Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. **Prey Girl's Mutilation** Ephe, shot, stab, vagpain, debreast, gore, viol, snuff, lgpk The unsuspecting prey-girl, a busty blonde no older than 16, was moving up and down with a thick tree branch in her bald pink cunt when I found her in the woods. I aimed my hunting rifle at her head and readied to shoot, but I realized that our positions gave the perfect opportunity. So I lowered my aim at her crotch and fired. The bullet, tipped with explosives, penetrated her cunt and was half-way through the tree branch she was riding before it exploded. Her womanhood disintegrated into fountains of blood and labia chunks as shrapnel from the bullet and exploded branch destroyed her pelvis and shredded her womb and lower intestines. "Well, she won't ever have to worry about getting pregnant," I amused to myself as I lowered my rifle and walked over to the girl. I shouldered my rifle and pulled out my hunting knife. Her screams echoed throughout the forest, sending birds and other animals fleeing. "Please sir," she groaned, "please end it quickly." "I'll end it however I see fit, prey girl." She groaned in response. I ripped off her bra and took one of her DD tits in my hand and clenched the knife with the other. She cringed as I brought the blade against her soft tit-flesh, and started screaming again as I sliced and sawed at the flesh until her boob came off. Ignoring her screams and pleas for a quick merciful death, I grabbed her other tit and repeated the process. "Please!" She managed to cry out. "Just end me!" I looked at her crotch and used the knife to cut off a piece of loose-hanging labia and impaled it on the knife. Then I took out lighter and held it under the piece of cunt-flesh for about two minutes, all the while she begged to be put down. He put the cooked meat in front of her face. "Eat this and I will hasten your death," I told her, grinning. Without a word or hesitation she ate the meat, and quite enthusiastically. After she swallowed the meat I took the knife and stuck it in the side of her stomach. "I thought you said!" She started to scream. "I said I would hasten the process of death, not make it instant," I interrupted, grinning. I slashed up her chest, then across her stomach and back down to just above her pelvis. One more slash across the bottom of her soft belly and then, soliciting more screams of agony from my victim, I pulled the flesh off slowly to reveal the organs underneath. I lifted her up and layed her backside-up across two tree stumps, allowing her internal organs to hang down. Most of them were already damaged from the exploding bullets, with pieces of shrapnel and wood embedded in them. I sit back and watch for fifteen minutes as she expires from the blood loss and extensive damage done to her organs. She takes one final gasp and falls still. I clean out her torso and make that, along with her arms and legs, into meat, while placing her head on my wall.