Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Fountain of Youth by Lazlong Chapter 5 By the time Bonnie picked me up, I could feel Beth. <She's asleep, Bonnie, but I can feel her mind.> <Can we wake her up? Can you tell which direction she's in?> <She's that way,> I said, pointing. <Take off that way, and I'll see if I can wake her.> <Beth, Sweety. I need for you to wake up baby, but pretend you're still asleep. Wake up for me baby. They've used some kind of chemical on you Sweety, so you'll have to tell your body to get rid of it. Please wake up for me baby.> <I'm awake, Mike. Oh God! I'm scared to death.> <Do you know where you are baby?> <I'm in a car. I have my eyes closed, so I don't know where I am. They have me tied up and have a blindfold over my eyes.> <Okay, Sis, see if you can look through the driver's eyes. If you can tell where you are, it'll save us some time. We're coming in your general direction now.> <Okay, I'll try. Hold on a minute.> We waited for what seemed like forever then Bonnie and I heard, <We're on Hallowell Road, heading for the reservoir. Mike, the driver is planning to rape me then kill me. He's the guy I kicked in the nuts when we were dancing before.> <Okay, sweety, we're right behind you.> <Mike, two of them are in the front seat and one of them is back here with me. He keeps trying to kiss me and he's squeezing my tits. God they hurt. Oh, my God! He just ripped the top of my dress off.> <Honey, see if you can get in his mind and put him to sleep. When I get there he's a dead man.> Bonnie looked over at me a shocked look torturing her features. <Don't even try to change my mind, Bonnie. He is hurting one of my wives, so he has to die.> <I wouldn't think of stopping you, My Husband. I just thought I'd be the one to do it. I think they all have to die.> <Agreed. Obviously the law can't do anything about them. If they are trying to rape and murder Beth, it's just a matter of time before they'd do it to someone else.> <Okay, guys, the one in back here is asleep. What do I do next?> <Knock the one who isn't driving out too. We're gaining on you, our beautiful mother is going about eighty five on this narrow little road. I never knew she could drive like this.> <I didn't either,> Bonnie told us. <The other guy is out now. The driver is suspicious. He's trying to talk to them, but they're not answering back.> <Let us know if he slows down or anything, Sweety. We couldn't be more than half a mile behind you now.> A few minutes later we heard, <He's stopping, Mike. He's thinking about a forest service road.> <He's stopped and is getting out of the car to open a gate. He thinks his buddies must have been overcome by the ether they used on me. Should I put him to sleep too?> <Do it baby. We'll be there within seconds.> <He's asleep, Mike. I caught him as he was getting out of the car. It must have hurt when his head hit the gravel.> <Good. I plan to wake him up before he dies, so he knows why he's dying.> We saw the tail lights of a car ahead and slightly off to our right. Bonnie slowed and pulled in behind it. We were out of the car before it had hardly stopped rolling. <It's us, Beth,> I said just before I touched her. <Everything is alright now baby.> We got the blindfold off first, then I went to work on the clothesline rope they had used on her hands and feet. Bonnie was kissing her eyes and nose and cheeks as she stroked her daughter/lover's hair. When I had her free, we went into a group hug that lasted for several minutes. Beth was sobbing when we started, but we held each other until she had calmed down. <Bonnie, take Beth back to our car and I'll take care of the trash.> <NO!> I didn't know you could yell mentally, but Beth did it. <I'm going to help. I need to help, Mike.> <I need to be in on it too, Mike. If we're going to do this, we do it together. I'm not going to feel any guilt over this, and I don't think Beth will either.> <Okay, ladies. I can understand your need to help. It isn't going to be pretty though. I'm going to make them hurt a little first.> <I understand your anger, Mike, but I'm not sure about torturing them. Yes, wake them and let them know they are going to die and why they are going to die. Let them think about it for a few minutes. That should be punishment enough. I don't want us to become like them.> <Okay, Bonnie. I want to cut their balls off with a dull knife and feed them to them, but I know you're right.> <You could only cut one of Ferguson's balls off anyway, Mike. Evidently they had to remove one of them when I kicked him.> <Okay, girls. How do we do this?> <Can we wake them up but paralyze them so they can't move?> Bonnie asked. <I suppose we can. Do you have an idea of what we do then?> <Yes, but I think we'll play it by ear. We'll be able to tell what scares them the most and we can build off that.> <Okay, let's do it.> We dragged the three men out and laid them side by side on the gravel road. I woke them but gave their bodies instructions that they couldn't move their arms or legs. Ferguson started threatening and sputtering immediately. "Just shut up, Mr. Ferguson," Bonnie told him. "As the three of you can see, you can't move your arms or legs. You picked on the wrong people this time, boys." "Whaddya mean?" one of the men asked. "You tried to kidnap a witch," Bonnie told him. "All three of us are witches. To show you I'm telling the truth, we're going to give you all a very severe pain in your right knees." She nodded at me and I told their bodies their right knees had just been crushed. All three immediately started screaming. Bonnie waited nearly half a minute then nodded at me again. I told their bodies their knees were well and shouldn't be hurting. You could see the fear in all of their eyes. Ferguson said, "Ma'am, she crushed my balls. We were just bringing her out here to scare her a little bit. We weren't going to hurt her." "We can read your mind Ferguson. All the way out here in the car you were thinking of raping and killing my daughter. You are going to die for that. In fact, all of you are going to die for that." "Mike, should we burn them to death or drown them?" "I'd say burn them, it's a lot more trouble, but I think it will be a lot more painful." "I think we should drown them, Mom. It'd be a lot harder to burn them and the police will investigate a lot harder than if it is just a bunch of guys who got drunk and drowned." "Yeah, I guess you're right, Beth. I just hate to see them get off that easy." We loaded them all into their car and went through the gate so we could drive down close to the water. We found a small beach area and removed them from the car and laid them on the beach. Beth wanted the honor of undressing them and she made many derogatory comments about their manhood as she did. She piled each one's clothes in separate piles on the beach. Bonnie said she wanted to make each of them fuck each other in the ass, but I told her we didn't have that much time. We had their bodies adjust their blood alcohol levels until they were almost twice the drunk limit, then stood them up and made their bodies start walking into the lake. I forced them to remain silent, so we wouldn't be swayed by their pleas. We could see each of them still walking as their heads went under. On the way back to town I asked Bonnie if she were feeling bad about what we'd done. <Not really,> she answered. <Maybe we did do a little too much mental torture, but I think they deserved it.> <Mom, think of the torture they put me through. Also did you probe them at all?> <No, Sweety, their minds were sickening.> <Well, I did. Two of them raped a twelve year old girl a couple of years ago. They thought she was dead when they left her, but they found out later she lived.> We made slow passionate love when we got home. All three of us. It was as if we were trying to wipe out the things that had happened and reaffirm our love for each other. When we finally went to sleep, we were calm and relaxed. We all slept well. ------------------ The rest of the week at school was anticlimactic. I arranged to take the Chemistry exam the following Monday. I knew that with a Chemical Engineering degree in my other life I would have no problem with a highschool Chemistry test, so I really didn't even have to read the book. ------------------------------------------ Wednesday, September 29, 1976 ------------------------------------------ I was daydreaming in that same class on Wednesday when I heard in my mind, <Hey, Bro. Did you look at the bulletin board today?> <No, Sexy. I didn't take time this morning.> <They're starting tryouts for the track team this afternoon. Are you interested?> <I've never been much of a jock, Sis.> <I haven't either, Silly, but I was thinking it might be fun. Maybe try out in some of the long or middle distance races.> <It might be fun. It also might help with our own conditioning. Are you going to try out?> <Yeah, I think so. I'd like it better if you were on the team too. I guess I'm feeling a little insecure about being alone.> <Not a problem, Sweety. I'll see you at the tryouts.> Actually, it was a lot of fun. The coaches had different areas set up for the different events, but the longer distances were all grouped together. Coach Daniels got up in front of the people who were trying for the distance positions to explain what we would be doing. "Today is an elimination day," Daniels told us. "Today we are going to determine which of you ladies and gentlemen are long distance runners, and which ones we feel need a little more practice before you try out for the team again. The way we're going to do that is, we're going to give each of you a number, which will be displayed on your back. We have a course set up that is exactly two miles long, one out and one back. Men and women will be running together. Each time you pass this end of the course, my assistants will record your number. You will all run for an hour and the people who go the farthest during that time will be on the team. If you feel like you cannot run for an hour, now is the time to back out." There were about fifty kids there and after the coach's talk five or six of them left. Beth and I went over and picked up our numbers then helped each other into them. After a lot of milling around, everyone had their numbers. The coach lined us up near the starting point and told us the signal that the hour was up would be the firing of the school canon. As everyone was getting ready, I said to Beth, <Let's just run this like we do our runs at home, Sweety. We might not be the fastest, but we've been doing well over an hour lately and I know we can keep up that pace.> <I was thinking the same thing, Mike. Would you like to run side by side like we do at home?> <I wouldn't have it any other way, Lively Legs.> Her grin made my day. When the race started, we were near the back of the pack. We started at the speed we normally ran at, and were completely comfortable. Beth and I conversed mentally the entire time. That way we didn't have to worry about anyone overhearing us and it also conserved our oxygen. At the two mile mark we were passing people who were starting to drop back. At the four mile mark there were less than ten people in front of us. At the six mile mark, one guy was still leading us, but he appeared to be faltering. At the eight mile mark, we were by ourselves, but we were lapping other runners. We were approaching the ten mile mark when I looked at my watch and saw we only had about three minutes left. <Three minutes left, Sweety. Sprint?> Beth just smiled and took off. We passed the ten mile mark like we were running the hundred yard dash. I didn't try to distance Beth, but just kept even with her. I could see Coach Daniels with a big grin on his face as we blew by him. We were about a quarter of a mile into the next lap when the canon went off. We checked in with one of the assistants who was close and started our walkdown to cool off. As we approached the starting point, Coach Daniels walked out to meet us. "You two are the Greens, right?" Beth and I confirmed we were. "Mr. Green, you are a very good runner. You're going to do big things this year. Miss Green, you are phenomenal. You ran at a speed that matched the winner of the ladies Boston Marathon last year. Do you guys run at home?" "Yes, Sir," Beth told him. "We run every day. We started running a half hour, but now we run about an hour and a half. We usually run at the pace we ran today. Our mother runs with us." "Good genes. How old is your mother?" "She's 37, but she looks 18. They card her every time she orders wine with a meal." Coach Daniels laughed. "I wish I had that problem," He told us. "Anyway the male and female runners who run the farthest in this test are automatically on the team. Practice will start tomorrow after your last class. I'm looking forward to working with you kids." We thanked him and went for a quick shower before heading home. Bonnie was thrilled when we told her we'd both made the long distance team. We decided to grill some steaks to celebrate. We had a great dinner in the back yard, until the mosquitos decided they were hungry too. The last straw was when one of the little buggers decided it liked Bonnie's nipple as much as I do. Beth and I had to do a lot of kissing to make it well when we were all in the safety of the house again. ------------------------------------------ Thursday, September 30, 1976 ------------------------------------------ Practice for track was fun. Beth and I both signed up for the 10K, the 5K, and the one mile runs. The coach wanted us to also try out for some of the field events, so I tried out for javelin, discus and shot put. I was an abysmal failure on the shot put, but wasn't too bad on discus. The javelin wasn't too bad either, but I figured one field event was enough. Beth tried out for several events, but finally settled on the high jump. Since Beth was running faster than even the boys, she didn't have much competition. We trained hard though and before long, we were both improving greatly. ------------------------------------------ Monday, October 4, 1976 ------------------------------------------ The following Monday I took the test for Chemistry. As I figured, I was in the 99th percentile. I scheduled Trig for the following Monday since I didn't feel I would have any more trouble with it than I did Chemistry. Bonnie and I were talking after I finished my test. She was at home and I was in my Trig class. Beth's birthday was coming up on Friday, so Bonnie and I discussed what we should get her for a present. <Bonnie, it's the big number sixteen for her,> I said. <I think we should get her a car.> <I was kind of leaning in that direction myself. Any idea what kind?> <I don't think she'd want or need a muscle car. Something sporty would be nice though. How about a Corvette?> <Get real, Mike. A Corvette is not a car for a young girl. Besides do you really want to compete with all the boys that would be hanging around if we got her a Corvette?> <You get real, Bonnie. Beth and I are as much in love as you and I are. Would you run out and get it on with another guy just because you could? I know I have no desire for any woman besides the two of you.> <You're right, Sweety. I still think we should go with something a little more conservative. How about a Volkswagen. I'm afraid she'd get carried away with a Vette and get herself hurt or killed.> <Actually, a Volkswagen is a sexy little car. That might not be a bad idea. Why don't you find out what one will cost, then move enough money from our stock trading account to our checking account. I'll take tomorrow off from school and we can go look.> <Sounds like a plan to me, Mike. What do you think about a party with some kids from school?> <Well, Beth doesn't have a lot of friends at school, but she does hang out a lot with Sharon Mayhew. I could ask Sharon who we should invite.> <Can you talk with her this afternoon?> <Actually, she's on the same lunch schedule as I am. Beth doesn't eat until later. I'll grab her at lunch.> <Just watch where you grab her, Buster.> <I will, Mom. I always look where I grope.> <Mikey, you are a bastard.> ----------- What I didn't tell Bonnie was that I seriously thought Sharon had a crush on me. When I'd speak to her when she was with Beth, she was all smiles and she never passed up an opportunity to touch my arm or my chest. I arrived at the cafeteria early, and waited just inside for Sharon. When she came in, she was by herself. "Hi Sharon." "Hi Mike." Her smile would have lighted New York. "I was wondering if you'd sit with me at lunch. I need to talk with you about Beth." "Sure. I'd love to have lunch with you, Mike." We chatted as we went through the line, and when we got to the cashier, I paid for both lunches. We found a small table over in a corner, and sat facing each other. "Sharon, I don't know if you realize it or not, but Friday is Beth's sixteenth birthday." "I knew it was soon, but I didn't know it was this week. All she can talk about is getting her driver's license." "Yeah, I know. She's going to have her socks knocked off when she sees what Mom is getting her." "What is it? I promise I won't tell." "A Volkswagen." "God, is she going to flip out. I'm excited for her. I wish I could see her face when she gets it." "Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Mom and I want to have a party for her, but we really don't know who her friends are, except you, of course. I was wondering if you had any idea who we should invite." "I can think of a few. How big a party were you thinking about?" "Not too big. I wouldn't want to invite someone just to fill a space, and I definitely wouldn't want to invite anyone she didn't like." "Okay, I can think of three girls and two boys who she really likes. Besides me, that is. She knows a lot of people, but these are the only ones I'd say she was actually friends with." "Would you do the honors of inviting them for me? You could all show up around four on Friday." "Sure, Mike. I'll do it for you." "Tell everyone to bring swimsuits so they can use the pool. Unless you all want to go skinny dipping that is." Sharon giggled and looked up through lowered lashes, "That might be fun," she said shyly. "Oh, it is fun. I enjoy it immensely." "Do you... I mean have you... Awh Shit. Have you ever gone skinny dipping with Beth?" "Yeah. All the time actually. Mom too. We are kind of like nudists around the house. We are planning to go to a nudist camp this coming summer." I don't know why I was telling her these things. I just had a feeling I could trust her and I knew Beth did. "Wow. Cool. I don't know if I could do that or not. Doesn't it bother you? I mean, doesn't your... thingy get all...?" "It did at first, Sharon, but you get used to it after a while and it isn't a problem any more. Please don't say anything to anyone except Beth about what I told you. There's nothing wrong with what we do, but a lot of people aren't as open minded as you are and they might look down on Beth because of it." "Oh, Mike. I wouldn't say anything. I wouldn't want anyone to think badly of you either." "Sharon, I'm really not worried about what people think of me. There are very few people I care about, and the ones I do aren't going to think badly of me anyway. I do care about Beth though and I wouldn't want anything to hurt her." "I knew I liked you for a reason," Sharon said with a big smile. "Ditto," I said, returning her smile. We talked about school and track until lunch period was over. As we were getting up to leave, I said, "I really enjoyed talking with you, Sharon. We'll have to do this again." "I'd like that, Mike," she said while taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. As I was walking to my next class I thought I'd better get in touch with Beth. <Hi Sweety. Are you busy?> <No, just going to lunch. How is your day going?> <Okay so far. I wanted to tell you I had lunch with Sharon Mayhew before you heard it from someone else.> <And what were you up to with the luscious Sharon?> <Nothing really. She is nice to talk with, though. I just didn't want you to think I was coming on to her or something.> <Gee, and why would I think that, Big Brother? Do you have a guilty conscience?> <Beth, you know I love you with all of my heart. You know I love Bonnie just as much. I guess I am feeling a little guilty because I did enjoy talking with Sharon so much. I also admit I am physically attracted to her.> <Hell, I'm attracted to her too, Big Brother. You should see those magnificent tits of hers in the shower. It's all I can do to keep my hands off them. Yes, I do know you love me and Bonnie. She does too. Don't worry so much.> <I knew there was a reason I love you so much, Sis.> <So, what did you two talk about for an entire lunch period?> <We talked about school and track. We also talked a little about our home lives.> <Yeah. Sharon doesn't have it so good at home. Her father knocks her around and her mother is dead. Did she tell you she's afraid her dad is going to rape her?> <No, she didn't, Beth. Is there anything we can do?> <Not that I know of right now. So, what did you tell her about our home life?> <Well... I told her we were nudists and invited her over to go skinny dipping.> <You didn't!> <Yes, I did, Sweety. It's the truth isn't it?> <It's the truth, but it's private. You shouldn't be telling anyone about it.> <I know that, Sweety. I really don't know why I did. There's just something about her that makes me feel I can trust her.> <It wouldn't be because she's madly in love with you, would it? Or maybe it's because you want to see those mammoth mamaries.> <Cut it out, Sis. I've got to go to class. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case she said anything.> <Okay, Bro. See you at track practice.> ------------- Sharon showed up to watch track practice. Beth and I talked about it a little bit, mentally. She was as surprised as I was. I can't say I wasn't happy to see her, so when I was on a break, I ran over to talk with her. "Hi there young lady. What brings you out to see us tortured?" "Hi Mike. I just wanted to tell you that the two boys and two of the girls I told you about said they'll be there on Friday. The other girl can't make it." "That's great, Sharon. Thank you for coming out. It's nice to see a friendly face while the coach is trying to kill us." "That's okay, Mike. I like watching you and Beth. You have a real grace when you're running." "We've only got another half hour or so. Are you going to hang around till it's over?" "I was thinking about it. My dad's out of town until next week, so I don't have to be in a rush to get home." "How about you and Beth and I run over to Betty's when we get through and grab a burger?" I'll swear, the lights went on when she smiled. "I'd really like that Mike." "Great. Hang around while we get our showers. I have my car here." <Beth, I just invited Sharon to get a burger with us after practice. Is that alright with you?> <Gee, this is getting serious,> Beth teased. <I'd better warn Mom that you're dumping us.> <Dumping you on the bed to tickle you is more like it. Bonnie too if she starts this shit too.> <Okay, I'll be good. I'll let Mom know we're going to be late.> <Thanks, Sweety.> --------- I was out of the showers first when practice was over. I walked over to where Sharon was waiting, and she reached and took my hand. "Beth should be out in a couple of minutes. It doesn't take me as long in the bathroom as it does her." "That's okay, Mike. I don't mind waiting with you." "What kind of classes are you taking this semester, Sharon?" "I'm in all the advanced placement classes I'm afraid. It bothers me a little because I'm afraid everyone is going to think I'm a nerd." "Well, I don't think you're a nerd. I'm testing out of a lot or maybe all of my remaining classes this semester. I hope to graduate at the end of this semester." "Wow! I wish I could do that. I still have six months before I'm sixteen though, so I'm sure my dad would never go for it." "Sharon, please don't be angry with Beth, but she has told me a little about your dad. Is there anything we can do to help?" Sharon squeezed my hand so hard I thought she was going to break my knuckles. "No, Mike. There's not anything anyone can do. I've talked to a counselor about it, and she says that the things he does to me can't be considered abuse. I'd have to prove to a court that the punishments are for no reason other than to hurt me." "Well, Sharon, if it ever gets so bad you can't take it any more, or if you're afraid, you can run to our house. I'll talk to Mom about it this evening, but I'm sure she'll agree." "Thank you, Mike," Sharon said just as we saw Beth coming out of her locker room. ---------- Betty's is your typical teen hangout. I hadn't been there since my body switch, because frankly there isn't a whole lot of interest for a 58 year old man in such a place. I had fun though. We all had burgers and fries and cokes. Sharon sat next to me, and I don't think she let go of my hand more than three times the entire time we were there. "I haven't been here but a few times," Sharon told Beth and I. "I've never quite fit in, I guess. There's always some loud mouthed bully here to try to give the nerd girl a hard time." "I don't think anyone will bother you, Sharon, but if they try, Mike and I will take care of them." "She means it to," I told Sharon. I went on to tell her about Beth crushing the guy's testicle. "My God, Beth. How'd you learn to do that?" "I have no idea, Sharon. I just seemed to know what to do and I did it." "I know what you mean. I've had that kind of thing happen to me too. There are times I feel like... I guess I shouldn't say anything about that. You'll really think I'm wierd." "Go ahead, Sharon. I promise I won't think you're wierd," I assured her. "Well... okay. There are times I feel like I know what someone is thinking." Beth and I exchanged a look then I said, "Sharon, Beth and I have both had those same feelings. We don't think you're wierd." Sharon looked at me and then at Beth, "You've really had those feelings, Beth?" "Yes, I have, Sharon. The night I kicked the guy in the nuts, I thought he was thinking about hurting me." "Enough of this, guys. Sharon, would you like to meet our Mom? She's really cool and I'm sure you'll like her." "That would be great," Sharon smiled. "Would you take me home afterwards, Mike?" "Not a problem, Sharon. Now, let's get the hell out of here." After we were in the car, I asked Beth mentally, <Do you think we should warn Bonnie we're bringing home company?> <Naah, let's surprise her. It'll probably surprise the hell out of Sharon too.> It was all I could do to keep from breaking out laughing. As we pulled into the driveway, I told Sharon we were going to surprise Mom. I let the Suburban coast in and we got out quietly. I opened the front door with a key and looked through most of the downstairs. Then I spotted movement on the patio. Bonnie was in a lounge chair, catching the last rays of the sun. The back of the lounge was toward the door, so she couldn't see us coming, and we couldn't see anything of her except her right arm. We went out on the patio, leaving the door open. When we were about ten feet from her chair, Beth said, "Hi Mom." Bonnie jumped like she was shot. "Hi yourself," she said as she got to her feet and turned to face us. There she stood in all her glory. Naked as the day she was born. She shook her finger at Beth and me and said, "You two are going to catch it for this." Sharon was standing there with her mouth open. She looked like a bass trying to catch minnows. Beth and I were laughing our asses off, then Bonnie started in. It took Sharon a minute or two to recover, then she blushed and giggled. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Green. They didn't tell me. They just said they wanted to surprise you." "I know these two," Bonnie said. "They would do anything to embarrass me." "You shouldn't be embarrassed, Mrs. Green. You have a beautiful body. They told me the three of you go nude around the house a lot. I just wasn't expecting it." "Mom, this is Sharon Mayhew," Beth told her. "She's a good friend and we trust her." "Hi Sharon. Thanks for the compliment," Bonnie said as she picked up a robe from another chair and slipped it on. "We do go nude a lot. I personally believe the human body is beautiful in all of it's diverse shapes and sizes." Beth went and got us all cokes and we all sat around and talked for a while. Sharon started to relax, and she fit in with the rest of us like a hand in a glove. "Sharon," I said. "Would it bother you to tell Mom about your father? Don't feel like you have to if you don't want to. I just think she will understand, and I'd like for her to know if you ever need help." "No, Mike. You're right, your mom is really cool." Sharon went on to tell how her father was abusing her and getting away with it. "He will ground me for a week or send me to bed without supper or make me stand in a corner for hours or any number of other things. He makes up reasons to punish me. If I say, 'Yes Dad' He'll say I used a snotty tone of voice, or he'll say I was late getting home when I was half an hour early." "Does he hit you?" "No, but one day he had me standing in a corner. I guess I'd been there about four hours when I passed out. I hit my head on a table when I fell, so he grounded me for a week for breaking the table. He used to hit Mom a lot though, and he threatens me." No one said anything for a few minutes so Sharon went on. "Lately he's started talking about what big tits, his word, I have and how he'd like to chew on them. He asked me if my... my... gets all wet and if I rub myself." "Sharon, Honey, I think you need to get out of there," Bonnie told her. "From what you're telling me. it's just a matter of time before he really hurts you. Do you have any relatives you could go to?" "Mom had a sister somewhere, but I don't even know her married name. Dad has a brother, but he's probably worse than Dad. I really don't have anywhere to go." "You do now, Sweety," Bonnie said. "I'm going to call my lawyer tomorrow and see if there's any way I can get custody of you. Would you agree to stay with us if we can arrange it?" "Oh God yes! Would you really let me stay here, Mrs. Green?" "The name is Bonnie. That's B-o-n-n-i-e. Yes. We'd really do that. We're a democracy here. Mike and Beth have a say in everything too. I know they agree or they wouldn't have brought you here." "Thank you. All of you. I don't know what to say. I'm overwhelmed." "You don't have to say anything, Sweety. Would you like to stay here tonight?" "No, that's okay, Bonnie. Dad is out of town until next Monday. I'll be safe there until then." "Okay. I'll make some calls and see what we can do to help." "I'm going to take Sharon home, Mom. Is there anything you need while I'm out?" Sharon told Bonnie and Beth goodbye and we went out to the Suburban. I was just opening her door for her when I heard, <Mike, you know this girl is madly in love with you, don't you?> <Bonnie, I have not read her and I don't intend to.> <So, the feeling must be mutual?> <I don't know, Bonnie. I love you and Beth just as much as I ever did, but I do feel something for her as well.> <Hah! I knew it!> Beth said. <It's those mammoth mammaries, Mom.> <No, it isn't, Beth. She's a sweet girl and she needs help. Now, shut up, you two.> <Mike, Just remember if you can love Beth and I equally, you could love her too. I don't have a problem with it and neither does Beth. Just don't hurt her.> Sharon scooted over close to me when I got in, so once I was out of our driveway, I put my arm around her. She snuggled in like she had always been there and we drove in silence for a while. Sharon lived clear on the other side of the school district from us, so it was almost ten miles to her house. She pointed her house out to me and I pulled into her driveway and turned off the car. The house was dark. "Do you need for me to go in with you, Sharon?" I asked. My arm was still around her and she was still snuggled in. She looked up at me and said, "No, Mike. I'll be fine." I leaned down and kissed her softly. It was a gentle, loving kiss that probably went on too long to be just friendly. When I broke away Sharon said, "Thank you, Mike. For everything." "No. thank you, Sweetheart. I'd better get out of here. I don't want you to think I'm trying to take advantage of you." "I could never think that, Mike. Will you eat lunch with me again tomorrow?" "It would be my distinct pleasure, but I'm not going to be at school tomorrow. I'm going to be helping Mom pick out a car for Beth. I'd love to have lunch with you on Wednesday though," I said, then gave her another gentle kiss. "Wednesday will be fine, Mike. I'll see you then." I got out and went around to open her door. When she got out, she hugged me fiercely, then ran to her door. I stood there until she had it open and had gone inside. ---------- When I got home, Beth and Bonnie teased the crap out of me about my new girlfriend. I knew it was all in fun, but I finally started to become depressed. <Mike, we understand and we're okay with it,> Bonnie told me. <Bonnie, I know you are okay with it and I know you understand. I don't feel bad about what I'm feeling about her. I don't feel bad about your teasing. What I feel bad about is that if it were you or Beth starting to feel about someone else the way you feel about me, I don't know if I'd be as understanding. I feel like a selfish shit.> <Mike, we'll face a situation like that if it ever comes up. I know you, though. You have integrity. The only thing that worries me about this situation is, if you do become serious with her, how is she going to handle your being with Beth and me as well. I'm not going to give you up, and neither is Beth.> <Damned straight,> Beth put in. <I know that, Bonnie, and I have no intention of giving you up either. I think there is going to be a closer bond for all of us, though. Sharon told Beth and me she sometimes knows what other people are thinking. If we would help her become fully telepathic, I don't see how she could keep from loving all of us.> Chapter 6 ------------------------------------------ Tuesday, October 5, 1976 ------------------------------------------ Bonnie and I were at the Volkswagen dealership when they opened. We went in and a salesman was immediately on us. He started what had to be a canned sales pitch, but Bonnie cut him off. "Mr. Carruthers, we are going to buy a Volkswagen bug today. The only question I have is, what colors do you have on your lot that we can have by Friday?" "Ma'am, we have several. We have a light blue, a dark blue, and a dark green for sure. I'll check what else we have." "There's no need for that. If you have the dark green, we'll take it." "But there are options you should consider. Let's see... there's..." Bonnie cut him off again. "We'll take whatever is on the dark green one." "But..." "No buts. If you don't want to sell it to us, I'm sure one of the other salesmen here would be happy to do so." Shopping for a Volkswagen with Bonnie was a gas. She steamrollered the guy. She even got him down an additional $500.00 less than what he said was their best price. She told the guy we'd pick the car up on Friday morning, and she was certain he'd make sure it was in perfect condition. After we left the dealership, we went shopping for party supplies. We had a ball, and got some nice gag gifts, and some party favors suitable for a five year old. Practice was boring. Sharon wasn't there. ------------------------------------------ Wednesday, October 6, 1976 ------------------------------------------ I was waiting inside the cafeteria door at lunch on Wednesday when Sharon walked in. She turned on her million watt smile, and I almost melted. She grabbed my hand and we went through the line talking as if we hadn't seen each other in a year. This time, Sharon slid in beside me instead of sitting across from me. We talked and held hands and tried to eat the institutional food. She told me she knew exactly what she wanted to get Beth for her birthday. "You don't have to get her anything, you know." "Yes, I know, Silly. I want to though. I just have to figure out a way to get to the mall before Friday." "If you want, I'll take you after practice." Sharon grabbed my arm and hugged it to her breast. God, it was nice. I was glad I was sitting down, otherwise I would have embarrassed myself. "Sharon, we need to talk about something," I told her. "Okay, Mike." "I don't know how to say this without scaring you, but I have to say it. We've only been talking for a couple of days now, but I think... no, I know I'm falling in love with you." Sharon was silent for over a minute. Finally, she said, "Mike, I've liked you for years. At least I thought I did. Something happened to you this summer that changed you. Since then I've realized I don't just like you. I love you too." "This may get us in trouble, but I just have to kiss you," I said. She smiled and we leaned together. The kiss was much like the one we shared the other night. This time, though, we had an audience. We must have held it a little too long because someone started applauding. By the time it registered with us that it was us they were applauding, almost the entire lunchroom had gotten into the act. We were both blushing when we broke apart, and Sharon hid her face against my shoulder. We managed to get out of there with no teacher realizing there had been a public display of affection going on under their noses. Evidently we were the talk of the students though because Beth harassed me while she was at lunch. Sharon was waiting for me after practice. "Are we still on for the mall?" she asked. "Yeah, we'll have to drop Beth off at home first. Would you like to go with me to get something to eat before the mall?" "That would be nice. Do you want to get a burger again?" "No, I was thinking of something a little nicer. Do you like Chinese food?" "I love it." "Okay, I know just where to go." Beth came out and she gave us a big grin before we all climbed into the Suburban. "So, what's this I hear about you guys playing kissy, kissy in the lunch room?" "Oh for goodness sake, Beth. It was just one kiss," Sharon said. "Yeah, but I hear it went on for twenty minutes." "Oh for God's sake," Sharon said with mock severity, then she giggled. "It couldn't have been more than eighteen or nineteen minutes." "So, are you two a couple now?" Sharon looked over at me, and I could see a touch of fear in her eyes. "Yes, nosey sister. We are a couple. That is, if Sharon will have me as her boyfriend." "In that case, Beth. Yes, we are a couple." "Good!" Beth said. When we pulled into the driveway, Beth asked if we were coming in and I told her Sharon and I had some things we had to do. "Well, you two be careful. If you'll kiss for twenty minutes in front of a crowd, it's hard to tell what you might do if you're alone." "Sis, the tickle monster is lurking. You can expect a visit in your near future." I put the Suburban in gear and left her laughing her beautiful ass off in the driveway. ----------------- Sharon and I had a wonderful dinner at the China Garden. We talked and flirted. Sharon taught me how to use chop sticks. I was beginning to feel like I had a girlfriend. When we got to the mall, Sharon dragged me to a jewelry store. "There's this ankle bracelet Beth was showing me the last time we were in here. It's really neat." The bracelet was nice, but it was almost a hundred dollars. Sharon was devastated. "I had no idea it was so much. I can only afford about $20.00." "That's okay, Sweetheart. I'll pay the difference." "I can't let you do that, Mike. I'll just get her something else." "No way, Sharon, My Love. This is what she wants, so this is what she gets." She finally agreed if I would let her put my name on it too. While they were wrapping and boxing it, I saw something that really caught my eye. It was a necklace that had four interconnected gold hearts. In the center of each heart was a heart shaped ruby. I called Sharon over and asked her if she thought Beth would like it. "Like it! It's fantastic. Did you see the price tag though?" "Yeah, almost a thousand. It'd be worth it. I think I'm going to get it." "Mike! You're a junior in high school. How can you afford something like that?" "Ut Oh. Sharon, I hoped this wouldn't come up until we'd been together for a while. I don't want it to affect how you think or feel about me... I have money... A lot of money. Mom trusted my judgement enough that she allowed me to invest the money that was set aside for mine and Beth's college." "But, Mike. You don't want to spend that money." "I know, Sharon I've already replaced it all. Our broker tells me we're worth over two million dollars now. I expect that to be over ten million within the next five years." "Oh God, Mike. I had no idea. You have to believe that. I don't want your money. It's you I fell in love with." I took he shoulders and looked her straight in the eye. "I know that, Sharon. It's you I fell in love with as well. I didn't even want to, but it happened anyway." I pulled her to me and kissed her. This time there was passion in the kiss. We'd probably still be kissing, but the jeweler cleared his throat to get our attention. "I'd like this necklace as well," I told him. "If you could box and wrap it as well, I'd appreciate it." I didn't wait for an answer, but turned back to Sharon and kissed her again. ------------------------------------------ Thursday, October 7, 1976 ------------------------------------------ Thursday was a dreary day. It rained. I mean it rained in buckets. The only thing that made it worthwhile at all was lunch with Sharon. Beth and Bonnie gave me an even rougher time that night. Finally, I had had enough. I grabbed Bonnie by the legs as she sat on the sofa. I pulled her knees apart, and lowered my mouth to her delicious pussy. God I love the taste of her pussy. She tried to keep up her constant tease, but she didn't last thirty seconds before her words were replaced by moans. After she had screamed through her fourth orgasm, I turned to Beth. She pretended to fight, but her pussy was so wet from watching Bonnie, it was a token resistance at best. I entered her, and we were both in heaven. ------------------------------------------ Friday, October 8, 1976 ------------------------------------------ I had just gotten out of home room on Friday morning when I heard, <Mike, have you seen Sharon?> <No Sweety, not since lunch yesterday.> <You need to get to room 304 right away, Mike. Someone has beaten her up.> I started running toward the East stairway. Someone shouted, "No running in the halls!" but I ignored them. I took the stairs two at a time and ran to the second door on my right. I burst into a class, already in session and looked around. I saw her in the first row, center seat, and ran to her. She looked up at me when she heard me coming. She was a mess. She had one black eye and a split lip. There was a cut above her right eye that was probably made by a blow. I fell to my knees beside her, completely ignoring her teacher, and asked, "What happened, Honey?" "I'm okay, Mike. Really I am. Go to class and I'll talk to you at lunch." "No way, Love. Get your books. We're getting out of here." She didn't say a word, but tears were running from her eyes as she started getting up. About that time, her teacher grabbed my shoulder. "You can't come in here disrupting my class, young man. You're coming to the principal's office with me." "I certainly am," I said, getting to my feet. "We're going to talk to him about how you totally ignored an obvious victim of child abuse sitting in your classroom. Then we're going to talk about how you assaulted me by grabbing my shoulder. When we're finished, I'll have my attorney file a suite against you and this school that will set a new record for damages. I'm ready. Let's go talk." The man actually crumpled. I'd never seen anyone do that before. He fell into the chair Sharon had just vacated. "I am very sorry, young man. I truly hadn't noticed miss Mayhew's condition. Is there anything I can do?" "Yes, you can give us a hall pass so we can get to the counselor's office. We'll call the police from there. You might also call Mr. Andrews' office and ask him to meet us there." I didn't even wait for an answer, but took Sharon's hand and we started out. He caught up with us by the time we reached the door and handed us each a pass. "Was it your father?" I asked. Sharon nodded. <Beth, get hold of Mom and get her here.> <Already taken care of, Big Bro. Where will you be?> <Ms. Richards office. Ditch class and meet us there, please.> <On my way.> I burst through Ms. Richardson's door without knocking. She looked startled, the she looked at Sharon. "My God! What happened?" "Her father used her for a punching bag last night. Could you call the police for us please?" She was picking up the phone before the words were out of my mouth. I looked at Sharon again and gave her a hopeful smile. "It's going to be okay, Honey. What set him off?" "He came home early from his trip. He said the house was a mess and that I was grounded for a month. Mike, I think he'd been drinking. I knew not to argue with him so I just went up to my room. It was around 10:00 PM when I came back down stairs for a glass of milk. He saw me and started yelling at me. He said he'd told me to stay in my room and I had directly disobeyed him. I tried to explain to him he had just grounded me and hadn't told me to stay in my room, and he hit me. I started to cry, and he hit me again. when I fell down he started kicking me. I thought he was going to kill me." By now Sharon was sobbing uncontrollably. I held her until she calmed down, then she went on. "I don't know how long he kept on kicking me, but finally he stopped. Then he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to my room." Beth burst through the door before she could say anything else. By this time I was so angry I was shaking. <He's dead meat, Beth.> <Okay, Mike. Calm down. We'll talk about it later.> <I'm going to kill the motherfucker. I'm going to do it with my hands.> "Mike, don't do it please. I don't want to lose you," Sharon wailed. <Mike, she heard you!> It took me a minute to figure out what Beth was talking about, but when I did, I was gobsmacked. <Sharon, if you can hear me, nod your head but don't say anything.> Sharon nodded her head. <Sharon, I love you. I'm not going to have your father using you for a punching bag. We will do something about him if the police don't. I won't kill him, but I'll see that he never hurts you again.> Sharon smiled and nodded. <Sweetheart, think something at me. Beth will be able to hear you too.> <I love you, Mike. Did you hear that?> <Yes, love.> <I heard it too. You guys are sick.> <I heard it too, Sharon. Don't let Beth give you a rough time. She's just jealous,> Bonnie chimed in. <Where are you, Mom?> I asked. <Just coming through the front door. I'll be there in a minute.> "Ms. Richards, did you get hold of the police?" I asked. "They're on their way, Michael. I also called Dr. Franks and Dr. Nichols, our school physician. They're both on their way as well." "Thank you. Ms. Richards. Mom is on her way here too. She'll be here any second." "Why is your mother coming?" She asked as Bonnie came through the door. "I'm here because I'm Sharon's godmother. Her mother asked me to take care of Sharon if anything ever happened to her. I have a paper at home to prove it if I need it." <What?> <What?> <What?> <Stay with me kids. Don't act surprised. Follow my lead and agree with me when asked.> <Are you staying with us, Sharon?> I asked. <Yeah. We need to talk about this.> <I know, Sweetheart. I love you.> <I love you too, Mike.> <Aaawww, ain't they cute, Mom?> <Shut up Beth.> I was holding on to Sharon's hand when two rather large policemen entered the office. It was becoming rather crowded by now, and they were more than a little intimidating. They asked what the problem was, and Bonnie told them that her goddaughter's father had beaten her. "It's the first time he has beaten her, but he's been abusing her for some time, officer. We need to get something done about him, and we need to get Sharon moved in with us so she'll be safe." "Ma'am, I'm going to need a statement from the young lady, then we'll call CPS (Child Protective Services). They'll be the ones who decide about living arrangements." Sharon gave them as detailed an account of what her father had done to her as she could remember. Some things blurred a little in her memory, and she honestly told them so. By the time she'd finished her narrative, Ms. Richards told us that the doctor had arrived. "Officer, Dr. Nichols is here and he needs to examine Sharon. With your permission, I'm going to take her to the nurse's office for the examination." "That's fine. Bring her back as soon as possible. In the mean time, we'll talk with some of the rest of you." "Come on, Sharon," Ms. Richards said. "Dr. Nichols is a very nice man and I'm sure he'll be able to give you something for the pain." I helped Sharon to her feet, and when she started for the door, I went with her. "You'll have to stay here, Michael," Ms. Richards said. Before I could open my mouth, Sharon grasped my hand hard enough to cut off circulation. "Ms. Richards, If Mike can't go with me then I'm not going." "Sharon, you told us that your father kicked you. The doctor is going to have to examine your body, and probably take pictures for evidence. Mike can't be there for that." "If he isn't then I won't be either," Sharon told her coldly. Ms. Richards looked frustrated. Finally she said, "Okay, we'll let the doctor sort this out. Come on." Sharon and I followed her to the nurse's office. Sharon basically went through the same argument with the doctor and his nurse. It went on for some time and I stayed out of it completely. Finally, the doctor decided Sharon wasn't going to budge so he reluctantly agreed to my presence as long as the nurse was present at all times. The nurse took us into an examining room and told Sharon she would need to get undressed and get into a paper gown she handed her. I started to turn my back to her when Sharon said, "Mike, would you help me with my blouse, please? I'm really sore." I started unbuttoning her blouse when Sharon said mentally, <Mike, my love, I am sorry you're going to see my body this way for the first time. I had some very large bruises this morning and I'm sure they're worse now.> <Sweetheart, your body will be beautiful to me, bruised or not. Besides, I plan to see a lot of it in the future.> I must have said the right thing because her million watt smile turned on. I unbuttoned her blouse and helped her slip it off her shoulders. "Undo my bra please." The nurse looked shocked, but didn't say anything. I looked at Sharon's upper body before I did the bra. She had am impressive array of bruises, some small and others as big as my hand. I unhooked her bra and the two most beautiful breasts I have ever seen spilled out. They had to be a "D" cup and were firm with very little sag. <Absolutely beautiful!> I told her. Again I was treated to that wonderful smile. "My shorts and panties please." I didn't even hesitate to see what the nurse thought. I grasped the waistband of her shorts and pulled them off, along with her panties. I stepped back and looked her over. There were several large bruises on her lower abdomen and on her hips, some of them overlapped. <You are the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen, Sharon.> <I don't feel gorgeous, Mike. I just feel bruised.> "You need to put on the gown, Miss," the nurse told her. I picked it up and shook it out. I had it figured out in a few seconds and held it so Sharon could slip her arms into the sleeves. I snapped it behind her neck and the nurse told her to lie down on her back. Sharon grabbed my hand as the nurse called the doctor in. He made Sharon go through the story of how everything had happened again as he started feeling of her head and looking at her face and neck. He used a little light to check her pupils, then a device to look into her ears. The doctor started to ask me to leave again, but Sharon cut him off short. After he had thoroughly examined the front of her body, the doctor asked Sharon to turn over so he could look at her back. When she was settled I said mentally, <Sharon, you have the most beautiful butt I have ever seen.> Sharon giggled and the doctor looked at her like she was crazy. When he had finished his exam he said, "Miss Mayhew, you are a very lucky girl. You have a lot of bruising, but you do not have a concussion. You have a couple of ribs that may be cracked, or they could just be badly bruised. We could send you to the hospital for x-rays, but the treatment would be the same either way. From the position of the bruises it doesn't look like any internal organs were damaged. If you or your guardian feel you should, you can go to the hospital for x-rays to give us a better idea about your organs, but unless you start feeling bad, I don't think it will be necessary." "Thank you doctor. Is there anything you can do for my chest? It hurts pretty bad." "We'll tape you up before we go. It will help by supporting you. It will also help with the pain. I'll also give you a prescription for some pain medication." While they were taping her ribs, Sharon sat there with those magnificent boobs pointing right at me. I couldn't help but look, and she noticed the direction of my stare. I could see her glancing down at my crotch, and I knew she could tell I was as hard as a rock. <You know you're a nasty little girl, don't you?> <No, I'm a nasty young woman who's as horny as hell because I know you're looking at me.> <Horny, huh?> <Yes, horny. Mike, I've never been with a boy. I've never even seen a boy, and you are the first one to ever see me. I've never felt this way before, but right now I wish you could get up on this table with me and make me a woman.> <So do I, Sweetheart. Right now we need to get you feeling better though.> When we got back to Ms. Richards' office, the police were just wrapping up. They asked Sharon a couple of more questions, then told Bonnie that CPS would be in touch with us. I told Ms. Richards we were leaving for the day, and we went home. When we were all seated in the living room with soft drinks Sharon asked, "Okay, so is someone going to tell me why I can hear all of your thoughts?" <It's a long story, Sweety. Can you still hear me?> <Yes,> she told me, squeezing my hand. <I don't care how long the story is. Tell me.> So, we did. We didn't mention our lovemaking, but Sharon is a very intelligent young woman. It didn't seem to bother her that I had changed bodies. <Mike, I knew something had happened to you. It's the you, as you are now, that I love.> <Thank you, Sweetheart.> <So how long have the three of you been having sex?> she asked calmly. Bonnie laughed and Beth giggled. <You don't let much get passed you, do you?> Bonnie asked. <Bonnie, I don't, or rather didn't know anything. It's just that if I were as close to anyone as you guys are from the telepathy, I don't see how you could not become lovers.> <It's been quite a while now, Sweetheart.> <Well, I know I should be upset, but somehow, I'm not. So where does that leave me?> <Where would you like it to leave you?> Bonnie asked. <I'd like for it to leave me as Mike's girlfriend. I'd like for it to leave me as Beth's best friend. I'd like for it to leave me as a member of Bonnie's family.> <So be it.> said Bonnie. <That's the way it is and there's no reason for it to change.> <But, Bonnie, I don't see how that can be. I love Mike. I'm going to want him to make love to me.> <I know you are, Sweety. Mike loves me and makes love to me. Mike loves Beth and makes love to Beth. Beth and I both love Mike. We had to learn to share. It's the only way it would have worked. It's been working for about four months now. We all knew that some time one or all of us would fall in love with someone else as well. We all knew we'd welcome that person into our lives.> <But, aren't you and Beth jealous of each other?> <No. Beth and I love each other too. We also make love to each other. We didn't at first, but we all sleep in the same bed. When Mike was making love to Beth, I could see how good it made both of them feel, so I couldn't be jealous. I started enjoying kissing Mike as he was loving Beth. It made his pleasure even better. It wasn't long until I was kissing Beth as well. It made her feel better to. That led us on to other things.> <Would I be expected to make love to you and Beth too?> <No, you wouldn't be expected to. You are only expected to do what you want to do.> <Would I be sleeping in the same bed with all of you?> <If you wanted to, Honey. We'd all love to have you there.> <Mike, do you love me as much as you love Bonnie and Beth?> <Sharon, I love you every bit as much as I love Bonnie and Beth. My love for them grows every day and my love for you does the same. You can love more than one person at a time. I didn't realize that until this summer, but you can. When I reach an age where I can get married, you will be the one I marry.> Sharon put her arms around me and hugged me fiercely. I put my arms around her and held her gently. I didn't want to hurt her ribs. <I'd love to squeeze the stuffing out of you right now, but I don't want to damage your ribs.> <So, Sharon, do you want to become a full member of this clan?> Bonnie asked her. Sharon looked into my eyes and said, <Yes, Bonnie. More than anything else in the world.> <Okay. We're going to have to make an adjustment to your brain so we're sure the telepathy is permanent. We'll also show you how to heal your ribs and take away the pain from your bruises. I don't think we should heal your bruises right now, because there are probably going to be more people wanting to see them. Does that sound okay to you?> <Just show me the yellow brick road, Bonnie. I'll follow you down it where ever it leads.> We went through the procedure with Sharon. Her blood vessel was larger than any of ours had been originally so we didn't have to increase its size as much. When she had healed her ribs and had taken away her pain from the bruises, she breathed a sigh of relief. <Okay, so here's my plan,> Bonnie said. <We have some things to do today, so Mike and I will be leaving shortly. Beth, Mike and I will drop you and Sharon off at the mall. Mike and I will do what we need to do then I'll pick you up around 3:30 or so. I want you guys to buy Sharon some clothes and personal items since we don't know if she'll be able to get her clothes from her father.> <We'll be happy to go shopping, won't we, Sharon?> <Yes, but I don't want to spend your money.> <It's your money too now. You are now officially a member of the clan with all its rights and privileges.> <Thank you.> <Tomorrow morning we are going to go to your house and get your father. We'll take him down to our attorney's office and he will sign papers giving me full guardianship and full custody of you. He'll also sign papers relinquishing any parental rights, such as visitation. I called our lawyer today and he'll have all of the papers ready for us.> <How do you know he'll sign?> <Sharon, we could take over his body and force it to sign. I don't think we'll need to do that though. If we put the right thoughts in his mind, like how much cheaper it's going to be and how he'll have a lot more freedom, he'll think it's his idea.> We were soon on our way to the mall. I told them Bonnie and I had one stop to make in the mall, and they were not to follow us. I took Bonnie to the jeweler where I bought the necklace and asked the jeweler if he could add a gold initial that would hang from the bottom of each heart. He showed me a couple of samples and I chose some that were about a quarter of an inch high. I told him to put the letters "M_B_B_S" in that order on the hearts. He said he could have it done in an hour so we told him we'd pick it up between 3:30 and 4:00. I went ahead and paid for the additions, so all I would have to do was grab it and go. Bonnie called the caterer and was assured they'd be at the house by 3:00 and we went by the dealership and picked up the Volkswagen. Bonnie said she was going to run home and start decorating. She took the VW and said she'd park it one street over so Beth wouldn't see it. I went back to the Mall and stopped in the jewelry store first. I then went looking for the girls. I found them in The Gap, buying jeans. <You should have been with us a few minutes ago,> Beth told me as she shoved packages into my hand. <We were at Victoria's Secret.> "God! Why do I miss out on all the good stuff?" I kidded. "Oh, you didn't miss out completely," Sharon said as she smiled back over her shoulder at me. "If you're a good boy, we'll put on a fashion show for you tonight." Her and Beth were both walking with an exaggerated sway of their hips. I was barely managing to walk at all due to the pole that was stuffed inside my pants. It was only about 3:15 so I asked the girls if they'd like to stop in the food court and get a coke. Both agreed, but Beth wanted to get a burger or something as well. I told her we were grilling steaks later and talked her out of it. Sharon and I were holding hands under the table and Beth kept looking over at us and smiling. We sat there about 45 minutes, and I told them it was time to get a move on. The girls walked on either side of me on the way to the car. My hands were too full of packages to hold hands, but both of them held on to my arms. When we pulled into the driveway, everything was quiet. Sharon said we should try to surprise Bonnie again, so we opened the door with a key and slipped inside. We had just gotten into the family room when Bonnie and four of Beth's friends jumped up and yelled, "Surprise!" Beth was floored. "I thought with all of the excitement over Sharon you'd forgotten about my birthday," she told Bonnie. "We would never forget your birthday, Sweety," said Bonnie. I waited until she was mixing with her friends then slipped out and retrieved the VW. I stuck a large, red bow that had to be at least three feet across on the top of it and left it setting in the driveway. The caterer had set up a buffet in the dining room, so Bonnie told everyone to help themselves. Sharon and I fixed our plates then went into the living room to eat. We were snuggled up in Dad's old recliner feeding each other when the rest of the group started to filter in. One of the girls, I found out later her name is Alice said, "Woo, woo. Look at the love birds." All I could do was smile, but Sharon answered. "You have no idea." She then leaned over and kissed me. I'll swear it took me ten minutes to uncurl my toes. <I know you were putting on a show, but would you do it again please?> Sharon took our plates and set them on the table next to the chair. She gave me a big smile then gently touched her lips to mine. She repeated this half a dozen times, then we seemed to melt together. I have no idea how long we held the kiss, but I was finally brought back to reality by the applause from all of the partygoers. We smiled at each other, then Beth said in a loud voice, "I thought we were going to have to get a bucket of cold water to break them up." Sharon and I just smiled. She reached over and picked up one of the plates. She started feeding both of us from the same plate with the same fork. "Oooohhh, that is disgusting," one of the girls said. "No, that is wonderful," Sharon smiled. Soon it was time to cut the huge cake the caterers had supplied to Bonnie's specifications. I lit the candles, then everyone sang, "Happy Birthday". Beth blew out her candles and made a wish. Some of her friends brought presents, and she opened them first. Beth nearly blew a gasket when she opened Sharon's present. "Sharon, you remembered." She gave Sharon a big hug then told everyone she had seen this ankle bracelet over six months ago and had pointed it out to Sharon. Next, I handed her the present I had bought. Her eyes got big when she opened it, then she held it up. There was a collective gasp from all of the girls. "Do you know what the letters stand for?" I asked her softly. It finally sank in, and she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me nearly as well as Sharon had. It would have continued and maybe even surpassed Sharon's if one of the girls hadn't yelled, "Eeewww. He's your brother." Beth broke the kiss and looked around at her. "He's also a sexy hunk of man," she said. She gave me one more quick peck then backed away. "What do the letters stand for?" Alice asked. "It's the name of a corporation we're forming," I said. <Are those all of our initials?> Sharon asked me. <Got it the first time, Smart Girl. The linked hearts show the bond we have together.> Tears were leaking from Sharon's eyes as she pulled me close and showed me how much it meant to her to be included. "There's one more present," Bonnie told her. "For this one I want you to put on this blindfold." Beth put it on, and we spun her around several times. She was dizzy as Bonnie helped her to the front door, which Sharon was holding open for her. "You can take off the blindfold now," Bonnie told her. I know she startled the neighbors, three blocks over, when she saw the green VW with the big red bow. She ran to the car, then back to the door and hugged us. Then it was back to the car, then back to the door then back to the car then around the car. She tried to open the door to get in, but it was locked. She looked back at us and I held up the key. She ran to me and grabbed the keys. She turned toward the car, then turned to me and kissed me soundly. She ran back to the car and opened the driver's door and got in. She started the car then looked up at us. Bonnie held up one finger then walked over to the car. "Beth, you only have a learner's permit. I have to be with you when you want to drive." "I know Mom. Thank you. This is so cool." "If you'd like, we can take your guests for a short ride, two at a time." "That'd be great, Mom. Would you ask Alice and Freddy to come with us first?" "Freddy, Alice, front and center!" When they got over to her Bonnie asked, "Would the two of you like to take your lives in your hands and go for a short ride with us?" They both clambered into the back seat, and Bonnie climbed gracefully into the front. They were back within about ten minutes and the other two took their turns. When everyone was back in the house, Beth asked, "Mom, when can I get my driver's license?" "How about Monday morning?" Bonnie replied. Beth was ecstatic. It wasn't long before the four outsiders took off. The rest of us went into the living room. None of us was in the mood for TV, so we just sat and talked. Bonnie excused herself and said she had to go to the bathroom. She was gone for some time, and when she returned she had her head wrapped in a towel. It was obvious she had just gotten out of the shower, as the rest of her body was nude. "Hey, we're all family now, right?" she asked. We all assured her we were. I leaned over and whispered into Sharon's ear. "Would you like to take a shower with me? We could come back dressed the way Bonnie is." Sharon looked a little startled but then she smiled and nodded. I took her hand and we got up. "We're going to have a shower too. We'll be right back." Bonnie smiled and Beth giggled. "Don't use up all the hot water, you two. I need to take a shower too." Sharon looked back over her shoulder and said, "You can join us if you'd like." I don't know if Sharon expected Beth to take her up on the offer or not, but Beth was on her feet and actually beat us to the bathroom in Bonnie's room. It was the largest with two shower heads. When Sharon and I turned in to Bonnie's bedroom, Beth was down to her panties. She gave us a big shit eating grin, them slipped them off with a bump and a grind. "That girl has no modesty at all," Sharon laughed. "Not when she's with family anyway. May I undress you my love?" "Only if I get to return the favor," Sharon answered." "You know, you're not showing a lot of modesty yourself," I teased as I slid her panties down over the lovely hips. "Not when I'm with family," Sharon retorted as she started unbuttoning my shirt. When we were both naked, I hadn't heard the water start in the bathroom so I called, "Beth, could you come here a minute please? I need your help." Beth came back into the room, looked at us and did a double take on Sharon's breasts. She looked into my eyes and said, "Wow!" Sharon blushed and I laughed. "Ain't it just?" I asked. I put my arm around Sharon and said, "Beth, my love, this thing of beauty standing beside me seems to be half covered by all the tape she has wrapped around her. She doesn't need it any more, so I was wondering if you could help me get it off." Beth walked around us and playfully told me to move my arm so she could get a good look. "You just want a good look at her boobies," I teased. "Honey, things that big ain't boobies. Them's tits!" Sharon was blushing again so I put my arm back around her and kissed her cheek. "Sweetheart, I'm afraid you're just going to have to get used to us. All three of us are terrible teases," I told her. "I know. It's just that people are always staring at them. Guys never talk to my face, they always talk to my tits. In the shower at school, most of the girls stare because they hate me because of them and the rest stare because they want to jump my bones because of them." "Sharon, you know I love the way you look, but that isn't what attracted me to you in the first place. You have a lovely mind and an interesting personality. That is what I fell in love with." "Yeah, and it's her mind that's giving you that monstrous boner sticking out there," Beth teased. Sharon looked down and both girls started giggling. When they had calmed down enough, Beth said, "Seriously I have no idea where to start on the bandages. Why don't we see if Mom has any ideas?" "Sure, bring Bonnie up to have a look at me too. In fact, I think there're some kids in the fifth grade who haven't been in to evaluate the situation, so you should invite them in too. I think I saw a bum down on Jefferson Street a while ago. You might want to look him up." This set us all off, and it was a while before I could call to Bonnie. <Bonnie, we need your advice on how to get this tape off of Sharon. Could you come up and take a look?> <I'll be right there.> When Bonnie came in, her reaction was much the same as Beth's. She took one look and said, "Wow!" Sharon rolled her eyes so I told her, "Like mother, like daughter." This brought on another round of giggles. Bonnie had a pair of bandage scissors in her hand, and she quickly and efficiently removed the tape. "Before you guys get in the shower, there's some alcohol in the medicine cabinet. Get a wash cloth and soak it in the alcohol, and get all of that tape residue off her skin. We'll rub some lotion into it later." "Okay, and thanks, Bonnie. Beth and I were at a loss as to where to start." "You and Beth were too busy staring at her lovely body to think," Bonnie teased. "You're probably right," I admitted. "That's quite an array of bruises you have there, Sharon. If everything goes well in the morning, and your father signs all of the papers, we'll get rid of them for you tomorrow afternoon." "Thanks Bonnie. I'd like that." Beth, Sharon and I went into the bathroom. Beth got the alcohol while I found us a couple of washcloths. We soaked the washcloths in alcohol and I handed one to Beth. "I'll do her front, and you do her back," Beth said. "No way little sis. I'll do her front, and you do her back." "She's my sister. I'll do her front, and you do her back." "She's my girlfriend. I'll do her front, and you do her back." "She's my sister-wife. I'll do her front, and you do her back." "She's my girlfriend-wife. I'll do her front, and you do her back." "If you two don't shut up, I'll do my own front," Sharon broke in. "Since Mike is my boyfriend-husband and he hasn't even gotten to touch my tits as yet, he gets to do my front." "That is so unfair," Beth said as Sharon giggled. "Oh. well, there are some interesting handholds in the back too. I just know I'm going to have to hold on so I do a good job." We were all laughing until the tears were running out of our eyes. "Just shut up and get it done," Sharon finally managed to say. "If either one of you get any alcohol where it shouldn't be, I'm going to kick ass and take names." Of course this set us off again. When I had all of the tape residue off her front, I put down the cloth and looked Sharon directly in the eyes. I had avoided her breasts as I cleaned her, so now I put both of my hands on her hips and gently moved them up her body. She was smiling as I reached her breasts. I cupped them gently and weighed them in my hands. I was truly awed. These were the most lovely breasts I had seen in two lifetimes. I started gently rolling her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. Sharon started to moan, which really got Beth's attention. "Hey, you two, we need to get in the shower. Knock it off." "Your sister's playing with my ass, you know," Sharon told me. "She's a pervert," I said with a grin. "She always did have good taste though. Come to think of it, she tastes pretty good too." We all laughed, then got into the shower. Have you ever taken a shower with two teenage girls? It's something I would highly recommend. It was one of the best experiences of either lifetime. I was probably the cleanest I had ever been in either lifetime as well. The three of us walked back into the livingroom together. Bonnie looked up at us from the book she was reading and smiled. "Did you get all of the tape residue off?" she asked. We all started laughing, then Sharon said, "Bonnie, those two started arguing over who got to do my front side and I thought I was going to have to do it myself." Bonnie got a kick out of that. "Guys," she said. "I've got four or five pages left in this chapter. I'd like to finish it, then why don't we make some hot chocolate and some popcorn. There are a few things we need to talk about and now might be a good time to do that." "Sounds good, Bonnie," I told her. Beth, Sharon and I snuggled in together on the couch. Bonnie looked back down at her book and almost immediately turned the page. Probably ten seconds later she turned the page again. Then did so again. She marked her page and closed the book. "Decide not to read it now?" I asked. "No, I read it." "Do you realize how fast you read it?" "I wasn't really paying any attention." "Bonnie, I think you're reading faster than I am." "Impossible. The last time we checked you, you were reading at over four thousand words a minute." "Bonnie, you just read five pages in that book in just over twenty seconds. Count the number of words you read during that time and multiply it by three." Bonnie picked up her book and counted the number of words on one page. She multiplied that by five for the number of pages, then by three to make a full minute. She sat there with her mouth hanging open. "Uhh... A little over six thousand words a minute. What's happening to us Mike?" "Bonnie, my love, I think it's that increased blood flow to that part of the brain. It's nothing to be frightened of. I'm kind of enjoying the additional IQ points and I'm certainly happy to be able to read faster." "Beth, have you been noticing any changes?" Bonnie asked. "Mom, I've been so excited over everything that's going on, I wouldn't have noticed if I had grown a tail and a silver colored mane." "I'd have noticed," I said. "Of course you would, you pervert." We all got a good laugh then I said, "Bonnie, would you call our broker Monday morning and ask him to start slowly buying silver? Beth's silver mane just reminded me of something. In 1979, the Hunt brothers are going to try to corner the silver market. In just a few months time the price of silver is going to go from around $3.00 an ounce to somewhere around $53.00 or $54.00 an ounce. Some people are going to make a lot of money and some people are going to lose everything they have. I'd like to have several million dollars worth of silver on January 1, 1979. I'd say to tell him to buy a little at a time so as not to drive the cost up and to not pay more than $5.00 an ounce." "My God! Do you realize how much we could make on that? If we had a million dollars worth at $3.00 and sold it for say $50.00, that would be over fifteen point six million, or a profit of fourteen point six million." "Exactly, my sweet mother-lover-wife-partner. If we had three million invested, we'd clear forty-seven million. One thing is for sure, though, we want to be rid of all of the silver by January 1, 1980. Silver prices start to go down right after that." "God, taxes would kill us." Sharon was sitting there in shock, Finally, she said, "You guys talk about buying millions of dollars of silver like I talk about buying a new shirt. I'm at a total loss." "I'll talk to you about our investments any time you're ready to tackle them," Bonnie told her. "It's really not that complicated. We've made a lot of money over the last few months, mostly from Mike's memories from his previous life. There's really no limit as to how much we can make over the next twenty-five years." "Bonnie, I've been thinking. Taxes on corporate income are much less than personal income taxes. Why don't we set up a corporation to handle everything. We could pull out what we need and pay income taxes on that, but for the most part, we'd leave it in the corporation and pay long term capital gains." "Great minds think alike, Mike. I've been thinking along those lines for a week or two. Actually everything we own could be owned by the corporation. That way we're protected and we don't have to declare anything as personal property or personal income, other than the money we spend on things like food, clothing and entertainment." "I have a great name for the corporation," Beth chimed in. "MBBS Enterprises." "That works for me," I said. "That's what I told one of the girls this afternoon the initials on your necklace were for." "There is one problem here, guys," Sharon said. "You guys have money to put into this corporation. I'm broke. I don't have a dime." "Yes you do," Bonnie smiled. "When you became a member of this family, one fourth of everything we have became yours. No arguments. That's the way it works. If we ever add anyone else to the family, or if any of us had kids, they will become equal partners too. We will all do what we can for the group to pay for our share." "Yeah, considering house and cars and everything else, you're worth about a half a million right now," Beth told her. "You... you... you'd... g-give me h-half a m-million dollars?" "No, Honey, it's family money. If there's something you really want to do, talk it over with the rest of us. Unless we violently disagree, then you can do it. If it costs $5.00, or two million, it's still family money." "You're serious aren't you?" "Absolutely!" "Absolutely!" "Absolutely!" Beth, Sharon, and I were snuggled up on the couch. One on each side of me. We'd been there a while, saying nothing, when Bonnie got up and came over. Bonnie lowered herself on my lap, and now I was fully encased in female flesh. Bonnie kissed me lightly and said she was going to bed. I nodded and said I thought we all should so we could be at Sharon's old house before her father got away the next morning. "What time does your father get up on Saturdays?" Bonnie asked Sharon. "It depends on if he's been drinking or not. Around 9:00 AM if he's sober. Probably around noon if he's not." "Okay, we want to catch him off balance, so we're going to be there at 8:00 AM. Do you kids think you can handle that? It'll mean getting up by seven." We all assured we could. We got up and headed upstairs. Bonnie asked where we were all sleeping. I looked over at Sharon and I could see she was a little apprehensive. "Bonnie, I think we'll all sleep with you if you don't mind. I'd just like to snuggle with my three beautiful women tonight if no one has any objections." Sharon squeezed my hand and smiled. We all got into Bonnie's bed and spooned together. I put both arms around Sharon from behind, and held a breast in each hand. Bonnie was snuggled to my back, and Beth was spooned to hers. We all fell asleep fairly quickly. To be continued