Not supposed to be here?...Go away!
Surfing the net looking to violate Civil Rights? Go away!
Mind police? Gestapo? SS Trooper? Jack Booted Thug? Go away!!
Religious Fanatic? Nope, don't read this, you won't like it!
The first group of students was pretty diverse. I'm always amazed and sometimes shocked by the systems humanoid species inhabit. Heavy gravity planets produce some superior lifters and movers but the continuous pressure on the brain limits IQ to the 100 to 200 range. Most of the Pre Professional Sports students are from the HG planets. In a 1G situation, a heavy gee woman has a tendency to "bounce"...a lot. Compared to the Airheads the HG students are rocks. As in dumb as. .

Ah...the Airheads, most of the true beauty comes from the light gravity group. Those women have the least competition from gravity so things tend to stay in place and their facial construction is superb. Airhead planets produce IQ's in the 200 to 400 range. The first body wearable personal gravity belt was discovered by an Airhead. They tend to "fly."

The Water Systems produce fantastic swimmers with impressive lungs and great asses. The muscle groups develop in marvelous ways. Water world breasts take some getting used to as they're hollow, full of air and don't "squeeze." That they are equally at home in or out of water is a plus for developing planets with small land masses.

The Ice Planets only supplied students for one class. It seems that native males didn't appreciate frozen pussy.

Jungle worlds have it all over the more "civilized" planets. Native species "slink" and it's a true pleasure to watch a Forester maneuver in a crowded bar. They tend to be tall and slim or short and slim depending on the need to duck or hide. The women are practical rather than super smart. All Foresters are excellent climbers and many have retained the prehensile tale. Oh my...the tail!

Humanoid species from the Sand Planets are really rare. Silica based humanoid forms are pretty weird inside but they try and some genetic modifications work both ways. Sand Chicks are friendly though and most are beautiful but different.

There are no other humanoid forms and that's what we need for the class.

In case you hadn't noticed, most of our visits produce legends of "gods." It's too bad because religion sucks the big one nearly every time. You hear about "second coming" and the "Return of" and other nonsense. As the visitations produce smart people the dumb ones, the majority by the way, tend to isolate and even punish difference.

Trash talk about "Flying Saucers" is just that...the Process is invisible. But we do "capture" the females and stories about taken and returned people is pretty much true. The way it actually works: Zip in, unzip, do our part, zip up, see the Medtech, transplant, and zip out. We'll be back next Friday. It's only a week at the University but it's a couple of million years on planet. You see, we feel we've done our part with the breeding modifications, the protecting is done by the "Watchers" and they don't start until the forth mod. After the fifth trip the modified are enough different that they start pushing, spreading out and breeding with themselves. The modified females become very valuable as mates: They can think. The first hand tool was "invented" by one of ours. A sharp edge makes cutting anything easier. One of the things we found is that safety situations change as the indigenous ... become more intelligent.

Chapter 7