Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Note This is a fantasy sex story. All persons, places and events are fictional, and exist only in my imagination. If you are not of legal age, you are not allowed to read this material. ink to chapter 1 /files/Authors/JimBob/Mary%20Ellen%20Goes%20on%20Vacati on/Mary%20Ellen%20Goes%20on%20Vacation%20%20Ch%201.txt Mary Ellen Goes on Vacation Ch. 2 If you have not read Mary Ellen chapter one yet, take the link above to chapter one. Mary Ellen and her family finally arrive at their vacation cabin. They soon join another vacating family in celebrating their arrival. Mary Ellen and Bob enjoy their reunion at the secret hideout. Mary Ellen Goes on Vacation Ch. 2 bg, Mf, MF, oral, mast, int, cons. Mary Ellen and Mom jumped out of the car and headed for the restroom, chatting as they went. Dad sat there for a while, then saw a Coffee sign and decided to relieve himself and get a cup and walk around a bit while he waited for his girls to finish their business. The girlsentered a stall in their restroom, and Mom went first, using a disinfectant pad she carried in a plastic bag in her purse to clean any and all parts of the seat their bottoms might touch to kill all those nasty germs to be found in public places. Then she allowed Mary Ellen to go first so she could go and wash her hands while Mom could do her Mom thiings in privacy. As soon as she was finished, Mary Ellen wiped herself throughly, because Mom was watching, and then pulled up panties and shorts and was on her way. A brief stop at the sink for the manditory, and brief, hand washing. Since there were no interesting things to watch, such as babies being changed, she scampered out the door to find Daddy. She spotted him walkinf down the sidewalk in front of the row of parked cars, and ran to him before the perverts that she suspected hung around places like this could get her. She clasped Daddy's free hand and brought the back of it to rub her cheek against it and then around to her lips for a kiss. She loved her father and loved to walk beside him and hold his hand. Daddy sipped his coffee as they strolled along, hand in hand. Everything come out okay Daddy asked her. Daddy! That''s none of your business! That was what Mom had told her to tell him when he asked her that personal question. You just ask me that to bug me! Hmmmm. Kind of like, 'are we there yet,' huh No, Daddy! I really want to know! She tried to keep a straight face, but at his skeptical expression, she had to grin, and then laugh. Okay.... I won't say it anymore this trip... Oh, there's Mom! Marry Ellen skipped off toward Mom, showing Daddy the crossed fingers of the hand that had been hidden behind her back when she made that silly promise. Daddy watched her skip off along the path. He chuckled to himself as he saw two young teenaged boys turn to watch her little butt bounce in her red shorts as she skipped past them. A man turned to look too. Eat your hearts out guys, That little butt belongs to me for a while yet. He muttered. Then he frowned. Maybe to me and Bob, he thought. The twinge of jealousy brought on a flash of lust for his perhaps not so innocent little girl. He shook his head. If she had sex play with Bob, it had to be innocent, right But he remembered her moans and passionate calling of Bob's name in her dream, and the scent of sexual arousal that wafted up to his nose when she sat up. What was that all about He said out loud, and a passing woman turned to look at him. Mary Ellen and mom got to the car first, and they got the map and were looking at it when dad came up. I make it to be about thirty more miles, mom said. About another half hour drive unless we stop in town for groceries. Dad came up then and added, and fishing liscenses and bait . And lots of snacks! Mary Ellen added. That is what they did. When they arrived at the resort and found their cabin ready and waiting for them, Mary Ellen made two trips to carry her clothes and toys into her bedroom, but was following daddy with their third load of groceries and snacks, when daddy suddenly stopped and Mary Ellen ran right into his rear. Hey! What the heck Mary Ellen sputtered. But Daddy was paying no attention to her. His gaze was fixed on a beautiful blonde haired teen age girl clad in a string bikini that covered only the bare essentials, running across the lawn from cabin three toward the front of their cabin. Daddy completly ignored Mary Ellens sputterings until the girl had disappeared behind their cabin. Then he went quickly into the cabin, dropped his load onto a kitchen cabiinet and hurried on through to the front door. Mary Ellen dumped her load and followed. They went out the front door just in time to see a tall, dark, handsome man in very brief speedos, kissing Mom's hand. Mom blushed and then stammered out introductions. Pierre Lamont, this is my husband, Jack Preston, and my daughter Mary Ellen. The man shook hands with daddy and then captured Mary Ellens hand and kissed it. I'm pleased to meet the little madammoselle, he said. Mary Ellen waited until the pretty teenager stepped forward before she wiped the back of her hand on her shorts. The girl was Yvonne, and she was fifteen, though daddy was eyeing her like she was a thirty year old hooker. They learned the girl's mother had been killed in an auto accident two years before. Mary Ellen stood and watched her Mom, who seemed entranced by the man, and her Dad, who seemed fo be enchanted by Yvonne's almost bare body. Since no one paid any attention to her, she went looking for Bob. She didn't have to look far. When Bob had come out of the woods, where he had been out cleaning up all signs of his other sexual assignatons in their secret little bower. Bob figured what Mary Ellen didn't know couldn't hurt him. As soon as they were hidden by the woods, Mary Ellen caught Bob and hugged him to her. Bob hugged her back and gave her one of his passionate, tounge tickling kisses, while his hand went down inside the waist of her shorts and panties to feel the smooth, bare little pussy and slip his middle finger down her wet little slit, and up into her waiting hole. Oh! Aaah! Croaked Mary Ellen as the fingers rubbed over her clit on the way down. Then, Mmmmmm! As Bob's middle finger found the waiting vagina and made the turn into and snaked and twisted it's way up the hole inside until the knuckles met the pussy lips and stopped it. Mary Ellen knew she had grown some in the last year, but Bob had more than kept pace with her, and he held her against his body easily as her knees grew weak and she collapsed against him. Bob pulled his hand out and held on to Mary Ellem as they hurried up the path to Bob's secret place. Once they were there and had hastily crawled back into the secret chamber, Bob took Mary Ellen into his arms and kissed her on the mouth and then told her how much he had missed her and their little games from last summer. Then he undressed her, and she unfastened his belt and his cut off jeans and let them drop.They both stepped out of their fallen clothes, and then Bob laid Mary Ellen down on his blanket and then followed her down, ending up between her legs. Oh! Oh Bob! Mary Ellen whispered as she felt Bob's mouth covering her secret slit and his tounge seeking out her clit for a few licks. She hurried to spread her legs wide to open herself for that tongue to enter the secret hole in there and get it all ready and wet and slippery for the hard little, but oh so mugh bigger than last summer shaft that she was clutching in one of her stretched out hands, In a moment she was guiding that one eyed monster into her waiting hole and then sighing with the pleasure of it as it slowly pushed in to her hot little hole. Bob was also sighing and moaning in passion with each little push, with each little gain he made into her territory. They both felt they had died and gone to heaven. Once Bob was convinced beyond doubt he was fully in to Mary Ellen's hot little pussy as far as he could go, he sought out her mouth again and his tongue forced its way into her willing mouth until Mary Ellen thought he was trying to lick the end of his penis that was deep inside her lower lips. After the kiss, Bob started to move inside her. He was slow amd controlled at first, but when Mary Ellen began to respond to his thrusts, grabbing his ass with both hands, trying to pull him deeper into her. Bob had been lifting his upper body on his elbows, trying to watch his little rod, slick with her juices going in and out of that little hole. Bob got more and more excited and lost his control. He began to fuck into her in short quick strokes. The increased sensation to Mary Ellen's vagina caused her to get a little wild, and to clutch and pull at him as she moved under him and with him to increase her delightful feelings. She also got more vocal as she felt more excited. Now Bob! Harder! Faster! Oh Bob, it feels so funeee! OH BOB! Yes, little Mary Ellen had her first ever vaginal orgasm. She went stiff for a moment and then her body relaxed, but Bob kept pumping away, oblivious to what had just happened. Mow he began to grunt and strain and pant and thrust in and pause, relax, and thrust in again with a grunt, and pause and shudder and repeat the whole thing, two more times and on the last shuddering plunge, he relaxed. The two children lay together, both spent and panting from their exertion of the last few moments. Bob finally stirred, and pulled his now flacid cock out of Mary Ellen, When he did, a trickle of thin whitish material began to flow from Mary Ellen's little crack and down between her spread thighs. Bob noticed. Holy crap! He looked closer, then dabbed a finger in it and rubbed it between two fingers, then smelled it. I just came in you! It's the first time I ever came! Holly Crap! Mary Ellen sat up to look between her legs. There was some kind of funny looking stuff coming out of her hole. but she couldn't see what Bob was all excited about. She too, took a sample berween two fingers and did all the tests, then wiped them on the blanket. So She said. It's just your baby making stuff. She was very matter of fact about it. She'd had a talk with Mom... Bob, on the other hand, was really excuted. Holy crap! I put the baby stuff up inside you! We're gonna have a kid! No, we aren't. Sure we are! The guys said the daddy puts the baby making stuff up into the mommy, and... NO! There has to be an egg. The note of final authority in her voice stopped him cold. Egg Yes, egg. She said. My Mom told me and she knows more than your dumb guys do! Huh Girls lay eggs to have babies Yeah! Mary Ellem said. And I have to have my periods first too! What the heck was this fool gitl talking about He had just made a baby with her and she was putting all these rules and stipulations on it. Just like a fool girl to ruin a guy's fun. You don't know what you're talking about! He challanged. My Mom told me I should never let boys do what I let you do, but she told me I can't have a baby until after I start to bleed, and I ain't started that yet, so there! And with that Mary Ellen started to get up to get dressed. NO! Don't go yet! I want to do it again. Bob said, pushing her back down on her back. Mary Ellen really wanted to do It again too, so she relaxed onto her back and opened her legs wide for him. Bob was hard, and ready to go, but as he got between her legs he thought it would be nice to kiss those tempting little lips, both top and bottom. And that is what he proceeded to do, first he planted a big,wet juicy kiss on rhe full red lips, which she opened for her tongue to come out and entice his tongue to follow it back and dilly-dally with her tongue and lips. Then he kissed his way down her chest, bringing each little pip of a nipple to full erection, as his erection responded in hardness. When his tongue entered and tickled her belly button, she giggled and wiggled at the tickle. But when it reached her clit, she reacted by humping her hips and groaning with passion. She grabbed Bob's ears with both hands and held his head there while she humped her way through her first orgasm, and then urged him non too gently to kiss the upper lips again while she guided his little boner into her slick and waiting hole. Bob stayed in control this time, stroking almost his whole shaft slowly out and then back in. Mary Ellen surged against him for two more little orgasms, kind of like practice runs, until she coaxed and guided him into a hard, fast climax that left them both breathless and linp. The two kids relaxed and napped in each others arms for an hour. Back at the resort, Mom and Dad had come to a mutual agreement. It seems that they had decided to spice up a somewhat dull marriage with a little extra marital activity a coupple of years ago.. They had had a couple of threesomes, and recently had found another couple for a sort of a swap meet a couple of times a month for the past year. It also seemed that there was a universal signal for this kind of activity. So when Pierre caught Jack's eye and with a slight nod at his nubile young daughter and then at Priss, (Mom) and raised his eyebrow at Jack, Jack nodded back vigorsully, a gesture which Priss saw and approved. So it came to pass that the three adults and one semi adult were soon in the two bedrooms of cabin number three. We all know what mature adults do in bedrooms, so let us concentrate on what happened in the bedroom with the semi-adult, Yvonne in it. Jack had been led by Yvonne into her little bedroom and kissed with real passion as the door closed behind them. He put his arms around the teen's body to hug her to him, and his hands met only bare flesh because the back part of her bikini was even skimpier than the front. No matter. because she was shedding the suit as fast as she could. and befote he had her backed up to the bed, two small pieces of cloth fluttered to the floor. When the back of her legs hit the bed, the girl sat and was pushed down on her back as Jack knelt between her legs. He slid his hands down to her ankles and lifted her legs up and apart, bending forward to first sniff and then taste her excited sex. Oh! Jack! Came Yvonne's startled cry. She had fooled around with a couple of teen age boys, but neither of them had been much more experienced than her. Now the hands on her young body were experienced and the lips on her [rivate little slit knew just where to go to give her the most joy. Yvonne was wide open to Jack's experienced tongue, and he had already dropped his shorts to let the big adult cock flop out and grow bigger without any restraint. When Jack thought that the pussy was wet and slick enough with saliva mixed with her tasty secretions, he boosted her up and around so she was lying the right way in the bed, and he crawled in between her legs, which she spread wider for him. He did not neglect her pear sized breasts this time as he moved up her body. He licked each dark pink nipple until they stood stiff and proud, and she moaned with passion and pulled him up over her, then reached between their bodies to guide his erection in between her downy haired pussy lips. Yvonne grunted as the big head of his cock found, and then entered her almost viriginal hole. There was no popping of a cherry here, the merchandise had been used, but it was still in showroom condition. There was more of a spreading, stretching operation, and while there was some discomfort, there was no searing pain, as a virgin might feel. Yvonne heald her breath and bit her lip, and then the deed was done, and the head was sliding down the slick tube, causing only almost unbearable pleasure as it went on it's way. Yvonne's moans turned to oohs and aahs of pleasure. The bedroom walls in the cottage were not insulated, and Jack could hear his wife's moans of her pleasure almost as well as he could hear Yvonne's. Had he only known it, his little nine year old daughter was moaning and sighing in her second fuck of the afternoon in Bob's arms at that very same time! Jack penetrated Yvonne to her as yet unplumbed depths with his big, adult cock. Then they both rested, only a few twitches of Jack's cock and Yvonne's hip wiggles giving any hint of the pleasure each took from the encounter and each other. For the first time, Yvonne felt her clit mashed in a most pleasureful way by Jack's pubic buldge pressing against her. She didn't think it could feel better until he began to move. The way her clit got squeezed and twisted around when he moved brought her to new heights and made her body twist and jerk around against his. Jack too was feeling new sensation. Since he had been true to his wife since their marriafe twelve years before, he had forgotten his teen girl playtimes while growing up and in his single years.Yvonne's tight hot little pussy brought all those memories flooding back. He was never going to look at his daughter and her little friends in the same fatherly way again. he settled down into a slow fuck with deep slow, controlled strokes. Yvonne loved it. She was doing it with a real man! No more fumbling school boys for her. She knew what she had, and she knew how to use it and what to use it for now. She set herself to giving this man the best ride of his life. That was exactly the same plan that was going through Jack's mind. After all, that was a win, win situation. You give a good ride, you got a good ride. Neither Jack nor Yvonne had anything to complain about. In fact, they were in almost perfect sync, and Jack had only one little niggling worry. He paused and whispered in Yvonne's ear, Are you on the pill Yes! For two years now! Reassured, Jack continued slowly increasing his pace, using the depth of stroke that seemed to suit them both. Soon he was panting and grunting and yvonne was moaning and giving out little cries of her increasing passion for this man. Then her control snapped, and she clutched his firm ass cheeks in both hands and cried out, Faster! Deeper! Harder! All the while bucking up against him and trying to pull him deeper into her now quivering pussy. She was having the first vaginal orgasm of her young life, and she almost swooned at the delightfu, almost unbearable surges of lusty pleasure that started in her groin and spread through her body. Jack's body picked up her climactic surges, and his orgasm was upon him and his plunging cock began to spew out semen with every stroke. Then he was done, and he and Mary Ellen rested. A much relaxed Mary Ellen and her equally relaxed parents reached their cottage at about the same time. Mary Ellen did not have too much trouble coaxing her parents into going for a cooling, cleansing swim before supper. After all, that was what they were on vacation for, right End of Mary Ellen, ch. 2 Here is the link to an index of all of my stories. httpwww.asstr.orgfilesAuthorsJimBob