Author: Lizard69
Title: How I met Cheryl
Keywords: (Mm, fm, fdom, Mdom, humil, cfnm
Summary: All men are perverts... to one degree or another.  Teenage boys can be absolutely depraved, unless you're comparing them to teenage girls...

This is a work of fiction.  If you have trouble with the boundary between
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2012 by Lizard69.

   How I met Cheryl (Mm, fm, fdom, Mdom, humil) By Lizard69

   I have a secret.  Maybe "had" is more accurate.  Pam doesn't know
everything about me, especially since we've grown up and gone our separate
ways, but I have no secrets from her.  She was my first girlfriend.  I was
a total geek and Pam's best feature was her long brown hair, hanging fine
and straight all the way to her tight round ass.  Otherwise she was "skinny
little tomboy", plus overbite, plus glasses and a trace of acne.  We made
the perfect nerdy teen couple.  Anyone seeing us together would have
thought we were just chums.  We didn't go around making cow eyes at each
other or swapping lame poetry.  We didn't even get that much time together
outside of school.  I lived out in the sticks while she was in town and
neither of us would have a drivers license for at least two more years.  If
Pam hadn't practically tripped over us while her uncle was fucking me I
doubt if we would ever have hooked up.

   We only shared one class and my "embarrassing moment" was after school
on Friday so I had the whole weekend to figure out how I was going to deal
with it.  It didn't help.  When she stopped at my desk on Monday I had no
idea what to say.  Somehow I managed to pretend she wasn't there, and did
such a good job I didn't find the note in my jacket pocket until the next
class.  "We need to talk.  Meet me at the tennis courts after school." I
chickened out of course but she wouldn't let it drop.  I was eating my
lunch the next day while watching the gym class play softball, off by
myself away from the crowd, when she sat down beside me.  Leave it to a
nerd to get cornered in an open field!

   "Please don't be mad at me.  I'm not trying to pick on you and if you
really want me to leave you alone I will, but there's something I have to
tell you first.  I can't stop thinking about you and my uncle.  If I don't
talk to somebody about it I'll go nuts but you and Phil are the only ones I
can talk to without breaking my promise not to tell.  Phil is a creep. 
He's been hitting on me since I was ten but I sort of have a truce with
him. As long as he keeps taking no for an answer I won't tell what he's
been asking.  Talking about sex with him would be really, really, stupid."

   "Knowing what he's like I wouldn't have stopped to ask him for a ride,
but the house he's working on is so close to school, and it's such a long
walk.  It didn't occur to me that I might be interrupting anything.  I've
seen magazines, but I haven't walked in on anyone before.  I never even
imagined guys doing each other.  When you told me you were a slut, not a
queer, I didn't know what you were talking about at first.  I could
understand a boy being horny enough to fuck anything or queers being horny
for each other.  Even the idea of a pervert who does kids, finding a kid
who wants it isn't that strange.  I guess that if a girl who'll let anybody
fuck her is a slut then a boy who lets perverts fuck him is a slut too. 
It's just that when you hear the word *slut* nobody thinks *boy*."

   "You're going to think I'm the worlds worst pervert.  Everybody knows
that guys jack off.  Most girls do too but nobody talks about it.  Friday
night I was in bed, thinking about what you did.  I couldn't get to sleep
until I did it.  Then I did it again.  I kept on doing it until I was so
worn out I could sleep.  I can't stop thinking about it and the more I do,
the more questions I have.  Do you masturbate a lot?  Have you done it with
a lot of perverts?  What was it like for you to let me watch?"

   I started to reply a couple of times but no words came.  I almost got up
and ran but couldn't do that either.  Finally I concentrated on watching
the game and found out I could relax enough to talk to her.  "Uh...yeah, I
guess I jack off a lot.  Letting you watch us was the most embarrassing
thing I ever did, until you came over here and asked me to talk about it."

   "I'm sorry.  Maybe I should go."

   "No, that's OK.  I, uh, I kind of like it.  At least when it's about
sex. When I'm embarrassed about not knowing the answer in class or
something stupid like that it's no fun at all."

   "Cool!  So, how many perverts have you been with?"

   "Two so far."

   "I thought you said you were a slut?"

   "Yeah, well, I do it with anyone who asks me but I don't tell the whole
world about it.  So far only two pervs have asked me."

   "So you're saying that If I asked you to do sex stuff you would?"

   "Uh...yeah, I guess so, as long as you promise not to tell anybody."

   "What if I have this super close friend.  Could I tell her about you
without telling her who you are?"

   "I guess I have to trust you, but be careful.  If too many people find
out this could really mess up my life."

   "OK, it's a deal.  I'm a pervert and you're a slut but we'll both get
away with it longer if we protect our reputations.  Uh, are you going
to...make yourself cum, tonight?"

   "I guess so."

   "Would you like, think about me, while you do it?"

   She got up and left before I could say anything but it didn't matter. 
What do you say to a girl who asks you to think about her while you wank
off?  She found me at the same place the next day.  I was blushing before
she got close enough to talk and it got worse when she started to smile. 
"You've been thinking about me...a lot!"

   "Uh, Yeah."

   "My god, this is so neat!  When you did it, were you thinking about
doing stuff with me, or was I just sort of, there?"

   "I, uh, thought about the other time, with Allen and Phil."

   "So you imagined me watching them fuck you?"

   "Sick huh?"

   "Yeah, but I like it.  Give me your number and your moms name.  I'll
have my mom call her and ask if you can come home with me Friday to work on
a project for school.  My mom will drive you home later.  I think I can set
something up for you.  One thing though, on Friday I want you so horny you
can't think straight.  So don't do anything between now and then."

   "Not anything?"

   "You can touch it if you have to, like taking a shower or going to the
bathroom, but don't make it squirt or you'll miss something really

   That night wasn't too bad.  It took everything I had to leave it alone
on Thursday.  By Friday afternoon I was wearing my shirt tail out to hide a
hardon that wouldn't go away for more than a few minutes at a time.  Pam
met me at my locker after my last class and we started off towards her
place.  A couple of blocks from school foot traffic thinned out enough we
could talk without being overheard.  "Try not to panic, OK?  My friend
Cheryl wants to meet you."


   "Please just listen.  If you have to hate me there's plenty of time for
that later.  She didn't believe me when I told her about you.  You can't
really blame her.  A month ago you wouldn't have believed me if I told you
about a kid who let me watch a couple of guys fuck him.  What really pushed
it over the top was telling her you would do sex with perverts if I asked
you to.  Now my best friend thinks I'm telling this outrageous lie and
won't believe another thing I say until I can prove I was telling the
truth." We walked along without talking for a long time.  I think that's
when I started to really like her.  I knew she was something special even
if I was too inexperienced to know how rare it was to find a girlfriend who
knew when to shut up.

   Finally I asked her, "So what am I supposed to do about it?".

   "You don't have to do anything, but if you're willing to talk to Cheryl,
I'll call her and have her meet us at the library.  I have to warn you
though, she's really, really pretty.  Most of the guys she meets take one
look at her, start drooling, and can't talk.  It isn't going to help that
she wants to ask you about pervert sex.  If you want to impress her, look
her in the eye and answer her questions as honestly as you can.  It doesn't
matter if you stammer and blush.  She expects that.  The important thing is
honesty and eye contact.  There aren't six guys who've given her that in
her whole life and I'm pretty sure she's fucked all of them."

   Pam had told me her friend was pretty, but that hardly began to cover
it. Cheryl was unbelievably hot, all the right curves combined with the
face of an innocent young girl.  She'd been Pam's closest friend until her
family moved across town shortly before we hooked up.  As we found a spot
away from foot traffic she looked me over.  "Pam told me she watched two
old guys fuck your ass and your mouth at the same time.  I needed some help
to even imagine a boy doing that." Cheryl pulled some folded paper out of
her pocket and handed it to me.  Unfolded, I could see it was a couple of
pages torn from some gay porn magazine.  If I could have blushed any deeper
I would have.  She'd been looking at pictures of guys doing each other
while she was waiting to meet me.  "Pam said you got so turned on, you
popped your load just from his dick bumping your guy spot.  I can't imagine
how embarrassing this is for you.  You don't have to tell me anything, but
I have to ask.  Did you really want to go there?  Are you actually such a
hopeless horndog that you'd let a couple of baby rapers use you like a
girlie boy if that's the only sex you can get?  Will you do it with both of
us watching if I can set you up?"

   Pam was right about me being flustered.  If I'd passed Cheryl on the
street I'd have been too intimidated to say hi, and here she was asking for
details about my sex life!  I don't know how long I imitated a fish out of
water before I finally got my mouth to start forming words.  "Oh my god,
you don't start with the easy ones do you?  I can't believe I'm telling you
this.  I've only done it a couple of times.  The guys Pam saw me with are
the only ones I did it with so far.  One of them gave me that address when
he finished doing it to me the first time.  He told me when to show up if I
wanted to be a slut.  Nobody made me go there.  They didn't really make me
do things.  I mean, they told me what to do and I did it, but they didn't
rape me.  Maybe they would have if I tried to leave or told them I wouldn't
do what they wanted.  I thought I was going to die when Pam walked in on
us. Then she started to flip out and I got so scared she was going to run
screaming down the street, I had to ignore how I felt and help her deal
with what she tripped over.  I didn't think it was possible to get any more
embarrassed, until she asked if she could watch.  The strangest thing is
that having her watch actually made it feel more normal.  I was still doing
it with a couple of pervs, but I was doing it *for* a girl.  That isn't the
same as doing it *with* a girl, but it's a lot less queer than what I was
doing before."

   I could almost hear the gears turning as she thought about what I'd told
her.  Also my embarrassment started to fade a little, or maybe I was just
getting used to it.  It was sort of like diving into cold water.  It
doesn't really get warmer but after a while the shock wears off.  She was
looking at me like I was some kind of horrible pervert, but I didn't get
the feeling she wanted to turn and run.  The whole situation was so far
from normal I can't really say her next question surprised me.

   "Johnny, do you think I'm pretty?  OK, that's stupid.  Even people who
aren't trying to get my pants off tell me I'm beautiful.  Do you have any
idea what kind of baggage goes with that?  I'm not going to start whining
about how tough it is to be pretty.  Every time I hear some girl doing that
I want to slap her.  If she doesn't like being beautiful she can slam her
face against a building until she isn't anymore.  I ENJOY being pretty. 
Life is easier when the first thing anyone notices about you is something
they like.  What I'm trying to say is that it has a down side.  I found out
what cum tastes like while I was still wearing diapers, or would have been
wearing one if the pervert hadn't taken it off to molest me.  I was taking
it up the ass by the time I was eight and in my muffin since I was ten. 
Learning to play one pervert against another was the only way I could keep
the line short enough that I had time for anything other than sex."

   "I'm not a slut.  Right now there's, like, three guys I might call if I
wanted to do something.  There's another half dozen I wouldn't hang up on
if they called me, but we probably wouldn't get together.  I've *never*
been so horny I'd let a total stranger do anything he wanted just so I
could have sex.  Maybe boys are different that way.  Maybe you get hornier
than girls.  Maybe you're just more willing to do something about it when
you have a hardon that won't go away.  Whatever.  If you're really a horny
little slut I can set you up.  The only catch is you have to let us watch.
That shouldn't be a problem.  To be honest, the pervs who fuck anything on
a moments notice are the kind of creeps you probably shouldn't be alone
with if nobody knows where you are."

   When we got to Cheryl's place she locked the front door behind us then
led the way to the back of the house.  "Dad's out of town on business and
mom works the evening shift so we could do it here if we had to.  It's not
a good idea to have strangers coming over when the neighbors know my folks
aren't here.  That's like asking to get busted.  I'll use the speaker phone
in my dads office to set this up.  Be careful not to move anything.  He
doesn't mind me being in here but gets real upset if things aren't where he
left them." She hit a button, dialed a number, and after a couple of rings
a man answered.

   "Hi Fred, I've got a couple of friends here and we're on speaker. 
They're cool but I thought I should warn you it's three on one, not a
private conversation.  So, how's my favorite perv?  I know I'm getting a
little old for you but are you still up for something kinky?"

   "Hmmm, Not sure I have the stamina for three of you, but it might be
interesting to try.  What's the catch?"

   "Catches, lots of them.  First, Pam and I aren't there to play, just
chaperon , and wipe the cum off his chin before you send him home to momma.
Pam might lend a hand if things slow down and you need a fluffer.  Second,
he's only thirteen but gets into movies on a child ticket and could
probably pass for ten or eleven if he had to.  In case you haven't figured
it out yet he's one hole short of a full set, not queer, just horny enough
to let you do anything.  Oh, I almost forgot, he let his girlfriend talk
him into holding off for a few days so right now he's on the edge of
blowing a load in his shorts just listening to me talk to you.  He'll
probably squirt boy juice in all directions as soon as you bury your dick
in his ass."

   "OK, but what's the catch?  Seriously, if he's hair trigger bring him in
through the kitchen.  I'm tired of scrubbing cum stains out of the carpet."

   "OK, but don't jump him as soon as he comes through the door, you have
to give us some time to get him ready.  We'll be over soon as..."

   When we got to Fred's kitchen Cheryl stopped and pulled a can out of the
cupboard.  "This is vegetable grease.  It's thicker than KY and doesn't rot
condoms like oil based lubes.  You can't get pregnant but if you really do
it with anybody sooner or later you're going to catch something nasty. 
Using condoms won't stop everything but will keep you healthy a lot longer.
Your ass isn't really built for sex.  It might be a turn on to think about
a parade of guys fucking your cute little tail, but trust me, even one guy
slamming away a little too hard or long can put you in a world of hurt.  It
will be a lot more fun, a whole lot longer, if you learn to use your hands,
mouth, and anything else to get them right to the edge before they finish
in your ass.  You can get by once without a condom, but what if he wants
seconds?  Will you still want to suck it when you know where it's been?"

   She smiled at Pam and Fred before she went on.  "Pam should be the one
to do this, or maybe you'd rather do it yourself while we watch.  If it's
OK with you, I'd like to be the one that gets you ready for Fred.  Take off
your pants and bend over the table." I swallowed hard and reached for my
belt, then started to get in position as I pushed them down.  Cheryl
stopped me and insisted I take them off.  "Let us see you spread for him.
He's horny enough to jump you right now, but if he does it as hard as he
wants to, you need to be all greased up and your boy hole nice and relaxed"

   Pam giggled.  "Look at the wet spot in his shorts.  His dick started
leaking the minute he met you.  By now he'd give us a show if you told him
he was going to do it dog style...with a real dog!"

   Cheryl gave her a funny look.  "If I was him I'd be looking for a way to
make you sorry you said that." As I stepped out of my pants and underwear
she hugged me from behind and spoke softly into my ear.  "Don't get
flustered about a little wet spot in your shorts.  I'm so wet right now my
panties are drenched.  This whole thing is hotter than any daydream I've
ever had."

   She pushed down on my dick as I bent over, so the edge of the table made
it point towards the floor.  The edge was hard against the top of my thighs
as well.  My legs weren't long enough to spread as wide as she wanted and
still keep my feet on the floor.  I had to grab the sides of the table to
keep from sliding down as I hooked my toes around the outside of the table
legs.  She used a couple of fingers held flat to push grease into my ass
while bending over the table to keep talking softly to me.

   "You have to understand, Fred didn't wake up one day and discover he
turned into a pervert while he was sleeping.  He's been messing with kids
since he was a kid himself.  Whenever the kids he's doing get too old, he
finds some younger ones to play with.  There have been a LOT of kids. 
Cripes, some of them have grown up, had kids of their own, and brought them
over to visit Fred.  There's no way he could have done it this long without
getting caught more than once, maybe even dozens of times.  Know why he
isn't in jail?  He doesn't just do stuff to kids.  He pushes them into
doing stuff with him, making them part of it.  So if they get caught the
whole story is so embarrassing they won't tell the cops anything.  That's
what you have to do now."

   "I'm not sure I know what you want.  No, that isn't right.  I'm sure I
don't know what you want.  I'm not sure I want to find out."

   "Just being a slut would be enough, if he knew you, and could be sure
you're way too embarrassed about it to tell anybody.  The problem is he
can't know what a slut you are until after you do it.  He needs to be sure
you'll never tell before he does anything.  The quickest way to make it
safe for Fred is to let him take some pictures."

   "P..Pic...Pictures?  Of ME!?  Like THIS!?" I'm not sure what I might
have said next.  Maybe it wasn't the flash of the camera that left me
speechless.  Maybe I was already there.  Pam and Cheryl crowded in to watch
the photo develop while he held it down where I could see too.  If I had
that photo now I'd think it's really hot but at the time I felt sick. 
Cheryl's face was out of the frame.  Other than that it was a perfect shot
of a skinny young boy bent over a table, bare assed and getting finger
fucked by a girl in a school uniform.  I was on my knees for the next one,
with everyone gathered around, and me looking right into the camera with
Fred's cock in my mouth.  He didn't cum until after the flash and the
camera took a couple seconds to recover, so the next shot showed his still
hard dick in front of my cum smeared face.  The last photo was the worst.
They had me sit on the end of the table and unbutton my shirt, then lay
back and pull my knees up and apart until I was completely spread.  Cheryl
took the camera as Fred dropped his pants and stepped between my ankles,
nudging the head of his dick against my pucker.  Instead of telling me to
smile or say cheese, she had me say yes, over and over.

   She kept it up, teasing me, telling me to say it louder or softer, to
"say it sweet" and "let us know you mean it".  I was on the edge of tears
when Fred couldn't hold off any more.  He started to sink his cock into my
ass and Cheryl caught the shot as I let out one final YESSSSS!  My own
timing was almost as good a little later when I lifted my head to look down
at myself, just in time to catch a load of my own sperm square in the face.
I thought for a second Fred would pull out and add his load but he gave a
few quick thrusts and finished in my ass.  While I caught my breath Cheryl
sat on the table next to me and quietly thanked me for letting her be part
of this.  She thought it was awesome that I could do something so
embarrassing.  I felt her trailing her fingers through the puddles of sperm
on my belly and chest, but somehow it was still a shock when she brought
them to my lips.

   She knew I didn't want to, and we both knew that I'd do it anyway.  Her
smile turned to pure delight as I surrendered completely, snaking my tongue
over her fingers as if I were licking spunk off some perverts cock.  Cheryl
was violating me more intimately than the pervert who had fucked me.  When
she finally ran out of cum to feed me I sat up to see what Fred and Pam
thought of the show.  I found out they weren't even watching.  They'd been
looking at the photos talking about who to give them to.  Pam thought it
would be more embarrassing to show them to my mom, while Fred thought it
might be better to pass them around at school.

   I was sure mom knew I was jerking off because she hadn't caught me at
it. I spent so much time with my dick in my hand, she had to work around it
to keep from tripping over me.  More than once I'd seen her smile as I shot
through the door after school and straight to the bathroom.  It didn't stop
me from jacking off, just made me feel like more of a perv while I was
doing it.  What would she think of these photo's?  Pam laid them out on the
table one by one and I tried to imagine my mom doing the same thing at
home. The first couple weren't that bad but trying to see them as my mom
would, made me really look at them for the first time.  Would mom look at
them closely enough to see I wasn't just sucking cock, I was doing it in
front of a couple of girls?  Then I got to the last one and wanted to die.
Cheryl had caught it perfect.  On my back with my pants off and shirt open,
knees pulled up and wide, ass hole greased and lifted to meet his cock, I
was totally "spread for Fred".  The flash had lit up a glistening thread
linking the head of my stiffy to a little puddle of pre-cum on my belly. 
All of that was nothing compared to the expression on my face.  Tear filled
eyes, a nervous little smile, and so openly, nakedly helpless I didn't
recognize myself at first.  It hit me like a "one, two" punch.  The kid in
this picture wasn't having sex, he was being raped, in the most degrading,
humiliating way possible.  He was also getting exactly what he deserved. 
He was a little cock tease being forced to pay off.

   How would I explain to mom I was doing it to show off for a couple of
girls?  Would she try to stop it, maybe ground me to keep me away from the
kind of perverts who would do this to a young boy?  My parents had never
tried to pick my friends, but they insisted on meeting every one of them so
they would know who I was with and where I was at.  Would she want to meet
Fred?  Would she drop me off when she came into town to do the weekend
shopping?  What would it be like for her to push a shopping cart around
while her son was being raped?  What would it be like to let people do
stuff to me, while knowing that my own mother was either OK with it, or at
least willing to look the other way?

   The whole train of thought derailed when Fred turned and handed me the
photo's.  "They're yours kid.  Cops have searched my house more than once.
One of the reasons I'm not in jail is that I don't keep souvenirs.  My
advice to you is to destroy them right now while you know you have all the
copies and none of them have got "lost".  I've got a pair of tongs right
here.  You can hold each one over a stove burner until it's too crispy to
see anything."

   That didn't work out either.  The girls backed off and whispered
together while I did most of them, then Pam stepped forward and asked me
for the last.  I don't know if I was more startled by the idea that she
might *want* it or that there might be something she would want to *do*
with it.  Out of reflex I said, "Why?'".  For a second she stared at me
like I was some kind of moron.

   "So I can show it to people, silly.  Remember our deal?  You fuck, I
chaperon.  I have that copy of your yearbook photo to show people this nice
kid I know.  It will be a lot easier convincing them you're for real if I
have a photo of you in action.  Cheryl knows a couple of people who would
really like to see it too.  Hey, it's your picture, you can destroy it any
time you want.  I'm just saying that if you let me borrow it for a little
while we can make a few introductions.  Most people, even most perverts,
won't just fuck a strange kid on the fly.  The ones who will don't care
about their own reputation, and aren't going to make any real effort to
protect yours.  Ask Fred."

   "She has a point kid.  Now that I know you I wouldn't mind doing you
again if I don't have anything better going.  You're sick, and twisted, and
I really like that in a kid.  If I hadn't met you through Cheryl though,
nothing would have happened.  I spend months, sometimes years getting to
know a kid before I start coaxing them into doing stuff.  I'm always
breaking in somebody new and doing "old friends" stuff with the ones that
are too old.  That's what I have to do to get what I want without getting
caught.  Even the ones that feel like I abused them aren't interested in
going to the cops.  If I saw you working a corner downtown I wouldn't hit
on you any more than I'd flash a playground.  I don't need that kind of
attention.  If you trust these girls enough to set you up with a total
stranger loaning them the photo shouldn't be a problem.  Keep in mind that
there is always a risk it will be lost, or stolen, or copied, and you have
no control over who will see it.  Can somebody use it to blackmail you?  If
somebody threatened to mail it to your mom could you walk away?  If anyone
can use that picture to make you do things you don't want to, burn it now.
Don't let it out of your sight.  Don't even let it out of your hand."

   I tried to imagine Pam showing that photo to people.  Girlfriends
passing it around in a restroom or at a sleepover.  Does her mom snoop
through her purse?  Her uncle Phil was a creep, but did he have more
friends like Allen?  What about Cheryl?  I'd do anything she wanted and was
sure she knew other guys who felt the same way.  Would she set up a couple
of guys who desperately wanted to do her, to fuck each other instead?  The
girls started giggling and Fred spoke up.

   "You might as well hand it over kid.  You just popped a hardon that
could cut glass."

   Pam gave me a quick kiss as she tucked the photo in her purse.  "It's
time for me to warm this up a little.  I'm as old as Cheryl but still flat
enough to turn Fred on.  She's going to teach me how to be a cock teaser
and you're going to be the slut that keeps me from actually having to put
out." She'd kicked off her sneakers and was peeling off her jeans.  "You
should be learning this too.  Watching him fuck you is hot, but it's over
too quick."

   Cheryl hopped up to sit on the end of the table then pulled me over to
stand between her thighs while she hugged me from behind.  "Pam's right you
know, but maybe for the wrong reason.  Longer isn't always better.  I can
watch some guys cock pumping away for about two minutes before it starts to
get boring.  Playing, teasing, talking about what you like and what you
don't, that sort of thing stays interesting and can go on for hours.  If it
gets intense enough it hardly matters where the cocks are, the people
involved are having sex.  Right now Pam is breaking rule one and offering
too much too soon.  These are kind of special circumstances.  When you're
dealing with a guy who just fucked your friend, taking your pants off is
kind of the minimum to get his attention."

   "Next lesson, eye contact and *smile*!  You're here to hook up with
another human being.  If you're not, go home and play with yourself.  It's
more sanitary and nobodies feelings will get hurt.  That brings us to
limits.  If you don't set yours ahead of time, somebody else will set them
for you.  When you wake up naked in the park with a face like a glazed
dough nut, it's a little late to decide that all you wanted to do was
flirt. This is where the teasing starts.  All guys want to push your
limits. Every guy wants to be the first.  First guy to feel your tits,
first guy to get your bra off, first guy to get his hand in your pants,
wherever you draw the line they always want more.  It sort of works
backwards.  If everybody knows you do it with anybody the only people who
want you have been turned down by everyone else.  If you let them coax you
into admitting that you sometimes do "really embarrassing" stuff, but only
with special people, they all want to do you.  Everybody wants to be
special.  Everybody wants to think he's the only guy on earth you would
ever do *that* with."

   "You're not queer John.  You're a normal teenage nerd with no social
skills and so horny you'll let some pervo fuck you if that's the only sex
you can get.  Fred isn't queer either, he's into girls.  He's also as horny
as you are.  If he has a safe chance to take a cute, straight, boy and use
him like a little girl he will.  Pam and I have watched him before!  He did
you just like a girl who's too little to take a grown mans dick in her
muffin.  What he needs to know now is did you like it?  We thought you were
having a good time and we watched you squirt, but can you look him in the
eye and admit that you liked it?"

   If I forgot how to blush before I was doing a real good job of
remembering now.  "I...I want to do it with a girl."

   "I'm glad, but that's not what I asked.  What if Pam slipped you a note
in school with Fred and a phone number written on it?  You'd have a pretty
good idea what he wants.  I mean you never played checkers with the guy. 
Would you call him right away?  If he told you last time was fun and he'd
like to spend an hour or two with a "nasty little girl" would you tell him
where to pick you up after school?  I think you got an extra kick out of
putting on a show for us, but did you like what he did enough to come back
and let him do it again?"

   "Uh, yes."

   "Then tell him!"

   "Fred...  I...  I liked being a girl for you.  I'll do it again if you

   He stared at me for a minute then kind of shook his head.  "You mean
that.  If the girls left right now, and you could go with them or stay for
another round and meet them later, you'd stay.  Yeah, I'm horny enough I'd
like to go again.  The girls can stay or go it doesn't matter to me.  It
might matter to you.  I'm horny but I'm human.  Getting me off again is
going to take more than waving your naked tail at me.  Are you ready to
give them a *real* show?  Then get over here, put your arms around my neck,
and kiss me like you want to be fucked."

   He was right.  The girls thought it was hilarious that I knew how to
suck cock but didn't know how to swap spit.  Maybe it was the way he
slapped my ass and told me I could do better.  He was right too!  I caught
another one when I hesitated after he told me to drop my shirt.  They
weren't light taps either!  They stung bad enough to give me a real
incentive to do it right.  If Fred thought a "nasty little girl" looked
hottest dressed in nothing but a pair of socks, that's all I wanted to be
wearing.  He wanted to play with me while I sucked him so he had me get on
the table instead of my knees.  I don't know how long I was spit shining
his cock before I noticed his hands were going everywhere but my stiffy.  I
came up for air long enough to ask him about it and earned another slap on
the ass.

   "Little girls don't have dicks.  If you spread your legs I'll get some
more grease into your ass hole.  I'm almost ready to fuck you again and I
want you so slippery I can do it hard and nasty.  Maybe, if you're down on
all fours like a hot little bitch with my cock in your ass.  Maybe, if your
hips are really bucking as you try to use your asshole to pull one more
load out of my cock.  Maybe, if I don't need both hands on your waist to
get the action I want, I can reach around and pretend I'm jacking off as I
pop my load.  Then again, maybe one of the girls will do it for you."

   It was Pam's fingers glazed with my spunk as her and Cheryl gushed about
how incredibly hot it was watching me turn into Fred's little bitch.  The
casual way she brought them to my lips told me she *had* been watching
Cheryl earlier and expected the same level of intimacy from me.

   I won't say I was actually dazed but things were pretty quiet on the
trip home.  I had a lot of mental sorting to do.  Pam's mom was a preview
of what Pam might be like twenty years down the road.  She had the same
tomboy build, but also a quiet confidence that said she knew what she
wanted and didn't need anyones help or permission to go after it.  (I
discovered later that YES she did snoop through her daughters purse.  but
that's a different story.) Pam came up with some wild ideas but we didn't
manage to actually put anything together for a couple of weeks and by then
it was summer vacation.  With no way to get into town I'd have lost touch
anyway but my folks sent me off to my grandparents place to get me out from
under foot.