The Sharing Family 06 (multi: mfmf, group; MFmmff, group, incest, cons,
oral, solo) By Paco Svengali
Rev 04.02.2004: Third party editing and formating.
Rev 12.01.2006: Formating

Synopsis of The Sharing Family
   Paul and Laurel had accomplished what they set out to do.  It was now
Sunday night and their son and daughter had spent a successful weekend of
sucking and fucking the other members of the swinger's club.  The two teens
were the first of the new generation to join the club that their parents

   The night before their son and daughter, Brian and Jennifer, put on a
sex exhibition that made their mother and father proud.  Following their
exhibition, the teens passed around and were passed around to the other
members, enjoying the new life style that their parents introduced them to.
The whole event continued through the next day and into late Sunday

   Chapter 14 - Expanding the Circle (mfmf, group)

   Jackie said, "Speaking of fucking, which is always a great subject, do
you have any idea of how to get some of your young friends into the group,
especially those whose parents already belong?"

   "I don't get it.  What's the problem, Aunt Jackie?" said Brian as he lay
on the lawn trying to regain his strength.  He didn't have a stitch of
clothes on.  He just laid there on his side, his greasy dick hanging.  He
had just been the centerpiece in a four-way.  While he was eating out his
Aunt Jackie's asshole, Marge had sucked Jackie off until she came.  Not one
to be left out, Marie rode Brian's cock until the two of them exploded in
an orgasm.

   Jackie, Marge and Brian remained behind on the lawn near the pool while
Marie had gone into the house with the idea of taking a shower.  Jackie was
Brian's aunt and a long-time member of the swinging club.  Along with his
Uncle John and his parents, Aunt Jackie was into group sex, going all the
way back to their college days.

   The same for Marge and her husband, Chuck.  She and Brian's mother,
Laurel, had grown up together.  Chuck and Marge were charter members of the
swinging club.

   Looking at the two naked women, he waited for Jackie's response.

   "Well we've been talking for some months now on how to expand the
membership, especially to the kids of the current members," continued
Jackie.  "We're not too sure of how to approach them without causing a
disaster, if you know what I mean.  After all, how do you get your daughter
into bed with someone when she's a virgin?  How do you approach your own
child about a swinging life style with them?"

   "Okay you guys, enough of this talking, I want to see some action from
the two of you."

   The three looked over to see Paul, Laurel and Jennifer approaching them.
Realizing that it was getting late and that they were had better think
about getting home, Paul and Laurel went looking for their son and
daughter. After they found Jennifer who was just finishing sucking Del off,
the three came out to the pool where they found Brian, Marge and Jackie
talking together.

   Brian looked over to his parents and smiled.  The parents were arm in
arm, and all three were naked.  Laurel was about 5' 4", slim-waisted with
two beautiful breasts, each crowned with nipples the size of an eraser
head. Her tits were firm, without the sag that sometimes comes from having
children.  Her legs were long and beautifully proportioned.  Where they
came together, there wasn't a hair to be found.  Laurel shaved her pussy.
Her ass was nice and tight, and made for pinching and stroking.  Laurel had
a beautiful face, crowned by natural blond hair.  There wasn't a man who
met her that didn't dream of what it would be to fuck her.  What they
didn't know was that their dream was easier to fulfill than they would have
thought.  Paul was a perfect fit for his wife.  He was a bit taller than
his wife, with a solid body and flat stomach.  Hanging down between his
legs was a well-known cock.  It wasn't that it was too big or too fat.  It
was that Paul knew how to use it and use it he did, much to the delight of
many of the female club members.

   Jennifer was just like her mother except that she hadn't shaved her
pussy.  She was a year younger than Brian who was 18 years old.  Jennifer
had her mother's looks and body.  It was now about a month ago that the two
of them began an incestuous relationship that was soon included their

   Looking at the approaching group, Brian smiled when he noticed that the
women were slightly 'used'.  They both had cum streaks on their thighs and
mons, and Jennifer looked like she had some on her face and hair.  Brian
knew his sister knew how to get a guy off.

   "Go on with what you guys were saying," said Paul as the three joined
the rest of the group on the lawn.  "We've been around and around on this
thing, so maybe you two kids can help us on it.  How do we get the younger
generation into the club?"

   "Well," began Jennifer, "as they say, let's start at the beginning.  Who
says that they're all as innocent as you're thinking?"

   The adults were caught a little off guard.

   "Well you mentioned virgins," she continued.

   "Virgins?  Did I hear someone mention virgins?"

   Turning the group saw John and Chuck approaching.

   "Glad you guys showed up," said Laurel as she looked at her brother. 
Damn, she thought, he does have one big sausage hanging between his legs.
Laurel and John began their incestuous relationship when they were about
the same age that Brian and Jennifer were when they fucked each other for
the first time.

   "What were talking about is how to get some of the kids into the group,
which ones will want to join and which ones we should be careful with,"
said Paul as he settled down on the lawn along side of his son.  "We know
that some of you guys are already screwing each other, but would those kids
want to be fucked by their father or mother, that's the question."

   Looking over to her brother, Jennifer asked, "Okay, fess up, who do you
know who's fucking who?  And we can start with you."

   "Oh, thanks.  Nice little snot-nosed sister, you are," Brian responded.
"Let me stop the bullet, will you?"

   "Oh hell, don't worry, Brian," said his mother.  "I know you and Jody
are screwing each other."

   "Oh?  How did you figure that out, mom?"

   "Cum stains, silly.  How dumb do you think I am?  It's easy to figure
out what's going on especially when my son's bed is a mess with pecker
tracks all over the sheets and you and Jody are wandering around the house
trying to look innocent." Laurel answered.

   "Well, so much for Jody and me being discrete," he said as he rolled his

   "Okay, we know that you're fucking Jody.  Anyone else you know?  Do I
want to ask about my girls?" asked John.  John and Jackie had two young
girls, Susan at 18 and Lindsey at 16 years.  Both had their mother's shape.
In other words, they were well-endowed and there wasn't a boy that was not
hot to get into their panties.

   "I hate to tell you, Uncle John, but I'll bet that Susan's been there
and done the big nasty.  I don't know about Lindsey."

   "Okay, who am I going to kill," said John.  "Who's the guy boffing

   "Come on, Uncle John, give me a break.  You can't ask these questions,
and then hang me if you don't like the answers."

   "Don't worry, Brian," said Jackie.  "The truth is that he wants to be
the first one.  He'd love to be the one to pop his daughters' cherry, take
my word for it.  Now that he's lost Susan's, he's going to spend his nights
worrying that some sixteen-year-old will beat him to Lindsey's."

   "Aw hell, can't I have one of them?  After all, what guy wouldn't like
to take a girl's cherry?  And what if that girl is his own daughter?  Hell,
I'll just a normal healthy male," John answered.  "Anyway, I still don't
know who my competition is."

   "Which one, you mean?" said Brian with a smile on his face.

   "Oh Jesus, I don't believe it," groaned John.  "Do I want to know what
the total is?"

   "Well, Uncle John, there was Pat," Brian said as he looked over at Chuck
and Marge who were Pat's parents.  "And if I'm correct, I think that Todd
and Susan made it a couple of times too."

   Chuck looked at his wife.  "Well at least we know that the boy has good

   "Hey, what about you?" asked Laurel.  "If you think that I believe Jody
is the only girl you've screwed, you got another thing coming."

   "Oh, I want to hear this list, Mom," said Jennifer as she bounced up and
down on her haunches.  "He probably can't count that high.  That's assuming
that he can remember all of them."

   "Keep it up, sis, and I'll turn you over to the football team and let
them have a go at you."

   "Sounds great to me," she replied.  "But you still haven't told us. 
Give us the list."

   "Okay, you know about Jody.  Let me see, I lost my cherry with Beth. 
Then there was Cheryl and Cathy, but I didn't get Chrissie, damn it."

   "You mean that you got both of Del's girls?" asked Chuck in surprise. 
The kid just admitted that he screwed sisters!

   "Yeah, but I was hoping to do both twins." Chrissie and Cathy, the
daughters of Del and Carol, were twins and Cheryl was two years older than
her sisters.

   Shaking his head, Chuck said, "I don't believe this kid.  He's a walking
fucking machine.  Is there any girl safe from you?  And, hey, I thought you
and Cheryl once dated, but what about Cathy?  How'd you get her?"

   "Can I help it if the girl has an itch and I know how to scratch?"
answered the youth.  Continuing, he said, "I know from some of the guys
that Duffy, Todd and Tommy have fucked their girlfriends.  If they didn't
tell me directly, I heard it from the grapevine."

   "I can guarantee that Todd isn't a bench warmer," said his sister as she
looked up to heaven attempting to appear innocent.  "And by the way, he's
pretty good.  Nice-size cock and knows how to use it."

   "Well, well, another county heard from," said Laurel.  "Come on, let's
hear your list and any others you know about."

   "Okay," responded Jennifer smiling at her mother.  "The first was Todd,
thank God.  He was a good guy to start with, that's for sure.  What girl
wants to start with a bum fuck for her first time?  Later there was Danny.
He was okay.  And finally there was Mike.  That's only three.  Well, if you
don't count Brian and Dad, and of course, then there's Uncle John.  Oh,
yes, don't forget about the rest of them this weekend."

   "Okay guys, now that we have some idea as to which of you kids are
fucking one another, which ones would you think that would fit in the
club?" asked Paul.  "And how do we go about getting them in?"

   "You know, since you talked about it last time, I've been thinking,"
said Jennifer.  "We can't just start a mass orgy.  I think that some would
be scared off." Looking at her brother, she continued.  "Brian, you have to
help me.  We have to start small, and then work up until we can include the

   "Go ahead," said Paul as he leaned over to listen to his daughter's
expanding idea.

   "Well, this is what I had in mind . . . ."

   "I'm not sure what we'll be doing this afternoon," said Jennifer to Jody
as they walked down the hallway to their next class.  "My folks are out for
the rest of the day and should be back later tonight.  Brian and I are
going to have to feed ourselves for dinner.  Actually, I'm thinking of
going over to my aunt and uncle's and mooching."

   "What about your brother?" asked Jody as she and Jennifer approached the
classroom door.

   "Hell, he doesn't report to me.  Aren't you two getting together after

   "Well, he says he wants me to look at his English term paper so we plan
on finding someplace to go over it."

   Smiling to herself, Jennifer said, "You guys can have the house if you
want.  I don't know what Mike wants us to do, but with the house empty. 
You can use Dad's den and help my brother with his paper." Jennifer ran
through the plan that she and her brother had gone over.  Right now
everything was doing just fine.

   "Alone?" asked Jody.  She and Brian were doing the horizontal mambo, but
this was too easy.  Holy shit, to be alone with Brian, they could really
have a good time.  "Gee, we could get a lot done."

   "Okay Sister Jody, I know that you and my brother have gone beyond hand
holding.  Come on, I know that you and Brian have mixed some serious juices
together.  How dumb do you think I am?"

   Caught by surprise, Jody responded, "Come on, Jen.  I know that you're
not exactly a holy roller yourself.  You know, guys talk."

   "Hey, if they say good things, fine with me," she grinned at her friend.
"Anyway, I hear that my dear brother has the right tools and knows how to
use them, so you two guys enjoy.  Just remember, pecker tracks tell tales
and I wouldn't want my folks to find out.  Of course, maybe my mom would
like some of it."

   Surprised at the last comment, Jody looked at Jennifer.  "Jesus, Jen,
don't you think that you're going a bit too far?  I mean, your mom?" Jody
thought of Laurel and had to admit to herself that there were one hell of a
lot of male animals that would love to fuck Jennifer's mother.

   "Oh come on.  Didn't you ever think about getting laid by your father? I
mean, the man isn't exactly a shriveled up old prune.  There are days when
we're by the pool and I look at my dad and just wonder what I would be like
getting it from him.  Listening to the noises coming from down the hall, I
know that my mom isn't dying of loneliness."

   "Shit, what a slut," responded Jody.  "Yea, I got to admit, I do wonder
about my dad.  Hummm, it would be fun, wouldn't it?"

   "So there, and you call me a slut, do you?"

   Opening the door and going in, Jennifer looked over her shoulder and
said, "So the coast is clear and my lips are sealed; you two guys got the

   As part of the plan to extend the swingers club to include the next
generation, they had discussed getting Mike and Jody into the mix as the
first step, and it looked like they were going to succeed.  Now if Brian
could handle Jody when the two of them reached their house, things would be
just fine.

   Finding her desk, Jennifer looked up to the front of the classroom and
smiled at Amanda Turner knowing the truth about the homeroom teacher. 
Amanda Turner, the most prim and proper of the teachers, was in fact a 
one-woman fucking machine that belonged to her parent's swing club.  If only
the horny guys knew, what a riot that would be.  Come to think about it,
she wouldn't mind trying that pussy herself.

   "Come on, Jody.  Let's go to my house.  No one is home.  We can be

   The two teens were in Brian's car.  It was just after school let out and
Brian and Jody had just stopped at Wendy's for an after school snack.  Now
they were deciding where to go next.

   "You sure?  I don't want to get into trouble." Reaching over and
smuggling up to Brian, Jody reached down to his crotch and rubbed his still
limp dick through his pants.  "But then again, maybe you're worth the

   "You bitch," he said as he leaned back so that Jody could have easy
access to his crotch.  "God damn it, you're a little cunt."

   "How nice of you," she said into his ear.  "Let's go where we can have
some real fun.  Your folks are gone, and Jen is going somewhere with Mike.
I told your sister that you needed some help with your English paper, and
she told me that the house would be ours.  So come on, Brian, let's get

   Sitting up and reaching over to turn on the ignition, Brian said, "God
damn it, you little bitch, when I get you home, I'm going to drill you
until my dick is sticking out of the top of your head."

   "Hot damn, the boy's finally talking about what I want to hear.  Come
on, sugar nuts, let's get going.  My pussy is already starting to get wet."

   Shaking his head, Mike pulled the car out of the parking space and
headed to his house.  He knew that Jody was considered one of the 
best-looking girls in their high school, but what most people didn't know was
that she was one of the best fucks in the whole school.

   Parking in the driveway, the teens got out and went through the back
door.  "Come on, let's go upstairs," Brian said as he dropped his books on
the kitchen table.

   "So much for romance.  You'd think a girl would get some kind of a warm
and fuzzy.  Hell no.  It's just 'lets go upstairs' from Mister Smoothie."

   "Okay, smart ass, I get the picture.  So how's this?  Honey, I've been
dreaming about you all day, your lips, your eyes.  I can't stand being
without you.  Now that we're together again, my heart is elated.  Now, how
about going upstairs and fucking our Brians out?"

   "Shit head," Jody said as she jabbed him in his ribs.  "You have so much
class.  All you guys think about is pussy and more pussy."

   "Hummm, I think you're right, but back to the subject at hand," Brian
said as he reached out and put his arms around Jody.  Pulling her to him,
he leaned down and kissed her full on her lips.  The kiss was gentle and
loving as he could make it.  Breaking away from her, he said, "You know,
Jody, that you drive me up the wall.  You're the hottest thing I know and I
mean what I say, babe."

   Putting her arms around his neck, she held him close.  "You ape, but
you're a damn nice ape.  Come on, lead me to your lair."

   "Up the stairs, girl," he responded as he gave her a gentle pat on her
ass.  "You lead the way."

   Turning, Jody passed through the kitchen and started up the stairs. 
Jody was dressed in a mini skirt that reached halfway down her thighs.  Brian
was right behind her going up the stairs and he enjoyed the smooth movement
of her hips as they swayed from side to side.  He loved the view of her
slender legs as they propelled her to the top of the stairs.


   Suddenly as the pair reached the top of the stairs they heard a sound.


   Jody came to a halt.  With eyes wide, she looked over her shoulder at
Brian.  What was that sound?


   Looking first at Jody, Brian then looked down the hallway.  With a
motion of his head, he indicated that they should move forward.  Taking his
hand, Jody began to move slowly down the hallway, listening as she went.

   "Ahhhh!  Oh, Jesus, suck me.  That feels good!"

   Again looking back at Brian, she looked at him in amazement.  She knew
that voice.  It was Jennifer.  Did he really what to proceed?

   Smiling, Brian again nodded.  The couple quietly moved to the open door
of the bedroom.  Looking in, Jody eyes widened and she caught her breath in

   Lying across her large queen sized bed, Jennifer was naked as could be.
Her knees were bent over the edge of the bed with her feet touching on the
floor.  Leaning over her, wearing only his shorts, was Mike.  He was bent
over the beautiful blonde teenager, his lips and tongue sucking on her
nipples, first one and then the other.  His shorts were bulged out from his
stiff cock and the front of them had a dark stain from his leaking prick.

   "Suck me, Mike.  It feels so good.  Christ, I love it," the teen panted
as she arched her back giving him easier access to her throbbing buds. 
"Keep it up, please." Brian placed his hands on Jody's shoulders as he came
up behind her.  He and his sister wondered what Jody's reaction would be
when she saw Mike working on Jennifer.  So far, so good, Brian thought. 
Jody had stopped to watch and not tried to turn and run.  Now it was
Brian's turn to do his part.  He listened as Jody's breath became shorter
as she watched the scene before her.  After letting her watch for minute or
two, Brian reached around her waist and moved his hand slowly up to her
chest.  Finding the buttons of her blouse, he began to unbutton them, one
at a time.  From the bedroom, Mike quickly pulled up from Jennifer's tits,
stepped backwards and fell to his knees.  In doing this, he was rewarded
with a magnificent view of Jennifer's pussy.  Her cunt lips were full and
pink, covered with a fine down of blonde fuzz.  There was the beginning's
of love juice leaking from between her folds.  Leaning forward, he let his
tongue run the length of her cunt lips, bottom to top.  Reaching the top of
her lips, he pushed his tongue between them in search of her bud.  Swollen
from the anticipation, Jennifer's clit was ready to meet the invading
tongue.  Her hips jerked upward in reaction to his tongue.  "Mike, oh
Christ, Mike, suck me.  Please, suck me." Jennifer nipples were electrified
from Mike's sucking on them.  Her clit was hard as an eraser and just as
large.  Now his tongue on her love button made the girl's body jump from
the sensation as it passed through her body.  Brian felt Jody inhale as
Mike found his sister's clit.  He had his hands on Jody's blouse and was
pulling it off her shoulders.  Letting it fall to the floor, he quickly
reached up and unsnapped her bra and let that join her blouse.  Jody
reached a hand up to stop him but was so enthralled that the effort was

   Seeing that Jody was completely entranced at the sight before her, Brian
stepped back and stripped off all of his clothes, leaving himself naked
with a raging hard-on.  Coming back to her, he slipped his thumbs into the
waist band of her jeans and began to pull them down.

   Now Jody realized that if she let Brian continue, she would end up in
the hallway without a stitch on.  Turning around to face him and make him
stop, she was greeted with a completely naked Brian, supporting a cock that
was pointing straight up at the ceiling.

   Brian wrapped his arms around Jody, pulled her to his chest and kissed
her.  At first she hesitated not knowing what was happening, then melted
into his arms as she felt his cock rubbing up against her stomach.  She
felt his tool leave a slimy track on her stomach as it drooled.

   Slipping his hands between them, he unbuckled her jeans and pushed them
over her hips and down her legs.  Leaning over to her ear, the teen
whispered, "Enjoy the sight.  They'll never know."

   Grasping his cock and turning around to watch the couple on the bed,
Jody caught her breath.  She was greeted by Jennifer staring straight at
her while she withering on the bed as Mike sucked her pussy.  The two
girls' eyes locked.  Slowly a smile came to Jennifer's lips as if she were
daring her friend.

   Jennifer put her hand on the back of Mike's head and undulated her hips
and drove his face into her pussy.  His tongue on her clit was having an
effect on her.

   Jody smiled, letting Jennifer know that she wasn't going to be outdone,
that she wasn't going to be intimidated by her friend.  Turning back to
Brian, Jody smiled up at him.  Still holding his drooling cock in her hand,
the teen slipped down to her knees.  Looking at the stiff pole that stared
back at her, Jody immediately began to feed Brian's cock into her open
mouth.  She fed it all the way in until there was no more to suck on. 
Let's see if Jen can match me, she thought to herself.  Holding Brian's
cock by its base, Jody began to feed it in and out of her mouth.

   Brian felt his cock become surrounded by Jody's warm, smooth mouth.  He
knew that the head of his dork was somewhere done her throat.  It whole
effect was to make him want to explode and feed her rope after rope of his
cum.  But this was not what they wanted to accomplish.

   After letting her go on for some minutes, Brian reached down and pulled
her to her feed, letting his cock hang, dripping a mixture of her saliva
and his own pre-cum.  When she was on her feet, he turned her again to face
the couple on the bed.

   "Get ready, bitch.  Let's see if you can take it without waking up the
whole house," he whispered into her ear.  Grabbing his cock in his hand, he
bent Jody forward and aimed his pole at her pussy.

   On the bed, Jennifer was close to an orgasm.  Mike's tongue had done its
magic on her clit.  She was ready to go out of her mind.

   Reaching her hand down to his head, she said to him, "Mike, please fuck
me.  Oh, please.  I want to feel you in me.  Fuck me, damn it.  Shove your
cock into me.  Come on, I can't take it, fuck me!"

   Coming up from her pussy, his face covered with her pussy juice, Mike
looked up at the woman before him.  She was begging to get fucked, and with
the body that she had, he was more than willing.

   Coming up, he slid his shorts down, making his cock bounce in the air.
He grabbed it and aimed it at her drooling pussy.  Just the thought of
where it was about to go almost made him explode.  He aimed his cock at her
cunt and slipped the head of it between her cunt lips.

   Looking at Mike's prick as it swung up and down, Jody quickly wondered
what it would be like to have that cock in her.  Brian had a nice sized
cock, but Mike wasn't far behind.  Now she maybe knew why Jennifer referred
to him as the Big Guy.  It wasn't Mike's height, he wasn't that tall.  It
was his pecker.

   "Go ahead, buddy, shove it in.  She's begging for it, so fuck the Brians
out of the bitch.  She's nice and tight, and knows how to give it to a

   The words make Mike freeze.  His head wiped around to the sound of the
voice.  Holy shit, he thought.  It's Brian, and here he is fucking his
sister!  Mike pulled his cock out of Jennifer and stared at Brian in
disbelief.  What was going to happen? he wondered.

   Then the second thing hit him even harder.  Christ Almighty, what the
hell was Brian doing?  Was that Jody?  Jesus Christ, the God damn son of a
bitch had Jody bent over, his cock shoved up her, and the both of them were
watching him fuck Jennifer.  What the hell???

   "Go on, Mike.  Don't keep the lady waiting.  Fuck her.  She's dying for
it," Brian said as he pulled out of Jody.

   "Brian, what are you doing?" the girl groaned.

   "Don't worry, baby," he said as he pushed her over to the bed.  "Get
over there.  Grab onto the bed so that you have something to hang on to,
then get ready for the fuck of your life."

   As Jody came up to the bed where Jennifer was laying, Brian again pushed
her over so that he could have a clear shot at her pussy from behind. 
Holding her by her hip with one hand, he grabbed his cock and aimed it at
her exposed cunt.  With one smooth motion, Brian shoved his well-oiled cock
into Jody's cunt.  The only response that he got from her was a wail as his
prick slid into her.

   "Come on, man.  Give it to Jen," Brian said as he looked over to his
friend who was still stunned, first by being caught, then by the sight of
Brian jamming his cock into Jody in front of his own sister.  "The poor
girl needs to get laid and she's worth it."

   Catching his breath, Mike looked down at Jennifer who smiled back at

   "Come on, Mike.  Fuck me," she said to him as she reached out her hand
and grabbed his slimy cock.  "Get it into me.  I need it."

   Spreading her legs even wider, Jennifer pulled Mike down to her waiting
pussy until the head of his cock was in between her cunt lips.  "Now stick
it in the rest of the way, damn it.  Fuck me."

   Without a moment's hesitation, Mike moved his hips down for a better
angle, then slid the rest of his cock into the begging girl until it was
stopped by her pelvic bone.

   "Aiiiiieeee," Jennifer squealed as she felt her fuck hole being filled
with Mike's swollen shaft.  He had done such a good job of eating her out
that her love channel was well greased and provided a smooth passage for
his cock.  "Fuck me, fuck me," the teen cried as she threw her arms around
him and wrapped her legs over his thighs so the she could pull him into her
pussy as deeply as possible.

   Looking down at Jennifer, Jody was amazed.  The girl was going wild. 
Jennifer was completely wrapped around Mike as he pounded his cock into
her, shaking the whole bed.

   "Like what you see, babe?  Well here comes yours," Brian said from
behind.  Holding her hips, Brian began a smooth, steady pounding of her
pussy.  He felt the slickness of her channel as it gripped his cock.  He
felt the softness of her ass as his stomach pushed up against it when he
reached the fullest depth of her cunt.

   Leaning over, Brian moved his hand around her hip and searched out her
clit.  It wasn't a difficult job.  Jody's love button was being massaged by
his cock and was now the size of an eraser.  Finding it, Brian began to rub
it in a circular motion with his fingers.  With his fingers working in
conjunction with his pistoning cock, Jody felt that her clit was buried in
sensation from every side, and it was driving her quickly to an orgasm. 
Her legs were becoming weak and her breath short as she held onto the side
of the bed.

   Suddenly a scream erupted from Jennifer.  She was cumming.  The girl
threw her head back, her face in a grimace.

   "Aaaaaagh!" came from the teen as she arched her back.  "I'm cumming. 
Oh Christ, I'm cumming.  Don't stop.  Oh, please.  Fuck me.  Fuck me," she
chanted as Mike continued to pound away at her pussy.

   Looking at the couple, Jody could tell that Jennifer wasn't the only one

   Mike's face was frozen, his neck stiff, as he let each explosion of his
cock send a load of cum deep into Jennifer's pussy.  Her cumming was making
her cunt clench his cock every time a spasm hit her, and made Mike feel as
if his cock was being milked for every last drop of his cum.

   Brian watched his sister as she had her orgasm.  He was holding back
with his own as best he could.  Jody's pussy was a nice and tight one, and
massaged his cock as if it were a silken glove.  He didn't know how much
longer he could hold out, but he wanted each couple to do their own thing while
the other watched.

   While Brian watched, Jennifer and Mike slowly reached the end of their
cumming.  Her eyes a bit dazed, Jennifer opened them and looked at Jody. 
The girl was swaying back and forth in time to Brian's pounding cock.  Her
tits were hanging down, swinging to and fro, as they matched the motion of
her body.

   With Mike's shrinking cock still in her and still panting from the
fucking he had given her, Jennifer reached over and grabbed one of Jody's
swaying tits and rubbed the nipple between her thumb and forefinger.  She put
her other hand behind Jody's head and pulled her down to her face.

   "Having a good fuck?  You love it, don't you?" she asked just as she
reached up and kiss the other girl on the lips.  At first, Jody was taken
aback, but as she felt Jennifer's tongue slip into her mouth and began to
probe for her own tongue, Jody returned the favor.

   Looking at the three writhing in front of him, Mike just shook his
head. If he didn't see it, he wouldn't believe it.  He had just fucked his
girlfriend in front of her brother, while the brother was busy fucking his
own girlfriend.  And now he was watching Jennifer suck mouth with Jody.  No
one would believe it if he told them.

   Looking at Jody, Mike wondered about her.  She had a great pair of tits.
She was a good-looking girl that all the guys wanted.  He wondered about
her.  And what had Brian said about Jennifer, that she was nice and tight?
How did he know?  His thoughts were interrupted by a cry from Jody.

   "Brian, I'm cumming," she panted as she pulled away from Jennifer.  The
pounding of his cock had gotten to her.  She couldn't hold back any longer.
With her knees almost buckling, her orgasm hit her.  Spasm after spasm
racked her body, matching Brian's penetrating prick.

   "Awwwwww!  It feels so good.  Don't stop.  Please don't stop," the girl
cried as she threw her head back.

   "God damn it, bitch.  You're so fucking tight," said Brian as he felt
his nuts jump and the first load of cum started to travel to his prick. 
Holding her by her hips, Brian jammed his cock into Jody and held her tight
with his pole buried as far into her as it could go.  The first load of
cum erupted from his prick into the depth of her cunt.  It was quickly
followed by a second and third.

   Mike watched in awe as his friend pumped his load into Jody who was
herself going through convulsions as she worked her way through her orgasm.
Never did he believe that he would find himself watching two people fuck in
front of him.  God damn, if this is the way things were going, he wondered
what the chances were that he could get a piece of Jody?  She was sure one
nice piece of ass.

   Jody slumped forward, her head coming to rest on Jennifer's chest.  Her
orgasm and Brian slamming into her pussy had taken a toll on her.  Her legs
were weak, her breath short, and her body was covered with a sheen of

   "Oh, Jesus, Brian.  You almost killed me," she panted as she rested her
head on Jennifer's tits.

   Brian held onto to her as he felt the final pulses of his cock as it
sent the last loads of his grease into the slumping girl.

   Jennifer raised her hand and ran it through Jody's hair, smiling at Mike
as he looked over the spent girl.  She knew what was going through Mike's
mind, and it was just fine with her.  Let him fuck Jody, Jennifer didn't
care.  It would be one more step in the path that had been laid out when
she and her brother sat around the pool with her parents and their friends
from the swinger's club.

   Chapter 15 - Growing Up (MFmmff, group, incest, cons, oral, solo)

   A few minutes passed in silence as everyone caught their breath.

   "Okay, you two, level with me.  What the hell is this all about?" asked
Mike as he looked Jennifer straight in the eyes.  Looking to Brian, he
continued, "Something tells me that this just didn't happen by accident. 
Something tells me that you and Jody didn't just stumble in here."

   "Yeah," said Jody coming to her elbows, her breathe still short, "and
what's this shit about Jen being so nice and tight.  What the hell gives?
How come you're such an expert on your sister's pussy?"

   "And you two guys don't seem to give a damn about your parents.  I mean,
come on, it's one thing fucking your girlfriend and getting caught," said
Mike, "but both sister and brother fucking their respective significant
others together?  I mean, in the same bed!  Shit, what the hell is going on

   "Let's put it this way," said Brian as he climbed into the bed and
rested against the backboard alongside of his sister, "take a look at my
sister.  Wouldn't any healthy male want to fuck her?  Look at those tits,
and that pussy of hers.  It begs for a cock to be shoved up it.  Now what
would you do if you were in my place?"

   "And look what this," said Jennifer as she rolled onto her side,
reaching for Brian's greasy prick.  "Wouldn't you want a piece of this?"
she asked as she looked over to Jody.  "From the cum leaking out of your
pussy and the smeared cum on your thighs, I think I know the answer."

   "So, what the hell is a little incest," said Brian as he reached down
and cup his fingers into his sister's crotch.  "And you've got to admit,
she is nice and tight."

   "Shit, don't tell me you don't mind being here, hot shot," Jennifer said
as she smiled at Mike.  "I've seen you checking Jody out.  You'd love to
get her pussy, admit it."

   "Yeah, okay, suppose you're right," the accused admitted.  Looking at
Jody he said, "You got to admit that I'd be dumb not to want to."

   "You're not exactly the owner of a teeny weenie, that's for sure,"
interjected Jody.  Smiling first at Jennifer and Brian, the girl then
looked back at Mike.  Reaching her hand out, she grabbed his now limp dick
and began to fondle it.  "The sight of you plowing that into Jen was
mouthwatering, I've got to admit."

   "Ah ha, now we've got them," said Jennifer as she watched her girlfriend
stoke her boyfriend's prick.  "You two admit that you're not as innocent as
you'd like everyone to think, right?"

   "Okay, so what?" asked Jody.  "So Brian wasn't the one who got my
cherry, so what?  So where are we going with this?"

   First looking at her brother, Jennifer looked back at Jody and Mike. 
"So how's this?  There's this group of people that get together.  They're
liberated, shall we say.  That is, they like to pick and choose whoever
they want and then do what ever they want, if you get my meaning."

   Looking surprised, Mike said, "Are you saying that this group of yours
swings?  I mean, are the fucking one another?"

   "That's what I've always liked about you, you get the big picture,"
answered Jennifer.  "Now here's the real dinger.  They're not kids. 
They're adults."

   Jennifer paused to let what she was saying sink in.

   "You mean that you two know about this group, is that it?" asked Jody
looking at her friend questioningly.  "What do they have to do with us?'

   Smiling, Brian took up the tale.  "Well, it's just not that we know
about the group.  In fact, we've been a part of them.  We went to one of
their gatherings.  Jesus, it was something else."

   Looking at his girlfriend, Mike asked incredulously, "You mean that
you're been to a fuck party?  You're kidding, aren't you?"

   "We're not kidding.  We been there and done it, and damn it, we've
enjoyed the whole thing if you want to know the truth."

   "Yeah, but a whole bunch of old people, you got to be out of your mind,"
commented Jody.

   "Hey, I said adults, not ancients," said Jennifer as she took over the
telling.  Looking at Jody she said, "As we said, we're talking adults. 
Jody, remember what we were talking about earlier today.  You didn't think
that getting screwed by your father was such a bad idea.  Think of my dad,
how'd you like to find him in bed with you?  Not a bad idea, you got to

   "Yeah, I got to admit that for a guy that old, your dad sure looks
good," Jody said as a smile came to her face.

   Looking back to Mike, Jennifer continued, "And I've seen you goggling at
my mom by the pool.  You got to admit, she's got a great body.  Wouldn't
you like to get a piece of that?"

   Jody hadn't let go of Mike's cock.  She was laying alongside of him,
his cock in her hand, but now it was starting to have a reaction to the
discussion.  The thought of Jennifer's mother was making him forget Jody.
Laurel wore a bikini when she went swimming, a bikini that left nothing to
the imagination.  Damn, he thought, that would be a nice slit to tuck your
dick into.

   "Well?" asked Jennifer to Mike.  She knew what was going through his mind. 
"Wouldn't you like piece of her?" she asked again.

   "Shit, Jennifer," he responded, "what guy wouldn't love to lay her?  I
mean, she's has a body to die for, you know that."

   "Well I'm glad you feel that way."

   Both Mike and Jody froze.  The last words were spoken by neither Brian
nor Jennifer.  The teens turned the heads to the sound of the voice. 
Standing by the door to the bedroom stood Jennifer and Brian's parents,
Laurel and Paul.

   "I feel complemented," she said as she slowly walked over to the bed. 
Laurel was wearing nothing but a bra and panties, but even those left
little to the imagination.  Her panties were a thong, cut high on her hips
and slim through her crotch, letting her cunt lips show for the world to
see.  Her bra, what there was of it, let her firm full natural breasts be
shown to the maximum advantage.  Laurel's abs were firm as a teenager's,
and her legs slim and long.  Anyone looking at the woman couldn't miss her
beautiful blue eyes and golden blonde hair that her daughter inherited.

   "I'm glad to feel that I not ready for the junk heap," said Paul as he
slowly strode over to the bed.  He too was wearing nothing but his briefs.
The sight of the nude teens and listening to the conversation of the young
folks made his cock stir slightly.  The front his briefs were filled with a
semi-hard cock, leaving nothing for the imagination.

   Looking at the approaching man, Jody gave a slight quiver.  He was solid
as could be, and the size of the lump under his briefs made her mouth
water. She gave Mike's cock an extra squeeze.

   "As Jennifer was saying," said the approaching woman, "even a wife who
is married to a man who gives her a screaming orgasm every time likes some
variety." Coming to the bedside where Mike was kneeling, Laurel looked at
him and continued.  "Would you really like to fuck me?  Would you really
want my pussy?  How would you like to suck on my tits?"

   Reaching behind her, Laurel unsnapped her bra and let if fall to the
floor.  Cupping the bottom of her tits in her hands, she continued.  "My
nipples are rock hard.  How would you like to wrap one tongue around one of
them?  How would you like to suck on one of them?"

   Sliding her hands down her side, she hooked her thumbs into the side of
her panties, then pulled them down, letting them fall to the floor around
her ankles.

   "What about my pussy?  You want my pussy?  You what to suck on my clit?
I'd love it if you sucked my clit.  I'd love it if you'd suck my pussy. 
You want to suck my pussy, Mike?"

   The whole room was silent except for Laurel continual sexual chant. 
Moving her hands to her mons, she slipped the tips of her fingers into her
pussy kips, and to everybody's amazement, pulled her cunt lips open,
leaving her love channel for all to see.

   "You want to run your tongue into my cunt?  You want to suck me down
there?  Or do you just want to fuck me?  You want to fuck me, Mike?  You
want to shove that big cock of yours into my cunt?  You want to fuck me?"

   Laurel's continual chanting was having an effect on everyone.  Jennifer
was working on her brother's swollen cock with one hand, while her other
hand started to massage her own pussy.  Mike's cock was stiff as a bat and
had started to drool onto Jody's stroking hand.  Jody's eyes never left
Paul's crotch until Laurel had pulled her cunt lips open.  She saw Paul's
prick become rigid and a pre-cum stain spread on the front of his briefs.
When Laurel spread her cunt open, Jody looked over to it and gasped.  The
damn thing was bald.  Laurel shaved her pussy!

   "Come on, Mike.  Suck me.  Go ahead, Jennifer won't mind it if you suck
on her mother's pussy."

   Mike was too stunned.  He just knelt in the bed, his eyes transfixed on
the gapping pussy in front of him.  Jody had his cock sticking up like a
telephone pole, up so straight that it rested back against his stomach,
leaking pre-cum onto her hand and onto his abdomen.

   Putting one foot on the bed and placing her pussy right in Mike's face,
Laurel reached over to him and pulled his head to her pussy.  "Come on,
Mike, suck me," she whispered.  Not one to pass up temptation, Mike leaned
forward and ran his tongue up the older woman's slit.  "Oh, son-of-a-bitch,
you've got a nice smooth tongue, one that would make a woman want to cum.
Come on, suck me."

   After the first few laps with his tongue, Mike lost all hesitancy.  He
reached around Laurel and grabbed her ass to pull her towards him.  He
buried his face into the woman's twat and began to lap and suck away at her

   "Oh Jesus, don't quit.  Damn, you know how to suck a girl's pussy.  Oh
Christ, Mike, please don't stop," Laurel said with a quivering voice.  His
tongue on her clit was sending shivers through her body.  She felt her
pussy begin to flow in anticipation of what was to follow.

   Now it was Paul's turn.  He reached over and put his hand on Jody's
cheek.  He turned her face to him.  Smiling, the older man then took his
briefs and pulled them down.  At first the elastic pulled his cock down
until it slipped over his cock.  Suddenly free of his briefs, his cock
sprung upward past her face.  For a few moments it wavered in the air,
pointing straight at the teen.

   "Go ahead.  Feel it," Paul whispered to the waiting girl as droplets of
pre cum formed on the tip of his prick.  "It's hot and drooling.  Suck on
it.  Go ahead, don't be afraid, baby, and suck on it."

   With a gasp of breath, the teen let go of Mike's solid pole and, as if
hypnotized, Jody reached out and put her oily hand around Paul's stiff
member.  She wrapped her hand around it and squeezed gently.  From the
pressure of her hand, a drop of pre-cum leaked from the tip and dripped
down off the tip of his cock, down a few inches.

   "Oh sweetheart, that would be a waste we just let it go.  Go ahead, lap
at it," Paul whispered to the dazed young girl.  As if in a trance, Jody
stuck her tongue out and lapped at the drool hanging from the tip of Paul's
cock.  She let it drop onto her tongue, then followed it upwards until her
tongue encountered the underside of the older man's cock.

   "Go ahead, darling.  Don't be frightened; suck it."

   With a groan, Jody fed Paul's stiff cock into her mouth.  She shoved it
straight in, not even attempting to lick it with her tongue.

   Paul's ass clenched as he felt the moist warmth of Jody's mouth
surround his cock.  She didn't hesitate.  She just began stroking his
prick in and out.  Sometimes he felt a slight scraping of her teeth across
his prick, but she was careful.  Her tongue worked on the bottom of his
cock, adding to the pleasure that she was giving him.

   "Aiiiieee!  Uhhhh!" The sounds came from Laurel.  Mike's sucking on her
twat was having an effect on the woman.  She still stood with one foot on
the bed, her hand behind Mike's head, pushing it into her pussy.  But now
her body was beginning to react as his tongue on her clit was taking

   All this time, Brian and Jennifer lay back against the headboard
observing the whole scene before them.  Brian's cock was hard and folded
back against his stomach, and Jennifer's pussy had started to twinkle from
the droplets of pre cum that had formed between her cunt lips.  Neither
Brian or Jennifer made an effort to do anything yet.  They let their
parents drive the seduction of the two teens.

   "No," panted Laurel.  "Stop, please.  I'm beginning to go crazy.  I
won't make it, so stop," she asked Mike as she placed her hand on his head
and moved him back from her pussy.  Running her hand through his hair, she
bend down on placed a quick kiss on his lips.

   "Now it's my turn," she panted as a smile spread across her lips. 
Pushing him back, Laurel made Mike lay on his back, his head now resting on
Jennifer's thigh.  She dropped down to her knees and quickly ran the
youth's prick into her mouth.  Grasping his cock by its base, the older
woman began to rapidly suck on the teen's cock, up and down, up and down.

   Suddenly, Laurel came to her feet and climbed onto the bed.  At first
Mike was disappointed when she abandoned her blow job, but when she grabbed
his cock and knelt over it, he held his breath.  With a knee on each side
of his hips, Laurel guided Mike's pole into her pussy, driving it straight
into her without a moments pause.  She only stopped when there was no more
meat to shove into her pussy.  Mike's cock was buried to the hilt in
Laurel's cunt.  Laurel then placed her hands on the youth's shoulders and
began to ride his dick for all she was worth.

   "That's it, Mike, fuck me!  Oh Sweat Jesus, that feels so good. 
Ohhhhh!" she began to chant as she ran his cock in and out of her cunt.

   Mike looked up at the woman.  He didn't believe the sight before him. 
Here was this older woman with a body that any man would love to fuck, and
here he was with his cock buried up her pussy.  He watched her tits bounce
from her movements.  Her cunt grasped his cock like a glove.  Damn, this
was unbelievable, he thought.

   Paul looked down at Jody as she sucked on his cock giving him an
excellent blow job.  Yes, she would be a great addition to the club. 
Looking at his wife as she rode Mike's cock, he appreciated her fine back
and nice tight ass.  He hoped that she was enjoying her ride too.  Again,
Mike would make a lot of the women happy with that big dork of his.

   Grabbing Jody under her arms, Paul pulled her to her feet.  Giving her a
quick kiss, he turned her and pushed her onto the bed.

   "Kneel down on the bed, baby.  I'm going to do you from behind," he told
the teen.  Jody quickly climbed onto the bed.  She placed her head on the
side of Brian's leg and held it with her hands as she presented her ass to
his father.

   Taking her by her hips, the older man climbed into the bed behind her.
He then ran his cock up and down her drooling pussy, coating his cock with
her slime.  He would run his cock through her cunt lips until he came up
against her ass, then he would back off, never actually penetrating her
pussy.  However, this movement allowed his cock to run across her clit,
swelling even more.

   "Oh, please, shove it in me.  I need your cock.  Oh, pleeeease!" the
teen began to whine.  She arched her ass higher in the hopes that on one of
his passes across her cunt lips, he would shove it in.  Not to be
disappointed, Paul leaned over her on one of his strokes, grabbed his cock
to make sure that it found its target, and drove his cock into the
teenager's soggy cunt.

   "Aaaaaahh!" screamed Jody as she felt her pussy filled with Paul's
prick. She felt his abdomen bounce up against her ass cheeks as his cock
became fully buried in her cunt.  When he hit the bottom of her pussy, Paul
slowly pulled his prick out of her until only the glans was still in her
soppy cunt.  Then he reversed his direction and began a steady beating in
and out of the teen's cunt.

   Smiling, Paul knew that Jody would be at the front of the line for
getting fucked.  Jesus, Rich must be going nuts knowing that his daughter
was over here getting fucked.

   Holding Jody, Brian smiled as he watched his girlfriend get fucked by
his father.  She held on to his leg and groaned every time Paul hit bottom
with his cock.

   Watching the whole show was getting to Brian.  The grunts from his
mother and Mike added to the mood in the bed.  His prick was growing with
every plunge of his father's prick.

   Running his fingers through Jody's hair, Brian said, "Come on, baby. 
Help me.  Look what you're doing to me.  Come on." He slowly pulled Jody's
head off of his leg and, taking his prick in one hand, aimed it at her
mouth.  "Come, bitch, suck on it.  Come on, Jod, do it." Guiding her, Brian
fed his cock into Jody's mouth.

   Seeing the engorged cock staring at her, Jody raised up on her elbows.
Taking Brian's pole in her hand, she slipped it into her mouth without 
hesitation.  Holding it by the base, she ran it in and out of her throat in
the same rhythm that Paul was jamming his cock in and out of her cunt.

   The mouth working on his cock made Brian exhale.  Jody knew how to give
a great blow job.  Even with his father pounding her pussy, she was sure to
work on the cock in her mouth, giving Brian's dick the attention that it
deserved.  She worked her tongue around the pole, adding to the sensation
that he felt.

   The sucking and fucking continued for some minutes.

   Amazingly, it was Jennifer who climaxed first.  Watching her mother ride
her boyfriend's prick while her brother and father worked over her best
friend finally got to her.  Watching the whole show turned Jennifer on to
the point that she began masturbating.  With her knees drawn up and her
legs apart, she shoved first one, then two of her fingers up her pussy. 
When they became good and gooey from her own juices, she ran them over her
clit, allowing her fingers to slide over and around it until she felt her
body begin to shake.

   With a scream that caught everyone off guard, Jennifer climaxed. 
"Aaaaaugh!" she wailed as her whole body became rigid and her pussy
spasmed. She looked at her mother and Mike who were right in front of her,
but never saw them because she was so intent on her own pussy.  Her hips
jerked and knees rose up off the bed as each wave passed through her body.
The orgasm hit her so hard that she began to roll onto her side, away from
her brother.  She clamped her thighs together, catching in hand in her
pussy with her fingers working away at her clit.

   Seeing what was happening to his sister, Brian took Jody by her head and
pulled her mouth off of his prick.  Looking up at him in surprise, Jody
kept her mouth open as he fed his fingers into her gapping mouth.  After
she quickly sucked on them and made the wet, Brian grabbed his cock and
again shoved it into Jody's mouth.  Now leaning over to his spasming
sister, Brian took one of his dripping fingers and seeing her puckered
rosette, drove a moist finger into Jennifer's asshole without warning.

   "Go ahead, sis, go ahead," he gritted through his teeth.  He slipped
one, then the other finger into her ass as he watched her writhe.

   Feeling Brian's fingers slide into her rear, Jennifer threw her head
back and gritted her teeth.  She was being pulled two ways; her cunt was
spasming and her asshole was on fire.  The whole experience drove her to one
more incredible reaction.

   "Aaaaaiiiigh!" she screamed as a massive wave passed over her.

   Watching her daughter in front of her, Laurel felt a sudden clenching in
her own body as she began to cum.  Her pussy grabbed Mike's pumping cock
and held on to it as it slid across her clit.  The feeling of his cock
running over her swollen clit made her break out in a fine sweat, and her
chest and tits became slightly rosy.

   "Oh, Jesus, I'm cumming," she quietly cried.  "Oh, Jesus."

   Seeing the older woman close her eyes in ecstasy, Mike grabbed her by
her hips and gave one last lunge into the deepest part of her love channel
as his own cock exploded.  The first load of cum erupted from his pole and
buried itself all the way into Laurel's pussy.  It was quickly followed by
a second, then a third load.  After fucking Jennifer earlier, he was
surprised that he still had this much in him, but this beautiful woman
riding his cock had a pussy that could make it happen.

   At this point, even after fucking Jennifer, Mike still had a load built
up in his balls and the cum began to seep out of Laurel's cunt as he filled
her up.  It leaked out and ran down his balls and between his legs.  He
couldn't believe that he still had this much in him.

   Alongside, Paul gritted his teeth as his cock decided to join the others.

   "Come on, boy, let's give this bitch something to remember," he said to
his son who had his cock buried in Jody's throat.  "Let's cover her with

   Pulling his cock out of Jody's pussy, Paul grabbed it and pumped it over
her back as the first load of cum shot out from the tip of his prick.  It
arched out from him and landed on her back leaving a strip of milky white
cream from her shoulder blades to her tail bone.  The next load erupted
from Paul's cock, but fell slightly short of the first one.  Then load
after load of cum spewed from his prick and Jody's back was soon covered
with ropes of slimy cum.

   Not wanting the teen to feel left out, Paul reached his other hand
around Jody's hip and began to rub her clit.  It didn't take but a few
motions of his hand before he knew that it was having the effect on Jody
that he had intended.

   "Eeeemh, eeeemh," came from her throat.  Jody couldn't say anything with
Brian's prick buried in her mouth.  All she could do was to emit sounds. 
From her shaking body, Paul could tell that the teen was feeling the
effects of his fingers, and was having her own orgasm.  He hoped that she
was careful with her teeth given the fact that his son's cock was stuffed
in her mouth and she could bite the damn thing.

   "Oh shit," said Brian as he quickly pulled his fingers out from his
sister's asshole and sat upright.  He put both of his hands on the back of
Jody's head as he felt the first load of cum jump out of his balls and head
up toward his prick.  Holding Jody by the back of her head, he shoved his
cock as far down her throat as he dared, and let it spurt the first rope of
cream down it.

   "Oh shit, oh shit," he chanted.  "Come on, bitch, suck on it.  Keep on
sucking on it.  Oh shit!" as load after load was pumped into Jody's waiting

   Pulling back on Brian's spewing cock, Jody let the cum build up in her
mouth, then let it leak out of the corner's of her mouth and down Brian's
pole.  She was still holding the base of Brian's cock in her hand and when
the cum seeped out of her mouth, she used it as a lubricant to massage his
balls, causing him further arousal.  Holding on for dear life, Jody felt
her cunt massage Paul's prick as she went through her orgasm while Brian's
cock filled her mouth.

   Slowly, one after another, the withering bodies collapsed.  All that
could be heard was heavy breathing as each one tried to regain their

   "Shit, this is going to be great.  If not one pussy, then another,"
panted Brian as he leaned back against the headboard, his eyes closed as he
petted the back of Jody's head.

   "Brian, could you watch your language?" asked Laurel as she now lay on
top of Mike, his cock still buried in her cunt.

   "Mom, you just got fucked by some guy while your son and daughter got it
on in the same bed with you, and you're worried about my language?  Come
on!" Brian chucked.  "Next you'll want us to get laid without taking our
clothes off so that we're modest."

   "Okay, so it's a mother's reaction," said Laurel with a smile in her
voice.  "I just can't help it."

   Sitting back on his haunches and looking at the gooey back of Jody, Paul
said, "So I guess that you two, Mike and Jody that is, aren't going to
scream about getting fucked by Laurel or me, or anything like that, right?"

   "Yes, I'm going to scream," said Jody, "but it's going to be in

   "Got a point," answered Paul.  Continuing, he said, "Brian and Jennifer
said something about screwing around with some of older folks, am I right?"

   "Yeah," said Mike, "and if they're as good as you two, tell me a little
more.  Shit, Mrs. Sharing, you're a fantastic fuck, you know that?"

   "Why Mike, how nice of you," Laurel chuckled on his chest.  "You know
how to complement a girl, that's for sure.  Oh, and by the way, considering
that you just pumped a load of cum into me and that it's now leaking out of
my pussy and on to the bed, please call me by my first name.  We can skip
the formalities, considering everything."

   "Okay, Laurel.  As to how good a fuck you are, how often can a guy get a
pussy like yours?"

   "Do you really want to know how often?" This came from Paul.  "What
about you, Jody?  Interested?"

   "Don't stop now,' she responded.  She was still laying on Brian's leg,
her face and back covered with cum.

   Looking at the teen, Laurel said, "Before we get going, any of you girls
want to take a quick shower?  Jody, you look like you could use one,

   Looking over at her girlfriend, Jennifer chuckled, "Jody, you look worse
than a hooker at a stage party.  Come on, let's take a quick shower.  After
that, I want to let these two guys in on the whole thing."

   With that the three women got up and headed to the shower.

   To be continued . . . .