In The Dark, Chapter 6


By Oliver Winslet. A boy, two girls, a mom, and several others get together for late night adventures. mf, mff, mF, mFf, mFff, MF, MFF, M+F+f, mFFff, Mf, teen, voy, exhib, harem, public sex, caught


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Author's Note


This is a story meant for adult reading, only. If you are under eighteen or whatever the minimum legal age is in your jurisdiction, if you find reading stories containing graphic representations of sexual acts offending, or if reading such literature is illegal where you are, leave right now.



Chapter 6


I was asleep when I felt the finger in the ribs to wake me up thing happening again. I looked up to see an already naked Marene sitting on the extra cot, looking at me. She was a beautiful sight and oh, how much I loved her. There was love in her eyes, too. I had no idea how I had become so lucky.


I reached over and guided her onto my lap and began kissing and fondling her. Her nipples became hard from my rolling them between my fingers, her pussy began drooling girl juice on my lap from my attention to her nipples and our kisses, and I was already hard as stone. We could have spent the night, right there in the tent, fucking, but I felt it would be more fun and more arousing to take our walk. I whispered to her, “Come on, let's take our walk. The danger will make the fucking better.” She whispered back, “I guess you're right. Besides, the night's not over until we wash in somebody's water hose!” I whispered to her again, “Let's use Joanne's hose, and when we are finished we can squirt her again when we are ready to leave. It's crazy, but it would let her see how much fun we are having without giving away all that we are doing.” “OK, Let's do it.” And, once again holding hands, we headed for Elizabeth Street,


We decided to retrace last night's route, since (we decided) the golf course would be easier for Joanne on her first excursion tomorrow night. When we got to Joanne's I thought of something we could try that might work since she is tall and so long legged. I whispered, “Let's see if something I thought of will work while we are walking. If it works, I think you'll really like it. Don't say anything, just let me do it to you.” She nodded, I let go of her hand, moved behind her, bent slightly and slid my cock between her legs and into her pussy. “Now, let's see if we can walk this way without it being too uncomfortable. We'll have to walk in step. If it works, it can be the first thing we do tomorrow night that will let Joanne discover we are having a little more fun than she expected. Now, move.” She started, and I put my hands on her tits to keep us close together.


The effect was amazing. We were able to walk almost normally while at the same time my dick was being massaged by her pussy lips sliding back and forth with each step she took. In much the same way my dick was massaging her pussy by gently sliding in and out a little ways with each step. She was walking sort of on tiptoes with her back arched so her butt would stick out to make sure we kept the cunt/cock contact, but she seemed OK with it. I whispered in her ear, “Let's keep practicing this until we can make it look like we're not fucking and walking at the same time! OK?” She muttered something in reply that I didn't understand, but she kept on walking. It was getting easier by the second. The contact got her  back into her vibrations, with a low-grade, continuous orgasm. That benefited me with those constant, orgasmic, pussy contractions. I was in heaven.


One thing I had done on each excursion was to look for places to become invisible if a car should come by with the possibility of our being exposed by headlights. There were azalea bushes, low hedges, some really huge water oaks, and other landscape things that would work. It was even possible to duck into the side yard of one of the houses, if that was the only alternative. I thought it would be fun to practice getting into hiding, so I whispered to Marene, “Find a place where we could hide if a car were to come by, and we'll practice hiding and still keeping ourselves together. Do you think you can run with us hooked up like this?” she whispered back, “Let's try running first. I'll start trotting and you see if you can keep up.” “OK.”


We were nearing the streetlight near the tennis courts. The light was an obvious place to try running. We were getting pretty good at walking, linked up together. Neither of us seemed to be getting very tired, which was also pretty good. It looked like we could keep this up for a while. Marene began picking up speed, and I was able to match her strides and still stay inside of her. Faster also meant more stimulation, which accelerated Marene's vibrations and my pleasure. Her skills as a contortionist were now a big help since she had further curved her back so that her pussy was almost straight up and down, keeping me firmly planted in her cunt.


She broke into a slow jog, and I had no trouble keeping up with her. She continued speeding up until she was in a pretty fast run. The sensations in my crotch were incredible. I'll bet her pussy was very happy, too. Her continuing orgasm had advanced a lot and she was vibrating, quivering, shaking, having muscle spasms in her cunt (which I appreciated), and doing her best to keep her voice down. She led me to the swings, again, backing  us up until one of the swings hit me in the butt, and I sat down, still connected. She grabbed the chains in her hands and gave a pretty good kick to get us swinging.


Still plugged-in to her cunt and holding her tits, I helped her increase the height we were swinging. I thought of something that might create a really climactic moment (pun intended), if neither of us were hurt. I had always liked to jump out of the swing when it was a the top of the front arc. The brief second or two of weightlessness and the collision with the ground at the end had always given me a big rush. On the next swing forward I whispered into Marene's ear, “Let go!” And, she did. We went sailing through the air, still connected by my dick in her pussy. We landed in a heap, still hooked up, and with me on my back and her mostly sitting up on my cock, facing away from me. At the instant of our landing, I shot off into her cunt and her almost eternal orgasm intensified even more. Once again it seemed as though I had poured a gallon of jism into her pussy. It and girl cum were running out of her onto my lap and balls in big quantities. It was really intense.


My dick decided it like things as they were and stayed mostly hard. In between puffing and panting, she gaspingly whispered, “Let's try to stay together when we get up.” “Good idea. Try to bring your legs back under you and I'll sit up and try to do the same thing. Then lean forward a little bit to get your balance and we'll try to lift up,” I replied. She followed my instructions, and we were actually able to shakily make it to our feet. “She said,” Let's try to stay this way until we get back to Joanne's. When we are clean, let's hookup again before we splash her. Then she'll get a hint as to some of the things we do as we run away from her home.” I agreed that it would be a real thrill to be fucking as we ran from her house with her looking at us, although it would be hard for her to actually see that we were connected. And since we would be running, she would probably believe I was just close to you as we ran off.


We had not been gone long, so we decided to continue our route, maybe extending it a bit, before going to Joanne's to clean up. We crossed under the streetlight at the front of the school and on down the sidewalk to the lake. Marene surprised me when she said, “Let's go across the causeway. All of that light will make it really exciting.” I said, “Are you sure? It's pretty risky. You know there's no place to hide if a car comes by. We could be caught pretty easily.” She answered, "I don't care. I'm cumming pretty good right now, and the danger will just make it better." I said, “OK, if you want to take the risk, Let's do it."


Marene checked the street for obvious headlights and didn't see any, so she started across to the causeway and sped up to a fairly fast jog. Now, it was a couple hundred yards across the causeway, and there was no cover we could take if a car came along, not to mention that there were a dozen or so lights that would expose us to anyone who might be looking out a window or were out in their yards for some reason. It was just plain scary! Once we were under the lights, we were committed to finish. So we just jogged on. My cock had gone from hard to concrete hard and Marene's everlasting orgasm was in overdrive. The muscle spasms around my cock were amazing. I'm not sure how she could keep running as strong as her cumming had become, but she did. Just as we cleared the last light, but while we were still clearly visible, a car turned out of a side street headed in our direction. We were still outside the range of the headlights, but clearly backlit by the streetlights. We made it to the one house before the first side street after the causeway, and Marene turned us into the driveway and behind a car parked outside the garage. The car crossing the causeway passed by, apparently, without seeing us.


I confess, I shot off into Marene, again, another huge load. She stood there moving with all kinds of erratic motions from the greatly heightened power of the crazy, seemingly perpetual orgasm of hers. Her fluids and mine were literally cascading down our legs, but we were still linked together at the groin. We left the driveway and turned right onto the side street. It was residential, with big, expensive houses along the lake side and smaller ones across the way, across a sort of land island on another street on the other side. We started along the sidewalk to the next street so we could head back home, when it became very clear that we may have a problem.


It was Friday night, and we hadn't considered the likelihood that there might be parties that were going on well into the morning. We realized there was a party in progress at the third house on the block. The music was playing quietly, and there were voices that we could make out from the softly lit back yard. The party goers sounded fairly young, perhaps high school or college kids. Thinking they might be more tolerant of our circumstances than adults, we decided to risk going past them. We approached the party house, slowly, trying to see if anyone was in the front yard. As we got close, we saw a couple of half dressed kids making out on the front lawn and another couple that were as bare assed as we were. We quietly walked by, hoping not to be seen.


Apparently, they were so wrapped up in their own sex acts that they didn't notice us. It was clear that they didn't expect anyone to walk by at that time of night. We made it to the next corner, crossing the street to the side away from the lake, since there was a sidewalk there, and a few very large homes. One of them could be classified as a mansion. As we walked past the mansion another car came into sight. It had crossed the causeway and was headed in our direction. We were almost to a split in the road, but there was a house in the split with a two huge oak trees and a small hedge a couple of feet from the sidewalk. It was less than two feet high, so if we ducked behind it while still hooked up, whoever was on top would probably stick up into the headlight beams, and we would probably get caught. The trees were large enough to hide behind, but we would have to move around whichever one we got behind to stay away from the lights as the car came by.


Marene elected the tree that was closest to the side street where we were. After all she had me by the dick, and I would most likely follow her anywhere. She got us there just before we came into headlight range. The car was moving at a slow speed as it went by on the street we had just left. Marene kept moving around the tree, keeping away from the headlights. A spotlight came on on the drivers side of the car, thankfully aimed at the lake side of the street. As it got safely past us, the moonlight let us make out the blue and white markings of a city police car. It continued down the street, turning left at the intersection. If they were looking for us, they might find someone else to lay the blame on for our nude escapades in the front yard of the house with the party. We'd both make a point of checking the morning Sentinel and the afternoon Star tomorrow and Sunday for anything about indecent exposure arrests.


We slipped out from behind the tree and, still connected and dripping our juices down our legs, we jogged across the street and up the first side street that led away from the lake and toward home. It was about four blocks to Princeton Avenue, and when we got there, we realized we were a block away from Elizabeth street on one of the busiest streets in north Orlando. We actually ran that block diagonally across Princeton, literally in the middle of the road. Again, if I didn't want to break my connection with Marene, I had little choice but to follow.


We darted across the intersection and onto the relative safety of the school grounds. Marene slowed to a stop, panting from the exertion and continuing to quiver from her semi-permanent orgasm. And, yes, I was panting too. Even so, I was back to stone hard and felt the need to shoot off another time into Marene's very receptive pussy. As we got our breath back and started walking toward Joanne's house for a very much needed rinse. I tightened my grip on Marene's lovely tits and made sure to stimulate her very engorged nipples. She began changing her hip movement, increasing the friction between her pussy and my dick. As we crossed under the streetlight, she bent forward and put her hands on the ground. She whispered in and almost too loud voice, “Come in me!” I guessed it was getting close to four o'clock, and we were almost at the time for the paper boys and milkmen to start their routes, but that just added to the excitement. I went into full pound her ass mode, making a lot of fairly loud slapping noise and finally unloaded again, right there the middle of an intersection under the streetlight. Speak about exposure. The amount of jism I shot was a little smaller, but it still felt like a lot.


The moon was almost set and I didn't want to be out at sunrise, so I lifted my quivering pussy-girl back up, reattached my hands to her tits and aimed her toward Joanne's house. We got there about five minutes later. I had told her to not say a word when we got there, but she could giggle when we ran away. The plan was to get to the house, quietly turn on the water, do all of our washing with as little noise as possible, including a thorough pussy wash, just in case some of my sperm had gotten close to making her pregnant, and hook back up. When we were connected again, we would get close to the faucet where I could turn it off right after she had squirted Joanne through her window. Then we would make a connected run off to the tent. She was reminded that she was allowed to giggle as we ran away, like we were actually getting away with something, rather than planning to have Joanne see us.


And that's pretty much the way it went. To keep things quiet, we didn't spray the water at anything. I turned the water on all the way for the pussy wash, because I thought more volume was important as well as was doing it longer. When we reconnected, we hadn't thought about having washed out all of our juices from her cunt, so it took a little while to do it, but we were much more firmly attached with her pussy less slick. She shot the water through the window, I turned off the water, and we took off running to the tent, with her giggling a bit too loudly.