Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Fountain of Youth by Lazlong Chapter 11 We picked up the girls at school and headed over to Betty's. None of us were hungry at this hour so we shared a few orders of fries, fried mushrooms, and onion rings. Bonnie explained to the girls what Christoferson had said, then asked, "Missy, what was he talking about when he mentioned his 'Special Children'?" "I'm not sure. The other girls there are very friendly with him. Sarah is fourteen and she's always sitting on his lap. Annie is nine. She sits on his lap a lot too, and holds his hand all the time." "Did he ever come on to you sexually?" "All the time. At least that's the way I took it. He'd smack my bottom if I had to walk by him. Sometimes he'd tell me what nice big boobies I was getting. He asked me several times if I'd like to take a shower with him, then he'd pass it off as if he was just joking. Mrs. Christoferson asked me several times if I was fucking any of the boys at school yet. He is the main reason I'm afraid of sex. He always made me feel dirty." "Well, we're going to fix his ass," I told her. "Our lawyer has an investigator checking him out right now. We're going to do a little detecting of our own too." "He really wants a hundred thousand dollars to let me out of there?" "Yes," Bonnie told her. "He said your pussy was worth that much to him." "Missy, we'd have paid it, because you, as a person, are worth that to us. We just don't think he'll live up to his end of the deal," I told her. Missy was blushing all over when she said, "So, you're saying my pussy is worth that much to you?" She had a sly smile and I could see she really wasn't offended. "I should turn you over my knee and spank you right here in front of all of these people," I told her in mock rage. "I said you, as a person, are worth it. You're worth it to us if you never have sex with us. You're worth it because you are a good person." "I knew what you meant," she said, still blushing. "I was just teasing. I don't think you have to worry about me never making love to you guys though. It'll happen. I just have to get over my hangups." "Guys!" Beth broke in. "There's Butterman." He'd just walked in the door and was looking around. He saw a couple of his buddies and walked over toward them. As he was passing our table, he ignored Missy completely, but fixed on Bonnie. Bonnie gave him a big smile again and I thought for a moment he was going to stop. He kept walking, but he smiled and winked at her. <Egotistical bastard,> Bonnie said mentally. <So what do we do next?> I asked. <I'm not sure,> Bonnie said. <Let's give it a while and see what happens.> We sat there talking for nearly an hour before Butterman finally got up with his buddies and left. <Okay, I guess today was a bust,> I said. <If we come back tomorrow, it'll have to be later. I know he has football practice tomorrow after school.> <That's Okay, Mike. It's probably better he sees me around for a while before he asks me out. Maybe I'll have lunch with you guys again tomorrow.> All of us agreed that would be a fine idea. When we got home, I remembered the financial news I'd been reading earlier. "Bonnie, you need to call our broker in the morning. I have another hot stock for you." "Oh yeah? What is that?" "It's a company called Fibercon. If my memory serves me right, this is just about the time they announce a breakthrough in fiber optics. I'd say let's put a hundred thousand in it." "Mike, it doesn't even bother me to spend a hundred thousand at your say so. I'll give them a call first thing." Bonnie and I lay around the pool while the girls fixed dinner. After a while, Sharon came out and perched herself on my lap. I put my arms around her and she snuggled in close. "Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes," she told us. "Gee, I thought you had just brought me my dinner," I said as I began nibbling on her ear. "Why don't you have me for dessert?" "Oh, I plan to," I said as I began kissing down her neck. When I got to her shoulder I started taking little nibbles and she started squirming. "Oooommmmm," she moaned. "Get a room," Bonnie said just as Beth and Missy came out. "You'd just be in there watching," Beth told her mother. "I would not!" Bonnie exclaimed. "I'd be nibbling the other side of her neck." Dinner was a lot of fun. Everyone had gotten into a teasing mood, so the girls were teased about the food they had prepared. I was teased about how much I was eating. Later, Missy went to bed in Beth's room and the rest of us retired to Bonnie's. Sharon and I had been working each other up all evening, and going to bed didn't change anything. I was kissing Sharon's face and neck and ears with a thousand little kisses, while she moaned and stroked my neck and back. Bonnie and Beth were beside us working on their own mutual arousal when I saw Missy tentatively edge herself into the room. I told Bonnie we had an audience, and she invited Missy over to sit on the bed. By now, I had worked my way down to Sharon's breasts, and wasn't paying any attention to Missy at all. I kissed, licked, nibbled, and sucked on Sharon's breasts until they were both glistening, and her body was moving restlessly under me. I worked my way down leaving a trail of arousal, stopping briefly at her belly button, until I reached Sharon's pubic fleece. I pulled her downy hair into my mouth with my lips and gently pulled on it. I kept this up until she was moaning and trying to force my mouth closer to her center. When I did move, I bypassed her pussy completely. I kissed down the crease where her thigh meets her pussy then spent a long time kissing and licking her inner thighs. I put my hands behind her knees and lifted her legs until they were nearly touching her breasts, then I started nibbling on the exposed cheeks of her ass. This was more than Sharon could take, so she locked her fingers in my hair and screamed, "Eat me you son-of-a- bitch!" I finally had mercy on her and granted her wish. I started by pulling the left, outer lip of her pussy into my mouth. My lips were locked around her lip, and I slowly laved it with my tongue while applying suction. When I felt the time was right I switched to her right lip and repeated the process. Sharon was moaning and mumbling incoherently as I finally used my thumbs to pull her lips apart. I then treated each of her inner lips much as I had the outer ones. Her honey was dripping from her vagina so I used my tongue and lips to pull in as much as I could. I kissed her where her inner lips join together and then looked at the wondrous sight before me, before I pressed my tongue inside her as far as it would go. Sharon shuddered through a major orgasm as my tongue invaded her pussy for the first time. I stayed with her as she thrashed around on the bed by grasping her butt cheeks in both hands. I kissed and licked gently until she started to come down, then I began gently working upward to her fully extended clitoris. The little man-in-the-boat was standing tall and I knew it would be hyper sensitive, so I ran my tongue around it in circles, barely touching it with the edges of my tongue. Sharon was quickly building toward another climax and I knew she wanted more when she started trying to press my head further into her womanhood. I pulled her little morsel between my lips and started a side to side chewing motion. Sharon screamed her way through another major orgasm, while I held her little bud between my lips. I didn't let her come down very far from her peak before I inserted a finger into her vagina. I moved it gently in and out as I started flicking her clit with the tip of my tongue. She was immediately building to another climax, and as she neared her peak, I slipped my very wet finger out and gently pushed it into her little rosebud. The world stopped. Sharon thrashed and screamed, then went totally limp. This climax had been too much for her, and she passed out. I moved up beside her and cradled her in my arms, wanting her to feel loved and protected when she woke up. I finally noticed Missy perched on the edge of the bed. When I looked at her she asked, "What happened? Is she okay?" "She's fine Missy. Her last orgasm was just a little too much for her. Would you do me a favor and get a warm, damp wash cloth from the bathroom?" Missy was back shortly and I took the wash cloth from her. "I've never seen anything like that," she said. "Hell, I've never even dreamed of anything like that." I smiled and said, "Sharon is a very passionate young lady." I used the wash cloth to wipe the sweat from Sharon's lovely face, then from her breasts and torso. I was lightly cleaning her pussy when her eyelids fluttered, then opened. Sharon looked at me wide eyed for a few seconds then said in little more than a whisper, "That was a first. I never passed out before." "Did you have a nice little nap?" I smiled. "Wonderful," she said as she stretched, "It was a fantastic way to go to sleep, and a fantastic way to wake up." "I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said. "Enjoyed it? If I'd enjoyed it any more, I probably wouldn't have woken up at all." I kissed her gently, and she sighed and snuggled in for a few minutes. Eventually her hand found my erection and wrapped around it. "What have we here?" she asked. "It's nothing to worry about if you're too wiped out," I told her. "I'm never too wiped out for that," she told me. "I think I know just the place to put it." "You do? My but you're a greedy little girl." She giggled. "I'll show you how much of a little girl I am," she said as she pushed me onto my back, then mounted me. "Aahh. You want to play cowgirl, huh?" "Damned straight. I'm gonna ride this pony until he falls over from exhaustion." She started moving up and down on me, gently rubbing her clit in my pubic hair on each downstroke. I had become so excited eating my sweet lover that I knew it wouldn't be long before I climaxed. "Sweety, I don't know how long I'm going to last. You feel so good to me, I just can't take it." "That's okay, lover. I'm right with you. Let it go whenever you're ready." I was right. Within a couple of minutes I could feel myself building toward release. I think it must have been my first spurt that triggered Sharon's orgasm, as she was right with me. When we were finished, she collapsed on top of me. I held her and kissed her hair and stroked her back while we wound down. Finally I looked over and saw Bonnie and Beth staring at me. "I'm jealous," Beth said. "You haven't made me pass out in a long while." "Sorry little one," I said. "We just really seemed to click tonight." "It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," Bonnie told us. "I know you guys are in love, but something like this really shows how much you love each other." I heard a muffled "Amen" from Sharon, then Beth, Bonnie, and Missy were giggling. "Is it always that good?" Missy asked. "It is always fantastic," Bonnie told her, "But, I've never seen anything that intense." "It looked like you two were enjoying yourselves too," Missy said to Bonnie and Beth. "Oh, Mom's good," Beth told her, "But there's nothing like having Mike's cock up my puss." "My daughter is such a lady," Bonnie laughed. "Seriously, Missy, girl/girl sex is fun, but unless you're a complete lesbian, there is nothing like girl/boy loving." "Amen," Sharon mumbled again. I rolled Sharon off me on the opposite side from Bonnie and kissed her eyes, nose, and lips. She turned toward me and laid her head on my right shoulder. "I think my love and I are going to sleep," I told the rest of them. "Missy, would you like to sleep in here with us?" Bonnie asked. "There's plenty of room on the bed." Missy hesitated for a few seconds then pulled off her nightgown and snuggled in behind Sharon. I don't know about the rest of them, but I never opened my eyes until bladder pressure forced me to abandon my cozy nook in the morning. ------------------------------------------ Tuesday, October 19, 1976 ------------------------------------------ It was about a half hour before we had to be up for school when I had to go to the bathroom. After finishing my business and brushing my teeth, I went down to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. The pot had just finished and I was getting my first cup when Missy came unsteadily into the room. I told her good morning and asked if she'd like a cup. When she nodded, I retrieved a cup for her, filled it, and set it in front of her. "Thank you," she said, then sat there silently for a few minutes. I let her sit without disturbing her. "Thank you for letting me watch last night too. I know last night was special, but are you always that loving with Bonnie and Beth too?" "I try to be. Sometimes, a man or a woman's need is so great that all they want is the mechanical act. All of us have been in that situation at one time or another. What I like best though is like it was last night. Two people in love and sharing their love. It is the most fulfilling experience a person can have." "What I saw last night was not fucking. It was making love. Are you in love with Beth and Bonnie too?" "Yes, I am. It is a little different with them, but I am definitely in love with them. It would be difficult to share your mind with someone and not be in love with them." "Are you saying you all are going to fall in love with me and I'm going to fall in love with all of you?" "Once you start fully sharing your mind with all of us, then, yes. I'm sure that will happen." "And you guys included me, knowing that was going to happen?" "I guess you could say that. There's nothing strange about it though. You are smart, pretty, and you already had the ability to some extent anyway. I think it's more that we knew what the consequences were and were willing to accept them." Missy was still thinking about this when my three lovelies came in, all of them wearing what they slept in. Nothing. Sharon came directly to me and parked herself in my lap. She mumbled something then turned her face up to be kissed. I did what she wanted with pleasure. We talked and teased for a while then I asked Sharon if she'd like to take a shower with me. She agreed so I picked up my cup and took a last sip of coffee. Before I could get up, Missy came over and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "I think you're right," she said before going back to her seat. It took a minute for me to connect what she said. ---------- As we were going into school, I saw Ms. Richards going up the walk, so I ran to catch up with her. "Good Morning Ms. Richards," I said as I came abreast of her. "How are you this morning?" "I'm fine Mike. How are you doing?" "I'm okay. Ms. Richards, I am scheduled to take the government test on Monday, and I was wondering if I could take the Physics test as well." "Is that going to give you enough time to study, Mike?" "I'm really finished with my studying for government. I've read the book through and through. I would like to borrow a physics book though." "I'll tell you what, Mike. Stop back after lunch and I'll give you a physics book. On Monday morning, if you say you're ready for the test, I'll give it to you. If you're not ready, I'll postpone it." "That would be great, Ms. Richards. I really want to thank you for all of your help. I know we got off to a rocky start, but you've made things easier for my whole family over the last few weeks and I really appreciate it." "That's all right, Mike. I'm just doing my job. Actually I'm doing my job better than I have in years. Oh, by the way. When it's just you and me, please call me Thelma." "I'd like that, Thelma. Now, I'd better run or I'm going to be late for class." I took off like the proverbial bat, and made it into government class before the second bell. ---------- "Good morning Dr. Cunningham," Thelma said as the man entered her office for the second time. "What can I do for you this morning?" "You asked for a release signed by Mrs. Green," he said as he handed her a sheet of paper. It was well worded and carried a signature. It had been signed four days before. "Okay, Dr. Cunningham, hang on a second while I call our attorney and make sure I'm right on this." He nodded and Thelma picked up the phone and dialed. "This is Thelma Richards at the high school," she said when someone answered. "I have a Dr. Cunningham here in my office with a release signed by a student's mother authorizing me to turn over confidential information about the student to the doctor. The only problem is, Officer Clifton, the document is forged. I talked to the mother yesterday and she said she hadn't and wouldn't sign the paper. It was supposed to have been signed four days ago." When the word "forged" came out of her mouth, Cunningham was up and heading out the door. Thelma hung up without saying anything further. She had dialed 'Dial a Prayer'. ------------- Bonnie did join us for lunch, and we had fun, as usual. Missy was all excited and asked when we were going to do the spy thing on her foster parents. "It depends on whether Butterman takes the bait tonight or not," Bonnie told her. "If he does, we'll do him tonight and the Christofersons tomorrow night. If not, we'll switch and do the Christofersons tonight. I would like to get any info we find out to Phil as soon as possible." "What time do they go to bed?" I asked Missy. "On week nights, the kids have to be in bed by 10:00 PM. They usually go to bed shortly after that." When lunch was over, I walked the girls to their next class. I was free for the rest of the day, so all I was going to do was pick up my physics book then go home. When we got to their classroom, Sharon gave me one of her toe curling kisses. When she finished, Missy stepped up and gave me one that was nearly as good. <Did you see that>? I asked Sharon. <mental giggle> <I most certainly did. Should I be jealous?> <No way, swivel hips. You know I love you with all of my heart.> <Yes I do Mike. I love you too and I was just kidding.> <Did I tell you that Ms. Richards wants me to call her Thelma now?> <That slut! She's older than Bonnie. I'll scratch her eyes out.> <Hold it, Slugger. It seemed like she was just wanting to be a friend, not like she was coming on to me or something.> <Well you let me know if she does come on to you and I'll scratch her eyes out then.> <Okay Champ. I will.> <Shut up now Mike. My teacher is looking at me funny.> I stopped by Ms. Richards office and she gave me a big smile as I came in. "Hi Thelma. Do you have that physics book for me?" "I sure do, Mike. Sit down. I'd like to talk with you for a minute." I took a seat across from her and she went on. "Please tell your mother that Dr. Cunningham was back today with something he said she'd signed. I pretended I was calling the police, and he took off." "Who's Cunningham?" "I told your mother about him. He was wanting information on your IQ scores. I told him he needed a release signed by your mother before I would give him anything." "And he was back today saying Mom had signed a release?" "Yes, but like I said, he took off without getting what he wanted." "Thank you for not giving him anything Thelma. I'm sure Mom will appreciate it too." "You know Mike you have been doing very well on your tests. I just wanted to tell you again how sorry I am that we got off to such a bad start. It was all my fault. I guess I had just fallen into that trap where you go into work every day do the same old things and go home at night. You and your sister woke me up. I think I'm going to enjoy my job a lot more now, because I'll be looking for kids to help rather than just getting through the day." "Thelma, I'm happy if we could help. I think my father had fallen into the same kind of trap before he had his accident. Mom tells me that they had seemed to be growing apart from lack of trying rather than from anything being really wrong." "That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. In my case it was a work thing rather than a relationship thing. Relationships are one thing I don't have to worry about. My husband left me seven years ago and I haven't even dated since." "Maybe that's part of the problem, Thelma. You're still young enough and pretty enough to have any man you'd want. You should go out there and find someone who will appreciate you for who you are." She let out a big sigh. "Oh well. It sounds good, but I'm not attracted to very many men, and the ones I am attracted to are out of my reach for one reason or another. Anyway, thanks for listening, Mike. Here's the physics book. Remember to tell me if you're ready or not." I got up and laid my hand on her shoulder. "Think about what I said, Thelma. You really are a pretty woman, and definitely an intelligent one. Any man should be happy to have you." She smiled and took my hand and squeezed it. "I'll think about it Mike. Thank you for your kind words." Although my outward appearance didn't show it, I was very confused. Was she saying she was attracted to me? Was she just letting her hair down and being vulnerable to a friend? I hoped I had helped her without leading her on in any case. I figured I'd repeat the conversation to Bonnie when I got home. If anyone could figure it out, she would be the one to do it. Chapter 12 I repeated both conversations with Ms. Richards to Bonnie exactly as they had occurred. "Mike, this Cunningham character scares me. Ms. Richards said he introduced himself as a doctor and said he was a colleague of Dr. Franks. I don't think a doctor would be bringing a forged document in to get information. He'd go through the proper channels." "I agree with you Bonnie. There is something wrong about him. Thelma tells me she has removed mine and Beth's files from the cabinet they were in and hid them. She says they are someplace no one will find them, so I don't think he'll get anything through the school. I'll ask Thelma to call Dr. Franks tomorrow and warn him what his colleague is up to." "I guess that's about all we can do. I sure would like to know who he is and what he wants the information for." We sat in silence for a few minutes then I asked, "So, what do you think, Bonnie? Is Thelma coming on to me?" "My first reaction is to say yes. Then again, she may be impressed by your IQ and be asking for advice. I'd say to just let her take the initiative and see what comes up. I'm sure she's not going to try to rape you or anything, so let her make the moves. At any rate, you gave her some good advice, so you have nothing to feel bad about." "Thank you, Bonnie. I just don't want to get into an awkward situation where someone gets hurt." "You don't have much of a choice, Mike. If she opens herself up to being hurt, just try to ease her down as easily as possible." "Thanks lovely lady. I knew I could count on you for some good advice." ------------- I picked up the girls after school and brought them home. We sat on the patio for a little over an hour, munching on chips and drinking sodas. When I thought it was about time football practice was letting out, we all got in the Suburban and went to Betty's. We were hungry so we ordered two large pizzas. That took a few minutes for everyone to agree on toppings. The pizzas had just arrived and we were digging in when Butterman came in. Bonnie gave him a big smile again, and this time she said, "Hi." "Hi yourself, pretty girl," Butterman answered. "You must be new here. I haven't seen you around school much." "Yes, I am new. I just started here this week. I'm Bonnie, by the way." "Well, hello Bonnie. I'm Jim Butterman." "Oh I know who you are. Everyone knows the captain of the football team." "Look Bonnie, I have to meet some friends right now, but would you want to go out with me tomorrow night?" "That would be nice, Jim. Why don't you meet me here at 7:00 tomorrow night. I'll be looking forward to it." He left us with a smirk and never a glance at Missy. "This guy is a jerk," I said to no one in particular. "If he felt bad about how things went with Missy he'd have told her so. I still want to cut his dick off. Would you like to start your collection with his cock Sharon?" "No way lover. It's hard to tell what kind of disease he might have. If you do cut it off, be sure to wear rubber gloves, and dispose of it where innocent people won't be contaminated." "You wouldn't want it for a cocksickle then?" "I wouldn't suck it with someone else's mouth," Sharon said. "Calm down guys," Bonnie went into mother mode. "I don't want anyone else hearing you." I blushed. "I'm sorry Bonnie. I guess I wouldn't either." They all laughed at me, but everyone knew what I meant. We finished our pizzas and took off. As we got into the car I asked, "Are we going to pay a visit to the Christofersons tonight?" "I think tonight would be a fine night for a visit," Bonnie agreed. "Let's plan on leaving the house around 10:30." "Awh gee. I planned to be in bed by then," I teased. "Michael, you can postpone your libidinous thoughts until after our visit," Bonnie told me. "Since you've tested out of all of your Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes, you don't even have to go to school tomorrow." "Yes Mommie," I said as I wheeled the car into our driveway. ----------- We killed time until Bonnie said we should leave for Missy's foster parents. I took the time to go through the business news, but didn't see anything interesting. When we pulled up in front of the Christoferson house, it was dark. Evidently we had timed it just right. Missy wasn't sure of what to do, so we showed her how to link her mind with ours. Bonnie led the way, and we invaded Darrel first. God what a quagmire. This man was a slime bucket and the state allowed him to be a foster parent. Not only was this guy having sex with the fourteen year old girl and the nine year old girl who were staying with him now, he had had sex with nearly every young girl who had stayed with them over the last twenty years. Fortunately for us, he had kept a pictorial record of most of his conquests. Betty was just as bad as her husband. She had participated in seducing or raping the young girls, one was only six years old. She had been his photographer and had choreographed many of the scenes they had set up. She loved to watch her husband fuck a girl while she rode her face. They had a special room in their basement behind a panel with bondage equipment and photographic equipment. This was also where all of their special pictures were stored. "God! What a pair!" I said. "So, what do we do now?" "I guess we give the information to Phil," Bonnie said. "I have an idea," Missy said. "What is it?" Bonnie asked. "What if I went to the police and told them the Christofersons had tried to rape me. I could say they dragged me to this room in the basement but that I'd gotten away." "It could work," I said, "but you'd have to have a pretty detailed story. They'll ask you questions for hours and try to mess up your story." "I know that," Missy agreed. "If you guys stayed in my mind and helped me though, they shouldn't be able to shake me." "That would be some pretty close mental contact Sweety. Are you ready for that?" Bonnie asked. "Yes, I'm very ready for that." "Okay, we need to find out a good time that this is supposed to have happened," I said. "That means we need to go back into these sick minds to find a time when they were alone. We can look at tonight first. If we're lucky we won't have to go any further." "I agree," Bonnie told us. "It is a very brave thing you're going to do, Missy." "Bonnie, I have to do something to help those other girls. If I let it go on I'd hate myself." We went back in. Oh God help me! I wanted to go in and kill both of them. I wanted it bad. I know Sharon could sense that. She took my hand and held it while we made our entry. We were lucky. Tonight had been a quiet evening for them. The girls who were staying there had gotten into trouble for fighting and had been sent to bed at 8:00. The two boys had been out playing basketball until 10:00 and had just made it in before they had to be in bed. That left a two hour window during which Missy could say it had happened. We went home, and as I drove we all offered suggestions as to how it could have happened. "We need to keep things as near to the truth as we can," I said. "We can say I drove Missy over here to pick up some things she needed. We can say I waited in the car while she tried to get what she wanted. We can say the Christofersons didn't know I was waiting in the car." "Those are all true statements," Bonnie said. "Now though we have to deviate from it a little." By the time we got home we had a pretty convincing tale made up for Missy to tell. We all knew every detail of the story, and with all of us helping each other it would be pretty hard to shake. "The only problem I see with it is the lack of physical evidence," Bonnie said. "I'm not sure an accusation is enough to get a search warrant." "You're right," I said. "I hadn't thought of that." "If Mike could take me back over there," Missy said. "I could go in and get a picture or two from the room." "That's a good idea Missy," Bonnie said, "but, let's all go. You and Mike can go in the house and the rest of us will monitor everyone else in the house and make sure they stay asleep." I was pulling back out of our driveway even as she spoke. Missy opened the door with her key when we got there and she and I went into the house. We turned on lights as we needed them, knowing no one was going to notice. The basement was paneled, and we knew just which panel to press on to gain entry. The pictures were in an unlocked filing cabinet, and we went through them until we found a couple we could use. One showed Darrel sodomizing a girl who couldn't have been more than eight or nine years old. In another, Betty was holding a little girl down while Darrel screwed her. The look on the girls face brought tears to my eyes. We turned out the lights and left. When we got back to the house, we decided we should go in to the police station to make the complaint. We decided Missy needed some bruises to prove her point, so I lightly grasped her right arm and Bonnie did the same to her left. We caused non-painful bruises to form where our fingers made contact. I then caused a large bruise to form around her right eye, giving her one heck of a shiner. "Honey, if someone touches one of your bruises you need to flinch and say ouch or something like it hurts," I told Missy. "Maybe we should let them hurt Mike. I want this to be realistic. I can stand a little pain to put these two away." After some argument, we finally agreed. The bruises were impressive by the time we reached police headquarters. We talked to a desk sergeant first and then he called in a detective. The detective introduced himself as Detective Morris. We introduced ourselves and he asked Missy what had happened. "Mike took me over to my foster parent's place tonight to pick up some things I needed. I'm filing for manumission and I've been staying with Bonnie until everything gets straightened out. I work for Bonnie at MBBS Enterprises." "Okay, I was wondering what your relationship was to these people. Mike, are you Bonnie's son?" "Yes sir," I said. "Go on Missy," Morris encouraged. "Mr. Christoferson has been making passes at me for quite a while. That is the main reason I am filing for manumission. I thought I'd be safe with Mike waiting in the car, but I guess I forgot to tell them he was waiting." She paused and took a sip of water. "As soon as I got inside, Mr. Christoferson grabbed me and said it was time I learned a lesson. I tried to pull away, but his wife grabbed my other arm. They dragged me down to the basement and opened up this secret room that they have. I was scared to death because there were all kinds of strange looking things in the room." "What kinds of things, Missy?" "Well, you know sometimes you see in an old movie where they have someone chained to the wall? They had those things. They also had handcuffs and I think you call them leg irons. The had blindfolds and whips. I was starting to panic." Missy took another sip of water. "Mrs. Christoferson pulled some pictures out of a cabinet and said that they were going to do this to me. She said they had fun with all of their girls and it was time I did my share. I started to cry and Mr. Christoferson hit me in the eye." Missy sobbed for a few minutes then Morris asked, "How did you get away from them Missy?" "I guess Mike had gotten tired of waiting because the doorbell rang. Mr. Christoferson whirled around and I broke loose and ran. I grabbed a couple of the pictures and was up the stairs before they even realized I was running." "Did you bring the pictures with you Missy?" you could hear the excitement in Morris' voice when he asked. Missy opened her purse and handed the pictures to the detective. His eyes grew wide and then he grinned. "I'm not grinning about what's in the pictures, Missy. I'm grinning because we're going to hang the bastards. Did they touch you sexually or anything like that?" "No sir. They just grabbed my arms and Mr. Christoferson hit me. Mrs. Christoferson had just picked up some handcuffs when Mike rang the bell." "Missy, you are a very brave young lady for coming in like this. I'm going to try to make this as easy on you as possible. I will need for you to see a doctor though, and they will take some pictures of your bruising. I'll also need for you and Mike to come in tomorrow to talk with an assistant DA. He'll want you to make a deposition stating what happened." "We'll do that detective. Do I need to see a specific doctor?" "Yes. Missy. I'll have a uniformed officer take you to the hospital. They'll know what to do. I'll make an appointment with the DA and call you in the morning about that." "So what happens now?" Bonnie asked. "As soon as you guys leave for the hospital, I'm going to wake up a judge and get a search warrant. With luck, I'll have it within the hour, and a few minutes after that about twenty people are going to be knocking on the Christoferson's door. I'll be in front of all of them." "Detective Morris, when you go into the basement, turn right. Mr. Christoferson pressed in on the top right of the second panel and it popped open." "Thank you Missy. I wish all of the people who come in were as intelligent as you are. You just saved me a lot of time, and maybe preserved some evidence we'd have destroyed if we'd of had to break it down." Morris made a phone call and within a few minutes a young officer appeared. Morris explained what was needed and told him we were free to go after Missy had seen the doctor. Bonnie rode with Missy in the patrol car and I followed in the Suburban. <Sharon, Beth, can you hear me?> I called. <Yes lover,> Sharon responded. <What's going on?> I explained everything that had happened, and then said, <I hate to do this to you guys. I know it's 2:35 AM. We have no idea when we're going to get out of here, and Morris says they're going to be raiding the Christoferson house within the hour. Could you guys go over and park about a block away so you can listen in on what is happening?> <God, I wouldn't miss that for the world!> Beth said. It didn't take nearly as long at the hospital as I thought it would. Within an hour we were on our way to the Christoferson house. Just before we pulled up behind Beth, we heard, <They're here. They're starting the raid.> <We're right behind you Sweety,> I told her. We were watching through Mr. Christoferson's eyes and listening through his ears as he made his way to the door to answer the loud pounding. He was pissed, and was going to give someone a piece of his mind. His attitude changed abruptly to one of fear when he opened the door and detective Morris pushed his way inside. "Darrel Christoferson, you are under arrest for the assault and attempted rape of Melissa Silvers," Morris said. He went on to read Christoferson his rights and asked if he understood them. "But, I didn't...," Christoferson tried to say, but Morris cut him off. "We have a warrant to search your home, Mr. Christoferson. First I want everyone in the house in the living room." One of the officers handcuffed Christoferson, and two officers went upstairs to round up everyone else. They placed Mrs. Christoferson under arrest when they had her with her husband. The search of the house didn't take long. They found a few pictures in the master bedroom. These by themselves would have been enough to have put the pair away for life. What they found in the basement would take days even to catalog. "I don't think we have to worry about them any more," I said. "I think they're going away for a long time." "From what I picked up from Morris, they'll never see the outside world again," Bonnie agreed. "Ladies, it's almost 5:00 AM. What do you say we go and get some sleep?" When we got back to the house, Bonnie called the school and left a message on the answering machine telling them that Beth, Sharon, and Missy would be out due to a family emergency. All of us except Missy headed to Bonnie's room and started undressing. I had just slid in under the covers with Beth on one side and Sharon on the other when Missy came in. "Do you mind if I sleep in here with you guys tonight?" she asked. "Not at all," Bonnie told her as Sharon slid closer to me to make room. I was cuddled up to Sharon's back with one arm over her, caressing her breast. When Missy got in, she slid close to Sharon and gave her a light kiss on the lips. She then turned on her back, pulled my hand from Sharon's breast, and placed it on her own. It felt nice, but I was feeling guilty. <Sharon, my love, do you mind?> <No lover. I knew this would happen soon. Enjoy. I plan to when she's ready for me.> <Thank you love,> I said as I began to caress Missy's left breast. I fell asleep with her large firm nipple pressing into my palm. ------------------------------------------ Wednesday, October 20, 1976 ------------------------------------------ I awoke first this morning. Sometime during the night I had released my hold on Missy and was now cuddling one of Sharon's bountiful boobs again. I slipped out of bed without waking anyone and did my duty in the bathroom. I went down to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee then made a phone call. "Ms. Richards speaking," I heard when she answered. "Hi Thelma, this is Mike Green." "Oh, hi Mike. How are you doing?" "I'm doing pretty good Thelma. I really called about Beth, Sharon Mayhew, and Melissa Silvers." "I heard they weren't in school today, Mike. Something about a family emergency?" I explained to her what had happened, at least what we told the police had happened. When I finished I could tell she was totally shocked. When she had her wits about her again she asked, "Should I set up an appointment with Dr. Franks for her?" "No, Thelma. Mom has arranged for private counseling for her. She's supposed to see someone tomorrow afternoon. I just wanted to let you know what was going on. You can share this with Mr. Andrews if you'd like, but we'd rather it didn't become common knowledge." "I can understand that Mike. What are you guys doing? Are you trying to move the whole student body into your house? First Sharon, now Missy?" I laughed. "No, Thelma. Just all of Beth's friends it seems." "From what I hear, Sharon is a lot more friendly to you than she is to Beth," she teased. "Well, you may have a point there. Sharon is my fiance. We will be married as soon as she's old enough." "Oh, Mike. Getting married young can cause a lot of problems. It's hard for a young couple without a college degree to make it financially. That causes problems in all areas." "I'm aware of that Thelma. We have given it a lot of thought, and will continue to do so, but we are fortunate that money will not be a problem." "Are the rumors I've been hearing true then? Your track coach was telling everyone yesterday that you are worth several million and that you are planning to retire by the time you're twenty." "Thelma, we have been very lucky in some investments we've made. I don't normally say anything about that because I don't want it to change how people think about us. The coach made Mom mad when he started telling me I had to make something of myself, so she told him off. She may have exaggerated about when I'm going to retire, because I enjoy trying to figure out what stocks are going to boom and which ones aren't. I may continue doing that my entire life." "Mike, I haven't seen you brag about anything yet. If you were going to brag, you certainly had the opportunity when you got back your IQ scores. Coach Daniels is a sorehead. If things don't go his way, he has to make a big stink about it. I'm afraid he's told the entire faculty his story, and probably all of the kids he coaches. Your Mom really told off the wrong person when she told off the coach." "I'll tell her that, Thelma, and thanks for passing it along. You know we all appreciate what you've done for us, don't you?" "I know it Mike, but for the most part I'm just doing my job. I must admit I'm enjoying it a lot more lately." "Thelma, there is something else I'd like for you to look into if you could. There were four other kids staying with the Christofersons. The older ones would be attending our school. I can get their names for you if you'd like. Something needs to be done about them." "Are they all high school age Mike?" "No, there is one little girl who is nine years old. I'm not sure about the others ages, although I know that some of them are teenagers. Both of the girls were molested by their foster parents. They should have counseling of some kind. I hate the thought of them getting back into the system and possibly have the same situation again." "Yeah, I know what you mean Mike. Do you know if the boys were molested too?" "I really don't know. It seems to Christoferson is more into little girls. The younger the better." "That is sick Mike." "Yes it is. I'll have to admit I like teenage girls myself, although I find that older women are far sexier." "Michael! You should be ashamed of yourself," Thelma laughed. "Just how old are you talking about?" "Oh, I don't know. Their thirties maybe?" "You are a shameless young man Mike. Until recently I never thought I could be attracted to anyone who was much younger than me. I've had to re-evaluate my thinking though." "I hear Mom coming down so I'd better get off of here and give her the bad news about the coach. I'll stop by to say hi tomorrow if that's okay." "Certainly Mike. Anytime. One more thing though, tell Bonnie that Dr. Franks' office was broken into last night. They don't know yet what might have been taken, but I'm wondering if it might have something to do with this Cunningham character." "It would make sense Thelma. I'll be sure to tell her." It wasn't Bonnie that I heard coming in. It was Missy. I was happy to see she had adopted the dress code of the family and was completely nude. "Good morning, Sunshine," I said. "Would you like some coffee?' "In a minute," she mumbled as she walked up to me. She put her hands on my shoulders, then stepped in close and laid her head on my chest. I put my arms around her and hugged her close. We had been standing there for quite a while when I saw Sharon come in behind her. "What's going on here?" Sharon asked, mock anger in her voice. "Are you guys getting it on?" "No, but we might have been if you hadn't come in," Missy laughed as she pulled back. "Hey, don't let me cause huggus interruptus," Sharon giggled. "Huggus interruptus?" "Yeah, like when a guy has to pull out before he's finished it's called coitus interruptus." "Oh My God," I groaned. I fixed us all some coffee and we sat around the breakfast nook. We had only been sitting there a few minutes when Bonnie and Beth showed up. I filled everyone in on my conversation with Thelma. "Me and my big mouth," Bonnie said. "That must have been one of my blonde days. I just had to put the bastard down." "I don't see how it can cause us any problems, Bonnie. It may cause some of the kids to start trying to get friendly, but I think we're all smart enough to ignore the gold diggers. It would be different if we couldn't read their intentions." Yeah, I'm glad you got rid of Shiela when you did. She's a gold digger if I ever saw one," Beth said. "I'm just glad I found Sharon when I did. She had no idea we had money when we hooked up." "Amen," Sharon laughed. "Here I thought I was just getting involved with your every day, common, garden variety, nerd." "Tickle monster," I yelled then attacked with vigor. I didn't stop until Sharon yelled she was going to pee if I didn't let up. Bonnie called Phil's office and made an appointment for early afternoon. Since it was almost noon now, she left to get ready. The girls and I talked for a while then decided to go into town for lunch. We went to a little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant where the prices were low and the quantity and quality were high. If you don't live in Texas or California you have no idea what good Mexican food is. I had a burrito that was at least three inches high and three inches wide and stretched completely across a large dinner plate. The burrito had shredded beef instead of ground beef and was spiced to perfection. On one side of the burrito was Spanish rice and on the other side was refried beans with melted cheese on top. I was in heaven. I almost managed to eat it all. The price of this sumptuous meal? $3.95. Kiss my ass Taco Bell! I had to take Missy in to the DA's office to give her deposition. The process took a couple of hours, but the assistant DA informed her that she wouldn't need to do anything else except possibly testify when the Christofersons went to trial. We spent most of the rest of the afternoon just laying around the house. I drifted off to sleep at one point with Sharon nestled on my lap. I was out for over an hour, and probably wouldn't have awakened then if it hadn't been for bladder pressure. We fixed sandwiches for dinner after Bonnie came home. She told us she'd gotten all of the paperwork started to have Missy manumitted, but that Missy would have to go in tomorrow to sign the papers. Before long, it was time for Bonnie to go on her date. God what an eventful couple of days. Sharon and I drove the Suburban out to Smittering Point while Beth and Missy followed Bonnie to Betty's. Beth and Missy stayed in their car while Bonnie went in to meet Butterman. Sharon and I talked back and forth with Beth and Missy while we waited. Bonnie had been inside almost an hour when Beth saw them coming out. Sharon and I watched through Beth's eyes as they walked toward Butterman's car. Bonnie was holding on to his arm, looking up into his eyes. He didn't open the car door for her, but he did kiss her before she got in. I wanted to cut his balls off. To be continued