Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Fateless, part 2: New Life Written by James Marcus Adam stared at the three women with astonishment as Mrellia began to crawl backwards away from the trio, shaking her head and crying. All three women were beautiful in their own way. The younger was barely a teen, no older than thirteen or fourteen in appearance, her mannerisms though spoke of an ageless maturity that you would never find in a girl of that age. The middle one looked to be in her thirties and also appeared to be pregnant, she had a glow about her that drew you in and gave her a motherly air. Lastly was the oldest, she appeared to be in her fifties or sixties but had a beautiful matronly feel to her presence that calmed the nerves and promised a warm relaxing rest. Mrellia continued to crawl backwards, shaking her head the entire time. "No, no, this can't be happing, you gave him to me. You said I had free reign to give him whatever he desired." The youngest looked towards Mrellia with a caring smile. "Mrellia my child, you were given free reign to give him his desires, not to force them on him or others. You took it too far; you forced us to take action." As she said this Mrellia began to cry and curled into a ball, rocking back and forth. Adam backed away from the trio, knowing his actions were fruitless if they chose to hurt him. "What is it that you intend to do with me?" He asked, his voice a little shaky. The oldest of the three smiled at him with a reassuring smile. "Be at ease Adam, we mean you no harm. I am Atropos, The Cutter of Strings. My companions are Lachesis, The Drawer of Lots." She replied indicating the Teen. "And Clotho, The Spinner or, The Mother." She said indicating the Middle woman. Adam looked at the three females and shook his head. "You mean me no harm you say, that is what she told me too." He stated nervously as he pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, towards Mrellia behind him. Clotho slowly and gracefully approached Adam and gently took his hands into her own. "Adam, what she did was necessary. Consider it a test, we had to be sure you could handle what we were about to give you." She replied smiling at him. "We had to make sure that all things that had happened in your life had not beaten you down. That you had the strength to do what you felt was right and not to give in to your emotions or give up at the first sign of adversity. It is a great and powerful thing we are about to give to you, we had to be sure." Adam pulled his hands from hers as he started to get angry "Necessary, she took over my body and forced me to rape a thirteen year old girl!" Lachesis stepped forward with a frown as she continued to stare at Mrellia. "Yes, what she did was necessary, I will admit it was extreme and beyond what we had tasked her with. We apologize about that, she was only supposed to test you, not cause harm to others, or force you to do so. I assure you she will be punished for her crimes." "In the mean time..." Atropos began as the other two backed away from Adam, to stand beside her once more and then approach him as one. "We have decided that you passed your test beyond our expectations. Adam Hunter, The Fates bestow upon you the greatest gift we can bestow on any man." Lachesis reached into her robes and pulled from its folds a glowing strand of thread and handed it to Adam and the three once again spoke as one. "Adam hunter, you are now the master of your own fate. Free to do as you will, without interference from us or any other power. You are now the first of the Fateless." As The Fates finished their proclamation, the entire landscape became quite and still. The women in the gowns stopped their tasks and conversations and stared at Adam in awe. One by one they began to kneel and bow their heads until the only people standing were Adam and The Fates. Adam looked down at the strand in his hand, as slowly one end lengthened until it touched Adams chest. With a deep intake of breath Adam felt energy surge into his body, as if a large heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "What do you mean I am Fateless?" The three answered once again as one voice. "You are free to do as you wish, when you wish, where you wish and with whom you wish. You are no longer bound by any fate other than your own making. No one can harm you unless you wish it, nothing can influence you unless you wish it, and you will not age nor die unless you wish to. You are also free to influence and alter the fates of those whose lives affect yours. There is but one rule, as there always is, you can do no action that will cause harm or imbalance to the weave of the fates. If you attempt to through intention or accident we will inform you through our agents and do everything in our power to stop you should you ignore our warning." Adam stared at the three in shock. He again looked down at his hand, however the strand he had been handed was gone. "How, how did you do this and why?" "The strand we handed you was your own thread of fate. As long as you possess that thread nothing and no one can directly influence your actions. Since you possess a strand of fate you have gained some of our powers. You can see the weave as it effects the universe, you will be able to grasp individual threads and read them, manipulate them and take them into yourself and joining them with your own, as long as they remain part of the weave you can influence them as you will but then release them when you are done to return to their lives and fate, whatever that may be." The three stated, turning and pointing to an enormous tapestry of light that appeared in the horizon behind them. Clotho then began to speak as they turned back towards Adam "Given time you will also be able to pluck individual threads from the weave, completely binding them to yourself. Take caution however, doing this could be dangerous, should you bind someone to you completely, they will loose their fate, we will have no control over their actions, but neither will they, they will share your fate, whatever it may be. They will be bound by your will, unable to run their own lives. Should you no longer wish for them to be bound to you, and should you attempt to release them, since they have been plucked from the weave they will die. They will stop aging as you do and they will live forever as you do, should you grow bored with your life and choose to allow yourself to die, so shall they." Mrellia could be herd crying behind Adam. "No, by The Fates, no. Adam please forgive me, I meant you no harm. I am sorry for what I did. Please forgive me, do not hurt me." She babbled as she looked at him in wonder and fear. Adam turned to look at the incoherent Mrellia, he saw it then, a small almost unnoticeable thread of light leading from her body to the large tapestry behind him. As if by instinct Adam took the thread in his hand and he knew Mrellia, truly knew her. He knew her life as it was, her desires, and her needs, everything including the fate that was in store for her. He turned to look at the three women still holding her thread. "We can not force you Adam though it is in her fate. However you have the power to change it if you wish." "How do I do it?" Adam asked frowning down at Mrellia. "Guide her thread with your hand so that it passes through you and will it to merge with yours. Once it is done it simply takes an act of will to do whatever you desire." Lachesis replied with sadness in her voice. "It is her fate and we can do nothing to change it." Adam guided the thread in his hands slowly into his body, as he did so Mrellia began to wail and thrash at her face. She could sense Adams desires and knew she was doomed. Once the thread intersected Adam he willed it to bind to his. With a rush Mrellia was bound to him. He could feel the entire length of the thread and all that it entailed, up until the end of her existence, he knew everything that was fated to happen to her from this moment on and it was his to manipulate as he willed. He tentatively extended his will to the thread, manipulating it, he willed Mrellia to be bound to him, to be unable to lie to him, to be bent to his will and his every command. Her fate was now to be his servant until he felt she had atoned for her crimes. He knew what she had planned on using him for, what she was planning to do to the Earth and she had a lot to atone for. His will superseded hers; his happiness was her only desire. She could do nothing he would disapprove of; she could hurt no one unless it was in defense of others or of herself. Adam stepped up to the crying Mrellia and looked down at her "Mrellia as a spirit of desire what powers did you have?" He asked She looked up at Adam with tears and adoration. "I can feel the desires of people. If I concentrate on them I can read their every wish and desire. If I push harder I can get their deeper desires, the ones that they suppress. I can pull these to the surface and manipulate their thoughts, and actions based on what I find. I can stop time, become invisible and incorporeal, I can speak telepathically, and lastly I can read and influence people's minds and emotions." "Not any more, Mrellia." Adam replied as he reached through the thread that attached them and stripped Mrellia of her powers one by one taking them into himself, as well as the knowledge of how to use them correctly. He took all but three, the ability to turn invisible, incorporeal and speak telepathically he gave back to her; those he felt would be useful for her to retain. The other spirits stared on in shock as Adam stripped one of their sisters of her abilities and bound her to him. The Fates watched with approval. "Very good, you have punished her as well as made her a useful tool. Not what we expected from someone who used to be a mortal. However there is one more task we need you to do. One last test so to speak." Adam turned once again to the sister. "If I fail this last test?" he asked "We will be forced to take back our gift and destroy both of you." They stated coldly. "As long as you remain here in our realm you are still under our power until we release you." "What is this task then?" Adam asked giving The Fates complete attention. "Look around at the spirits around us. Read their threads, learn who and what they are, do not follow the thread to its fate, just learn about them. Pick two and bring them into yourself." Adam looked around at all the beautiful women and he saw fear in their eyes, they were afraid of what he might do to them. He began to lightly touch their threads one by one, reading them, and learning about them. He learned their names, and their tasks. He also used his new powers to read their desires and dreams. Finally when he was satisfied with what he had learned he chose two. The first was a platinum blond, her name was Illisis and she was a Spirit of Conscience. He learned that she had a strong desire to see the outside world. She had never traveled to Earth, as her job never required it. The second was a fiery red head and her name was Miranda. She was a Spirit of Anger, her desire was to hurt Mrellia, to make her pay for what she had done on her last mission. Miranda was working with Jan and her husband when Miranda had stepped in with Adam and ruined everything she had done. As Adam drew the two strands into himself Clotho stepped forward. "Interesting choices Adam. May I ask why you chose these two?" Adam Smiled as he replied "Illisis wants to see the outside world, and a conscience is always a good thing to have. Miranda seeks vengeance against Mrellia, as long as Mrellia is with me that could cause me difficulties." "I see." She whispered to him as she turned to the two spirits in question. The rest began to fade away into the mists not wishing to be involved in what was happening. "Very well, Adam chose one, and make her your servant. Not your slave like you did Mrellia, but your servant, release the other." The two spirits gasped in shock but stood their ground and stared at Adam. Adam watched the two women closely and thought about what he had been asked. He had to choose one to serve him. The choice was an easy one. But how to do it. He turned and looked at Mrellia. However she was kneeling at his feet staring at the ground and seemed to be no help. Finally Adam turned to the two spirits and extended his will to the strand of Illisis, Slowly he drew her to him, he combined his abilities as a Fateless with the powers he stole from Mrellia and extended love into her. Love for him, love for herself, love for others and all of that was intertwined with a desire to serve." When he finished Illisis walked up to him, and bowed, "How my I serve you." Adam helped her stand and brought his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle and compassionate. "Be my conscience love, help me to use my powers to help others and only for good." Illisis smiled at him love filling her eyes. "As you wish my love." Adam drew Illisis beside him and released Miranda's thread from him with a wink in her direction. He then turned towards the fates. "Did I pass?" The fates once again spoke in unison. "Adam Hunter, you are now truly one of the Fateless. Know this, there will be others who will join your ranks over the many long years of your life, some will be as you, good and strong in your beliefs. Others will become tyrants and corrupt, it is the way of things. Do your best not to destroy your world when you fight them." Atropos stepped away from the other two and began to speak "For every action there is an opposite reaction. You were made Fateless because your life had been one sided leaning towards the negative. Others will be made Fateless because their lives were one sided towards the positive, they will not be given their own fates as you have, instead they will be pulled from the weave and be given to a Fateless who has proven he or she can handle such responsibility. Should one be given to you their fate will be bound to yours. They will be your servant until you chose to give them back to us. They will be the only ones removed from the weave that may be returned, once their thread is again in balance. Goodbye Adam Hunter, enjoy your life, however long it might be." Adam started to ask another question when suddenly he and his two new servants were standing once again in the restaurant. The first thing Adam noticed was that everyone seemed to be frozen. Adam looked around at the restaurant in confusion. "What is going on, why is no one moving?" "The fates sent us back in-between a moment in time so that you could fix what you needed to. The two women are still caught in the throes of Mrellia's passions. Since you took Mrellia's powers it is up to you to fix it." Illisis whispered into Adams mind as she gently rested her right hand on his shoulder. Adam looked around the room and at the two ladies in question. He took a deep breath and approached Jan fist. He opened her blouse and gently slipped her breasts back into her bra. As his finger cam into contact with her soft skin, his body immediately reacted, rushing blood to his groin causing his cock to rise in his shorts. Adam did his best to ignore the fire running through his blood as he buttoned up the woman's blouse. He looked down at Jan as he tucked her blouse back into her skirt. Extending his consciousness out to her mind, slight tendrils of fog emerged from him and began to slip into her head. He felt the layers of lust and desire that were dominating the woman's thoughts. Slowly he pealed each layer away and began to slip them back into the deep recesses of her mind. He felt Mrellia's presence in his head as she mentally watched what he was doing. "Are you sure you need to do this master?" Her voice pouted in his head. "Think of all the fun we could still have." "If you're not going to help me fix what you did then go away Mrellia." Adam growled at her with his thoughts. Mrellia continued to pout, with a hrumph she began to guide Adam in his attempt at retuning Jan to the woman she originally was. Mrellia told Adam where to place her desires and wants, where they were originally buried in her mind or her dreams. After a few minutes Adam had returned Jan as close to the woman that she was, as he could. There would still be lingering effects caused by what happened. She would forever have an inclination towards her daughter and towards Adam, a deep rooted desire to see them together, that Adam could not remove without removing a big part of what made Jan, Jan. Mrellia smiled at the knowledge that Jan would still be bound to her master in some way. She wanted him to be loved and to love others and she felt that one mortal woman was not enough for him, especially not that young tart he had chosen. She had no experience in how to please a man, and her desires were base and basic. Jan on the other hand was an experience woman who could truly please her master. When it was all done Adam was quite surprised by what he had found, and now understood why Mrellia had chosen Jan in the first place. The woman was bisexual and voyeuristic, she loved to watch men seduce and have sex with young teens and girls. She had helped her husband on two occasions seduce Ginger's babysitters. The first when Ginger was two until she was five the second when Ginger was five until she was seven. Both encounters started when the babysitter was only twelve and ended when the girl had found her first boyfriend. The argument that Jan and her husband Thomas were having was about Thomas wanting to seduce one of Ginger's friends. It was not about Thomas wanting to seduce the girl so much, as it was about Jan bringing the subject up in front of Ginger. Thomas felt it was inappropriate, but Jan felt Ginger had a right to know that her father wanted to seduce one of her friends. Adam turned to the young girl and frowned. Both at the position in which she was sitting, her legs were wrapped over the chair arms exposing her thirteen-year-old pussy. She was staring in the direction of her mother with a look of shock on her face as a small amount of his cum leaked from her lips. He was disturbed at his body's reaction to her exposed wet cunt. He quickly grew hard at the sight. Pushing down the desires that were rising in his mind he walked over to the young girl and gently lifted her legs from the arms of the chair and lowered them back to the seat. He looked to the floor at the shredded remains of her panties and knew there was nothing he could do to cover her crotch. He slid her back in the seat so she was seated comfortably as he grabbed a napkin and whipped his come from her soft lips. He entered her mind just as he had done with her mother and again commanded Mrellia to assist him in restoring her as best they could. He restored her mind and her desires back to their original place, except for, just like her mother, a deep rooted desire for Adam. It was Illisis who informed him that it would be better for all concerned to leave the desire intact. "If you take their desire for you away, they will become consumed with guilt over what they have done with you and what they allowed you to do to them. Leaving that desire will allow them to rationalize it and to cope with what happened here." Adam understood what Illisis was telling him and agreed that in the end it was better this way. Though he did make himself on concession and thinned the desire to as small a hold as he could. They would feel it only as needed to allow their conscience to accept what happened. He looked around at the scene and then had Illisis turn invisible. As he prepared to return time to its normal flow, he had a feeling that something was wrong. Looking around he noticed a grin on Mrellia's face. "What is it you are not telling me Mrellia?" He growled at her, his fingers once again coming to her neck. "Nothing that will cause you harm Master I promise." She squeaked a look of fear coming to her eyes. "Tell me or I swear I will end your existence." He growled again his voice becoming dangerously quiet. "Yes, Master. Honestly it is no a big deal..."She squawked as his fingers tightened on her throat. "It's just that there are some side effects of being what you now are that you are not aware of luv. "Side effect?" He asked as his fingers stopped squeezing her neck. "Of being a Fateless? How would you know this, The Fates told me I was the first." "Not of being a Fateless Master, no the side effects are for being a creature of desire. When you took my powers you turned yourself into a creature of Desire. As long as you possess those powers you will be one." She coughed out as she stepped back from him and leaned against the wall. Adam felt his temper rising again, he was tempted to cut Mrellia's thread, but he felt Illisis touch his mind and calm his thoughts. "Adam, listen to her, let her answer your questions. You still have need of her." She whispered as she became visible again at his side her arms wrapped in his. Adam took a deep breath "Why did you not tell me of these side effects when I asked you about your powers?" Mrellia gave Adam a seductive grin and winked. "Because they are not part of my powers they were a part of what I was and you now are." She purred as she walked seductively up to Adam and ran her finger along his jaw. "The side effect is desire. Any person that you find attractive and spend any time with will begin to desire you, and you will desire them. The more time you spend with them the stronger that desire will become, the only release is through orgasm. Eventually you both will be driven mad with it, it will consume you. As an immortal being you will have a little more control, once you have release it will temper down. A mortal however who has been driven mad with the desire will never be the same again. It will break them and destroy their mind. There will be no release after that point, they will desire you and nothing but you for the rest of their lives." Adam looked at Mrellia in horror, then he looked at Illisis and then back at Mrellia "It is affecting you two isn't it?" Illisis clung to Adam a little tighter and laid her head on his shoulder with a sigh "I have begun to feel its effects sir, but it is nothing I can not handle yet. As a spirit of fate we have some resistance to it." Mrellia gave Adam a Cheshire Grin, "I am no longer a spirit of fate, you stole my powers and essentially turned me mortal. I now am bound to you and so I have no such protections. I assure you master I am feeling it in all its wonderful glory. Soon I will be consumed by it and released from this torment." She purred as she slid her fingers along his cock. Adam looked at Mrellia in astonishment. "You want to be driven mad, why?" "Because then I will not care any more that I am your slave, It will not tear me apart every time I have to do your bidding, every time I try and reach out to the fools around me and feel nothing. You have turned me into one of them!" She yelled as she spun around to point at Jan and Ginger. "I hate you, but I love you, you made sure of that. I hate what I have become and I hate the things you will make me help you do. All I crave and all that I am is to spread and consume desire; it is what and who I am. Now thanks to you I can't." Adam was taken back by the rage that was coming from Mrellia. He was shocked, and hurt. "What am I doing, I am forcing her to serve me. She is right, I stole her powers from her and now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. Do I have the right to enslave her though, she is a living thinking being..." His thoughts were interrupted by Illisis purring into his mind, "Sir, remember that she is being punished by The Fates. Her crimes were heinous and this is her punishment, she is not supposed to like it, that would negate the fact that it is a punishment. She is being made to serve the very people she herself tried to enslave." Adam understood what Illisis was saying but he did not have to like it. That would make him no better than Mrellia. "Thank you Illisis. And thank you Mrellia for that understanding of your feelings, I will think on what you both have told me." Adam replied as he pushed Mrellia's fingers off his cock. Mrellia scowled at Illisis whose only response was to wrap her arms around Adam and grin at Mrellia. Adam separated himself from Illisis and started pacing. "How do I turn this off Mrellia?" He asked as he stopped to look ad Jan and Ginger. "I can't have every woman I find attractive wanting to have sex with me." Mrellia looked at Adam in shock. "Turn it off..." She sputtered "Why in hell would you want to turn it off." Adam scowled at Mrellia "As I said, I do not want every woman I find attractive wanting to have sex with me all the time. I would get nothing done and I would be unable to function." Mrellia grinned wickedly at Adam "I did not say it only affected women Adam. Anyone you are attracted to will be affected, age, sex, marital status none of that will matter, as soon as you feel even the slightest desire for them, they will start to desire you." She laughed. "That just makes it worse, I can not function while having every one around me being turned on by my mere presence. Now answer my question, I order you. How do I turn it off?!" "You don't, Adam, there is no way to just turn it off. You can suppress its effect, it will not stop it but it will cause it to take longer before it starts to affect those around you. Eventually however you will have to give them and yourself release. You will know when the time is right when you cannot be around them without getting sexually aroused. If you let things go for more than a day after this point they will be driven mad with desire. Your desire for them will reflect their level of desire for you." Adam's shoulders slumped in defeat. "How long does it take?" He asked with a sigh. "On average with constant contact a mortal can last for three days before the desire overcomes them, if you suppress it you can make it last a week. Under conditions of casual contact, say a few hours a day under normal conditions they have a week, if you suppress the power then they will have two weeks." Mrellia replied with a grin. She was enjoying this a lot. She hated that she had to warn Adam about it, but she was enjoying seeing it torment him. Adam lifted his head and squared his shoulders. He looked at Mrellia and scowled. "Tell me how to suppress it." "It's easy, if you concentrate you will see an aura of fog like tendrils around you. The tendrils are extending out and touching people. Simply will the tendrils to be less than they are." Adam began to concentrate on his aura and slowly the tendrils became visible, he saw them extending out, one to Illisis, one to Mrellia and one each to Jan and Ginger. He could also see that the tendrils heading for Jan and Ginger were blocked by something. Adam concentrated on the tendrils willing them to be less than they were. Then smiled as the tendrils grew smaller and smaller. He tried to will them into nothingness, but the strain was too much, no matter how hard he tried the tendrils remained. He could make them microscopically small but he could not stop them entirely. Suddenly an idea came to him. "It could not be that easy could it?" He thought with a smile. Adam again extended his will to the tendrils pulling them away from the four women, slowly inch by inch the tendrils slipped out of the women and back into his body. As the tendril left Mrellia she gasped in shock as she felt the flood of desire for Adam slow to a trickle and then stop. "How did you... that is imposable." She exclaimed. Adam smiled even more as the tendrils retreated into him. Sweat started to form on his brow, as he pulled the last of the aura in and contained it. His smile turned into a frown and an exclamation of rage however as soon as he stopped concentrating on the tendrils and they shot out once again to the four women. "Damn it!" he yelled. "I almost had it!" Illisis gently returned her hand to Adams shoulder "It is ok, my love, you were able to stop it for a second. I believe in you, with practice you might learn better control over it. Remember the Spirits of desire use this effect as a tool, they never ever considered turning it off." Adam closed his eyes and took deep heavy slow breaths. He brought his emotions under control and started to think on what his next step should be. His eyes snapped open and he once again looked at Mrellia. "When all of this started you said that..." Adam closed his eyes as he tried to remember the words Mrellia used. "I can tell you right now, nothing we do from this point forward will have any impact on that little scene we just witnessed. They are free to do as they or you desire. The husband is now effectively out of the picture, he just does not know it yet... What did you mean by that?" He asked as he opened his eyes. "The man's fate was decided before we entered the restaurant, when he stormed out of here he decided to go for a walk. At first he was going to take a drive, but he could not bring himself to leave his daughter here with no way home, so instead he went for a walk. Two blocks from here, as he was walking down a back alley he heard a girl scream. He ran to investigate and found two teen boys trying to rape a girl. He came to her defense and as she ran off to get help, one of the boys stabbed him to death. The youths then ran off." Adam again felt himself growing angry at Mrellia. He could not believe how cold and heartless this woman was. "And you thought it would be a good idea for us to seduce and rape his wife and daughter while he was lying in an alley alone and dieing!?" He yelled. Mrellia was shocked by Adam's outburst. "His fate was sealed; there is nothing that we could do to stop it." She exclaimed. "Maybe not, but did you ever consider what effect it would have had on these two!?" He roared as he pointed to Jan and Ginger "when they discovered that while their father and husband lay dieing in an alley they were having sex with a stranger in the middle of a restaurant!" Mrellia simply shrugged her shoulders. "Not really, at the time I really did not care." "You cold and heatless bitch!" Adam yelled as he charged Mrellia, the back of his hand connecting squarely with her jaw. Mrellia went sprawling into the back of the restaurant in a heap, Adam continued his charge until he was over her prone form; his anger raging in his blood. Suddenly he stopped and took a deep breath. With a flash he spun around and grabbed at something in the air. With a yank he tugged what he had grabbed into himself and suddenly Miranda appeared beside him, fear and shock on her face. Adam looked at the Spirit of Anger and growled. "You want to join us, fine, you have made your choice, and you are now mine." With a swipe of his hand he severed her link to the weave and bound her fate to his. He did not know how he did it and in his rage induced haze he did not care. Miranda screamed as she felt herself torn from the weave of fate, and fell to the ground beside Mrellia. Illisis simply watched the entire scene unfold and smiled. Adam was doing, as far as she was concerned, what was right. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.