"That carpet is something else."

"You guys are early," accused the Cheese.

"Early?" panted the lead scout, "It looks like we're just in time."

"Well, yeah," laughed Cheese, "for the party, but you're a couple of hundred years too soon for us."

"Oh, I don't know what that means, we got here as soon as we could."


"You want to introduce us around." Eying the white chick with the marvelous boobs, the scout said, "that is a fine looking woman, does her husband share?"

"Chione, come greet a guest." The Cheese whispered in her ear, she grinned, and grabbed the scout by the hand, "Come with me, let's dance," as she rubbed her hip on his crotch. The scout and Chione made almost a full lap around the dance when she grabbed him by the loincloth and led him to her tipi.

The Cheese started talking to the second scout. "Nice party," said the scout.

"You should have been here for the hotpool," Cheese grinned, "and the blowjob contest." The second scout was visibly shaken.

Auntie Beck danced by and the Cheese pulled her out of the line. He whispered in her ear. She smiled, then nodded as she eyed the scout, and pulled the man into the dance. She leaned into the man and said, "I won."

"Won what?"

"The blowjob contest." Auntie Beck giggled as the scout suddenly had a hard time dancing. "You should let me fix that problem for you." She took him to her tipi, "Carol! I've got a live one here, wanna help?"

"That's two," the Cheese looked around for the other scouts but Bill, Kurt and Jimmy had them over by a tipi, passing the bong.

'Ah, yes,' thought Cheese, 'promising, promising. This'll work.'

"How's it going, sweetie," asked Jo. "I see we've begun."

"Yup, let's go talk to Two Voices."

"We'll talk to her after the party and the Red Tent. You and I have a bear skin to try out." Jo grinned, "we have to keep them here long enough to infect them with our kind of fun."

In the morning, the lead scout cornered the Cheese, "That was great fun last night. You have potent tobacco and fine women. Are you the Chief?"

"Nope, she's in the Red Tent."

"Your Chief is a woman?"

"Yes. She was furious when we chose her."

"Ah, Smart tribe. Never give a high position to one who wants it."

"She actually swore she'd get even with everyone who voted for her."

"How many did she get?"

"All of them. It was unanimous."

"She get even yet?"

"Nope, I'm waiting for it though, I nominated her."

"Oooo! Watch out."

"It's worse than that, she's my wife."

"Oh Shit! You're fucked."

"She's hoping I'll go to sleep first."

"Don't do that, she'll get you in the night."

"Yeah, I know."

"So...the little goddess, the flying one. Does she stay with you always?"

"She's no goddess. Little demon more like! she's Carols daughter, Lori."


"She was with your number two scout last night. She doubled up with Auntie Beck"

"Carol is a Goddess?"

"No, she's a mom. Lori's mom. Lori is just a kid."

"Goddess is goddess, no matter how old."

"She's still learning about people. We're teaching her how to be one of the people."

"Who is teaching her?"

"We all are, Jo especially."

"It takes a god to teach a goddess. Jo doesn't act like a god."

"Hush, she's just a woman."

From the Red Tent a voice spoke, "I heard that!"

"Ooooo...she's got good hearing."

"She's got good eyesight too." The Cheese flipped the bird in the direction of the tipi

"I saw that," shouted Jo.

"You sure she's not a god?"

"I'm getting less sure by the minute!"

Jo hollered, "I heard that, there's hope for you yet!"

"Well, you ready to introduce me to your tribe?"

"Do we have to? I like it here." The scout whispered in The Cheeses ear, "the wife is there."

"The women are going to be in the Red Tent for the next 4 days," the Cheese explained.

"ALL the women are in the Red Tent?" The scout freaked. "At the same time?"


"How did you manage that?"

"Just lucky, I guess. Lori will be watching for them. She's the last virgin we have, except for the babies."

"What happened to the ten year old girls?"

"Ten year old boys."

"Ten year old boys aren't interested in girls."

"Sure they are, you don't give them the opportunity," the Cheese paused, "I'll bet you keep them busy from morning to night."

"Yeah, they have so much to learn to survive"

"We have a helper for the survival part." The Cheese pointed at the top of the cliff. "You met Two Voices last night."

"I guess," said the Scout. "If one can meet a voice."

"When I met He/she I was fishing with Kurt," the Cheese noticed the scout looked confused, "the really tall guy with the big cock."

"Oh, THAT guy. Does he make everyone feel small?"

"Yup. We were just goofing off, fishing in a puddle not big enough for a minnow, when this thing showed up in front of us and a voice said, 'Lab Rats' and we were here, but a many days journey north and east of here."

"Now I'm really confused," said the Scout.

"You should have been with me when it happened if you want confusion!" exclaimed the Cheese. "Two Voices wouldn't tell me why He/she did it."

"I tell you what," said the Scout. "Let's go meet my tribe and you can explain it to the Chief. It is many days journey."

"We'll take the carpet."

"I was afraid you'd say that."