Originally posted to ASSM Aug. 17, 2003

The following story is true, within reason. The names have been
changed to protect the innocent.

This work is copyrighted 2003 by Rod Ramsey. License is given
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feel free to let me know at rod_ramsey@yahoo.com. 

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A Muse On Loan (M/nymph, no sex)

I walked around the young thing, looking, appraising. Taking in
the swell of her breasts, the soft roundness of her ass, the way
her wings sparkled in the moonlight as she quivered in fear and

"So you are the relentless little bitch that won't leave Dana
alone?" I said harshly.

"I guess so." she answered in a melodious voice.

"Dana is very angry with you. She's tired and doesn't want you
pestering her to work on her story for a while."

"Sir? It's a good story. Better than her first, she needs me
to help her." the nymph replied, a tear forming in her eye.

I slipped the collar around her petite neck fastening it with a
silver lock. Her delicate hands moved up to touch the leather,
then tugged at the clasp. Her eyes glowed red with anger as she
pried fruitlessly at the lock with her long fingers.

"Relax and accept. The lock is magic and will only come off
when you have served your duty to me." I said softly.

"Why? Dana loves me. Why would she give me to you?"

"Because she loves you. You are both undisciplined, she needs
you to be willing not demanding. You must learn patience and
willingness to be there when she calls."

I led her out of the glade and into my study. She kneeled by my
desk as I sat down. The words flowing from my fingertips into
the computer. My muse had left me, now Dana's served to replace
her. It was an angry, hate filled story that I wrote. A result
of Dana's relentless bitch of a muse and my own dismay that mine
had left so abruptly. I was just finishing the last line when my
computer beeped an incoming IM.

DANA45CAL: "Hey u there?" 
GRUMPYGUY: "Yep" I replied. 
DANA45CAL: "So when are u gonna come take this bitch from me?"

I looked down at the muse kneeling by my side. Her golden hair
shining brightly. Kira, my muse winked at me with a devilish
grin on her face. The collar fell to the ground unneeded as she
climbed onto my lap.

GRUMPYGUY: "Sorry Dana. I don't think I'm going to be able to
help you right now." 
DANA45CAL: "I think I understand. Gotta go. Bye."