Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Chapter 2 Once we got to my house, I introduced her to Maxie then settled her in the den where the TV was and showed her where my non-alcoholic beverages were. "Help yourself to whatever you want." I told her. "I'll be back in a bit. I need to shower and put some clean clothes on." Maxie was delighted to have someone else in the house so she made a fuss over Jordan and Jordan seemed to enjoy playing with Maxie. Once I'd cleaned up and dressed, I came back and joined Jordan and Maxie. For the next half an hour or so Jordan and I had a cautious conversation, trying to feel one another out. As time went by, I sensed Jordan was feeling more comfortable around me. I started asking her about school and family and found that, other than her mother, she had no relatives nearby since they'd moved here so her dad could take a job. I also found out she was going into Grade 8 in the fall so that meant that she was thirteen or fourteen years old (thirteen I found out later). Our conversation continued in that manner for a while then Jordan paused, looked around then at me. "Umm... how come you don't work?" she asked looking slightly embarrassed. I laughed. "Oh I do work, I just work from home." She looked relieved to find out I worked. "Oh... Can I ask what you do?" she said. "Sure," I replied, "I edit technical documents." She looked at me with a bit of a blank look. I explained things a bit more. "Here's a situation. Someone writes something about a technical subject - maybe something like dealing with a particular engineering issue. The people who write these things - we'll call them documents - aren't always the best at writing something that's readable. In editing a document I have two jobs - first to try to make sure that what has been written is readable. This often takes several exchanges between myself and the writer. "I'll read something someone has written and I THINK I understand what the writer is trying to say but it's not very well written. I try to reword things to make them more readable. I send my revision off to the writer who will probably come back and say that I've missed a point and telling me where. I fix that - there's often several sections that need to be reworked - then move on to the second issue. "The second thing I need to do is to look at things from a grammatical standpoint. Is that the right `there' in that sentence? Should it be spelt there, they're or their for an example. I also need to look at punctuation marks - commas, periods, etc. Finally, I also need to look for things like `run-along' sentences where a sentence should be broken into two - or maybe even three - separate sentences." I paused for a moment to let Jordan absorb my explanation. "Does that make sense?" "Yeah, I guess it's kinda like what Mrs. Wilson, our English Teacher tries to teach us." I laughed. "Well Mrs. Wilson and I both need to have the same knowledge of the English language and how to write things but I know I'll never teach an engineer how to write readable English. Besides, if I taught them how to write correctly, I'd soon be out of work." Jordan laughed. I looked at the clock and started thinking about supper. "Jordan, what are you doing for supper? I'm going to make a big chicken Caesar salad and you're welcome to join me if you want." Jordan looked at me with a big smile. "I'd like that. Mom was so mad this morning that she didn't make anything for me for supper so I'd probably just make a PB&J sandwich". "Okay, come with me. You can set the table and I'll make the salad." I showed Jordan where the dishes and cutlery were and had her pour each of us a glass of milk while I made the salad. "Do you cook lots?" she asked. "I like to cook," I replied, "If I didn't cook, I'd have to eat out, have something like a pizza or fried chicken delivered or nuke some of those frozen dinners. None of those options appeals to me as a steady diet - and most of them aren't really healthy so I cook for myself. I mostly don't do fancy stuff but I have a few recipes that I like that take a bit of fussing to get them right." I finished up the salad and before Jordan and I sat down to eat, I fed Maxie. Once that was done, I joined Jordan at the table "Okay, dig in and let's eat." We had a very enjoyable meal. It was a change to have another person at my table while I ate. An added benefit was that the person with me was very nice looking. We ate and chatted and I discovered Jordan loved puns so the meal was filled with giggles and groans. Supper over, we cleaned up. I let Maxie outside for bit then went back to the den where I let Jordan choose what TV program to watch. As I had expected, her choice of program leaned towards one with a male `hunk' in the cast. I was keeping my eye on the clock and at about 20 minutes before 9, the phone rang. "Hello." I said "Ahh good evening, this is Trisha Harrison, Jordan's mother. I gather you're Brian Moore and that Jordan's there with you?" "Yes, just a minute I'll give her the phone," and I passed the phone to Jordan. "Hi mom..." "Uh Huh..." "Uh Huh..." "Just a minute," and Jordan returned the phone to me. "Hello, Mrs. Harrison" I said. "Thank you for looking after Jordan," she said. "I gather Jordan told you about the breakup of our marriage. I was in such a state this morning that I couldn't think straight and it wasn't until I started home that I realized I hadn't left anything for Jordan." "That's okay," I said. "I was pleased to be able to help." I paused for a second. "Mrs. Harrison..." "Please, Trish" "Okay Trish, if you're up to it, I'd like you to come up and have a coffee or something. I'm sure you're a bit apprehensive about me so if we can meet and talk I'm sure I can ease your concerns." There was a minute or so of silence and I was just about to ask if she was still there when she came back. "That's probably a good idea. I need to have a shower and put on something other than my nursing uniform. How does 20 minutes from now sound?" "That's fine. Would you like coffee, tea, something cold...?" I asked. "A coffee would be nice, thanks." "Okay, I'll get a pot brewing and I'm looking forward to meeting you." We hung up and I went out and got the coffee going. I noticed that Jordan had followed me. "Does your mom like sugar or cream in her coffee?" I asked. "Umm I don't think she takes anything. Her coffee always looks just like it is in the pot." I thanked Jordan and found some coffee mugs. Looking in the pantry I discovered a bag of bakery cookies that I'd bought the day before and I put a few on a plate. "Would you let Maxie in, please and why don't you go and get yourself something to drink out of the fridge in the den." I asked Jordan who ran off to do as I asked. When she came back, Maxie at her heels, I gave her a glass and she grinned. "What no drinking out of the can?"