my body. She has me lean over and spread my cheeks again as she probes my opening. It does feel good when she shoves her finger deep into me. It feels like I should go poo. I watch as she spreads my pussy and gentle washes everything. Then it is my turn. Eritrea's body is so soft and I can't get over the size of her breasts and nipples. I gave each one a gentle suck and am rewarded with an appreciative sigh. Her pussy and bum-hole fascinate me. It is easy to put three of my fingers deep in her bum hole. "You can put your complete hand in if you want." Again I am confused but excited. I wonder how my hand could go in her asshole. I make a point of my fingers and push. Eritrea pushes back and I watch as my hand disappears to my wrist. It's so warm and moist. I slowly pull back. "Gently push your hand back and forth Cat. It feels so good." I do as I'm told and feel Eritrea's bum muscles contracting on my hand. She starts breathing heavily. I can see moisture forming on her pussy lips. Then her body shudders. "Oh Cat that feels so good." When I take my hand out of her ass it doesn't contract, leaving a large opening. I gently wash her opening and around the rim of her asshole. Her body twitches as I finish bathing her. By the time we get out of the bath and dry each other her hole is nearly normal in size. It's fascinating. I'm going to have to try to put something in my asshole tonight just to see how it feels. Eritrea puts on a transparent robe and I wrap a towel around my body. "Come Cat, we have to talk." Once in the massive living room Eritrea takes out a pad. "Have you started having periods?" "Yes nearly a year ago." "When was the last one?" "I just finished Thursday." Why all the questions? Eritrea has moved her body so I have a great view of her naked pussy. I feel tingly between my legs again. My mind recalls how good she tasted. "Well we're going to have to get you on pill. I don't suppose your mom knows what you have planned?" The blush on my face makes that self-evident. "Well I'll make an appointment for you with my doctor. I will tell her you're my niece. Can you meet me Monday afternoon after school?" "Yes. I will tell mom that I have to get some stuff for a school project. Robbie will stay with our neighbor till I get home." "Good. I'll set up your first meeting for the gentleman for next week. This is just to get you comfortable. We'll make an appointment for him to fuck you three weeks from now. It'll give you time to think about it and if you want to change your mind it's fine." "I won't change my mind." "Well you have the option. I want you to see how big his cock is that will be fucking you. You may change your mind." "I know I won't. This is something I can do to help mom and Robbie." Eritrea beckons me to come and sit beside her. She removes the towel and starts caressing me. She plays with my small nipples and gets them hard. When she leans over her robe opens teasing me with her grape sized nipples. I caress her breasts then lean over and suck her nipples moving from one to the other. "That feels so good Cat. You can do that any time you feel like it." "Eritrea you mentioned that this man would pay a fortune to take my cherry. How much of a fortune?" "The figure I gave him is seventy five hundred dollars, cash." It takes a while for the figure to sink in. Mom makes about three hundred and fifty dollars a week. I could earn in an hour what she earns I five months. My head's spinning. "You'll be able to get the same amount for the first cock in your asshole." I can't believe these amounts. I don't know any men that could afford that kind of money. Eritrea must have been reading my mind. "There are many gentlemen rich enough to afford the price. I know a number of them and I'm sure Don, the man I mentioned, knows others as well. He may even offer to be the first for your bum. If you go through with this you will need new clothes and we will have to get you a bank account and a safety deposit box." "A bank account and a safety deposit box?" "Yes this is a cash business so you will need an account to deposit it in and a safety deposit box as well as a complete new wardrobe. You can put some cash in the box plus jewelry that you will receive from the gentlemen enjoying your company." "They give you jewelry? Why? I can't afford new clothes." "The men I'll introduce you too are very rich. Money is no object to them. If they like you and I know they will, many will give you little trinkets of appreciation as well pay dearly for your favors. As far as the wardrobe goes I will help you pick it out and pay for it. You can pay me back when you start earning money." "I never dreamt of anything like this." "Well it's nothing you'll see on T. V. or read about in the paper. This is highly illegal." Before I leave we make arrangements to get together tomorrow for the doctor's appointment and Wednesday for me to meet the gentleman who will pay to take my cherry. My mind is whirling. Before I know it I am standing in front of my apartment building. What a difference between it and Eritrea's. That night mom goes to bed early, as she has to get up early for work. She calls Mrs. Green to ask her to look after Robbie tomorrow when I am looking for items for my school project. She asks me to get Robbie ready for bed and goes to her bedroom. That night I suck Robbie's thumb and finger his tiny little asshole. He squirms for a few moments until I get my finger buried and slowly pump in and out. He soon starts to moan and his body movements give him the maximum enjoyment as he pumps his thumb deep in my mouth and the reverse movement moves my finger deep in his asshole. Soon I feel him tense and his cum is shooting in my mouth. I suck until his thumb goes soft. "Thanks Cat. I love you." "I love you too Robbie. Now go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning." In the tub that night I use the body brush handle on my bum hole. It's really difficult to get it in. However I use some soap on the handle and it slides in nearly four inches before it hits resistance. It doesn't feel bad at all. Needless to say school the next day is a blur. When the final bell rings at three I'm out of the school and running towards Eritrea's apartment building. The doorman recognizes me smiles as he holds the door open. Eritrea is waiting at the door. "Hi Cat. Are you ready for your examination?" "Well I would like to shower and put on clean panties. Can I use your bathroom?" "Of course but we can't do anything. The appointment is in forty five minutes." I quickly shower and dress. I've selected a light blue pair of panties and matching bra. If I had to get undressed at least my undies look sexy. We take a taxi to a very impressive building down town. Mom and I have taken a bus to this area before and just walked along the streets. Everything is so clean and there are no street people in this area at all not like our neighborhood. We take the elevator to the twenty-sixth floor. The office is massive. The furniture in the waiting room is like the furniture in Eritrea's apartment. It isn't long before my name is called. Eritrea walks me to the receptionist. "This is my niece and I would like to accompany her during the visit." "Follow me." The doctor is a beautiful young woman. She takes me to the examination room and asks me to undress. I take off everything but my bra and panties. "Everything young lady please." I'm blushing as I remove my panties and bra. She indicates she wants me on the table with my legs in the stirrups. I feel my legs spread wide as she is in between my legs. I know I am turning red and I can feel my pussy tingling and getting wet. She is staring right at me. She spreads my lips and I feel a cool gloved finger enter me. It is blocked at my hymen. Then I feel the finger probing my asshole and her finger goes up nearly three inches. It went in smooth so she must be using some sort of lubrication. "You can get dressed now." She and Eritrea go to her office and I get dressed and follow them. "You're a very beautiful young lady Catini. I can see why your aunt wants you protected. There'll be lot of young boys trying to date you." "Thank you doctor. Aunt Eritrea is very good to me." We leave the office with a six-month prescription for birth control pills. Eritrea has it filled and we return to her apartment. "Here, you've to start taking them today so that by the end of the month you will be fully protected." I know where I will hide them. In the tummy of a teddy bear I have on my bed. There is a zipper on its back and nobody ever touches it. I have had it for years. When I leave Eritrea reminds me about Wednesday and asks me to call if there is a problem. Otherwise she will expect me at five-thirty. The next two days are really hard on me. I have second thoughts about this adventure hundreds of times but every time I look at our apartment and think about what his could do for us I resolve to go through with it. Every night I suck Robbie's thumb it seems to relax me. I look forward to his cum in my throat. Finally Wednesday arrives. As I ride the elevator to Eritrea's floor I look at myself in the mirrors. I have on a short skirt and matching blouse. If Don gets to look up my skirt he will see a very sexy green thong. I am shaking when I ring the bell. Eritrea greets me with a smile. She is dressed in black dress molded to her body. Her hair is up and her makeup is flawless. I follow her to the living room where a mature man sitting. He is looking at me as I studied him. "Cat this is Don. Don this is Cat the young lady I told you about." "Hello Cat. Eritrea didn't come close to how beautiful you are." "Thank you." I'm embarrassed and blushing. I can feel the heat all over my body. Don is a grey haired mature man over six feet tall. His suit looks like it was made for him. Hell, likely it was. When he stands up he towers over me. He extends his hand to me. "How are you Cat?" "Good thank you." "I'll leave you too together. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything. Eritrea leaves the room and when she walks past Don she turns and winks at me. "Eritrea tells me you are going to follow in her footsteps." "Yes I hope too. You want to be the first?" "I certainly would love that Cat. Now that I have met you I want it more than anything else. You're a very attractive young girl." "Eritrea said that you would show me what you want to put in me." Now Don's blushing. I guess I caught him off guard. I watch as he fidgets. "You get right to the point Cat. Maybe we should go into the bedroom." I follow him and he motions for me to sit on the edge of the bed and goes into the adjoining bathroom. When he comes out he is in a robe. "This is the first time I've ever auditioned for sex. But you're worth it if I'm your first." He opens the robe and is naked. His flat stomach is covered with grey hair and his cock is standing straight out from his body. It is so much bigger then Robbie's. It must be at least eight inches long and five inches around. How would something so big get into my small pussy? Don walks towards me his cock bouncing. I want to reach out and touch it. I can see a large sack at the base of his cock. Everything looks so stunning. "You can touch it you like." I slowly reach up and grasp it. Don gasps and I see his eyes close. It's so warm and rigid but soft. I push back on the foreskin revealing a massive purple head. I look at the slit in it. A small pearl of moisture is forming on the widest portion of the slit. For some reason, I want to use my tongue to lick it. With one hand on his shaft I move down and cradle his sack in my other hand. I can feel to massive balls moving as I cup it. Don's eyes are still closed. I can smell his cologne. I continue to gaze at his body. Don's legs are hairy like the rest to his body. The desire to taste the drop of moisture is getting stronger. I wonder what he would think if I did it. Caution to the wind I lean over and flick my tongue on the head licking the drop of pre-cum. The taste is stronger than Robbie's but appetizing just the same. Don's eyes open and he sighs. "That was nice Catini. Your hands feel so good on me." I look up at him and take the plunge. I engulf the head of his cock and start sucking. I know Robbie really likes it so I assume Don will too. It's so big. I feel like I have a log in my mouth. Don is moaning and then I feel him slowly thrusting back and forth. I get more pre-cum. His balls feel soft as I caress them. Don's robe falls to the floor. "Cat I have to sit or lay down or I am going to fall down. I never thought you would do something like this." "Don't you like it?" "Oh yes, but my legs are so weak." Using his cock as a leash I guide him to the bed. While he is lying down I undo the clasp holding my skirt and it drops to the floor. When Don looks up he can see my thong molded to my pussy lips. With my bum pointing at his face I lean over and continue to suck him. His hips are rising off the bed to meet my sucking. I can feel his hands on my bum. His finger is rubbing my asshole. I wiggle trying to get the thong out of my ass crack so he can rub my hole. He gets the hint and I feel the strip pulled out of my crack and his finger on my opening. Don is breathing hard. Then he stiffens. Surge after surge of cum enters my throat. I certainly am not prepared for the volume and start to gag as I swallow. Soon I have it under control and suck him till his cock starts to soften. When I look at Don he mouths 'thank you.' Then I feel his hand on my bum pulling me towards his mouth. His tongue is now on my hole trying force it in. I have never felt anything like this. I feel my thong move off my pussy and Don kisses me there. Now that feels wonderful. When I get off the bed my body is trembling. Don nearly made me cum with his tongue. I pick up my skirt and go to the bathroom and get dressed. I am still trembling. I go to the kitchen and Eritrea is smiling. "How did it go? Do you still want to go through with it?" "I think it went good. Don's a nice man but he's so big. Do you think he will fit in me?" "Oh yes. Remember that is where babies come from. They're a lot bigger then Don's large cock. He has a nice one doesn't he?" I'm blushing realizing that Eritrea has likely enjoyed that cock in her on a few occasions. "Yes it's nice, so big so warm and tasty." "Tasty? You didn't?" "Yes I did." Just then Don comes into the kitchen dressed. He sits at the table and stares at me. "Catini I can't remember when I felt as good as I do right now. I feel drained." Eritrea started to laugh. "You are drained aren't you?" "Yes very. I didn't expect anything like that on our first meeting." I told Eritrea and Don I have to go because my mom would be home soon. We make arrangements to meet again Friday and Saturday. They walked me to the door and as I'm about to leave Don offers to shake my hand. I can feel something in my palm as we say goodbye. In the elevator I open my hand and see bills, five one hundred dollar bills. I can't believe I have that much money. The most I've ever had is forty dollars and that was from many nights of babysitting. Now I have five hundred dollars just for sucking Don's cock. I think I am going to like this. When I call Eritrea and tell her she's happy for me and suggests we get a bank account as soon as possible. Wednesday is a PA day for me so I ask if she will be free. She is. That day I get a bank account with Eritrea as my guardian as I'm underage. She gets a book of checks and signs them all and gives them to me. "All you have to do is write them out and sign them and you can buy what you want. The first thing we do is to get you some clothes. You can keep them at my apartment." Eritrea takes me to a very expensive boutique where they have my size in very lustrous clothing. She picks out a body clinging dress, slip and matching thong and bra. I can't believe the cost. She puts it on her account. "You can pay me after your encounter with Don. You'll have a lot of money shortly." I meet Don seven more times before the end of the month. Each time I suck him dry and each time he gives me five hundred dollars. I am able to pay back Eritrea and still have over two thousand in the bank. Finally the end of the month is near. It's difficult trying to figure out how I'll get out of the apartment for the weekend. Eritrea figures it out. She will become a big sister. She makes arrangements to meet my mom. I'm wondering how she will impress my mom with her clothing and her body. But Eritrea is full of surprises. I've convinced myself it will never work. Before the initial visit I work on mom suggesting it will help me grow up being able to talk to somebody else besides her. Mom sees it as a good thing and asks me how I got involved with it. I know a number of girls at school have big sisters and most are very happy with the arrangement. They like me come from single parent homes and it allows them to see more of the world. Nobody is more surprised them me when Eritrea shows up for a meeting with my mom. She is dressed in a black business suit and black flats. Her hair is up in a bun and she looks like a schoolteacher. Her body is evident but it is not displayed like I am used to seeing her. Mom and Eritrea hit it off. It turns out Eritrea's hometown is eight miles from mom's and both remember the local teams competing with each other. But the end of the visit mom is agreeing to let me stay with Eritrea for the weekend at the end of the month. Prior to that weekend Eritrea invites me to stay overnight. She tells me it'll be our time together prior to me becoming a woman. Mom readily agrees to let me stay. On Friday I packed a small suitcase and Eritrea picked me up in a taxi to go her apartment. Before we get there we shopped for three more outfits for me. "Tonight I'm going to show off my niece. It'll be a good time for us to line up more clients for you after your first time with Don." That evening I'm dressed in a black dress that stops just below my pussy. I've a matching lacy black bra and thong, nylons and a black matching garter belt. My black raised shoes set off my long legs. With make-up I can pass for sixteen or seventeen. It's quite the evening. I must have met twenty men that all look at me with interest. Eritrea talks with many of them and she's continually winking at me. Finally she approaches me and suggests we leave. In the taxi she tells me she has arranged for seven men to meet with me after Don takes my cherry at five thousand dollars per man. After that she feels comfortable at charging two thousand dollars for each time I have a man. "Do you think I can be with that many men in such a short time?" "Well if Don takes you on Friday we'll space them out over the next two days. It's conditional on how you feel after Don." I really don't know what to say. I'm still trying to figure out how much money that will be. Then I realize its thirty five thousand plus Don's seventy five hundred. I can't believe it. That night I can hardly get to sleep. On the Wednesday before the fateful weekend, Eritrea invites me out to supper. Mom approves. Eritrea has really made an impression on her. After arriving at her apartment and changing into my new clothing we go to another fine restaurant. Again Eritrea makes numerous contacts for me. During dinner she tells me that Don has arranged a suite at a very expensive hotel. The suite will be mine till Sunday night. Don will leave after taking my cherry and she will arrange to have others come and visit. Eritrea gives me a present of a leather bound appointment book. The first name in it is Don's for Friday night at seven. Saturday is blank but she supplies me with a list of seven names and phone numbers. "In this business Catini you always collect for your services first and always take only cash. If you're in doubt about a client just refuse him. I'll have a friend of mine watch over you. His fee is one thousand dollars for the weekend. He's meeting us for dinner." As Eritrea tells me more about the ins and outs of the business I watch as a walking mountain enters the restaurant. He's dressed in a stylish business suite and walks to our table. "Hello Bill, this's Catini. She'll need your services this weekend." "It's a pleasure to meet you Catini." Arrangements are made for Bill to be nearby all weekend. He'll be in an adjoining room with a head set listening to everything that goes on. At the first sign of trouble he'll take care of the problem. On Friday afternoon Eritrea picks me up from school and takes me to the hotel. She has a suitcase with my clothes. The suite is impressive. The sign on the door says it costs twelve hundred a night. I'm glad I'm not paying for it. "In this business the client pays all the expenses, taxis, room, meals etc. Don't ever pay anything yourself. The fee you charge is for you. Your only expense is your bodyguard." The bedroom is massive with a king sized bed. We have two hours before Don arrives and Eritrea leaves. She suggests a bath and then change into a sheer nighty and robe. She accompanies me to the bathroom and helps me bathe. When she dries me she leans over and kisses my pussy lips. "It is the last time I will be able to kiss your pussy as a virgin. After this weekend you'll be a woman of the trade." Eritrea rubs my body with scent, and then helps me with the nighty and robe. She has me lay on the bed and spreads my legs. I can feel her at my pussy. "I just rubbed your pussy with some desensitizing cream. It will help you so you don't feel the pain. I use it when I know that I will be getting fucked in my asshole. It's very good." I'm a bit in shock. Am I doing the right thing? Eritrea takes a last look around the room and starts to leave. "Bill's next door. He can hear everything. If you feel you are getting in trouble ask whoever is here what time it is. That is the signal for Bill you need help. I don't think you will have any trouble but it is a good feeling knowing you aren't alone." Then she is gone, the door closes. Don will be here in ten minutes. I assume he'll be on time. Then there is a knock on the door. Don is waiting to be asked in. He is elegantly dressed. I lead him the bedroom. "Do you like the room?" "Oh yes Don. It's beautiful. I never thought I would ever be able to be in one." "I can assure you that you'll be in many of them often." I watch Don undress. His cock is looming straight out from his body. I know everything about it as I have sucked it enough. I walk to the bed and sit on the edge. He comes to me and hands me an envelope. It's my fee. I tuck it in the draw. Don sits beside me and leans over and kisses me. He stands up and has me stand and removes my robe and lifts my shift over my body. I'm standing before him naked. My breasts and nipples are firm waiting for Don's touch. He has me lay on my back and kisses my nipples. His hands are all over my young body. I can feel his finger gently searching for my clitoris. My pussy is full of moisture anticipating the inevitable. Don kisses down my tummy and then my inner thighs. I feel his tongue on my clitoris. So far everything feels good. I know he is trying to stick his tongue in me but the cream Eritrea put in me dulls the feeling. My hands are in his hair caressing him as he licks and tongues my pussy. He gets up and I am facing his massive cock. Now is the moment of truth. Don gets between my legs and put the head of his cock against my pussy. "Are you sure Catini? I really want you but I will stop if you have any second thoughts." "I'm okay. I'm just a little nervous." Don looks at me then lowers his body. The massive head is at my pussy opening. I can feel the pressure as he pushes. My knees are up and spread to give him a better angle. The massive head of his cock enters me. Why am I doing this to myself? That thought is running through my mind. Don continues his drive to my cherry. I can feel his cock head at my hymen even with the cream. Don pulls back and thrusts, breaking my cherry. Now I really feel full. I feel a slight pain but nothing as bad as I would have had without the cream. Don starts a thrusting motion. I can feel his cock withdrawing and then re-entering my pussy. As my body adjusts to the intruder I feel a different sensation. It feels good. Instinctively my body starts thrusting upwards to meet his every stroke. In my dazed mind I can hear Don panting as he pumps into me as deep as possible. It surprises me I can accept all of his cock. It feels so full. My body's tingling. Don suddenly stiffens and I feel the rush of cum filling me. I can feel the heat from each surge. Finally he stops. He has a stupid smile on his face as he rolls both of us over still embedded deep in my cunt. "Thank you for letting be your first Catini. You were fantastic. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." "It was starting to feel good when you ejaculated." "Well once I get hard again I'll make sure you climax. But you are so tight I couldn't hold off any longer. I just had to cum." We fuck three more times that night before he leaves. Just before he left he handed me a small jewelry box. It contains a gold necklace with a diamond pendent. I've never seen a diamond that large so close. "This is a small token to remind you of this night and how much I appreciate you. Good night Catini, I'm sure I'll see you again." I heard the door close. My pussy still feels like it's stretched. I find it difficult to walk the first few steps. The telephone rings its Eritrea. "Well how did it go?" "Good. Don fucked me three times. He made me cum twice but I'm bleeding." "Okay, it's natural to be bleeding a bit. I'll be there shortly to help you clean up." Eritrea shows me how to douche and clean up my body after being fucked. "When you do one client after another you have to clean up after each one of them. They want you to be fresh for them. Tomorrow morning we will get you all the items you need. Did Don give you that diamond pendant?" "Yes as a memento of this evening, something to remember him. He says he will be calling me again." "He told me the same thing in the lobby. He wanted to see you tomorrow but I told him you are all booked. We have to call each one of them tonight and arrange times. Is that all right with you?" I call four of the names on the list. Each agrees to pay five thousand dollars for an hour of my time and body. The first one is at eleven, the last is at six. Eritrea has appointments as well and she suggests we go for dinner after eight. She doesn't have any clients after that. I agree. The first gentleman is a black man. His cock is at least ten inches long. He insists on licking me till I cum before he fucks me. I'm concerned but he is gentle and only puts about seven inches in me. I can't believe the amount of cum he pumps into me. When I stand in the shower cum pours from my cunt. I had to use my douche three times to get everything out of me. The balance of the day goes well. My cunt is now used to the different sized of the cocks going into me. Now I realize why Eritrea cunt is so big. It has been stretched to accommodate all the different sizes of cocks. I wonder about my asshole. She mentioned men would want to use it. So far no one suggested fucking me there. I can't believe the amount of cash I have. I call room service to have the bed made up with clean sheets. They still think Don is staying here. After cleaning up after the last client I decide to deposit most of the money. Eritrea has shown me how to do it. No more than five thousand each deposit so I had to make five separate deposits. Before leaving the room I contact the last three names on my list. Each agrees to the fee and the times. I'll be free tomorrow afternoon at three. That'll give time to go to Eritrea's and convert back to the young schoolgirl that left moms apartment Friday afternoon. I'll never be that girl again. After paying Bill his fee I then tell him that I will not need his services tonight and after three tomorrow. He thanks me and leaves telling me he will be in the room at nine-tomorrow morning. I'll have a sizable amount of cash. I'll need more clothing and a lot of lingerie. Men seem to love looking at me in sexy lingerie. Now I can afford it. I see a Victoria's Secret across the street. I spend nearly eight hundred dollars. The older clerks didn't want to serve me when I keep asking to see more items. Finally I convinced a very young clerk I'm serious. The others are surprised when I paid for all the purchases in cash. I arrange to have everything delivered to Eritrea apartment. By the end of the weekend I'm very tired but very rich. Eritrea and I actually sleep for four hours Sunday after we are done with our clients. I arrive at home at eight accompanied by Eritrea dressed in her business suit. She tells mom how lucky she is to have such a wonderful daughter. She also makes arrangements for me to visit for the day next Saturday. She leaves telling me she will call me during the week. I tell mom all about the restaurants we ate at and all the window-shopping we did. As soon as we are alone Robbie drops his pants and asks me to suck his thumb. He is so small compared to the large cocks I've had in me during the weekend. I suck him dry and watch him fall asleep. It doesn't take me long to get to sleep. For the next number of months I settle into a routine of doing at least three men per weekend. I now insist all wear condoms. Don made arrangements with me to take my anal cherry for the same fee. My bank account is building up. Every couple of weeks Eritrea arranges for me to stay the weekend and I arrange as many men as possible. I how have it down to an art to be ready in less than fifteen minutes for my next client. My wardrobe is extensive. The same woman that does Eritrea's launders all my clothes too. It's expensive but well worth it. When they come back they look like they're new. I'm now back at school still wearing similar clothes to school. I've got to keep up appearances. But now I know that I have a wardrobe that matches any girls in school. I maintain my marks. I also have a safety deposit box full of cash and expensive jewelry I have received as gifts from numerous clients. In November I ask Eritrea to help me with my family's Christmas. "I want this to be the best Christmas ever for mom and Robbie but how do I do it without them finding out what I have done to get the money." "Well I don't know. Maybe Don can help. He has always had a lot of money." Don comes over Saturday afternoon and we tell him of my concerns. His suggestion is simple. I won a lottery and Eritrea collected for me. There wasn't any publicity because of Eritrea profession. The officials just paid on the winning ticket. The last thing they wanted was publicity that an escort had won the lottery. The prize we set is seventy-five thousand dollars. I can do a lot with that amount of money. Don said he could help me by using his firms influence to get the most for my money. I tell him I want to get a house for mom with a payment that matches our current rent. I mentioned the television that mom and I looked at. At the end of the evening everything is arranged. I take Don to the bedroom and ask if he wants a blowjob or to fuck me, on the house. He asks to fuck me in the asshole. I oblige. I am on my knees with my ass at the edge of the bed when he buries his cock in me. It feels good when his hot cum fills my ass. "What would it take for you to become my personal assistant Catini? What I mean is no more appointments, just me." I look at him wondering what he means. Does he want my services all the time? "I'm willing to pay you a fixed sum every week that we both agreed too to ensure that you're always available for me. I can afford it." "Well I'll go to school and live at home during the week. So I'm not available then." "That's agreeable. Any time you are available it will be only for me, no one else." Since my current fee is fifteen hundred dollars per appointment I've been only taking four per Saturday. When I have a weekend with Eritrea I am able to accommodate more clients. I have a very healthy bank account and closets full of new clothing. Considering my fourteenth birthday is next month I've done rather well. I've every intention of continuing school. I realize that this profession can't last forever. The novelty of me being young will change, as I grow older. Eritrea tells me she grosses approximately four thousand a week. Her apartment costs her nearly three thousand a month. "What sum do you have in mind?" "How does seventy five hundred per week sound?" I can't believe anyone would offer that amount of money just so they could fuck anytime it's convenient. Don must be very rich to make the offer. I need to talk to Eritrea. "Can I give you an answer by the end of the week?" "Of course take all the time you need till the end of the week. Here's my private number. If I do not answer tell the voice on the other end its Catini and your phone number. I'll call you within fifteen minutes. By the way, I'll still help you purchase a home for your family regardless of your decision." Don leaves. "Eritrea what would you do? How rich is Don?" "Well, let me put it his way, he could pay you twenty five thousand a week and it wouldn't put a dent in his wealth. He's a very rich man with mega dollars rolling into his bank account every week. If he made that offer to me I would take in a second. Even if it only lasts for a year think of the money you'll earn. You would never have to concern yourself where your college funds will come from." I walk home from Eritrea's. By the time I get to our apartment I know I will accept. Don is always kind and caring when he's with me. The following day I call the number Don gave me. A curt voice answers. "Yes?" "Hello this is Catini calling for Don. My number is 479-2148." The line goes dead. I wonder who that ignorant person is. I make a note to ask Don. Within fifteen minutes the phone rings. "Hello." "Catini this is Don. You called." "I'll accept your offer starting this week. I will be at Eritrea's Saturday morning." "You have no idea how happy I am Catini. I will be back in the city by Friday." "Back in the city? Where are you?" "London, England. I flew out after I left you and Eritrea. I'm here on business." "Will you help me find a house for my family?" "I'll do better than that I'll have my agents look for some units in the price range you suggested and we'll look at them Saturday." "Oh I don't know how to thank you Don. One question who is that nasty person that answers your phone?" "That's Markus. You'll find him much better the next time you call. The number is known by only a very few people. I'll talk to him. I have to go to an appointment so I have to cut this short. I'll see you on the weekend." I tell Eritrea of my decision and she hugs me and agrees it's the best thing for me. I'm happy about it too. I'll only have to contend with Don and I know what he likes. The week goes fast and when I reach Eritrea's apartment building Friday evening, Don is waiting at the door. "I didn't expect you here this early Don. When did you get back from England?" "Last night. My staff made a number of inquiries for you in regards to a house for your family. I've six possible choices for you. But before we go there I have a surprise for you." "What kind of a surprise?" "You will see." We board the elevator and Don selects the floor. I'm watching the floor numbers rush by when we pass eighteen. "Don we've past Eritrea floor. Did you make a mistake?" "No mistake." The elevator stops on the twenty-sixth floor. I follow Don down the hall to unit number 2621. "Who lives here?" "You do any time you want." Don opens the door and hands me the keys. The apartment is larger than Eritrea's and is fully furnished. There's a very large television and stereo in the entertainment room. The king sized bed is gorgeous with all the feminine trimmings. I can swim in the bathtub it's so big. The kitchen is fully equipped with the refrigerator and freezer is full of food. Don is watching me. He has a soft smile on his face. "Oh Don this place must cost a fortune. You don't have too you know. I would only be here on Saturdays." "I own the building Catini so it really doesn't cost me a thing. I'll expense it as a suite for visiting clients." "You own the building? Wow." "I own many buildings such as this one all over the country. If you ever want to travel let me know. There's a good possibility I own an apartment or a hotel where you are going." All my clothes from Eritrea's apartment are hanging in the many closets. There's a large open balcony with patio furniture and the view of the city is breathtaking. I'm still in a trance. A thirteen year old has an apartment in one of the best buildings in the city. No one will believe me. Don leads me back to the bedroom and undresses me. After laying me on the bed I watch him undress. His arousal is evident. I spread my legs to accept him. Don enters me slowly and then starts his movements. I feel so happy. I'm lost when I climax. Finally I feel Don tense up and blows his load deep in me. I push against him to feel every surge of his cum. He rolls to one side of the bed and closes his eyes. His marvelous cock is a shrunken stub. Later in the evening Don suggests we go out to dinner instead of looking at the houses. We can do that early Saturday morning. He requests that I wear an evening gown. After a marvelous bath in my new tub I pick out a light blue thong and matching bra. When Eritrea suggested I buy an evening gown I never thought I would have any use for it. Tonight I'm happy she insisted. As with other girls of the trade many wear nylons and garter belts. Not only is it sexy but it gives our clients a wonderful view. My only problem is my hair. "Don. What am I going to do with my hair? Eritrea usually does it for me." "Just a minute Catini." I can hear him on the phone there is a short conversation and he hangs up. "A hair stylist will be here momentarily." "How did you do that on a Friday night?" "People will do anything for money. I know a few people in the building." The doorbell chimes. It is soft sound throughout the apartment. Don answers and I hear voices. "Catini, the stylist has arrived." There's a man with makeup case waiting for me. He motions for me to sit. Within minutes he has my hair in a neat flair of a fashion model. He fastens it's with a comb that appears rimmed with diamonds as each one sparkles in the night. "How is that miss?" "It's fantastic." "Mr. Parson?" "You are a magician Mario. Send me the bill." When we step out of the building a long black limousine is waiting for us. A uniformed driver rushes to open the back door. The interior is luxurious with deep soft leather seats. There is a television, phone and a fax machine. I'm overwhelmed. "Whose car is this?" "Mine. It's one of three I have in the city. They're at your disposal anytime you need one. This is the number." Don hands me a card and a new cell phone. "Always keep the phone with you. Call Markus, he has been instructed to provide you with anything you require. He will fulfil your requests." The balance of the evening is incredible. The restaurant is one that I have read about but never thought I would be eating at. It's a night that dreams are made of. But it isn't a dream. I'm here. Don knows many people and they all seem to go out of their way to please him. That evening is the first time I sleep all night with a man. Don curls my body into him spoon fashion and I fall asleep exhausted. The next morning I wake with Don looking at me. He guides me to my back and mounts me. What a way to start the day. His loving is slow and generous, making sure I have a climax before he unleashes his load of cum in me. At ten o'clock we're sitting in a new Suburban driving to the five homes his staff had picked out. The first two didn't interest me at all. The third looks like the one mom and I picked out in the kiosk at the mall. It's perfect. It's in a subdivision four blocks from our apartment so Robbie and I will not have to change schools. It is four blocks closer to mom's work. Don makes arrangements to have his lawyers work out the details. He asks me mom's full name and our current address. The next stop is for furniture. This is where Don's contacts really pay off. Everything I look at is arranged at dealer cost. It turns out Don is the landlord of a major furniture dealer in the city. The owner can't do enough for me. I arrange to have all the furniture delivered Monday. Don will have one of his employees at the house to supervise the delivery and setup. His own housekeepers will arrange for drapes and curtains. When I arrive home from school on Wednesday there is a large envelope waiting for me. It contains all the legal documents in reference to the property transfer to my mom's name. The mortgage has been approved at the request of Don who sits on the board of directors of the bank. I later find out that he guaranteed the mortgage. The payments are nearly fifty dollars lower than our rent. I ask Don about a Christmas tree and he arranges for it plus a number of presents for my mom to help get settled in the new house. That evening mom is excited. She made arrangements for Robbie to stay at the Greens. She and I go shopping with the money she saved from her salary increase. I convince her to buy Robbie a PlayStation 2. "But that will take all the money. I won't have any left to buy you something extra." "That is okay mom. The look on Robbie's eyes will be worth every penny you spend." We had a wonderful time stopping at McDonald's for hamburgers and fries, something we hadn't done for years. When we arrive home mom hides the gift while I go and retrieve Robbie. That night we wrap the gift both giggling knowing that Robbie will be thrilled. I have been telling him all December not to expect anything large because mommy just couldn't afford it. Just prior to the Christmas break I arrange to have a large dinner cooked and to be delivered to our new home Christmas day. Mom had planned a dinner but I convinced her to let me buy dinner at a restaurant from my babysitting money. On Christmas Eve mom comes home in the afternoon as her office closed early for the season. "Cat, this will be a nice Christmas for Robbie. I wish I had enough money to buy you something nice." "Mom I know how hard it is to make money. I am happy for you and Robbie. We have our health and a good meal for Christmas. Enjoy your time off from work. Tomorrow will be a great day for us." "Yes it will Cat. I only wish you father was alive to enjoy it with us. Things would be a lot different." That evening we enjoyed a Christmas special on television. Robbie is so excited when he goes to bed. He didn't even ask for his thumb to be sucked. During this time I have managed to meet Don three times at the apartment. I really like making love with him. He is kind and gentle and does many things to make sure I get the most out of our lovemaking. The doorman falls over himself to assist me. He must know Don is looking out for me. Finally Christmas morning, the tree mom and I decorated looks great with the presents under it. Most are small things in big boxes. Mom and I watch as Robbie finally gets to open his Play Station. He is ecstatic. The look on his face is worth every penny mom spent on the gift. After breakfast I suggest we go for a walk. Rob wants to stay and play with his gift but mom convinces him to come with us. With the key to the new house in my purse we set out. "Mom lets go to the new area and look at our dream houses. I feel so good today." I lead them to the area and we see a number of 'For Sale' signs. As we pass each one, we pick it apart kidding ourselves why we would not live there. Finally we approach the new home. "Mom, this looks like the one we saw in the mall. Don't you wish we were living here?" "Yes Catini but it's only a dream. Look at the curtains in the window they're beautiful" When I walk to the door mom is confused. "Cat what are you doing? They may be watching." "Mom, come on. Nobody is watching." When I use the key to open the door she is dumbfounded. I wave for her to follow in go inside. It is the first time I have been back since Don showed me the home. I am shocked at the furniture. It is very elegant and expensive. It is not the type I looked at the store. Mom and Robbie follow me. "Cat we are going to get into trouble. The owners won't like other people looking in their home." "Mom, you are the owner." With that comment I give her a copy of the deed in her name. She reads the title of the document in shock. "How? What? Who?" "Come on mom and see the rest of the house." There is a tree in the living room piled high with gifts. There are bowls of candy and fruit on the tables. We are greeted with the odor of a roasting turkey. Don somehow had tracked down my request for a Christmas dinner and made a few changes. The refrigerator is full of prepared salads and desserts. There are pots of potatoes and vegetables on the stove ready to be cooked. There is a note on the counter suggesting what to do to complete the dinner. Mom is sitting on a kitchen chair with tears flowing. "How could this happen Cat? Who did this?" "I did mom. Eritrea bought me a lottery ticket and I actually won. She helped me do all of this. The monthly payment for the house is less then you are paying in rent." "Oh Cat what can I say?" We are hugging each other both crying, getting each other wet as the tears flow. Robbie is in the living room counting the presents. There are twenty-two with his name on them, nine for me and twelve for mom. I don't know how Don managed this. Mom suggested we call Eritrea and invite her for Christmas dinner. She accepts, as she is clientless till the weekend. To date this is best Christmas that I've ever had. Mom still can't believe what happened and truthfully it's hard for me to comprehend. Through all the excitement I did manage to meet Don at the apartment and give him his Christmas present. It's still running down my leg. I haven't had him wear a condom since our arrangement. I post these stories with hopes of getting feedback from you the reader. If you would like to read more stories, support your neighborhood author today by sending him/her an e-mail telling them what you thought about their stories. Don't put it off. Do it as soon as you have read this story. Write me at the e-mail below. Would especially like to hear from any women readers. I welcome your comments both pro and con Please mention your country when you write. Email me at This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental