Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Chapter 11 We settled back and chatted for a while then Trish decided that Jordan should head off to bed. "Can you stay for a bit?" she asked me. I said I would and Trish asked me to wait until she came back down. Jordan headed off to get ready for bed and Trish went up to talk a bit with Jordan. I sat there and was thinking back on some of the things that Jordan had done when she was at my house. I was brought back to the 'here and now' as I noticed someone moving towards me. I looked up to see Jordan in one of the flimsiest nighties I've ever seen. "Like what you see, Brian?" Jordan said with a smile. "I need a goodnight kiss." Suddenly there was a nearly naked bundle of very delightful femininity in my lap giving me the most sensual kiss I'd had for a long time. "There, that should hold me until..." Jordan said with a big smile as she jumped up and ran back to her bedroom. Trish came back with a big smile on her face. "Jordan had been planning this all day. I warned her there was no certainty that you'd agree to her requests but she just shrugged and said 'Wait and see'. I guess she was right." Trish looked at me with a wicked grin. "Can I have a goodnight kiss, too?" she said as she sat on my lap. I was only too glad to comply. Trish broke the kiss, got up and sat down on the couch beside me. "Jordan told me of the conversation she had with you regarding the two of us hooking up. I told her essentially the same thing you'd told her - that I liked you a lot but that there just wasn't the romantic spark there." She paused and looked down at her lap before continuing. "I have to admit that recently I'd had the occasional thought about trying to get you into my bed." Another long pause then she turned and looked me directly in the eye. "You're Jordan's now and I won't tempt you. If you were to ask me to go to bed with you, I'd turn you down flat. Jordan is a very determined young lady and I have no doubt in my mind that she'll get her way with regards to marrying you. She's very deeply in love with you and I've known that since very shortly after I came back from the refresher course." She got a serious look on her face. "Promise me that you won't break her heart. I realize that Jordan is a very mature fourteen year old, but she's still a fourteen year old. " I reached out, pulled Trish to me and hugged her as I promised that I would never, ever break Jordan's heart. "Trish, during my rather aimless driving around today, I finally came to the realization that I may be falling in love with Jordan as well." I smiled and we separated. We chatted for a while and finally I excused myself and went home - a home that now seemed emptier than ever without Jordan in it. Over the next couple of weeks I made arrangements to get access to the condo again and reorganized my work schedule so that I could take a week off. Most of my clients were long standing ones and understood that they sometimes needed to be a bit flexible in their deadlines. Plane tickets were booked for the three of us (Trish demanded that she be allowed to pay for her own) and a car rental was set up. Finally the day came for Jordan and me to leave for Padre Island. Trish drove up to my place with Jordan and I went out to join them. Trish had the key to the house and would look in periodically 'till we got back. As I'd done in the past, I'd left Maxie at a boarding kennel during our absence. At the airport the goodbyes were more tearful than usual as Trish thought about the step Jordan was about to take - she'd leave here a girl and come back a woman. Soon the flight was called and off we went. We got into Houston on time and after collecting our luggage, went and picked up the rental car. Soon we were on our way to Padre Island. When we got to the condo, Jordan told me that she was going to sleep in the master bedroom and that tonight at least, I was going to sleep in the smaller bedroom. I smiled and acquiesced. I got unpacked and went to see how Jordan was making out. I was surprised to discover that she'd locked the bedroom door. "Can I come in?" I asked. From behind the door was a muffled "Not yet, can you wait in the living room for me?" "Sure" I replied and went and checked out the local TV while I waited. "I have a surprise and I don't want you to spoil my surprise. Are you upset at that?" Jordan asked me when she joined me. "Absolutely not." I answered, "Are you ready to go find some supper?" Jordan grinned and rubbed her tummy. "Before we go, we'd better make a grocery list. We can pick things up on our way back here after supper." Jordan and I made the grocery list and headed out to have supper. From our previous visit, I knew she liked a little 'mom and pop' Tex-Mex restaurant not far from the condo. The seņora remembered Jordan and came over to chat with us while our meal was being prepared. When she asked where 'the other nice lady' was, we assured her that Trish would join us later in the week. Supper over, we headed to the grocery store and once we'd got what we needed, we headed back towards the condo. I made one more stop to get a bottle of champagne. Back at the condo we put away the groceries then Jordan came over and hugged me. "Brian, can we wait until tomorrow night to...?" I couldn't see her face since it was buried in my chest but I could sense she was blushing a bit. "Jordan, my love (did I just say 'love'?), we can do whatever you want. This is your time so I want you to remember it for the rest of your life and I want that memory to be a very, very good memory." I pushed Jordan back a bit to look at her and leaned down to kiss her. It didn't take more than a second for Jordan to return the kiss. We finally separated and Jordan looked at me again. "Tonight I want to just sit and cuddle and watch the ocean. I brought some CDs with nice quiet music and we can put them on the CD player and just sit together listening to the music and watch the ocean. Is that okay?" I smiled and hugged Jordan again. "That sounds fabulous. I can think of nothing nicer to do tonight than to hug a beautiful girl, listen to nice music and watch the ocean. We can open the sliding doors if you want." Jordan said she preferred to just watch the way things were. For the next hour or so we did as Jordan asked. Pretty soon I started to feel sleepy and I'd noticed that Jordan was doing the same. As we headed off to bed, hand in hand, Jordan told me the goodnight kiss was required but "since you can't come into my room tonight I'll come and get it from you in your room" she told me. I went and did what I needed to do before bed and was just about to climb under the covers when Jordan came in. 'Oh that nightie again!' I thought as I sat on the bed. "You can look but no touching" she told me as she bent down to get a kiss. She giggled and headed back to her own bed.