Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Fateless, ch 7: Training Written by James Marcus Adam came walking out of the bathroom of his new home. He and Mrellia had been living here for about a week now. As far as he could tell they had not been doing much training, mainly a lot of meditation exercises, some thought projections through his aura, and a lot of sex. Mrellia came around the corner of the hall just as he exited the room; she looked up and smiled as she saw him. "Good morning Adam, we have finished the first phase of your training and are ready to begin phase two." "Phase two?" Adam asked "I was not aware that we had even started phase one?" Mrellia smiled as she took his hand. "My lover, phase one is to master the ability to clear your mind of all thoughts so that you can concentrate on the other aspects of your training and ignore the distractions of the world. Now that you have mastered that art, we can move onto the next phase, practical application." "Ok, I guess that makes sense out of all the meditation exercises, but what was with all the sex?" "That was just fun," Mrellia replied as she dropped Adam's hand and walked down the hall. Adam shook his head as he followed Mrellia to the main room. "So what exactly is phase two?" Mrellia walked into the living room and opened the curtains. "Like I said, phase two is the practical phase of your training. This is where you iron out your abilities. Normally with a new Spirit it would be phase four, phase two being the process of learning your minor abilities and phase three being the learning of your major ones. However you already know how to use most of your abilities, now we just need to iron them out and make it instinctive. While we are doing that we will work on learning more about your new manipulation ability as well." Adam nodded as he sat on the couch watching her. "So what exactly is entailed in phase two?" "Well that varies from spirit to spirit and also is greatly influenced by the location chosen to do the training. In our case it involves the neighbors." She said as she pointed out the window. "Neighbors?" Adam inquired as he stood up and headed to the window. "What do you mean neighbors? You told me we were going to some remote location to practice where I would not hurt anyone." Mrellia turned from the window and walked towards Adam, as she did so her body began to change. "I never said any such thing, if I remember our conversation correctly; you were the one who kept bringing up isolating yourself. I, on the other hand, mentioned several times that we needed a place where we could practice, and that practicing involved effecting people you did not know." She said as she finished her transformation, pushed him back onto the couch, and climbed into his lap. Her appearance had not changed much, her hair was a little longer, her breasts a little smaller and firmer, and she looked a bit younger. As she finished her statement and transformation she leaned in and gave Adam a deep passionate kiss. Adam broke the kiss and slowly pushed her away from him. "What exactly am I expected to do?" Mrellia gave Adam a little pout. "Well for right now, we are posing as newlyweds. I am your 18 year old high school sweetheart, and you are my new husband. You are your actual age of 21 but instead of a job working for a boring employment agency you are a writer, just graduated from college and looking for inspiration for your first novel." "Ok, I guess that would explain why I don't go to work every day, but how do we explain the new house and how do we pay the bills while I await this Muse?" He asked Mrellia climbed off Adam's lap and sat down next to him. "Oh, there will be no Muse's, well not while you are in training, but if one did decide to show up afterwards, I am sure the two of us could find ways to entertain her. They are quite cute after all." She replied as she took his arm and snuggled against him. "You're kidding right?" Adam asked as he ran his fingers through her hair. "No, I am quite serious; many of the beings from mankind's myths and legends are quite real. They just are hidden from view by man's ignorance of their existence. If someone truly believed they existed, they would be quite visible to them. Many are the people your society has locked away for believing they could see people who are not there. They were sane to begin with, however being the only person who can see angels, devils, demons and all the other creatures hidden from the world today would drive any mortal insane over time." "So who do these Muses work for?" Mrellia looked up at Adam and smiled. "Inspiration and Creativity; they are a very nice couple. Not on par with the Fates and definitely no where near as strong as you are now, but they do have some influence with some of the other major powers." Adam pulled away slightly from Mrellia's embrace, "How many powers are there in the universe?" "A lot, more than I have time to name, but you will eventually get to know many of them. However, right now we have to work on your training, if we don't you will never meet them," Mrellia replied as she let go of Adam and stood up once again. "Let me answer your question about our money. I am the daughter of a very wealthy entrepreneur, one who prefers to remain out of the lime light so she is not well known. I am her little princess and you and she get along very well. She loves your writing and can see great potential in you. All of our bills are paid by her and the house was a wedding present. She will cover us until your great novel is written and published." Mrellia walked over to the window and looked out. "That covers our cover story, now onto what we are here to do." She said as she beckoned Adam to the window. Adam rose from the couch and walked over to Mrellia. "We live in a nice quiet little suburb; the only neighbors we will concern ourselves with for now are the five families in our general vicinity." She said as Adam looked out the window. "The Wilsons are our neighbors to our left. They are a pair of newlyweds like us. Jessica Wilson is a 19 year old college student who is a little overwhelmed by the new life in the suburbs after having spent her whole life on her family farm. Her husband Hank is a Truck driver with aspirations to compete in rodeos professionally, so he is rarely home. They inherited the house from Jessica's grandmother when she passed away last month." Mrellia turned towards Adam and then pointed out the window towards the next house. "Across the Street from the Wilsons are the Steinmans. They are a family of four, the husband Josh is in the Army and is currently deployed. His wife Clair is a 34 year old stay at home mom. They have two daughters, Clarice, who is 16 years old and a cheerleader at the local high school and Cindy, who is 13 and really has not discovered herself yet." Mrellia pointed to the house directly across from her and Adam's. "Across the street we have the Johnsons. Alex is 42 years old and is a teacher at the local community college. His wife is Kim and they have been married for three years. She is 24 and was his former student. Alex has an 18 year old son, Jason, who really likes Clarice. Jason plays football in high School but spends most of his time on the bench. Alex also has a daughter, Anna, who is 12. She is very rebellious and angry. Anna was not happy that her father remarried after her mother's death and hates her step mom. She has fallen in with the wrong crowd and on her current path will not live to see her 18th birthday." Adam motioned for Mrellia to stop for a second. "Why are you telling me all of this? What does my neighbor's personal lives have to do with my training?" "Adam, you are a spirit of desire; this has everything to do with your training. Your training will involve all of them, it will involve giving in to your desires with them and in giving them what they desire." Adam nodded as Mrellia continued. "Next door to them you have the Winstons. Bubba is a 68 year old retired construction worker who spent his entire life building things. Now in his old age Arthritis and the beginnings of Alzheimers have caused him to lose the ability to do what he loved most. His wife, Ethyl, is 64 and is a retired elementary school teacher, she dotes on Bubba. Their life was turned upside down about a month ago when their daughter and her husband were killed by a drunk driver. Now they are taking care of their two granddaughters. Jenna is 17 and wants nothing more than to graduate from high school and join the army to get away from the bad memories, and June, who is 15 and has not spoken a word to anyone since her parents passed away. " Adam shook his head as Mrellia continued. "Lastly we have the Olsens. Carl is 34 and works long hours as a sales consultant to a firm in the city and is rarely home. He is also having an affair with his secretary and with one of his oldest daughter's friends. Pam is 32 and works as a real-estate agent in the area; she is the person who sold this house to my mother's firm. She is very lonely with her husband gone all the time, and when he is home he spends very little time with her. She cannot remember the last time that she and Carl have had sex. They have three children. Tammy is 15and is best friends with Clarice. Tammy is also a cheerleader at the high school. The middle child is Doug. He is 14 and a bit of a computer nerd. Doug has a crush on June and would love nothing more than to bring her out of her shell. The youngest daughter is Tracy, who is 11 and bored to death. She, Cindy, and Anna all used to be friends and were inseparable, however that all fell apart when Anna met her new friends and now she ignores both Cindy and Tracy. Cindy and Tracy recently had a falling out over a boy in their school." Adam shook his head as he stared out the window at his neighbors' homes. "Wow, this is one fucked up neighborhood. Is this why this place was chosen, because it is so bad, or is it so bad so that it could be chosen?" He asked. "A little of both actually." Mrellia replied as she closed the curtains. "Trust me Adam I have seen much worse in my time as a Spirit of Desire. I have fixed worse, and I have made some become worse. I will be honest with you; your training here will not involve fixing everything. Some things you will fix, others you will break. I can also tell you that before you leave here you will have sex with every one of the ladies I named except Ethyl Winston." Adam looked at Mrellia in utter shock; He could not have heard what he thought he had heard. "Can you please repeat that?" "I said, before you leave here you will have sex with every one of the ladies I named except Ethyl Winston. You need to practice your abilities and to overcome your mortal taboos and the best way to do so is to have sex with people that produce those taboos." "That is what I thought you said. Why in the hell would you think I would be ok with having sex with married women and underage girls? This really does not make sense to me," he stated while glaring at Mrellia. "Well Adam, it is obvious with how you have responded to Jan's and Ginger's overtones that you hold strong moral convictions over this form of intercourse. You will need to overcome this in order to..." she began. Adam quickly interrupted her. "Why the hell do I need to overcome my moral convictions? Are you trying to tell me that all you supposed superior beings have no such moral convictions and you have sex with whomever you wish, whenever you wish?" "Actually, yes, that is exactly what I am saying. If it will progress our mission and get what needs to be done, done, then we will engage in sexual relations with whomever we need to. Adam you have to understand something, something that you are having a very hard time understanding, you are not mortal any more, you are not human..." "There you go with that human crap again." Adam Interrupted. "I am human; I was born of human parents and have human sisters. Just because I have been given special abilities does not make me any less human." Adam growled as he walked away from the window. Mrellia looked at him her head slightly quirked to one side and smiled. "Adam, you were human yes, but when the Fates made you a Fateless and you took the powers of a Spirit, you stopped being human and become more, much more. The Fates have been discussing your training with me over the last week. We all came to the same conclusion; you need to learn to overcome your human frailties and the morals imposed on you by human laws and society. The quickest way for you to do so is through sex. If you do not overcome these liabilities, then the evil powers will use them against you. We are not trying to make you into an immoral monster that takes what he wants when he wants with no regard for anyone, but you have to overcome your reluctance to do so when required. If you don't..." she stopped suddenly as if unwilling or unable to explain any further. Adam backed away from Mrellia, confusion on his face as he thought about what she said. "Ok, so exactly what is it we are going to do?" He asked Mrellia stood straight and became business like. "We start immediately; unfortunately we will have to take some extreme measures to begin with to ensure maximum effect and test your current limits. With your permission I will activate a link that will enable us to communicate mentally, this link will be open throughout your training. The first order of business is to establish the rules of this exercise. You will do whatever is required of you, without question. Failure to do so will require I take action and ensure the exercise is completed. We will perform exercises related to each of your abilities individually and in some occasions we will use multiple tasks. This first exercise will test your ability to manipulate others through the link you establish with your aura along with your pheromones, and how you can use it to affect your environment and the people around you." "What if I don't want to do what is required?" Adam asked "I must then step in and ensure that you carry out the required task. I am sorry Adam, but this is life or death for me and your personal morals cannot and will not interfere with what needs to be done. Some of the tasks I have been given to require you to do are to test your ability to overcome your morals when needed. I will be asking you to do things that you will find reprehensible and if caught you WILL get arrested and maybe even killed. That is why you cannot hesitate when told to do something. We need you to be able to react without hesitation and without concern for your morals or for the well-being of those around you. Someday in the future your life or the life of others you care about will be on the line and if you hesitate someone will die." Adam shook his head and paced the room. "Understood, I don't like it but I understand." She smiled at him again, and then Mrellia was back to business. "Right now, our first order of business is to establish some new rules that you will have to live by. First I want you to know that I will be with you through all of this, if not in person, in your mind. I will help guide you as to what you need to do, and to push you if need be, and I will also do my best to ensure you do not do any permanent harm to anyone. There are rules however that the Fates insist that you follow until we are done. First, for the next hour any female who comes to your door, for any reason, you must use your aura and attempt to establish the mental link, you then must try your best to mentally dominate her and make her your obedient slave bent to your will." "Any female...? Adam exclaimed in shock "What if A Girl Scout comes over to sell some cookies, or the neighbors wife from across the street asks to borrow some milk, or the little girl next door comes over 'cuz her ball went over the fence?" Adam asked, his temper beginning to rise again. Mrellia looked at him without any emotion; her expression was so cold it gave him shivers. "If that happens you will attempt to dominate them and make them your obedient slave, no exceptions. I trust in you and I am sure you will find a way to do it, and that you will not attract any undue attention to us and if you do, then it will be another lesson as you figure out how to fix it." Adam could not believe what he was hearing. They were asking him to strip the free will from any female unlucky enough to knock on his door. He started to shake, his pulse began to quicken. At first he thought he was getting angry but it did not take long to realize he was not upset, he was turned on, this did make him angry, but angry at himself. "Fine, I'll do it but God help me if something happens, I will never forgive you." He growled as he turned to walk away. "Adam, there is more," Mrellia said with a quiver in her voice. She continued as Adam came to a stop his back still to her, "As the days go by I will occasionally interrupt whatever it is you are doing and give you instructions. No matter how reprehensible they may feel to you, you must do them. No further questions will be tolerated. You must do whatever I ask of you without hesitation." Adam stood in the doorway of the kitchen with his back to Mrellia so that she could not see his eyes watering. "Fine, I will do it. Now leave me be for a while, I don't want to see you right now." "I am sorry, Adam, I cannot. The Fates require that I monitor your first attempt at mental domination first hand, and a subject is approaching your door as we speak." Adam turned towards Mrellia "Damn you, damn you all, I wish you had never found me." He quickly turned towards the living room as the doorbell rang. "Who is it?" "I cannot tell you, I am now here simply to monitor you," she replied as she stepped into the shadows of the dining room to watch what Adam did. "You had best answer the door Adam, and for what it is worth, I am sorry." Adam walked around the kitchen door into the living room. As he approached the front door he could feel his pulse quicken, partially with anger at what he is being forced to do, partly with excitement over what he was about to do. As he opened the door his heart almost stopped. There standing in the doorway was a young girl with a bag full of newspapers. Adam did not even know her name, but he knew what he had to do. He hated himself more than ever over what he was about to do, and at this moment he hated Mrellia as well. The girl looked up at him; her eyes shaded by her orange baseball cap and smiled one of the brightest smiles Adam had ever seen. "Hello Sir, how are you today? I heard you were new to the neighborhood and I thought I would come by and see if you wanted to buy a subscription to the local newspaper. My name is Tracy" She said as she extended her hand to him. Adam did his best to smile at the young girl "So Ummm... What brings you here today?" She giggled and shuffled her feet as she adjusted the bag on her shoulders. "I just said that silly; I am here to see if you wanted to buy a subscription to the local paper." As she said this she looked up at Adam with a smile. "Oh, yeah problem... come on in and I'll ummm... get my checkbook." Adam replied as he backed away from the door. He could not get his hands to stop shaking. "Thank you Sir, My name is Tracy." She replied as she stepped into the house and once again extended her hand to him. "It has been a long day and my feet are sore." Adam closed the door behind her "I am so sorry, where are my manners?" He said as he shook her hand. "Adam, Adam Hunter. It is nice to meet you Tracy." Adam helped her slip her bag off of her shoulder as they walked into the living room. His mind was racing a mile a minute, he knew he did not have long to make his attempt and he definitely did not want Mrellia to intercede and force the situation. If what happened in the restaurant was any indication of her tactics, he knew he did not want to expose this young girl to that. He had no idea what he was going to do. All his previous experiences with sending his thoughts to others through the aura were either done on accident or with a willing participant. His heart was pounding in his chest and images of the girl were flashing though his mind, some were decent, of her standing in the door looking up at him and smiling, others not so decent and still others were revolting and he abashed himself for even thinking them. "Look at her Adam; really look at her, that is all you need to do, she is very cute. Once you acknowledge the attraction, no matter how slight, your aura will do the rest. Once the link is established it is simply a matter of slipping your thoughts your desires, what you want, what you need into her subconscious so those desires become hers. Take her Adam, make her yours." Mrellia's voice reverberated from his mind pushing away the flashing images and helping to slow his heart rate. Adam took a deep breath as he laid her Newspaper Bag on the floor behind the couch. "Have a seat and I'll go get my check book. Would you like something to drink?" She walked around to the couch and sat down; looking up at Adam she again grinned and replied. "Yes please, a glass of ice water, it is sure hot out there." "It's getting hot in here too." Adam thought as he rounded the door into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the dishwasher. He quickly filled it and returned to the living room. As he rounded the corner he suddenly remembered where he had heard her name, Tracy was the young girl who lived next door, one of the people that Mrellia had told him about. Adam looked at Tracy and found that he was slightly mesmerized. She was lying back on the couch with her arms up and her hands resting under her head. This had the effect of pulling her shirt tight against her chest, and Adam could make out quite clearly two small developing mounds. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted as she relaxed on the couch. Adam just stared at her for a few seconds as he noticed she had very nice lips, small, puffy and quite kissable. As he did so he felt his aura extend out and lightly brush against her. Tracy immediately let out a small shiver as his aura linked with her young body. Adam quickly shook his head trying to get his train of thought back on track. He really should not be thinking like that, she was a young girl, only 11 years old according to Mrellia. "Here is your glass of water Tracy." Adam stated as he grabbed a coaster and set the glass down on the coffee table. "I'll go get my check book now." "Thank you Mr. Hunter." She said sitting up straight on the couch and grabbing the glass. Adam watched as she raised the glass to her lips and drank. Again he was mesmerized at how soft they looked. He quickly exited the room to his study. As he rounded the door and grabbed his checkbook off his desk he heard Mrellia's voice again in his head. "Take her Adam, link with her. Your aura has touched her, you have acknowledged an attraction. This is your last warning, next time I will take over and show you how to do it." Adam's face paled as he heard this and he quickly headed back into the living room. He sat down on the couch next to her and looked at her with his check book in his hand. "How much do I owe you?" He asked. Before she could answere him, he suddenly stated "Oh crap, I forgot a pen." "No problem, Mr. Hunter, I have one right here." Tracy responded with a giggle. She reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the pen off her clipboard. As she handed the pen to Adam his fingertips lightly brushed hers. Adam saw the slight glow on his fingertips as the link in his aura was established. Tracy suddenly took in a deep breath as Adam went to make out the check. "How much is it?" As he asked this he started to send thoughts to the young girl, hating himself with every thought he sent to her he also released his pheromones to imprint him to her as his thoughts slipped into her mind. He was quite surprised at how easy all of this was, once he actually committed himself to doing it he gave her simple and straight forward commands that if he had done it correctly he hoped she would have to follow from this day forward. "I belong to Adam Hunter. I am Adam Hunter's slave; I am his property to do with as he wishes. Adam Hunter is my Master. His will supersedes my own. I am happy serving Adam Hunter. It is my greatest wish to make Adam Hunter happy. I will do whatever Adam Hunter tells me without question. I serve Adam Hunter. I will never lie to Adam Hunter. Nothing Adam Hunter does or wishes to do is ever wrong. Nothing Adam Hunter has me do is ever wrong." Adam kept this mantra feeding into her mind, over and over while he filled out the check for the subscription and carried on idle chit chat with her. Tracy sucked in another deep breath as Adam handed her the check and their fingers once again touched. She looked up at Adam as her violet eyes softened and a smile came to her soft lips. Tracy suddenly took in a deep breath as Adam went to make out the check. He looked at her with mild concern. "Are you ok, Tracy?" Adam asked "I am fine. I am sorry if I startled you. How may I serve you Master?" She replied. Adam's heart almost exploded from his chest when he heard her call him Master. He could not believe it worked. A part of him was beyond ecstatic but another part of him, a part of him deeply rooted in who he was, was devastated by what he had just done. As he was thinking this Mrellia emerged from the shadows of the dining room and walked up to the pair. "Great Job Adam, you did well. You have successfully demonstrated that you have the ability dominate others with your will." Adam looked from Tracy to Mrellia with tears in his eyes, "Why did you make me do this to her?" He asked. Mrellia's expression softened as she looked at him. "This is why. In order for you to survive what is coming you cannot afford to react like this when you are needed to make the tough choices." Tracy looked at Mrellia with an expression of fear on her face. She backed away from Mrellia towards Adam." What are you talking about? Master what is she talking about? She is scaring me. Master what's wrong, why are you crying? Please Master stop crying." As she said this she snuggled into Adam's arms and started crying herself. Adam took off Tracy's cap, as he did so long layers of blond hair came flowing out. He slowly began to stroke her hair, making comforting noises to her. He told her she was going to be ok and that everything was going to be fine. He could not help but notice how soft she felt in his arms. He looked up at Mrellia and asked "Can we have a little privacy?" Mrellia nodded, and with a flash disappeared from the house. Adam stopped running his hand through Tracy's hair and slowly lifted her chin so she was looking him in the face. God she was a pretty one. He had not really noticed before, but then he never had any reason to think of her or any other girl her age in the manner he was now starting to think of her. Her hair was light blond and wavy, also very thick. She had Violet doe like eyes and soft kissable lips. As he looked into her eyes, his eyes began to water again. He managed to hold back his tears about what he done to this poor girl and spoke to her in a slightly cracked voice. "Tracy, can I ask you some questions?" Tracy looked at Adam with a dumbfound expression on her face "Of course you can Master. I am your slave, you have no need for my permission." Adam smiled and his heart went out to the young, soft, lovely girl he now held in his arms. "Tracy, you are nobody's slave. You serve me and I am your Master, but you are still a human being and your feelings and wishes matter to me, is that understood?" "Yes master." She replied with a puzzled look. As Adam watched her he noticed that her expression began to worsen and tears began to flow down her cheeks. Adam grew concerned "Tracy, what is wrong sweetie?" "Master, I am trying to obey you, I really am, but something is wrong, I can't..." Suddenly Tracy began to convulse on Adam's Lap. As suddenly as she had left Mrellia was back with a bright flash. Adam looked at Mrellia tears again welling up in his eyes. Mrellia placed her hand on Tracy's forehead and the girl stopped convulsing. She looked at Adam and motioned for him to lay her on the couch. "I need to see what happened, something obviously went wrong." Adam laid the girl on the couch and stepped back. Again he marveled at how lovely she was. His concern for her quickly overrode those thoughts. "What are you going to do to her?" He asked. "I am going to try and find out what went wrong. I am checking her system trying to get an idea as to why she had the reaction she did." Mrellia replied as she lowered her hand back to Tracy's forehead. After a few long agonizing minuets Mrellia lifted her hand from Tracy's head and looked at Adam. "She is fine Adam; there was a conflict in the commands you gave her. You made her your slave and told her she had to obey all your commands and that nothing you did was wrong. When you told her she was not your slave that conflicted with the command that she was your slave and that nothing you did was wrong. This will be a perfect learning experience for you. I need you to go into her mind and remove the slave thoughts; all the rest stacked on to her will ensure she is your slave without requiring her to be told she is your slave." "How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Adam asked with concern. He was really worried that he was going to do something wrong and really hurt Tracy more than he already had. "Just as you did before, extend your will to her and give her thoughts that she is not your slave, but must still obey," Mrellia replied as she stroked the young girl's hair. Adam extended his thoughts along the aura and into Tracy's mind concentrated on what he wanted. After a few seconds Tracy's eyes fluttered open and looked at Adam. "Thank you master, the pain in my head is gone. She said with a smile." This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.