Well...they're the savages the Catholics had stolen the land from in the first place, so they don't count.

Where were we? Oh. Isabella Gonzalez, Madam President. The Second Amendment. Pedro Gonzales. Wolf Television. The Facts. We did that.

The Mexicans did the jobs no one else wanted. Housekeeping, gardening, cooking, washing, garment workers, kitchen help, migrant laborers. They did the jobs well. They did the jobs cheap. They were grateful for the work. They did the jobs so well the WASP's stopped noticing them. They were part of the background of things. A man could drive down any country road and never notice the Mexican with the hoe or the fruit basket. Always there, going about their business, unnoticed, unwatched, uncomplaining. A trickle of them. A few here, a few there, soon small-town America had a few undocumented aliens. Just a few. They didn't cause trouble. The police knew they were there...the Chief of police and the Mayor had sisters doing the laundry and cousins working the flower garden and washing their private cars. Unobtrusive: They lived in houses on the skirts, shacks, really. As the towns expanded, eating up farmland, the Mexicans moved into the migrant shacks where their ancestors lived while doing the farm work no American wanted. Their women were beautiful, exotic, raven-haired charmers always ready with a smile, and oh so different from the frozen German blonds. Even the mothers were svelte, swivel hipped, and hot. Just a few, but everywhere.

They popped out babies right and left, the babies soon started school and they did ...not superior performance like the Chinese...but good enough to keep the WASP's in the lead. The boys were handsome, not too tall, not too short, never fat and always courteous. Charmers, like their mothers. Since Dad was deported every few years and it took a while for him to get back, Mom raised the kids. The mother may be illegal but she was the mother of American citizens so she stayed...and she worked. Barmaid, dishwasher, hotel maid, jobs no WASP wanted. She supported the family and she was no burden on society.

The daughters...oh my, the daughters. They were smarter than their mothers. They had a better childhood and they ate better food as children. Because of the better diet, they were taller than mom, and much better developed...the German boys noticed. The German ice blonds were BIG, they had BIG parents, they took up room in the schools, and they weren't all that smart. Besides, the big German girls weren't going to fuck, that's for marriage.

The Mexican chicas, that's a different tale. This is a conspiracy, promoted by the Priests, remember? How do you distract the boys? With girls...babes...exotic, tiny, shy, with hot latin blood. The wealthy German farmers told the local law, "Leave the Mexicans alone, our boys need the experience. Let them get the heat out." Eventually they'll be marrying the ice blonds because it's their duty, and Germans know DUTY. And, eventually, that's what the German boys did. Married the icicles...and kept their latin girlfriends, who became mistresses, and got pregnant, and had little mexican-american babies.

After a few generations there were too many good German boys and not enough farm. Some didn't like farming. Some were smart and went to college. They became Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, Educators and politicians. Some decided they'd like a trade. Plumbers, well-drillers, heat and air, heavy equipment, manufacturing, military, wagon builders, blacksmiths and as the century progressed, so did they. Events occurred, as events do, and the day came that the German plumber needed a ditch dug and his crew had the flu...he hired a Mexican. It was an excellent job. The grade was "perfect" and the Mexican fellow got a permanent job as a plumbers helper.

He learned. One day, his Mexican neighbor needed a plumber. A deal was struck, hands were shook, and the plumbers helper did the job. Soon he was so busy plumbing in Spanish-town on weekends and after work that he had to quit his German boss so he could do what he had to do. But he recommended his nephew as the fella to dig ditches for the German businessman.

This happened in all the trades.

Then the State realized that there was enough shoddy work being done in the plumbing business that they decided it was necessary to pass some laws and make the plumbers take master and journeyman tests. The tests were in English. The Mexicans passed, the Germans didn't. So...those plumbers who were already in business were grandfathered in, but from that day forward, everyone new in the business had to pass the master and journeyman tests. In ALL the trades. The Mexicans did very well, and they only hired Mexicans.

Telephones arrived on the scene. Some of the operators were Mable, Helga, and Louise...but some were Rose, Bella, and Margaret. Helga transferred calls asking for plumbing help to her German uncle...Isabella placed the same kind of calls to Hectors Plumbing. The Mexican contingent bloomed.

Then came Telephone Books, Dial Phones, and the end of the local operator. Now you got "Information", Rose got those calls and she knew everything....Mexican.

Prohibition! Due to a series of really bad judgement calls, the Nation went dry. Alcohol is a depressant, and a braincell destroyer. People drink to ease their lot in life, and sometimes they get a little too depressed and decide they're as good as the next guy...the next guy being the rich mans son who drove drunk and killed the drinker's kid in a hit and run, and either went to court and bought his way out of it or happened to be the cousin of the cop and never got charged...Justice has a bad habit of protecting the money. People began to notice the rich kids got away with things. Well...what do you know, Hector of Hectors Plumbing, has a kid, and he's driving a rich mans car. Because of Prohibition, Cannabis reared it's head. The Whiskey people were still under the BAN and pot was cheap, but Mexican. Whites started smoking it, Blacks did too. It wasn't expensive and it was pretty weak, the smokers caused no trouble and a good time was had until...Prohibition was repealed. Alcohol was White, European, Protestant, and taxable. Pot grew in every ditch and along every train track and it was cheap and un-taxable...and it was catholic. (check the dictionary)

Ships were becoming more and more steam powered and the need for hemp rope became less and less. Alcohol was legal now but there were still an enormous number of people who would rather get high. The FED was influenced (bribed) by the alcohol industry to make cannabis illegal.

Next came the Trouble. The Zoot Suiter. The Zoots were classy dressers but they weren't the CLASSY of the WASP's. At first they were Mexican, and a lot of them were border illegals, in town for a little fun and a break from the labor of the fields. Instead of buying a car that they couldn't take to Mexico, they bought clothes. Nice clothes. They had natural latin rhythm and they could dance.

Oh my, they could jitterbug. The way to a high school girl's panties was through her feet. After a while, there were more Mexican/American babies. It wasn't just the "bad" girls having them...some of the mothers were the rich Anglo kids. There were places where that brought down the wrath of fathers... remember Colorado? That's where this all started. Eastern Colorado reacted.

The reaction wasn't as overt as the KKK in the deep south, but it was just as deadly. Illegal border-crossers, "wetbacks", started to go "missing" and the authorities didn't go looking. What did you expect...they were going to sit and take it?