Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Fountain of Youth by Lazlong Chapter 15 By the time Thelma arrived, I had at least managed to get everyone dressed and semi-presentable. Thelma was dressed in a pair of running shorts and a tight fitting knit shirt with a sports bra. Sharon and I were snuggled on one of the lounge chairs on the patio when Bonnie brought her back. Missy and Beth ran for the pool wearing semi-respectable swimsuits while Bonnie and Thelma sat down to talk with Sharon and I. "So, was Marilyn pissed off at us last night?" I asked after everyone was settled. "No, she was pissed off at me," Thelma laughed. "It's your fault too, Sharon." "My fault. What did I do?" Sharon asked. "You told Mike to kiss me. Marilyn saw him do it. She called me a slut for kissing a sixteen year old boy." "He's not a boy," Sharon told her. "I couldn't agree with you more," Thelma said. "He certainly seemed like a man last night." "It's really not Sharon's fault, Thelma. I'd have kissed you again anyway." "Yes, but Sharon is the one who called it to everyone's attention when she said she liked the taste of my lipstick," Thelma laughed. "I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants." "Okay people. Who's going on a walk with Thelma and me?" Bonnie asked. Sharon and I both agreed we would. We left Beth and Missy in the pool. We walked about the same distance Beth and I had when I got out of the hospital. Bonnie said she didn't want to wear Thelma out completely. When we got back to the house Bonnie said it was time to take Thelma's measurements. She sent Sharon after a tape measure. Bonnie brought out the scales and we weighed her. Then I backed her up against the house and checked her height. Bonnie wrote down the results. "Thelma, we're going to want to do measurements around your bust, hips, waist, and upper thighs. We usually have Mike do them because he seems to enjoy it so much. Would it be okay for Mike to measure you, or would you prefer I got one of the girls?" "Oh, I'd prefer Mike did it," she said as she gave me a shy smile. "Mike it is then. Now here's the big question. We are pretty much nudists when we don't have company. The measurements would be a lot easier to duplicate in the future if you were nude when they were taken. Would you be willing for Mike to take your measurements while you were nude?" "Oh my. I don't know. Did he take your measurements while you were nude?" "Yes, Thelma, and everyone else here, except Missy, who we haven't measured yet. We are nude most of the time when no one is here." "Well... I suppose it would be okay. I used to go to the clothing optional beaches before I got married. My husband was rather uptight about nudity though so we never went after we were married. Could you do Missy first so I can see what's going to happen?" "Sure," Bonnie said. "It'd be a good time to get that out of the way anyway." "Missy, front and center," I yelled. Missy came running over, drying off from the pool. "Missy, we'd like to take your measurements for our family records. Would it be okay to do it now?" Bonnie asked. "Sure. Not a problem, Bonnie." "Okay, strip," Bonnie told her. "Naked?" "Yep, naked. Mike's going to do the measuring." Beth helped her untie her bikini top, which she then playfully threw at me. She turned her back and gave an exaggerated wiggle as she lowered her bottoms. "Better dry the butt and boobies," I said as I threw her a towel. She dried herself then walked to me. I had her stand straight with her legs together and her arms at her sides. "What do you want me to measure first?" I asked Bonnie as I unrolled the cloth tape measure. "Let's start with the waist." I had Missy raise her arms and pulled the tape around her waist. "Twenty two and a half inches," I said. "Bust next." When I loosed the tape I leaned in, kissing her belly button, and inserting my tongue as far as I could. Missy giggled and jumped back. I motioned her forward again and stood up to measure her bust. "Thirty five and a quarter inches," I said. "Hips next." I loosed the tape and kissed Missy's right nipple. It popped out like toast from a toaster. I kissed her other nipple with the same results. "Make that thirty six and a half inches," I said. "Hard nipples don't count," Bonnie told me. "Do her hips please." I put the tape around her hips. "Thirty four inches even," I told her. "Left thigh please." I kissed Missy in her pubic hair and received a giggle for my efforts. I then moved her feet apart about two feet and put the tape around her left upper thigh. I gave Bonnie the measurement and when she told me to move to the other thigh, I ran my tongue from the bottom to the top of Missy's pussy slit, flicking her clit as I passed it. This time Missy moaned. I repeated the process on her right thigh, but this time I quickly flicked her clit three or four times. Her moaning signaled her appreciation. I gave her a pat on the butt and told her we were through. "We're not even close to being through," Missy told me as she picked up her swimsuit and went over to one of the lounge chairs. "Are you ready for this?" Bonnie asked Thelma. "Oh God! I don't know." "Would it help if Mike and I got naked too?" "It might. I don't know Bonnie. Just look at that girl. She's absolutely beautiful. I don't even come close to looking that nice." "Thelma, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Before I started getting into shape I worried about my body too. I found out though that some people thought I was sexy even though I didn't have the perfect body. I'm sure Mike thinks you are sexy and to be honest with you, so do I." Bonnie started pulling off her blouse, and I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on a chair. Thelma looked at both of us and pulled her own blouse off. We all finished undressing in a business like manner. Bonnie giggled. "See, I told you Mike thinks you're sexy." My erection was sticking straight out, pointing at Thelma. Thelma smiled and did a complete turn. "Thelma, I take back what I said about your butt sagging. I think it's the clothes you wear that caused me to think it did." "Thank you kind sir. Can we get on with this before I back out?" "Waist first," Bonnie told me. I dropped to my knees and measured her waist. "Twenty six inches even," I said. "Bust." I put my hands on Thelma's hips and tongued her belly button for a few seconds. "Do I get the full treatment," Thelma asked as I was getting to my feet. "And then some," I said as I wrapped the tape around her breast. "Thirty six and a half inches." "Hips next." As I had with Missy, I kissed both of Thelma's nipples. I pulled the left one into my mouth and sucked until it was as hard as a rock, then I bit it lightly. "Oh God! Oh my God!" Thelma said. "Break it up Mike," Bonnie said. "Work now, play later." I reluctantly left Thelma's breasts and placed the tape around her hips. Her pussy was trimmed to a "V" with the lips shaved. I could see beads of her nectar on her lips. "Thirty seven and a half inches," I said. "Left thigh." I used my lips to pull gently on her pubic hair, then moved her feet apart to measure her thighs. I measured her left thigh and told Bonnie the result. I blew gently on her pussy as I moved to her right thigh. I gave that measurement to Bonnie as well. "All finished," Bonnie said. "Not quite," I told them. I ran my tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top, collecting all of her delightful emissions as I did. <Oh God you taste good, Thelma.> I thought. "Thank you Mike. I'm glad I taste good for you." She heard me! She heard what I was thinking! I stuck my tongue back into her pussy as far as it would go. I started wiggling it inside the entrance of her vagina then thought, <Can you hear me, Thelma?> "Of course I can hear you Mike. God! That feels good." <Do you wonder how I can be talking to you when my tongue is inside your vagina?> Thelma's body stiffened up. "I'm doing it again aren't I? I'm hearing what you're thinking." <Yes you are Sweetheart,> I thought as I increase my efforts with my tongue. I moved up to her clit and pulled it between my lips. I started a rapid flicking on it with my tongue. "Oh God! I'm cuming Mike! Oh God! Oh God! Yeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaahhhhhhhhhhh uuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!" I stood up and held her through her after shocks. Finally she calmed down and I helped her into one of the lounges. I slid in behind her and put my arms around her. Bonnie came over and sat on the bottom of the lounge. "You heard what went on?" I asked. "You mean besides the earth shattering orgasm?" she asked with a giggle. "Yes dear heart. She heard what I was thinking." "I picked up on that Mike. Thelma, have you ever had this happen before that you could pick up someone's thoughts?" "Yes I have Bonnie. It hasn't happened often, but it has happened. It's a scary thing." Bonnie started stroking Thelma's leg. "It's nothing to worry about Sweety. It's something all of us here have experienced." "Really? Bonnie I thought I was a freak." "Not a freak my dear. You are just slightly telepathic." "Bonnie, it's so frustrating. I wish it would either go away completely or come and stay permanently. It just seems to show up at times without me even wanting it to. When I want it to happen, it's never there." "Would you prefer to have the ability all of the time, or not have it at all?" Bonnie asked her. "I'd rather have it of course. Think of how you could help people if you could tell what they were really thinking or really wanting." "Okay, Thelma, first you have to promise me that anything said or done by this family to or around you will never be told to anyone, unless we all agree." "That's not a problem, Bonnie. I would never betray any of you." "Girls, come here," Bonnie yelled. All three girls were there within a minute. "Thelma is partially telepathic. What do you think?" "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Mike?" Bonnie asked. "Yes." "And I vote yes as well. Okay girls, you can go if you want. Thelma, all of us are telepathic all of the time. We can make it so you are too. Are you interested?" "Oh God yes!" "Let me tell you a little about what's going to happen. We found, actually Mike found, that if one blood vessel in the brain is larger, more blood flows to a certain portion of the brain. If that portion of the brain is getting a sufficient blood supply you are telepathic. We can look into your brain and increase the size of the vessel." "But that's more than just reading someone's thoughts Bonnie." "Yes it is. There are quite a few advantages to doing this. Do you like the way I look Thelma?" "You are gorgeous Bonnie. I don't want to offend you, but I find you very sexually attractive. I haven't been with another woman since college, but I am certainly attracted to you." "I think you're pretty sexy yourself, Thelma, but we'll save that for later. My body is the way it is right now because I told it to go back to the way it was when I was eighteen and to maintain itself at that age until I tell it to change. It seems to have worked." "I'll say. Are you saying you'll never age? That seems incredible." "Isn't mind reading incredible too? Yes, we think that none of us will ever grow old. Mike and the girls are allowing their bodies to mature naturally for a few years, then they will arrest the aging process as well." "Will I be able to do that too?" "Absolutely," I said. "How long does it take to do this? Do we have time to do it today?" "It's almost instantaneous, Sweety. Just give us the word and it's yours," I told her. "Now please," she said and snuggled back against me. Bonnie and I went into her brain and made the change. <Can you hear me Thelma?> I asked. "Yes, I can hear you," she said. <Just think what you want to say back at us. We'll be able to hear,> I told her. <You mean it's done?> <Yep. Do you feel any different?> Bonnie asked her. <No. I feel the same. I like this talking in the mind though. It is so much faster and so much clearer.> <Now, Thelma,> Bonnie thought. <About changing your body. If you walk into school tomorrow looking ten or fifteen years younger, everyone is going to wonder why. First you're going to want to pick a time in your life when you looked your best and were in the best physical condition you were ever in.> <That's easy. When I was twenty, I was in college. I was working out every day and I was in great shape. It was just before I met my ex-husband.> <Were you a virgin at the time?> <No, I had lost my cherry a couple of years before to a football player. What a disaster.> <The reason I asked is if you were a virgin, every time you had sex your hymen would grow back. I don't think you'd want that.> <No way! Once was enough.> <What I'd do if I were you,> Bonnie told her, <is tell my body to go back a year or two at a time. I'd do this once a week until you get back to the age you want to be. People will notice it a lot less and those that do notice can be told you are on a strict diet and exercise program.> <That makes sense, Bonnie. We'll do it that way. This should be fun.> <It is. I did it all at once. That was a mistake. Too many people noticed that I looked too much younger.> <It was very interesting when we saw her as her younger self the first time though,> I said. <Mike, I think you'll like me when I get to where I want to be. I was slim and trim and sexy.> <I hope you don't change too much, Thelma. I think you're pretty sexy now.> I hugged her close and ran the palm of my hand over her left nipple. ------------ We really didn't exercise that afternoon. We did talk a lot. Bonnie, Thelma and I stayed together all afternoon. The girls would wander in and out of the conversation one or more at a time. We told her what we had done about Butterman and about Josh. We even told her about Joe Ferguson and his two buddies. <Thelma, we aren't proud of these things, but we felt they had to be done. We still feel that way. I hope this doesn't change how you feel about us.> <No, but Michael, you led me on about Butterman and about Josh. You are a little shit.> <I call him Michael Allen Green when I'm pissed off at him,> Bonnie told her. <I'll do that too,> Thelma said. <I'm not really pissed off though. I would have probably done the same thing in your shoes. As for the other three, I think you did the world a service.> Thelma tried changing her body a little later. She had it go back two years, until she was thirty one. I couldn't see any change and neither could Bonnie. We told her to go back another year. She did, but we still couldn't see a difference. She then went back another year. Her body was now as it was when she was twenty nine. Some of the laugh lines around her eyes had disappeared, and her tummy was a little flatter. <I think this would be perfect for going back to school tomorrow,> I told her. <There is a difference, but it is not so noticeable as to cause much comment.> Bonnie agreed, and we talked about a schedule for future changes. I asked Sharon if she'd bring out a snack for Thelma and explained she had changed her body and that she would need food. In a few minutes, Sharon brought out a monster shrimp cocktail. There was easily enough for all of us, even with Thelma's increased appetite. Thelma thanked Sharon so Sharon gave her a very sexy kiss and said, <You're welcome.> <Thelma, there are a couple of more bombshells we have to drop on you, then we'll need to ask you a few questions. We're also going to ask you to make a decision about something. It's not something you have to decide today, but it is very important.> <Okay.> <Mike isn't who he appears to be, Thelma. When Mike's body was in a coma, Mike's personality died. He was brain dead for several days. A man by the name of George Halbertson died of a heart attack at the age of fifty eight. Somehow, and we have no idea how it happened, George's personality and memories ended up in Mike's body. The dirty old man playing with your tit right now is really George Halbertson in Mike's body. I hate to say it about my own son, but this dirty old man is really a much nicer person than Mike was.> <Well, that explains a lot,> Thelma said with a big sigh. <There's no way a sixteen year old could lick a pussy the way he just did. He gave me an orgasm in less than a minute.> <Does this bother you?> I asked her. She turned toward me and kissed me soundly. <Does it seem like it does?> <No Sweety, but there's more. George died in the year 2003.> <Wow!> <Yes, wow. Since Mike came out of his coma and told us all this, he has proved it a hundred times over. We had a hundred thousand dollars put away for a college fund for Mike and Beth. By knowing what businesses are going to be around in 2003, and about certain things Mike remembers happening, he has taken that hundred thousand and invested it wisely. Our trading account is almost four million now, and it will skyrocket in a few years.> <You didn't know the Greens while you were George, did you Mike?> <No Thelma, so I don't know what is going to happen to us. I didn't know you either.> <The other bombshell is sexual in nature. Although Mike's body is biologically related to us and although he still has all of Mike's memories as well as his own, Beth and I make love to him. I suppose it is still incest, but I actually don't give a damn.> <Bonnie, that doesn't shock me at all. I guess I'd have been surprised if you didn't. How can one man keep up with all of you though?> Bonnie laughed. <He has found how to give himself an erection whenever he wants. It's very convenient. All of us females tend to be bisexual as well, so we all make love to each other too.> <Goody. Am I included?> <Absolutely,> Bonnie told her. <That leads in to the decision we are going to ask you to make. Remember, you don't have to decide today. Thelma, would you like to become a part of this family? Would you like to move in with us and share in every thing we have and every thing we are?> <Bonnie, I don't have to think about that,> she said. The tears were streaming down her pretty face. <I love Mike and I love you. I know I'll love the girls as well. I would love to be a member of this family. All I have is yours. All my love. All my money. My home. My car. Everything.> I hugged her and kissed away the tears. <Bonnie, my parents were wealthy. I have a lot of money too. I think at the last audit I own property, CDs and stocks worth approximately five million dollars. I hardly touch the income from it and I've never touched the principal. Can we move it all into one holding?> <If that's what you want, then yes, we can. We just started a corporation that handles everything we own. We are still in the process of signing everything over to the corporation. I am the CEO. We'll make you the COO, or Chief Operating Officer. We'll issue company stock equal to the amount you put into it.> <I'm not worried about that, Bonnie. You said we are a family and we share everything. I think we should share equally. Equal shares for every one of us.> <That's the way we were working it, but you're putting in a lot.> <It's the only way I'll do it,> Thelma told us. <Girls, come over here and kiss your new sister,> Bonnie broadcast. Three girls came running up. Each tried to out do the other as they kissed Thelma. When the last one finished, Thelma was panting. Bonnie moved up and gave Thelma a kiss that would have made Mona Lisa's pussy wet. When Bonnie finally broke it off, it was my turn. God Thelma can kiss. After a minute or two she seemed to become distracted. I broke off the kiss and looked down to see Bonnie vigorously eating Thelma's pussy. I held Thelma in my arms as Bonnie ate her to half a dozen orgasms, each one stronger than the one before. Finally, she went limp. I reached down and tapped Bonnie on the head. <She's passed out Sweety.> <Oh shit. I didn't mean to do that.> <It's okay honey, I'm sure she didn't mind. Why don't you hold her while I go to the bathroom, then I'll bring out a damp cloth to clean her off a little.> --------------- Thelma and I didn't make love that day. In all honesty I don't think she had another orgasm left in her. She decided she should go to her home and start packing some things so she could stay with us tomorrow night. All of us agreed to meet at her house after school on Monday to help her finish packing and to bring her things over to our place. Chapter 16 ------------------------------------------ Monday, October 25, 1976 ------------------------------------------ Beth and I both showed up in Thelma's office at the same time on Monday morning. I was scheduled for two tests and Beth was scheduled for one. Thelma turned on the testing in progress light and asked us both to come into the testing room. As soon as the door closed behind us, Thelma turned to Beth and kissed her soundly. When they broke apart Thelma turned to me and gave me one of her knee weakening kisses. We decided that since I had two tests to take and Beth had only one, I would take my government test first. I would then take a break until after lunch, while Beth took her test. I would then take my second test, Physics, in the afternoon. After Beth had gone I started the government test. What a waste! I finished the two hour test in just over an hour. I stuck my head out and told Thelma I was finished. She came in the door a couple of minutes later and picked up all of the test papers. She put them in a folder and laid it on the end of the table. As she turned back around, I took her in my arms and kissed her. <Thank you my lovely proctor,> I told her. <Are you having any second thoughts about moving in with us?> <The only second thoughts I've had is to wonder why I was foolish enough not to stay with you last night as well.> We kissed and snuggled against each other for a few minutes. I was running my hands up and down her back and caressing her butt. <Do you have any idea how strange this is?> she asked. <I'm standing here letting you rub my ass. To anyone observing us, you are a sixteen year old boy. If anyone saw us, I'd not only be out of a job, I'd also end up in jail. When I got out, I'd have to register as a sex offender.> <Thelma, it is legal for me to have sex at my age.> <Yes, but it isn't legal for a teacher to have sex with a student.> <If you're worried about it, we can postpone any sexual contact until I'm out of school,> I offered. <Not on your life,> she smiled and kissed me. <If that damned door would lock I'd take you right here, right now, on this table. I was just saying how strange my behavior would look to someone else.> I kissed her on the tip of her nose. <You are absolutely right love. Once this semester is over, things will be a lot better for all of us. Have you thought at all what you want to do? Are you going to continue working or are you going to devote your time to the business?> <I really don't know yet Mike. I didn't talk about any plans with you or Bonnie yesterday.> <Do you have a teaching certificate?> <Yes, believe it or not, I'm a math teacher.> <Once this semester is over, we'd like to sign Beth, Sharon, and Missy up for home schooling. With you as a member of the family, it should be a lot easier to get approved.> We kissed again, then I said, <Bonnie and I have talked about buying a travel trailer and touring the country for a while. Maybe months. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in doing?> <Most definitely. That's something I tried to talk my ex-husband into doing. I wanted to buy a trailer and spend the summers roaming the country. I've always wanted to explore, maybe even up into Canada and Alaska.> <Then plan on it. Would it bother you to give up teaching?> <I'm not teaching now, Mike. I wasn't even doing a good job at what I am doing until you came along. I sometimes go days at a time when I don't see a single student come into my office. In all honesty it is frustrating and boring.> <You think it was boring before. Just wait until you see how it is now. I don't think we talked about the IQ change yesterday, did we?> <No. Is that what happened to you and Beth?> <And to Bonnie and Sharon and Missy as well. It has something to do with the increased blood flow. You're also going to notice that within a few days you're going to be reading at a rate of over four thousand words a minute with perfect comprehension. You will also be able to remember everything you've read or heard or seen.> <Oh my God. Mike, if we live for a long time, a perfect memory could be a curse. Some things you don't want to remember forever, such as pain or embarrassment. Can we dump those memories?> <I honestly don't know Thelma. I haven't thought about it. Damn, I already have fifty eight years of George's memories plus sixteen years of Mike's memories in my brain. Am I going to overflow?> <It's something we need to think about and talk about. We also need to think about a way to catalog and cross reference data. I don't know how important that is, but it would seem like we might lose where a memory is stored if we don't.> <Let's postpone this discussion until all of us are together. You have brought up some very interesting questions and I think we need to work on them and about a thousand others these are going to uncover. There may be some disadvantages to this too.> Before Thelma could answer we heard, <I wouldn't think of knocking, but are my brother/husband and sister/wife playing kissy face in there?> <No dear sister. Come on in. We were just talking about memory.> Beth came in and looked at us then said. "Did you know that your lunch starts in five minutes?" "Hell no. Thelma opened up some things we all need to talk about. Time seems to slip away when you're in an interesting conversation." "Or when you're kissing," Beth giggled. I slapped her on the ass as I took off for lunch. ---------- I met Sharon and Missy for lunch. After exchanging kisses we went through the line and loaded up our trays. Our table was open, so I slipped in with my back to the wall. To my surprise, Missy slipped in beside me and Sharon sat across from us. I raised my eyebrow at Sharon quizzically. Sharon giggled then said, "We just wanted to give everyone something to talk about. Before we get up, I want you to kiss Missy for as long as you did me when everyone started to applaud." "Oh, you evil girl," I said to Sharon. "What do you think about that, Missy?" "I'm the one who suggested it," Missy smiled. "Oh my. Two evil girls. What's Alice going to think about that?" "She's going to think I'm a slut," Missy giggled. "Is that what you want her to think?" "Yes. Besides thinking I'm a slut, she'll also be jealous. That's what I really want." "Okay, but let's eat first. I have to take another test today and I'm going to need the energy." Sharon laughed. "Are you sure you're not going to need the energy to boff the proctor after you finish your test?" "No, my dear. I thought about it, but you can't lock the door to the testing room." Both girls cracked up. Finally Missy said, "It's not fair if you do Thelma before you do me, you know. I was in the family first." "You know you are absolutely right," I said thoughtfully. "Are you ready for that step, Missy?" "Michael, I've been leaving a wet spot on every piece of furniture I've set on for the last two days. I'm as horny as a billy goat. When you kiss me I'll probably cum without you even touching me any place else. Yes, I think I'm ready." "Okay, tonight's the night then. Since you're a virgin, would you like to go off to a room by ourselves, or would you rather be with everyone else?" "With everyone else please. Sharon has already promised to suck on one of my nipples while I ride you. I'm hoping someone else will take the hint and suck on the other one." "Oh my. Don't tell Alice that. She WILL think you're a slut." "That's what I want to be tonight. Your slut." "Lean over here and let's give these people a show, Sweetheart." By the time the applause started, I was unaware of anything but Missy's lips and Missy's tongue. Finally Sharon kicked me under the table and the sharp pain in my shin caused me to pull away. "Wow!" I said. "Wow!" Missy said. "Wow!" Sharon said. "Let's get out of here before we're busted." We did. I talked with Thelma in her office while we were waiting for Beth to finish her test. "Thelma, how long does your contract with the school run?" "It goes through the end of the school year. Why?" "I guess talking about traveling got me all excited. Is there any way you could get out of it sooner?" "I'd have to think about that. What did you have in mind?" "Well, I was thinking. If we could get the girls approved for home schooling by the end of the semester, we could buy a big trailer and hit the road south for the rest of the winter. I know New Mexico and Arizona are both nice during the winter months. The southern part of Texas is also nice during that time of year." "That would be great. I have a niece in Florida who tells me about eighty degree Christmases. I've always been envious of her. Let me think about it. I have a friend who got RIFed from a large school she was a counselor in. She's looking for this kind of job. Maybe they'd let her work out my contract." "If you're interested check with her and the school. We'll talk with Bonnie tonight." Beth stuck her head out the door and said she had finished. Within just a few minutes she was out of the room and I was taking my physics test. I must say the physics book being used by the school was a very good one. It covered almost everything on the test, and the rest was mostly common sense. When I finished I asked Thelma what time she'd be home and told her we'd be there. It was nearly time for classes to let out, so I waited to see if Sharon would like to ride home with me. Of course she did. ------------- We took three vehicles to Thelma's house, the VW, the Suburban, and the station wagon. We pulled in just after she did, and it was like a zoo for a few minutes, until Bonnie got everything organized. Thelma said that for right now all she wanted to take were her clothes and some personal items. She said she didn't think we'd need all of the transportation, but then proved herself wrong when she filled every vehicle. Thelma must have worked all night last night getting things packed because most of it was already packed. With six people loading, we were ready to go in no time. Bonnie said to put everything in the guest room, so unloading was a snap as well. Bonnie ordered in a couple of pizzas for dinner, so we didn't have to worry about cooking. I asked Bonnie and the girls what they'd think about taking off at the end of the semester and spending the rest of the winter traveling through the south. Everyone seemed to like the idea, so we talked for a long while about what it would take to accomplish it. We also talked about what we would need in a travel trailer or motor home. We all agreed a motor home would be best since we could tow the Suburban behind it and have transportation for going out while it was parked. We knew we'd want it to sleep at least six, and have seating for that many as well. We'd want a bathroom with a shower and a well equipped kitchen. Bonnie and Thelma thought an awning would be nice, and I had to agree. We decided that after English class tomorrow, Bonnie and I would go looking. About 9:30 Missy got up, stretched out her hand to me and said, "Come on, Mike. I think it's time for bed." "Don't you think it's a little early for bed?" Sharon asked with a smirk. "I've been waiting for this night for almost seventeen years," Missy told her. "If I have to wait any longer I'm going to go completely out of my mind." I got up and followed her. Sharon was right with us as we went up the stairs. <Missy, would you like for us to wait here, or do you want company?> Bonnie asked her. <I want all of you there. You too, Thelma. I want to share this with all of the people I love.> When we got to Bonnie's room, everyone watched as Sharon and I undressed Missy. We laid her back gently on the bed and then Sharon and I undressed each other as Missy watched. I looked over and saw the other three members of our family undressing as well. I climbed into bed on one side of Missy and Sharon climbed in on the other. I pressed my lips to Missy's and we shared one of the most passionate kisses I have ever shared. While Missy and I were kissing, Sharon started kissing her ear and then her neck. When Missy and I broke apart, Sharon took my place and I went for her ear and neck. By the time I had worked my way down to her shoulder, Sharon had almost caught up with me on her other side. I felt two soft warm breasts press into my back, then Thelma whispered into my ear, "Take good care of her, but I'm next." I turned my head and gave her a tender kiss. "Absolutely, Ms. Richards," I whispered. I turned back to Missy and quickly found her left breast. Missy's breasts are puffies. They are perfectly rounded medium sized breasts with another little mound just larger than her areola supporting her nipple. God they were fun to play with, lick, kiss, suck on, nibble and worship. Eventually, I thought it was time for me to move on. Missy's head was thrashing from side to side as I left her marvelous breast. As I started to work my way down toward her virginal pussy, I could see that Beth and Bonnie were stroking and kissing Missy's legs. I reached her pubic hair and played for a while, tugging and blowing on it. Her pelvis was raising off the bed trying for direct contact on her pussy. Beth moved out of the way and I climbed between Missy's legs. Before my mouth made contact with her pussy, Beth was again stroking her leg and thigh. Missy had four nice orgasms, each one more intense than the last. I was working her toward a fifth when she screamed that she wanted me inside her. She started fighting to get up and told me to lay on my back. Who was I to argue? Missy straddled me and Sharon held my cock while Missy lowered herself on it. When the head popped inside, she stopped for a minute to get used to having something inside her. She then lowered herself another two inches and stopped again. This time she raised herself about an inch, then lowered herself two more. She continued this until our pubic bones were crushed against each other. She had a surprised look on her face when she said, "I didn't feel anything tear. There was no pain at all." "Sweety, a girl can tear her hymen in all kinds of ways. You were still a virgin, now you're not. This way you get to enjoy it more," Bonnie told her. Missy smiled and nodded, then started riding me. Sharon told her how to rub her clit in my pubic hair, and she soon had the hang of it. This time Bonnie moved to one nipple while Beth moved to her other one. Sharon stroked her back and butt while Thelma rubbed her tummy and sometimes her legs. Missy was being stimulated by the whole family as she reached her first climax. She didn't slow down, but immediately started working up to her next one. I knew I couldn't last much longer and I told her so. Missy gave me a million watt smile and said to let it go. She was almost at her peak when I did. My cum splashing into her vagina pushed her over the edge and she collapsed on top of me as she shook and screamed her way through her final orgasm. Missy lay on top of me coming back down to earth. Her breathing began to slow and her heart rate started to approach normal. She raised her head and grinned. "That wasn't half bad," she said. "We'll have to do that again sometime." "Any time, Sweetheart," I agreed. "I love you Missy." "I love you too, Mike. And I love every one of you. Now I feel like I really am one of the family." We lay there a few more minutes then Thelma said, "Missy, there's someone else here who'd like to become a full member of the family. Would you mind if I borrowed Mike for a while?" "Not at all, Thelma," Missy smiled. "I hope I haven't used him all up." "I think I can take care of that," Thelma told her as Missy moved off me. Thelma lowered her head and took my cock in her mouth. She sucked it all the way to the base, then licked my balls and up and down the shaft, cleaning mine and Missy's juices from me. I was hard again in a matter of seconds. Thelma rolled on to her back and said, "Come on top of me Mike. I don't need any more foreplay. I want you in me now!" Of course I didn't want to disappoint a lady, so I got between her legs and pressed my erection against her lips. She grabbed my cock and stroked it up and down her very wet slit a few times to get it well lubricated, then placed the head against her vagina. "Are you ready to make love to a sixteen year old boy?" I asked. "I'm ready to make love to a man in a sixteen year old body," she answered. I held still for a minute, enjoying the way her pussy lips caressed the head of my cock. She became impatient and started hunching up at me. I took the hint and slowly lowered my cock inside her until I bottomed out. Again I held in place. "God dammit, FUCK me," she yelled. I did. The whole family helped out. I had already cum once, so I was in no hurry. When Thelma was coming down from her second climax, she stopped us and asked if I would do her doggy. I was only happy to oblige. When she got into position, her pretty ass in the air, she motioned Bonnie over. She helped Bonnie position herself, then buried her tongue in Bonnie's pussy as I entered her from behind. God, what a trip. Every time I bottomed out, it would press Thelma's mouth harder into Bonnie's pussy. Bonnie had three orgasms while Thelma was having two. Thelma's pussy was snapping on my cock as she climaxed the second time, and I went over with her. We collapsed in a heap of arms and legs and assorted body parts. I managed to wiggle up beside Thelma. I lay on my back and pulled her head on my shoulder. Before I was even settled, Missy was on my other shoulder. What a way to go to sleep! What a life! To be continued