Second That Emotion

by Latikia

Copyright © 2006



Chapter 18




The clock on the nightstand read 7:44 AM and my bladder was insisting I get up and do something to relieve the pressure.  Giving Izzy a soft little kiss on the neck, I eased out from under the blankets, padded quietly to the door, unlocked it and slipped out, closing the door behind me.


I went down to the bathroom and emptied my bladder, washed my hands and face and rinsed out my mouth.  My duffel bag, which held my shaving kit, was still outside in the rental car.  I’d have to go out soon and bring it in.  I was on my way back up to my room when I heard noises downstairs.


I went down the staircase and into the kitchen.  I stood in the doorway and watched my father, dressed for work, making his own breakfast. 


I’d never seen him doing anything quite so domestic before.  That had always been one area that Mom had been in charge of.  I watched him set up the coffee maker, whip up a rather fancy omelet, hash browns and toast.  He seemed a little less worn down than the night before, but I was oddly saddened to discover how much older and smaller he looked.


He was just sitting down to eat when he noticed me watching him.


“Morning.  Are you hungry?  I can make you something…”


I smiled, actually touched by the offer.


“No, thanks.  I’m not really hungry just now.  I would like some coffee though.”


He started to get up, but I waved him back.  “Go ahead and eat, I’ll get it.”


I poured myself a cup and sat down in Izzy’s old place, next to my father.


“How is Isabeau doing?” he asked between bites.


“She’s sleeping.  How much do you know about what’s been going on with her and Ricky?”


He shook his head.  “Not a lot.  She hardly spoke to me after she left for college.   She’ll barely talk to me now.  I have my suspicions about why she came home, but I’ve no idea why she’s so scared.”


I sipped my coffee, wondering how much of what I suspected I ought to tell him.


“He’s been beating her, and likely worse than that.”  I finally said.


Dad stopped eating and stared at me, his mouth hanging open.  His eyes narrowed and I saw anger and rage building behind them.


“That son of a bitch…I’ll kill him!” his words exploded from between clenched teeth.


I set down my cup on the table top, leaned forward and looked my father in the eye.


“No, you won’t.  You’re not a killer.  You are a respected member of the community and an officer of the court.  And you have responsibilities, one of which includes being here for Izzy.”


I picked up the cup in front of me and looked into the dark brown liquid.


“I’ll take care of Ricky.”


I got up, refilled my cup and returned to the table.


“There’s a bruise under your eye.”


“Yeah…Izzy woke up in the middle of the night kicking and screaming.”  I shrugged my shoulders.  “She sucker punched me.”


He looked at my face for a moment then looked down at his plate.


“I’ve had a hard time looking you in the eye since the day you were born.” he said at last.  “You were so different from me, from your brother and sister; almost as if you were a stranger’s child that’d been abandoned on my doorstep.”


“I can’t help the way I look.  You, on the other hand, could have helped change the way I felt about myself.  But that didn’t happen.  Too late to do anything about it now.”


“I know.  More than anything, I regret the way my behavior toward you hurt your mother.  She deserved so much better from me than I ever gave her.”


“Someone once told me that life is nothing more than one screw up after another, but that every new day gives you another chance to set things right.  You don’t have to let things stay screwed up.  What you can’t fix, you learn to live with; with everything else you keep trying.”


Dad smiled.  “That sounds like something your Granddad would have said.”


“He might have.  Or it might have been me…sometimes it’s hard for me to tell us apart.”


Dad looked confused.  “I’ll explain it all some other time.  You’d better get going or you’ll be late.”


He nodded, started cleaning up his dishes then went to get his coat and briefcase.


I headed back upstairs to check on my sister.




Izzy was sprawled out on the bed, hugging a pillow.  She’d kicked off the blankets and her long t-shirt was hiked up over her hips and I got a very erotic view of her bare ass when I entered the room.  I sat on the bed next to her and gently stroked her exposed skin for a few seconds, running my hand over the firm globes and up under her shirt gently massaging her lower back.  Leaning down I kissed the corner of her lips.


“Wake up, sleepy head.  Time for breakfast.”


She rolled onto her side and slowly opened her eyes. 


“You’re really here?  I thought I was dreaming.”


I linked and fed her trickles of the love I felt for her, along with a small amount of the desire and lust that touching her had awakened in me.


“Nope, not a dream.  Come on, Dad just left for the office.  Let’s get something to eat.”


“Ike…there are things I…”  I leaned down and kissed her fully on the mouth, letting her feel how aroused I was getting.


Shhh…” I hushed her when I managed to tear myself away, “…you can tell me everything.  After breakfast.”  I smiled and helped her out of bed.  I held her robe while she got into it, sighing with regret when her exposed bottom disappeared from view.


She turned and gave me a rib cracking hug.


“I’m really happy to see you again, Izzy.  I’ve missed you.”




We went down stairs and Izzy sat at the table while I made a fresh pot of coffee then went digging into the refrigerator.


“What would you like?  Eggs, pancakes, waffles, steak, ice cream?”


She smiled softly.  “How ‘bout scrambled eggs and toast?”


“I can manage that.  I’m not much of a cook, so we’ll keep the stomach pump standing by…just in case.”


I took out six eggs, a small bell pepper and onion, an already opened box of mushroom caps and a chunk of plastic wrapped ham and laid them on the counter. 


Izzy got up and poured some coffee into two cups, set one on the table and holding the other in both hands stood beside me and watched while I worked.


“How are you making me feel so good?”


I poured a small amount of olive oil in the skillet I had heating on the stove and cut the ham into small cubes.


“Something I learned how to do in high school.  I link with you and send you my feelings.  When I was in Iraq I found out I could…I guess broadcast is the best way to describe it…I can broadcast feelings.  I’ve also been draining off some of your more negative emotions.”


I scooped the ham into the skillet and let sizzle while I diced the pepper, onion and mushrooms then put them in with the ham and stirred it around.


I broke the eggs into a small bowl and whisked them up into a yellowish froth with a fork, poured it into the skillet, put the bowl into the dishwasher and put some bread into the toaster.


“Where do you put the feelings you take from me?”


“They’re in me…for the moment.  I’ll get rid of them tomorrow.”


“Aren’t you affected, having my negative emotions in you?”


“Yes and no.  I feel them as I drain them out of you, but I keep those emotions isolated and locked away after that, till I’m ready to use or get rid of them.”


“You’ve done this kind of thing before?”


“Yeah…a few times since I’ve been on the psych ward.”


I scrambled the mixture in the skillet, added a dash of black pepper and garlic salt.  The toasted bread popped up, so I buttered the slices and set them on a plate and handed it to Izzy.  The eggs had finished cooking, they got scooped out onto two plates and they went to the table as well.  I turned off the heat under the skillet, poured two small glasses of orange juice and carried them to the table, setting one in front of Izzy and drinking mine.  I went back quickly to the refrigerator and got a small jar of strawberry jam and brought it, along with forks and knives, back to the table.


“Eat up.”  I said, sitting next to her.  Izzy poked the eggs on her plate.


I sighed and shook my head.  I opened the link wide and drained out the guilt, fear and sadness that had built up since last night.  In their place I put hope, love and the joy I felt just sitting next to her again.  And just for fun, I pushed a little of my hunger and sexual arousal in at the end.


I saw her eyes get big and bright as the more positive feelings filled her.  She shivered a little when the last emotions hit her.


“All that just now, that was you?”


“Yup.  All of it.  Now eat your breakfast or you’ll hurt my feelings.  We’ll talk afterwards.”


“Okay.” she said obediently and started eating.  I felt a slight quiver of pleasure shoot thru her when she gave in.


I raised an eyebrow, but continued eating.  That little tidbit of information got tucked away for later consideration.


When we were finished we cleaned up the kitchen, put the dishes in the washer and started it running.


Izzy and I went into the living room and sat on the couch.  She leaned against me, holding my arm.


“Before you say anything, I want you to know how sorry I am.  Izzy, I was thirteen years old.  I’d never been in love with a girl.  I’d never even had a crush on a girl.  I didn’t know what I was feeling and I didn’t know enough then to tell you what I was feeling.  For that I’m very sorry.  By the time I figured it out it was too late.  You’d met Ricky, I’d married and lost Carlie and then went off and nearly got myself killed.  I went thru a lot of pain and misery before I realized that I loved you back then, and that I still love you.”


“You love me?”


“Izzy…I didn’t know what incest was at thirteen.  I loved you.  Not my sister.  My sister was a mean, nasty, rotten bitch who’d tormented me for as long as I could remember.  I fell in love with a girl named Izzy.  I’ll be twenty three this summer.   I’ve been out in the world…I’ve seen and done things I could never have imagined back then…and I know what incest is now.  I’ve been married; I’ve killed, lost and saved people I cared about.  And you know what?  In spite of all that, or maybe because of it, I’m still in love with a girl named Izzy.  I always will be.  And you know what else?  Not once in all these years have I felt guilty about what we did that day.  I never thought you tricked me or seduced me or made me do anything against my will.  There was never anything for you to feel guilty or dirty about.  Not as far as I’m concerned.”


“I’ve been so afraid.”  Tears rolled down her face.  “Afraid that you hated me for what happened.  I hated me.  I thought I was some kind of perverted monster.  I only wanted you to love me like I loved you!”


I pulled her into my lap and rocked her, my arms holding her against my chest, her head tucked beneath my chin.


“It’s all over now, baby…let it go.  I do love you.”


Don’t just tell her, show her.’


“I will.  When she’s ready.  I won’t rush her.”


‘Let the boy do it his way, Marian.  She needs to heal first.’


Menshows how much you know.  She needs to be loved.  Healing will follow.  Look at Peggy.”


“Please, guys…we’re gonna freak her out if you keep up like this.”


‘She can hear us?’


“Everyone can hear you.  It would really be helpful if we could keep these little discussions between ourselves.”


‘Sorry Ike, we didn’t know.’


“Keep it in mind from now on…okay?”


I looked down at Izzy, who was looking back up at me.


“How…what was that?”


I told her everything.  Starting with Vickie Carter and finishing with my recent adventures on the Psych Ward.


“So you see…if there’s a monster around here, it isn’t you.”


She laid her hand against my cheek.


“You poor thing.”


I put my hand over hers.  “Don’t go feeling sorry for me Izzy.  I don’t feel sorry for myself.  What’s done is done.”


“How do you do that?  Your voice sounded just like Granddad and Mom.”


I laughed softly.  “I have no idea how or why.  For a while there were four of them; Carlie and you and Granddad and Mom.  Sometimes all of them would gang up on me.  I have this theory…people I’ve linked with and have a strong emotional bond to leave a sort of emotional imprint.  I think that maybe, when I’m feeling stressed, they help focus my mind.  It’s just a theory…” I finished lamely.


“Is that why they put you in the hospital?”


“Yeah.  Mostly because of that.”


We leaned against one another and were silent for a time.


“Tell me about Ricky.” I said at last.


Izzy shuddered briefly.  I drained off some of the fear and anxiety that had begun to reappear.


“I was okay for a while, after that day.  I stayed busy with school and helping you fit in.  But…after a month or so I started to get…I don’t know, itchy.  I was thinking about you all the time.  Thinking about how you made me feel.  I wanted more.  A lot more.  The more I thought about it, and the more I fantasized about the two of us, the guiltier I felt.  I started thinking there was something really, really wrong with me.  When I was near you I was fine.  The nights I slept next to you I was fine.  You made me feel safe, but the rest of the time I was turning into a nervous wreck.”


Izzy shivered, so I hugged her a little tighter and drained off some more of her feelings, not letting her become overwhelmed by the memories.


“I thought things would be better when I went off to college.  You’d be here, I’d be there and I’d be able to put those thoughts out of my mind and get some perspective.  It worked for a while.  I met new people, made some friends, studied and went to a few parties.  Then I met Ricky.”


Guilt, disgust and lust started warring inside her.  I drained them off.


“Go on, it’s okay.  Don’t be afraid.”


“Ricky was, is, tall…like you.  His hair was darker than yours was, but it reminded me of you.  His skin is darker, but his face and body were so much like yours.  We met at a party I went to with some girlfriends.  He was charming and sweet.  We seemed to click right away.  I thought I was in love.  But when we…when we…”


“When you made love?” I offered.


Izzy nodded her head slightly.  “When we made love, I always imagined he was you.  The sex was good, I guess, but it wasn’t what I wanted.  Ricky has a very dominating personality.  He likes being in charge and having people defer to him.  He always wants to be in control of everything.  After a few months he started demanding that I stop seeing my friends and only hang out with him and his friends.  I’d gotten to the point where I needed him to fill in for you so badly that I was willing to do almost anything to keep the fantasy alive.  That’s why I stopped calling and writing.  In my heart I knew I’d betrayed you, even though I knew you didn’t love me like I did you.  When I called home that last time and found out you’d had a girlfriend I was crushed.”


I leaned over and kissed her forehead.  “It’s okay.”


“In my mind I’d betrayed you, and when I heard about her I felt that you’d betrayed me.  That’s what I was thinking.  It’s stupid, I know, but that’s how I felt.  I didn’t think about how you were feeling.  You lashed out at me for abandoning you, and you were right, but I didn’t see it that way.  I’d gotten so wrapped up in my fantasy that I lost touch with everything and everyone that was important.  And it just kept getting worse.  Ricky’s domination got worse, but I didn’t care as long as I could keep imagining that he was you.  We graduated and got jobs, you went to college…and then I heard that you got married.  Mom sent me a letter and told me.  I think I cried for two days.  I was unbelievably jealous and angry and hurt.  I cursed you and called you horrible names; threw things at the walls…I wanted to hurt you, really hurt you.  Then later when Mom told me about the accident…”


Izzy’s guilt shot thru the roof.  I scrambled to bleed it off; she needed to get all this off her chest and out in the open.


“I was happy.  Oh, god, I was happy and relieved!  I didn’t think about how much you were hurting.  It never occurred to me how much pain you were in, until I saw you at Mom’s funeral.  Standing next to her casket, your beautiful red hair turned all white and looking like you didn’t have a friend in the world.  That’s when I knew.  I could feel how much you were hurting, how lonely and lost you were.  And it was my fault.  I am a monster!”


She broke down and started weeping, burying her face against my arm; it made me think of the first time I’d heard Lilly crying for her children.  I sent her soft pulses of compassion, understanding and acceptance.


“You’re not a monster.  And I still love you.”


“How…how can you love me?  I’m a horrid, terrible person.”


“Izzy, we can’t choose to fall in love.  Either you do or you don’t.  And when you do, when you do, you don’t do it half way.”


“Oh, right!  I fell in love, couldn’t have the guy I wanted so I went off and fucked someone I didn’t love, let him fuck me, beat me and abuse me.  Yeah, that’s love alright.”


“You got in a situatition that scared and confused you.  You did the best you could.  That’s all any of us can do.  I’m not going to hate you for loving me.  I’m not going to blame you for how you tried to cope with your confusion and pain.  It is what it is; time to move on with your life.”


“You really don’t blame me?  You don’t hate me?”  Her eyes pleaded with me, begging for forgiveness.


“Izzy, the only one who needs to forgive you, is you.  Do you feel any blame or hate coming from me?”




“Let it go then.  It’s just a bad memory and it can’t hurt you if you don’t let it.”


She smiled and my heart melted.  Her smile faded slowly.


“Ricky won’t let it go.  He thinks he owns me.  When the Army told us you were missing I called off the wedding and told him I was leaving him.  He hit me and…and he…afterwards he said I belonged to him and he was never going to let me go.”


“I’ll take care of it.”


“Ike, you don’t understand.  He’s in business with some very dangerous people.  Drugs and gambling and…”


“I’ll take care of it.” I said, firmly.  I felt that same little internal quiver of delight shoot thru her once again.


I wiped her tears with the sleeve of my robe, leaned down and kissed her full on the lips.  Her arms locked around my neck and she kissed me back furiously, her tongue stabbing between my lips.  I trapped it and began sucking it deeper and deeper into my own mouth.  We broke for air, both of us gasping.


“Ike, I…umm, what I mean is…”


I smiled, feeling her lust grow, along with her guilt and remorse and fear.  I thought I knew what was going thru her mind, but would she have the courage to tell me?  Would she trust me enough?


“Izzy, you can tell me anything and I won’t stop loving you.  I promise.  I won’t think you’re sick or depraved.”


Uhmm…remember what you were telling me about Peggy?”  I nodded.  I’d told her about Peggy not wanting me to leave her and what had happened up in the gym.


“Would you…would you do that to me?” and she blushed brightly.


“Izzy, after everything you’ve been thru why would you want me to hit you?”


“I…I used to have this fantasy sometimes where I would come into your room and you’d get angry, but not really, and you’d put me over your knee and spank me.  It always made me very horny, but safe and cherished at the same time.  I don’t know why it made me feel that way, but would you…could you…?”


I thought I understood.  Izzy wanted to be strong, like she had been before I was thirteen and we made up, but at the same time she wanted to be controlled and protected.  Plus there was her long suppressed guilt over our relationship and her accumulated guilt and remorse since Ricky.  Izzy wanted forgiveness in a more tangible way.  Izzy wanted purging.


“Honey, do you like pain?”


“No!” she protested, “it’s just that, oh…never mind.” she finished quietly, looking down at her hands.


“Izzy,” I lifted her chin so we were looking eye to eye, “don’t be afraid to talk to me.  I don’t think you’re weird.  I was just hoping you could explain to me why.  Izzy, I’ve only made love to one woman so far in my life, only fooled around with four, so there is a lot I don’t know and don’t understand.   And while the idea of hurting you doesn’t get my motor going, the view might.”  I leered at her, just a little.


Her heartbeat jumped and her arousal went up with it.  “Go get me one of your scarves, would you?  One of the thin silk ones.”


She got up and ran upstairs to her room.  I could hear rummaging around. 


I was experiencing some conflicted emotions.  I wanted to protect and defend Izzy from harm, and yet I had just agreed to hurt her. 


‘It’s all about trust, little brother.’


“Mine or yours?”


‘Both.  I’m trusting you to control yourself and the situatition.  You have to trust me to know what I want and need.’


“And trust is the foundation of love and respect.”




I blinked and looked up.  Izzy stood in front of me, holding a black silk scarf in her hand. 


“Was that my voice?”


“Yes.  We were having a little talk about you and me.”


“That is so…bizarre.  To hear, I mean.” she added quickly.


“I’d imagine it’s down right scary.  If I could hear me doing it I think I’d be pretty freaked out.”  I smiled and reached for the scarf. 


Izzy extended her arm and I took the scarf from her hand.


“You’re sure about this?”


She nodded, shyly I thought.


“Okay then.  Take off your robe.”  She unbelted her robe and threw it across the back of Dad’s recliner.


“Hold your arms out and cross your wrists.”


She did and I looped the scarf around her wrists and tied a snug, but not overly tight, knot.  I pulled her closer to me, using the ends of the scarf as a leash.  Kissing her lightly on the cheek and neck, I stuck the tip of my tongue in her ear then nibbled on her earlobe.


Izzy moaned softly.


“I want you to remember one word, okay?  ‘Uncle’.  Got it?  ‘Uncle.’  If it hurts too much, you say that word and I’ll stop.  What’s the word?”


“Uncle.”  I nodded, then abruptly yanked on the scarf and pulled her down over my knees.  She squealed with the suddenness of the movement as her hips and belly landed on my thighs and her head and upper body hung down towards the floor.  The thin fabric of her long t-shirt pulled tight over her shapely bottom, outlining it’s every rounded curve and crevice.


I raised my right arm up shoulder high and then brought my hand down across both halves of her ass.




She grunted loudly with the impact, her hips digging into the muscle of my thigh.








Izzy started to squirm and wriggle around, shifting her hips from side to side.






“Talk to me Isabeau.  Tell me why you want to be punished.”  I ran the palm of my hand over her tightly clenched, cloth covered cheeks.


She sniffled and took a deep breath.  “I betrayed my love.”


Three hard slaps to the center of her ass.


Unhh, unghh, ooohh!”


“Keep talking.” I commanded gently.


“I hurt and humiliated my brother for no reason!” she cried between her tears.


Four more hard smacks, alternating first one cheek then the other and back again.


“I forgave you for that a long time ago.”  Five more smacks across her bottom.  “You need to listen and believe me when I tell you something.”


I slid my hand up under the nightie and rubbed her ass, sliding my hand down between her legs.  Izzy was dripping and when my fingers grazed the outer lips of her pussy she whimpered loudly.  I reached between her thighs and cupped her damp pussy in my hand.  Pressing my middle finger against her clit, I lifted her hips and with my other hand I pulled the hem up, exposing her naked rosy pink ass.


I dipped my thumb between the folds of her outer lips and pushed deeply into the moist heat of her pussy.


“Please…yesss…”  Izzy bucked her ass down and back, trying to drive my thumb deeper.


With my free hand I slapped her quivering cheeks.


“Confession is good for the soul, big sister.  Keep talking.”


Ahhhunghhuh…I never told you I was in love with you.  And I’m a slut!” 


I pulled my thumb out quickly and paddled her bare ass full strength for fifteen seconds.




“Don’t you ever say that!”  I growled as softly as I could manage, biting back on my anger.  “Don’t you ever think that!


“But it’s true!” she cried, her entire body shaking with sobs.  “I’m a perverted slut!  I’ve had sex with girls and I liked it!”


I stopped in mid spank, briefly stunned.  ‘Excuse me a moment, whilst I adjust my accoutrements.’




“What else?”


“I want to fuck my little brother!”


I stopped the spanking and left my hand on her brightly burning butt, caressing the now relaxed and pliant globes, feeling the heat rising from between her thighs.  Such sweet, soft skin.  Such tender and inviting flesh.


I leaned toward her head.


“He wants to fuck you too.”  I said gently.


I lifted her up off my lap and laid her down on the floor.


“On your knees, Isabeau.”  She crawled upright slowly and knelt before me.  I stood up and took off my robe, casting it to one side then pushed down the shorts I’d slept in.  Her eyes widened at the sight of my growing erection.


“Keep your hands down and open your mouth.”


Izzy’s eyes brightened as she opened her mouth wide and sat up straighter.  I shoved the head of my cock between her wide spread lips.


“Now suck me.”


I stood there motionless while she greedily sucked and bobbed her head down the length of my cock, moaning and humming with delight.  A hungry calf at its mother’s teat couldn’t have been any happier than she was at that moment.


The warm roughness of her tongue danced around and under the head of my dick, her lips clamping and releasing.


Her scarf bound hands reached for my balls.  I reached down and stopped them, pulling out of Izzy’s hot mouth with a loud wet ‘pop’.


“You really do need to learn to listen and obey me, little girl.”


With one hand I held her bound hands against my chest, with the other I cupped the back of her head and pulled her face back thru the loop of her raised arms and onto my twitching shaft.  Holding her head steady, I began thrusting my hips, driving my cock in and out of her mouth, faster and deeper with each stroke.


She relaxed her lips and opened her mouth wider, letting my thrusts go deeper and deeper until I felt the head glide into the tightness of her throat.  I pulled her face closer briefly, driving deeper, then stopped, her nose in my pubic hair.  I groaned then pulled back, releasing my grip on her head.


Izzy gasped and coughed, but her eyes were still bright and sparkling with fire.  As soon as she stopped coughing she dove back on me and continued sucking.  This time though she would stop for a moment and push her face into my belly on her own, letting the head of my cock glide into the tight confines of her throat and then swallow.  The rippling sensation sent shivers up and down my spine and set sparks igniting in my balls.  A couple more of those and I would have exploded in her mouth, but that wasn’t what I wanted.


I finally pushed her off, pulling away from her delightful mouth.


Izzy whimpered with unfulfilled longing.  “No…baby, please…”


With my hand under her arms I lifted her up to her feet and using the scarf around her wrists I led her around the couch and bent her over the back.  Her toes were just touching the floor and the view was magnificent.  Taut ass cheeks, red and glowing framed her dewy, fluttering pussy.


“Don’t move.”  I commanded.  I left her there and slowly walked away towards Dad’s room.  I went to his closet and picked out one of his old belts.  The leather was soft and wide.  Perfect.  I walked calmly back and saw Izzy still bent over the back of the couch, her arms clutching one of the small throw pillows to her chest.


“Izzy, what do you want?” I asked, taking a solid stance behind and to the side of her.


“I want you to love me.”


I doubled the belt, took a firm grip and lashed it across the broadest part of her ass.




OOwwww!” she screamed at the impact, her cheeks wobbled and rippled.


“I do love you.  Tell me what you want.”


“I want to suck your beautiful cock!”




The impact this time was lower, catching her across the under swelling of her cheeks and her upper thighs.


Nooooo, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I’ll do better.!” she cried into the pillow.


“Izzy,” I said softly, stepping up and running my hand over and around the darkening belt marks, “you did very well, but you already sucked my cock.  Tell me what you want.”


“I want you to fuck me!” she screamed out.  “Fuck me and love me and never leave me, never let me leave you.” She started crying like a heart-sick child, her entire body wracked with sobs.


I dropped the belt, stepped up behind her and rubbed the head of my cock between the drenched lips of her pussy and shoved all the way into her with a single powerful thrust.  I grabbed a hip in each hand and began stroking in and out slowly, backing out until the tip of my cock was just between her lips then driving forward fully into her moist depths.  The heat from Izzy’s blistered bottom felt wonderful pressed against my groin and I groaned with delight as her inner walls clamped down on my shaft and tried to hold me inside.


I increased the tempo and was soon hammering away.


Izzy’s sobs gave way to sighs, then grunts and moans and finally squeals and squeaks as her climax overcame her pain and discomfort.


I started to lightly slap one butt cheek with each stroke.


“Yes!  Oh god, yes…more, Ike, harder.”


“Later, honey, later.  Let me show you…a little…trick I learned from a lesbian.”


I linked with her and felt the rush of her excitement, the tartness of her onrushing orgasm, the warmth of her love and trust.  Drawing the tart, tingling, rapidly growing sexual sensations to me I merged them with the intensity of my own oncoming release and amplified the lot, shoving them back along with my thrusts into my sister.


“OH MY GOD!” she shrieked and began rocking back at me with increased intensity and passion.


I reached around between her hips and the couch and began to rub her clit -- then pressed it firmly between my finger and her pubic bone.


Her orgasm was rushing towards us like an oncoming train.  I drew all her lust, joy, pleasure…every spark, every tingle, every stab of electric ecstasy in her heaving, sweat covered body, amped it up a little more and hammered it back into her.




I grunted and slammed my hips against her ass one last time and tried to drive my entire body into and thru hers, pressing my chest to her back, wrapping my arms around her chest, pulling her close and holding her tight.


We came, and came, and came…I’d never experienced anything like it.  The rolling waves never seemed to stop.  It was as if everything inside me was rushing out of my body thru my cock and into her. 


The explosions of spasming delight just kept coming and coming; but gradually, slowly, they faded, becoming less intense, leaving me with a warm, relaxed and contented feeling inside. 


I stood up, Izzy’s limp form still held tightly against my body.  I turned us around so that my back was to the couch then slid our joined bodies over the back and we landed on the cushions, stretched out full length, my sister on top of me, my cock still buried inside her flexing and clenching pussy.


I held one soft, firm breast in the palm of one hand and ran the other in small circles over her belly.


I was exhausted, having been awake since early yesterday morning and then enduring the morning’s regimen of activity.  I lay back and enjoyed the warmth and comfort of lying beneath my sister’s naked body.  I kissed the top of her head and hugged her gently.


“I love you so much, Izzy.”




We lay together on the couch for about half an hour before Izzy began to show more than minimal signs of life.  She started to shift her hips, preparing I think to roll over, when she groaned deeply.  I had managed to stay hard and about a third of my shaft was still inside her warm tunnel.  When she shifted, I twitched and Izzy groaned. 


MMmmmm…do that again.” She purred.  I flexed my groin and hips, driving just a little deeper.  Izzy sucked air between her teeth.  “Oh, I like waking up like this.” she said, her voice husky and inviting.


I gave the breast in my hand a gentle squeeze.


“It is pretty nice.” I admitted.  “How are you feeling?”


Izzy stretched her still bound arms over our heads and extended her long legs, like a cat waking from a nap.  Her actions drove my cock even deeper into her, which I’m sure was what she intended. 


“Have you been fucking me while I was sleeping?” she asked, grinding her butt against my groin.


“No ma’am.  Just trying to keep you from falling off the couch.  Really, how do you feel?”


“I feel…happy.  And warm.  Safe and protected and loved and gooey…and I love the way you feel inside me.”


“I like that too.”  I licked one of her arms and she giggled.






“Could you untie my hands, please?”


“Oh, I suppose.”


I reached up and felt blindly for the knotted scarf that held her wrists.  My fingers fumbled at the knot, trying to undo the simple square knot, while Izzy wiggled and rocked her hips, distracting me no end.


I finally untied the knot and released her hands.


“Thank you.” she said, sitting up and swinging her legs around so they hung over the couch.


She sat on my lap and bounced up and down, riding me side saddle, putting one small hand on my thigh and one on my stomach so she could raise herself up.


Ummm…oh!” she grimaced slightly.


“What’s wrong honey?”  I asked, concerned.


Izzy looked sideways at me and grinned.  “My butt’s sore.”


I chuckled.  “I’d imagine so.”


Reaching out I took hold of her right ankle and swung it up and over my body, rotating her around so that she straddled my hips and was facing me.  Izzy tucked her legs back underneath her, demonstrating a flexibility I didn’t know she possessed.  Putting both hands on my chest she lifted her hips up higher and then dropped her full weight down.




I ran my hands up her thighs, over her hips and waist, enjoying the softness of her skin and the sensation of power it gave me.  I cupped her breasts, one in each hand and felt the hard little nipples press into my palms as she leaned forward. 


I heard a loud crash outside the living room, in the hallway, but I couldn’t see what was going on.  I twisted my head around trying to see over the arm and back of the couch.  A dark figure appeared in the living room doorway. 


Time slowed down to a crawl. 


Izzy seemed unaware of the noise or the shadowy figure who watched her bounce up and down over me.  Her eyes were focused on me, bright with lust, desire and pleasure.


Her movements got slower and slower.  I linked and joined her in sharing the sweet joy that was building between us.


The dark figure in the doorway ducked down and stepped into the room.  I could just barely make out his features.  Darker skin, more like Izzy’s than my own, longish hair that was brown with dark copper highlights, and pale gray eyes…it was like looking into a distorted mirror at my own face.  The man with my face snarled and slowly raised his arm, pointing a pistol at us.




I tried to sit up, but Izzy’s weight was pressing my shoulders back.




I tried to use my hands to roll her off me and onto the floor, out of the way, but my hands were tightly gripping her breasts, still squeezing and massaging.




Flame blossomed from the barrel, a red and yellow flower.


Dear god…


I watched in horror, massive panic flooding my entire body, crippling my muscles and dulling my mind.


…oh god, please not again…


I saw the slug emerge from the flaming flower, and follow its path.  I moved my eyes, the only things that seemed to move in real time, and knew with absolute certainty where it was going, where it would hit.


I tried to yell a warning, tried to will my body to action, tried…and tried and tried…and failed!


I’d never been so helpless, never felt so useless, so powerless.


The slug hit Izzy in the right temple, smashing thru the skin, plowing thru the bone and into her brain.


Her eyes, so bright and alive only moments ago, were now were sad and filled with disappointment.


The left side of her head exploded, her hair lifting along with the shattered pieces of her skull and a spray of blood and brains emerged behind the demon slug.


All her joy, all her love and happiness, burnt away in an instant of pain and confusion.  The sweetness of her life faded, like a wisp of smoke in the breeze and drifted away.  I couldn’t catch it, couldn’t stop it, couldn’t hold it.  She was gone and I was alone once more.


In a slow motion ballet of death and despair that would have made Sam Peckinpah proud, my sister’s body gracefully tilted to the side, falling off me and the couch, landing in a lifeless heap on the floor.


My heartbeat slowed, gradually, one sad beat at a time…Thump, thump…thump…thump…thump…thump…


It stopped and was silent; blood stopped flowing and dried in my veins becoming nothing more than dust. 


The dark figure with my face moved forward and stood looming over me, a smug sneer on his lips.  He raised the pistol once more and pointed it between my eyes.


“You can’t save her from me.  You can’t save any of them.”


The flower bloomed one last time.