Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This story is intended for the enjoyment of adults over the age of 18 or whatever the legal age is in your part of the universe. It contains fantasy scenes of graphic sexual activity. Please, if you are under the age of 18, or if you will be offended by such material, use your intelligence and read no further - delete file. Otherwise ....enjoy! Restoring the Equilibrium By Nessus FD CB I was slumped in my robe watching baseball on the box when Veronica swirled in. She was dressed to kill in a tight red woollen dress and black hose, her perfume filling the basement.. "I want to inspect my property," she announced, perching on the edge of the sofa, the rasp of the black nylon of her stockings driving me crazy as she sat. Deftly she opened my robe and I gazed miserably at my poor cock confined in the tight metal tube and locking circle around my balls. I sullenly watched her blood red fingernails casually stroke the tube and glanced up to see a a cruel smile on her full red lips. "Not going anywhere," she cooed and stood, adjusting her dress around her hips. "But I'm going out, Simon. To visit a new friend." She giggled and she walked up the stairs as I stared longingly at her full ass in the red wool. It had been three long weeks since Veronica first confined my cock in the tube. Three frustrating weeks without even a hope of an orgasm. And six weeks to go! I was a successful architect running a sole practice from my basement office while Veronica was a lecturer in psychology at a local campus. Life had been good and then I fucked it all up by having a torrid nine-week affair with Julie, Veronica's younger sister. Veronica had been distraught when she discovered it and threatened all sorts of punishments. Then she decided that we should restore the equilibrium (as she put it) by evening the score. I was to go without orgasms for nine weeks as she had while the affair raged and she was to enjoy a fling for nine weeks. It all sounded so simple when she persuaded me to slip my cock into the tube and I watched her lock it shut. "There darling," she smiled. "Nine weeks to go." I moved down to the spare bed next to my office at her suggestion. "You may not be able to stand watching me get dressed, darling" she said sympathetically. Even the memory of her in black lingerie with her full breasts caused a jolt of pain in my cock. I was so so horny. I heard the car pull out and wondered if she was still screwing the young guy from the supermarket. What was his name? Ted? Strangely, because I was so damn horny, not one element of jealousy reared it's head. My imagined images of Veronica and the young guy fucking drove me mad! Desperately, I tried to get involved in the baseball but it was no use. The camera shots of young women in the stands caused my cock to surge. A door slammed. "Simon?" I recognised Julie's voice. "Simon?" she called again, coming down the stairs. "There you are," she said, walking closer but stopped and stared down at my open robe. "My God!" she exclaimed. "It's true! She did it to you? And you let her?" "Leave me alone," I mumbled. "Look at you," she laughed. "I thought you were a real man but you let your wife lock your cock up and hide the key. Jesus, what a wimp!" I ignored her and stared at the blank TV. "She's out with that young stud and you're hiding down here. What's wrong with you?" "We're evening things out. Restoring the equilibrium," I muttered. "Christ, you sound like her! When she told me, I didn't believe it." "It's fair." "No, it's not. You're crazy" "Aren't you cleaning our house twice a week?" I said nastily. "That's different," she said haughtily. "That's blackmail so she won't tell John." Julies husband John, had no idea the affair had occurred and Julie wanted to keep it that way. "Blackmail is ok, is it? Look," I said, not waiting for an answer, "just leave me alone." "How are you going to last nine weeks? You couldn't go two days without sex." "I know," I moaned. "I know." Julie shook her head and walked up the stairs. My eyes were riveted to her legs and she stopped at the top so I could get a glimpse of white panties under her skirt. "You shouldn't look," she smiled. "It just causes pain." She was right and my cock throbbed as she disappeared. It was a long night and I miserably wandered the house, seeking something to distract me. I was sipping a bourbon when Veronica slid through the door, her beautiful face flushed and her long black hair tousled. "Well well," she said, "still up and still in that disgusting robe." I hung my head, trying to ignore her but she stood in front of me, forced my legs apart and stood close to me, her stockings rubbing against my legs as she tilted my face up. Miserably, I stared up at her, my cock throbbing. "Nothing to say to your wife?' she demanded. "Veronica," I whispered as the emotion welled up in me. I was a broken man. "Please," I begged softly. "Please what?" she snapped but I thought I saw a glimmer of triumph in her eyes. "Please let me come," I croaked, tears running from my eyes. "I can't stand it. I really can't," I chocked through my tears. She moved away and smiled at me. "We have a deal, Simon. You know that." I nodded miserably as little sobs escaped me. "But, I will think on it. I may be able to change the rules." There was no dignity left within me and I was broken man, malleable to any suggestion that relief may be forthcoming. "Perhaps you could do all the washing tonight?" I nodded eagerly like a puppy dog and leapt up. "It's up stairs," she said, "and, lose the robe," she added. I dropped the robe on the sofa and sprinted up stairs, naked except for the cock tube. Quickly, I took the laundry hamper to the laundry and started sorting Veronica's clothes. The sight of her filmy under wear jolted my poor cock. She went to bed while I washed and dried all night until I collapsed in my bed. It was late when I woke and fell into the shower. Veronica was waiting for me when I emerged with towel in hand. She was dressed in a short white skirt and blue blouse. "I've thought it over," she said and I stood trembling waiting for the verdict. "I'll let you come, the tube goes on straight after and you get an extra week. Understand?" I nodded eagerly. That means ten weeks instead of the nine but I get to come! She smile and walked up the stairs. "You wait here and I'll get my things." She returend with a bag and told me to stand in front of the bed. Handing me some leg cufffs, she told me to put them on and to lock them. "I don't want you trying to run away when it's over and we're trying to put the tube back on," she smiled. A door opened and closed upstairs. "Veronica?" Julie called and I looked questionally at Veronica. "Down here," she called. "Kneel," she instructed, locking a collar with a chain around my neck when I had done so and the attached chain to the bed. Julie cautiously entered, dressed in a short black dress and black stockings. Veronica patted the bed. "Sit here," she instructed and Julie sat next to her sister, a worried look on her face. "I've always wanted to see you love birds in action. You've done what I said?" she snapped and Julie blushed and nodded. Julie was seated directly in front of me and I looked up at her, marvelling in the sheer nylon covering her long legs. "Do you still want to come?" Veronica teased and I nodded frantically. "Ask?" she snapped. "Please let me come, Veronica," I begged frantically. "And Julie." I blushed but continued. "Please Julie, please let me come." Veronica laughed. "So desperate." She pulled a key from the bag and tossed it to me. "Take it off." I didn't have to be told twice and, fumbling wildly, I removed the tube from my cock. My cock surged into full length and it felt wonderful. "Hard all ready," Veronica mocked. "You're a lucky boy, Simon, I'm going to let you jerk off," she said with a hard smile. "Julie, there's a box of tissues in the bag. Give them to your lover boy." Silently, Julie handed me the Kleenex and I flushed at the realisation that both women were going to watch me masturbate. "Ever seen a guy jerk off?" Veronica asked her sister who silently shook her head. "But you know they jerk off? All the time if you let them. What do you think they look at when they do it?" Julie kept her head down. "Pin ups," she mumbled. "Nude women." "Exactly! Simon, Julie is going to be your pin-up while you jerk off and she's prepared a special surprise for you. Show him," she snapped. Blushing, Julie spread her legs and raised her skirt, displaying her bald pussy framed by the black suspenders and stockings. Veronica had ordered her to shave her pussy! I groaned as I stared at vthe bare pussy and the beautiful pouting lips. "There it is, Simon. And that's as close as you're going to get to any pussy until I say so. Jerk off!" Entranced by the erotic sight in front of me, I tore tissues from the box and gripped my throbbing cock with my hand. I was on the edge immediately after a few short strokes and both women stared at me as I pumped my cock. I couldn't take my eyes from that gorgeous bald pussy as I thrust and pumped until I groaned, shuddered and pumped my come into the tissues. Sweating and exhausted I slumped on the floor before the women "That was quick. I hope you feel it was worth another week. Clean yourself up and lock the tube back on." Weakly, I cleaned myself off and inserted by cock back into the tube, locking it tight. Submissively, I handed the key to Veronica who smiled. "You can always ask for relief, Simon. I'm' always interested in doing deals in the process of restoring the equilibrium." Veronica turned to Julie. "You can put that away now, dear," She laughed loudly as a blushing Julie quickly pulled her skirt down.