Contract (Poses 3)
by LT Studio

Story codes: Fdom, FF, rom, seduction, teen
Sydney Delacruz masturbates with her best friend Emily as they
push towards being lover. She signs a slave contract with Lucia,
surrendering the right to make decisions about her sex life for
five years.


Part 1: Emily

"God, this is so weird, Emily."

"I know. You're not freaked out, right?"

"No, just...its weird! We've been friend since seventh grade and
now...God, I can't even say it."

"We don't have to. Really. Let's just watch--"

Syd shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'm just nervous."



"God, me, too. Did you, you know, when we were at Abercrombie?
You did, right?"

Syd glanced away. "I don't know. I didn't think I did, but now, I
think I was probably just afraid to let myself know."

"Haha. Yeah. It kind of took me a week to figure out...Hey Syd?"


"I'm lying. When you said mine were nice and all of that, I
totally wanted you to touch me."

Syd smiled. "I'm really scared about this, Emily, but happy,

Emily nodded. "God, lets do this before I chicken out."

"You're not going to chicken out. You're the brave one."

"Fine, I am. Haha. Sit there, okay?" She pointed at the foot of
the bed. "I'll sit up here. Want a pillow?"

Syd shook her head. "How do we start? You're parents aren't going
to come up here, right?"

"God, no. They're addicted to TV. If you stabbed me, they'd make
sure they were DVRing their shows before they came up to check.
Take off you shirt, okay?"



"Order me to. Please?"

"Take off your shirt, bitch, and stop fucking around. Haha."

"Emily, please. I need you to really make me. Tell me I have to.


"Well...I guess if you don't want. I'll just, you know."

"Take off your shirt, bitch."

"Yes, Emily." Syd pulled off her shirt.

"Wow. Okay, take off you bra., bitch."

"You don't have to call me bitch. If you want, you can just order
me. Tell me what I have to do." She unfastened her and let the
straps fall from her shoulders, but held the cups up.

Emily licked her lips. "God, Syd, this is hot. Are you..."


"Drop your hands to your lap."

The bra fell away along with her hands.

"Wow. They're even better than I remembered."

"Thanks. Will you take off your shirt? I want to see them."

Emily took off her shirt and bra quickly. "They're okay, I guess.
You're are so firm and--"

"Oh, god, I wish mine were like yours. Emily?"

"Yeah?" She'd begun playing with her nipples.

"I was dreaming of your boobs when I was playing with myself in
the bathroom. Imagining taking them in my mouth. Holding them,
feeling the weight."

"God, really? Fuck. Play with yours."

They stroked, caressed and squeezed their boobs, staring at each
other. Syd was close enough that just a few strokes on her clit
would send her over.

"Shit. We're really doing this," Emily said. "God, I was so
scared after last night, but so turned on. This is really good."

"Uh-huh," Syd breathed out.

"Are you going to come? Just from–"

"No, but I'm close. I'm really close. Emily, make me take off my
pants, please."

"Can't you just do it?"

"I need you to tell me to. Make me, please?"

"What if I say no?"

"I won't. I promise I won't."

"Can you come just from your tits?"

"Almost, but not quite."

"Haha. Then you have to wait, bitch. I'm not telling you to yet.
Play with them until I tell you to stop."

Syd was too excited to talk. She nodded.

Emily stood up and walked behind her. She leaned over and
whispered. "If I kissed your neck, would you come?"

"I might. It would take half a minute, maybe."

"Oh God, you Get undressed."

Syd shimmied out of her pants and panites as Emily kissed her

She stepped away and picked up Syd's panties, holding them to her
nose. "I order you to let me keep these."

"Yes. God, yes."

Emily slid her pants down, revealing a bare mound, with two
glistening lips flowering.

"You wax?"

"Shave. My bush is out of control." She moved next to Syd. "Can
you smell me."

"Uh-huh. You smell good. earthy, cinnamon-y."

Emily plunged a finger into herself and pulled it out, smelling
it. "Yeah, that's a good description. Do you taste yourself?" She
sat on the bed so their knees touched.

"Sometimes. Only recently."

"You like it?"

"Uh-huh. God, this is good. Emily, will play with yourself? I
want to watch you."

Emily slow explored the outside of her own cunt, her eyes
shifting between Syd's and Syd's breasts.

Syd's own nipple play slowly stopped as she watched her best
friend. She wasn't on the cusp any more, but her arousal grew.

Emily's eyes closed as her fingering got more intense.



"You want me to tell you what to do?"

"Yes. Please order me."


"Oh yes. Yes."

"God Syd, I'm afraid you'll hate me tomorrow."

"No, God, tell me. Order me."

"Eat me."

"Okay. Yes."

Syd stumbled onto her knees and lowered her lips to Emily's
thighs. They were sticky and salty. She kissed them slowly moving
towards her friends flower. Her friend's cunt.

Emily pulled her head, urging her to move faster, but Syd wanted
to savor her first time with her. Emily would have to order her
if she wanted it more quickly.

"Oh god, Syd, I'm really close. Fuck, this is good."

Then her face was buried in her friend. The slick wetness
covering her nose and lips and mouth. She pushed a finger in and
Emily's thighs crushed against her as she pulsed with an orgasm.

"Oh god, oh god, ohgodgodgod, Syd, god."

Her thighs slowly let go.

"How can I make you come?" she asked.

"How do you want me to? If I'm playing with my nipples, it won't
take much. I'm really turned on, Emily. That was so good."

"Sit like you were before. Yeah, that's good. Play with them.
Wow, its so hot the way they puff out like that."


"Oh, yeah." She stood behind Syd. "I order you to tell me when
you're close."

It didn't take Syd long before she was on the cusp. "Now."

Emily kissed her neck and ears and Syd exploded. Emily reached
around her and pulled on her nipples, keeping the orgasm going.

"Oh god. That was intense."

"Kiss me, Syd."

She turned her head towards her best friend and took her face
into her hands. She pulled Emily towards her and they kissed.
God, it felt good. Not like her come, but sweet and wonderful

"Lie with me, Emily, please?"

"Oh my God, Syd, your face is like a glazed donut!"

"Ha. That was the best dessert ever. I love the way you taste,

"I love you, Syd." Emily kissed her.

Syd bit her lip. "Emily..."

"I know. You have Austin. It's okay."

"No, Emily..."

"No, really, Syd. I've had a crush on you for a while now and I'm
okay with it just being one-sided."

"Its not one-sided. I love you. I really do, I just...God, I'm
confused. I want to do this again. Lots. I just...I don't know. I
can't be..."

"Shh, Syd." Emily started to cry. "God. Sorry." She wiped her
eyes. "I know. Really. It's fine. This is way more than I ever
thought. I mean, my first time with was with the sexiest girl on
the earth. Who gets that, right?"


"Shut up. Just let me tell you I love you sometimes, okay? I know
its one-way, but..."

"It's complicated, Emily. I do love you. I love you more than

"But your mom. I know." They laughed.

"But I do. And maybe I could be all in-love with you, too. I'm
pretty sure I'm not ever going to be with Austin."


"Yeah, I think he wants you, not me,'s not like I'm
jealous exactly. Maybe a bit, but...oh my god, I can't say it"
She buried her head in her hands.

"Syd? I just told you I'm in love with you. You just ate me until
I had the biggest come of my life. Why are you embarrassed? I'm
the one crying."


"Syd, tell me. I order you to tell me. Does that work?"

"No, but, well that's it. Emily, I'm..." She bit her lip. Why was
this hard?

"Tell me, sweetie." Emily kissed her.

"I'm a submissive."

"I guess I figured that out, but really? Like Fifty Shades?"

"I never read that. But yes. It turns me on when you order me to
do things. I think it would turn me on to be jealous about Austin
fucking you. Actually, God, it really would. Like if he was
cheating on me and didn't know I knew? I had to watch? It would
be so humiliating and I'd be so excited."

"Really? You want Austin to cheat on you?"

"Kind of. No, but yes? God, Emily, I'm really confused."

"But we're still friends, right? You won't get unconfused and
decide you hate me for making you eat me?"

"God, no, Emily. That was really hot. I can't wait to do that
again. You don't have to call me bitch, though."


"Its fine. But calling me names would only turn me on if it
turned you on. Then it would be really hot. I love you, though.
Forever and ever, even if I am a confused freak."

"Ha. You're not a freak. I'm the one who tricked you into this."

Syd grabbed Emily's head and kissed her deeply. "Don't ever think
I had to be tricked. I only had to learn how to be honest with
myself enough to admit how much I wanted you. You're really sexy,
Emily and totally turn me on."

"Will you marry me?"

"Emily, I'm just too--"

"I'm teasing. We're still in high school. When I grow up, I'm
going to have a proper wife. Haha."

"Shut up."

"Hey Syd?"


"Go wash your face. I'm going to light some incense so my parents
don't smell us."

Syd blushed to her toes. "Oh god!"


Part 2: Swear Jar

The next day, Lucia emailed Syd the paperwork for her new job as
assistant and LT Studio. The job paid ten dollars an hour and
would require two days a week after school, plus some weekends.
There might be nights, too.

Syd tried not to imagine the nights as her mom printed out and
signed the documents.

"This is so exciting, Syd. You're first job and it's with a photo
studio. Aren't you glad I made you go?"

"Yes, mom."

"Don't be sarcastic. I know you are, honey. Can't I be excited
for you?"

"I'm sorry. I am happy. Really happy. I feel my whole life
changed, actually."

"You seem more confident. Did Emily find a date for prom? You
almost skipped into the house last night. You two were planning
something, right?"

Sydney blushed and turned away. "Nothing."

"Okay, I know you don't want to talk about this with your mom.
Just remember, though, prom night is special, but you don't have
to do anything you don't want. And don't you dare let anybody
whose been drinking drive you anyplace."

"I don't drink, mom. I don't have any desire to. Austin doesn't

Her mother hugged her. "I'm so proud of you, Sydney, and I trust
you. You're a smart girl with great judgement. And now you have
the perfect job. I was worried you might disappear into a shell,
the way you pulled back from people this last couple of years
since your dad started touring all the time"

"It wasn't dad, mom. I just..." Syd shrugged. "It was when I
realized everybody liked me because of who dad is."

"Is that why you stopped wearing your Chainsaw Beaver tour

Syd nodded. "I miss dad, but I'm proud that he's in a cool band
and is so dedicated to it. But when people figured out I'm DLC's
daughter, everybody was my 'friend.' They just talked about
Chainsaw Beaver. Except Emily. She hates Chainsaw Beaver." She

"Please don't let Emily influence your music. I know I'm a mom,
but I'm also married to a rock star. I think that qualifies me to
say Emily listens to dreadful shit."

"Quarter." Syd pointed to the swear jar. "We're like the only
rockstar family with a swear jar, aren't we?"

Her mother laughed. "Probably."

Part 3: Contract

"How does it feel to be our new employee?"

"Good. God, I'm really excited, Lucia. And for everything, not
just the extracurriculars."

"Good, because the real work will be work. You'll be doing
everything from taking out trash to clearing toilets as well as
photography stuff. You'll be responsible for humping equipment up
here if the elevator is broken, too. So it's not going to be all
that glamorous. But I'll try to make it fun, even when the work
is boring. How did it go with Emily?"

Syd beamed. "It was wonderful. She's in love with me, which I
guess I kind of knew. And I ate her. She came even more than you
did. I could eat pussy every day, I think. Twice a day. Maybe
three. Then my jaw would be tired. Haha."

"I don't think you're going to have problems meeting that quota,
darling. Did she reciprocate or am I going to get to be the first
to enjoy that treat? Pull a chair around the wall."

"One or two?"

"Just one. We're going to be making a video in a minute. Did

"No. I was so close all it took was her kissing my neck and
pulling on my nipples."

"Sit. You're really special, Syd, in so many ways. Not many women
are that sensitive. I like nipple play a lot, but it's foreplay.
I'm envious. And envious of how perfectly shaped yours are. I
want to take those huge, puffy tips into my mouth. Are you in
love with her?"

"Not exactly. I love her. I think I could fall in love with her.
No, I definitely could. Lucia?"


"Am I allowed to?"

"Use complete sentences, Sydney."

"Am I allowed to fall in love with Emily?"

"That's not something you can control even if I decided I didn't
like it. However, if you sign a slave contract, I will get to
decide if you sleep with her anymore or even spend time with


"Sydney! Use complete sentences and form meaningful questions."

"Yes, master. But you wouldn't ask me to not spend time with
Emily, right? She's my best friend."

Lucia knelt in front of her so their eyes were even. She held
Syd's face. "You need to understand fully what we're about to
embark on. When you sign the contract, I will have the right to
terminate your friendships. I would only do so if I was convinced
it was the only option for you, the only way to keep you healthy
in mind, body and spirit. But if you are going to be my slave,
you will be submitting completely. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master."

"Do you accept this role?"

"May I answer something other than yes or no, please?"

"You may. That was an appropriate question, Syd. You're learning
so quickly."

"I'm afraid. I...I need this. I don't understand it. I was mostly
happy before I met you, but now the idea of not being your
slave, or maybe Emily's slave, but she's not so good at it.
Anyway, I can't stand the idea of it. And not just because every
time I think about you ordering me to do things I'm afraid of
doing, I get wet. I want it because...well, it's stupid."

"Sydney, none of this is stupid, and most of all, not you. Why do
you want me to control you."

"Because it...I want you to control me because it makes me
stronger. I told you it was stupid. It doesn't even make sense."

Lucia caressed her cheeks. "It does make you stronger. It makes
you stronger because you're not pretending anymore, especially to
yourself. Because being a submissive is hard. It's very
difficult to trust somebody as much as I'm asking you to trust
me. Most people don't trust their parents or even spouses this

Syd nodded. "It is hard to trust like this. I hadn't thought
about that. Is that why I'm afraid?"

"I can't tell you that, but I suspect it is. This is also very
new to you. I've pushed you much more quickly than I've ever
pushed anyone. I knew you could do it, but that makes it harder.
My last slave took months to get to this point, and she started
out knowing she was kinky."

"Do you still...?"

"Sydney, darling, please use complete sentences. I'm a mind
reader, but not that good." She smiled.

"Sometimes I'm afraid to ask the question."

"I know, love. Remember that it's okay to be afraid with me. Do I
still what?"

"Have sex with her?"

"Would that make you jealous?"


"Then I wish I did, because we're going to use your jealousy. You
know that right?"

"Yes. I told Emily that I kind of wanted to be forced to watcher
her have sex with Austin."

"You'd be jealous of him, wouldn't you?"


"Darcy, my last slave, finished her contract and now lives out of
state, so I won't be able to use that jealousy. Does that make
you sad?"

"No. I'm afraid of being jealous like that."

"I know, sweetie." Lucia kissed her until her fears turned into
passion, then she stood up and went to a equipment drawer and got
an iPad.

"I have two contracts here. One is for a year, the other is for
five years. Just like my contract with Darcy, neither of them is
renewable. Once either of them ends, I will no longer be your

"I understand, but what if I need you? I know I need this now."

"I know. You excite me so much and I think you're so wonderful,
I'm tempted to write an open-ended contract, but we must
acknowledge that the person you'll be in five years is not who
you are now. I know this will be hard to accept, since I've just
shown you that your submissive side is so strong, but you are not
completely submissive. Even if I wasn't married in a very real
sense to Tom, in five years, you won't be somebody who could
fulfill that role. I'm a little bit in love with you right now.
Actually, I'm pretty flush with a hard crush that's caught me by
surprise. But we can't confuse that for a lifetime. Do you

Syd nodded and wiped a tear. Was she in love with Lucia?
Experiencing a 'hard crush?' How did her feelings for Emily fit

"Lucia, what if Emily finds out?"

"Emily needs to know, eventually, Sydney, at least if you're
going to be lovers. But we need to be cautious. How that plays
out is one of the things you'll be surrendering to me."

Syd nodded. "I understand and I accept, master."

Lucia wiped an eye, beaming. "Wow, Sydney, I am really quite a
bit in love with you right now. Just how incredibly special you
are. This is just a crush, but it's exciting."

"Does Tom mind?"

"Part of the problem with a lifelong dom-sub relationship like
ours is how hard it is to use jealousy erotically. Tom knows that
I love him absolutely and none of our toys is a threat to him.
But with you...I think he's going to be facing some jealousy when
he's not bedazzled by how sexy you are."

Syd blushed...and blushed.

"Someday, you won't embarrass and blush easily. I'll miss that."

She handed Syd the iPad. "These are the terms of our contract.
The only difference between the one-year and the five-year
contracts is duration. Read them until you understand them. If
you consent, Tom's going to bring in a video camera and we'll
record you repeating them. Normally, our slave is naked with
'Lucia's property written on her body,' but with your age, we
want a document that might sway a court that you are doing this
consensually because it suits your needs. You being naked would
undermine that. Tom and I are going to get coffee while you read
the contracts. Do you want anything?"


     The Contract

     1. I, Sydney Delacruz, surrender my body to Lucia
        Mascherano. She may do anything to my body she wants
        provided it does not cause me permanent harm. This
        includes touching; sexual contact no limited to oral,
        vaginal, and anal sex; tattooing; piercing; spanking;
        bondage; urination; and impregnation (breeding).

     2. I, Sydney Delacruz, surrender my orgasms to Lucia
        Mascherano. I will not have an orgasm without her
        permission. I will not masturbate or have sex with anyone
        without her permission.

     3. I, Sydney Delacruz, surrender the right to object to,
        complain about, or resist Lucia Mascherano seducing any
        of my associates.

     4. I, Sydney Delacruz, surrender my body to anybody Lucia
        Mascherano desires. She may require I engage in sexual
        activities with anybody she desires. She may charge money
        for my sexual services without compensating me.

     5. I, Sydney Delacruz, surrender my labor and whereabouts
        to Lucia Mascherano. She may demand I do any labor she
        wishes at any time, regardless of how it impacts my life.
        She may require me to be at any place in the world she
        desires, at any time she desires, regardless of how it
        impacts my life.

     6. I, Sydney Delacruz, retain my thoughts as my own.

     7. I, Sydney Delacruz, surrender any other rights not yet
        enumerated to Lucia Mascherano.

     8. I, Sydney Delacruz, have read this contract and agree to
        all of it's terms for (1/5) years. I am not under
        duress, either emotional or physical, and understand
        failure to sign this contract will result only in not
        having a slave-master relationship with Lucia Mascherano.

     Signed _____________________ Sydney Delacruz on
     __________________, 2016.

"We're back." Tom's voice came from the door. "Are you still


"Do you have questions?" Tom asked. "It's important that you're
completely aware of what you're signing. This may not be legally
binding, but we expect you to treat it as if this was."

Syd bit her lip.

"There are no bad questions about the contract, darling. It's
extreme and should raise questions."

"Can we cross things out?"

"No. This is the terms of your sexual servitude. I've hired
you--that's not conditional on signing this, so if you decide you
can't go through with this, you'll still have your job. We'll
work to teach you just as much about photography as you would if
you sign this. I can't teach as much about yourself, because that
involves you exploring your submissive side. But everything else
will be the same. We'll even still be friends and I'll even be a
little bit in love with you. But there will be no sex, no
domination beyond a typical employer-employee relationship OSHA
and your school would completely approve of."

"Why is the thing about pregnancy in there? What does breeding
mean? I can't get pregnant!"

"Its there because you need to know how far this contract
extends. If I deem you getting pregnant is in your best interest,
you will be bread--by which I mean, treated as a reproducing
mammal. Fucked, knocked up, and then forced to give up the child
for adoption. For cash. Your body will be mine to do what I want

"But that's crazy! My mom would find out. I couldn't hide it from
the school. And I can't allow some baby to be born without
people who love it."

"All of that is true, which is why, just like the urination
clause, I probably won't use it."

"You wouldn't piss on me, right?"

"Is it in the contract, Syd?"

"Yes. But that's just for show, right?"

"I am not inclined towards water sports. But that doesn't mean
you can expect I won't someday decide you sitting in a bathtub
getting pissed on isn't the hottest thing I can imagine. If I
decided that, what would you do? Honestly?"

She blushed and stared at Lucia's shoes. "Get in the tub."

"Look me in the eye and tell me."

"I would get in the bathtub and let you pee on me."

"And if I told you to open your mouth?"

"I would." She looked away. The realization of how far she would
go was both exciting and horrifying. What if Lucia demanded she
get pregnant? It was wrong. But she would.


"Can we put one line in?"


"I want it to say you'll never ask me to do anything with poop. I
just couldn't. I think I'd get sick. Oh, and that, too." She
shivered. "I can't do that two girls-one cup thing."

"Poop, in this context is called 'scat.' That's both extremely
unsexy and dangerous. I'll add that before point six. What's the
two girls thing? I'm certainly not excluding you from

"It's a video. They puke a cup and share it."

"That's as bad as scat. That's out. Anything else?"

"What if I have to move? Or if I change my mind?"

"If your mother moves, we'll deal with that. When it comes time
for you to pick a college, we'll figure that out.. However, while
you are always free to end this relationship, you need to think
of this as a binding contract. The more you treat it as
unbreakable, the more you'll enjoy this. We've talked about how
you really have all the power. This contract won't change that.
I'm always going to be the knowledge of what breaking limits
does. But even more than that, none of my sexual thrills will
ever be as exciting to me as seeing you grow. I see it in you
already and its better than any orgasm"


"Yes. If you're not ready to sign the contract, you can have a
week to think about it, but if you're ready, let's do it. You
need to leave soon and, if you sign it, I want to celebrate by
eating you while Tom fucks you."

"If I sign it for one year, it will be forever over after that?"

"Yes. The same is true with the five-year contract, but you'll
have until after college."

Syd took a deep breath. "I think I'm ready. I can't even think
about just one year, but I'm afraid about Emily."


"Because I'm confused. I like Austin, but I know I'll never be in
love with him. But I'm pretty sure I could fall in love with
Emily. I know I'm falling in love with you. And...oh god, I'm
just afraid."

"Afraid of what, Syd."

"I don't know. Just afraid. Afraid of...I don't...I guess...I'm
afraid the five years will end and I'll be completely in love
with you and need you and then you'll be gone."


"And that I'll fall in love with Emily and...she made a joke
about us being married. Except it wasn't a joke. And what if I
want that? Or what if I love both of you and have to chose?"

Lucia nodded. "Those are risks, Sydney, and I can't get rid of
them. But imagine you don't sign the contract, do those problems
go away?"

"Kind of, but not really. I'd just be choosing now. And it

"What do you think it might do?"

"Make me love Emily? I don't mean that exactly, just that because
I'd be so sad about you, I'd want her to be more, I think. That
doesn't make sense, I know."

"Sweetie, God, I love you so much when you're smart like that."


"Yes. Come here and kiss me because I have to kiss you. Then, if
your going to sign the contract, get back in the chair and take a
breath. When Tom says go, read the contract and affirm each

Syd got up and kissed Lucia and understood she was actually in

Then she sat down and Tom said go. She stumbled over saying
"breed" out loud. "But I trust that if Lucia decided for some
reason that I should get pregnant, it would be a good one."

When she finished, she said, "Please keep the camera on," and
then stood up. "I've said my name ten times, but I'm going to say
it one more time. My name is Sydney Delacruz. The thing I just
read I agree to, which is why I read it on camera. But what I'm
saying next--and this part, too, I'm not reading. I'm just saying
it even though Lucia didn't tell me to or give me permission. I
don't think I'm her slave yet, haha, so I still get to do this.
So this is me." She turn around striking a model pose.

"When I walked in here, this was me." She slumped her shoulders
and looked at her feet. "Even my mom noticed that I've changed
and become more confident. In gym, I'm a good runner. Actually,
I'm a great runner. I've never said that out loud. I was
embarrassed that people noticed how fast I was, even though I
love running. I almost quite track last year because I had to go
to state and people made a big deal out of it. That was me. The
old me hid in the corner to change, afraid that people would look
at my body and think I was too boyish and just..." She shrugged.

Then she reached for the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it off.
"This is my body. I know some people, like my boyfriend, don't
like it. But I do now. It's a good body. it's a fast body. And
Lucia taught me that. I want to be her slave because it makes me
a better person. Because submitting gives me strength. I'm not
doing this because I've been tricked or coer- um, that word for
when you are forced to do something that I'm forgetting right
now. Coerced. I'm not doing this for any reason other than I want
to and it makes me better. I know that five years from now, I'll
probably be in love with Lucia, but I'll be strong enough to
move on. My name, for the eleventh time, is Sydney Delacruz, and
I'm happy and proud to call myself Lucia Mascherano's toy and

She covered her face, blushing. She couldn't believe that she did
it. But she did. It might be the proudest day of her life. Then
Lucia was holding her, crying. "Darling, that was so beautiful."

"It was all true, Lucia."

"I know. That's why I'm crying. God, I don't cry, either."