Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. My Mom By Mr Mac --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - !!!WARNING!!!! This file contains sexually explicit material which may include graphic depictions of underage, consensual, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest, adultery, sodomy and bestiality, if you can think it, it could be included. It is distributed on a website clearly identified as "For Adults Only". Possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of such material, do not read it and delete it immediately. This work is copyrighted 2017 to the author. It may be posted to non- commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites so long as no changes are made to the content and the Author information is retained. Any other use of this work is by written permission of the Author only. All comments, suggestions or request are welcome at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - My Mom By Mr Mac Hi, my name is Sue and I'm 18 and I live at home with My Mom, Dad and little sister Grace, she is 16 and a brat. Being the oldest I have always been expected to be more mature the Grace, so she gets away with a lot of crap, like when she broke into my room and took some money I was saving. It wasn't a lot of money, only $100 and mom replaced it but she broke into my room, my sanctuary not even My Mom enters my room without asking me first, she understands the need for privacy at my age. Sometime I think I could start to hate my sister. Oh, now I put my savings money in the bank. As the oldest I'm expected to help around the house with the house cleaning, laundry, cooking, whatever My Mom needs me to do to help since she and dad work every day and I don't really mind, I just wish Grace was made to help also, I mean she doesn't even let the dog out, poor Tippers. Now My Mom is a beautiful woman and dad is great, I have never seen either of them get mad or raise their voice in anger, I'm told that is not the real world and most men and a lot of women are jerks. No, no, no... we are not religious fanatics, we don't go to church but we do believe in God, just haven't met him or her on the street yet. As for me, don't know, I do kinda hope he exist, I mean, I will die some day and then what. But I'm here to tell you about My Mom. My Mom is the nicest person I know, she refuses to judge others, she always says... who am I to judge? I'm just a lost sinner trying to find my way. My Mom says she is a conservative, she thinks people should work for what they get, help your neighbors if you have extra but family first. I agree with her, that is why I have a problem with Grace, she gets it but doesn't work for it. I didn't tell you that my mom is 32 and dad is 40 but he is not my birth father. My Mom was raped when she was 13 and had me when she was 14, her mother shot and killed the man who impregnated her, my grandfather, her dad, and I think that is why she is so loving and even tempered... she has always been very protective of me and I know she worries that I may decide to leave home to start a life of my own but not quite yet. I have an arrangement with My Mom and dad that I would work as a housekeeper assistant and they would pay me $500 a month plus room and board. They own their own company so it helps them and they don't worry about me leaving soon. I don't date, I not interested in boys or girls right now so I don't need lots of make-up or clothes (most of the time I'm in shorts and a top), don't plan on going to university even though I did graduate high school last year. We have satellite TV so I don't go out to movies, we have a big in-ground pool with a large patio so when I'm done with the house work, I can relax and get a nice tan and since we live on 25 acres and no neighbors close by, no tan lines. Dad is the father of my sister Grace, she looks just like him and as for me, luckily I look just like My Mom. Dad will sometimes have to travel so My Mom and I have some quiet time by the pool to work on our tans, sometimes Grace will join us if she can drag herself away from her computer and video chatting with her friends that she sees at school all day... kids these days. Yesterday evening, I was taking a bubble bath when Grace just barges into my room and starts yelling at me because she doesn't have any clean underwear, I told her "she knows the rules, if it's not in the laundry bag, it doesn't get washed... it's really that simple". She grabbed a pair of mine and left, still screaming at me, taking my underwear doesn't bother me as I seldom wear any, but screaming at, that crap needs to stop. With that My Mom knocked on my door and asked what was that all about. I explained and she said she would talk to her about her yelling. She leaned over and kissed my forehead and teary eyed said "Sue, I don't know how I could have ever done it all without your help. You know you were more of a sister to me than a daughter", she turned to leave and continued "you have grown into a beautiful and remarkable woman, how are we going to be able to keep you here, safe, away from all the ugliness that goes on... I love you Sue". All I could say was "I love you too". I don't see My Mom cry all that often and this time it got to me. I finished my bath, grabbed a robe and a towel and went out to the pool where My Mom was sitting, still teary eyed and I sat on her lap and said... "Don't cry momma, I have no plans to leave this place, why, it's the safest place on earth. So stop the water works and go for a swim with me." It was 89 degrees today so the pool was nice and warm when I jumped in. Since it was just My Mom and me I didn't bother to suit up and neither did she, dad was on an overnight trip in the burg, no Grace either, she was out with her friends. We were splashing each other and jumping on the others back, trying to dunk each other, just having sister fun, enjoying the evening. We final drug ourselves out of the pool and collapsed in our lounge chairs and fell asleep, under the star filled, clear evening sky. I had the joy of being awakened around midnight by the coldest, wettest nose known to man... Tippers wanted her dinner. I screamed and My Mom jumped up and said "what, WHat, WHAT" ... I said, "Tippers" she laughed so hard at me that she peed herself which started me laughing and I peed myself, Tippers went to the grass and peed. I went inside and filled her bowl with dog food, My Mom asked if Grace was home yet? She had been starting to stay out later and later lately and I could see My Mom was concerned. Grace came staggering home around 1:00 AM and we were both still up, waiting and Grace said, "Oh shit, the inquisition starts. Ok, get it over with!" said with a smirk. My Mom just stood up, walked over and turned off the overhead light and went to bed. I looked at Grace, shook my head and went to bed. Grace knocked on my door and asked if she could come in and talk to me. Grace never knocked on my door, never. I opened the door and Grace came in, grabbed me and hugged me and started crying. Through her sobbing she kept repeating, "Oh God, oh God, oh God, I'm so sorry Sue, I am so, so sorry, I really fucked up this time, big time... dad is going to kill me". All I could say was "what happened, what did you do Grace?" Her response was the same, "Oh God, oh God, oh God, I'm so sorry Sue, I am so, so sorry, I really fucked up this time, big time... dad is going to kill me". "What the heck did you do Grace? Did you have a wreck, hurt someone, KILL someone?" "Sue, I'm pregnant!" "WHAT?!, are you sure?" "I've missed two periods." "MOM... get in here!" It was now 6:30 AM and we were still sitting in my room, Grace crying, My Mom crying, me crying and the down stairs door opens... "Oh God, your dad's home, let me talk to him first." "Hi honey, did you have a good trip? How was the drive? We need to talk!" Not a good welcome home but then, My Mom was never one to mix words or use a lot of them. "Ok, it's not the end of the world, we will get through it, where's Grace?" "Right here daddy, I'm so sorry, I really am." Dad just looked at his daughter and with tears in his eyes asked, "Does the father know? Do you love him? How far along are you?... Oh Grace, what were you thinking, you're only 16, you have your whole life ahead of you?" Grace just looked at him, she started to sob again when she said... "Daddy, I don't know who the father is!" Dad look at My Mom and if ever there was a time I would have expected this mild, mannered, loving man to lose it, it was now. "What?" "Daddy, I'm still a virgin, I have never been with a boy, I like girls". The doctor said "it's a condition known as hysterical pregnancy. I see a few cases every year, usually brought on by some traumatic event. We need to find out what triggered it and then we can treat it." My sister and I were sitting in the waiting room while our mother and father were talking with the doctor, when Grace looked at me and said... "Sue, I need to find a restroom, fast... I can't move or there will be a mess. Please, ask the lady where it is, please sis... P L E A S E !" I went up and asked and the lady told me it was just down the hall so I went back to Grace and told her. "Sue, I'm not sure I can make it, can you see if they have some towels or pads... I'll even take a diaper." Again I went up to the lady and she look over at Grace and smiled and handed me several baby diapers and I took them to Grace. Lucky for her, we were the only people left in the waiting room, so Grace stood up and pulled her panties down and put a couple of diapers in, pulled them up and asked me to help her to the restroom. We did just make it to the toilet as Grace started to flow... and I me flow big time. Her period started and it went from nothing to a dam break flood. "Grace, you stay right here, I'm going to get mom." As I turned to walk out Grace cried and said... "Please don't leave me here Sue, I'm scared. What's happening to me? I've never had flow like this." "Look Grace, you just sit there... I'm getting mom!" And I ran out and asked the lady to get mom, it was an emergency. Mom ran out and saw me and screamed... "What is it Sue? Where's Grace?" I grabbed mom's hand and pulled into the restroom to Grace. Mom took one look at Grace... "Get the doctor Sue, NOW!" As I opened the door of the restroom to go get the doctor he was on his way in, he took a quick look at Grace, removed her panties and pulled her skirt over her head and he told the lady from the desk to get Mary in here. The doctor looked at my parents and me and said she was having a miscarriage, it's psychological but the symptoms are the same. Mary came in... "Mary, get some vaginal packing, a bag of normal saline and a start kit. Jill, call 911 tell them we have a 16-year-old female who is vaginal hemorrhaging. JILL, THE CALL NOW! MARY WHERE IN THE HELL IS MY PACKING?" Mary came through the door with the things he requested and as he packed my sister's vagina, Mary started an IV. Jill stuck her head in... "ETA five minutes!" The doctor yelled, "Get another bag and open it full!" Just as Mary completed hanging the second bag of fluid the EMS came through the door. The lead EMT was taking vitals and calling the hospital with a report and the second EMT was talking to the doctor. The EMT's, the doctor and Mary lifted Grace on the cart and started running to the transport. Mary and mom rode with the EMT to the hospital and dad and I followed. I was shaking and dad had tears streaming down his cheeks. As the transport pulled into the Trauma Center there was a team waiting at the door. The Trauma Team took Grace and ran her to a waiting bay and they started. It seemed like everyone was shouting and stuff was just getting done when I heard the main doctor yell... "Oh no you're not. Not a sixteener... you can just get the hell out of my ER, you can just go home without her. Where is the blood I ordered an hour ago, it was actually four minutes but seemed like an hour? Where's the family?" Mom stepped up and said mother here. "Good. What the hell happened to her?" Mom tried to fill him in with what she knew from the doctor and what I was able to tell him what happened in the restroom. "So she was not pregnant, hysterical... actually mom, that's good, we can save here. You and your family go sit down and I'll find you when were done... we need the room to work. She'll be fine, I see five or so of these a year, so go." And mom, dad and I went to the lounge to wait... Mary stayed with Grace. I was sitting in the corner chair, rocking back and forth, quietly crying; dad was sitting in the other corner, staring off into space and tears fill his eyes and then there was My Mom, quietly pacing from the door to the window back to the door. No one said a thing... we were all just trying to understand what just happened when the door swung open and Mary and the Trauma doctor came in and motioned for us all to gather round. "Well, folks I want to tell you she is doing fine. She lost a lot of blood but that's been replaced and we're going to keep her here for a few days, just to check her out. I will tell you I thought we were going to lose her at first, she was in very bad shape but thanks for the quick actions at the office, thing went well here. So, she is in the ICU because of the blood loss and she is awake so you can all go see her for no more than five minutes and then I want you to go home and get some rest. We'll move her to a room as soon as I feel that she is out of danger, should be some time tomorrow. Mary will take you to her. I'll see you at home later honey and he gives Mary a kiss." "If you'll follow me I'll take you to Grace. Jim is my husband... he's a damn good Trauma Doc!" "Grace, honey, you okay?" Mom was the first to speak. "Hey sis, ya scared the shit outa me!" "Grace, you gave us all a scare sweetie." We all talked for a few minutes and were asked to leave. On the way to the car, no one said anything and as we all were sitting in the car and dad reached to start the car but turned to My Mom and with a smile on his face, "So, she likes girls!" And for the first time in twelve hours we all just burst out laughing. More to come...