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It may contain any and all sexual perversions. If you are offended by
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any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely

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Turnabout (F/M, Fdom, no sex) Part 1 of 5

Chapter One 

It was a beautiful summer day and Liz was happy, of course Liz was
almost always happy. A couple of nice tips not only secured next
month's rent, but let her buy a Nikon camera, complete with extra
lenses from the pawn shop. Working as a dancer at the KittyKat Club
wasn't Liz's first career choice, but it paid the bills and let her
have plenty of time for her first love, photography. Liz had left her
cozy two room apartment with two hundred dollars in her pocket. She
didn't even realize where she was going until she stepped into the
atrium of First National Bank. Momma always wanted her to start saving
for a rainy day and it seemed that today was the day to start. Trevor,
his tie slightly askew, was sitting at his desk under the sign that read
NEW ACCOUNTS. Liz walked up to his desk and sat down. She remembered
Trevor as the geeky, somewhat awkward kid in school, not that she was
Miss Popular.

"I'd like to open a savings account please." she announced.

Trevor's adams apple bobbed as he swallowed, his eyes fixed on Liz's
breasts straining against her tight white blouse.

"Hello, today please." Liz said, a smirk barely crossing her face.

Since she had lost those forty extra pounds and dyed her hair platinum
blond, she had gotten used to this reaction from some men. Trevor
didn't recognize her as the chubby girl that all the boys had ignored
in highschool just a few short years ago.

"Um, oh yes, um Miss a checking account you said." Trevor replied,
looking down at his desk.

"No a savings account." Liz replied, "Would you please pay attention."

"Oh yes of course a savings account." he replied, "I'm Trevor Powell
and you are?" Trevor tried and failed to look Liz in the eye.

"Elizabeth Beachum, Liz to my friends. It's a pleasure to meet you."
she replied, extending her hand.

A look of almost recognition crossed Trevor's face and his hand
trembled slightly as he reached across his desk to shake her offered
hand. Liz held his clammy hand for more than just a cursory shake.
Clammy hands were another thing she had gotten used to, what with the
man's blood all flowing to some other location.

"I'll need you to fill out some forms, Miss Beachum." Trevor said,
fumbling with an account information sheet and signature card.

"Please call me Liz. All my friends do." Liz replied.

Sweat broke out on his forehead as Liz let her fingers slide across
Trevor's hand when she took the offered forms and pen from his hand.
God this was so easy, she wasn't even trying and he was flustered
beyond belief. Liz filled out the forms and signed the card in both
places indicated. Handing the papers back to Trevor she stood up to
pull the money from her back pocket, turning slightly to give him a
good look at her jeans covered ass.

"I'll be right back with a receipt for your deposit." Trevor said,
"Then we can set up your ATM card."

Liz watched Trevor as he headed to the teller line, she liked the way
he filled out his slacks. He might be a shy little boy, but she was
sure there was a man's body under those clothes. Behind the counter
Trevor worked confidently, his businesslike demeanor with the tellers
apparent. It wasn't until he looked up to see Liz watching that he
fumbled with the papers. She leaned back and stretched as he returned
with her receipt, giving him a good look at her tits. Trevor almost
missed is chair as he sat back down. Setting up the ATM card took only
a couple of minutes and they finished the process just as the bank's
clock struck twelve o'clock.

"Oooh, lunch time." Liz said, "You wouldn't be in a position where you
could take the bank's newest customer to lunch would you?"

"Um, uh, yes as a matter of fact I am." Trevor was finally able to
stammer out, "There's a nice French restaurant just down the block." 

Trevor walked around the desk and stood unsure of what to do next. Liz
slipped her arm through his and almost had to lead him out the door.
Neither one saw the eyes of every employee follow them out.

"Let's go to Bob's Diner instead of some stuffy French place." Liz
said after they had left the bank, "It's just across the street and
besides I'm still boycotting anything French."

"Um, ok Bob's works." Trevor replied, "You know the French restaurant
down the street is owned by a Vietnamese family?"

"I'd still prefer some simple food. I have to be at work at three and
French food is so heavy." Liz replied.

Trevor loosened up outside the bank and as long as Liz kept the
subject on food and restaurants he was able to converse without
stammering. They sat in the back booth, served by Becky Hill who was
her usual surly self as she served them. Trevor almost begged Liz to
let him buy her desert. As they were eating their apple pie, Trevor
turned the conversation to Liz's job.

"I work at the KittyKat Club over on Beale Street." she replied to his
question of where she worked, "I don't think I've ever seen you there?"

"Um, no. I've never had the opportunity to, uh, go there." 

"Come by tonight. I'll let Carl the doorman know you're my guest and
he'll waive the cover." Liz said, batting her eyes at the once more
sweating Trevor.

"Uh, uh, um well maybe I will." 

"I work three to seven. If you stay till the end of my shift you can
buy me dinner when I get off." Liz replied.

"Um yes. Yes, uh, look I have to go back to work." he said, dropping
two twenties on top of the check. "If I can make it tonight I will."

"Cool it'll be so much fun to have you there." Liz replied as they
walked out.

"B-bye Liz. I enjoyed lunch with you."

"Bye Trevor the pleasure was all mine."

Chapter Two

It was after six and Liz only had one more dance set to go for the
night. She had already decided that Trevor had chickened out when she
saw him step into the lounge. His eyes caught hers and he made his way
to an empty table near her. Liz stopped to say hi and see what he
wanted to drink, then left to get his overpriced beer. Trevor couldn't
take his eyes off of her body. The sequined skirt and bra shimmering as
she moved. Mary was on the stage, naked save for a pair of heels and
Trevor never even noticed.

"So what do I do?" he asked, "I've never been in a place like this."

"Just relax and enjoy the show." Liz replied, indicating Mary up on
the stage, "If you want her to come dance in front of you go sit at the
rail and hold up a bill. The bigger the bill the better the view."

"Oh, ok." Trevor replied, not really understanding.

"I'm on in a few minutes. One of the other girls will come around if
you want another drink. Or a lap dance." Liz said with a wink.

Liz watched Trevor watch Mary as she finished her set. He sat there
watching, a shy smile on his face, sipping from his drink every time
Mary faced him. Mary pranced off the stage as the music ended. Randy
the DJ/announcer did his usual between sets praddle, reminding the
gents to keep their hands to themselves and that lap dances or private
shows were always available. Randy played a ZZ Top song between Mary's
set and the start of her own.

As the first song of her set started Liz strutted out onto the stage.
She glanced at Trevor and flashed him a big smile. Grabbing the
vertical bar she spun a complete circuit giving the watchers a good
look at her panty covered ass and pussy. As she danced Trevor made his
way down to the dance floor rail, Liz tried not to spend anymore time
in front of him than the other men who sat at the rail watching her.
Thirty seconds into the second song her skirt hit the floor. By the
time one minute had passed the sequined bra had joined the skirt and
several men were waving small bills at her. Trevor sat mesmerized his
second beer untouched. Liz kept to her routine, accepting tips and
shaking her tits and ass just out of reach of the paying customers. 

A group of four men came and sat at the rail near the end of the
second song, sailors by the look of their haircuts. Immediately they
started calling out to her for a look at her cunt. Liz danced over to
them then passed by as an older businessman held up a ten. Liz kneeled
in front of him, slowly sliding her panties down to show her trimmed
bush. The top of her sex was just showing when the man produced a
second ten. Liz slid the panties down to her knees and levered herself
back to her feet, letting the panties drop to the floor. The sailors
were whooping and hollering, trying to get her attention. One held up a
bill and Liz sashayed over to them, spreading her legs into a split to
accept the one dollar bill. Liz scissored her legs, heading to a couple
of college boys holding up fives. One of the sailors tried to cop a
feel as her leg passed over his head. She saw Dave and Bruce, both ex-
Marines, move onto the lower section behind the boisterous sailors. The
younger looking of the college boys knew what he was doing, teasing Liz
closer with the five until his face was inches from her lovely tits.
Several other customers earned a closer look before the third song
ended. Trevor had sat without moving more than his head and eyes for
the entire set.

Trevor had moved back to the table when Liz returned from the dressing
room. She was now dressed in a leopard skin skirt and bra set, complete
with tail extending from below the skirt. She used some of her tip
money to buy him another drink and headed over to his table.

"So what did you think?" she asked.

"Uh, that was amazing." he replied, "Only why didn't you come over and
dance in front of me after the first song?"

"Because silly, if I gave you a free show everyone would expect one
and I wouldn't make any tips." Liz explained, "Besides if you're nice
I'll give you a private show after dinner. Now if you don't give me a
twenty for a lap dance I have to go back to work."

Trevor fumbled for his moneyclip and produced a twenty. Liz gave him
her sexiest lap dance, only once having to scold him for not keeping
his hands to himself. At the end of the song she saw Bruce signaling to
her and she excused herself from Trevor, telling him to sit tight and
she would be back at the end of her shift. Liz did a private dance for
one of the sailors, refusing to give all four a private show. Something
about these four set off alarm bells in her head. His offer of five
hundred to do a private show at their hotel room was politely refused.
Liz left the private room and headed for the dressing room. Dressed in
jeans and a sweatshirt, she quickly tallied up her tips for the night,
splitting off a share of her take for the bouncers and bartenders.
Connie was trying to entice Trevor into a lap dance when Liz returned.
As she walked to the table his eyes fixed on her body, Connie forgotten.

Once outside she held his hand as he lead her to his bright yellow
Hummer for the drive home. Trevor tried to get her to go to one of the
more upscale restaurants in town. Liz insisted on just driving through
one of the burger joints and taking it back to her place. Trevor almost
wrecked the Hummer twice, he couldn't keep his eyes off Liz. She
finally slid over and let her hand rest on his leg to keep him
believing she was really there.

End Part One