Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. By Boy Trainer A Short Story I rang the doorbell praying Dave was no longer grounded. Dave was my best friend and even though I know it's a double negative I have no other way to say that he's the kind of kid that you simply can't, not be friends with. He hasn't got an enemy in the entire world and anyone who would dare to start something with him would soon find himself on the wrong end of a massive silent treatment by the entire community. Everybody of all ages simply adores Dave and I am proud to admit that everyone envies our tight relationship. It has been a grueling two weeks, but as I recalled today was supposed to be his final day of being grounded. I was filled with anticipation, but when Dave opened the door I knew right away that I didn't need to ask if he was free to play because I couldn't help but notice that his stainless steel tamper proof chastity device was still tightly secured around his hairless four inch cock with that damn padlock dangling below his scrunched up nut sack. I know its tamper proof because believe me I've tried to get mine off when I was grounded and you just simply can't do it. Still I grumbled disappointedly. "Still grounded?" "Yeah I get this thing off tonight." "Damn!" "David who is that?" I heard his mother ask from inside the house. "Ricky!" He answered her. Then she came to the door and standing behind Dave she looked over his shoulder and down at me with a sorrowful face. I knew she could clearly see how horny I was because my dick bounced with anticipation and I was leaking pre-cum all over their front stoop. "Oh Ricky I'm so sorry, but Dave's still grounded." "Please Mrs Martin." I pleaded. "I can't take it anymore. He was supposed to be off grounding today." "I'd love to help, but he's not off grounding till his dad gets home and that won't be till six. Besides, I don't have the key, he does." Then she tapped Dave on the shoulder and said. "Do you see how your big mouth affects others?" "Yes." He slumped in defeat. "You'll just have to play tomorrow." She said as she made a hand gesture shooing me off while closing the door with Dave peering through the opening as long as he could before it latched shut. "But I..." But it was too late for more begging. "Damn it!" I had no choice, I had to get back on my bike and ride home. I couldn't sit on it with my bare ass because the black vinyl seat had already absorbed the sun's heat in that short time that we talked, so I peddled standing up till down the dirt road I came across his nine-year-old little sister Becky who was riding her bike home. I slammed on my breaks skidding to a halt. "You owe me a blowjob." I snarled at her. "Do not!" She responded snidely as she continued on her path. "Dave needs to learn to keep his big mouth shut." "Bitch!" I hissed under my breath and continued home. I looked over my shoulder and only when I could see that she was inside her house and only when I knew that nobody could hear me was I secure enough to yell back. "You wait till Dave knocks your ass up you little cunt. Then we'll see who has the last laugh." Now I knew that was pointless to say. I knew it would be a few years before she could even get pregnant and by that time all of this would have been forgotten about, but it made me feel better. Besides, my own sister was due any day now and after that I would be too busy changing diapers to spend worrying about her. When I got home I threw my bike down without worrying about the kickstand and as soon as I slammed the door behind me I flopped, face down on the couch and started to cry into the arm pillow. "Dave's still grounded?" Mom asked as she came in the room. I didn't answer. All I could do was cry. "Would you like a blowjob?" I shook my head no with my face now soaked in my tears. "It'll make you feel better." "No." I muffled in the pillow. "Oh you poor thing." Mom cooed sympathetically. "How about some ice cream?" Again I declined by shaking my head. That's when Chelsea waddled into the living room and hoisted my feet so she could sit down. Then she rested my legs over her lap and started stroking my ass with her soft hands. "Ricky I wish I could do something to make you feel better." Heaving one last breath I rolled over and sat up next to her and gently felt her huge belly. "How's he doing today?" I sniffled. "Could be a she you know." "No he wouldn't dare." I giggled. "Yeah you're right." She snickered. "He's definitely playing basketball." Just then I felt a huge kick and her belly even jiggled. "Wow! He just made a free throw!" "Owe! No I believe that was a foul." "What's wrong sweetie?" Mom asked. "I don't know..." She huffed laboriously. "He um... owe!" That's when mom looked down between her legs and said. "Your water just broke." "Seriously?" I asked nervously. "Yep, it's time. Go get Marge." Quickly I got up and ran to the door. I even left it wide open despite the mosquitos and hopped up on my bike. I rode as fast as I could back to Dave's house and jumped off my bike letting it crash into their shrubs and house. I ran up the steps and pounded on the door. Dave quickly answered it and gasping for air I said. "Mom's coming... baby told me to get yours." "What?" He asked confused. Just then Dave's mom came to the door and all I could do was point towards my house. "Oh dear. I'll be right there." "Can Dave come?" I panted. "Yes." She answered. "Go home. We'll take the golf cart." After yanking my bike spokes from their shrubs I rode home as fast as I could. When I got inside all I saw on the couch was a big old wet stain and I heard Chelsea moaning and panting in mom's bedroom. I stepped lightly to the open door to find mom bent over between my sister's up-crooked knees. "Oh yeah, you're crowning." Just then Marge pushed past me and Dave stood behind me holding me tight in his arms. She pushed mom aside and reached between my sister's thighs. "I need some towels." She said to nobody. "I'll get them." I said and pulled myself free from Dave's grasp. I ran down the hall to the linin closet and grabbed a whole stack of towels. Some even toppled over my head as I rushed as fast as I could back to mom's room. Then I heard Chelsea scream and by the time I got back there was a smeared up bloody baby that seemed to explode with a gush from Chelsea's overstretched twelve-year-old cunt. It's a good thing I was carrying a stack of towels because the next thing I knew Dave was gently slapping my face which was buried in towels on the floor. "Ricky, wake up." When I came to my senses Dave helped me to my feet, guided me to the living room and helped me to sit on the Lazy-boy. "What is it?" I asked over the baby's cries. "It's a boy." He smiled. "I knew it!" I said and started to stand. "Yep." He snickered pushing me back in the seat. "From now on we'll call you Ricochet Rick." I laughed and said. "Ricochet nothing. That was nothing but net." That's when Marge came in carrying my newborn son bundled snugly in a baby blanket and set him on my lap. "Support the neck now." Oh he was beautiful. I looked down at his scrunched up face and kissed his forehead. "Welcome to the family David." "David?" Dave asked. "What else would I call him? You are supposed to be the father." "David huh?" Dave blushed. "Well then let me hold my son." When he stood over me and bent down to pick him up we kissed. "Remember." I said as he picked the baby up. "Keep your damn mouth shut from now on." "He better." Marge said smacking him on his naked ass. And we lived happily ever after. Well at least till he... I mean I knocked his sister up, but that's another story.