OK...This Chapter has "Language" and you might not know what the "bad" words mean. Any good, reasonably complete, Dictionary has the words so you can look them up. However, all book burning and banning societies have eliminated the words in print so you might have to ask your parents (lots of luck with that). It amazes me that Adults with children are offended by the words that describe how said children got here! Not a single one of us is a "Cabbage Patch Kid!" Remember, if you're here, it's on your own hook and I didn't email or call you or even mention this website at a party that your uncle Fred's best friends boss attended. I don't go to parties and I don't know Fred or his best friends boss.
Articles of Faith:

Number One: It is known fact that College Freshmen, male or female, fuck like rabbits at the drop of a hat. You parents who don't believe it are suffering from early onset senility. This is an easy statement for me to make because you've forgotten how your children got to be here. Children are proof of heredity: If your parents didn't have any...you won't either.

Number Two: It is a known fact that the pubescent female of our species is ALWAYS ready for sexual intercourse. Not all contact produces offspring. (a pretty good deal as there are already too many of us)

Number Three: SEX is FUN! Thanks Article Number Two!

Number Four: Mankind will fuck anything with holes. Womankind will fuck anything that remotely resembles an erection regardless of attachments. This statement depends on how recently Articles Number One and Three has occurred. Sex begets more Sex. Satisfactory Sex runs rampant.

Remember Star Trek? The Prime Directive was 'Make no contact with developing species.' Star Trek was fiction. We're insuring the directional development of species. But we're starting early. Each Weekend Lab is a visit to one evolving planet. Each visit is approximately two million years from the previous visitation. Sometimes we go earlier and sometimes later, it depends on the progress of the species. The Process is responsible for our ability to do this. The sole requirement of evolution is viable wombs.

101-W seems to have more positive results than 101-M. I'm not sure why. The transplanted indigenous male fertilized modern female eggs have a higher survival rate than modern male sperm impregnated indigenous female eggs. There are several Ph.D candidates preparing Thesises on this subject...the academic turmoil should be fun!

I never expected the whys and becauses to take up so much time...or alcohol. So, buy me another drink and I'll explain why I'm stuck here and why this particular planet got chosen.

Chapter 5