Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. (C) Copyright 2002. M.C. All Rights Reserved. All Reproduction for fee or profit forbidden. Copies of my stories can be downloaded from: </files/Authors/MikeC/> or at <> Send all comments and suggestions to ============= James Part VII. Wandering Afield. Chapter 39 "James," she whispered in the early dawn light, "Take me to see the sunrise, OK?" "How can I say no?" Sherri smiled rapturously and stretched, lithe and supple like a mountain cat. And just as dangerous, her actions last night proving it. She had cried and bit and scratched as we made love the first time, and again when she woke me in the small hours. I held her face. "How are you my sweet?" She blinked, "A little sore, but more than OK." She bit me again and whispered, "I love you... Mmmm. I. Love. You." She sighed, "I could never have thought those words could mean so much." Gingerly I wrapped her up in the sleeping bag and she curled herself in my arms, saying, "Last night was amazing! I never dreamt I could be so CLOSE with anyone!" "And don't forget this morning as well!" I reminded. "Oh! It feels so good! Just thinking about it gets me all weak and warm..." She smiled and pulled me down for a long soft kiss as we settled with our backs against the hub. She looked into my eyes and whispered, "My fair master. I am all yours now," she kissed me, "My heart too." She curled up against me inside the sleeping bag as the sun began lighting up the horizon. Sherri leaned her head on me and said, "This is just how I feel, a new day, a new life." She hugged me tightly and whispered, I see the new horizon, My life has only begun, Beyond the blue horizon Lies a rising sun. "Good morning!" Amanda called as she came up with hot chocolate, already dressed in jeans and a T. She kissed us, "You feel OK, Sher? Did you bleed?" "Mmm, a tiny bit, a little sore, but crazy happy." She pulled Amanda down and hugged her, "Thank you my sweet Amanda. It was better than anything I could have imagined." They leaned on each other, then Amanda said, "Sara wants to know if you're ready for breakfast." "Why are all of you up so early?" "Celeste's been up since the crack of dawn and nobody could sleep with her pacing and growling." We followed Amanda back inside. Down the stairs we could see Celeste stomping back and forth, muttering darkly at the air. Brenda and Jules ran and greeted us with kisses. Then they jumped back in bed and cuddled together with their heads under the pillows. We washed up quickly and I placed a kiss and a bit of vaseline on Sherri. She was squirming and giggling, more ticklish than painful. We helped each other dress and headed down the stairs. Sara was busily setting up breakfast, sparing a big grin and kiss for us. While we ate, Celeste stared out the windows and glancing at the phone when she wasn't, murmuring about missed deadlines and procrastinators. It was still before eight. A few bites later she took her coffee out to the patio, I rose but Sherri waved me down, going to stand with her arm around Celeste. When they returned, Celeste sat and ate. Finally she looked up and smiled, "Rushing it doesn't help and we all have to work with the tools given us..." she looked at Sherri, "Thank you, love." Then she smacked her own head, "And am I the evil step sister or what? Your first night and I did not even congratulate you!" she went and hugged her. "You look so happy I'll assume he did not abuse you too much." Sherri grinned and kissed her back. "Of course he's sweet - the first time..." Celeste sighed, "But then the evil surfaces and, oh, the horrors!" she shivered, "I suppose you'll find out soon enough!" There were solemn nods around. Sherri grinned, "Don't forget I've had the hairbrush already! So it probably won't get MUCH worse!" Celeste held her, "Still, I must insist that you take advantage of my comfort..." She tugged Sherri to the sofa and over her lap. "Which you obviously have need of right now!" They hugged warmly. The phone rang and we froze, waiting for Celeste. "Well, someone answer it! If it's for me, take a message, I'm busy!" Amanda pick it up and after a minute she hung up, grinning, "That was Max - there are FOUR trailers there!" She looked at Sara, "And one of them's got a boat on it!" Celeste groaned and reluctantly stood, "Oh well, duty calls." She kissed Sherri's brow, "Mark my spot honey." "Why don't you all go? I'll clean up here." I said, "Sherri, keep an eye on Celeste OK?" She grinned and hugged Celeste possessively. I looked at Jules and Brenda, "But maybe you two should put on something more than just panties and T's...?" "We'll stay." Jules said, as she grinned at the others, "We need to ask James a favor..." After we cleared breakfast and washed the dishes I went in the trailer to clean it. They tagged behind. Brenda slipped her arms around my waist, "James..." "OK." I said. "What's it mean, OK?" Jules bristled. "OK," I repeated, "Whatever it is, I agree." "You haven't even heard what we wanted!" Brenda yelled. "But isn't one of your arguments that you've thought it out very carefully and it's the best thing for us?" They nodded. "And you've carefully considered all the reasons I might disagree?" More nods. "And you're STILL confident it's the best thing?" "Yes... well, WE think so..." Jules bit her lip. "So - OK, you can do it!" I shrugged, "Just so you feel better, you can tell me what I just agreed to." "Well," Brenda bit her lip, "We sorta had planned for you to be in a horizontal position by this time..." Jules tugged me down on the bed, "I was going to distract you..." She shrugged out of her top and ran her hands over her breasts, moaning softly as she wet her fingers and drew her nipple to hard nubbins. She smiled softly at my look and slipped a hand inside her panties. I could see her fingers moving slowly as her eyes closed. "And I start working to lower your resistance." Brenda said from my lap. Not only had she stripped me, she was quite naked herself. With an lusty glint she rubbed my cock on her lips and kissed it. "While I make sure your hands are immobilized." As Jules pulled them to her breasts and slid a hard nipple in my mouth, "And your mouth occupied. Oooh!" I bit her in acknowledgement. "I will then implore you to carefully consider out proposal." Brenda breathed and took my quivering cock into her mouth, working me in her churning heat. "Mmmm, as I remind you how effective the advertising was at the race, how we must be more aggressive than our competition..." Jules pinned my shoulders with her knees and covered my mouth with her warm cunt. "Ahhh! Not just word-of-mouth, ahhh, we need to p-promote ourselves vigorously. L-like that, yesss! And w-what better to do that than a-a... ahhh!" Suddenly Jules lost her voice. For a while the silence was punctuated only by our sighs and grunts and slurping sounds. I was getting ready to scream rather loudly when Brenda pulled off my bucking groin, "But I would have to be careful not to let you come." She leaned and tasted me a bit, "At least until you agreed with us." She tipped her head and listened, "Hmmm, no, I don't think that was a 'Yes'. What do you think, Jules, was that a Yes?" She stroked me lazily. "Mmmm, mmmm, oh god. Mmmmm, I-I ahhh, oh, ohhh," JulieAnn squirmed on me and distributed more fluids on my face, nails digging in my chest. She took a shuddering breath, "Ah, no, never heard him..." She shivered, lifting herself off me and took a few deep breaths, "So James, what we need is an airplane..." and sank back down. "Ahh, we already have the PPC, you might argue." Brenda stopped to lick the liquid running down my cock and gave the tip a little suck. "But James, we need something that could spread our message fast!" her hand worked energetically on me, but again my scream was cut off when she stopped and said, "The PPC is SO slow!" as she matched her motions to a crawl, barely worth moaning about. "So, to spread our good word to all parts of the state!" She cupped her other hand under my balls, "And so that we could reach the masses wherever they may be," she illustrated with a multifaceted tour of my groin, "We obviously need superior speed and handling. Don't you agree?" She return to her task as I nodded vigorously, to Jules' very vocal delight. "Was that a yes," Brenda asked sweetly, "Or were you just sneezing?" "Oh, oh.. Ahh!" Jules breathed, "Oh god! Oh god! I-it's a Yes! Oh god, oh god S-stop! C-can't come any more! Ahhh!" She rolled off me and laid panting and quivering on me. Brenda smiled and tenderly slipped me back in her mouth. She had me in an agonizingly delicious state of suspended ecstasy when Jules leaned over and added her caresses and kisses. The scream that was so long in the coming finally erupted from me and they shared my pulsing stream. "Oh wait!" Jules said, as she applied a finishing lick on me, "Has anybody ever christened this trailer yet?" I shook my head and everything started spinning again. They helped me to the floor and we had to do two sets of hearts because they had shared. I didn't mind - I was seeing double already. "Oh shoot!" Jules cried again and she looked at me, "There was another reason we need the plane." She looked at me, "We can't use the PPC on the water - once the chute gets wet, it won't lift and so..." She blinked, "Damn! That was so dumb!" She paused and sighed, "I think we have to do it over again." "Eh?" "The whole thing." she licked her lips, "From the beginning." Brenda grinned and took my shoulders, "Yesss, ve haf' to do vonce more!" My back hit the wall, "Please! No more...!" = = = = = I was sleeping in Brenda's arms when Jules announced that we have arrived. The nap seemed to have restored me somewhat but I had no recollection of them getting me dressed or into the boat. The marina was in a state of mayhem. Sara and Amanda were at the dynamometer doing their power measurements on the new boat, they smiled and waved, unable to make themselves heard in the din of their engine. Outside Celeste was staring at the foreman, impatience clearly written on her face. Max was standing guard as the other construction workers crowded around, puffing up and trying to get Sherri to notice them. Sherri walked over when she saw us, "Greg, that's the foreman, is saying they can't start work until next week and Celeste, well..." She drew a finger across her throat. I nodded and stepped up to them, "Ms Celeste, I'm sorry I'm late. We can handle it now." She swiveled her 'look' at me and I could feel myself breaking out in a cold sweat. She thawed and gave me a small smile as she walked off with Sherri. "Ah, Greg, what seems to be the trouble?" "Your... your boss," he glared at Celeste's back, "She won't listen to reason! I'm only s'pposed ta drop the lumber off and set up the scaffolding. There's nothing in here that says my boys gotta do nothin' til' next week!" He waved his order book at me. "Ah I see the problem, er, Greg. The office obviously gave you the wrong set of instructions." I turned, "Ms JulieAnn is from the legal department and she will be happy to advise you that we have a duly executed contract stating the building is to be FINISHED by this Sunday." She showed a stack of documents to Greg. "Ain't nobody told me that!" "Furthermore," Jules amended, "The contract stipulates that for every hour you delay completion, there is a 3% cost penalty. That's every hour after midnight beginning Sunday." She added icily. "Full open-ended indemnity at oh-nine-twenty hours, Tuesday." Brenda added helpfully. "Thank you..." I turned to Greg, "Ms Brenda from the accounting section has just reminded us that if you aren't finish by 9:20 am on Tuesday, not only do we not have to pay you, your company starts paying us for losses." I waited for that to sink in, "So I really think it best if we get started, after all, if you wish to avoid overtime, there's only..." I paused and Brenda supplied, "Thirty three hours and forty five minutes..." I nodded, "To complete the building before the deadline." Greg looked at me and at the contract. "Shit - looks like you got the right of the matter here." and started yelling for the crew to get moving, "Oh, and can you tell your boss to move her car?" Celeste had parked behind the trucks so they could not be moved. He rushed off to start the unloading, with a very energetic Max supervising. Jules took us to the Solara, "James..? Harry's kinda expecting us and uh, I have the car keys..." "He knows." Brenda said, "Celeste got the hairbrush yesterday." "What happened?" "I'm not sure - but Sherri calls him master after she was hairbrushed and then Celeste started calling him master as well..." They looked at me. I shrugged, "Jules, why don't you take the BMW," I said as I handed Jules the keys, "Then Celeste can still get around." They stared, "Are you SURE?" "Are you good enough to drive it?" Jules nodded, "So move this car and get going then, and don't forget to make a list of the groceries you'll need to pick up for the week too." We spoke a bit about what they were doing and they went off happily. I gave an update to a much happier Celeste and went to check on the new boat. The girls hugged me as we watched it being lowered into the water, "Well, what do you think?" "Nice!" It was too. 22' Cuddy Cabin, done up in a dark burl-oak finish. With a sink and fridge on the deck. An Entertainment Center, I corrected myself. "Did you see the engine?" Sara prompted and eagerly showed me the huge 320hp 7-Liter engine, which filled the rear compartment. "Look at this too, a DX lower unit - dual concentric, counter-rotating propellers!" They nestled inside each other and would cancel out the torque-drift in single-screw setups. "And we got one for Jewel too!" We went out and the boat handled really nicely. The acceleration was amazing with the powerhouse installed - it was a thirsty beast too, at full throttle we could actually see the gas gage needle drop. "There's their problem. The top speed is only 4 mph faster than the much smaller 5.7Liter" Sara yelled over the wind and the howl of the engine. I motioned for her to kill the engine. "The revs look good?" Sara nodded, "Yeah. I thought of putting a higher ratio in, but it's 100rpm per inch-pitch so that's not the answer. There's something else..." "That's why they sent it to us. They're hoping we can fix the problem and give them a 70mph cuddy." Amanda said. "Oh, and we've decided to rotate ownership of the Gyros. This is 'Gyro 2' and it's Sara's..." "Is there a difference who..." "Is there a difference?" Amanda jumped up, incensed, "Are you THAT retarded?" She grabbed Sara and stuck a finger in her mouth, whispering, "Ohh honey, mmmmm, sweet thing, suck it babe... You're the best... Mmmm, oooh, oooh, oooh, I can't believe I'm fucking your mouth..." Sara was blushing and squirming, but she did nothing to stop Amanda, in fact, I could see her tongue greeting Amanda's hand. "Now, do you understand?" Amanda turned on me as Sara leaned, flushed and gasping weakly on her, "The owner does the christening! Duh!" She rolled her eyes. I could only nod breathlessly, the blood having traveled to another part of my body. "Mandie," Sara whispered, her hands running lovingly over Amanda's breasts, "That was sick and disgusting..." "So...? What's your point?" "I just love you so..." "All you virgins say that the first time..." Amanda kissed her, "It'll pass..." "Are you going to use me and discard me?" Sara was fascinated by Amanda's nipples, rolling and squeezing them through the thin cotton. "Ahhh, a-absolutely..." She moaned as Sara bent and carefully nibbled the fabric. "C-can we go below, please, Sare?" Happy screeches from the cabin soon made it obvious they were not coming up any time soon. I tossed the anchor overboard, stripped and went for a swim. The girls were still belowdecks after I dried myself so I followed the soft murmuring down the cabin. The V-berth was deserted, but behind me, the designers had cleverly managed to tuck a shoulder high cabin directly under the outside helm seats. It had the niftiest little bed inside. With two nifty, naked bodies on it. Sara and Amanda were giggling and squirming like lovestruck weevils as they tried to hide under each other's body. My blood went south again. "Are you two ready to get to work?" "Is that what you call it now?" Amanda said. "Call what?" "A blow job shouldn't be work," she said matter-of-factly, "It should be given freely as a gesture of love." She stared at me. "Sure, next time Peter asks why you haven't delivered your report, I'll tell him that." "Oh...! I-I thought," Amanda blushed bright red, "Well I thought y-you said... I heard you..." She pulled Sara up, "Well YOU heard him didn't you?" "Heard him what?" "Heard him say... say... we have to give him a blow job..." she fidgeted, "Because that's our job... or something." She buried her face in Sara's neck, giggling, "It's not FAIR! He walks in with his... his THING pointing at me and tells me to get to work... So I thought... thought... he... he..." she faded. "So you thought," Sara said tenderly, "He might like to hold you and kiss you...?" she stroked Amanda's hair, "And share sweet love with you?" Amanda looked up, dreamy with emotion, "Yes..." they hugged, "Sara," she whispered, "I just love you so..." = = = = = As we drove back to the marina, we could see tremendous progress with the Wheel. The central support post had been secured against a corner of the existing building and they had moved a small crane onto the roof of the marina. All the lateral support pieces were bolted from predrilled 2 x 6 stock. Each roof joist was matched with a floor beam, connected with the right lengths of cabling at the ends and lifted it into place. 5/8" bolts secured the assembly to Mueller's V-plates at the top and the bottom of the support. An extra length of steel wire from the ends was then tightened to a mushroom-shaped extension on the top of the center post to form the cantilever. They already had 8 of the 10 beams required in the plans and the ninth was moved in as we tied up. Greg was breathless with excitement. "I ain't seen nothing come together so quickly!" He shook his head, "That boss of yours. Man! She's one smart lady!" Sherri came towards us, waving to the workers as they whistled good-naturedly at her. "Greg, Ms Celeste would like you to start the roofing from the North side as soon as the last beam is in place, OK?" He snapped her a mock salute, "Yessir, Miss." before turning back to the last beam being lowered in place. She smiled at us, "Come, we've got to see this!" and led us to the restaurant. There were close to a hundred people milling about the site but they made a path for us when they saw Sherri. The restaurant was humming with activity, packed with people who wanted to watch the construction. Celeste had commandeered all the tables along the windows facing the marina and was holding court with Marjorie and Max flanking her, calmly handling questions from reporters for the local newspaper and TV station. There was a minor riot when the photographers asked the girls to line up for a photo and everyone rushed in for a better look. I got a leisurely 40 minutes by myself and finished my order as well as all their food. I waved a glowing Sherri over, "Tell my boss I want her and all of you outside by the Wheel in fifteen, OK?" She smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. I had just arranged for us to be in a line facing the wheel when, on schedule, Jules and Harry soared overhead in the PPC, taking a couple of turns as Jules filmed the construction. They zoomed overhead and turned to film us as they flew away. We waved and a hundred voices shouted out their blessing on Bertram Mueller's dream. ============= (C) Copyright 2002. M.C. All Rights Reserved. All Reproduction for fee or profit forbidden. Copies of my stories can be downloaded from: </files/Authors/MikeC/> or at <> Send all comments and suggestions to