Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Prologue This story is purely fictional story, although some instances quoted, actually did happen during the wartime period. This is a follow on from Part. Precise of Part 1 In 1940/1941 the British were losing vast amounts of Merchant shipping to the U Boats. The situation was desperate. At the time Lt Commander Tony Nash VC was in command of a Submarine HMS Tenacious, when Anne-Marie a French double agent, and someone at the Admiralty, discovered that he had a German mother and English father and that he was fluent in the German language. He also had a number of relatives still living in Berlin. The plan was hatched that Anne-Marie would marry Tony and they would defect to France in the hope that Tony could convince the Nazis that he was defecting. His task was somehow get hold of the German U Boat codes. After they defected the Germans were delighted that a British war hero had defected, but they believed that Anne-Marie his wife, was now surplus to requirements and had her assassinated. Co-incidently the British happened to capture a surrendered U boat, (U110) and get the Enigma codes and all the signal books so they aborted the operation. But it was too late and the Nazis subsequently hatched a plan for Tony to marry one of Hitler's nieces. The propaganda was too good for them to miss and they were prepared to exploit it for all it was worth. During his time in Germany Tony regularly dined with Hitler many high German officers. He was feted by the German people and it was decided he should join Admiral Doenitz's staff as an advisor. However on his trip to the coast, Tony managed to escape although wounded back to the UK. Part 2 takes over when he leaves hospital Chapter 1: Sick leave Five weeks after his landing back in the UK with Christmas approaching fast, Tony's long stay in hospital was over. He was now ready for his convalescence. He said goodbye to Joan his companion from the intelligence branch, who had been staying with him to retrieve every bit of vital information that she could glean from him. He was taken to Haslar Hospital near Portsmouth by ambulance, with a close escort of plain clothes Policemen. After the medical, which fortunately gave him an all clear, he went to report to Captain Submarines at the submarine base at HMS Dolphin which was close to the hospital, and also to renew some old acquaintances. It was at this point that Captain Submarines told him the inside story about the capture of the Enigma machine by HMS Boxer from U110, and the reason for his abortive recall.. Tony was very bitter about the lack of communication at the Admiralty, that had put him and Anne-Marie in such danger all for nothing. He pointed out bitterly that Anne-Marie lost her life because of Admiralty bungling. Had they acted more quickly then Anne-Marie would still be alive At Haslar Hospital he had been given a very rigid Psychological and Physical examination, to ascertain whether the experience has caused any lasting damage to his ability as a Royal Naval Officer. But as he explained it had been easy to live the lie, as there was no-one alive to betray him, except poor Janine who was now dead. On Sunday December 7th 1941 the whole focus of the war changed, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. Almost simultaneously Japanese troops landed in Malaysia. The next day Hitler foolishly declared war on the United States which brought the comment from one of the officers in the wardroom at HMS Dolphin. Hitler has made three big mistakes, and if we can't win the bloody war now, we don't deserve to. The fact that he did not persevere with the air war in the Battle of Britain, then he stupidly attacked Russia, and now by declaring war on the United States he has surely ensured his eventual downfall." Tony's sudden and unexpected re-appearance at HMS Dolphin had caused a lot of surprise, as his return to the UK had not formally been made public. One of his friends said caustically. "I was not sure whether I should shoot you or buy you a drink." To his friends it was a complete surprise. Even William Joyce now known as Lord Haw-Haw in his nightly broadcasts, was quite bitter and really scathing about the way in which the Partisans had executed him. Obviously his safe arrival back in the UK had not been pecked up by the Germans. He was informed that the official announcement was to be made shortly. Tony cynically commented that he hoped that it would be, as he did not need to be shot by a keen eyed policeman after what he had just been through After everyone had got over their initial surprise at seeing him again, he was the target for some very close questioning about how he had got on with Hitler and Goering, and some of the other notable Nazi` leaders, from colleagues, but in the main, most of his colleagues accepted that his experiences must be a matter of Official Secrets, and perhaps even after the war, some parts of his abortive operation would have to remain a closely guarded secret, at least for a time. It was pointed out to him that his return would now put him in great personal danger, as through the large network of double agents that within hours of the BBC announcing his safe return to the UK, the government had learned that orders had gone out to all agents and Nazi sympathisers in the UK for his extermination, with a large financial reward being offered for either his capture or death. Somehow Nazi Germany had to restore their lost credibility in the eyes of their own population, and the World at large . He was continually asked by many officers "Why did you not kill Hitler when you had the chance?" Tony normally replied "Think about it a bit. If I could have done, I would still not have done it, because they might then have elected someone who did not make so many stupid mistakes, and that would give them a much better chance of winning the bloody war." He had a further long visit with Mr. Broughton from the Admiralty, who sympathised with him over his bitterness about Admiralty communications, and sending him and Anne-Marie on an abortive operation. He said that HMS Bulldog did not send details of their capture as they would not take the risk of their signals being reads by the enemy He explained that the Admiralty would announce his safe return from a highly successful operation, in Nazi Germany in the next 48 hours, before he was due to go on leave. He also pointed out that the Admiralty had decreed that his seafaring days were finished, at least until Germany had been defeated, pointing out that if he was taken prisoner, it would mean a certain execution for him. Mr. Broughton expressed his concern that he was he was probably in much more danger now than he had been whilst in Nazi Germany, as their were still a large number of Nazi sympathisers and agents still in the UK. Many had come in via Dunkirk and been caught, but there were still a few who were unaccounted for. In particular there was a hardcore of IRA sympathisers, who were prepared to actively work for the Nazi regime. Mr. Broughton explained that they were pleased that he would be going on leave to a country village, which gave the security services a better chance to catch any would be assassins than in a city. The security people would be there to protect him, but they would be watching for any strangers in the village as well as fully co-operating with the local County Police Force to ensure his safety. In a way he commented as he was putting on his coat to take his leave "You will be like the cheese in the trap to catch the mouse, it will help us to entrap any Nazi sympathisers, so there is a good excuse to deploy a lot of resources to look after your security." His old boat Tenacious was out on patrol, also his ex First Lieutenant Bill had been made Lieutenant Commander and put in command of an "S "Class Submarine, and he too was also out on patrol He had been very successful so far, and had been on a special operation, and had sunk a couple of enemy ships in another patrol. However, it was wartime, and it was sad that several of his oldest friends had not returned from their patrols. Their boats apparently being the casualties of war, as they were now long overdue. After a very pleasant visit, Tony was free to go home on sick leave pending further appointment. His kit would follow, being brought to his home by the Red Cross. He was escorted discreetly by four plain clothes police officers who would be responsible for his security. Tony arrived at the local station by the morning milk train. at 5.0 am in the morning. just as the all clear was being sounded following a raid on the Bristol docks. Fortunately, the Red Cross had been able to get a message through to Jean his cousin, that he was on his way, and she had waited on a freezing snow covered railway station all night, as the trains were very irregular, and she was not going to take the chance of missing him. Anyone seeing their reunion would have thought that they were lovers, and not just first cousins. She told him that she had received a long visit, from some security people, and the local police, who wanted a complete lay out of the farm and the local area, and that everyone was taking the issue of his security very seriously. She was quite concerned about all the fuss, which was being made, which quite rightly, made her think Tony was in some sort of danger. But she worried because she did not know the real reason for it. When Tony explained she understood, and Tony introduced him to the four police officers who had accompanied him.. Tony had been asked by the special police to keep them informed of his movements, but otherwise they would not intrude on his movements, or activities. They did however ask him to inform them if he was going anywhere outside the village or to visits like military hospitals for a check-up to give them plenty of notice if possible. It was good to be home, and despite the war, his cousin Jean prepared a wonderful breakfast for him. It was good to enjoy some real Wiltshire bacon and eggs and a proper mug of tea, in his own farm house kitchen. For the first time, sitting at home at the kitchen table with a proper breakfast Tony began to appreciate, the danger he had been in, and realise how lucky he had been to survive. Jean asked about his family especially Rolf his cousin, who had been a regular visitor to the farm before the war, but Tony had not seen him during his visit, as his squadron was operating on the Russian front. Tony had always thought that Jean had a bit of a crush on Rolf when they were kids, and he and Tony had been really good mates. Tony was also delighted to see a couple of new faces at the breakfast table. The Ministry of Agriculture had allocated two land girls to the farm. They were both London born and bred, and had never seen a real cow in their lives before they came to work at the farm. Jean was really pleased with them; they had taken to life on the farm like ducks to water. The girls were not in any way shy and they obviously liked flirting which annoyed Jean a little by the look of annoyance on her face. Rose the youngest one had lost her parents recently, in a raid on London, and Betty had come straight from an orphanage, and had no known family. They were both quite pretty girls, and worked well together. They were living in two self contained apartments over the stables, and had made themselves quite comfortable, although they took their meals in the main house with the family. Tony had a walk round the farm yard after breakfast, savoring the odor of fresh cow dung that hung in the morning air, and he had an enjoyable visit to the dairy for several glasses of fresh cold milk, that had just come through the water cooler, before it went into the milk churns for the daily collection by the local dairy The smells brought back memories of more pleasant times for him. Even his old favourite cart horse Bandit was still working, and seemed to remember him. Jean explained that they now had five horses working, but Bandit was only on light work now because of his age. The weather had been quite warm for December, until the snow arrived later that day which thawed quickly to be followed by clear skies and a hard frost, with more snow being forecast for later in the month, and speculation was rife for a white Christmas. The days were longer as with double British Summertime in operation, it was possible to work later in the evenings, although the mornings were dark until later. The Luftwaffe despite losing the Battle of Britain were now making good use of the long winter nights with occasional lightning forays on military targets and some cities. There had only been one bomb dropped locally at a farm two miles away recently, and the only casualty had been a wild rabbit. Jean told him with some amusement that the farmer a friend of hers now had quite a large crater in the field adjoining the farmhouse. He was delighted as he had intended to make a pond, so that he could keep some ducks, and so a lot of the work had been done for him, but he was not amused at having to replace all his windows in the farmhouse. His baby son had slept all the way through the noise and was perfectly all right. Shortages of food were now being experienced by the population at large, but being a country village. With clothes and most food products being rationed, but there was always plenty of fresh produce available, plenty of rabbits, chicken and eggs and the odd pig got slaughtered, and sold quietly without ration cards. Things like Sugar and Butter in particular were in short supply although most dairy farms managed to make a reasonable butter for their own consumption. Some farms had plighted fields and planted Potatoes and vegetables, a thought which Jean was considering Tony made himself known to the farm workers who had not met him before, Most of whom were past the age for military call-up, but they had already lost three younger men to the army, and several younger men were awaiting their calling up papers.. So the land girls were a useful and very welcome addition. They had been promised one more girl, but she had not yet arrived. Tony took the first couple of days quite easy, just helping with little jobs around the farm, when he felt like it. To the surprise of everyone, he started to get up for early morning milking, and quite impressed the girls, with the fact that he still retained his ability to milk a cow. On the second morning Tony had been busy mucking out the cowshed after the morning milking, and when he returned to the kitchen, he found a young attractive lady sitting there talking to Jean. She was introduced to him as Mrs. Angie Drake. She was about 25 and slim with nice features, long blonde hair and quite a pleasant personality. and were the tenants of Lower Hill farm house, which was the other side of the wood, and which actually belonged to Tony. He was quite intrigued with Angie, and in talking found that she had been a second officer in the WRNS, but having become pregnant, and married she was discharged. She did however, subsequently lose the baby. Her husband was a serving naval officer, and had just started his submarine training at HMS Dolphin. Christmas was just ten days away and Jean was working hard at preparing food for Christmas, and some rations had been carefully saved for the occasion, living on a farm gave them some advantages. It was always easy to get a chicken, and most vegetables were grown in the farm garden. The combined ration cards allowed a few luxuries and even a Christmas cake appeared as Jean got busy in the kitchen. In the run up to Christmas, the farm sold a vast number of chicken privately to local residents, and to the local butcher Plus a lot of Holly and Mistletoe from the Orchard. They had to keep a close watch as Black Marketeers were rife and would occasionally raid farms to see what they could steal. Any strange traffic after was quickly noted and the word passed to local farmers by the police, many of whom would sit somewhere quietly at night, with a loaded shotgun. The following Saturday morning, Tony decided that he would stroll over to Lower Hill farm to take a look at his old home. He took the shortest route, using the public footpath across the various pastures, and through the boundary wood. Jean who managed both farms in his absence used Lower Hill farm, basically for beef production and for egg production. Keeping Upper Hill farm for the milking herd which was closer to home and the village. Currently the milking herd was in the region of about 125 head, so hand milking twice a day was a massive task, and assisted by one or to local part time workers. Calving was one of the main problems with on occasion, someone having to stay awake to assist cows having birth in the middle of the night. But most of the calving happened in the spring and summer when the calves had a better chance of survival. Tony that morning had just entered the wood by the main path, when he heard a blast from a shotgun nearby. He moved cautiously towards the sound, and came into a clearing. It had taken him about four minutes to arrive at the scene. There was a scuffle going on between a young man in the clearing, who was attempting to molest a young girl. Tony recognised the girl as Maria. She was the daughter of a deceased farm worker called Pedro, who had worked for the farm before the war, in 1938 he had been killed in a farm accident. He had fallen into a hay rake when hay making. The horse had panicked and by the time it had been caught he was dead. His daughter Maria had been allowed to stay on at the cottage and at one time had been a former girl friend of Tony's. The family had originally come to the UK to avoid the civil war in Spain. and Maria still lived free of rent in the farm cottage, she and her father had lived in. She had been brought up in England, and had elected to stay here after her father had died. She occasionally helped out on the farm, as a part time worker, especially, during hay making, and other busy times. Maria had been Tony's very first love, when they were teenagers. She had the typical Mediterranean colouring and temperament. She was a pretty girl, and Tony could see that she had matured, although he had not seen much of her in the years since the outbreak of war. Tony shouted to the man to move off. He backed off, and as he did so, he pointed the shotgun at Tony. " Mind your own f..... g business" he snarled. "What are you doing with that gun?" Tony asked. "I'm shooting fucking rabbits idiot." He snarled. "You do not have permission to shoot on this land, and I suspect you do not have a gun licence anyway, and if I am right, you have stolen that gun from the Lower Hill farm gun cabinet which was locked." "So what in f..... g hell is it to do with you? He retorted. "For one thing it is my land, and secondly that gun is my gun, and was locked in the gun cabinet at Lower Hill farm when I last saw it. And thirdly, I advise you to put that gun down on the floor, and step back unless you want to be killed yourself. If you look at the label on the butt of that gun, you will see that it is currently marked as unsafe for use, and is more danger to you than to any rabbits. By this time "Maria visibly shaken had come to stand by him as he was speaking. She took hold of his hand. As Tony had been speaking, they had both noticed two plain clothes policemen appear in the bushes just behind the stranger, although the stranger had apparently already realised who Tony was. He was however, unaware of the police behind him, and Tony was fairly sure that they were armed police, who like him, had been attracted by the shot and Tony knew were part of his security squad. As he hesitated Tony said. "You can treat that as an order Lieutenant. I could also have you court-martialed for being out of uniform in wartime and not carrying your respirator." For the first time Tony saw a flicker of uncertainty on his face, and he quickly put the gun down on the grass. The police stepped back without being seen, seeing the gun was being grounded. "I presume you are Commander Nash, the traitor. Sir" "Yes I am Commander Nash VC- Tony said. I am not, nor never have been a traitor Lieutenant, although you may have thought so, with all the publicity surrounding my mission." "Then why sir may I ask are you also out of uniform Sir." "For your information, I am requested by the Admiralty not to wear uniform, at this time for a specific security reason. Now I suggest that you return home, and put your uniform on. Leave the gun here, I will look after it." With a furious look in his direction the Lieutenant turned and moved away. The two security men behind him had now faded back into the trees, having been convinced Tony was not under any real threat. Tony decided to escort Maria home, and leave his visit to Lower Hill farm to another day, when the husband was not at home either. Maria had been his teenage sweetheart, and at one time, he was sure that the village gossips had expected them to marry. If it had not been for the war maybe they might have. It was at one of the villages Saturday night regular dances, or hops, as they were called when Tony first saw Maria on the other side of the room. For the first time, Tony realised just how really beautiful she was, and eventually he screwed up enough courage to ask her for a dance. From then on she became his regular date, and she also became the first girl that Tony had been intimate with. For both of them it had been the first time, and not unusually, as Tony reflected it had been rather a disaster. But from that day on their love making improved with regular practice, and like most teenagers Tony managed to get hold of some reading material that gave them some guidance. On the way back to her cottage Maria asked him about the two men who had appeared behind the Lieutenant. Tony told her "They think my life is in danger for having made a fool of the Nazi's and Hitler himself. If he had not put the gun down they would have been quite in order to shoot him." She said that she had heard the news of his return on the Radio, she said. many people in the village had not believed that you had defected, and were a traitor, people here also took a lot of nasty teasing from other nearby villages about us being a nest of Nazi traitors here. The local cricket match nearly became a war zone " Then she told him how the incident had happened. Apparently, Lieutenant Drake had accosted her, and had attempted to have his way with her several times in the past. The more she told him, the more Tony was convinced that Lieutenant Drake was quite an unsavory character. It was apparently worse on weekends, when he was on weekend leave, that was when he normally appeared in the village, and twice he had been the subject of complaints of drunkenness by local people. Several local girls had complained of his behaviour, and on two occasions recently, the police had been called to Lower Hill farm as a result of complaints of drunken shouting, when local passers by complained of the noise. On the walk back to her cottage Tony soon realised just how much Maria had developed over the years. She was a very beautiful young lady. She dressed well, and her beautiful Spanish complexion, and dark flashing eyes, beautiful white teeth and a lovely warm smile, were a real turn on. Maria told him she had not married. She had not really had a serious boyfriend for a long time. When they got to her cottage, Maria, had given him a long searching look and said. "Are you coming in?" Not unexpectedly inside the cottage Maria turned put her arms round his neck and her mouth up to be kissed, and they soon found themselves in a big clinch. Maria had always worn very exotic Spanish perfumes, and their was no doubt, this more mature Maria was a very desirable lady. She made some tea and sat down next to him on the settee, which meant that their bodies were touching. They talked for a long time, and she was telling him about her war work. But as time went on they both became increasingly more and more aware of each others body pressing close to each other. Once she leaned forward to pick up her tea cup and the front of her blouse fell forward and Tony got a good look at her full breasts and prominent nipples. He was also mesmerised by the smell of her exotic perfume. Maria always favoured the strong smelling perfumes that Spanish girls seemed so fond of. Tony wondered how she managed to get a supply in wartime. It did not take long for Tony to start feeling very randy, being in such close proximity to Maria and he suspected that Maria was deliberately trying to get him interested, as she sat even closer. Then she put her mouth up again and threw her arms round his neck for a kiss. She knew the effect she was having on him, and she had never got Tony out of her system. Her thigh touched his and she placed one hand onto his knee and then she looked up at him with her face just inches away. Suddenly they were kissing again, but this time with much more passion. Her free hand was undoing his fly buttons and releasing his cock from his pants. They kissed very much with the unrestrained passion as they had done when they were teenagers, penetrating each others mouth with their tongues. She started unbuttoning his shirt, and she kissed him on the neck moving lower as she undid successive buttons. Her tongue searching and licking his nipples She pursed her lips around one and sucked hard. It felt good. Tony put his hand inside her blouse and cupped Maria's breasts, playing with he nipples before bending forward and sucking on each one in turn. Soon they were both fully undressed and their clothes were lying in a heap on the floor. She bent down to his cock, and fastened her lips around the head of his cock. Something they had never done as a teenager. Tony couldn't quite believe what was happening. Maria had hated doing this when they were teenagers, and Tony presumed that she had found other lovers in his absence. He looked down at her dark hair, as her head bobbed up and down. She stopped and looked up at him with a beautiful smile on her face, and without speaking stood up and took his hand and led him to the bedroom. . In the bedroom, they lay on the bed and she took his cock in her mouth once again. She caressed his scrotum and teased his rectum with her finger- tips. The pleasure she was providing was intense. She made him come so hard Tony thought his head would burst. He could not restrain himself and he came in her mouth without thinking. He thought he would never stop coming. When Tony did she looked up at him with a smile and said. "Welcome home my darling Tony" She snuggled up next to him and said, "Tony I want you to make love to me now just like we used to do. I have missed you so much." Tony kissed her long and passionately, and rolled her onto her back, as he mounted her his cock now hard again thrust into her waiting pussy. They settled into a rhythm and their combined lust took charge as Maria clung on to him tightly. Her eyes were closed. Her hips gyrated up and down against his.. After only a few minutes of this she arched her back, raising herself off the bed and she came with a long drawn out moan. After a short rest and she lay with her head on his shoulder like they had used to as teenagers They were soon both ready again. She propped herself on her knees and elbows and they fucked doggie-style. While plunging into her from behind Tony came again, and so did she. Tony rested on his back for a while and his cock now soft had slid out of her. They ate a light lunch and talked about the old days. Then they were kissing again, and she was fondling his hardening cock. As once again passion took control of them.. It was late afternoon when Tony left to go home. When Tony left he put his arm round her and gave her a big kiss, and a hug. Tony felt a bit guilty about the fact that he had never thought to keep in touch with her. He was still very fond of her. Before parting she whispered. "Darling its lovely to have you back, and soon we must start thinking about the wedding." Tony did not have the nerve to say anything in response, and he walked home in a state of shock. He could see how she had come to the conclusion that Tony still wanted to marry her. But how was he going to let her down gently? Next Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Tony Meets Angie When Tony got walked into the kitchen. Tony found that Henry Drakes wife Angie was sitting in the kitchen talking to Jean. Tony told her about the incident that morning, and asked Angie how he had got hold of the gun. She told him, that her husband had broken into a bedroom; that had been left locked, by using some sort of skeleton key he had got hold of. The room had been kept locked, because it contained items of sentimental value, furniture and documents which were private, and other items such as the gun which was locked in a fire arms cabinet. The gun was never intended to be used again, but had been the property of his father. Tony had kept it for sentimental reasons. The gun had been declared unserviceable and unsafe by the local gunsmith before they had locked it away. But Lieutenant Henry Drake had ignored the warning label, and taken to using it a couple of times to amuse himself. Tony was quite bitter. "Your husband is a fool, he could have killed himself." Angie looked at Tony and said with a hint of bitterness. " Pity he didn't!." Jean and Tony exchanged glances and there was an ominous silence, and then Angie burst into tears. In the kitchen, after Angie had left, Jean suggested that they invite Angie over to join them for Christmas, but Tony demurred, and said that he was not prepared to put up with her husband, but Jean told him that apparently he was expecting to be on duty over Christmas and Angie would be on her own. So Tony agreed. The next day Tony had decided that he needed to get out and meet many of his old friends. The local pub was the best place to start, but he was a little nervous about going to the pub, but he knew he would have to face the locals sooner or later. He was not sure how people would react to him. He eventually resolved that he should go late that evening, and have a pint at his usual local. He went about an hour before closing time to the `Black Swan' fondly referred to by the locals as the `Dirty Duck` which was the only pub in the village. He knew the pub was managed by two old school friends of his Jack and Chrissie. Like many country pubs it had an orchard at the back, with a good selection of apple tress and the landlord usually kept a couple of pigs and some chicken Taking a minute to gather his courage outside, he pushed the door open. Suddenly the chatter ceased, everyone had gradually gone silent, as they turned to look at him. Tony walked up to the bar, and the barman his old friend Jack Morgan who had been the landlord and Licensee since his father had passed away, rushed across with his hand held out. "Welcome back Tony - the first one is on me." As the landlord pulled Tony a pint of mild, most of the other customers started clapping. The landlords wife Chrissie came from behind the bar and put her arms round his neck and hugged him and whispered in his ear "Welcome home hero, we all knew that you were no bloody traitor." After being bombarded with free drinks and questions Tony in the end asked Jack to ring the bell, and call for silence and Tony said. "My friends, I know you have heard some bad things about me over the past few months. But as you can see - I am back and free, and the Lords of the Admiralty have seen fit to promote me. I have just been informed that I am to be decorated by His Majesty the King although I have no details as yet. Now that is all I can really say at the present time except that I went on a mission, which was very, very important to the war effort. You are all intelligent enough to put your own interpretation on what I have told you. One day, I will be able to tell you the whole truth about my visit to Germany, and my mission, it is a very interesting story. But meanwhile Christmas is nearly here, and at least we have something to celebrate now the war is gradually turning in our favour" Just as Tony had finished speaking, and had taken the first pull at his beer, the door flew open, the blackout curtain was pushed aside and drunken Lieutenant Henry Drake staggered into the pub. This time he was wearing uniform, although it was buttoned up incorrectly his cap was all awry and he had two companions with him, both RNVR lieutenants. They were all the worse for drink. Tony assumed that they must have been drinking in town, and just come in on the local bus service Henry Drake saw Tony at the bar, and he turned and had a whisper and a giggle with his two colleagues. Then walking up to him he snapped to attention and did the Nazi salute and said. "Guten Abend mein Herr." He bent over laughing hilariously, with his elbows resting on the bar. The other two were looking at Tony nervously, the pub had gone quiet and they did not see Jack swing a bottle over on Henry Drakes head. He collapsed on to the floor, while the rest of the patrons gave a round of applause. The one officer turned round and said. "What happened?" "He somehow banged his head on my bottle" Jack the barman said. The officer sprang at Jack and pulled his fist back. "Why you bastard." Tony managed to catch his fist. "Pick him up and get outside all three of you." Turning to Jack. Tony asked. "Is Fred Dawes still the local copper?" "Yes Tony" "Call him then please." When the police arrived. Tony asked that he put the three of them in the cells for the night. They were taken away with the help of a few of the locals in the pub; Tony finished his beer quickly and said "Goodnight." Tony called in to see Henry Drakes wife Angie on the way home, to explain what had happened. She answered the door still fully dressed. She invited Tony in, and he told her the sequence of events that led to their incarceration for the night. She seemed very relieved, but then she broke down into tears. It took him some time to appreciate, that it was tears of relief. She had been dreading the thought of the three of them coming back drunk. She then went on to explain briefly how she became married to Henry Drake. She said "Tony I think I should tell you my story. I was stationed at RNB Portsmouth, when I went out on a few dates with Henry. The first two three times he was very polite, and the perfect gentleman. Then he wanted sex, and I refused. Then in his rage he raped me, in an alleyway. I screamed for help, but no-one heard me. I was a virgin, and he was very rough. The long and the short of it was that he made me pregnant. The two sets of parents got together, and they had a very acrimonious meeting but both agreed that we marry for the sake of the baby." I lost the baby three months ago it was stillborn. Now I have had enough of him. I am going to leave him." Tony was quite incensed at what he had heard. "Angie I would recommend that you do... I am sure that both Jean and I will help you in any way they can." "But where do I go, and what do I do." Tony said. "Well you have a home here for the time being. The navy will insist that Henry supports you financially until the divorce. Meanwhile, why don't you consider rejoining the WRENS. I think from what you say that your heart is still there? Angie soon looked a lot happier, as he was leaving she threw her arms round his neck and kissed him quite passionately. "Thank you so much Tony." Before he left, he ensured that she locked all the doors behind him. Tony was home much later than he had expected and Jean had been a little worried. The next morning Tony telephoned Captain Submarines at HMS Dolphin and put him in the picture about the behaviour of the drunken officers. He sympathised with Tony. "I would consider sending them back to RNB normally, but we are so short of qualified navigators that we are scraping the barrel. However, would you please get them released, and order them back to barracks immediately, to report directly to me personally on their arrival." Tony had them released, and told them that they were to report to Captain Submarines personally immediately on their arrival at Dolphin. Tony also told them. "I am not your commanding officer, and I hope I never am. But Captain Submarines at HMS Dolphin now has your conduct and your future under close review." The two friends of Henry Drake very shaken and with obvious hangovers apologized for their conduct, but Henry Drake stood in utter silence making no comment at all while they did so. Tony saw Angie later, and she told him that she had dumped all their kit outside the door, and she had told her husband through the bedroom window not to come back ever again, and that she was definitely suing for a divorce. She seemed a lot happier now she had made the decision, and Tony told her to keep in touch. Jean had two men working daily from the farm, looking after the beef stock and the chickens, so Tony asked them to keep an eye on her, and let him, or the police know if she was having any problems. However, he did resolve to call and see her every day. Over the next few days Tony and Angie became quite good friends, and he ensured that all the locks on the outer doors were locked and new bolts fitted On Christmas eve Angie joined them, and they all went to the midnight Christmas service in the local village church. Tony was made very welcome, by all the people who knew him. On Christmas day. The weather was cold with a hard frost during the previous night, but as the cows needed milking twice, and all the livestock had to be fed and watered, as well as the five cart horses needed for the farm work which were turned out for a couple of hours in the yard while their stalls were cleaned out, they all needed some exercise daily, but with everyone helping, all the essential work except milking, had been finished by early afternoon. Afternoon milking was brought forward a little and everyone settled down to a late Lunch/Dinner in the late afternoon just in time to hear the Kings broadcast on the Radio.. Tony's two security men on duty were invited in for dinner, and the evening for a few drinks. The house was decorated with lots of Holly and Mistletoe. The Mistletoe was plentiful in the orchard and there were a number of Holly bushes and Christmas Trees in the wooded area, and a lot had been harvested and sent to the local markets before Christmas . In the evening all the employees were invited to come for a party and the local girls kept Tony and the other young men home on leave from the forces busy under the Mistletoe. Presents had been handed round from under the Christmas tree, and everyone went to bed happy that Christmas had been uneventful for them. *********** The New Year came and went with a few air raid warnings, and a heavy fall of snow, which the local children enjoyed for two days before the thaw set in. Despite the war and rationing most people managed to enjoy the festivities. New Year celebrations were muted with no firework displays, except for an air raid warning and plenty of searchlights over the Bath and Bristol area. But for Tony life on the farm became a little boring. He found it hard to relax, and his mind kept switching back to his late wife Anne-Marie, and how she had been so ruthlessly assassinated, and how she would have enjoyed Christmas at the farm. Although initially it had been a marriage of convenience to give them cover for the operation, and their first meeting had not gone well, they had fallen deeply in love. He knew in his heart that if he ever had a chance to meet the Nazi who gave the order for her assassination, he knew that he could kill him and not have one seconds remorse. Meanwhile back home Tony had become increasingly quite impressed by the competence of the two young land girls Rose and Betty. Rose had attracted his attention almost as soon as he had met her. She was extremely beautiful. She had long blonde hair and nice blue eyes. Her features were almost perfect, and she had a slim figure with breasts that seemed about right. She was an extrovert with the irrepressible cockney wit Betty on the other hand was also a blonde, but she was a sort of tall dizzy blonde, very sexy and with a much quieter personality than Rose. He had found in the first few days of his leave, that it was hard for him to lay in bed mornings, and he was a naturally early riser. Most mornings Tony would get up at 05.30 and he enjoyed giving a hand with the early morning milking. The two girls worked well together, and they had soon formed a friendship. It was not long, before they all started playing little practical jokes on one another. But Jean for some reason did not like him getting too friendly with the girls. In fact Betty commented she seemed almost jealous. However, one day when she was just expressing her feelings forcibly to Tony when without warning, they were invaded by the arrival of about twenty press men from National newspapers, all wanting an interview. Apparently they had been tipped off by a series anonymous phone calls on his whereabouts Tony told them. "If I told you what happened you would not be allowed to print it." But he did tell them in general terms that the operation had been even more successful than they had ever anticipated in the beginning, although he knew in his heart, as did the Admiralty it had been a total waste of time and lives." While he was speaking, he had noticed two men at the back of the crowd, something about them raised his suspicions, they did not look like press men, in fact they seemed to show a total lack on interest in what he was saying. But Tony was not alone in his suspicions, as he noticed that one of the security police was standing at the back of the crowd watching these two men carefully. Tony stopped the questioning, and looking towards them asked "Excuse me what publication do you two represent?" The men did not answer but turned and walked away very quickly. One press man said when asked . They told me that they were here from the Ministry" and Tony saw one of the two security men that were on duty, follow them from the yard. After a while, the Press people quickly dispersed, and Tony turned to Rose who had been watching the proceedings with interest. Despite the press arriving he was a bit troubled over Jeans comments, so Tony suggested to Rose that perhaps they ought to be less intimate when Jean was around. "Wow. "Rose said. I must have missed that. When were we last intimate, and did I enjoy it?" Tony laughed at the way she had deliberately taken his words out of context. But he was sure that she had got the message. "Perhaps Tony dear." she said irrepressibly as she hooked her arm in his as they crossed the farm yard to the milking parlour. "Perhaps we could do it again sometime boss. Next time I promise to remember?" She said as she brushed past him, with part of her hand, she playfully brushing her hand against his groin. That very evening Tony went to the pub, as was his now daily habit, and as Tony was talking to Jack the Landlord. Jack was just beginning to tell him, that there were two strangers asking about him the previous evening just after he had left. From Jacks description they sounded very much like the two strangers who had been at the press conference that morning. Jack said "One sounded as though he could be Southern Irish by his accent." Just as they were debating the subject of his security, Rose walked in. Tony's eyes nearly popped out of his head. She was dressed in a longish black skirt almost reaching her ankles. She had a wide black fashion belt her shoes were about three inch high heels, which showed off her silk stockinged calves to great advantage. Her white low neck blouse showed her breasts, and figure to perfection. Her long blonde hair was tied behind in a bow with a black velvet bow tie, and her make-up was applied with great care. She had a long fur coat over her shoulders which she shrugged off and hung up on a peg near the door. She then walked up to Tony as he stood at the bar. "Good evening boss." "Hi Rose - you look absolutely lovely." Tony told her. "Thank you boss. Will you buy this lovely lady a drink then please?" All evening, she stayed with him gently flirting, assisted by Jacks wife Chrissie an ex girlfriend of Tony's, who joined in the laughs and was almost as bad as Rose. Rose's dry cockney humour had them all in stitches. Even the arrival of the local ARP warden telling them that the sirens had just gone, did nothing to suppress her wit and the mood of the party. On a slow walk back to the farm at closing time, she had possessively hooked her arm in his. Arriving back at the farm, he saw that the house was blacked out because of possible air raids, and all seemed very quiet. The searchlights had all disappeared, and the all clear had sounded while they were walking back home. They stopped to talk by the stables barn, where Rose had her little apartment . Thanks for lovely evening boss; it only wants one thing to make it perfect. "What's that? Tony asked. She put her arms up round his neck and Rose standing on tip toe kissed him. Then she said. "Boss dear, you said that we had been intimate before, but I don't remember, and it is driving me mad. I think you must show me what I have missed. "Are you really sure?" Tony asked. She brushed his groin with her hand again, his cock was already erect. I think I am about as sure as you are darling man." Once again Tony had the benefit of her arms round his neck and another long passionate kiss. She then caught hold of his hand and pulled him towards the stairs and her bedroom. "Now with the door locked she said "You must earn your release darling, and if you do well, then I will let you help me with the milking in the morning." " "What if I do not do well?" Tony asked in a whisper. "I was afraid you might ask that." "Well I just might just chain you to the bed and come back after milking is over to give you more practice." "What an incentive." Tony muttered as he took her in his arms. They undressed quietly not to wake Betty in the next room. They were soon in her bed. Her lithe young body in his arms. Kissing him passionately. Her groin rubbing avidly against his hardness, until she reached down and took his cock in her hands. She murmured, as she took his cock into her warm wet mouth, and started to work magic with her lips and tongue. Tony's hands went to her head holding her in position, as his body responded to this lovely oral attack. He knew that he could not hold out against this type of provocation for long. Almost immediately he came to full hardness. Rose was obviously a very happy and very experienced girl. After a few minutes, she very professionally straddled him, and with the expertise born of practice, she guided his cock to the entrance of her love tunnel, settling down on to him gradually. Tony could feel his cock being embraced in her warm wet pussy. Her pussy muscles were already working on his cock , as she started to move slowly up and down on him. First, gripping and relaxing, and then bringing him to the point where he almost came in seconds, but then she slowed down, as she leaned over on to him forcing a nipple into his mouth. "Tony suck me please" She murmured. Tony was only too glad to oblige as he strained to suppress the first stirrings in his groin. Then her lips pressed down on to his for a long passionate kiss As she then she again sat upright, and leaned back slightly with her hands on the bed, bringing a whole myriad of new sensations to their love making. The new sensations were fantastic for both of them, and Tony knew from her reaction that her first orgasms were beginning. It was only seconds later that she moaned out loud, as the first waves of pleasure started a whole series of orgasmic spasms. In the next few hours, Tony found her capacity for sex almost matched his. It was about 04.30 am when Tony awoke after about an hours sleep as Rose got up for early morning milking. "Stay there darling." She whispered. ' "I'm not finished with you yet." Tony turned over, as always willing to obey orders - especially from a pretty girl. He was very tired after a hectic night of making love and for the first time since he had come home he missed milking. Jean was very brusque with both him and Rose that morning at a late breakfast, and so Tony decided to get away from the frigid atmosphere of the farm house and go to see Angie. She seemed a little depressed. Angie made him a cup of coffee and they started talking. Then she said. "Last night someone was moving around in the farmyard quite late, but I looked out the window, and I could not see anything." Tony could see she was worried, so he decided to have a look round the farm buildings. Everything seemed to be in order, until he visited what had used to be the stables. There were definite signs of someone sleeping on the hay there. When Tony went back to the house he told her ' I think it could be a tramp who was dossing down in the stables. I will sleep out there myself tonight." "No you can't do that, you stay here with me. Tony, I don't want to be alone." She burst into tears, and without thinking; Tony put his arms round her. She turned her tear stained face up to him, and Tony found himself kissing her. Somehow that resulted in them moving to the bedroom. As they entered the bedroom, she turned to him, and said. "Tony please don't think I am taking advantage of you. I am getting a divorce as you know. But everything I know about you has made me want you. I really want you to make love to me and stay with me tonight." "I like it." Tony said, kissing her gently. His hands running down her body as she snuggled up to him. "Do you think I am a fast woman? "No. It is obvious you are not happy, and I think you deserve better." "I have never been with another man before - only Henry." Angie said. She returned his kiss with passion and gave him a quick hug. "You know Tony," she said, as she paused. "I could really fall for you in a big way." Tony felt his cock harden as Angie held out her hands to him. She came into his arms and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then she stood back and looked down at his erection. She gave a little moan of contentment as once again she slid into his arms, smothering his face with kisses. Her erect nipples pushed into his chest as they kissed, and then she said "I think I have fallen in love with you" She whispered, as she led him towards the bed and pushed him down. She stood there, looking down at his erect cock. Then she joined him on the bed, their bodies just touching. Her nipples poking into his chest like hard bullets. She wrapped her arms round his neck as he ran his hands slowly up and down the soft skin of her back. Then Tony pushed her away slightly, so that Tony he could suckle on her nipples. She moaned softly. The moan of a highly contented and happy woman. She quite roughly pulled his head tight to her breast, obviously enjoying the sensations that were rippling through her body. She gently stroked his hair, running her fingers through it, time after time as Tony sucked harder. Tony reached down and ran his hands over her pubic hairs, carefully inserting his fingers between the wet lips of her sex. She pressed her hips hard against his stomach. Tony could feel the moisture between her legs, as she rocked her hips. His cock stiffened in anticipation as she pushed him back, and straddled his body. She gently brushed the mouth of her vagina against the tip of his penis, then gently guiding his cock to her vagina entrance she slowly let her body sink. Taking his cock gradually into the warm wet embrace of her love vibrating love tunnel. Tony hugged her to him, as had taken nearly all his length inside her. They began to move their bodies in unison, in a steady synchronized movement. She pressed her body, as tightly as she could against him. As they moved Tony felt his orgasm stirring within him. She rocked back and forth with increased urgency. Her eyes closed her head held back. Then flopping forward her tongue entwined with mine. She was like a demented soul as she forced her body on to him her hands tried to pull him even tighter against her body. Crushing her breasts against his chest. Her moans increased in volume as our tempo increased. Then she broke the kiss with a loud moan and began grinding her hips against him with increasing passion. She shuddered and sighed, clamping down on him, her body tensing, as she climaxed. She held him tight as she flopped forward and kissed him on the mouth. A hard kiss full of unbridled passion. After a while she leaned back, a very happy and contented look on her face. Her hands resting on his stomach. As her body still gave little twitches and she smiled a gentle satisfied smile. A look of something more than passion, more like love in her eyes. After a moment or so, she began a gentle movement pumping her body up and down again on his cock. He reached up to her fondling her breasts as the sensation of her engulfing vagina was overwhelming. They came again together in a long mind blowing climax. They stayed locked together for a very long time. Her head resting on his shoulder, her eyes searching his face. Her climax had been something very special in its intensity;" Tony I have never experienced anything like that before." She said quietly, still holding onto his softening cock with her vagina muscles . Tony smiled back at her, feeling a bit disappointed as she got up off him. He was feeling a little guilty. "I hope you don't mind what we did, after all you are still a married woman, and I have talked you into committing adultery." She smiled at him, then reached over and kissed him. "Nope, anyway Tony, I thought I had seduced you. I will expect much more from you tonight." Next morning Tony awoke - Angie was still asleep, and he drew the curtains back. Suddenly he was faced with an ME 109 fighter hedgehopping, and being chased by two Spitfires. From where he was standing he could see the pilots face, and for just a brief moment their eyes met. He later learned that it had been shot down some twenty miles further on. A stiff reminder that the war could still find them in such a remote country village, On the way home from Angie's the next morning, Tony bumped into a very angry and tearful Maria. She was very angry and very abusive, as he had deliberately been keeping away from her. Tony told her, feeling very much a heel, that it was not possible for him to consider marriage while the war was still on. "But you never come to see me. Why?" She protested angrily. "I don't want to lead you on Maria." But she was not at all mollified by his answer. Tony felt very inadequate as he made the feeble excuse that he had been busy helping out on the farm, "From what I hear you are too busy fucking very other girl in the village Tony Nash. You just used me, and you have no intention of marrying me at all - have you?" "I am sorry Maria but I there is a lot of things I have to sort out before I can ever consider marriage with anyone, if at all." He left her feeling very guilty, as he continued his walk home. He had to admit there was some truth in what she had said. Tony then happened to remember what Jack had been telling him the evening before about the two strangers in the pub who were asking questions about him. At the time Tony had been more interested in Rose, and getting her into bed than listening to Jack; but now it all came flooding back. To be on the safe side, Tony telephoned his security contact number, and told them what Jack had been trying to tell him. Jean was still angry with him and Rose was rather quiet, so Tony decided to make his way to the pub, and find out a bit more. The confrontation with Maria had also been a little unsettling. So Tony decided to visit the pub that lunch time to see what more Jack could tell him. He told Jean not to bother about lunch as he would get something at the pub. Arriving at the pub he found to his amazement that Jack was away from home, and that Chrissie his wife was looking after the pub alone in his absence. Chrissie had been in the same class as him at school, and he had dated her once or twice. She was a nice looking woman, and Tony was surprised that they had never had children, because he recollected even as a teenager that she had always looked forward to having children when she married . Chrissie was flat out serving customers, and collecting empty glasses being shorthanded with Jack away. She told him, that Jack had been rushed to hospital during the night with appendicitis, so to pass the time Tony helped by collecting the empty glasses and pots for washing, and she later told him when she had a minute to spare, that Jack had been worried about the two men and had rung the police himself later. He did not get a real chance to have a long talk to her as she was so busy serving customers. Meanwhile Tony managed to collect and wash all the empties. The pub emptied about 2.00 pm at the normal closing time, and by then she had also run out of beer. The expected delivery of beer had not arrived. It was due sometime that day, so he helped her clear up, and he gave her a hand with shining the glasses. All the time they were chatting, and she was bringing him up to date with the local gossip. She confirmed that Jack had become very curious the day before, because they rarely had strangers in the pub, and when they started asking so many questions about Tony. It aroused his suspicions, especially, as one had a slight Southern Irish accent, and that in itself had been enough to alert him. As soon as they had finished Chrissie said to him "Come and have a cup of tea and a sandwich " Tony was understandably worrying a little about how Jean would react when after he stayed with Rose one night, and then Angie the next night, and then he wondered whether he was interpreting Chrissies `come hither' signals correctly. They went into the back room, and within seconds, Tony was not quite sure how it happened but he found Chrissie in his arms kissing.. Chrissie was all over him, her hand enthusiastically and quite openly fondling his groin, and undoing his fly buttons. Her hand was quickly inside his pants to fondle his cock. Knowing automatically what was expected of him, Tony slipped his fingers between her thighs to finger the lips of her vagina. She was not wearing any panties. She pushed them both back on the large couch, and for a time rested her head on his shoulders as she fondled his cock, occasionally reaching up to kiss him. Tony lay with his arm round her, not speaking but holding her tight. She wriggled against him happily giving a little giggle of happiness, as his fingers probed her love tunnel gently. She was obviously enjoying his attentions , as he stroked her now swollen vagina lips with his fingers. They lay there for about ten minutes as she brought me to full hardness. "This is all wrong Chrissie." Tony murmured. But her lips on his soon silenced him. Tony had his arms round her shoulders and his hand cupped over her breast inside her bra fondling her nipples... "Please Tony. I can't wait for you any longer..." Quickly and eagerly they undressed. Within seconds they we both lay perfectly naked on the settee. His erect cock in her hands, as she played with it; knowing and enjoying the fact that she was causing him such delicious agony. " Chrissie" Tony said, " I think you are particularly beautiful, but this is all wrong. Jack is a friend of mine. I don't want to lose Jack or you as my friends But Chrissie just said. "Trust me darling, I know what I am doing." Tony remembered how Chrissie had always been a very passionate girl, full of life and fun. Now both naked they kissed with increasing passion, as he continued to fondle her small firm breasts in his hands. The nipples were hard, like tiny marbles under his fingers. Tony gently fondled each one in turn, then he let his hand once again moved down to her groin. She opened her legs to allow him to insert his finger. She was already enlarged, eager and waiting for him. She moaned gently at his touch, her hips wriggled excitedly to encourage him. Tony took her in his arms. Her arms were tight round his neck as she hugged him close to her, as they revelled in the feel of each others naked bodies. She was in such a frenzied state of excitement that he knew little time was to be wasted on further fore play. As Tony gently pushed into her, she groaned quietly in delight; she was very wet, and very small. He knew that he had to go carefully not to hurt her, but even before he was fully inside her, her orgasms had started coming. Tony ignored this, and carried on very gently pushing in and out. He could feel her juices pouring out of her, over his testicles and down his legs on to the settee. She was moaning with a gentle exquisite sound that reflected her contentment. It reminded him very much of a cat purring. Her arms were locked round his neck, her legs wrapped themselves round his body as far as they could go, ensuring that he could not move away from her. Her hips were raised, her pelvis was forcing itself against his body as she worked to get maximum penetration. It amazed Tony that such a small woman could accommodate him so quickly, and so easily. Every few minutes she had another small orgasm, each one more intense and longer lasting than before. He guessed they were moving towards a massive climax. She was writhing in ecstasy. Suddenly with a shriek of delight, she went stiff, her arms were tight round his neck, and her legs were locked around him. He could not move as he felt her pumping away. Tony could not hold back against such activity, coming at the same time, soon they were both awash with semen. It was running down his legs, and even over his stomach. Gradually she relaxed, she loosened her arms, and she rolled him over on to his side, ensuring that he did not slip out. Tony however, was still working away gently inside her. Her lips fastened on to his once again, her legs locked over his legs, locking her very wet body on to his. Her breasts were heaving with the exertion, and the perspiration was running down both their faces and down their bodies, as they gradually came back to normality. They quickly showered and I turned to Chrissie. Tony said. "I am so sorry." "Tony don't be sorry. I love Jack to bits. But I want a baby, so if you have succeeded to day in making me pregnant - all three of us will be happy." Tony was looking and feeling a little bemused at this turn of events. "What will Jack say?" She reached up and kissed him, and then she said. "I know I can have a baby, so it must be Jack, he need never know. Just think of it as another small contribution towards the war effort." Tony could see her logic, and although he thought it would be a little unlikely on just this one occasion. He decided to go along with it. Just then they heard the sound of horses outside and the loud voice of Bill Clayton the drayman. The beer had arrived and Tony helped unload the barrels, by working in the cellar to mount them on the racks, The wooden barrels were first unloaded by being dropped on to an old tyre's off the dray then they had to be rolled down into the cellar on two planks with a breast rope round the centre to slow the momentum, so it was a two or three man task. Bill the drayman was already a little unsteady from previous calls, but he had been doing the job for years, and knew exactly what he was doing. After they finished, they watered his horses, and as was the custom they gave the drayman and his young assistant a pint of beer each. Tony joined him, and Bill was soon telling them that most days he ended up so drunk after his last call, that the horses took him home. They knew the way perfectly well. Tony asked "Bill why drink all the beer then"? "Well it's like this gaffer. I don't want to cause offence by refusing now do I?' Chrissie and Tony were soon laughing heartily at his response? They had just finished that task when Jean rolled up. She looked relieved when she saw what they had been doing. When she had gone, Chrissie turned to Tony. "She may be your cousin, but that girl is madly in love with you."! Tony said "No I don't think she is - she is fond of me, but my cousin Rolf always had the inside track. She thanked him for his help and with a cheeky grin asked. "Shall I see you tomorrow Tony? We will not have the drayman coming." Tony smiled back. "Are you sure that's what you want?" "Of course, but if you come back tomorrow it will give me a better chance to make Jack happy. It was a date Tony intended to keep. He was just putting his jacket in and opened the door of the pub after saying his goodbyes, when a shot rang out. The bullet lodged in the doorway of the pub. A splinter of wood hit him on the cheek. This was followed by one of his police guards appearing, and apologizing for falling asleep while waiting for him. The attempted assassin had got away but Tony thought for the first time they all now realised just how much danger he was in, and the policeman was very upset at his negligence. "I think we know where to find him sir. He said apologetically. That night he set off to stay with Angie well before dark. This time he took a shotgun with him, and a handful of cartridges. Jean was worried and tried to discourage him, and so did Rose and Betty. Although Tony was looking forward to being with Angie again. Somehow he was feeling rather unsettled. Several times he had the feeling he was being followed, and stopped to listen. Eventually, Tony rationalized and convinced himself that it was probably his bodyguard. Tony arrived at Lower farm without incident, and found a very twitchy Angie. "Henry has been back, and I would not let him in. He had been drinking, and he looked as though he was very angry. He was ranting and raving, and promising vengeance against you. But then two men appeared from nowhere and dragged him away." As it was a weekday. Tony thought it was strange that he was home especially, if he was in the Submarine training programme, and he thought that perhaps he had got compassionate leave for some reason. Although in wartime, it was very hard just to get leave for matrimonial reasons. Tony decided to do the rounds of the outbuildings, with the shotgun just before dusk, and found no sign of anyone having intruded on the premises, other than an empty beer bottle. He presumed that had been left by Henry Drake in his recent visit. By the time he had finished, it was growing dark As Tony re-crossed the yard towards the farmhouse, He saw Angie briefly silhouetted against the kitchen light, as she started to pull the blackout curtains across the window. In the distance Tony saw the first beams of a searchlight and the distant wail of the air raid sirens. This was not unusual, as he guessed that the docks at Bristol would probably be getting a visit from the Luftwaffe tonight. It was a bombers moon. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye Tony saw something hit the kitchen window, and he heard a smashing of glass. This was almost immediately followed by two shots. He saw a body stagger, and fall as he raced back towards the kitchen. He did not hear an explosion. Then two men raced across the yard towards the fallen body. Tony joined them, and looking down with the help of a shaded flashlight he could see that it was Maria. She was coughing up blood. Tony said "Maria?" "I'm sorry Tony." She muttered, as she finally collapsed. One of the policemen said. "She's a goner." "We had better get to her cottage. The two men are probably there "The one policeman said. Tony said. "Hang on what did she throw in the kitchen." All three of them raced to the kitchen to find a hysterical Angie, and a hand grenade still intact with the pin still in place lying in the centre of the kitchen floor. "The bastard's. They must have talked her into killing you, and she was so confused and upset she forgot to pull the pin out." The one policeman said. Later they called back, and reported they had arrested two men who they were fairly sure were IRA members who had been hiding in Maria's cottage. Apparently Maria had relatives in Spain, and there were threats made that if she did not co-operate and they would be arrested. The worrying thing for the police was that no rifle was found so the police concluded that there was another would be assassin waiting to get at Tony somewhere in the area. It took about two hours to get Angie back to normal. Then they had to clean up, and board up the kitchen window. Two men in an army truck collected Maria's body. As they lay in bed she asked him. "What is all this attempt to kill you about?" "I can't really tell you too much." he told her. "But just say, I made a fool out of Hitler and they want revenge." "But why the IRA?" "Some hate the British so much, they are prepared to work with the Nazis." I presume." For the next few days, he virtually lived with Angie. Apart from two lunch time visits to see Chrissie, His cousin Jean was not at all happy at his time spent with Angie. It made Tony think of what Chrissie had said to him the day before. Tony had to agree to himself that her behaviour was more like a jealous wife than a cousin. But, he knew she cared about him, but every time they talked, her mind and her conversation drifted back to Rolf and there was no doubt in Tony's mind that she was concerned about him Chapter 3 Next Chapter 3 Rolf Defects Oberleutnant Rolf Steiger was a very troubled young man, in his mind was a well founded fear that the Gestapo would take him, and his family, because his cousin Tony had defected to Germany, and then returned to England. Tony was now strongly suspected, and now being labeled as having been a spy. There was no doubt that he had made utter fools of the Nazi regime, and that he had personally hoodwinked Hitler, and the Nazi hierarchy, and the whole of the Third Reich while he had been in Germany. Rolf knew that the Nazi party would not forget and forgive, they had to make someone pay, they had lost face so badly, and Elizabeth Tony's ex fiancé, and a favourite niece of Hitler's, had come after dark one evening at great risk to herself, and warned his Grandmother that there was a good chance they would soon be arrested as retribution for Tony`s defection. It seemed from the conversation, that Elizabeth had been very much in love with Tony, and was heartbroken at losing him. Being a favourite niece of Hitler gave her some degree of immunity from Gestapo retribution. She told them, that the Colonel who had first cleared Tony in Belgium, and the local Gestapo officers in Belgium had been called back to Berlin to face questioning and possible punishment. Rolf knew there were lots of rumours being circulated about the concentration camps, and the way they treated their prisoners, so much so that Rolf knew he had good cause to worry about his family and himself. He was more concerned over his Grandmother. She hated the Nazis, and it took all the family to try and convince her to keep quiet, or she would face arrest. They all feared that a neighbour might betray her to the Gestapo. The fact that he was a serving pilot and officer in the Luftwaffe was no protection for him. He was not a member of the Nazi party like some of his fellow officers, but like everyone in Nazi Germany they all had to toe the line. Every squadron had a party informer, who would not fail to report back if they uttered a single word of anti -Nazi feelings His grandmother had said in despair, just the evening before "What can we do, there is nowhere we can to run to, and if mein liebchen you can possibly get away you must look after yourself. Go and join Tony and make a new life if you can." But Rolf knew at the time there seemed no way out for any of them. Even for him, it was not easy to just steal a plane and fly away. Fuel was in short supply, as the bombing had targeted the railway lines and the fuel storage depots. The war was gradually turning against Germany, food was now being rationed, petrol was ins short supply, and the RAF was now visiting Berlin and other cities regularly. The RAF were becoming bolder, and the raids were becoming more devastating, as their aircraft numbers increased. The Americans were entering the war, and their raids were now almost every day, and were causing havoc, despite the heavy losses the Luftwaffe were inflicting on them They RAF had the new Lancaster planes with a longer range, and were now venturing deeper into the heart of Germany, on their nightly bombing raids. He knew that many of his comrades were now quietly despondent about the outcome of the war, and thinking about a possible defeat, but no-one dare say it out loud. There was no doubt in most peoples minds that now the Americans had come to Europe in real numbers, things were getting much worse for them. His Grandmother had encouraged him to get out for the evening, and enjoy himself. He reluctantly did as his grandmother told him. Having met Trudi, it had done him good. Rolf was very anxious, not only about his family, but enjoying himself with a married woman. They had met in the bar of the officers club not far from his Grandmothers house in Berlin. He was feeling very anxious about his family, and was a bit down and his knew his Grandmother was obviously extremely worried. Trudi had made him forget his worries for a while. His Grandmother had obviously wanted him away from the house, in case they came, hoping that he would not be involved. He had gone to the club early knowing full well that the Tommy's would probably be raiding the city again tonight. That was where he had met the glamorous Trudi in the bar, and he gathered that she had been employed as a hostess. She had approached him with a big smile and introduced herself. "I'm Trudi by the way. Trudi Reidel." "Hi Trudi I'm Rolf." After a few drinks, and some conversation he felt himself being very attracted to her. Her perfume was exotic, and she was a tall shapely blonde, with a lovely figure and quite sexy. As they talked she moved closer to him on the seat, and soon Tony was feeling quite horny, a couple of dances to records, and the feel of her breasts against his body as they danced close together, did nothing to stop his manhood from rising. Trudi turned to him and told him." Look Rolf I am married, and my husband was or is on the Russian front, but he is now missing presumed dead. So honey I have to find a way to make a living." Just then the air raid warning was heard wailing, and the lights dimmed and Trudi had turned to him and said. "Mein liebchen you can come home with me if you like, there will be nothing here for me tonight, and if you want to make love to me, perhaps you could see your way clear to making a small financial gift to me." Rolf agreed and she fetched her coat, they walked out into the night. The searchlights were flashing across the sky in the distance. They could see anti-aircraft fire weaving across the sky. There was a few clouds and Rolf knew that if they could not see their target they would drop their bombs anywhere they could. He knew that the RAF did not do too much damage, as they aimed at munitions factories, and marshalling yards, but it was largely psychological so far. but enough to be a nuisance and cause certain shortages. Walking back to her house slowly, her arm tucked in his they soon arrived at her home. The Luftwaffe was not having a lot of success against the RAF during night raids, as night fighting was completely new to them, and they had to watch that they were not caught by their own flak, there seemed to be a total loss of co-ordination between fighter command and the local anti aircraft gunners at the present time, most of the AA gunners were past military age, as most of the younger men were now serving on the Russian front She told him that she shared the house with a girl friend who worked nights at the Bahnhoff, which was much better than working in a dreary munitions factory. At home she wasted no time as she walked straight to the bedroom. Turning in the doorway she held out her hand and said :Kom mein liebchen " Rolf was not slow in joining her, he watched, as her short dress started to ride up her thighs and he could see the material was delicately placed just over the cleft of her ass, so that he was treated to a full view. Once again his cock started to grow hard in his trousers. She gave him a sexy smile, and standing front of the mirror she did her hair into a ponytail. She used one of the hair bands on her wrist to tie her hair. Rolf was speechless. She turned and walked towards him, and wrapped her arms round his neck, she pulled his head down, and she stuck her tongue in his mouth and French kissed him. "Mein liebchen no talking of the war, let the war stay outside, and let us enjoy our short time together as she spoke she was undoing his tunic, followed quickly by his trouser belt and his shirt. then she dropped to her knees in front of him. Her dress splayed open and he caught a quick glimpse of her breasts. The nipples looked as hard as football studs. She pulled his trousers down to release his cock which was straining against his underpants. With a short, swift motion she yanked his underwear down around his ankles. His cock now bounded out and stood to attention. "Mmmm," she said. "Looks good enough to eat." Trudi then licked the palm of her right hand and started to stroke his cock. After pumping it for a few seconds she brought it up to her mouth. Rolf almost came in her throat right there as the warm sensation of her mouth filled his cock. She kept pumping his cock into her mouth as she sucked it. His cock was ramming into the back of her throat so hard, he could feel his balls tense up as she deep throated his cock and made herself gag. Mmmm" she groaned as his cock filled her mouth. In minutes Rolf was on the verge of shooting his load. As if sensing it, she took his cock out of her mouth and looked up at him with a luvly smile.. "Are you ready for me Rolf, do you want to fuck me now <mein liebchen Rolf?" "Uh-huh," was all he could reply. She stood up and took her dress off. Rolf could see the dark strip of fluff on her pussy. The dress fell around her feet and she walked over to the bed. She climbed on top of it on her hands and knees, then looked over her shoulder at me. "Are you going to join me Rolf liebchen ?" she asked. Rolf walked over to her and climbed onto the bed. Trudi lifted her buttocks in the air as her face rested on the bedclothes. Rolf grabbed his hard cock and moved it up to her pussy lips. She moaned as he rubbed it over her pussy. He slowly slid the head of his cock inside her as she gasped in delight. After a few seconds he plunged deeper inside her, until his balls rested against her buttocks. "Ohhhh that feels lovely Rolf," she said. As he fucked her harder he saw her pussy juice dripping onto the bedclothes. Rolf grabbed her hips and thrust harder. She was moaning in ecstasy. "Ohhh Ja mein liebchen." "Trudi I'm going to cum." As Rolf was preparing to thrust into her for the final time she pulled away. His cum spurted all over her face. There was a big glob in her left eyeball, which she didn't seem to mind. His cum rolled down her face like tears as she took his cock in her mouth one more time and sucked it clean. Just as Rolf was almost dressed there was a loud banging on the front door. She opened the window and shouted to the men below after a shouted reply, turning to Rolf she whispered. "It is the Gestapo, they are after you? " Rolf dropped a bundle of money on the bed, while she went downstairs to answer the door taking as much time as possible, Rolf could hear her arguing with the Gestapo officers. He finished dressing quickly, as Trudi was protesting vocally to someone that he had left her outside the club. Then her heard her cry out, and the sound of a thud as someone hit her in the face. Rolf knew their was only one way out and that was through the window. He quickly threw the bedclothes over the bed, and shook the pillow, to make it look as though he had not been there, while he heard people searching the downstairs of the house. He opened the bedroom window and he dropped out of the window on to the soft garden Looking up he could see that the window had shut itself in the light breeze. He ran almost all the way back to his Grandmothers house, trying to make sure that he was not seen, by using the back streets as much as possible. He could see the front door was smashed in, and the house was empty. There was a crowd standing outside quietly talking, and a friendly neighbor seeing him, told him that they had taken away his Grandmother and Grandfather and the rest of the family in the house, and they were looking for him and the rest of the family. Fortunately his motorcycle was in that neighbours outhouse, with his leather jacket, and he was soon mounted up and riding through the night, not knowing where else to go, he was soon on his way back to his base, most people were in the air raid shelters or asleep, so the roads were fairly clear. His mind was very troubled, and he did not know what he could do When the war had come he had been conscripted into the Luftwaffe, and soon became a good ME 109 fighter pilot. He had been on several missions across the channel as escort for the bombers, but he had just spent three months on the Russian front. He had been in many dogfights and had two kills to his credit, but he was glad that he had not been in action against the RAF. He knew England well, having spent many holidays there and he was fond of Tony and Jean and their many English friends. His squadron had suffered heavy losses on the Russian front, and now they were back in Germany to pick up replacement pilots, and new aircraft. He knew that in the Battle of Britain Herr Goering had been baffled by the numbers of Spitfires that had always seemed to be waiting for them. They could only conclude that the RAF had many more planes than their spies had reported. The numbers of pilots that did not return from bombing missions over England had been frightening. All these thoughts were running through his head as he headed North on his motorbike back to his station nr Rheydt. He did not know what he could do. Or whether he would just have to submit to arrest. His own plane was in the workshop, and was not able to fly while under repair. But he knew he could not just grab a plane and take off, but lady luck was on his side. A distance from the airfield he could see that their was a raid in progress As he arrived at the gates of the station, it was still in darkness, apart from a number of planes on fire and a burning fuel tank lighting up the field. The RAF had been strafing the runway. But some planes were still managing to get airborne. The scene was total chaos and the ground crews were working hard at putting out fires all over the field, especially at the large fuel storage depot. Many pilots were attempting frantically to reach their planes, to get airborne, as he entered the station, he noticed that one plane about a hundred metres away from where he had dropped his bike was warming up, the pilot was known to him but he was obviously wounded. He collapsed quite near the plane, obviously unfit to fly. His ground crew were all round him trying to help him. Rolf ran to the plane. He shouted to the mechanic. "Get an ambulance for him, I will take his place." Not waiting for a reply he had jumped into the cockpit, the mechanics standing by, helped to strap him in, and soon he was hurtling down the runway, and was soon airborne. At first he was not clear in his mind what he intended, but he knew he had to get away, and then looking down at his fuel gauge, it was almost half full. He realised he was lucky, and with a bit of luck he had enough fuel and could make the English coast. The station controller was calling for him, to respond and identify himself, but he deliberately switched the radio off, and kept flying low, hedge hopping. It was just getting light by the time he reached the Dutch coast, he somehow had managed to eventually cross the English coast between Portsmouth and Southampton skirting the Isle of Wight as a few machine gun shots came up to meet him. Rolf remembered that just before the war, there was an RAF station at Fordingbridge, he planned to make for that, as it was only a few miles inland from the coast, but as he flew across the New Forest two Hurricanes fighter planes swooped from the cloud cover, and latched on to him, his plane was hit by a burst of cannon fire, his plane had been hit, and was losing oil, but he was still flying. He took a white handkerchief from his pocket and pulling his hood back managed to wave the handkerchief at the approaching RAF planes as they came in for another attack. He pointed down to the ground and to his relief the two Hurricane pilots seemed to understand what he was trying to do. They took station abreast of him on either side. He kept flying straight, and the RAF planes stayed with him one on each flank. His engine was beginning to misfire badly and he was desperately looking for a piece of flat ground to put the plane down. Passing over Ringwood he lowered his undercarriage, and started to lose height, as he knew he was nearly at the RAF station at Fordingbridge. He just hoped it was still there, and he could make it. Within minutes the runway suddenly came into sight. He managed to put the plane down safely on the runway.. He taxied slowly towards the buildings at the edge of the air field and stopped. The Hurricanes landed just behind him. Within minutes he was surrounded by a squad of men from the RAF regiment ominously pointing rifles at him, as he carefully left the cockpit holding his arms up high, and showing that he was not wearing a flying suit, just his uniform and leather jacket showing that he was not armed. All of a sudden he felt an overwhelming sense of relief. He had made it. To his surprise he was taken into a room and he was offered a cup of tea. A Wing Commander came into the room and he stood up and saluted. The Wing Commander introduced himself as Wing Commander Dawson and he asked. "Do you speak English?" Rolf re-assured him that he could, and briefly explained that he was related to Commander Tony Nash, and that he had defected from Germany to avoid being arrested by the Gestapo. He explained how he had seen his family being arrested, and luck had been with him as the RAF raid had given him a chance to seize a plane from a wounded pilot and get airborne. He did ask the Wing Commander to ensure that his defection was not made public, as it would kill any last chance his family had of surviving, that is if they had any chance at all. The Wing Commander had his wits about him, and called a staff Sergeant into the room. "Get that ME 109 covered, and into a hanger pronto and warn any ground staff not to talk about it." Eventually the Wing Commander said "Well son you will have to be confined as a Prisoner of War at least for the time being, but I am sure something can be arranged to contact Commander Nash for you. But the Military Police will soon be here for you." *********** A few days later Tony was abruptly called to the Admiralty. The crimson ribbon of the Victoria Cross stood out on his relatively new uniform, and attracted much respect and many courtesy salutes as he left his taxi, and walked the last few yards to the Admiralty. To Tony being back in uniform felt strange after so many weeks being allowed to wear civilian clothes, Tony was hoping this visit was about a new appointment, he desperately wanted a seagoing appointment. He knew that he was not going to be given a job commanding a submarine, as he was too senior, but he hoped that some other appointment could be found for him. He felt he was not cut out to be happy in a desk job and he knew he had a hard fight ahead of him to convince his seniors. In the taxi Tony had gazed in amazement at the scarred streets of London. They had to make two detours to avoid bomb damage. He was amazed at the variety and complexity of uniforms now walking the London streets. It had been some months since he had been in the city proper. and he could see that the nightly bombing had taken a heavy toll. Tony arrived at the Admiralty, and after a short wait was taken to see the Second Sea Lord... He shook Tony by the hand and congratulated him on his survival. Like many others, he was very interested in his impressions of Adolf Hitler and his cohorts. After he had been there for about ten minutes. He went on to say. "I am afraid that I have some good news, and some bad news. First of all we have eventually had final confirmation that your friend Janine did die from gunshot wounds, helping you escape. Apparently she got caught in the same hail of bullets that cut you down." Tony had already had that news when he was in hospital, but then he had been told that they were seeking confirmation. But in his heart, he had always known that her death could was distinct possibility. It was a far better end for her, than ending up in a concentration camp, or in the hands of the Gestapo. "She was a very brave woman and is being considered for a posthumous bravery award by the Free French. Which brings me to the good news? You are being awarded the Distinguished Service Order, for your part in that futile operation. This is a very rare occurrence but the powers that be, consider that it is a just reward for your heroism in going into enemy territory, and returning alive. A lot of the information that you brought back was very useful and very informative." "Now your appointment. You will not get a seagoing appointment until the end of hostilities in Europe for your own safety, and for the sake of national morale. You must realise, that your death or capture would be a massive boost to German morale. You made a monkey out of them, and they have not even officially announced your defection to the German people as yet. Now to your new appointment, and once again I can not stress the need for secrecy. I can only give you the bare bones, your commanding officer will fill you in when you report for duty. Meanwhile I am afraid that you will continue to be kept under secret service protection for the time being, at least while you finish your leave. In a way you are doing a good job, as you are encouraging enemy agents to break cover. Your death is a top priority for the Nazis." But I expect you realise that most of this information could have been sent to you at home, however Mr. Broughton is going to take you to Paddington Green Police Station, as we want you to identify a German airman who has defected. Tony's head was in a whirl as he left the Admiralty as he considered what he had been told. He was bitterly disappointed over his forthcoming appointment, In the car with Mr. Broughton told him. This officer has defected, and he claims to know you. He has been closely interrogated and much of what he has told us matches information in your personal records. Entering a room at the Police Station Tony was surprised to meet Rolf still in Luftwaffe uniform. As they embraced and broke into German Rolf told him how he had arrived, and the reasons for his defection. He told Tony "I am very happy with the way I have been treated here, but I will not fight against my own people, nor will I divulge any information that will lead to their deaths. If however, any information I have, can bring down the Nazi party, or if I can fill a non-combat role to help end the war I will do so. They talked for a long time and Mr. Broughton said. "Well I am satisfied that he is your cousin, but if he goes to POW camp he will be executed by the Nazi hardliners in the camp. I do have an alternative suggestion, which I will discuss with you later, but I do have to go to the very top to get permission. Later Mr. Broughton said. "My idea is simply this I think that if he will give his parole, he could be released into your Cousins custody under an assumed identity to work on the farm. He will be checked by the Police daily, and he will not be allowed to leave the farm until after the end of hostilities." Tony thought that the idea was a good one. Then Mr. Broughton went on to say. "At the end of hostilities we are considering you for a role in the occupying forces in Germany, where your knowledge of the people and country will be invaluable. We wondered whether Rolf would be willing to work with you in that capacity." Tony said. "It is a good idea, but let us wait until the war is ended then we can ask him." Mr. Broughton then went on "We now have the problem of your security We have arranged that you should be billeted for the next few days with Admiral Tranter and his wife who is one of Churchill's whizz kids. We can not put you in a hotel for your own safety, but the Admirals house is very secure, and you can be brought into the city by car if you are needed. Meanwhile you can enjoy London. Once we have a decision on Rolf you can go home and finish your leave." ************ The Admirals house was well appointed, and was located in the consular area of London, which made it a little safer than probably anywhere else. Tony was greeted by the Admirals wife Sally, who was obviously many years younger than her husband. Sally was a very pretty petite blonde, whose father was one of the Sea Lords, and it was obvious that her husbands rapid promotion, had benefitted from her marriage to him. However, Tony thought that she seemed a little depressed, but he assumed, that it was due to the fact that her husband had let the moths out of his wallet, and was hosting a party for his staff and Senior Officers that evening. But Sally's disgust, was due to the fact that all the arrangements were being taken care of by her husbands mistress, a First Officer in the WRNS who acted as his Secretary. She told him it was her home, and it seemed an insult to her that he should use that woman to take her place in her home Tony agreed buy then he remembered that he had rumours of the relationship between the Admiral and his Secretary, even before he went to Germany, but it seemed that they were a very clever couple and no-one had obtained actual proof of any sexual relationship. Sally he realised, was really a bored and much ignored housewife, in fact she enjoyed the idea of having Tony stay with them. His exploits had been headline news, and the fact that they had been warned about his security did not worry her. It was a change from her boring life and he was a very personable young man. Seeing him put an idea into her head. When she met Tony, she had a few moments before his arrival received a telephone call from a private detective, who had now claimed he had got absolute and indisputable proof of her husbands infidelity. Tony's room was comfortable and he sat down to read a newspaper, and listen to the radio news, when Sally interrupted him by entering with a tea tray and two cups. Having pulled herself out of her depression she came to have a chat with Tony, and to ensure that he was invited to the party that evening. She pressed Tony to attend. "That slut has taken over the running of the party. I do not know any of his staff, as I am never included in any of his office functions, so I need you to help support me please Tony." That evening true to her forecast, it was her husbands mistress who stood and received the guests, despite Sally' did attempt to join the receiving line, but she was quietly rebuffed, and so when she joined Tony, she was a very angry woman. She danced with him, and she made sure they danced closer together than a married woman should with a comparative stranger and was rewarded with a few angry glances from her husband. Her husband had the temerity to send his Flag Lieutenant to tell his wife to be a little more discreet in her behaviour. Sally told the Flag Lieutenant to tell he husband to "Get stuffed" Tony was known to a lot of the guests who during the evening came and chatted with him, and Tony always made a point of introducing Sally, when the opportunity arose. Her husbands attitude towards Sally, was not welcomed by some of the guests, and they obviously felt embarrassed, but as the evening wore on she hooked her arm in Tony's and danced with him exclusively. Tony could see that her husband was getting angry although there was not much he could do about it. He tried his best to get her to be a little more discreet - but to no avail. As the evening wore on, he was enjoying Sally's company, but later as Tony stood alone while Sally made a brief foray to the ladies room, he decided for the sake of discretion to give his apologies to Sally and retire to his room. But when Sally having returned suggested they take their drinks outside onto the blacked out terrace room, together they sat in the dark and talked. They talked for a long time, and Sally drank quite heavily. She talked a lot about her childhood, and her marriage, and she became quite maudlin. The party was about to break up when the Admiral came to find his wife. He told his wife that their was a bit of an operation on back at the office, and the Prime Minister wanted him on hand, so he was going to bunk down their for the rest of the night. Sally did not respond but turned her head away when he tried to kiss her. "He's going to the nearest fucking hotel to shag his tart." She said bitterly. "I now have the proof and I'm leaving him tomorrow, and going back to my parents. I have never really loved him like a girl should, and being with you tonight, has shown me that there is more to life than being a bloody Admirals wife, despite what my father thinks. Come Tony I've had enough, the stewards will clean up. Tony helped a slightly wobbly Sally up the stairs, and he was about to say goodnight, when she turned and put her face up to be kissed. Then she said. "I'm pissed, and when I am pissed I get very randy, and when I am randy I try and grab the nearest young man to satisfy my lust." A few minutes later lying in bed. Sally looked down at him. "Do you really like me Tony?" she whispered, "Sally, I think you are absolutely gorgeous," Tony managed to splutter. She burst into tears, and leaned over and started to kiss him "Oh, Tony, I am so lonely." "Oh Sally dear I wish I could say or do something to help you." "You are Tony dear - you just being here is helping me enormously." Sally reached down, and pulled his head up to give him a long passionate kiss. Their kisses were soft and passionate at first, then they became more hungry and demanding. Their tongues explored each others mouth, as they lay locked together, their naked bodies pushing against each other as they both enjoyed their first bodily contact, and Tony's cock having a mind of its own, slid between her legs to rub gently against her warm wet pussy lips. Tony moaned softly, and ran his hands down her bare, smooth back, moving his hands down over her buttocks. Sally draped a leg over his hip, opening her body for him to explore . Her pussy was moist and leaking, her juices coating his cock. Tony inserted a finger into her pussy, as he gently searched for her clitoris. Sally moaned happily into his mouth as his finger explored gently, giving her an exploratory finger fuck. Sally moved happily against his finger as it searched, quickly finding her clit, it was swollen and he started to move his finger in a little circular motion across and around the swollen clit. Sally gasped and clamped her thighs together, holding his finger in place. She broke the kiss, and gasped, "Oh, God, Tony! No more! I am about to come, but not like this I want you up inside me. Tony's cock was at its hardest "Oh, my God!" she said softly, as she recovered from her first orgasm. Sally stretched out on the bed beside him. They on their sides facing each other. Silently, they looked into each other's eyes. She reached out her hand and stroked his cheek. "Tony, I could fall in love with you so easily." Not speaking Tony wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close . Their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. Quickly tenderness soon grew to hot passion, and their kisses became more passionate. Their tongues probing and exploring each others mouth Their lips nibbling at each other. Tony's cock was pressed between their bodies. Sally's hips ground into him as she tried to get even closer. Tony once again pushed his cock between her thighs to move against her wet warm pussy lips "Oh, God, Tony! Now! Now!" she shouted. "Please Put it in me now," she said in a moaning voice, trying to pull him on top of her. Tony moved between her legs and spread them apart. His cock was rigid and throbbing, as he gently pushed forward gently penetrating Sally's pussy. She was hot and slick, and his flowing pre-cum increased the lubrication even more. Sally raised her knees high, and humped her pubic mound up against his cock pushing him deeper inside. Tony pushed his hips forward and his cock slowly began to sink into Sally's hot channel. Tony started moving gently inside her in long deep strokes as Sally responded to his movements She lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his waist and her arms reached up around his neck and held him tight. Sally matched his motions, and soon they were working together in perfect harmony. It was not long before Tony could feel the pressure building inside him, and from her responses he could tell she was close to orgasm once again. Suddenly, Sally clutched him even harder. Her hips moved in a feverish motion, and he could feel her muscles grasping his cock. Suddenly Sally threw her head back and wailed, "Oh, God, I'm there! I'm coming, I'm cominnnngggg.....! Then Tony came as spurt after spurt of his baby seed flooded Sally's womb until together briefly sated, they came to a stop panting and clinging on to each other, as they both began to come down from the high their breaths coming in gasps. . They both opened their eyes and looked into each other's face. Their lips drew together and they kissed a long, tender kiss. Morning came, and Sally opened her eyes to look at the sleeping Tony. She got out of bed and went downstairs to make some breakfast which she brought up on a tray . But breakfast got ignored when she got back into bed and woke him with a kiss. It was another hour before they finished their cold breakfast, and Tony had just started his shower, and started soaping himself when a naked Sally had joined him in the shower. Before he knew what was happening, her arms were locked round his neck, as she had pulled him close to her body, her beautiful pouty sensuous lips had clamped fiercely on to his, as she smothered his wet face with long passionate kisses. After a few moments, she pulled away, her arms still loosely locked round his neck, she smiled happily as she looked up at him. With her very warm very female sexy body locked against him, her pussy now rubbing against his now rampant cock Tony lost the will to resist, as once again she lifted her beautiful young face to be kissed. Tony needed no further encouragement as now he was utterly in her power, he took her in his arms. This time she disengaged her hands, and let them go down to fondle his then quite massive erection. Then Sally grabbed the soap, and started to soap his wet body paying special loving attention to his cock and testicles. Tony pulled her wet body close against his. He could feel her breasts, with their lovely hard bullet like nipples pressed against his chest. Her hand reached down grabbing his very hard cock and slipped his cock between her legs, so that as her hips rotated slightly, he could feel it rubbing against her soft wet vagina hair. "This is the nicest surprise darling." She murmured, as Tony now taking the soap, began to soap her body slowly, and very carefully, paying special attention to her breasts, then her vagina. She was really enjoying his attentions, her moans were unrestrained; but they both knew this could not last long. She knew that she could not take much more of this erotic massage. She wanted his cock inside her so badly. She pulled away; the water was running down her face, her long hair was now dark with the shower water, but her eyes were full of wild unrestrained passion. "I can't take much more of this Tony dear. I want you fucking me and I want it now." As she was speaking she had put her arms round his and catching hold of his hair tightly in one hand, she pulled his head back. She kissed him hard, on the lips and on his neck while her other hand was reaching down and guiding his cock expertly into her hot wet pussy. Tony felt it slide gently, and smoothly deep inside her, he instinctively knew how she liked to be fucked. Her hips pushed hard against him, ensuring that she had him locked deep inside her very fertile womb. She kissed him gently on the eyes, and nibbled his ears, as they moved slowly together, the warm shower water pouring over their bodies as she clutched his firm hard body to her. "Welcome home darling." She murmured. "But this is not my home!" Tony said facetiously. "It is, and this is where your cock belongs, inside me for now " Sally said firmly. His cock was soon encased in her warm wet vibrating cocoon, her hips moved slowly, with his in perfect harmony. They were working very much as a team, producing a range of erotic feelings, that were out of this world and which they had both previously enjoyed. The feel of her body snuggling in his arms was good and he had to admit it was something that he enjoyed. The feel of the warm water pouring over them as they made love, acted as a lubricant as their bodies rubbed together. To Sally, she firmly believed that destiny had decided that they had been made for one another. No other man had come remotely near giving her the sexual or emotional satisfaction that Tony had done the night before. Their passion was intense, yet it could not be hurried, both of them were determined to exploit their desire for each other in their love making. At first they moved slowly, as the pace increased, so did their enjoyment. They were moaning almost in unison, their lips locked together, their love making gradually building to a crescendo. She was the first to start with several small orgasms. Tony wanted to make it last as long as he could, and he had deliberately and desperately tried to hold back, but, it was no good Sally was no novice, she would not let him delay, and anyway he could not delay, his need was so great as he thrust hard into her, holding her tight he started coming in long pumping yet almost imperceptible strokes. He came in a long drawn out session, better than anything that he had experienced for years, as he shot his seed into her Almost too late, and just as he was beginning to slow down, she joined him in a long drawn out massive climax. Her arms locked round him, almost crushing him in their intensity pulling him close into her, holding him so tight against her vibrating body. "That's never happened to me before for a long time . She whispered." They stood locked together for a long time, arms round each other before Sally led him back to the bedroom by the hand. Taking a towel she started to dry him refusing to let him help, then sitting him on the edge of the bed, she dried his hair. Tony locked his arms round her waist, gently kissing her fondling her naked breasts while she worked on his hair. He started sucking her hard nipples... "What am I going to do about you Tony." She said eventually. "I want you so badly. I am going to leave my husband and go back to my parents. I have enough evidence for a divorce, but I want you to stay with me while you are in London then I will leave when you do. His stay was for just four more days before he was told that he could take Rolf home with him. He was to be re- named, but he was not allowed to leave the farm, and he was to report to the Police every day, or rather the Police would visit him at least once or twice a day. He was not happy about not being able to leave the farm, but he realised that while hostilities lasted it was for his own security. It was far better than being a Prisoner of War. Next Chapter 4 Chapter 4 The Invitation Lord Ralph Ainsley was dismayed that since the out break of war and despite all his contacts at the War Office no-one could seem to be bothered to find him a wartime job. He was even more disgusted with Kate his daughter, all she was interested in was horses and having a good time. He thought that at least she could do some voluntary work. Lord Ralph Ainsley now in his late sixties, glanced up from his copy of the Times newspaper, and looked down the breakfast table that morning at his wife. "I see that our neighbour, that Nash fellow has got another gong to add to his Victoria Cross darling.. I reckon though that he deserves it for what he has done." "Yes dear why don't we invite him to dinner on Saturday." Lady Leighton muttered. "It may be good fun. I gather he dined with Hitler a few times so he should have some interesting stories to tell." "Oh yes Mummy please." The very glamorous blonde Hon Kate Leighton broke in to the conversation. "Let's please Mummy, he's quite dishy, although he is a bit on the old side for me." "He is only about 27 or 28." Lord Leighton responded. "Well I suppose that he might do at a pinch." Kate murmured. "From what I have heard he is not engaged or married." Lady Leighton said. "So I will invite him for Saturday dinner. No harm in you running the rule over him darling." Lord Ainsley privately was disgusted at his daughter, much as he doted on her. She had not been bright enough to go to University, despite all the money he had spent on her at top private schools. He had tried to get her interested in helping on the estate farm, but all his efforts had come to nothing. She just hated getting dirty, and risk spoiling her nails. At least he thought she could have helped with one of the voluntary services. *********** Tony was thinking about the invitation from Lord Ainsley that had arrived in the post that morning. He was inclined to make an excuse to avoid going, he did not know his Lordship other than by sight, but he was thinking about it, as he tramped over the fields with his shotgun under his arm. Tony had been advised to ignore all these invitations for security reasons, and most days he got invitations to attend money raising events such as Spitfire Weeks, where towns organized events to provide the money to buy a Spitfire fighter plane, or raise money for other war charities. With his leave now drawing to an end Tony had decided to take advantage of the warm spring weather, and on Jeans instructions, he took a shotgun and started walking the boundaries. The damage caused by rabbits was enormous, but there was also a good market at the butchers for rabbits to supplement the wartime meat ration. Most of the fields had a hay wagon parked in the middle or posts deliberately placed in the middle of the field to deter an invasion by gliders. The hedges were higher than normal as farmers were encouraged to ensure that there were plenty of obstacles around in case of an airborne invasion. So under these wartime requirements there was much more cover for rabbits and foxes. Despite the early morning sunshine their were still a few rabbits popping their heads out of the hedgerows, to make the shooting worth while. In the fields where they had chicken houses on wheels, he had arranged for Rose to come and put Bandit the horse into the shafts, and usually when they moved the chicken houses, a few rabbits came out running. This morning however Tony was even more delighted to bag a Fox, and when they looked closer they could see that the fox had killed at least half a dozen hens during his visit. However, by lunchtime the haul of rabbits was very worthwhile, and Tony decided to go to a nearby barn to eat his sandwiches, and drink a bottle of beer Jean had packed for him. The sun was warm and after eating Tony fell asleep on the hay. He was in the corner of the barn, his shotgun resting on a bench with the pile of about ten rabbits he had shot nearby. Suddenly, he was awoken by a clap of thunder, and the sound of hail hitting the tin roof. Sitting up he was just in time to see the appearance of a young lady looking very wet and bedraggled, her long blonde hair trailing down the back of her riding jacket, pulling her horse inside the barn for shelter. Tony recognised her straight away as the Hon Kate Ainsley, , although the last time he had seen her was before the war and she had been a very uppity young schoolgirl, home from her private school. At the time he had just been a young sub-lieutenant very proud at just being commissioned. She had smiled at him, but they had spoken only briefly He just lay back and watched as she unsaddled the very wet horse and grabbed a handful of hay and started to rub her horse down. The sound of rain on the roof was fierce and seemed to be much worse punctuated by the sound of thunder and flashes of lightening through the dirty windows of the barn Tony assumed from the noise that it must be sleeting. When she had finished rubbing the horse down, she took of her riding jacket and opened her blouse right up. It was about then that Tony had a burst of sneezing. By the time he had recovered he opened his eyes to see the blonde young lady standing in front of him waiving her riding crop. "You fucking peeping pervert." She shouts as she raised her riding crop Tony said quietly" I would not do that if I were you Kate" Then she said. "Do you know you are trespassing." "No young lady, I thought I owned this barn, in fact I am sure I do, so who is trespassing?" "Oh now I know who you are, she said as she suddenly recognised him. I have seen your photo in the paper a lot recently." "I know who you are Kate, but its been a long time, and now you are a very pretty grown up young lady." Suddenly Kate flopped down on the hay beside him "I`m sorry I thought I could get home before the rain, but I got caught. I tried a shortcut across the field" Tony had a couple of apples left over from his lunch and said "Fancy one?." Kate grabbed it "Thanks I am hungry." He thought how lovely she looked. Her blonde hair was wet at the ends, but she was looking more relaxed now, as she devoured the apple. Tony lay back on the hay and for a while as they chatted. Suddenly she went quiet, and he realised that she was asleep. The sound of rain on the tin roof seemed relaxing and he too dropped off. He awoke as he felt her arm cross over his body and her lips landed on his in a long passionate kiss. "Damn you Tony Nash I have always fancied you, but you never even wanted to talk to me She leaned up on her elbows looking down at him. Her bright blue eyes stared down at him intently. Her lips were slightly parted and her breathing became faster as she leaned over to kiss him again. Her arms came round his neck and she pulled him into the kiss. As they kissed, he put his hands inside her open blouse to fondle her nipples. She was not wearing a bra, but she was wearing a silk petticoat, and he could felt her hardening nipples through the material, and her firm breast responding under his fingers. Breaking the kiss Kate said. "I always fancied you when I saw you in your posh navy uniform. I wanted to be kissed by you so badly, but I never contemplated ever going this far with you, but heck there is a war on so let's have some fun." She tensed, as Tony started to take her blouse off, throwing it on a nearby pile of hay. He unbuttoned her riding skirt and worked it off as she lifted her buttocks to help him. Now Tony took the initiative as he kissed her, feeling her bright red sticky lipstick once again adhere onto his lips. She responded with a low moan of contentment as Tony played with her nipples through the silky material of her petticoat/ She let her head fall on his shoulders, her arms clung round his neck, as she turned her body to give him better access. Tony felt her nipples harden under his fingers. She moaned a moan of contentment softly After a time he trailed his hand down across her stomach and under her petticoat to find to his surprise that she was wearing no panties. For a moment he was a bit surprised, and then he followed Kate's eyes to where her panties were lying on the ground next to her. "Yes Tony dear I wanted you to make love to me so I made it easy for you. "She said with a shy giggle. She smiled and sat up, she looked at him. She said "I'm still not sure if we should do this, but if I do let you fuck me, just remember that I am not just a whore or a one night stand. If we make love then it ought to mean something." Tony replied "Of course it means something, for a start it means that you are a beautiful young woman, and as at now I fancy you something rotten." "Yes but... are you still going to fancy me tomorrow, and the day after that?" Tony said with a little chuckle. "You mean I will have to wait that long to make love to you again, but remember it was several years ago when we first met and you were a pimply young schoolgirl?" "Yes Tony Nash and I fancied you something rotten then." "Kate dear we have to get to know each other properly if you want something more." As he was speaking, his hand had found its way down between her thighs and his fingers were playing with her pussy, suddenly he found her clit. She gave a loud moan and pulled him close for a long kiss. Breaking the kiss she punched him gently, and said "You know what I mean." Tony decided it was time to stop talking as he stood up, and took the near naked Kate in his arms and carried her to the centre of the barn. He lay the horse blanket on a soft pile of hay, then he laid her down, as he quickly undressed, and climbed onto the makeshift bed beside her. Tony went to remove her petticoat, but she demurred. "No Tony I did not wear a bra or panties, but leave the petticoat please." Tony did not argue, but started kissing her down her body, eventually arriving at her pussy. He felt her body tense, as he made the first tentative lick of her pussy. His tongue forced its at through her pussy lips latching straight away on to her super sensitive clit. Her reaction almost took him by surprise "Wha-Wha-Oh-M-M-My G-G-God. W-W-What are y-y-y-ou d-d-doing?" She moaned, and he could her body trembling response as her groin pushed into his face and her hands pressed won on to his head forcing his mouth even closer to his working tongue. Almost immediately her body tensed, and she let out a small cry as she climaxed. Tony knew that now she was more than ready for more. He could wait no longer as he moved into position to enter her. To his surprise her hands took his cock and gently pushed it between the lips of her waiting pussy. Tony pushed and entered her with one firm stroke. She was hot, very wet and much tighter than he had anticipated. Her legs locked round his waist pulling him close, as her arms pulled him down into another long passionate kiss. It wasn't long before they were fucking her hard and fast, soon Tony could feel his climax building and then explode, shooting his seed deep into her. They lay locked together for a long time his cock buried deep inside her, her legs still wrapped around him. He was still hard and so he started to move again.. She started to respond, and their bodies moved together building to a slow rhythm "Once more then I must go " She whispered. He pulled her down and kissed his way down across her stomach to her crotch. As he dipped his tongue into her he found that she was already very wet from their lovemaking. Tony pushed her legs up and licked her clit again, every once in a while running his tongue all the way down and then back up her slit. She finally moaned, and he could feel her pussy contract as she orgasmed. Tony rolled her over, pulled her up and entered her. As he pushed in and out of her hot, wet, tight pussy, he could feel her push back towards him. It took only a short time before he came exploding into her. Tony pushed all the way in and stayed there, buried to his balls in her pussy for a long time. She quickly picked up the rhythm and began slamming up and down on his cock at a frenzied pace. It wasn't long, before she climaxed again, a minute later Tony came again into her hot pussy for the third time that night. She lay on his chest for a long while, then she whispered, " Tony dear sex with you is good. I hope you are coming to dinner tomorrow night?" Tony finally rolled off her and she snuggled close against his body. Then he said "I was not going to come, but I have changed my mind as long as you are there? " Is that a promise?" Kate replied as she stood up and started dressing "But, next week I am back to the war." Tony said. "But you will write to me then won't you please Tony" "If that`s what you want I will, but I will see you tomorrow night." It was then that they realised the rain had stopped. He helped her saddle up, and then picked up his gun and the carcasses of his rabbits, now for the first time he was looking forward to seeing Kate again the following night. ************ The following night Lord Ainsley was a bit narked that his Brother-in-law had decided to invite himself to dinner together with his wife. He was the Colonel of the local Home Guard Battalion. He always came in uniform, wearing his pistol. He was introduced to Tony as Commander Tony Nash although Tony was not in uniform. It was obvious to Tony that he had not been recognised. Kate and Tony went out on the patio to talk in the black out. Joining the rest of the family as the pre- dinner sherry was served. Lord Ainsley's Brother in law as usual, was complaining about wartime restrictions, and saying how busy he was running the battalion of Home Guard volunteers. Lord Ainsley said facetiously. Why don't you ask Churchill to send your chaps to the Western Desert to give that fellow Rommel a lesson?" His brother in law went a bit quiet, as he realised that Lord Ainsley was making fun of him. As dinner progressed Lord and Lady Ainsley started asking questions about Tony's time in Germany, and his meetings with Hitler. Tony had to tell them that he was bound by the official secrets act, but he did manage to keep them interested and amused with some of his stories. It was just as the dessert was about to be served when there was a loud shout followed by a burst of shooting outside, and some shouting. Every one stood up except Tony. Outside his two security men on duty were stood over the body of a man with a rifle. The one policeman a few moments later reporting to Tony said. "Sorry for the noise sir, but we were sitting just where you and the lady were sitting before dinner and he did not see us in the blackout, and he walked right up to us. We challenged him, but he just wanted to make a fight off it so we had no option but to shoot him. We could see him clearly against the bit of moonlight " Tony did not finish his dinner, he made his apologies to Lord and Lady Ainsley for the disruption and got his coat to return home. He had promised to call on Angie on the way home anyway. Before leaving He told them that their had been several assassination attempts on his life and the policeman were always nearby to protect him. Kate obviously shaken suddenly said as he was leaving "Sorry Tony, don't bother to write, much as I like you, I think being around you is a bit too dangerous for me." She turned and just walked away. Tony went to Lower Hill farm to spend the night as he did most nights Next Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Conclusion The following week Tony had to report back to the Admiralty. He never ceased to be amazed at wartime London. It was a vastly changed City from pre-war. The streets were full of a whole range of different uniforms, with both men and women of different nationalities, all seeming to be in a rush to get somewhere, but the typical Londoner was still very much in evidence, with their irrepressible and unique sense of humour. Rations were tight, and their was much bomb damage but a lot had been cleared and some repair work was going on. Even in just over a week Tony could see the changes taking place. Meanwhile Rolf had settled in at the farm and had told them a lot about wartime Germany and the shortages. For the first time he admitted that it would take a miracle for Germany to win the war. He was amazed at the amount of food that was available on the farm, but as Tony pointed out farmers were rather lucky as they had plenty of space to grown their own. He confirmed that the Germans were now much more pre-occupied with the Russian front but there were still occasional raid over London and the other cities once in a while to make a nuisance of themselves. The RAF had now trained a number of Hurricane pilots in the art of night fighting, which also made life more difficult for the raiders Tony had to report to the Rear Admiral Submarines an ex World War Ace who also sported a Victoria Cross . They had a long chat, and the Admiral told him that he was being appointed as Staff Officer Operations to a new Flotilla. Generally speaking you will be operating as a special unit with a few X craft some older S boats a couple of T Boats and an ex German U Boat a VIC/41. The lads are busy now changing all the important name plates into English. She has been refitted, and is one of the newer Bloom and Voss built boats. You come under my command, but you will receive most of your operational orders via the Second Sea Lord who I believe you know quite well. Tony's day's in London were busy with briefings on different aspects of further operations. He got a very clear picture of the surveying of enemy beaches, and installations that had to be carried out. This also included the landing of small parties of Royal Engineer sappers to defuse mines on French beaches. The whole object of his new flotilla would be secrecy. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he would also have a captured U Boat in the Flotilla which would be a terrific asset in this kind of work if used properly. Tony managed to get a telephone call to Jean to tell her where he was living for the next few days, but he was not allowed to tell her very little else. Tony's first evening was taken up with exploring war torn London and visiting a few service clubs. He was completely surprised at the damage that had been inflicted on many parts of the city. But Tony was impressed with how many businesses kept going, and how children who had not been evacuated were still getting up, and going to school despite losing sleep in the occasional air raids. But Tony was even more surprised, at the morale of the Londoners themselves. Every night they had crowded into air raid shelters, or into underground stations, and amused themselves with sing-songs, and games of bingo, while the war had raged above them . Tony also soon realised how privileged they were in the services, when Tony was given some idea of the severity of civilian food rationing, and the patience of housewives, who had to queue every day for even basic foods. There was no doubt in his mind that they were suffering more than the German people were at this stage of the war. However, the briefing Tony was getting, and the outline thoughts now being expressed for an invasion of Europe and the arrival of American troops did a lot to convince him that Churchill's optimistic comments were warranted. On the second evening there had been an air raid, and after the all clear had been sounded. He could tell that bombs had dropped in the vicinity of his hotel. Tony decided to make his way back to his hotel. There was little point using a taxi as many of them were now in use as auxiliary fire tenders, and anyway, many roads near his hotel were blocked with debris or unexploded bombs. Tony had just turned off the main road on to the side road leading to his hotel when he saw a young schoolgirl, about fourteen or fifteen with long hair which reached nearly to her waist. She was in a nightdress, and she was looking rather disheveled, and she was crying. She was covered in dust and was limping. She ran up to Tony, her face streaked with tears. "Please sir can you help me my mother is trapped?" Tony followed her down the street through an alley into an adjoining street, and immediately standing outside the house could see that there was a parachute snagged on the chimney pot, and Tony guessed that a mine had gone through the roof. The tiles were all broken, and it was obviously it was hanging somewhere inside the house. "Where is she?" Tony asked. "Upstairs in the front bedroom." "Right, now you go back to the main road and get the police or the ARP and tell them there is an unexploded land mine here. What is your mothers name?" "Her friends call her Jenny." Tony entered the house through the broken front door, and went up the stairs treading carefully, and he had to climb over some rubble to get into the bedroom. Hey could see that there was a young lady trapped in the bed, and part of the ceiling had fallen on her. She was covered in white dust, and was coughing. Hanging about a foot over her head from the parachute cords was an unexploded mine, swinging gently from side to side in the evening breeze. Tony called out. "Jenny." "I am here she replied" "Your daughter is safe and has gone for help - but first I will see what I can do Fortunately, there was a part of the ceiling that had broken free, that Tony after a bit of effort could use as a lever and he was able to insert it between her and the part of the ceiling that was trapping her and lift it gently a few inches. "Crawl out carefully." Tony told her. "I can not lift any more or I might touch the mine and set it off." He told her. But it was enough as she just managed to inch herself along the bed about eighteen inches and Tony was able to lower the debris and pull her clear. Her face was bleeding, and she seemed to have a broken leg. Tony managed to carry her down the stairs, and out the front door. A policeman was coming towards him, and Tony told him. "You will have to clear the area. It could go off any time now." Tony continued to carry Jenny until they were clear, despite the pain from his leg where he had previously been wounded, and fortunately there was an ambulance near. "Where is Alice?" Jenny asked. "I'm, here mum." said Alice as she came running up. The scene was very confused with ARP wardens and police. An incendiary bomb had landed nearby n a paint store, and had started a fire and the fire service was trying to get closer to the fire. Tony said goodbye, and managed to sneak away, covered in dust to his hotel. Arriving back at the hotel, he was told that his wife had the key. In view of the recent attempt on his life. Tony questioned the receptionist closely, about the woman and soon concluded from her description that it was probably Angie. Tony had to knock at the door of his own room to get in and be greeted by Angie. She stood back in horror as she saw his disheveled state. Tony's shirt was covered in blood and his uniform would definitely have to go to the cleaners before it was wearable again. He explained what had happened, and after a quick bath and getting into his pyjamas Angie and Tony were soon in bed enjoying each other company. Tony was so glad to see her. He needed her badly as the reaction to the night's events gradually set in and he was feeling a bit of a reaction. He moved down her body kissing each part of her body as he went. Angie had quite lovely firm breasts. Her nipples were like little nuggets... she laughed out excitedly, as she gazed down at his erection standing up, tall and straight. "That darling is a kind of compliment especially after what you have been through tonight." She said. She moaned as Tony kissed her nipples, wriggling slightly and lifting her back off the bed, pushing them towards his waiting mouth. After a while Tony gradually moved towards her legs, kissing her legs, her ankles and putting each one of her toes in his mouth, gently almost fondly licking them. Then Angie started to lick his cock, wrapping her lips around his tip, she started to work her mouth up and down his full length, as far as her mouth would let her. Her long silky blonde hair tickled his crotch and the tops of his legs as she worked. Tony could smell the perfume that she had been wearing. Tony worked his way back to her crotch letting her pull away from him and open her legs. Gently inserting his tongue, feeling for the clitoris, finding it quickly, teasing it and probing it gently with his tongue, making it even harder. She writhed and wriggled, moving, moaning and clamping her legs around his neck, so that he couldn't easily escape, even if he had wanted to. Within minutes his face was covered in her juices. They lay still for a few minutes, clasping each other tightly. "That was wonderful." She whispered, all the time, she was talking she was playing with his cock. She moved up alongside him pushing him on to his back as she straddled him and gently inserted his cock into her warm sticky love tunnel. She moved slowly at first, controlling him with whispered murmurs. Gradually increasing the tempo, of their love making until she was working up and down, like a demented piston. Suddenly, she stopped, bearing down on him, his full erection, was far as it could go inside her. She told Tony to stay perfectly still. His cock seemed to be swelling perceptibly, so much so, Tony thought it might burst. She froze, stretching back slightly,, as her body started vibrating and shaking, she was making a loud moaning sound of utter contentment. It was the sound of a passion that Tony had heard from her before. He could hardly breathe, and it was not long before they came almost simultaneously. She screamed out loud in ecstasy. It was the sort of climax that was normally so rare. They lay back exhausted, still locked together in an embrace, both of them slippery and covered in perspiration. Just as the sound of the all clear filled the nigh air. They went to sleep locked in each others arms, with the moon shining down on them through the open curtains, now Angie had removed the blackout blinds . Tony had to be up early the next morning, Angie joined him on the walk to the Admiralty. She had an interview to rejoin the WRNS, later that morning, although she had privately been told it was a pure formality. As Tony left her to go to a different part of the building, where he was working, he became very aware of the very enthusiastic greetings in his direction from the staff in the outer office. As he entered the conference room he saw Mr. Broughton and a naval Captain who had been in the briefings previously with Tony talking, and looking at a newspaper.. They were smiling broadly as Tony entered the room. "How many bloody medals do you want Tony?" The Captain said with a broad smile on his face. As he tossed a copy of the Daily Herald on to the desk. Tony immediately saw the headlines "VC To The Rescue." With a photograph of him carrying a disheveled and bleeding Jenny towards the ambulance. The report was even more dramatic, because the mine had later exploded and injured several bomb disposal Sappers who had been preparing to try and defuse it later that night. Eventually his briefing came to an end, and Tony knew that next day he would be travelling to joining the new Flotilla and depot ship in Portland. He met Angie briefly as she waited for her train at Paddington station. "You introduced yourself as my wife at the Hotel I gather?" Tony asked. "Yes. Perhaps I am just hoping that you will want to marry me when my divorce comes through." Angie said shyly. :Well I do love you." Tony said and it sounds like a good idea to me." Just then the whistle blew and the train started to move. The next day was a dreary rainy day and he travelled to Portland with a WRNS driver who seemed very much in awe of him. For the first time without his police escort The following morning Tony stood on the well deck of HMS Rapid a reconditioned luxury liner now acting a depot ship, looking down at the submarines moored alongside. He was now formally the Staff Officer Operations for this new submarine unit. His quarters on board were luxurious by Navy standards And he was not too far away from home. Angie had returned to the farm awaiting her orders. He reflected that the news was more positive and was now turning in their favour, although far too many merchant ships were being sunk by U Boats, and now his special task was to get as much of the information as possible that would help in making the decisions for a successful invasion of Europe. It was in that connection that now Tony began to appreciate how the little bits of intelligence, that Tony had picked up while as a guest of Adolf Hitler were of crucial importance to the intelligence services. The intelligence services them selves had been particularly interested in the attitudes and habits of the senior officers Tony had come into contact with. Special interest was attached to the social interaction between Hitler and his subordinates. Now this new unit would broadly be under the control of combined operations. The depot ship which would be home to the new Flotilla, now commanded by a veteran submariner Captain Wolf Thornton, who was now Captain S-M of this very mixed flotilla. Tony had met him previously, just prior to the war at Fort Blockhouse, when he had commanded one of the new T Class boats. The Executive officer of HMS Rapid who was not a submariner, was a Commander Maurice Flavell who was responsible for the depot ship crew and providing depot ship services to the Flotilla. As Staff Officer Operations Tony was responsible to the Captain for the operational command of the flotilla. However the Flotilla was being classified as a training flotilla for local consumption. Their primary objective was as an information gathering force, to be used in conjunction with combined operations for surveying possible landing beaches, observing movements ashore in occupied Europe, landing agents, and similar subversive activities.. The general order for the Commanding Officers, were for them to avoid aggressive activities, except when specifically ordered. When going out the boats would only carry a minimum load of Torpedoes to be used in self defence, and not to be used in any unauthorized offensive activity. There unused space would be taken up with other personnel or equipment. They would also be carrying other personnel from combined operations. A squad of Marine Commandoes and Royal Engineers were already aboard the depot ship under the command of a Major in the Royal Engineers Portland was an ideal location for the Flotilla as the steep terrain prevented, or made difficult any attacks on ships in the harbour from the air, Submarines were always in the most danger when entering or leaving harbour as they had to surface to do it. On this his first morning on board Tony stood at the top of the gangway as Tony looked down at the boats assembled in the port trot. To the casual observer they looked just like normal T class or S class submarines. But beneath the camouflage there were the captured U Boat. It was VIC which Tony knew from experience was the workhorse of the German submarine fleet, The boat was very cleverly camouflaged with a canvas and plywood cover which concealed their true identity. As well as this boat, they had a mixture of T Boats, S Boats. They had also got two X craft with the necessary two crews for each. Tony knew the majority of the Submarine's Captains, and some of their First Lieutenants. His reception had been a little mixed. But the fact that he was here, following a promotion had quickly brought the realization that there had been more to his so called defection, than was common knowledge Tony was a little sad at leaving Angie, as things were developing very well between them. But Tony had received a postcard through the forces post office from Cassie with the comments on "Whose a clever boy then?" Tony guessed from the comment, that Cassie was now pregnant, and Tony was to become a daddy. As Tony stood and watched, he became aware of some turmoil and shouting on the casing of one of the S boats. He was a little surprised to see Lieutenant Henry Drake (Angie.s husband) giving a public reprimand, to a leading hand who Tony presumed, was the Second Coxswain of the boat. Tony could not logically interfere, but Tony could, and did refer the incident to his commanding officer. When Tony spoke to the Submarines Captain about it. The captain responded . "He is a bloody good pilot sir. But he is a shit bag as a person" his Captain responded. "Would you like him transferred to the spare crew?" Tony suggested. "I would love to sir, but they do not have a qualified navigating officer to swap him with." The Captain did however promise to have a word with him on his general behaviour towards ratings. Tony did promise to seek an urgent replacement for him and a recommendation that he be returned to General Service as being unsuitable for submarines. His boat an "S" Class Submarine HMS Sea Trigger was one of the first detailed by Tony to go out on a mission. It was detailed to tow one of the X craft to survey a beach nr Calais. The X craft would be towed by HMS Sea Tiger to within range of the shore. The passage crew and the action crew would then change over, transported each way by a rubber dinghy, under cover of darkness. The Sub Lieutenant diver from the X craft, would wear a rubber wet suit, and leave the X craft by a chamber known as the wet and dry chamber. He would swim inshore, take samples of the sand, and try to ascertain the firmness of the sea bed at several points using implements given him by Special Operations, and note any defences in place, on or near the beach. He should then return to the X craft, where he would enter the wet and dry compartment on the X craft, which would then be drained, and he could rejoin the rest of the crew to return to the towing submarine. They would then be exchanged for the passage crew and the Submarine would again take them in tow, and return to the depot ship. However on the return to HMS Sea Trigger reported that Lieutenant Henry Drake had been killed together with two ratings on the casing as they tried to recover the rubber dinghy, used to transfer the two X craft crews, by a burst of machine gun fire from a passing E Boat presumably returning to base . The guns crew were at action stations and had returned fire with their 3" gun and Lewis guns, and set the E Boat on fire which blew up quite quickly. They had managed to secure the hatches quickly and dive to return to the depot ship. But no bodies had been recovered. On their return the Captain of the Sea Trigger was quite bitter, complaining that with rubber dinghy's they had to have the fore hatch open for far too long. They would do much better with much less risk if they could use Commando type collapsible canoes, which could be lashed to the casing, and not leave the boat vulnerable to attack with a hatch open. Tony took the point and said he would arrange for trials to take place using the new type canvas canoes to see if it was a realistic option. After Tony had been there for about three weeks Tony had begun to relax and enjoy his job. The thought of possible assassination had passed to the back of his mind. It came as a horrible shock when to his dismay his colleague Commander Maurice Flagella was shot dead by a sniper whilst walking on the quarterdeck one afternoon. It was assumed because they were similar in height and build to Tony, and that he wore a Commanders uniform that he had been mistaken for him. The sniper was never caught. Angie rejoined the WRNS and was posted, (after Tony pulled a few strings) to HMS Osprey in Portland. They were married just one year later. At about the same time Tony was promoted to Captain, and appointed to liaise and co-ordinate with the US Forces at the Admiralty on the invasion of Europe Angie became pregnant almost immediately after their marriage. On the cessation of hostilities Tony was sent to Germany as an area commander at Kiel dockyard, where he was responsible in getting the harbour open to shipping fairly quickly. He was joined by Rolf who was now happily married to Jean, and who acted as a local civilian advisor to the allies. Tony's job was very much involved in the salvage of ships that the allies had previously sunk. in the war. Angie and his young son joined them when conditions were safe, and they had a very pleasant three years before Tony returned to the UK, and was posted in command of one of the Royal Navies modern destroyers. Tony later previously heard through his contacts that Elizabeth Von Pep was captured by the Russians in Berlin and so far has never been heard of again. His Grandparents, Rolf's parents and most of his cousins died in a German concentration camp. Only his Cousin Greta survived, and that was probably due to the fact, that she was an active member of the Gestapo before her arrest. The End