Second That Emotion



Copyright ©  2006





Chapter 41





Opening my eyes I saw the weak streams of early morning light streaking across the ceiling.  There was a weight across my belly that bounced slightly in opposite directions and I also felt hands, lips and a flicking tongue working on my early morning erection.


Glancing down I saw little Peggy lying across my stomach, her hips pressed down over my belly-button.  Izzy’s calves rested on either side of her, one just across my hips and one just below my ribs, Peggy’s face was buried between her thighs.  My sister’s hands clenched open and closed, gripping the bed sheet as she moaned and tossed her head while Peggy murmured happily, making wet sloppy slurping sounds with her mouth and stroking Izzy’s thighs with her delicate little hands.


Beyond the raised round globes of Peggy’s bottom Lilly held my rock hard shaft upright in her hands, licking and kissing the glistening head.  I groaned loudly when she opened her mouth wide and slid half way down, lightly grazing the sensitive skin with her teeth.


Izzy lifted her head and grinned at me.  “Looks like he’s finally up.” she announced.


Lilly pulled back with a loud and wonderfully nasty ‘pop’ and wiggled my dick like a joy-stick.


“He’s been up for a while.  But now he’s awake, so the real fun can begin.”


Peggy giggled and wiggled her hips.  I reached down with one hand and smacked her raised butt with my open palm.


Ooooooh!” she squeaked.  I ran my forefinger between her slick lower lips, dipping between them briefly then drew it up between the cheeks of her ass and pressed firmly against her tight little anus.  Peggy groaned and arched her back, pushing my finger thru her anal ring.  I slipped my middle finger into her vaginal tunnel all the way to the third knuckle and gave one cheek a hard squeeze.


With my right hand I captured Izzy’s left leg by the ankle and brought her foot up to my mouth, running the tip of my tongue from the heel up to her toes, licking and sucking on each one in turn.


Izzy laughed at first, sticking her tongue out at me, but by the second toe the combination of Peggy between her legs and me on her foot had my sexy big sister twitching and sighing loudly.


Not to be outdone, Lilly climbed up and squatted over my stiff shaft, placed the head against her inner lips and dropped her full weight down, impaling herself in one deft movement then began to swivel and rock her hips as she straddled my groin.  I threw back my head, sucking air between my teeth and growling in the back of my throat.


Lilly took Izzy’s right leg and moved it behind her.  I took a deep breath, tightened my stomach muscles and sat up, sliding Peggy down into Lilly’s belly.  I gave Izzy’s toes a final kiss, then dropped her leg behind me and locked lips with Lilly, sliding my tongue between her lips.  Lilly threw one arm around my neck and sucked on my tongue like she had my dick.


Peggy squirmed, caught between us, trying to maintain contact with Izzy’s nether lips, her pussy and ass still in the grip of my left hand.


I had never been so turned on.  All I could think about was fucking.  I desperately wanted to fuck…needed to fuck…had to fuck.


I pulled my mouth away from Lilly, removed my fingers from Peggy, lifted her up and lay her on top of Izzy, who wrapped her arms around the smaller woman in a tight embrace.


I crushed Lilly against me, compressing her breasts between us and smashing out lips together.  Spreading my legs wider I lay Lilly back and rested my weight on her, bucking my hips and driving my cock deeper between her rolling hips.  Lilly clawed at my back and shoulders, raking her nails across my back and down along my arms.


Izzy sat up and Peggy crawled up into her lap.  Together they watched Lilly and I trashing against one another for a few minutes and then Izzy whispered loudly to Peggy.


“You know what, one time Ike seduced me with poetry.  It was so sweet and sexy.”


“Really?  I wish someone loved me that much.”




I was burning with lust and desire, harder and hornier than I’d ever been in my life, and they wanted poetry?


Lifting my mouth from Lilly’s lips I growled deeply in my throat but continued thrusting my hips.  I put all my upper body weight onto my left arm and caressed Lilly’s damp face with my right hand.  I slowed the rhythm of my thrusts to match the meter of the lines that came to my mind.


“‘My parts had power to charm a sacred nun,

Who, disciplined, ay, dieted in grace,

Believed her eyes when they to assail begun,

All vows and consecrations giving place:

O most potential love! vow, bond, nor space,

In thee hath neither sting, knot, nor confine,

For thou art all, and all things else are thine.


‘When thou impressest, what are precepts worth

Of stale example? When thou wilt inflame,

How coldly those impediments stand forth

Of wealth, of filial fear, law, kindred, fame!

Love's arms are peace, 'gainst rule, 'gainst sense,

'gainst shame,

And sweetens, in the suffering pangs it bears,

The aloes of all forces, shocks, and fears.


‘Now all these hearts that do on mine depend,

Feeling it break, with bleeding groans they pine;

And supplicant their sighs to you extend,

To leave the battery that you make 'gainst mine,

Lending soft audience to my sweet design,

And credent soul to that strong-bonded oath

That shall prefer and undertake my troth.’”


Lilly stared up at me, her eyes bright and damp.  The fingers of her right hand reached up and tenderly touched my lips.


“Sweet, sweet boy…” she sighed and smiled.  And then she came.  Forcibly holding her eyes open and locked on mine, her hand gripped my beard and pulled my lips down to hers as she bucked and twitched.


“Holy shit.” I heard Peggy whisper with awe behind me.


“Yeah…our boy’s really something special when the mood hits him.”


Once Lilly’s body had relaxed I lifted off and out of her, turning towards Peggy and Izzy, my cock still hard and throbbing. 


“More…I want more!”  Pointing a finger at Peggy I growled from deep in my chest, “I want you!”


She crawled out of Izzy’s lap and stood up on the mattress, cocking one hip to the side and, licking the fingers of her hand, began to tease the hard pink nipple that capped her left breast.


“Got any sweet words for me, lover boy?” she asked enticingly.


Putting my feet on the floor beside the bed I stood up and waved her to me.  When she stepped within reach I pulled her close and replaced the fingers playing with her nipple with my lips.  Licking and sucking on that tasty little morsel of flesh, I scooped Peggy up off her feet and held her cradled in my arms.  She laughed and cooed with delight.  Giving her breast a last flick of the tongue and a tiny little bite, I flipped her around so that her legs lay over my shoulders and her sweet little hairless slit lay open before my mouth.  Pulling her hips close I laved and diddled her with my tongue while she stroked and petted my stiff shaft with her little hands.


When I thought she was wet and sensitive enough I flipped her around and very slowly slid the head of my cock between her pussy lips while she held her arms tightly around my neck and clamped her legs around my waist.  I kissed the tip of her nose and held her hips steady, forcing her farther down and myself deeper within.


Peggy’s features contorted ever so slightly as I began to fill her up. 


“‘I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I

Did, till we lov’d, were we not wean’d till then?’” I spoke softly, shifting my weight gently from foot to foot in time with the words.


“‘But suck’d on countrey pleasures, childishly?

Or snorted we in the seaven sleepers den?

T’was so; But this, all pleasures fancies bee.

If ever any beauty I did see,

Which I desir’d, and got, t’was but a dreame of thee.’”


With a little bounce I pushed her down so that I was embedded completely within her tight confines and then, with a nibble on one little earlobe, began to walk back and forth beside the bed. 


Izzy had moved alongside Lilly and they lay together, hand in hand and cheek to cheek, watching Peggy and I.


“‘And now good morrow to our waking soules,

Which watch not one another out of feare;

For love, all love of other sights controules,

And makes one little roome, an every where.

Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,

Let Maps to other, worlds on worlds have showne,

Let us possesse one world, each hath one, and is one.’”


With each line I stepped a little faster, came down on the heel of my left foot a little harder, bouncing Peggy up and down on my cock a little faster.


It was so difficult to maintain the pace, to control the demanding urge that insisted I forget this silly word-play and just lay her down and ravage her body.  But somehow I knew that what was going on was more important than simple sex.  I don’t know how I knew it, but I did.


“‘My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,

And true plaine hearts doe in the faces rest,

Where can we finde two better hemispheres

Without sharpe North, without declining West?

What ever dyes, was not mixt equally;

If our two loves be one, or, thou and I

Love so alike, that none doe slacken, none can die.’”


Peggy had started humming softly at the beginning of the final verse, stopping only when a bounce would cause her to gasp or groan.  When I finished the poem and bounced her one last time she clamped her teeth into the muscle of my shoulder and groaned long and loud, pulled back and looked up at me.


“Do me, honey…dear god, do me!” she pleaded with her eyes and the huskiest voice I’d ever heard from a woman’s lips.


Bending down, I laid her on the edge of the bed and started hammering away like there was no tomorrow.


Peggy shrieked and howled with passion and delight that nearly matched the relief I felt at finally being freed to indulge my body’s urgent demands.


Ohgodohgodohgod!” she grunted and squealed in time with my jackhammer thrusting while I grunted and gasped a counter rhythm.


She flailed and clawed, pounding her tiny little fists against my ribs and chest then shrieked once very loudly and went limp.


I kissed her forehead, pulled free of her tight grip as gently as I could and stood up, sweat dripping down my face and chest.  I grinned broadly and curled my upper lip, turning to where Lilly and Izzy lay together.


“Izzy, my sweet.” I growled in a sing-song tone.


My sister’s eyes went wide seeing the hunger in my eyes and the stiffness of my shaft.


“What got into you this morning?” she mumbled, a leer on her lips.


“I don’t know and I don’t care.” I rasped, crawling over Peggy in the direction of my big sister.  “I just want to fuck.”


“Show me what’cha got big-boy.” she taunted, moving away from Lilly’s side and circling around towards the head of the bed.


“You’ve seen what I’ve got and you know what you’re gonna get…what kind of poem would you like to go with it?”  I stalked after her on my hands and knees, my erection swung from side to side beneath me, occasionally slapping up against my belly with a sticky wet squelching sound.


Izzy grinned and licked her lips.  “Well, I’ve had romantic and sweet…how ‘bout something bawdy and funny?”


“Funny?  You want to get fucked to something funny?”


“Yeah.  What’s wrong with that?” she pouted. 


I lunged forward and landed on top of her lower body, rolling Izzy onto her side and biting one of her luscious butt cheeks.  She squealed and tried to wiggle out of my grasp.  Twisting around, I pinned her upper body to the mattress with my hips and legs while keeping her hips down with my shoulders.  I stuck my face between her legs and began licking and slurping away at her already wet pussy.


Izzy sighed loudly, spread her thighs to give me better access, clamped both hands around my cock and pulled my hips over her shoulders so that we completed our incestuous soixante-neuf, my lips busy between her legs and her mouth busy on my cock.


In the background I could hear Peggy and Lilly whispering to one another, doing their best to keep their laughter soft so Izzy and I weren’t distracted.  They could have been singing arias from Wagner for all I cared.  I was extremely focused and intent on what I was doing.  And what little of my mind wasn’t paying attention to the sweet girl beneath me was franticly searching my memory for some kind of verse that was bawdy and funny AND had a meter appropriate for fucking.


After ten minutes of oral attention an idea formed in my mind. 


I needed a sea shanty.  Perfect.  How many of the bloody damn things had I read before?


Not many, as it turned out.  ‘Barnacle Bill’?  Naw…not really funny.  ‘Fire Down Below’?  Well, I knew a version I thought it was funny, but I doubt that Izzy would have agreed.  And then I remembered something I’d run across in an old book about World War I when I was maybe ten or eleven.  It wasn’t exactly a sea shanty, but it was close.


I rolled off Izzy, pulling my dick out of her grasp and turned around so that we were face to face.  I kissed her hard and pulled back, grinning like a madman.


“Got it!  Just what you requested.”  I jumped on top, between her legs and into her waiting arms, angled my hips and thrust hard and deep. 


For the record, I know that I’m a lousy singer.  For whatever reason, my baritone does not work well when it comes to singing.  But I tried…and more importantly, I kept the beat.



“‘Now listen my darling, a story you'll hear.

A song I will sing you; 'twill fill you with cheer

About a young maiden, stately and tall

Who married a man who had no balls at all


No balls at all, no balls at all

She married a man who had no balls at all


The night of the wedding she crept into bed

Her cheeks were all rosy, her legs were wide spread

She reached for his penis, his penis was small

She reached for his balls; he had no balls at all


No balls at all, no balls at all

She married a man who had no balls at all


"Mother, oh Mother, oh what shall I do?

 I've married a man who's unable to screw!

 For many long years, I've avoided the call

 Now I've married a man who has no balls at all"


No balls at all, no balls at all

She married a man who had no balls at all


"Oh daughter, dear daughter, don't you feel bad

It's the very same trouble I had with your dad

There are lots of young men who will answer the call

Of the wife of a man who has no balls at all"


No balls at all, no balls at all

She married a man who had no balls at all


This daring young daughter took her mother's advice

And she found the proceedings exceedingly nice

A bouncing young baby was born in the fall

To the wife of the man who had no balls at all.’”


Izzy laughed and pulled me down for a long, hot, lusty tongue swabbing of my tonsils, and I heard Lilly and Peggy laughing behind us, along with some other sounds that I couldn’t quiet decipher.


When my sister released my mouth she held my face between her hands and beamed up at me.


“You may be young, and you may be dumb as a stump sometimes, but you are without a doubt the most amazing man I’ve ever known and I love you very much.” she told me.


“I love you too Izzy…and I adore being inside you.” and I shifted gears, from the rhythm I’d used during the song to one more in keeping with my burning lust.  I tried to drive my dick thru her body and out the top of her head.  Over and over and over again.


Gone were the sweet words and gentle touches.  We filled the air with grunts and groans, cries and moans, whimpers and whines, sloppy kisses and the sounds of sweaty flesh slapping against sweaty flesh.


I was in heaven.  My mind blanked and I fell into the web-like embrace of my passion, joining the multitude of sperm as they erupted from the rocket launcher of my penis and began their kamikaze run into the deep, dark unknown that lay before them.


Izzy wrapped her arms tightly around my shoulders and held me tight against her as the two of us lay exhausted together.  My cock throbbed and twitched inside her and she pushed against my shoulders, lifting me up.


“You’re still hard, aren’t you?” she asked, tired and surprised.


I planted a quick kiss on my sister’s lips and lifted off and out of her.  I got to my knees and rose upright, turning towards Lilly and Peggy, my cock rock hard and dangerously purple with blood.


“Who’s next?” I panted; my chest heaved trying to get more oxygen into my starved bloodstream.


We spent the next two hours in a frenzy of fucking.  Round the world we went; the girls stopping only long enough to rush into the bathroom, do whatever they were doing in there and come rushing back out.  No one wanted to miss her turn.  It was only after that second hour that I began to wonder if something might not be wrong with me.  From the time I woke up that morning, until nearly three hours later I had not lost my erection.  And I was still horny and hungry for more.  I wanted more and more and more…granted, I was only twenty two, almost twenty three, but I was still human.  Wasn’t I?


I lifted myself up off of Lilly, we’d been fucking doggy fashion and she’d collapsed beneath my weight with a weak gasp and groan, and reached out for Peggy one more time.


“Come to Daddy, baby doll.” I called to her.


Peggy scrambled out of my grasp and scurried quickly over to Izzy.


“No more, please.  I’m all worn out.” she cried, curling up under Izzy’s arm.  My sister pulled her close and watched me with a cocked eyebrow.  She nodded her head.


“Ike, enough already.  You can’t possibly still be horny.”


I rolled off the bed and stood up, flexed my shoulders and rotated my arms.  Then I pointed down at my still stiffly swollen shaft.


“What do you think?” I asked.


“Something is very wrong Ike.”


“I know that…but I can’t stop.  I still want more!” I snarled.


“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean any harm.” Peggy cried.






“Sweetie, what did you do?” Izzy asked, holding Peggy tighter.


“I was horny,” she snuffled “and I could tell that you and Lilly were too, so I took our feelings and gave them to Ike.  I didn’t think it would hurt anyone.”


One more time I donned my mantle of silent stupidity and simply stood where I was with my mouth hanging open.


Izzy was a bit surprised by Peggy’s revelation.  “You linked with us?” she asked.


Peggy nodded and curled into a tighter ball.


“You gave our feelings to Ike?  And he didn’t know it?”  She looked up from Peggy and my sister and I locked eyes.  I shook my head from side to side.


I’d been caught totally unaware.  I knew that Peggy had the ability to drain emotions, and I knew from her dealings with the horses that she could broadcast, but I’d had no hint that she was capable of linking.


“Peggy…squirt?  It’s okay honey.  I’m not mad.  No one’s mad at you.” I said, sitting down slowly on the edge of the bed.  “Could you do me a favor and shut off the link?  Pretty please?”


“I don’t know how!” she cried like a scared little girl. 


I crawled across the bed and sat down next to the two of them, scooped her up and held her to my chest, rocking her cradle-like in my arms.


Shhhhssshhh…it’s okay.  Don’t cry.  I’ll teach you how.  Or Izzy can teach you.  She’s the one who taught me how to turn it off.  In the mean time, I think I know a quick way to shut this down.”


I kissed her cheek and handed her back to Izzy, who sat the crying girl down in her lap and held her to her breast.


I linked with my three girls, added sparks to their rings, and then flooded all three with the full force of my love.  They passed out and my raging hunger for sex faded away, to be replaced by a fiery, throbbing, aching, burning, crippling pain along the length of my dick and deep down in my balls.


I hobbled slowly into the bathroom, filled the tub with cold water and carefully climbed in.  And that’s where the girls found me when they woke up an hour later.