Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Fountain of Youth by Lazlong Chapter 3 I felt like I needed a shower when we got home, so I took a quick one while Bonnie closed up the house. When I went into Bonnie's bedroom, our bedroom now, Beth was laying on the bed, under the covers. As I walked toward the bed, she threw the covers off and held up her arms to me. None of us had been wearing clothing to bed for the last couple of weeks. We had done a lot of naked cuddling and some great oral sex, but hadn't taken the big step. I climbed in next to her, and we held each other for a while. I gently kissed her and told her she shouldn't worry about being too rough with the asshole tonight. "Whether you read his thoughts or not, he is a piece of shit. You could tell it by looking into his eyes. Even when he was smiling at you, his eyes were cold." "I know. It just kind of scares me that I have that much violence inside me, ready to erupt." "Who erupted? I sure hope he hasn't errupted yet. I have plans for him tonight," Bonnie said as she walked toward the bed. She was wearing a very sexy nighty. It was black and nearly transparent, with solid patches discretely covering her more interesting places. "My, my, getting modest are we? That is a very sexy outfit, Bonnie," I told her. "No, I'm not being modest," Bonnie told me, then kissed me with as much passion as I've ever felt in either life. "I just thought you might like to take it off me." It was fun. We kissed and cuddled, with me in the middle. I had an erection that would have cut diamonds. Bonnie moved down as if she were going to take me in her mouth, but then swung her leg across me. She rubbed the head of my cock up and down through her pussy, then looked me in the eye and asked, "Are you ready for the next step?" "Oh God, yes!" I moaned. We had all known it was going to happen, but we had all been waiting until we were really comfortable with the idea. I guess Bonnie was comfortable, I know I was. Bonnie positioned me at her opening, then looked me in the eye. I nodded and she started lowering herself on me. When the head of my cock popped into her very warm, very wet vagina, I thought I'd gone to heaven. Beth was watching her mother and I, a little surprised, but a lot turned on. "Beth, my sweet, sexy sister, would you please make my most erotic dream come true and put your beautiful pussy on my mouth. I want to make love to you while you watch Bonnie and me." Beth smiled, then kissed me with as much passion as Bonnie had shown before. When we broke the kiss, she moved up then brought her leg across me as she faced the junction of mine and Bonnie's bodies. Her sweet pussy was only inches from my face, so I took hold of her thighs and pulled her down so my tongue could taste her center. I wish I could say I lasted for hours, but my overcharged sixteen year old body and my highly stimulated fifty-eight year old brain reacted and I was pumping Bonnie full in less than a minute. Thanks to my sixteen year old body, I remained hard, and Bonnie never even slowed down. I know Beth had at least four orgasms before we fell exhausted onto the bed. I have no idea how many Bonnie had, but for the last several minutes she was riding me, she was in an almost constant state of orgasm. I had cum three times before Bonnie finally pulled off me. ----------- God, what a night! What a week! What a summer! What a life!!! From that night on, we completely lost all of our inhibitions. We rarely wore clothes when we were home and even bathrooms were shared. Two days later, Beth gave me her cherry while Bonnie held her hand and kissed her eyes. It was one of the most loving things I had ever experienced. The day after Beth and I made love, Bonnie told me she thought it was time to get me a car. I hadn't minded going everywhere with Bonnie, but she insisted. "Do I have a drivers license?" I asked her. "You most certainly do. You took Drivers Ed last year, got an 'A' in the course, and passed your driver's exam on the first try. What kind of car would you like?" "Well, I know it's expensive, but I really like the Chevy Suburban." "What? No muscle car? I'd have figured you for a Camaro." "Mike would have probably liked the Camaro, but I'm thinking about the three of us camping and maybe taking some long trips together, so I'd prefer the Suburban." So, that's what we got. If was fully decked out and I got the trailer towing package which included an oil cooler and a transmission cooler as well as a heavy duty transmission and rear end. As we left the lot, Bonnie grinned at me and said, "I'll bet I know what our next major purchase will be." I just grinned back and said, "I guess you should start shopping then." "What are you guys talking about?" Beth asked, looking confused. "I think Mike is thinking of a travel trailer," Bonnie told her. "It would be nice, and Mike got them to install some kind of thing that changes the car electricity into the type of electricity that can be used in a house or travel trailer, so we could go anywhere and still have all the comforts of home. He even got an oversized fuel tank for the Suburban so we could let it run all night if we needed air conditioning." "Wow! That'd be cool. Wouldn't it be nice to find a place we could park the trailer with no one else around? We could run naked through the fields." "Yeah, and run back to the trailer when the mosquitos tried to carry you away," I laughed. -------------- School was about to start and I was looking forward to it with mixed emotions. High school had not been particularly nice the first time through. I had been a slightly over weight nerd from a poor family. I was sure this time through would be a lot different. We'd had a lot of free time this summer, and so we all started to work out and run. Dad had quite a bit of exercise equipment that he had never really used. It was in a nice carpeted area in the basement and with a little bit of work, we had it set up to work for us. We also started running. Damn, the first time we went out for a run, I was panting by the end of the first block and had a stitch in my side by the middle of the second. Bonnie and Beth were in a little better shape, but still needed a lot of work. We kept at it, and by the end of summer, we were running six miles and feeling good when we finished. I used a lot of free weights and Beth and Bonnie worked more on tightening their stomachs and in toning their legs. I hate to say it, but Beth and I looked and felt like someone out of Body Beautiful when we walked in to school that first day. I was a Junior and Beth was a Sophomore. We had done a lot of talking during the summer about our relationship and the need to keep it secret. Bonnie said that Beth and I both needed to date other people. Neither of us were for it, me especially. The thought of another guy kissing my Beth about drove me crazy. Beth was a little easier about it, I guess because she was already sharing me with Bonnie. We finally agreed to dating, but neither of us were really happy with it. "Just because you go out with someone doesn't mean you have to screw them," Bonnie told us. ------------------------------------ Tuesday, September 7, 1976 ------------------------------------ One of the first people we ran into that first day of school was Shiela Hansen. When we saw this buxom cheerleader type coming toward us, Beth said, "Ut oh. That's Shiela Hansen, your old girlfriend. Careful Bro, she's a shark." "Oh hi, Mike," Shiela said, totally ignoring Beth. "It's good to see you. I'm mad at you though," she said with a pout. "You didn't call me once the whole summer. I was afraid you didn't like me anymore." By now she had her hands around my upper arm, stroking my muscle and smiling. "Well, actually you're right, Shiela. I don't like you anymore. I was in the hospital for two weeks and you never came in once. I was an invalid at home and you never called. You are a shallow person, Shiela and I really would appreciate it if you'd let go my arm." Shiela stepped back. I don't think she'd have been any more shocked if I'd hit her. Beth giggled, and I looked at her and said, "Shark, huh. More like a guppy." Beth broke up, laughing her ass off. Shiela had no idea what was going on, but she definitely knew we were laughing at her. Her face got the darkest shade of red I'd ever seen on a human being. I could see she was thinking of what she could do to make herself look the best. She drew back her hand and started to slap me. Beth grabbed her hand in mid swing and held it there. She stepped close to Shiela and said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "Shiela, you are a piece of shit. Mike would have let you get away with slapping him because you are a girl. I won't let that happen. It wouldn't bother me a bit to put you in the hospital so you can see how many people come to visit you. Do I make myself clear?" Shiela nodded, and Beth let go of her wrist. Beth just stared at her and you could see that Shiela was completely stunned. Finally she just turned and walked away, tears of frustration rolling down her cheeks. I gave Beth a quick hug and we both headed off to our home rooms. I was signed up for Biology, Chemistry, Trig, Government and English. Biology, Chemistry, and Trig were Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes. On Tuesday and Thursday I had Government, English, and Chemistry Lab. It was an aggressive schedule, but one I felt I could handle. By the end of the week, I was bored out of my mind. In my previous life, I had dual degrees in Chemical and Electrical Engineering. High school Chemistry for me was like going back to first grade to learn my ABCs. Trig was just as bad, because of all the math I'd had in getting my engineering degrees. Government class was taught by a guy who was really a Physical Education teacher. He made an already dull class into something that was as dry as cardboard. Biology was interesting because I hadn't taken any Biology classes in forty-two years. The class I enjoyed most was English. It was mostly a composition class, and the teacher, Mrs. Barnes allowed us a lot of leeway in how we interpreted our assigned topics. When I received my first paper back from her marked "A+" I was almost as excited as a high school student should be. I talked to Bonnie about my boredom problem and she asked if there was any way I could test out of any of the classes. I didn't know, so the next morning I made an appointment with my guidance counselor for Monday afternoon. ------------------------------------- Monday, September 13, 1976 ------------------------------------- Ms. Richards was a nice looking woman, who I think was just trying to get her years in so she could retire. She wasn't much interested in the problems of a teenager, and tried to blow me off by saying there was no way could just test out of the classes. "Ms. Richards, I was reading the other day about a twelve year old kid who had graduated from high school and was enrolled in college. Are you trying to tell me he spent four years in high school and sat through every required class to get his credits for graduation?" "I doubt that he did, Michael, but that kind of thing is for gifted children only. Do you think you're gifted?" "I'm not sure what my previous IQ scores were, Ms. Richards, but I was in a coma for a couple of weeks earlier this year, and when I woke up, I felt very different than I did before. Maybe you should have me tested to see if I've gone up or down as a result of the coma." "Maybe I should set up an IQ test for you," she said with a smug smile. "If it comes out the way I think it will, it will nip these feelings of superiority in the bud. Sit still, Michael. I need to make a phone call. I'll be right back." She was back inside ten minutes with a business card. "This is Dr. Johann Franks. He is the school psychiatrist and does any special testing required. He had some time tomorrow afternoon, so I've scheduled for you to take an IQ test starting at 1:00 PM. Please be at this address at least fifteen minutes early. I will inform your afternoon teachers you will not be here." I thanked her and tucked the card in my shirt pocket. "I'll be happy to take the test, Ms. Richards. However, I have one requirement before I'll take it. I want to be told my score on the test as soon as you find out. I feel I am old enough to know how I stack up, and I will not take the test unless you agree to this." "I'm afraid I can't do that, Michael," she said, her self righteous smile was back. "School policy says we cannot tell the student what his or her score is. I will be happy to send the results to your mother though. As for taking the test, you don't have a choice now that I have set it up. You either take it, or you will be suspended until you do take it." "That's okay, Ms. Richards. I'm going to see my attorney this afternoon. Would you please inform my teachers I will not be here? You might also want to tell Mr. Andrews (principal) that I will be filing a suit against the school. It seems that in this state I am old enough to be tried for a capital crime. I'm old enough to legally have sex. I'm old enough to smoke cigarettes. If I'm old enough for these things, I'm old enough to know how smart or how dumb I am. My attorney loves these kinds of cases and he'll have a ball with it." "There's no need to get an attorney, Michael. I'll talk with Mr. Andrews and see if something can be worked out. Just go ahead and take the test tomorrow and I'm sure we can all come to an agreement." "I'll tell you what. I'll talk to my attorney this afternoon and you talk to Mr. Andrews. I'll ask my attorney to hold off filing until I have talked with you. I'll come in to see you in the morning and if you give me a written document, signed by you and Mr. Andrews that I'll be given the results, I'll go ahead and take the test. If you do not have the document or if you try to cancel the test or postpone it, I'll tell the attorney to go ahead with the suit." "I find your attitude insulting, Michael. I will not be threatened." "Ms. Richards, I am not threatening you, I am informing you. You need to get over your attitude that just because you're older than me, you are necessarily smarter than me. I have been polite and respectful, I just have not allowed you to bully me. I'm sure the tape recording I've made of this interview will show that." "You made a recording? That's illegal. I'll... I'll have you arrested." "It is illegal for a policeman to tape an interview for the purpose of entrapment. I don't think the school attorney will agree that it's illegal for a student to protect himself from false accusations. I'll talk with you in the morning, Ms. Richards." -------------- That night I asked Bonnie if Mike had ever taken any IQ tests. She said he had taken one the year before and that he was very bright. She said his score had been 132. I had taken one a few years before, myself and had been in the upper 130s. I knew it was close to genius level and had been quite proud of my score. "Yeah, I was in the 130s too, Bonnie," I told her. "I always felt good about it because average is 100." "Do you really feel like it might be higher now?" "It feels like it is. Things seem to come easier for me. I have also been having some wierd things happening that I can't explain." "Like what?" "Well, do you remember how Beth said she felt like she was reading that guy's mind in the lounge? I've been getting flashes like that myself. It's mostly with you or Beth and usually when we're making love. I think it might be tied to strong emotions." Bonnie looked pensive for a few minutes then said. "I've had those kind of experiences all my life. I've always just shrugged them off as my imagination. It does seem like they are more frequently lately. Do you think it could have anything to do with you switching bodies?" "I don't know, Sweetheart. I know I have a close emotional bond with you and Beth. One of the reasons I wanted to take this test is to see if my brain has changed. If it has changed in one way, maybe it has changed in others. For example did Mike have a perfect memory for things he'd read?" "No, he was smart, but he always said he had to read something several times before he had it. Why?" "Well, I didn't have one as George either. Now I do. I'm also reading much faster than I ever could before and understanding what I've read if it builds on things I've read before. It's kind of scary in a way." "Oh, Sweety," Bonnie said as she pulled me into a hug. "Beth and I are here for you. If there's anything we can do, just let us know. You said you're reading faster. How fast are you reading now?" "I don't know for sure. Hand me that 'Time' magazine and I'll let you time me while I read a page. Pick out a page with a lot of text." I handed her my watch, which had a stopwatch built in and showed her how to use it. She handed me the magazine with her finger marking a page. She told me to keep it closed until she told me to start. She said, "Go." and I began reading an article on the future of the electronics industry. It was an interesting article and not one I'd seen before. When I finished the page I said, "Done." Bonnie looked disturbed. "That's impossible. There has to be close to two thousand words on that page, and you finished in twenty-three seconds." "I did read it, Sweety. Ask me a question about it." "Okay, Third paragraph, second sentence. What are the first three words?" It was like using a microfliche reader to scan down through the article. "By the middle," I told her. "My God! Let's count the words and see how fast you are, stud. I know from experience you're not too fast when you shouldn't be." We counted then calculated. It came out to a little over four thousand words per minute. I wasn't too disturbed, because I knew the Kennedys had read that fast or faster. It's just that they had to work hard to get to that speed and I had it for nothing. -------------------------------------- Tuesday, September 14, 1976 -------------------------------------- The next morning, I walked into Ms. Richard's office at exactly 9:00 AM. She didn't say a thing, but handed me a paper. I read it and it was what I asked for and it was signed by the appropriate people. I said, "Thank you." and turned to walk out. She never said a word the entire time I was there. When I arrived at Dr. Franks' office I learned I would actually be taking two tests. It seems there are several tests of different types that can be given that look at slightly different aspects of intelligence. To be honest, I couldn't tell much difference from the types of questions that were asked. God! What a grueling afternoon. When I found out it would take a little over four hours to take the tests, I called home to let Bonnie know I'd be late. Actually I was out of his office in a little over three hours. I'd have been out sooner, but I had to wait for him to go through the second test making sure I'd answered all of the questions. ------------------------------------------ Wednesday, September 15, 1976 ------------------------------------------ I was in Biology class the next morning when I was paged to go to Ms. Richards office. I didn't see any way she could have the test results as yet, so I was wondering what the hell she could want as I entered her office. She motioned me to one of the chairs in front of her desk and when I was seated she said, "Michael, Dr. Franks called over your test results this morning. He is asking for us to schedule some additional testing for you, and since I know you have some, ahh humm, uh... strong opinions about that type of thing I wanted to discuss them with you first." "Before we talk about additional testing, I'd like to hear the results of the tests I took, please." "Okay, you took two tests. On the first test you took, genius level is considered to be around 140. You scored 176. On the second test you took, genius level is around 150. You scored 183. Dr. Franks was concerned with your finishing so quickly, so he scored the tests last night. He says these are the highest scores he's ever seen from a test he's given, so he'd like to do some additional testing. It seems there are other tests that are a little more refined and can give a better idea of the areas you excel in." "Ms. Richards, the tests I took yesterday exhausted me completely. I'm not inclined to take any more, but I will talk it over with my mother. If she wants me to take the additional tests, I will. Is that satisfactory with you?" "Yes, Michael, that will be fine. I would like to discuss these tests with her as well, though. I should have the written reports by Monday. Could you please have her call me on Monday so we can set up an appointment? I believe Dr. Franks would like to set in on the meeting as well." "I'll have her call first thing Monday morning." "Thank you, Michael. We can probably also discuss testing out of some classes as well. From the brief conversation I had with Dr. Franks, he feels you are probably bored out of your mind with the courses you are taking now. I want to apologize for disbelieving what you said before. I should have at least given you the chance to test in one class to see if you were genuine." "Not a problem, Ms. Richards. Actually you did the right thing by scheduling the IQ tests. I thank you for that," I said as I stood to leave. The rest of the day at school was a blur. I went from class to class, ate my lunch, and talked to friends, but my mind was somewhere else. -------------------------------------- Friday, September 17, 1976 -------------------------------------- It was Friday night and none of us had dates. I had told Bonnie and Beth about my test results yesterday and we were all still a little shook up. We were snuggled up together on the couch. We had tried to watch some television, but there was nothing interesting on, so we put on some soft music and were just enjoying each other's company. "So, what could cause a jump of fifty points in IQ in a year?" Bonnie asked. "Absolutely nothing that I know of," I told her. "Theoretically, your IQ should be nearly the same from birth to death. I wish I had an answer." "Do you think the tests Dr. Franks wants to give you would shed any light on the subject?" "No. Absolutely not. Even in the year 2003, little was known as to what made one person more intelligent than another. Sure, brain damage can cause your IQ to go down, but I haven't heard of anything that would make it go up." "Then you don't think taking the additional tests would do any good." "No, but I do think they would cause a lot of additional exposure. We certainly don't want that," I said as I gave her left breast a squeeze. Bonnie giggled. "No, we don't want that." "I know that the brain functions when neurons fire an electrical signal from one neuron to another neuron. The electrical charge is fired because of a chemical change inside the sending neuron. Many neurons are firing in parallel. If there were more neurons firing in parallel, that might speed up the process. The rest potential of a neuron is about -70 millivolts, I believe, and the cell triggers when the voltage reaches about -55 millivolts. If the rest voltage and the trigger voltage were closer together, the neuron might fire quicker. Additional blood supply to the neuron might also speed it up. There may also be some kind of trigger, like adrenalin or something that would cause things to work faster or better." "That's more information than I ever wanted," Beth laughed. "What I want to know is, are you going to keep getting smarter, or have you reached your potential?" "I just don't know, Sweety. I am also wondering about what is causing all of us to have these flashes of telepathy. If we could learn to control it and strengthen it, there is no end to what we could do." "Yeah. I've been wondering about that myself. Why is it only the three of us? I've never heard of anyone else who had these experiences." "A lot of people over the years have demonstrated some form of ESP. Some of them have been hoaxes, but some have been verified. No one knows why. It could also be that a lot of people have these flashes but are afraid to say anything about them." "Well, I think we should move this discussion to the bedroom," Bonnie said. "That way when Mike starts another discourse on how the brain works, I can fall asleep without having to worry about getting up later." We did move to the bedroom, but not until after I had given Bonnie a severe tickling. Chapter 4 -------------------------------------- Saturday, September 18, 1976 -------------------------------------- *********************************************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE: From this point on, telepathic communications will use the < and > sign instead of quotes. *********************************************************** I was laying awake, thinking about what we had talked about, long after my two beautiful lovers were asleep. I was becoming a little frustrated because the same thoughts kept chasing themselves through my mind. Finally, agitated with the whole thing, I thought, "Why the fuck are we experiencing telepathy?" "Suddenly, I knew. I knew it as clearly as I knew my own name (both my names actually). We were receiving more blood flow to a portion of the brain that had no known function." "How did I know that?" I wondered. "Oh well, I wish I could see what was causing the additional blood flow." I could immediately see, behind my closed eyelids, a portion of the brain and a blood vessel leading into it. Somehow I knew this blood vessel was larger than in normal people, and that the telepathy was triggered by a state of excitement because of an increase in blood pressure. I thought about this for a couple of minutes then thought, "I wonder if my brain could cause this vessel to increase in size?" I knew that to do something like that, I'd have to be in a very excited condition. I slipped out of bed and quickly got dressed without awakening Bonnie or Beth. It was now over two hours after midnight so I knew there would be very little traffic. I got in my new Suburban. I was on the freeway within a few minutes going toward San Jose. I let the speed start to creep up, feeling the tension and excitement build. When the speedometer said 120 MPH, I tried my experiment. "I want the blood vessel I was looking at earlier to be permanently 50% larger than it was this afternoon," I thought. I didn't feel anything happening, and after a few more miles I thought the same thing. I still didn't feel any change, so I reluctantly took the next exit and started home. When I went back into the bedroom, Bonnie raised herself on one elbow and looked at me. She didn't move her mouth, but I distinctly heard, <What the hell is he doing dressed?> "I wanted to try an experiment, Sweety. Just go back to sleep. I'll be back as soon as I go to the bathroom." Again, I did not see her mouth move, but I heard, <Go back to sleep, Hell. I'm awake now. I'm going to jump his bones.> "Sweety, as much as I enjoy you jumping my bones, I'd rather wait until morning if you don't mind. I'm all keyed up and I don't think I'd be much good to you." "Mike, why are you answering me when I didn't say anything?" "But... you said you were awake and were going to jump my bones." "I thought it but I didn't say it. What's going on, Mike?" "My God... It must have worked!" I went on to explain to her the insights I had earlier and my experiment to increase the size of the blood vessel. After chewing me out for driving that fast, she calmed down enough to ask some questions. "Are you saying you can read what I'm thinking all of the time now?" "I don't know, Bonnie. I certainly heard what you were thinking when I came into the room." "Okay, I'm going to shut up talking and think something at you. See if you can pick it up." "Okay, and I love you too, Bonnie." "That was an easy one I guess. Try this one." "Okay, you thought 'and all the boards did shrink'." "Well... I know you didn't come up with that one by accident. Are you picking up anything besides my surface thoughts?" "No, but I haven't tried either. I really don't want to invade your privacy." "Privacy, Hell, Mike. We're about as close as any two people can get. You've even licked my asshole. Your father didn't do that in all the years we were married. If you'd like to look at my innermost thoughts and fantasies, you have my permission. Any time, any place." "Just relax for a minute or two, Bonnie. Let me see what I can see." ------------------ "My God, Bonnie! Why didn't you tell someone about the lump in your breast? You've been worried about it. Maybe we could have helped. You need to see a doctor." "I know! I know," Bonnie sobbed. "I should have told you a week ago, when I found it. I was trying to get up the courage to tell you and Beth and to call a doctor, but I was and am scared, Mike. We've all found something good and I don't want to lose it." "I don't want to lose it either, my love. Maybe there's something we can do about the lump though. First, though, would you like to be able to do the mind thing I've been doing, reliably?" "Yes, I guess so. How does that have anything to do with my lump though?" "Well, I changed the size of a blood vessel in my brain just using my mind. If I can do that, then maybe I could remove cancer cells as well. If we get it so you can do the same thing, we should have a better shot at getting rid of your lump." Bonnie brightened considerably and said, "Okay, let's try it. What do we have to do?" "I'm not sure. I just visualized the blood vessel in my brain and told myself I wanted it to be 50% larger. I had excited myself by driving fast, so my blood pressure was up and I could have the power to do it." "Now that you can do it all the time, can you visualize the vessel in my brain and tell it to get larger?" "I don't know, but let's give it a try." We looked deeply into each other's eyes, and I concentrated on the area of Bonnie's brain that we wanted to have increased blood flow. When I closed my eyes, I could see the area and see the vessel with the blood flowing through it. The blood vessel was not as large in Bonnie as it had been in me. I concentrated on the vessel and thought, "I want this vessel to be twice as large as it was yesterday." I stayed concentrating on her brain, and I could actually see the vessel growing. "Do you feel anything different?" I asked her. "No, not really," She responded, a look of disappointment coming to her face. "I didn't either at first. I'm going to clear my mind and think of one thing. See if you can tell me what I'm thinking." She waited a few seconds and smiled. "I know you love me and Beth. We both love you too." Bonnie paused another couple of seconds then said, "It's so amazingly clear. When you think something, it's like I'm hearing it with my ears. It's not audible though. This is amazing." "Yes, it is. When you probe someone for their underlying thoughts it is a bit different. You don't hear the words, it's just like you grasp the concept without needing words." "So, what do I do about my lump?" "First off, show me where it is so I can feel it." "You're just wanting to feel mommy's tit, you nasty thing," Bonnie laughed. I could tell she was relaxing already. "Yes, but mommy has such pretty tits," I told her. "Now show me, woman." Bonnie pulled my hand to her breast and started moving my fingers around. I felt it almost at once. It was about the size of a marble and spongy hard. "Okay, now close your eyes and tell yourself you want to see the lump in your breast." Bonnie concentrated for a few seconds then said, "I can see it. It's an ugly thing, Mike." "Sweety, I'm going to look into your mind and see if I can see it too." Bonnie didn't say anything, so I looked into her mind. She was concentrating on the lump and I could see it clearly. "Now, Sweety, tell yourself you want the cells in the lump to die, and you want your body to adsorb the dead cells and excrete them through normal excretion." Bonnie concentrated again. Almost immediately I could see the lump start to shrink. Within five minutes, it was gone. Neither of us said a word during this time. I don't think either of us could have. Finally, I asked, "May I feel your lovely breasts again?" Bonnie smiled and nodded. It was gone. The lump is gone! "My God! Sweety, the damned thing is gone!" I shouted. Bonnie's smile lighted the entire city as she knocked my hand out of the way and started her own examination. "It is gone," she almost whispered. "What's gone?" Beth asked. "What's all the commotion about? I'm trying to sleep here." Bonnie explained to her everything that had gone on as I held my wonderful lover with the fixed booby and stroked her hair. Of course, Beth wanted us to "fix" her brain too, so we repeated the process we used on Bonnie with Beth. Beth's blood vessel was more the size of mine, maybe even a little larger, so we went with the 50% increase on her. After Beth was up to speed, we had a mental conversation between the three of us that blew us all away. Thoughts passed back and forth much faster than words and always came out as we meant them to. We experimented a little and found we could also send and receive feelings, sights and smells. It was wonderful. <Bonnie, there's one thing I want you to do as soon as possible,> I told her. <I want you to tell your mind to look for other cells like those in the lump in your breast. If you have them, you should get rid of them.> <I was thinking the same thing, Honey. It wouldn't hurt for you and Beth to do the same thing.> <Mom, Mike, I was just thinking. If we can make cancer cells go away, could we also make something like a bad heart well again?> <I think we could, Sweety,> I told her. <Maybe even repair things like a broken bone.> <If that's the case, Mike, Why would we ever have to die?> Her question totally flabbergasted me. I think it must have done the same thing to Bonnie. We all just looked at each other, I at least was a little scared from the implications. Finally, I managed to shape a coherent thought. <I'm not sure, Beth. I don't think we have enough information. We probably need to do a little experimentation to see what we can do. We really don't know what we'd have to do to stop or reverse the aging process.> <Well, from what you told me, you were pretty general in what Mom told her body to do to get rid of the cancer cells. Maybe we just need to tell our body to make and keep itself as it was when we were in the best condition of our life.> <You and I are young enough, Beth, that we'd need to let our bodies mature a little before we did something like that. Bonnie/Mom could actually try it now. Are you game to try something like that, Bonnie?> <Yeah, I guess I could try. I was just thinking about when I was in the best shape of my life. I think it was when I was eighteen. I was a cheerleader. My breasts were full grown, I had a slim waist, and my hips were just a little smaller than they are now. We exercised a lot for the cheerleading, and I could run five miles while hardly breaking a sweat. My muscle tone was excellent and I didn't have these disgusting stretch marks that you guys gave me.> <Wow! I wish I had known you then.> <Maybe you'll get the chance,> she giggled. <Should I try it now?> <It's almost 6:00 AM,> I said, <maybe you should wait until we get up in the morning. I think we should all try to get some sleep right now.> <I'll agree with that,> Beth said. <I was sleeping nicely when you guys woke me up. If it'd been something important, I wouldn't have minded so much, but all you wanted to do was cause me to be able to read minds and maybe live forever.> We all laughed at that, then snuggled in for some much needed rest. -------------- It was nearly noon when I woke up the next morning. Beth's head was on my left shoulder and she was snuggled close. It was the smell of coffee that awakened me, and it was close by. As my eyes began to focus, I could see that Bonnie had set two cups on the night stand and was wafting the delicious fragrance toward Beth and I. I did a double take. Yes, it was Bonnie, but she was like no Bonnie I had ever seen before. She was absolutely gorgeous! <You did it,> I said. <You are definitely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in either of my lives.> <Thank you, kind sir,> She said with a little curtsey. <Yes, I did it. I've been up almost two hours. It was a very interesting experience.> I beckoned her to me, and she slid in beside me. <How interesting? I asked. <Well, I told my body to return itself to the way it had been two months before I graduated from high school, and to maintain it in that condition until I told it differently. I immediately started feeling the changes happening. My ass got smaller and my tits got tighter. I could feel my skin tightening but becoming more supple. I could even feel my pussy change. Probably the most interesting thing was when the change was complete.> <What happened then?> <I was hungry.> <What's so interesting about that?> <I ended up eating six eggs, more hashbrowns than I would normally fix for the three of us, a pound of bacon, and half a dozen slices of toast with butter and jelly.> <Ahhh. Your body needed the fuel to compensate for the changes it had made and was probably still making. How do you feel now?> <Hungry!> Beth giggled. I knew she had been awake since Bonnie had gotten into bed with us, but she hadn't said anything. Bonnie passed Beth and I our coffee, and we sipped for a while. Finally, Beth said she was hungry too, so we decided to go out for brunch. We ended up going to an IHOP that was close to the house. Beth and I ordered what we would consider a normal breakfast. Bonnie had three eggs, corned beef hash, hashbrowns, and three plate sized pancakes. I was almost embarrassed. We talked verbally while we ate, talking about school and exercise and any innocuous thing we could think of. We were also carrying on a nonverbal conversation on things we didn't want anyone else to hear. <Bonnie, you are absolutely gorgeous,> I told her. <You ain't seen nothing yet,> She replied. <Just wait until you slip that marvelous cock of yours into my pussy. I'm tight, and wet, and hot, and any other adjective you can use to describe an eighteen year not quite virgin pussy. I'm going to be leaving a wet spot on the seat here from just thinking about it.> <Maybe we should get home then and try it out,> I said. We did, and it was everything she said it would be. ------------ God! I can't believe it. Did I say that Bonnie is gorgeous? Actually I don't think there was ever a word invented that could tell you just how beautiful she is. And energetic, she has more energy than I could imagine. She has a cheerleader's body and no cheerleading to do, so she has to expend the energy someway. We had sort of let our exercise and running lapse since school started, but Bonnie got us back into it with a passion. Anyway, back to the story. I am trying to keep to the order things happened in, but I digress at times. We spent most of the rest of that day in bed. Bonnie couldn't get enough and I couldn't get enough of her. We didn't leave Beth out either. I must have cum seven or eight times that day. I had the normal libido of a horny sixteen year old, plus I had found I could now will myself hard. Even if I had just had an earth shaking cum, I could get hard again in seconds. I also had the chance to watch Beth and Bonnie get it on. Watching that gave me an erection you could have driven nails with. -------------------------------------- Monday, September 20, 1976 -------------------------------------- I was in Biology class on Monday morning, when I was again called to Ms. Richards office. Waiting for me there was Bonnie, Ms. Richards, Mr. Andrews, and Dr. Franks. Ms. Richards informed me they had been discussing my test results, and said they were ready to talk about me testing out of some classes. "There are two or three ways we can do this, Michael," said Mr. Andrews. The first way would be if you just dropped out of school and took the GED (General Education Development) test. That way you would not get a diploma, but you would be able to get into college once you passed the GED. The second way would be for you to select the classes you feel you could test out of, then you would take tests for those classes over a couple of weeks time. Then you could take whatever classes you still need to graduate. The third way is the same as the second, except we would give you a week or two to prepare for the test by studying the text book for the class." "Well Mr. Andrews, if you are giving me a choice, I would choose the third way, if I can graduate early after passing all the required tests or taking the classes." "Yes, Michael. That would be the scenario, and I believe it is your best choice. A GED is okay, but it is still better to have a diploma in my opinion." Ms. Richards said, "Here is a list of the eight classes you need to graduate. Put a checkmark by the ones you'd like to take the test for and leave the classes you are going to take blank." She handed me a slip of paper with the eight classes listed. I quickly put a check beside each class and handed it back to her. She glanced at the list then said, "Michael, you are indicating that you want to test out of every one of them. Is that what you intend?" "Yes, Ms. Richards. I'd like to schedule things so that I can graduate at the end of the first semester." "I don't know if that's possible, Michael," Mr. Andrews said while shaking his head. "If it can be done, I think it should," Dr. Franks said. "As I was telling you earlier, there aren't more than one hundred people in the United States who has that high of an IQ, and not more than a thousand in the world. We really shouldn't hold him back if we can help it." Mr. Andrews thought for a couple of minutes then said, "Okay, we'll do it your way, Michael. What class would you like to start with?" "Chemistry is my best subject, so let's start with that. Could we set the test up for Monday morning? That would give me the weekend to study." "That will be fine, Michael," said Ms. Richards. "I will be administering the tests. There's one thing you should know, though. Each subject test is a one shot deal. If you don't pass it the first time, you have to take the class." "I understand, Ms. Richards. It makes sense to do it that way." -------------- Until I passed the test for a subject I was currently in, I had to keep attending the class. One of the reasons I decided for chemistry to be the first one I tested out of was because it had three class periods and two labs every week. I somehow made it through the rest of my classes that day. During my study hall, I decided to try an experiment. The school was about five miles from our house as the crow flies. We had never experimented with range, so I thought I'd try. <Bonnie, can you hear me?> I called mentally. I tried to direct my thoughts to her as I sent them. <Yes, I can hear you. Where are you, Lover?> <I'm in study hall at school, Swivel Hips. I was wondering if you and Beth would like to go out to dinner tonight.> <I certainly would and I'm sure Beth would too. You know how much she hates doing dishes.> <Beth, my love, would you like to go out to dinner with Bonnie and I tonight?> I projected to Beth. It was almost a minute before she answered. Evidently I'd caught her at just the wrong time. She had been lost in thought when my voice was suddenly in her mind. She let out a little squeak and had to make up a story for her teacher when he asked what her problem was. <I told him I had seen a spider,> she told me. <Yes, I'd love to go out to dinner. Could we go somewhere that has dancing? I enjoyed dancing with you so much that night and I know Bonnie did too.> <Yeah, I kind of liked it too. I'll ask Bonnie to make reservations for us.> <When you call her, tell her about you scaring the crap out of me in class.> <Tell her yourself, Sweet Lips. I asked her mentally if she'd like to go out just before I started talking to you. Just direct your thoughts toward her. If it's okay, I'll listen in.> <Certainly it's okay. I love you Mikey.> <I love you too, Lively Legs, but if you don't stop calling me Mikey, I'm going to turn into the tickle monster.> I could hear a mental giggle. I'll swear I could. Then I heard Beth calling to Bonnie. <Mom, are you there?> <Of course I'm here. Where else would I be? Are you in class also?> <Yes, Mom. Let's see, you might be out somewhere so you could let all those horny men out there drool over your sexy new body.> <I only want one man drooling on me from now on, Sweety. I think you know who that is.> <Yeah, and that drooler damn near scared me to death a while ago. I was sitting quietly in class when all of a sudden I heard his voice in my mind. I almost peed myself.> I could hear Bonnie's mental laugh. <I'm listening in Bonnie. I hope you don't mind.> <Not at all, Lover. I do think you need to take special care of Beth tonight to make up for scaring her though.> <I'll gladly take special care of Beth any night, Mom. I love her, you know.> <Yes, we both know. So where did you guys want to eat?> Beth told her of her desire to go dancing after dinner, and Bonnie agreed. <How about this little redneck country place I know of? I hear they serve great ribs, and they have a band every night.> Beth and I agreed that would be great. I love ribs, and Beth and Bonnie do too. The messier the better I always say. ----------- The redneck bar was just as described. The food was fantastic, and the dance floor was as big as Texas. When we had all stuffed ourselves with the ribs, Beth asked me if I'd dance with her. "I would love to dance with my beautiful lady," I told her. We were keeping all conversations verbal so we wouldn't confuse people around us if we shared a joke nonverbally and we all burst out laughing for no apparent reason. Once we were on the dance floor, we could hold each other close and converse mentally. <I love you, Mike. You know that, don't you?> <I love you too, little Sis. It'd be pretty hard to keep how we feel from each other now, wouldn't it?> <The funny part is, Mike. I still love you as a brother, even though I know the boy I grew up with isn't in there any more. But now, I also love you as a boyfriend... no that's not right. I now love you as a husband. I feel like we're married, Mike, and I like it a lot.> <Me too, Sis. I do love you as a wife. It is so strange to say that and know I feel the same way about Bonnie.> <Thanks for including me, Mike,> I heard from Bonnie. <I love you and Beth as well. <You like a husband, and Beth... Hell, I don't know. I guess I love her like a husband too. Is that strange?> <Shit yes, it's strange,> Beth answered. <I know what you mean though. I've been trying to think of what my love for you is like, Mom, and I guess it IS like I feel for Mike.> When the dance was over, I escorted Beth back to the table, and since there was another slow song starting, I asked Bonnie to dance. We were dancing close, and had moved over to one of the less well lighted corners to exchange a kiss when we heard mentally, <HELP!> It was immediately cut off, but we both started running for our table. It was empty, and the chair Beth had been was laying on it's back on the floor. I had just turned to ask the people at the next table what had happened when two very large men came running up. "Are you with the girl that was here?" one of them asked. "Yes, what happened?" Bonnie asked. "We were watching the place on the monitors upstairs. Everything was fine until we saw these three guys grab the girl who was here. One of them slapped a rag over her mouth and nose and she went limp. They were out the back door before we could get down here." "Call 911 and report a kidnaping," I told them. "I'm going out back to see if I can see their car. "Bonnie, get our car and meet me around back." One of the bouncers said, "Now wait a minute. You can't go out..." "Shut up and do what you're told," I said as I headed toward the door. "If you don't, your boss is going to be awfully mad when we own this place." To be continued