Second That Emotion

by Latikia

Copyright © 2006




Chapter 16





I was up early the next morning.  The ward was still dark and the dayshift staff hadn’t arrived yet.  I dressed in my sweats, went down and started jogging around the grounds.  I had a lot on my mind and I didn’t want to be distracted later on.  I needed to maintain my focus later so it was time to get things sorted and straightened out.


“Why haven’t you called or written me, Izzy?”


‘Why haven’t you called me?’


“I don’t know where you are.”


‘You could find out, if you wanted to.’


“I think I have to let you go.”


‘Boy, you can’t let go of a part of yourself.’


“Granddad, I don’t want to…I think I have to.  I have to try and move beyond what I’ve become.”


‘Move on, by all means.  But you are what you’ve already done, what you’ve experienced.  Try and cut away a part of that and you won’t be you anymore.’


“We aren’t talking about Izzy, are we?”


‘Ike, my love, were you willing to let me go?’




‘Even if it meant putting an end to most of your pain?’


“Even if…”




“You taught me how to love; to care more for another than I did for myself.  You taught me to recognize what love was.”


‘Didn’t you love me little brother?’


“Yes, I did, but I didn’t realize it, couldn’t realize it, until Carlie showed me how.”


‘We are what we learn, son.  Take that away and what’s left?’


“Is it possible to learn to love?”


‘I don’t know.  When we’re born we are a bundle of need.  When the need is fulfilled we begin to rely on that source, to trust that the need will continue to be fulfilled and I think that is where love begins to grow.’


“Emotional love is need, desire and trust?  So love is grown and if the loop continues unbroken it becomes stronger.”


‘At some point we learn that it isn’t a closed loop, but can be opened and by feeding the needs and desires of another, build their trust and in return they open their loop and feed us.  Love generates love and on and on.”


“Peg has no internal loop.  She has no trust, only need and desire.”


There was another way. 


I stopped running.  It was getting lighter out and I hadn’t put on any sun blocker.  I walked back inside the hospital and took the elevator up.


The dayshift staff was moving around the nurse’s station, getting morning meds and the breakfast cart ready.  I waved to Captain Rossi as I went by.  All of the staff appeared to be somewhat subdued, but I was preoccupied with my own thoughts and kept walking.


I stripped down, tossed my sweats on the bed and threw on the blue and white striped hospital robe, grabbed my shaving kit and went to take a shower.


I was standing in the stall facing the shower head, letting the hot water run over my tired muscles, when I felt a small hand run up my leg and around my hip, coming to rest on my lower belly.


Twisting around abruptly I hit the back wall of the shower hard, almost losing my footing.  I fought for a moment to keep my balance.


Peg giggled and stood watching me.  Naked, her short spiky hair was being plastered against her head by the falling water, one bare hip thrust to the side slightly and her bright blue eyes running up and down my body.


“You’re very pretty…like a statue.”


“What do you want Peg?”


She stamped her foot which made a splashy, slapping sound.


“Not Peg, I’m Valentine.  And what I want is you.”  She reached out and placed the palms of both hands flat against my stomach and she slowly moved them higher up to my chest, moving the rest of her body in close to mine.


I had wondered what her body looked like when I met her for the first time the day before.  Now I knew.


Her skin was very fair, but nowhere near as pale as my own, her neck long and graceful leading down to shoulders and arms that were stronger and more muscular than I would have expected.  Her breasts were small and firm with very little jiggle when she moved, her nipples small and dark.  Thin, but not skinny, her chest narrowed down to a small waist and flat belly then widened out slightly.  Her hips were only a little wider than her waist and her legs looked long and well muscled, even though she was not very tall.  She had no pubic hair that I could see.


Water from the shower head formed tiny rivulets that ran down the length of her nude body as she pressed herself firmly against me and started to shimmy, rubbing her slick wet body against me.


“Stop it, Val.  Do you want a repeat of what happened yesterday?”


Her face and lips formed a sad little girl pout.  “Victor told me about that.  You wouldn’t hurt me, now would you?”


“You don’t want to find out, so knock it off!”


Her hands slid down my ribs, over my hips and took a batter’s grip on my dick.  Her face lit up and she started tensing and releasing her grip.


Ooooh, somebody likes that.”  She giggled again.  “I can make you feel soooo good if you just give me a chance.” she cooed.


I couldn’t help the way my body reacted.  It’d been years since I’d been pressed against a naked woman; since one had her hands all over me.  I wasn’t even twenty three years old yet and still had a young man’s instant reaction; I was getting hard as a rock but I could feel the pleasure I was getting from her touch being drained from me. 


I went from being excited to being mad as hell; at me, at her and at Colonel DeBerg for not keeping her sedated.


“You want to play games, let’s play!”  I linked and blasted her with pain.


Val’s eyes rolled back in her head and her body started jerking around like it had high voltage running thru it.  I should have gotten her hands off my cock first.  Her hands tightened their grip and for a couple of minutes I thought she was going to either rip it out or break it off.  I grabbed hold of her body, held her immobile and cut the link.  She went limp and her hands opened up, releasing my abused erection.


I picked her up in my arms and carried her out of the shower, setting her down on a wooden slat bench next to my robe and shaving kit and Peg’s robe.  I dried off hurriedly with a thin towel and put my robe on, put her robe on her unconscious body and tossed her over my shoulder and carried her out into the hall like a sack of grain.


I walked quickly down the hall, calling out to Captain Rossi as I went past the nurse’s station.


“Captain, tell Colonel DeBerg I had to start earlier than we’d originally planned.”


Rossi stared at me open mouthed as I strode on past and left the ward with Valentine/Peg over my shoulder.  I went straight to the elevators and took it up to the gym.





Most of the overhead lights were off when I stepped off the elevator, so the room was only dimly lit.  That worked for me.  I wasn’t going to need a lot of light.  I lay Val down on the floor, and started piling three of the mats on top of each other, laying the rest around them.  Valentine and I were going to do some wrestling.


I heard her moving behind me.  I turned around and watched her struggle to her feet.


Her eyes had changed color, from blue to green and black.


“You sorry piece of shit, I’m gonna drain the life out of your worthless, colorless excuse of a body!” she growled, her voice had dropped a full octave and she sounded like a pissed off man.


“You must be Victor.  Try it, you pathetic son of a bitch…and everything you’ve felt up to now will seem like being tickled with a feather.”


She stood slightly crouched, weight balanced on the balls of her feet; her posture reminded me of the hand to hand combat lessons from boot camp.


“Come on…what are you waiting for?”  I stepped closer, till we were within arms reach.  “I’ll make it easy for you.”  I linked and climbed inside.


Anger and rage were warring with fear and desire, several sets of each fought for control and dominance.  Her need was so strong I could taste its tart flavor. 


I took off my robe and threw it to the side then reached out and removed hers. 


“You want positive feelings?  I’ll give you feelings like you’ve never felt in your life.”


I took one of her arms in my hand and pulled her tight against me.  She was so much shorter then me I had trouble running my hands over the parts of her body I wanted to reach.  I lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.  I stroked her back and sides, cupped her ass in my hands and worked my fingers between the cheeks, tracing the furrow past her anus to her hairless pussy. 


I could feel her body responding to my touch and small traces of pleasure began to form within her.  I carried her over to the mats and lay us both down on them, pressing my full weight down on top of her.  I began licking her face, tracing the tip of my tongue along her jaw, in and around her ear and down the length of her neck.  I worked one hand between us and began rubbing and pinching a hard nipple. 


Her need began to swell and push her other conflicting emotions to the back, making more room for a lemony tasting lust.


I slipped down her tiny body and sucked one breast into my mouth, sucking hard and drawing the nipple deep within, using my tongue to force it against the roof of my mouth.


Victor/Valentine/Peg began to squirm beneath me, grinding her pubic mound against my lower abs.


“Come on, you albino son of a bitch!  More…give me more!”  I released her tit and looked up.  Her eyes had changed colors again, now violet and narrowed with intense concentration.


“I thought you were going to drain my life…what are you waiting for?”  I rolled us over suddenly so she lay on top of me.  I reached around and took one butt cheek in my hand and squeezed it hard then began to force the tip of my pinky finger into the puckered ring of her anus.  Releasing her breast I ran my other hand down between her legs and slipped my middle finger between her swollen pussy lips and massaged in and around that hairless valley.


Val’s breathing grew erratic and she gasped, grinding her hips hard against my hand.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah…oh, yeahhh!” she grunted and hissed at me.


I slipped the middle finger between the folds of her naked pussy and drove it deep into her and pressed the heel of my hand against her clit.


I could feel her heart beating faster and faster, her breathing becoming more uneven.  She was starting to gasp and gulp for breath.


“Good, oh good, feels so nice and warm…” she purred.


Her desire was immense and her lust was growing by leaps and bounds, but this was taking much longer than I’d planned.  I drew her feelings of pleasure into myself and shot them back down the link.


Gaahhhhddd!” she screamed and started shaking.


Better, but still not there.


I lifted Val’s body off of mine and tossed her lightly to the side then rolled over and stuck my face between her wide spread legs.  I began lapping the length of her swollen outer lips with the flat of my tongue and at the same time I inserted two fingers into her and began thrusting in and out.


Her hips bucked and rolled in time with my fingers.  I could feel her orgasm; it started small and darkly burning, but with each thrust of my fingers, each lick of my tongue, it got bigger and closer and brighter.


I waited and was patient.  I placed my mouth over her clit and began to tease that engorged little nub with my lips and tongue, finally sucking it into my mouth and clamping it firmly between my upper lip and tongue.


Valentine’s orgasm exploded and flashed thru our merged emotions like an exploding light bulb.  I drew her pleasure in then slammed it back into her, once, twice, three times…she thrashed and pounded on my shoulders with her tiny clenched fists and groaned louder and louder.  And then it was over and her body began to relax.  Her emotions were calm and peaceful, her need was filled and she was happy and content.  For the moment.


That’s what I’d been waiting for. 


I’d done this once to myself without meaning to.  Now I was going to try something similar, but on purpose.


I focused on all the positive emotions that were now dominating Peg’s fractured personality, drew them into me, forced them into a closed and locked loop then eased them back down the link into her.  Then I cut the link.  I rolled over and lay back. 


I waited.


I heard a sound like a cat snoring.  I looked over and saw that Peg had fallen asleep, curled up in a tight fetal position.  I crawled over and got our robes and draped them over her sleeping form.  I sat beside her, wiped my face with one hand and waited.  After a few minutes I lay down next to her and tried to relax my mind.  Eventually I drifted off to sleep.




There are very few things more disconcerting than waking up and having no idea where you are.  Unless you’ve tried waking up snuggled next to a naked woman and having no idea where you are.


She pressed closer against me, murmuring softly in her sleep.  I looked around, trying not to disturb or wake her. 


The gym…oh, right.  Peg, or was it Val?  Maybe Victor this time or one of the other manifestations I hadn’t met yet. 


It was cold.  No wonder the girl was cuddled up next to me, she was probably freezing.  I sat up slowly. 


Peg, I would always think of her as Peg, looked very young and delicate, peaceful even when sleeping.  Would she stay that way once she woke up?  I figured it was time to find out.


“Peg?”  I put one hand on her shoulder and shook her gently.  “Time to get up Peg.”


Her eyes opened briefly then fluttered as she tried to blink the sleep from her system.


“Hello.  I know you, right?”  Her eyes were brown.  They opened wider when she realized she was naked and pressed against an equally naked man.  She started pulling away.


“It’s okay Peg.  Really, it’s alright.  You know me.  My name is Ike.  You probably saw me yesterday, in the dayroom?”


She stopped backing off and looked up at me as if seeing my face for the first time.


“You look a little like Charlton Heston when he played Moses.”


I smiled.  I suppose there are worse things to look like.


“How are you feeling?”


“Cold.  I’m really cold.  And kinda confused.  What happened to my clothes?”


“What’s the last thing you remember?”  I looked around and found our robes down by my feet.  I picked them up and handed the smaller one to her.  I put mine on and belted it around my waist.


“A nurse, a man was showing me around the hospital.  There was a big room with people in it and they were having a meeting.  You were there!  I remember seeing you!  You got up and left and then everyone in the room started to get angry.  That’s all I remember.”


“Do you know why you’re here in the hospital?”


She shook her head.  “Well, maybe because I hear voices.  I’m not sure…it’s all kinda blurry.”


“Do you feel scared?  Or angry?”


“Maybe a little scared, but not angry.  I don’t usually wake up next to a man who looks like a naked statue.”


I laughed quietly.  “I’ve heard that statue line once or twice.”


“Where are we?”


“This is the floor above the one you remember from yesterday.  It used to be a gym.”


“Okay…so why were we naked?”


I scratched at my bearded chin.  “That’s going to be harder to answer.  The voices you think you hear?  Well, they’re real enough.  You have what the doctors call multiple personalities.  The voices are different parts of you.  I think what happens is that when something happens that scares or frightens you, one of them takes over.  When that happens it’s like you go to sleep.”


“So these voices inside my head are trying to keep me safe?”


“In a manner of speaking, yes.”


“So one of them thought I’d be safer if I was naked with you?”  Her disbelief was very understandable.


“Peg…your name is Peg, right?  I don’t know your last name.”


“Peggy Driscoll.”


“Nice to meet you Peggy Driscoll.  Ike Blacktower.”


“Hello Ike.  Please answer my question.”


“I’ll try.  Do you know what empathy is?”


“It means being sensitive to the feelings of others.”


“Okay, how about empath?”


“I guess it would be someone who was empathetic.”


“Close, but not quite right.  An empath is someone who can actually feel someone else’s emotions.  Someone who’s more than just sensitive.  You are an empath.  The thing is…you’re probably not even aware of it.  But at least one of the voices inside you is.”


“This sounds like an episode of the Twilight Zone.”


“Yeah, I know.  But it gets worse.  See, one of the voices, one named Victor, has been using your ability to suck the positive emotions from other people.”


“Okay, let’s say that I believe you.  How exactly does that explain me being here with you and without my clothes?”


“This morning, I was in the shower and you, or rather one of your other personalities named Valentine, decided to join me.  She tried to get me all worked up and aroused, and I guess Victor would then drain my emotions.  I stopped them, or you, and brought you up here to keep you from hurting anyone on the ward.”


Peggy sat silently and stared at me.


“Are you crazy?”


“The doctors are still discussing that.  Peggy, the floor below us, it’s the Psych Ward in a military hospital.”


“Psych Ward?”


“Funny Farm, Nut House, Coo-coo Factory…whatever you want to call it.”


“So, I’m crazy?”


“You could say that.  I wouldn’t.”


“You said you stopped her…me, from ‘draining’ your emotions?  How?”


“I’m a stronger empath than you are.  And I don’t have very many positive emotions, so there wasn’t much Victor could get from me.”


“You’re an empath?”


I nodded.


“Okay, fine…why would this Victor want to drain emotions from other people?”


“I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.  I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s because you desperately crave love and all the good feelings associated with it.  I think that you’ve been trying to fill that craving by taking from others what you don’t have inside yourself.”


“You’re not a doctor, are you?”


“No,” I laughed, “I’m a patient here, like you.  But I did have a long talk with the head doctor about you.  We agreed that I should try and help you with your problem, before someone got hurt.”


“How could taking someone’s emotions hurt them?”


“Think about it.  There are people down there who have already tried to commit suicide, some more than once.  If you take away the few positive feelings they have, what do you suppose will happen?”




“Yeah.  Colonel DeBerg agreed with me that we had to do something.  I didn’t think their idea of drug therapy was going to work fast enough to cope with an aggressive empath like you, so I decided to try and fix the problem.”


“Fix it how?  By screwing me?”


“No.  Not quite.  Look, I had an idea this morning.  I thought ‘if Peg is draining other people’s positive emotions, it’s probably because she doesn’t have any of her own.’  So I figured I’d give you some positive emotions of your own and lock them up inside you so they’d always be there, no matter what.  If you always had that, then you wouldn’t need to take from someone else, right?”


“I guess that makes sense…if I believed all that empath stuff.”


“So when you got into the shower with me, I knocked you out, brought you up here, gave you an orgasm, built up and amplified the feelings you had right afterwards, locked them in an endless loop and put them back in you.”


“But you didn’t screw me?”


“Peggy, you are a very sexy and beautiful woman and under other circumstances I wouldn’t have thought twice about making love to you.  But you weren’t you, you were Valentine and Victor.  I don’t know you, and I don’t screw women I don’t know.  And I don’t know if you are on the Pill.  I don’t make a habit of carrying condoms into the shower with me, so that was not going to happen.”


“You think I’m beautiful?” she asked shyly.


“Yes.  I love your porcupine hair.  Very sexy.”


Peggy was positively glowing, her cheeks were red and the blush spread down her neck to her chest.




I got to my feet and offered my hand.  She took it and I lifted her up.


“Let’s go see if the problem is really fixed.  And let’s keep the empath thing between us, huh?  Neither of us wants to end up being dissected in a secret lab somewhere.”


Peggy giggled at that.  We walked barefoot to the elevators.


“Thanks for not taking advantage of me.” she said, brushing up against me.


“It wasn’t easy…you are one delectable little woman.”


The doors opened and we stepped in.  I pushed the button for the seventh floor and the doors closed and down we went.  The doors opened and we stepped out, coming face to face with Colonel DeBerg and Captain Rossi.


“Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Peggy Driscoll.  Peggy, this is Colonel DeBerg.  He’s the chief Head Shrinker.  And this is Captain Rossi.  He’s the nurse you remember from yesterday, the one who was showing you around.”


Peggy smiled brightly and waved one hand slightly.  “Hello.”


“Hello Peggy.  We’ll be talking more later in the week.  I’ll bet you’re pretty hungry?  Captain Rossi saved your lunch for you…Captain, would you take Peggy to her room so she can eat?”


“Of course, sir.  Peggy?”


Peggy looked up at me.  I smiled softly.  “Go ahead and eat.  I’ll be along in a while and introduce you to everyone.  I think the Colonel wants to yell at me.” I said in a stage whisper.


She giggled, wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a hug then followed Rossi.


I turned to Colonel DeBerg and glared at him.


“She didn’t stay sedated.”


He had the good sense to look embarrassed.  “There was a miscommunication between the shifts.  The night shift nurse didn’t get the word and failed to administer the final sedative.”


“Yeah, well her sexual persona decided to pay me a visit in the shower before breakfast.  I had to step things up.”


“Did it work?”


“I’m not sure yet.  I think it did, but we’ll have to wait and see.”


“How much of her is still her?”


“I tried something different from what we discussed.  Near as I can tell right now, all of her is Peggy.  I gave her a permanent well of positive emotions.  At least I think it’s permanent.”


“You gave her your emotions?”


“No, my emotions would probably kill her.  I created some in her and then turned them into a self sustaining loop.  I think love is something we learn as infants, but Peggy didn’t learn how, for whatever reason.  She never learned how to fill a basic emotional need on her own and had to resort to taking from others.  So I’ve given her some place to start from.  Now, if I’m right, we just have to help her learn how to reinforce those feelings.  Generate some trust and affection in her and show her how creating those feelings in others will feed her own need.”


“So now we wait and see, huh?”


“Yup.  If it worked, then you doctors can work on dealing with her personalities.”


“Let’s hope for the best then.”


“Yeah…well, if you’ll excuse me Colonel, I’m starving and freezing.  See you later.”  I turned and walked down the corridor to the ward hallway and to my bed.  They hadn’t saved my lunch.  I sighed, got dressed and headed back down the hall towards the elevators.  Lilly came out of her room and fell into step beside me.


“Hey, Lilly.  How’re you doing?”


“Where are you off to?”


“Basement cafeteria, I need something to eat.  Wanna come along?”




We walked out to the elevators and waited for the doors to open. 


“Where were you all morning?” she asked.


I looked down out of the corner of my eye.  She was looking up at me, accusingly.


“I was up in the gym with the new girl, Peggy.”


‘Wrong, wrong, WRONG!’ a little voice screamed in my head.


Lilly didn’t say another word until the elevator arrived and we got inside.


“What were you two doing up there?”


I sighed, long and heavy.  Was I always going to have to explain my actions to everyone?


‘If you want trust, you have to give it.’


“Now is not a good time, Granddad.”


‘Either you trust her or you don’t.  If you want her to trust you and help you…and you will need her help with the girl.’


“What?  How do you mean?”


‘Think, boy!’


I saw the doors were open.  I stepped out onto the basement.  I was alone.  Looking back I saw Lilly standing in the corner of the car, watching me.


“Come on.  I’ll explain everything.  But I really do need to get something to eat.”


Lilly followed me to the little cafeteria.  I got a couple of burritos and two sodas.  I gave one soda to Lilly, opened mine took a gulp, put the burritos into a microwave and started nuking them.


“Remember yesterday morning at the resident’s meeting when everybody started fighting?”


She nodded and sipped from her soda.


I told her everything.  About Peggy’s mental condition, about her hidden ability, about mine.  I told her about what Colonel DeBerg and I had discussed and about what I had planned, and then I told her about what had happened this morning.  Well, not exactly everything…I cleaned the part that went on up in the gym up some.  I didn’t think that bit needed sharing.


Lilly stared at me while I ate the burritos and drank my soda.


“You expect me to believe that?”


“It’s the truth.”  I shrugged.  “Whether or not you believe it…I could prove it I suppose.  If you’re sure you really want to know.”


“Could you drain someone’s emotions from them?  Like you said Peggy was doing?”


“Yeah, I think so.  I’ve only done it on a very small scale once before, but I think I probably could.”


“Would you take my pain away…please?”  Her eyes were pleading with me, the ache in her voice tearing at my heart.


“I thought about that a few days ago.  The first day you found me sitting out in the hall across from your room.  I was tempted to try, even before I thought it might be possible.  The thing is, I think if I did that you’d lose the memories of your children along with the pain.  They’re very closely intertwined, the pain and the love.  I know how that is, Lilly.  I have the same problem.  And as much as I’d like to get rid of the pain, I don’t want to lose the memory.  I wouldn’t be me without it.”


She nodded her head and took another sip from the soda.


“Think about it for a few days, okay?  If you still want me to try, I will.”


“Okay.  I’ll think it over.”


I finished my soda and tossed the can in the trash.  “Come on, let’s take a walk.”


Lilly drained her soda and dropped the can in the trash and we walked out.  Up and down the mostly empty basement level halls, we walked and said nothing.


We came upon a man and a woman leaning against the wall near the chapel, speaking quietly to one another.  I put my hand on Lilly’s shoulder and stopped her.


“Would you like to know what they’re feeling right now?”  I asked her.




I moved her in front of me so I could see all three of them.  I linked with Lilly first, her sorrow and guilt, barely contained, were at least a match for my own.  But there were also strong feelings of love, compassion, hope, affection and trust.  And a little bit of lust.  Well, that explained something I’d been wondering about. 


I set all that aside as I linked with the man and woman down the hall from us.  His feelings tasted strongly of desire, attraction and lust.  She was tasted of amusement, happiness, self assurance and excitement.  The game was afoot!


I joined the three links and drew some of what the couple were feeling back and into Lilly.


She gasped loudly and her mouth opened in amazement.  I let her experience it for a few seconds then cut all three links.


Lilly stood there, stunned.  She spun around and looked up at me.


“You weren’t kidding?”


“I told you the truth, Lilly.”




I smiled, put my hand between her shoulder blades and gently pushed her down the hall towards the elevators.


“I’d like to ask a favor of you.”




“Peggy is going to need a friend very badly, someone who can help her learn how to feel good about herself, learn how to trust.  I think you’d be perfect for the job.”


Lilly nodded.  “I could use a friend.  So could you.” she said softly.


I grinned at her.  “You’re already my friend, sweetie.”


Her face lit up when I said that.  I was going to have to tred very carefully here, if what I’d felt before was any indication. 


‘You are so full of shit!’


“Carlie, don’t!”


‘Stop being so damn afraid already.  You know how she feels.  Why can’t you admit that you feel something for her too?’


“She’s married.  I will not…”


‘Stop being such a Boy Scout!  She was jealous, she was hurt.  How many clues do you need?  I swear…you can be so dense sometimes.’


“Why are you doing this?”


‘Because we’re all fed up with you playing the mourning widower, that’s why.  Remember what I told you before…don’t throw away love.  Having feelings for someone else won’t mean you stop loving me.’


I blinked. 






“What was all that?”


I looked around, feeling a little lost and disoriented. 






“Are you feeling okay?”


Uhmm, not so much, no.”  I leaned heavily against the wall and slid down till I was sitting on the floor.


Was I that attracted to Lilly?  Truthfully I hadn’t given it a lot of thought.  I hadn’t thought about a woman in erotic terms since Carlie had died.  I’d noticed them, but I hadn’t felt any actual desire for years.  I looked up at Lilly.  She stood next to me, concern all over her pretty face.  It was a very pretty face.  Lovely eyes, enticing lips that I could imagine mashed against my own. 


“Lilly, can I kiss you?” 


She knelt down beside me and put her hands on the sides of my face, working her fingers into my beard.  She tilted her head slightly and opened her mouth just a bit, then pressed her lips to mine.


Sweet lips, so soft, working against mine.  The tip of her tongue slipped between and lightly teased the edges of my mouth.  When she pulled back, I was left with a faint tingle and the tangy taste of her saliva on my lips.


I started broadcasting the wonderful sensation I was feeling.  So relaxing and invigorating at the same time.  My head was a little fuzzy, but my heart was beating strongly.


“Thank you.  That was very nice.”


She smiled broadly.  “I can tell you liked it.” she said, staring down at my lap.


I blushed.  I hadn’t blushed in ages. 


We both got to our feet and headed for the elevators.


“So…when can I come visit you in the shower?”


I nearly choked.


Lilly laughed, long and loud.