Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Sister's Christening (bg, bro/sis, bi, inc, voy, exh, preg) By Boy Trainer Chapter 1 I was twelve when my eleven-year-old sister Jessica knocked at my door. I thought it was strange because my sister never knocks when she comes in my room. Usually she just barges right in and sometimes at the most inconvenient of times, but oh well. I didn't even bother inviting her in. All I did was turn around to acknowledge she was there and turned back to what I was doing. At the time I was searching the internet for some new porn, which was never really a problem for me because she's seen me doing that before. She's never said anything about it, but then again it wouldn't matter if she did because we're naturalists and mom and dad already told us that they understand all kids do that sort of things, especially boys and especially at our age. I figured Jessica only wanted a pencil or something, so I just ignored here letting her search for whatever she wanted, but she came up behind me and said. "He's cute." I happened to be looking at some gay porn at the time and this particular video was of a boy about my age being totally fucked by a man whom I assumed had to be his dad. It wasn't hard to deduce that because the title was "Father Son 101". In fact I was thinking of getting my dad to fuck me, but at the time he was busy mowing the lawn and I could hear the John Deere just outside my window. "Yeah he is." I agreed. There was a short pause before Jessica finally asked. "Paul... would you pop my cherry?" Instantly I hit pause on the video and swiveled my chair around. "What?" "There's a boy I like and I've tried to break it myself, but I just can't." "So let that boy do it." I shrugged. "I want it to be special for him." "Boys love to pop cherries. It means he was a girl's first." "Yeah, but I really want it to be good for him." She pleaded. I figured this was a girl's problem like periods, so I asked. "Why don't you ask mom to do it?" "I did and she said she would, but she asked me if I was a lesbian and I said I didn't think so and then she said that I should get a boy to do it for me. She suggested Frankie Peterson." Frankie Peterson is a friend at the nudist camp ground we go to on weekends. He's thirteen. He has really red hair and huge freckles all over not just his face, but his entire body. He has to stay in the shade most of the time or he would burn to a crisp. I've sucked him off a few times, but I never really thought he was cute. "So ask Frankie to do it." "Be serious." She huffed in disgust. I understood that, so I asked. "Why don't you ask dad to do it?" "Come on Paul!" She jolted. "Dad's way too big for me." I giggled and said. "Yeah I remember the first time he fucked me. It felt like I was shitting a baby out... over and over again." "So; will you do it?" "Well..." I thought. "I've never really fucked anyone before. I'm always getting fucked." "Oh." She sighed in disappointment. "So you just like guys?" "No." I responded. "I like girls too, but I just never done that before." "See that's why I want you to do it. You know what a boy likes and I want to be really good for him." "Just a minute." I said and leaving my video on pause I went into mom's bedroom where she was vacuuming and I had to tap her on her shoulder because the vacuum was too loud. "Mom." She shut the vacuum off and turned around. "Jessica wants me to pop her cherry." "Yeah; so?" Suddenly no words came to mind, so I just turned and walked back to my room. "Okay, get on the bed." I told my sister and gleefully she skipped over to the bed. "How do you want to do this?" I asked. "What do you mean?" I heaved in frustration over how ignorant she was. "Missionary position or doggy style?" "What feels better?" "How the hell should I know?" "Well what feels better for you when you get fucked?" She asked. "They both feel good." I answered. "I like missionary only because I like to look in the guy's eyes and I like to be kissed while he's fucking me." "Let's do that then." "Mmm... Okay then." I shrugged and crawled up between her legs. She only had a few sparse brown hairs coming in and her mound was tight and puffy to where all I could see was a gentle slit, so I used my thumbs to separate it just so I knew where her hole was and right away I could see that it was dry as a bone. "Just a minute." I said and crawled over her to get the Vaseline out of my night stand. "What are you doing?" She asked. I crouched over her chest with my balls touching her chin and showed her the Vaseline. "You're too dry." "So why don't you lick it?" She asked. "That's what I've seen most guys do. Dad does it to mom and I like when he licks me." "Yeah but..." "Come on Paul." "Okay I'll make a deal with you. You suck me and I'll lick you." "Sixty-nine?" "Yeah." "Okay, turn around." Although I'd never licked a pussy before, I've often wondered what it would be like. The thing is I've just never had the opportunity to do it because at the nudist camp there are far more boys than girls and any time I've ever been alone with a girl I knew those girls had boyfriends who were older and would kick my ass, or they never had the time. It always seemed that just as things were going well they would scurry off saying they had to get home to do chores or they had to go eat or something always came up. I know it couldn't be my looks because I always seem to win the pageants the camp throws every year. Our camp doesn't discriminate. Most camps only have a beauty pageant for girls, but ours does both and I usually win the boy's pageant. Not always, but often and I'm always told by women and men that I'm adorable, so I know I'm not ugly or anything. So I clumsily fumbled around my sister to get in a comfortable sixty-nine position where we were laying side by side with her right leg crooked up to give me access. I didn't have to crook my leg up, she just accepted me right in her mouth as soon as I got in place and boy did that ever feel good! Just as I was emboldened enough to dive in I heard dad say. "What's going on here?" "Jessica wants me to pop her cherry." I answered, but Jessica never even stopped. She just kept right on sucking me like she didn't even hear him. "Oh... Okay then, sorry I interrupted. Carry on." He said and walked towards his room. He was dirty as hell and had grass all over him, so I knew he needed a shower. I pried her pussy apart one last time and saw she was beginning to glisten up, so I just gulped some spit and dove right in. Right away I discovered it wasn't all that bad. Really at first it just tasted and smelt a little like Lever2000, so I was glad she'd taken a shower before asking me to do this. I had heard girls sometimes smelt like fish which I can't stand, but luckily she didn't. I started with little licks and as soon as I realized this wasn't going to kill me I started darting my tongue in and out and then I remembered the clit and let my tongue stretch over my lower lip hoping to find it. I had some idea where it was, but I was flying blind here with the only thing I really could see being her ass hole. Instantly she gasped when I found her button and when she did I knew I was on a roll, so I slashed my tongue harder against it. It was of no surprise she had my entire dick and both balls in her mouth by then. I really wasn't very big at that age. At last measurement I knew I was only three and a half inches long fully hard. All the men and just about all the boys could do that to me. By now I had my chin and nose fully involved in pleasing my sister. My whole muzzle was soaked and I was so engrossed in it that I hadn't even realized that Jessica was clinching my head between her legs almost screaming in ecstasy. In no time at all my own legs were stiffening and Jessica knew what that meant, so she released the grip her mouth had on my cock and tapped me on the ass. "Don't cum. I think I'm ready." "Oh..." I said sort of disappointed. "Okay." I then sat up and crawled between her outspread legs again. I couched over her closer and closer until my dick was sliding up and down her slit, but I just couldn't find the hole. She finally had to guide me to it by reaching under her leg. Once I felt that moist, warm funnel I was able to glide my head inside and sure enough just as that had been fully engulfed I felt something blocking any further intrusion. "Umph!" She gasped. "You alright?" "Give me a second." Then she looked at me and said. "You can kiss me you know." I have to admit that took me aback a little more than her asking me to pop her cherry. I couldn't even remember the last time I kissed my sister. Nor could I even remember ever wanting to, but the idea wasn't a bad one. At least not then it wasn't, so I lowered myself till I was lying on top of her without putting too much of my weight on her and ever so slowly our lips met. It was while we were kissing and just as she slipped her tongue between my lips when my dick just seemed to slide in like that kiss was all it took to tear her membrane. She didn't even grunt like it hurt, I just slipped right in. Once my dick was fully seeded she started moving her hips around, so I did too. I didn't start pumping in and out right away. It felt too good just the way we were. I just started to mimic her movement's sort of grinding our hips in a circular motion, sloshing around in there like mixing paint. It seemed like a dream and in the next few moment... seconds really, I was driving all my weight deep inside her as far as I could like I wanted to live in there, but every time I slid ever deeper in my sister's cunt my dick demanded to do it again, so I was thrusting wildly in and out like I had no control. Only when I could take no more and my dick started to pulsate could I calm down enough to look up only to find my dad and mom standing in the doorway with big old smiles on their faces. 13 years later Almost to the day I had just come in from mowing the grass and I was heading to my room to take a shower because I had grass clipping all over me. Just as I reached the hallway I found Jessica, my dad and mom standing just outside James's room. "What's going on here?"