Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This story is intended for the enjoyment of adults over the age of 18 or whatever the legal age is in your part of the universe. It contains fantasy scenes of graphic sexual activity. Please, if you are under the age of 18, or if you may be offended by such material, use your intelligence and read no further - delete the file. Otherwise ....enjoy! An Open and Shut Case By Nessus The bell jangled as I walked into the shop and a blonde woman seated at a bench looked up. "Can I help you?" she asked, putting a small screwdriver down on the bench. I cleared my throat. "I'm looking for the locksmith," I began nervously. "This seems to be the only one in the village." "That's right," she said briskly, "and that will be me. How can I help you?" "I was kind of hoping to find a guy. Anybody else work here?" I asked hopefully but she shook her head. "I'm the locksmith and that's it. Why do you want a guy?" I blushed. "It's personal. Is there another locksmith close by?" She shook her head. "Nope. I am fully qualified, you know." A long moment passed and I knew I had no other choice. I swallowed and felt myself blush even more. "Well," I began nervously, "I have this chastity belt thing on and I don't have the key to get it off." Her eyes widened. "You're kidding me, right?" I shook my head and wished the ground would swallow me up. "You lost the key?" "It's a long story." She stared at me and a faint smile appeared on her face. "Well, suppose I'll have to look at it." I watched as she walked to the door, turned the sign to `Closed' and locked it. "We have some privacy now," she said, smiling at me and I weakly returned the smile. "I'm Pamela," she said, standing in front of me. "Bill," I said. "Ok Bill, let me see it." Blushing again, I undid my jeans and pulled them down with my shorts, exposing my cock in its metal tube. Pamela peered closely at it. "Interesting," she murmured, "in fact, it's ingenious. Where is the keyhole?" I pointed at the small hole at the base of the metal ring that the tube was connected to. "Hmm, this is going to be difficult. OK," she said in a crisp business-like manner, "take everything off and sit on the bench." "Everything?" "The shirt will get in the way. I might have to drill and we wouldn't want the drill to slip, would we?" "No," I mumbled and quickly undressed. "So, are you going to tell me why you have that thing on?" she asked as she arranged her tools next to me on the bench. "My girl friend put it on me," I mumbled, feeling humiliated seated naked in front of this strange woman. "Did she?" Pamela raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly does it do?" "Uh," I murmured, flushing, "it stops me from getting erect." "Oh," was all she said as she placed some more tools on eth bench, then pulled a stool over so she could sit between my spread legs. "Why did she put it on you?" she asked after a moment. "She likes to control," I answered self-consciously. "She liked to ration me." Pamela picked up a small tool and raised an eyebrow at me. "My orgasms," I explained, blushing furiously. Pamela started probing the tool into the keyhole. "I don't get it," she said. "She rations you, she rations herself at the same time. Doesn't she like sex?" "She loves it, she got to have as many orgasms as she liked while she limited me." "How?" she asked and I felt her hands move over my genitals, my cock flexed futilely in the tube. "I gave them to her," I said softly, face burning. "With my mouth." "Oh, I see," she said, picking up another tool. "Sounds like she had the best of everything and you had nothing. What happened to the key?" "She threw it into the sea. We had an argument and she threw the key away, then threw me out." "Must have been a big argument. I think I'll have this off soon." "She wanted me to watch her have sex with another man. That was the last straw." "I bet it was. There," she said, clicking the ring open and sliding the tube off. A sense of relief flooded through me but I suddenly felt myself getting hard until my stiff cock was bobbing in front of her. Pamela stared at it, a mischievous look on her face. "How long has it been since your last one?" I knew what she meant. "Three weeks," I answered, face burning again. I almost jumped as her hand slowly closed around my cock. "Feel nice?" she purred and I nodded as my heart pounded. Her hand slowly began jacking me off. "Where will you live?" she asked as her hand continued to slowly move up and down my throbbing cock. "Don't know," I groaned. "My bags in the car." "I've got a spare room," she said sweetly, suddenly stopping and I stared longingly at her still hand. "Why don't you stay with me for a few days until you find something? The hotel is full and I think I've seen everything you've got now,' she added laughing. "Ok," I groaned. "Want me to jerk you off now?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, yes," I groaned. "Ask me nicely." "Please Pamela," I murmured. "Please jerk me off." Her hand started to move again and I closed my eyes as I gave into the exquisite feeling, rushing to the edge at great speed. I grunted a warning and spurted while she milked me dry. Slumped back on the bench, chest heaving with my eyes closed, I felt her clean me up with a towel. Suddenly, I heard a click and jerked my eyes open to see my cock encased in the chastity tube once again. "What the fuck!" I exclaimed and Pamela coolly smiled at me as she threw the towel into a trash can. "I like a little control myself," she giggled. "Now, seeing I'm the only person in a hundred miles who can get that thing off you, I expect a little respect." I gazed at her in horror and she slowly pulled her jeans down before reclining in the office chair. "And the first sign of acceptance and respect, Bill, is for you to show me what you can do with that mouth of yours." Slowly, I got off the bench and knelt in front of her as she spread her legs, her white panties all ready visibly wet. Slowly, I lowered my face and felt her fingers in my hair as my tongue began its exploration. "Think I'm going to like this," she murmured, pulling my face closer. ( All my stories are archived at As always, interested in your comments (