Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Chapter 15 I woke up and for a long time just looked down at my beautiful sleeping lover enjoying the beauty of her body. Suddenly, I came to the realization that I was definitely falling in love with Jordan. 'Now what?' I asked myself and I remembered Jordan's statement that she was going to marry me. 'Is that going to come true?' I continued to muse, 'Looks like Jordan's wish just might come true.' I crept out of bed and went to get my coffee going. I was just about to pour my first cup when I sensed rather than heard Jordan coming up behind me. "I woke up and you were gone" she said in a plaintive voice. "I was sooo lonely!" I put the coffee pot down and turned around. "Lonely, my..." I said with a smile and pulled her to me for a long 'good morning' kiss. I released her and put on the sternest face I could. "You realize you committed a cardinal sin - you came between a man and his morning coffee." Jordan started to laugh. She hugged me and I took the opportunity to check to make sure all the parts of her anatomy were in good working order. I soon felt other hands making a similar check of my parts. "Hey, we need to remember that we've only got a couple of hours before we need to leave." I reminded her and reluctantly we stopped our examinations and got our breakfast. Breakfast over and the kitchen cleaned up, I pulled Jordan onto my lap to cuddle as we talked. "We need to change the beds and get ready for your mom. I guess she'll be expecting you to be sharing a bed with me..." Jordan put her finger over my lips to stop me talking. "No, she'll be expecting _you_ to be sharing _my_ bed" she said with a giggle. I smiled. "Okay, let's start again. I guess your mom will be expecting _us_ to be sharing _our_ bed." Jordan started squirming on my lap and laughing. "I think I'll move what's left of my stuff into _our_ room and clean out the spare room for your mom. Let's get all of the dirty laundry and start the wash. We can put it in the dryer before we go to get your mom." I gave that delightful bum of Jordan's a gentle swat. "Let's get started." We went upstairs to the bedrooms and as I moved the last of my things into the master bedroom, Jordan stripped the bed in the spare room and I helped Jordan remake it. Once the spare room was ready, we went back to our bedroom where I pulled Jordan down on my lap again. She'd no sooner sat down than her hand dipped down between her legs to get hold of my cock. "Hey, wait until we talk." Jordan smiled and stopped moving but still kept hold of my cock. "Well, what do you think? Are you happy with the last two days?" I asked Jordan. The words were hardly out of my mouth when it was covered by my young lover's mouth as she gave me a passionate kiss. We kissed and hugged but finally I needed to end it and continue getting us ready to go to get Jordan's mom. "I take that to mean 'yes'," I said as I broke our kiss. "Is there anything I missed for you?" Jordan seemed to think for a few moments then shook her head. "You've made my time better than I could ever have imagined. This morning after I woke up but before I came downstairs, I thought back on some of the conversations I'd overheard where girls were disappointed in their first time. You were so gentle and caring that nothing could have been better." She paused again then asked, "Brian, I was thinking of some of those conversations and I remember a girl talking about doing it 'doggy style'. What's that?" "Well, we've made love with you on top and me on top but there's one other position that some folks use. In that position the woman is on her hands and knees and the man gets behind her and enters her from the rear - no, not in her anus, in her pussy. That's the way that most animals - dogs for instance - mate, hence the term 'doggy'. If you like we can try it sometime - in fact I think we should so that you can form your own opinion. Personally I don't particularly like it since I can't see my lover's face. I much prefer one of the positions where I can look at you. Okay?" Jordan smiled and nodded. I gently pushed at Jordan and she reluctantly got up. "I was so looking forward to playing with my new toy," she said with a grin. That remark earned her another swat on the bum. "C'mon, let's change this bed." We finished changing the bed and while I went to start washing the bedding, I told Jordan to check the bathroom her mom would be using and put fresh towels out and make sure all my whiskers were gone from the sink. It was quite amazing just how much bedding we'd gone through - a new set on 'our' bed at least once each day and of course the set I'd used the first night in the spare room. Laundry started, I went back to 'our' room and taking Jordan by the hand, went into the shower. We managed to keep the play to a minimum and soon were out and dressed. I'd checked the flight schedules and Trish's flight looked to be pretty much on time - about 10 minutes late was what the online info said. If we left by 11:00 we could stop along the way to have a quick lunch and be there when Trish arrived. ***** Houston airport was like many other large airports, crowded and sometimes confusing. We finally found the gate where Trish would be coming out and I told Jordan that after her mom arrived, I'd take her baggage tag and retrieve her suitcase. I didn't tell Jordan why, but I figured this would give mother and daughter a chance to get caught up on things. We'd been there less than 5 minutes when the door opened and Trish was one of the first persons off the plane. Once we'd had a three-way hug, I gathered Trish's baggage tag and went off to get her suitcase. From where I stood waiting for the luggage to arrive, I could see the two ladies deep in conversation. Occasionally I saw a look of amazement on Trish's face and I saw her glance over in my direction. 'I guess they're talking about me' I thought. 'Hope what's being said is good.' Pretty soon the buzzer sounded and the luggage started appearing on the carousel. Trish's bag was easy to find and with it in hand, I went back to rejoin the ladies. "Here we are, shall we go and make our way back to Padre Island?" I asked the two of them. I was surprized at the hug and kisses that Trish gave me. "Thank you, Brian, Thank you, thank you, thank you..." she said and she seemed to be on the verge of tears. "Are you okay?" I asked Trish. "Oh yes. I'm more than okay. Let's get out of here." 'Hmm,' I thought, 'I guess that means that Jordan told her mom about what we did.' When we were almost at the car, Jordan piped up. "Brian, Mom and I are going to sit in the back seat, okay?" I grinned and when I got to the car I made a big deal of holding the door open for them like a chauffeur would. "My name is Brian and I am pleased to be your chauffeur today." Trish and Jordan broke down laughing. "Get in and drive you big goof." Jordan said as she gave me a kiss. The sound level in the car was just under that of a 747 taking off as both ladies tried to talk nonstop. I don't believe either of them took more than twenty breaths during the whole trip back. When we got to the condo, Jordan whispered in my ear that she and her mom needed a few moments to themselves. I took Trish's bag up to her room then told the ladies I'd wait for them out on the deck. A short while later two ladies came out to join me. Trish had obviously had a shower and put on some fresh clothes. "There's that nice seafood place down the coast a bit. Since it's mid-week we shouldn't have to wait too long for a table. Does that sound okay?" Both ladies agreed and soon we were on our way out to the car to go and eat. "You sit in the front with Brian" Trish told Jordan. The trip to the restaurant was reasonably uneventful, but I seemed to have trouble concentrating on my driving. Could that hand in my lap be the cause of my distraction? When we arrived, we found out that we could be seated right away. Jordan asked that we have one of the U shaped booths that they have. When we were shown to the booth, I was ordered to get in first and the ladies sat on either side of me. As we were eating there seemed to be a silent conversation going on between Jordan and Trish. This was a concern because I had no idea what these two were planning. Supper was finally over and we made our way back to the condo. As I shut off the car, Jordan leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Mom wants to talk to you alone. I'm going to look at something Mom brought me. I'll come down when Mom calls." When we got inside Jordan said to her mom "I'm going to check something out. You can keep Brian company until I get back." and off she went. I turned to Trish and offered to make her a drink and after getting her order, I went and made us each one. When I got back to the living room, Trish had taken her shoes off and was sitting on the couch. "Thanks, Brian," she said as she took her drink. "Please sit down here beside me." I took a seat beside Trish and was a bit surprised when she came and snuggled up tight to me. "Brian, Jordan told me how wonderfully you've treated her and how happy she's been. I remember my early sexual sessions - fumbling in the back seat of some young guy's car where his only interest was getting his rocks off. Jordan and I talked at length in the time between when you agreed to be her first lover and when you actually left to come here. When you left us alone at the airport while you got my bag, Jordan filled me in - in some detail - of what you've done and it was obvious that she couldn't be happier with what happened." Trish stopped and seemed to be on the verge of crying. "I don't know what to do or say to show you just how happy I am," and she started to cry. I took Trish into my arms and held her lightly kissing her hair. "You don't have to do anything, and you've told me just now, in words and deeds, how happy you are. I know from watching Jordan these last couple of days just how happy she is." Trish turned and started to say something but I held a finger so she waited. "I'm more than happy, I'm ecstatic with what Jordan and I have done." I stopped, took a deep breath then continued. "Well here goes. Um... I've even surprised myself a bit because, you see, I think - no, not think, I know - that I'm falling in love with Jordan." I had to shush Trish so that I could continue. "Please, please don't give Jordan even the slightest hint of this. I've never said anything to her and I want to choose the time and place to tell her that I love her." Trish reached up, pulled me down and kissed me like I was the last man in the world. "Oh, you wonderful, wonderful man. I can't wait to see Jordan's face after you tell her." More kisses. Trish sat up and turning to me she continued. "Brian, I have two other items of news and Jordan doesn't know any this yet. I'm telling you so that you are prepared if she needs some TLC. First, when I got back home from the airport after sending you two off, there was a letter from a lawyer representing Frank, Jordan's father. He's asking for a divorce and the terms he's proposing are quite generous. I'm going to talk to Jordan about it but I'm pretty sure I'll accept the offer. "The second item is that for several months now I've been meeting a man who works with me. The man's name is Wilson Kenney and he and I are about the same age. He works in the lab at the hospital and at first it was just sharing a coffee and a chat during our breaks, but recently we've started to go out together." She paused and a hint of embarrassment crept onto her neck and face. "I've even... stayed over at his place while you and Jordan were here." She looked down. I kissed her. "I'm glad you found someone and I hope things work out." Trish looked at me and with a slight grin I continued, "I hope you were as happy the next morning as Jordan was." Trish blushed and nodded her head then taking a big breath, she continued, "Wilson knows that I've gotten an offer from Frank and that I'm probably going to accept it. I sense from how he's reacted, that once the divorce is definite, he's going to ask me to marry him." I hugged Trish then she gently pushed me back to continue. "Wilson has been offered a job as the lab supervisor at the hospital in Maxton. The Maxton hospital has asked him let them know by next Monday if he's going to accept their offer. I told him to accept it and I think he will. If that happens, I'm seriously considering moving with him. If I do, I'd like to leave Jordan here to finish high school. I'd ask you to be her legal guardian and give her a place to sleep at your house." Trish grinned from ear to ear as she said that. I kissed Trish again. "I'd be delighted with that. I'm sure I can find a place in my house that would be acceptable to Jordan." We both broke out laughing. "What's so funny?" we heard from upstairs. "Come down and join us, I have some news for you." Trish said. When Jordan joined us, Trish told her about the impending divorce and Jordan didn't seem too upset at that. "It's probably the best," she told her mom, "that way you can get on with your life." Trish smiled and told Jordan about her new love. Jordan was ecstatic. "Do it! Do it! If Wilson asks you to marry him, do it!" she told Trish as she hugged her. Finally Trish talked about Wilson's new job and the fact that she'd move there with him. "If that happens, I've asked Brian to be your guardian. He has agreed and he tells me he knows of a place in his house where you'd feel happy sleeping." Jordan giggled and hugged both of us.