Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Chapter 21 Jordan's eighteenth birthday is Sunday and I'm getting ready to propose to her as I had promised. I have to go and pick up the ring Friday and I've reserved a small private room at the city's most exclusive restaurant for Sunday evening. The restaurant owner is related to one of my most important clients and is looking after everything for me. Sunday is finally here and a limo arrives to take Jordan and me to the restaurant. Unbeknown to Jordan, her mom and Wilson are already in the room. We're ushered in and after the surprised greetings from Trish and Wilson, I have Jordan sit in a chair that had been placed there just for this purpose. "Jordan Harrison, will you marry me?" I asked as I knelt in front of her. "Brian Moore, I love you. Yes. Yes. Yes I will marry you. I'll be yours forever" was the reply as she leaped from the chair to hug me. After I untangled myself from Jordan's arms, I reached into my pocket and took out the engagement ring and put it on her finger. While all this was going on, I could see flashes from behind me and I knew one or the other of our guests was taking pictures. Finally, after much hugs, handshakes, kiss, tears and laughs we sat down to a wonderful meal. As the meal was winding down, I asked one of the wait staff if I could settle the bill. When the young man returned, he gave me a sealed envelope and when I opened it, there was a letter from my client saying that he was picking up the bill as a gesture of thanks for my good service and wishing Jordan and me all the best. The limo arrived to pick all four of us up and we delivered Wilson and Trish at their hotel before continuing to take Jordan and me to our home. Trish and Wilson would be coming over tomorrow to spend the afternoon with us. When Trish and Wilson arrived the next afternoon, Wilson managed to get me off to one side for a moment and told me that Trish had filled him in on everything that Jordan and I had done. He emphasised the word 'everything' so I knew that Trish had told him about me taking Jordan's virginity. I'd also asked a couple of our neighbours to come and join us in our celebration. I hadn't told the neighbours what we were celebrating although I believe a couple of them were not too surprised when I announced that Jordan and I had become engaged. Soon the party was over, Trish and Wilson had gone back to their hotel for the night and I took my new bride-to-be to bed. Our lovemaking that night was slow, sensuous and gentle as befitted the occasion. The next morning we had breakfast with Trish and Wilson. By the time breakfast was over, Jordan and Trish had decided that Jordan and I were to go to Maxton in two weeks to spend the weekend with them. Trish looked at Wilson with a smile on her face. "You'd better plan what you and Brian are going to be doing since Jordan and I will be spending our time doing some serious planning." Wilson and I laughed and gave one another a `hi-five'. This was Jordan' last year of high school and when she came home Monday afternoon, she was on cloud nine. "I never said a word but during the first period, one of the girls saw my ring and managed to let the other girls in the class know. Just before the bell rang to signal the end of class, Mr. Jamieson asked me to come to the front of the class. When I did, he asked me to turn around and face the students and asked if the rumour was true that I had gotten engaged. I told him it was and he asked who and I told him you!" I took her into my arms and hugged and kissed her. "Mr. Jamieson is the older teacher isn't he?" I asked. Jordan nodded. "He told me that he might get into trouble over it, but he asked if he might be allowed to kiss my cheek. He's such a nice, gentlemanly person that I couldn't refuse. The class made such a noise clapping and yelling that we almost didn't hear the bell." Jordan stopped and seemed to be looking back. After taking a deep breath, continued. "Of course, by the end of the day everyone knew about it. A couple of the prissy women teachers 'tsk-tsk'ed when they heard my future husband was you but I don't care." That evening Jordan and I talked about the wedding date and finally settled on the weekend two weeks before the graduation. A couple of phone calls between Jordan and Trish settled the date. ***** Jordan and I joined Trish and Wilson for the weekend and Wilson and I found things to do to stay out of the house. While not much of a boating enthusiast, I did enjoy going with Wilson to look at all the expensive toys at a boat show. Wilson said he often thinks about owning a boat like some of the ones at the show, but the cost always proved to be more than he could afford. "Maybe, someday" he said with a smile. "One can always dream." I replied back, smiling. Wilson and I had done all the looking and wishing we could then headed back to find our ladies. Trish and Jordan had got the basics of the 'who, what, when and where' sorted out and over the next couple of months they'd iron out the exact details. Trish turned to me and said something that took me a bit by surprise. "Brian, Jordan and I talked about this and Jordan wants her father at the wedding. In light of the rather rancorous way we broke up, it may surprise you to learn that Frank and I have started to keep in touch. After the divorce was finalized, he sent me a letter care of my lawyer. In the letter he apologized for some of the things he said before we broke up. He'd included his phone number in the note and said he'd like to talk to me. At first I was hesitant but figured that I at least had an obligation to let him know how Jordan was holding up. The first couple of conversations were quite stiff but after a while we relaxed and our conversations have become quite nice. Like me, Frank has re-married and about two months ago Wilson and I met Frank and his new wife, Rachel. By now Frank and I were comfortable with one another and Wilson and I found we liked Rachel." Trish stopped and seemed to be pondering on whether to say something. Wilson decided for her. "Brian," Wilson said, "Trish is trying to figure out if she should tell you so I'll do it for her. During our visit with Frank and Rachel, we told them that Jordan was living with you and that you two had become engaged. At first Frank seemed a bit uneasy since he knew Jordan had been living with you to go to school. Finally, Trish told Frank and Rachel the whole story and I do mean the whole story." Trish took up the conversation. "As Wilson said, Frank was quite disturbed but I told him in very firm terms that everything that had happened had happened at Jordan's insistence and that initially you'd been unwilling to comply with Jordan's request. I told him that it took quite a bit of effort on Jordan's part to get you to agree to be her first and only later did you discover that you'd fallen in love with her. I showed him the before and after pictures and it was obvious from the look on Jordan's face in the photo that she was very, very happy. By the time we left, Frank was feeling pretty comfortable with what had happened." She looked at Wilson who took up the story. "Trish left out some of the story. Rachel, when she heard what had happened, was overjoyed and told us that she wished that every girl could have a loving, older man as her first lover. Actually she was instrumental in getting Frank to settle down." Looking directly at me he continued. "She's anxious to meet you so that she can, in her words, 'thank you for making a young girl's first time so memorable'." I must have been holding my breath as I let it out in a big 'whoosh'. Jordan came and sat on my lap to hug me. "I'm glad Dad knows and understands that it was all my idea and that you just did as I asked. Are you okay with Dad coming to our wedding? I would really like it if he was there." I pulled Jordan over to me and hugged her. "Sweetheart, if you want your dad there, we'll make sure to send him an invitation." An idea came to me and turning to Trish I asked "Do you have Frank's phone number handy?" Trish found it, wrote it on a slip of paper and gave it to Jordan. "I think I know what Brian was going to suggest and I agree - why don't you call your dad and talk to him. Tell him that you want him to come and that you'll send him an invitation in the mail." Jordan smiled as she took the slip of paper. We discussed some of the details that affected us guys - the where and the when - but everything else had already been decided by the two ladies. Finally bed time was upon us and Jordan and I went to the guest room. "I guess you'll have to keep the yelling down tonight or maybe you were just planning on sleeping" I said to Jordan with a grin. Knowing Jordan's almost insatiable appetite for sex, I wasn't surprised when she said "I'll be quiet - mostly at least." Trish and Wilson's smiles the next morning told me that Jordan hadn't been as quiet as she thought. I could feel myself starting to blush when Wilson turned to Trish and said "Ain't young love grand!" That cause both Wilson and Trish to break into laughter. "Mom!" Jordan said in a most indignant fashion. That caused even more laughter from Trish and Wilson. "Jordan, don't be ashamed, you have a very healthy sexual life and if you make that fact known, that's perfectly okay. It's just that Wilson and I don't often get to hear those sounds - we may make them ourselves but we seldom get the chance to hear others express how happy they are in bed." Trish told Jordan as she hugged her. Jordan smiled and came over to get a hug from me as well. We spent the balance of the morning just talking and finally, after a light lunch, it was time to head back home.