Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2015 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Author Mark Manguy Title Emma and Jessie The young years Summery Aaron, the father, is left to raise his twin girls Emma and Jessie alone when his wife dies. His lack of dating life results in turning to the only females in his life, his daughters. Part 1 of unknown at this time Story codes Mg*g* inc ped I was married at 18 to my elementary school sweetheart, though we did not date exclusively for that whole time, much of our youth was spent in the relationship. I know it sounds cliché, but we were really in love, and it seems we always were, even as kids. Our moms were very good friends from way back in high school themselves so it was a natural course for us, and our siblings to be close, and even destined to be for life! Melissa and I, Aaron, were told we were very mature for our ages all the time, so we had decided to get married straight away out of high school. It was a very beautiful setting on the beach in Fiji, with a good 50 friends and family in attendance. We took a month for our honeymoon and the two of us sailed from Fiji to Australia, anchored off the coast and scuba dived at the Great Barrier Reef before flying off to Italy for the last couple of weeks. The week we sailed between Fiji and Australia was pure bliss, with nothing but clear skies and only a little roughness in the waters. We spent most of our time naked on the deck, under an awning just enjoying our bodies and the silence of the ocean. It was a magical couple of weeks. Italy was awe-inspiring with its customs and architecture, and oh, the food and drinks were sublime, to say the least. We spent a lot of time wandering the streets and waterways, but always made the best of the nights in our suite. We talked about what our futures would hold, kids, where to live and what to do for furthering our educations. We were wanting to move to the west coast, north west around Oregon, maybe northern Oregon or southern Washington. Somewhere rural, but not too far from towns and maybe an hour to a bigger city. I was going to focus on becoming an architect and Melissa wanted to become a Veterinarian, which we both did! Once we had graduated, gotten jobs and let a year pass, we decided to have kids. We wanted a boy, and then a year or two later, a girl! We figured out I could support us while Melissa had the kids, and saw them off to elementary school. All in all, it was a great plan! I could work from home when she went back to work, and I would be there when the kids got home. As life would have it, our plan did not pan out as such, we were agreed we wanted to wait until the kid was born to find out the sex, but were in for a shock when we were told we were having twins! Melissa and I had two adorable little girls, Jessie and Emma, both with their moms bright red hair and just a spattering of freckles. When the girls were a year and a half old, on the way back from the city, Melissa was killed in a car crash. If i didn't have Jess and Emma at home, they would have been killed too, and without my three girls, I doubt I would have had the will to live. Unfortunately, Melissa and I had not gotten around to getting life insurance, and with a full plate in front of me, I knew I had to cut back. I sold our house, cut my workload down by almost half, and moved us into a two bedroom house in the better part of the woods. It was a struggle making everything work, but the two beautiful faces that greeted me every morning really did help. As that first fall approached, bringing many storms, with thunder and lightning being abundant, Jessie and Emma soon came to my room nightly out of fear. I know all parents dote on their kids, but I really had no say with these two gorgeous girls, they got their every wish. I was helpless with their stereo voices sweetly asking for everything, drinks, movies, food, snacks, sleeping in my bed on nights they were frightened by weather, the works! I always kept an eye on them, and for simplicity, all three of us bathed together or showered. I had three older brothers, but no sisters, so I was oblivious as to how to handle little girls growing up and all the things that differ from boys to girls. I just had to figure things out on my own. I feel like I managed pretty well dealing with everything till they were three and a half or so. It was starting to get cold again, but still not that cold. Just enough to need a fire, but that quickly heated up our house. One night, as we were showering and getting ready for bed, Emma, who had become a rather precocious little thing, came in to the bathroom as I was showering and got in the shower again. I did not realize that until I felt a hand touching the end of my dick. I freaked out, yelled and the instant I opened my eyes to see what was going on, soap went into my eyes and slammed shut. As quickly as I could, I rinsed the shampoo from my head, wiped my eyes dry and saw Emma sitting in the back of the shower quietly crying. I got out, wrapped a towel around my waist, noticed Jessie had come in to see what I yelled for, half frightened and asked Emma what she was doing. She said she spilled milk on herself and needed to get cleaned. I felt so bad that I picked her up, still naked and wet, gave her a big hug and kiss to comfort her, telling her I was not mad at her, but yelled because she frightened me, like thunder scares her and Jessie, then from my eyes burning from adult shampoo. The three of us left the bathroom, headed into my bedroom so I could read them their nightly story. Jessie and Emma jumped into bed, under my covers and I put on a pair of boxers before I sat on the bed to read. After about 10 minutes, I got under the covers and had one of them on each side of my chest as I continued to read. Not 5 more minutes later, Jessie interrupted me. "Daddy?" she asked. "Yes my sweet little Jessie, what is it?" "Can I ask you a question please?" "By all means Jess, what's up?" "Well, Emma and me are girls, and we both look the same. Why don't you look like us?" "Jessie, you two were born together, but you are not the kind of twins that are identical, you do look different from each other!" Emma then spoke up "but daddy, we look the same more than you do!" "I am a grown up man, I have hair growing where you two don't, and I am older and bigger than both of you together, and you are both adorable little angels." With that, Emma threw the covers off of us three and asked "do all angels have pockets here?!" and touched her vagina while looking at Jessie's too. "You don't have a pocket, is that because you aren't an angel?" "First of all Emma, that is called a vagina, not a pocket. Secondly, a vagina is what makes you a girl! Guys have a penis where you have a vagina, that is what makes us guys!" Emma asked "Well my vagina doesn't move or change, why did your penis move in the shower?" "Oh my goodness, how do I explain this to you? Well, a guy has a lot of nerves, the things that tell your brain feelings, hot and cold, stuff like that, in their penis, mostly where you touched mine when you were in the shower trying to get cleaned from spilling milk. When a guys penis feels something nice touch it, it gets bigger, and some day I will explain why. May I keep reading you girls your story now dolls?" Like they usually do, both said yes, in perfect harmony. I read for about another hour or so, until they were both well asleep before I scooted out of my bed, and went to my porch to have a couple drinks of scotch and watch the lightning off in the distance. After a couple of hours, and what ended up being a few more drinks than the two I usually had, as my mind was reeling from explaining anatomy to my two little girls, I realized the storm was getting closer, and if the girls were woken up by thunder and I was not there, they would get up and be up for hours, so I went in, got ready for bed and laid down between Jessie and Emma, hugging them both to my chest. Jessie ever so softly started to nuzzle into my chest and started to gently rub my sternum as I succumbed to the alcohol I had drank, and fell asleep. Sometime later, almost subconsciously, I was hearing thunder, having grown louder. I was dreaming of my dear Melissa, back on the sailboat, naked under the awning holding each other, kissing each other, and enjoying ourselves. God did I miss her these last 18 months. Her and I were not opposed to spending our time at home naked, and we had always had a very passionate love life because of it. Even after the twins were born, we would usually only be clothed if we were going out or having company over. When the girls were out of diapers, we didn't force them to wear clothes, or to be naked, well, aside from on cold nights to keep them from getting sick. Shortly before Melissa died the girls were pretty much potty trained, so I never really changed that either, after all, we are all born naked, and only humans own insecurities cause us to wear clothes. Anyway, here in my dream, Melissa and I were together again, in love and caressing each other and for the first time in a long while, I was feeling the touch of a woman, never really having had time to miss the feel of a females soft skin on mine. I never wanted to wake up from that dream. As I dreamt about caressing Melissa's soft, firm body, running my hands over her chest, down her stomach and tenderly rubbing her clit as it got warmer, a clap of thunder shot me right awake and up in bed. A moment later, lightning filled my room with a bright light, just long enough to see Emma sitting in the middle of the bed. I rolled over and turned on the light, noticing my dick was rock solid, I quickly pulled it into my boxers and turned to Emma. She was sitting up with her hands in her lap when I asked her why she was up, and for how long. "I have been awake for a little bit, because the thunder woke me up and I couldn't fall asleep again." She said. I motioned for her to follow me to her and Jessie's room, so Jessie would not wake up. I walked to their room and sat on the edge of Emma's bed, trying to keep her from seeing how erect I still was when she jumped in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. Now I won't lie, when she landed, it was hard, and square on my cock. I winced a bit, and slid her over a little so she was no longer on my dick, but now it was pointing right through her legs, out of my boxers hole, about an inch from her bald mound. I tried to keep her attention on my face, hoping my boner would soon go away. I asked her "What were you doing when I woke up, since you didn't wake me up when the thunder scared you." "Daddy, you won't be mad if I don't lie, right?" "Emma, I always expect you to tell me the truth, even if you think I will be mad, but I promise, I won't be mad." "Well, when I woke up, I thought about what you told me and Jess, about boys and girls. I just wanted to see your penis better, and when I moved to see better, I moved your underwear and it moved. That made me think about what you said about it growing when it felt something nice, so I petted it, like it was a kitty. I watched it get bigger, like you said it would, and then it looked like it was going to stand up and get even bigger. I wanted to see how big it could get, but it wasn't standing up or laying back down." I could not believe my ears! While I was dreaming about Melissa, I was feeling Emma touching my dick!? "I was going to leave you alone daddy" Emma said, "but when I stopped petting it, you started to move closer to me, and held my leg. Now, daddy, you said you would not be mad, ok, so don't be mad at me. You started to rub my knee, and then your hand rubbed my leg, so I thought if petting your penis felt as nice as my leg was feeling, maybe it would feel nicer if I kissed your penis, like kissing a kitty cat, just on the end, where the nervous are at. Right after I started kissing it, your hand kept rubbing my leg, so I kept kissing your penis, and in a minute, your penis was standing right up, bigger than I have ever seen, then I felt your hand was tickling my vagina, but not like a laughing tickle, it was different than that. Just then, there was thunder, and you woke up. I promise daddy, that is all I was doing." "Emma, sweetie, I said I would not be mad, and I am not, but I am sorry I rubbed your vagina while I was asleep. I was dreaming and must have thought I was with mommy again. That is something that is my fault, and I should not have done that." I softly spoke. "The word is nerves by the way, not nervous, nervous is like being afraid." "Daddy, it's ok, I am not mad too, I didn't mind, I really liked it actually!" Emma said. We went back to bed, and I did not think much more on it, outside of a degree of astonishment that my daughter already enjoyed being touched on her pussy. When the morning came, I got up, to an empty bed and after going to the bathroom, and starting my coffee, I took to finding Jessie and Emma, who were in their room. "Good morning my little angels!" "Good morning daddy!" they chimed. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Yes." they said. "Did you?" they asked together. "Yes indeed I did girls. What have you two been up to this morning?" Jessie quickly chimed in "We were just talking daddy, about what you and Emma talked about last night. Emma told me that she made your penis grow, stand up, and petted and kissed it, then that you tickled her vagina! Emma said she really liked it, and I want to know why I was not there?!" "Jessie, you were asleep, so was I. Did Emma tell you that all that happened when I was sleeping?" "Yes she did. Still, I wanted to see too, can I?" Jessie asked bashfully. I said it would only be fair, but we needed to eat first. So I poured my coffee, made pancakes and got my girls some juice. As we ate, I was trying to think of how I could get out of this, but I guess subconsciously, I knew there was no way I could because Jessie would feel even more left out. I figured it would be a good way to teach them a few things, to stave off curiosity a while longer. When we finished breakfast, I quickly made a fire, and called the girls into the living room. Both of then ran as fast as their little legs could bring them, with big smiles on their faces. "Ok, why don't we sit on the rug by the fire, and Jessie, if you have any questions, we should start with that." I said. The fire was quickly warming up the room, so I suggested we take off our underwear and sit across from each other. Jessie asked me "How Emma make it stand up?" "You have to ask her, I was asleep. Emma, why don't you show me and Jessie what you did." I said, knowing what was about to come. Emma got on her knees and crawled a couple steps to my side, and started to pet my cock like a pet. This quickly made me get simi hard, and I started to enjoy the feel of her hand rubbing the head of my dick. Just as I was going hard, Jessie scooted closer, and mimicked Emma's motion, but lower on my shaft. Jessie asked "Like this daddy?" I just nodded my head, and smiled. With Emma on my left, and Jessie on my right, I reached my hands over and began to rub their little pussy lips softly, like a tickle. Jessie giggled, but Emma seemed to just be enjoying feeling my hand on her again. "Ok Jessie, to make daddy's penis stand up more, I kissed it, like we kiss daddy." Emma proclaimed, and with that, Jessie leaned over and started to kiss my tip. Short little kisses at first, then longer after a bit. Unlike the night before, I did not get fully erect, and I saw Emma start looking frustrated. I asked Emma what she did differently last night, and she said "Nothing, this is just what I did daddy!" as her eyes welled up, about to cry, which made Jessie start to well up as well. With me still rubbing their pussy lips, I suggested one of them try to lick it like a popsicle. Well almost exactly in sync, they both leaned over again, and Emma took the end of my dick in her mouth, and moved her tongue in a swirling motion, while Jessie licked up and down the shaft of my dick. It did not take long at all for me to go solid as a rock, and reach my full 7 or 8 inches. Occasionally Jessie would get her tongue dragging across the top of my balls, and that left Emma the length of my cock to treat like a popsicle. Emma ended up going down too far and choked a bit, but quickly resumed her motion. After a little bit, Jessie stated she wanted to switch with Emma, which they quickly did. Jessie had a different method of eating a popsicle apparently, as she made suction on the tip of my dick, and drug her tongue up and down the back side of the head of my dick, I suppose instinctually as her mom would. Emma took to rubbing my balls, after she laid down on her back, and at some point I had parted her pussy lips and was running my finger up and down her little cunt and circling her prepubescent clit. Jessie was still just having her lips rubbed, but I noticed she began to lick up and down my shaft between sucking on my tip. I knew I would not be able to keep from shooting a load from my cock too much longer, so I said "Jessie, it's time for you to stop, before it is too late." "Too late for what daddy?" Emma chimed in. "Well dolls, there is a time when a man has a hard penis, that it makes stuff, and comes out of the end of their penis, and I don't want that to happen. So Jessie, why don't you lay next to Emma, and I will pretend your vaginas are like popsicles for a while." She quickly jumped over and laid right against Emma. The sight of my beautiful little redheaded girls, laying naked on the floor, with their pussys slightly swollen was a sight I did not expect to have ever seen, but it was a sight I would never forget! I rolled over, and started to part and rub Jessie just as I had done to Emma's little bald pussy, while I started to run my tongue up and down, in and out of Emma. "Oh daddy, that feels better than the tickle feeling last night! I really like this!" Emma said. Jessie quickly piped up saying "That doesn't tickle like it does on my feet or side daddy, it feels good too!" I switched to licking the soft little pussy of Jessie, and restarted rubbing Emma, but with her pussy being covered in spit from my tongue, my finger ended up barely breaching her cunt and she jumped a little. Jessie tasted a little sweeter than Emma did, and with my finger going into Emmas pussy to the first knuckle, I started to ease my tongue into Jessie a little. Jessie let out a soft moan, and her feet fidgeted a bit, just enough to end up kicking my balls enough that I sat up with a "ugh!" Both girls asked what happened and I told them, explaining that a guys balls were very sensitive, and kicking or squeezing them felt like being punched inside their tummy. I told the girls it was time to stop, and take a shower. All three of us got up and went into the bathroom. I drew them a bath, and then got into the shower. I didn't bother cleaning myself, I just beat myself off and blew a load down the drain. When I got out of the shower, I caught a glimpse of Emma rubbing Jessie and sticking her finger into Jessie's tiny cunt. That was almost enough to make me hard again! We all got dressed and drove to town to buy some food, and have a lunch out, not talking about today's lesson. We didn't end up getting back home until almost 9 that night, later than I had thought. The rain had caused havoc on the road back home, and the house had gotten pretty cold. I rekindled the fire, throwing in a couple hard logs and went to my room for the girls nightly bedtime story. I chose to read them "Sleeping Beauties" which of course, had to be about two little princesses named Emma and Jessie. They giggled when I started the tale of the two princesses. I had fallen asleep while reading to them, and was woken up by Jessie wanting to talk, and she was loud enough that Emma woke up too. "Daddy, what was that thing you were doing in the shower this morning? Were you trying to make your penis feel better from being kicked?" I had not realized the two of them had watched me beating off in the shower. "Well, no baby, I wasn't. It was not my penis that got hurt, it was, my, um.... testicles. You see, when I said Jessie, that a guys penis makes stuff, It feels much better to make the stuff than to leave it inside, so I was getting it out." Emma asked "Like peeing?" "No sweetie, it is not pee, you see, girls have a vagina with two different holes, one is for pee and the other is not. A guy only has the one hole, but pee and the stuff come out of the same hole." I explained. "Come with me girls, I will have to show you both some more things I guess." With that, we went into the master bathroom, and I turned on the light and heat lamp, so it was not so cold. "Ok, lets stand in the shower and I will explain and show you what I mean. I have to pee, so this is good timing! Both of you hold my penis, but not the end of it." So they grabbed my shaft, but the sensation kept me from being able to pee right away, instead my dick jumped and started to swell up a bit. Both girls smiled and chuckled at the feeling in their hands. Eventually I started to take my piss. "Ooh, daddy, I can feel the pee going through it!"Jessie said. "It feels weird, but it feels nice too." "Jessie, squeeze your hand." She did and my piss stopped flowing. I told Emma to squeeze and Jessie to let go, which they did." "Now Jessie, stop squeezing and you will see the pee will come out again." As she did, she and Emma giggled and started to squeeze and let go over and over, making my now erect cock shoot like a sprinkler. "Is that what happens when it makes the stuff daddy?" Emma asked. "No sweetie, that comes out differently. Here, pretend it is a popsicle again for a while, and I will try to make the stuff." Emma was quick to start sucking on my dick again, and after a couple of minutes Jessie was looking at her blowing me, and asked what she could do while Emma was "licking the popsicle" because she wanted to help me make stuff too. "Jessie, why don't you pretend my bag is like an ice cube and suck on it?" I said. Emma stopped sucking my dick and loudly said "I want to lick the bag!" I told Jessie she would have to wait a bit, but knowing the Jessie was a little better at sucking my cock, with the way her tongue swirled around my shaft and she actually created suction when she was gulping down my hard cock I figured she would be better suited at helping me cum quicker. The two of them sucked, licked and fondled my dick and rubbed my balls for a good 10 minutes when Emma abruptly stopped and yelled "I have to pee!" I told Jessie to stop for a little bit and look, as I sat down against the shower wall and sat Emma on my lap, with her legs outside of my legs, so her tiny cunt was splayed open and she slid back a bit, ending up with my dick smack between her ass and pussy. "Ok Emma, whenever you are ready, show Jessie what a girl peeing looks like, but wait till Jessie is closer." With that Jessie sat in front of us and leaned in about 6 inches from her sisters spread open twat. As Emma started to pee, it came out and hit the floor for a few seconds before it slowed enough to start running down my shaft. That warm wet feeling was pure ecstasy to my cock. Jessie got a little smile on her face and exclaimed that she too needed to pee now, so I lifted Emma up and set Jessie down just as I had Emma, but with the piss having ran down my dick, I had started to leak precum from the tip of my dick, and Jessie slid her ass down the shaft of my cock, with it not going inside of her little ass, but rubbing up her ass crack. She laughed and sat back up on my crotch, legs opened wide, and Emma was now a few inches away as Jessie started to piss, not shooting out like Emma did, but all running down her little slit and onto my rigid shaft and head. Just as Jessie went to stand up, her foot slipped and she ended up having my cock part her pussy lips and ran down the entire length of my dick. Jessie laughs and said "That felt really good daddy!" Well never to be out done, Emma said she wanted to ride the penis too. I said "Well I still need to show you both my stuff, so let's rinse off and head to my bed, and I will make sure you both get to ride my penis and have it rub your vaginas!" So I turned on the water, but the girls insisted that they get to wash me, which I let them, and they were in no hurry to finish either. When we were done, the three of us jumped on my bed, and I laid my back against the headboard and told Emma to jump on my stomach. When she did, she slid up and down, with my dick rubbing her slit, and after a couple of minutes of that, I again had precum oozing out of my tip. Emma was having a good time, until she went a little too high and ended up shoving the head of my dick into her pussy. She said "That didn't feel very good, but I had fun daddy!" Well Jessie wanted another turn, and again, she too started rubbing her pussy up and down the shaft of my cock, and then she carefully rose up, and eased herself down on top of my dick tip, saying "That is fun daddy, Emma should try that slowly too and maybe it won't hurt her!" "How about this girls, why don't you both lay down, on your backs, on top of each other, and I will rub my penis on your vaginas, and I can slowly ease my tip into Emma and see if it feels good to her too?" "Yeah daddy, do that!" they said. So, with Jessie on bottom, and Emma on top, I slid Emma to where her and Jessie were lined up slit to slit. I slowly started to rub my cock up and down their cunts, in one steady motion, which ended up rubbing precum on both of their pink little slits. After a few minutes, I slowly eased the tip of my dick into Emma's opening, going just a little into her tight little hole, then I slid down a little and put the tip into Jessie about the same distance. God were they a tight fit, so much so that their little holes held on to the tip of my dick, making a little popping sound when it came out. I kept going from one pussy to the next, a little deeper each time. I must have worked them open enough to get my cock into their glove like vaginas before I met resistance from their hymens. I told them to wait just a little more, and then we would be able to see my stuff. I pumped my rigid dick into Emma for a few minutes, then started to pump Jessie the same way. As I did, I looked at their faces, and they seemed to really enjoy the feeling. With my balls starting to ache I sat up, and showed the two of them how to make the stuff come out by rubbing my dick up and down fast and fondling my balls. "Now, when the stuff is about to come out, you will feel that bag get tight, and that will mean I'm about to make the stuff!" So the two of them started to vigorously jack me off, with gentle and soft hands running all the way from the base of my balls to the tip of my throbbing cockhead for a good 5 minutes before I felt the surge of joy rising up in my balls. Without thinking, I loudly exclaimed "I am going to cum!" and just as I did, I looked up and saw both of them about an inch from the head of my cock, immediately followed by them asking "What does cumming mean?" as a large load of cum shot out and landed on their faces with each successive jolt making my dick jump and shoot around both of their faces, neck and chests. As I sat up, and started to tell them we should get in the shower quickly and clean up, I saw them both licking their lips and tasting the gooey white mess on their faces. We got back in the shower, and took turns washing each other, enjoying our new found closeness and the warm water, hands and soap running down out bodies. When we got out, to their dismay, I told them we would not be able to do that again, at least not for some time. However, from time to time, they would fool around with me when we went to bed, and I took a few liberties as well.