Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This story is intended for the enjoyment of adults over the age of 18 or whatever the legal age is in your part of the universe. It contains fantasy scenes of graphic sexual activity. Please, if you are under the age of 18, or if you may be offended by such material, use your intelligence and read no further - delete the file. Otherwise ....enjoy! Hopelessly Helpless Revenge (Sequel to Hopelessly Helpless) By Nessus CB FD (Part 1) Life had changed, somehow I had lost complete control and my carefree, perhaps careless, life had altered dramatically. It's been a week since that life changing moment when I was tied to the dining table, penetrated and then casually milked by my wife. Immediately after she released me, Jenny had given me the key to the chastity tube and told me to return it to the dressing table. "Perhaps you want to gamble and see if you can get it off?" Jenny had taunted but I simply shook my head and took the key. When I came back down, she was sprawled on the sofa, legs spread and her panties a puddle of black lace on the floor beside her. I didn't need explicit instructions and knelt to begin worshipping her pussy which was all ready wet and glistening. Using my tongue, I delicately weaved my new skills around her pussy and she began to moan softly. Encouraged, I used my finger to stroke her clit and was surprised when she pushed my hand away. "No," Jenny said sharply, "don't use your hands! You only get to use your mouth and your face." It became almost a daily ritual for the rest of the week. In the morning I would kiss her goodbye in the way she demanded, on my knees and my lips pressed against her panties. I would greet her the same way when I returned. I felt humiliated and aroused each time I did it and I knew Jenny was playing with my mind, conditioning me, but I couldn't resist. Evenings would see me lying between her legs and using my mouth to bring her to orgasm while my poor imprisoned cock would strain and pulse in the chastity tube. Of course, this increased my arousal every time I submitted to her and in a strange way I was even deriving enjoyment, although it kept pushing me deeper and deeper into frustration. I sold a new Porcshe on Friday, to a customer that had been thinking about it for a month and I used every ounce of my sales skills to close him. Andy was delighted and I frantically searched my files for another customer, as I needed one more sale before I got to come. It was late when I finally drove into the driveway, elated I had sold one car and now had a hot lead for another with an appointment tomorrow to show the prospect the new model. If all went well, I could be enjoying relief tomorrow night. Jenny was dressed in a simple black dress with black hose, a sign she was going out and I felt a slight pang of jealousy. Dutifully, I knelt and, as I wasn't allowed to touch her, she casually lifted her dress for me. I gasped in shock when I saw she wasn't wearing any panties under her pantyhose, her pussy plainly visible through the sheer black nylon mesh. "Brian will get a surprise, won't he?" Jenny giggled, watching me gently kiss her pussy through the pantyhose, her musky aroma washing over me. "He will be so surprised when he slides his hand up my dress and finds nothing but pantyhose." Again, I felt pangs of jealously as I knew another man would be able to touch my wife, a pleasure that was now denied to me. Of course, Jenny had told me she would not allow any other man to kiss her like I now did although I no longer was allowed to kiss her mouth. I suspected that was reserved for other men. She smoothed her dress. "I'll be back late. The list for the supermarket is on the kitchen table so get that done first thing tomorrow. Have you sold a car yet?" I nodded proudly. "Yes, today. And a hot lead for tomorrow." Jenny smiled and opened the door. "Wonderful. You may get to feel helpless again soon." I thought I heard her laughing softly as she walked to the car and she didn't look back when she drove away. Sighing, I pulled a frozen dinner out of the freezer and wondered what was on television. (Part 2) I fell asleep in front of the television watching a documentary on penguins, figuring there wouldn't be anything in it to arouse me and woke at around midnight. The house was silent and I guessed that Jenny was not yet home. Creeping up the stairs in case, I peeked into her room, our old room and saw the bed was empty. There on the dressing table lay the key to the chastity tube and the little screwdriver necessary to release the locking screws. My hands trembled when I picked up the key wondering if it was worth the gamble. Get the order of the screws right and I would be free of this terrible device, get the order wrong and the chastity tube would be permanent. Sighing, I put the key down and slowly walked down the stairs to the den to a fitful sleep. I woke early on Saturday morning, woken by the pain in my cock as it struggled to get hard and the constant itching of my shaven groin as the stubble started to appear. I picked the grocery list up from the kitchen table and crept upstairs to find Jenny's bedroom door closed. At least she was back, I thought with more pangs of jealousy. I waited and waited at the dealership but my hot lead didn't show and my hope of selling another car started to evaporate. After a few frantic calls I found that he had been called away on business and I felt a little better, at least he had a reasonable excuse and could still be interested. Dejected, I drove to the supermarket, picked up the groceries and went home. Jenny and Carol were seated on the sofa, sipping coffee and talking in hushed voices when I dragged the groceries through the house to the kitchen. "Darling," I heard Jenny call from the other room and a slight giggle from Carol. "Come here and kiss me, dear." Flushing with humiliation, my cock squirming and I stood before Jenny and Carol. Jenny was wearing a short black skirt and she nonchalantly spread her legs while Carol stifled her giggles. Jenny was wearing silky white panties and I kissed them carefully while kneeling in front of her. Carol erupted into laughter and, blushing, I started to stand but Jenny's hand stopped me. "No, darling, stay there," she said and my cock squirmed in the metal tube as I stared at the promising white triangle of her panties. "He likes it down there," Jenny said to Carol. "Don't you, Ray?" Face burning, I nodded while I tried to tear my eyes away from the tight silk stretched across her pussy as my cock pulsed madly in its prison. "When are you moving to stage two?" Carol asked and I wondered what that meant. "Soon. Ray, I need the answer to a question. Is Andy fucking Debbie?" I was stunned, not knowing what to say and I nervously licked my lips. Jenny saw the nervous gesture. "Don't lie to me, Ray," she said sternly. "I don't think you want me to become angry with you." That was the last thing I wanted. "Yes," I croaked. "Yes, he is." Jenny nodded. "I thought so." "Poor Celia," Carol said. "Ray, Carol and I would like some more coffee." Shakily, I got to my feet and Jenny smiled up at me. "I bought you a gift. It's on the kitchen table and you can wear it for us now. Ray," she added as I started to walk away, "did you sell that car?" Miserably, I shook my head. "How unfortunate," Jenny mocked. "Carol wanted to see you helpless. Maybe next week." Trembling with humiliation and desire, I put the percolator on and studied the small parcel wrapped in pink ribbon on the table. I wasn't surprised when I undid the parcel to see a white frilly apron with lace trim around the neck. I had no choice and I slipped it on, struggled for a moment as I tried to do it up at the back until I managed to tie a loose knot. Jenny smiled and Carol stifled giggles when I returned with the coffee. "Very nice, Ray," Jenny said. "Turn around and let us see. Ray, you're supposed to tie a bow so it looks neat and tidy. Carol, could fix that while I pour the coffee?" "Happy to," Carol said and I felt her undo the apron straps and retie them. "There you go, Ray," she breathed in my ear. "A nice big bow." "Very cute," Jenny smiled as she poured coffee into the cups. "Now, put the groceries away while Carol and I have some things to discuss." I stayed in the kitchen doing as Jenny had instructed feeling angry and humiliated but I knew there was nothing I could do as she had me over a barrel. As humiliating as it all was, it was also incredibly arousing. I heard the doorbell ring and more female voices as Jenny answered the door. "Darling," she called and my heart started pounding, "come say hello so you can show our guests your gift." Flushing with embarrassment, I walked in and found Debbie and Celia with Jenny and Carol, all women watching me appraisingly. Debbie appeared a little pale and worried while Celia had a grim look of determination. "Coffee for all of us, dear," Jenny said and, mercifully, I fled the room as all the women giggled softly. As I served the coffee to them, my face flaming, Celia looked me up and down. "Can we see it?" she asked. "Of course," Jenny said, smiling. "Ray, show Celia and Debbie your little chastity thing." My heart pounded and I wished the floor would swallow me up but the look in Jenny's eyes told me not to argue. Sheepishly, I dropped my trousers and my shorts. "Move the apron out of the way," Jenny commanded and I swept it to one side to display my cock locked in the unforgiving metal tube. My face burned as Celia leaned forward to look at it. "He can't get hard?" "No, not unless I let him." Jenny smiled. "Of course, he's become very good at pleasing me. Haven't you, darling?" "Yes," I mumbled. "He'll do anything I say. Tell Celia and Debbie how you kiss me when you go to work and when you come home." I kept my eyes lowered. "I kiss your panties," I mumbled and Celia laughed softly while Debbie chortled into her hands. "It's true," Carol laughed. "I've seen it." "How do I get one?" Celia asked, settling back in the sofa. "I got two off Jock so I have the other right here in my bag," Carol said. "Get dressed, Ray," Jenny said, "and clean the bathrooms, please" Sometime later, Carol and Jenny appeared at the bathroom door and watched me finish cleaning. "I hate doing bathrooms," Carol said to Jenny and she smiled down at me. "Why not take Ray home with you and get him to clean yours? He won't mind. I have to get ready for tennis." Feeling like a servant I followed Carol to her car and drove home with her. Maliciously, she had forbidden me to remove the apron so I travelled dressed like a fool. Inside, I was seething at the humiliation and the embarrassment Jenny had put me through that morning but I showed nothing to Carol because I had attained one vital piece of information. Carol had got the chastity belt from someone called Jock! Carol told me to start on the downstairs bathroom while she relaxed in a bath upstairs so I started work, listening as the tub upstairs filled. When I thought Carol was safely in the bath, I crept upstairs and silently looked in her bag for her address book. My fingers trembled when I retrieved it and I flicked through the names until I finally found Jock Larsen with his city address and phone number. I copied the details onto the back of one of my business cards and crept back downstairs. While I scrubbed, my mind raced as I planned the week ahead. After a while Carol appeared at the door dressed in a pink robe. "Let's see if you've improved since last time," she smiled, pulling her robe apart to reveal her pussy. "I'm sure Jenny won't mind." (Part 3) Jenny had returned from tennis when Carol dropped me off and she had me greet her in the usual way except she suddenly turned around so I ended up kissing her panty covered bottom. She called me upstairs and I found her naked and kneeling on all fours on the bed so when I started licking her upon command, my nose was jammed into her ass. I had no doubt this was the stage two Carol had mentioned. Sunday flew by with Jenny and Carol on some mysterious errand but I guessed that somewhere in the town, poor Andy was about to get his own chastity tube. Andy wasn't at work on Monday and Debbie looked pale and drawn. "They got you to put it on him?" I guessed as she slumped in my cubicle. She nodded and I was surprised to see tears forming in her eyes. "Does it hurt?" she asked in a small voice. "All the time," I said as I watched the tears roll down those lovely cheeks. The sudden realisation came to me that she actually loved Andy and I was suddenly jealous. Tuesday morning, after waiting for Jenny to leave for work, I scooped up the chastity tube key and screwdriver from the dressing table and drove to the city in the Porsche I borrowed from the dealership. The address from Carol's book led me to a small metal design shop and I parked outside. A small man with a shaven head greeted me as I walked in. "Good morning. How can I help you?" "I'm looking for Jock Larsen." He nodded to signal it was he. "I believe you make chastity belts?" . "Perhaps," he said cautiously. "I know you do because my wife put one on me. Her friend Carol got it from you." Larsen grinned at that. "I see. You still got it on?" "Yes and I want it off," I said firmly as I showed him the key and the tiny screwdriver. "You have to show me how." He looked puzzled. "What do you mean? You have the key, unlock it." "This is your special one with the three screws that have to be taken out in order?" I prompted. "Otherwise they fuse and the tube is on forever. You have to tell me the order." Larsen laughed loudly for a moment. "I see. Your wife is fucking with your mind, my friend. Those screws are for decoration. Think about it. For metal to fuse there must be intense heat, chemicals or some other agent." I was astonished and the look on my face must have been priceless! All this time and I could have taken the damn thing off? "A total mind fuck, man," Larsen laughed, shaking his head slowly. "Go in there," he said, pointing at a door," and take it off." My fingers trembled when I inserted the key as I wondered if Larsen was lying. An instant later I knew he wasn't as I gratefully removed the tube. Larsen was waiting for me and he smiled when I walked out. "Now, is there anything else I can help you with?" I smiled. "Yes, I think there is." (Part 4) I was ready when Jenny came home. "Kiss me, darling," she pouted and I knelt as she turned to push her pantyhosed bottom into my face for me to kiss. A little giggle escaped her as I did it and I smiled to myself, as I knew who would be having the last laugh. I was waiting for her when she emerged from her bath, all pink and glowing in her fluffy robe, and I quickly grabbed her from behind, stripped her robe off and wrestled her to the bed where I had all ready placed the handcuffs. I had surprise on my side and weeks of anger and frustration so it didn't take long to overpower her and handcuff her spreadeagled to the bed. Jenny screamed obscenities at me and cursed as I smiled down at her. "You are crazy," she said desperately. "That thing is never going to come off your cock!" I smiled calmly and opened my robe. "Behold," I sneered as my freed cock dangled in front of her and her eyes widened. "Now," I said as I sat down on the bed, "I'm going to shave your pussy. I wouldn't move if I were you." She kept up a stream of cursing as I used the electric clippers to trim her pubic hair back to a thin length. As I casually spread shaving foam over her and started to use the razor, Jenny finally lapsed into silence. Jenny stared down at her now bald mound and pouting lips when I had towelled her clean. "Can we talk about this, honey?" she said quickly her eyes darting back and forth. I laughed as I started playing with her pussy lips and my cock started to swell. "I don't think so. Look at the bedside table." Jenny turned her head and her face paled when she saw needles and rings I had put there earlier. "You do exactly what I say or I'll use that needle to pierce your nipples. A set of rings would look nice. Or," I said grinning at her as I tugged her labia, "perhaps a few rings here or through your clit?" "You wouldn't," she said tremulously and I just smiled as I admired my handiwork, casually slipped my robe off and stood naked next to her face. "Suck me," I said calmly. "If you hurt me, you get it back in spades." Tentatively, she took me in her mouth and started to suck and I smiled down at her as I focused the digital camera. "Look up, honey," I laughed as I took a photo of her face with my cock swelling in her mouth as she sucked. After a few moments of sucking, I couldn't wait and longer and climbed over to ram my cock into her pussy. It felt wonderful as I pushed in and out without caring how it felt to her. Finally, I started to come so I pulled out and sprayed my sperm over her freshly shaven pussy, leaving a trail of cum on her mound and lips. Smiling, I put a large pillow under her head so it held her head up and focused the camera from between her legs. It was a wonderful shot of her bald pussy with cum on it and her face looking down. "Smile or start wondering how your bras going to feel with rings through your nipples." Jenny didn't need any prompting and smiled until the camera flashed. "Where is that photo you took of me?" I asked. "Don't lie to me," I warned. "It's in the document folder. Please let me go, you've had your fun." I laughed. "Not nearly enough. Don't go away." I strolled naked to the computer, found the photo and deleted it. It took me about half an hour to pack my stuff and to make a phone call. "Hello," Andy whispered. "Andy, this is Ray. They put it on you, right?" "Yes and Celia's gone out with some young guy. This is terrible but I guess you know that." "I did and now I'm out. Listen to me Andy and listen carefully if you want to get out of that thing. You have the key and the screwdriver?" "Yes," he said in a small voice. "I couldn't risk trying it." "I know but I know how to do it. I want you to pack a few things and book into a motel where they won't find you. Once they know I'm out of that thing they'll take the key away from you. Go into the dealership and transfer the ownership of the Porsche I'm driving to me." "What! I'm not doing that!" "Well, figure how to get out of it yourself. See you around." "No wait. I'll do it." "Thought you might. Courier the forms to my brothers. You'll find his address in my personal file. When they arrive, I'll call you on your cell phone to tell you how to get it off." "Ok," he said in a small voice. I smiled as I walked back into the bedroom with my bag of tricks I had bought from Larsen and Jenny turned to look at me, a frightened look in her eyes. "Now for some more fun," I said as I sat on the edge of the bed next to her pussy. "What are you going to do?" she asked tearfully. "I have decided I want a divorce after all and those photos should make our settlement fair and reasonable, don't you think?" She nodded cautiously. "Good and look what I've got," I laughed as I held up the metal female chastity belt and her eyes widened in shock. "This has gone far enough," she said brokenly. "No," I laughed, "not far enough." I held up the two small battery powered vibrators and waved them in front of her eyes. Whistling softly, I greased her ass and started to force the smaller vibrator in. Of course, she tried to resist but it was no use and, her face contorted in a grimace, she had no choice but to accept the intruder up her ass. I greased her pussy and slipped the vibrator in, it went in easily and I was done. "How does that feel?' I laughed. "A little full?' "You bastard,' she hissed and I laughed again. I slipped the chastity belt around her and just before I fastened it, I switched both vibrators on, then locked the chastity belt shut with three hardened-steel padlocks. I stood and waved my hard cock in front of her face. "Suck time again and don't piss me off as I can still pierce your nipples." Dutifully, she licked and sucked me until I came and I splattered my cum over her face. "Don't rub it off," I warned as I took another photo. I left her alone with both vibrators working hard in her pussy and her ass, locked in with the chastity belt. As I got dressed and packed a few more things into my bag, I felt a real sense of freedom. The sound of the buzzing vibrators was slightly muffled but I could hear them as Jenny lay twisting and turning on the bed. "Having fun?" I laughed and held up a bunch of keys. "Let me loose, please!" she begged, tears streaming down her face. "Not yet. I'll call Carol or maybe Brian to come over to free you. I'll tell them to bring a metal grinder or bolt cutters as those padlocks are pretty tough. "You'll be wallowing in your own filth by then and you wont be using that pussy of yours for a while but you'll get over it." The cum was still on her face so I kissed her gently on the nose. "I'll get my lawyers to contact you and I know we will have a reasonable divorce," I said smirking. "Have a great life." "Ray!" she called hoarsely as I walked out but I didn't turn back. I gunned the Porsche down the highway, stopping only to throw the chastity tube and the bunch of keys into the river. It was going to be fun driving through the night to my brothers as I began my new life. When the sunrise broke over the horizon, I punched Carol's number into the cell phone. "Hello?" she sleepily answered. "Good morning, Carol," I said heartily. "It's a great day." "Who is this?" she snapped. "Guess," I laughed. "You arranged for my cock to go into a chastity tube." "Ray?" "Yep. I'm leaving and Jenny and I are getting a divorce. You might want to rush over as she's been fucked by two vibrating dildos for about six hours now." "What! What do you mean?" "Hurry. By the way, you'd better get Brian to go with you as you'll need a man to use the bolt cutters or metal grinder to get her out of the chastity belt. Have fun," I laughed evilly and hung up. Revenge is an undervalued emotion. ( All my stories are archived at As always, interested in your comments