Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Prologue This a rewrite of the story first published in 2008 as the Reluctant Spy. I have altered the plot in some very significant ways, and renamed the story. I have tried to make the story historically accurate. The action in the story took place in a critical phase of the war and is totally fictional, But this was the year when the Germans invaded Russia ( Operation Barbarossa) and some few months before the tragic and dastardly attack on Pearl harbour by the Japanese. These two events had a critical bearing on the final outcome of the war. Please also note their was not a T Class submarine in the Royal Navy during the war called HMS Tenacious although their was a T Class Destroyer of that name, which survived the war and which I served on for a short time. The operation described in this story was as fiction, but fortunately in actual fact the German codes were successfully captured from a U Boat U110 that did not sink straight by the Frigate HMS Bulldog. The U Boat was later taken in tow, but sunk on its way back to the UK . The use of these codes using the German Enigma machine, were vital in warning convoys where and when they could expect an attack from U Boats. Please note that most of the spellings are using the English Oxford Standard dictionary, although there may be occasions when my spell check has replaced the spelling with the standard USA usage. The story is in two parts and part two is being rewritten and will be published in due course. Recall Chapter One By Sirdar It was the end of April 1941 and the war was entering a new desperate phase. Britain had her back against the wall. The U Boats were sinking more British shipping than could be easily replaced, as Britain and her Commonwealth allies stood alone against the Nazi tyranny. that was terrorising Europe. Not unusually for this time of the year it was a foul night, there was a choppy sea, and the rain was sleeting down with the wind occasionally gusting, sending the occasional sea washing straight over the conning tower of the T Class Submarine, making life particularly miserable, for the watch keepers on the bridge, as the Royal Navy T class submarine HM Submarine Tenacious, was just about to make her first surface sweep in their allotted patrol area, just off Ushant. Intermittent driving spray lashed the faces of the bridge crew, making their noses and chins red raw and sore. The Captain, Lt Commander Tony Nash VC had just ordered a running charge to be started on the batteries, and the lookouts and machine gunners were closed up on the bridge in case of a surprise attack. This was just the sort of night that German U Boats would consider slipping out of their base, heading for the open sea, to attack Atlantic convoys, and so everyone was on their toes keeping as close a watch as possible in these bad conditions . Below in the control room, the asdic operators listened intently to see if they could distinguish any propeller noises. On the surface they knew they were highly vulnerable to attack from sea or air, but they must recharge their batteries, and although they could now have a hot meal, use the toilet, and clean the boat as far as was humanly possible, no-one could relax properly, they were all tense, and ready to dive again at a seconds notice if necessary. Life in any diesel powered submarine, especially in wartime, was not at all pleasant. Conditions were by any known standard pretty bad, and the air always smelt of human sweat, diesel fumes and a mixture of battery fumes, shaving or washing could only be done in sea water. Space was cramped, as bags or cases of food had to be stored in any spare space that could be found. Even the toilets could be flushed only after dark, so that the waste did not give their position away to the enemy. The sleeping space in the fore-ends for the ordinary seaman, was largely taken up by the spare torpedoes, as well as food such as sacks of potatoes, tins of beans, or soup, and cases of ships biscuit, the fresh bread having been eaten in the first few days of the patrol, and so the ships company had to make use of any available space to sling their hammocks, or sleep on the deck.. The Cook cynically known in the service as the chef, had started cooking the evening meal, and the off watch members of the crew were enjoying their first cigarette for over twelve hours. Even a few non smokers were stood around in the control room, enjoying their first breath of fresh sea air, despite the odd dollop of sea water that came swishing down the conning tower to wet them. The two powerful sixteen cylinder diesel engines sucked the chill night air down into the conning tower into the control room, getting rid of the foul air, which had quickly accumulated in the boat during the previous twelve hours when they were dived. The Leading Signalman Mark Andrews came down from the bridge to the control room, his clothes were soaked even under his oil skin coat. He had been relieved by a lookout He thankfully slipped out of his wet oilskins and safety belt, and made his way forward to his mess, where his tot of rum, and a hot meal would soon be served.. He was always first on the bridge with the Captain when they surfaced, in case he had to reply to a challenge from another ship. Now Mark, like the others were looking forward to getting warm and dry, and having a hot meal. He knew that he could be recalled at instant to the bridge. The dreaded cry "Signalman on the Bridge." when they were on the surface, always kept him tense, and experience told him this was such a night when he could be called upon quite frequently. When the Captain was confident that the boat had sufficient buoyancy, then he too would hand over the watch to one of the other officers, and he would also be looking forward very much to a hot meal himself. If the night went by without incident, then they would dive again with full batteries just before dawn, followed probably by another boring day, when they cruised at a about three knots dived, listening, watching and waiting. The off duty crew members sleeping, or reading to conserve the precious air until dusk, when they would prepare to surface and repeat the whole exercise once again. In the wireless office, Peter Mowbray the Leading Wireless Operator was listening to the nightly broadcasts from the Admiralty, and waiting to see if any signals would be transmitted for them. Suddenly, he stiffened, and reached for his pencil as their call sign came over the air. He started writing rapidly taking down the blocks of code in a message addressed to them. It was classified as Operation Immediate, Top Secret, and was immediately decoded by the signals officer, Sub Lieutenant Balfour and taken to the Captain. It was a recall, but strangely not back to their depot ship in Scotland, but it was an urgent recall to HMS Dolphin the main Submarine home base at Portsmouth. The message was stressing the need for them to return with all dispatch. The Captain called for the navigating officer, and asked him to set a course for Portsmouth, and within a few moments HMS Tenacious had left her patrol area, and was 'cracking on' at full speed on the surface for Portsmouth Harbour, still with her full load of torpedoes intact, and with a running charge on her depleted batteries. The fact that they were heading home brought few smiles to the faces of the weary ships company. It was two days later just as dawn was breaking when they finally surfaced at the rendezvous point, to be greeted by a destroyer waiting to escort them.. Who having quickly established their identity signalled briefly "Follow Mama." Most of the night they had remained dived as the waters round the UK, were some of the most dangerous to an unwary submarine. Surface ships and aircraft fired first, and asked questions later where submarines were concerned. It was just dawn, as the Captain patiently conned the Tenacious into the narrow entrance to Portsmouth Harbour, past old Portsmouth on the right and the imposing structure of Fort Blockhouse on the left. The smell of burning was in the air, and he knew that Portsmouth, and the Naval Dockyard had probably been under attack again that past night. Tony by now, was highly intrigued as to the reason that he had been recalled from patrol after only fourteen days, but this was wartime, and he knew from past experience that anything could happen. Everyone's attention was soon focused on making the 90 degree port turn into Dolphin Creek, and preparing to berth, as well as the urgent need to change the engines over to run on the electric motors. "Stop starboard, in starboard engine clutch" The Captain ordered. Within seconds the starboard engine spluttered to a stop and within a few seconds the control room reported that they were now running on the starboard motor. This was followed by a similar order for the port engine change, immediately afterwards. Once the Captain had power from both motors, they were soon alongside their allotted berth in Dolphin Creek, and a brief glance showed him that there was a sizeable welcoming party on the jetty in the chill of the morning air, despite the early hour, waiting for them on the jetty. The party also included the Captain Submarines himself in person. Tony was curious, and slightly concerned at the size of the waiting group, which indicated something special was on the cards. Once they were secured, Tony turned to Bill his First Lieutenant." Refuel as soon as possible Bill, top up the batteries, and replenish all provisions. Get the boat cleaned up and organise shore accommodation if possible . But do not pipe leave until we know why, and how long we will be here. But no harm in using the base facilities." "Right Sir" He replied saluting as Tony climbed over the bridge rail, and climbing down on to the casing. The casing party came to attention as Tony made his way ashore, and saluted the senior officers waiting for him on the quayside. "Welcome home Tony." The Captain Submarines said shaking hands. He pointedly did not introduce any of the other people with him, some of whom were unknown to Tony. "We will go to my office, where its warmer and we can make all the introductions and talk privately." Tony looked at the Commander, an old friend of his who was Staff officer Operations. He looked at Tony, and just shrugged his shoulders, not giving a clue as to all the secrecy. Tony followed the party along the quay to the Captain Submarines office. He was however, very intrigued by the presence of a slim attractive, and very sexy looking blonde female, that walked silently with them struggling to keep up in her high heeled shoes. She was about 5'6," slim with short pageboy cut dirty blonde hair, covered with a beret of the type usually favoured by the French. She wore a fawn rubber mackintosh, tightly belted round her slim waist, high heels and a lot of make-up. Tony could caught little wafts of her very exotic perfume as they walked. She walked silently, almost moodily, with her hands in her pockets, and a large black shoulder bag slung over her right shoulder. As they walked, Tony sensed from time to time that she was giving him curious sidelong glances. But each time Tony turned to look at her, she immediately looked away. They were soon at the captains office, and coffee was served, and to Tony's amazement everyone except Captain S/M, the young lady and a civilian who later introduced himself as Mr. Frank Broughton from the admiralty, were asked to leave the room, and wait in the ante room. Immediately the Captain Submarines started to talk. "Tony first of all may I introduce Anne- Marie to you. The lady just nodded and gave him a smile, in acknowledgement of his nod. We have recalled you because there is a very important task, that has been considered, in which you and Anne Marie will be the prime movers, that is of course if you agree. We have studied your past history, and your service record, with a very special operation in mind. As a holder of the Victoria Cross, and also because of your part German parentage, and background, you are the ideal man for a very dangerous, but unusual mission, which we would ask you to consider carefully. You of course, have a perfect right to refuse, if you so wish. God knows man you have done your bit in this war, and I am the first to admit that you deserve a break. By the way, I would also like to congratulate you, on your promotion to full Commander, which was confirmed just after you sailed." "Moving on, your perfect knowledge of German, and knowledge of Germany, plus your past record as a signals expert, means that you have all the qualities we need for a very special job. In short, we want you to pretend to defect to Germany with Anne-Marie here as your wife. She is a trusted double agent, and you will be working with her as your guiding light. This is a lot to ask of you, and you will certainly be reviled in the press here in the UK, and throughout the free world. That is almost certain to happen, as your defection will soon become public knowledge, as the Germans love that sort of propaganda, and Lord Haw Haw will naturally exploit it for all he is worth. But we need you somehow, to try and get hold of the German naval codes, and you can only do that if the Nazis trust you implicitly. We are almost certain, and we are certainly hoping, that Admiral Doenitz will surely want to make use of you in some way, and could give you the opportunity you need to get your hands on those important codes the U Boat's use. We can only hope that will happen fairly quickly. The U Boats are sinking our merchant ships faster than we can build them, the situation is near desperate and getting a copy of those codes back to us will be vital in winning the U Boat war. Your fluency in German, and your signals experience is vital. The main thing which is also vitally important is that, we need you to get a copy of them without the Nazi's knowing. If they suspect we have a copy, they will certainly change the codes immediately, and the whole exercise will have been pointless." Tony did not replay for a few seconds, as his tired brain attempted to focus on what he had just heard, the whole idea had come right out of the blue, it was certainly dangerous, and various thoughts, and problems ran through his head. His thoughts were rudely interrupted when Anne-Marie spoke in a strong French accent. "Of course if you don't have the balls to do the job you are useless to us Commander" Tony reacted angrily. "There is more than a question of balls, mademoiselle, I have a ship to worry about, and certain other practicalities to consider." Mr. Broughton the civilian spoke up for the first time with anger in his voice. "You should learn to keep your mouth shut mademoiselle. You have had weeks to consider and work on the scheme, but the Commander has just been told of the task ahead. He has just returned from an arduous patrol, he is tired and he is entitled to have a few moments to consider all the options." Tony said. "Sir', If I agree, would it be possible to work with someone else, rather than the lady here? " "Mr. Broughton responded. "I am sorry Tony, but Anne-Marie is a good and trustworthy operator, in fact she is the best, and to be honest, the only option. It takes great skill to do what she is being asked to do as a double agent. But as you have no doubt noted she has an unfortunate habit of being a bit headstrong." "A deadly fault in a secret agent, I would have thought sir." Tony replied sarcastically. Anne-Marie looked at him as though she could kill him. The whole idea was buzzing around in his head. Tony was happy with Tenacious, she was a good boat, with a good crew, but Tony also knew that hundreds of seamen were dying every day, bringing vital supplies to the country, and if he could do anything to save their lives his conscience demanded he give it a try.. "Yes sir. I will do it, I must do it, I must at least give it a try, if there is no other way and no-one else." "According to the records .You are not married or engaged or anything are you Commander." "No sir" Tony replied. "Good, because you two have to be husband and wife in every possible way." Mr. Broughton responded. "You do not seem happy with that idea Commander?" Anne-Marie asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "We have not got off to a good start Mademoiselle, and on this short acquaintance, it would seem we may already be facing significant marital problems." Tony replied. "Well Commander we are booked in at the Keppels Head for the next ten days as Commander and Mrs. Nash she replied. Our room, has all your personal possessions waiting for you, and tomorrow we marry for real at Portsmouth registry office. You see the Germans know a lot about what happens over here, especially in the Portsmouth area, and we must take nothing to chance, especially with so many gallant men now dying at sea. When we leave this office we must go hand in hand, as a happily betrothed couple. I am sorry Commander if I seem impetuous, but I have worked on this plan for some time, and I was so anxious that you would say that you would do it." Tony's smiled and said. " Thank you Mademoiselle I think that we must start afresh." Captain S/M shook his hand. Sardonically he said "Congratulations on your sudden marriage. To be honest in one way, I was hoping in part, that you would refuse. However, your number one, is due for his perisher's course, and he can go on that straight away. I have a new Captain and First Lieutenant for Tenacious standing by to replace you. The crew of tenacious will be told that as you have been promoted, that you are being re-appointed. Which you would have been anyway." "Bill is ready for command sir, so he should do well on his course. But I really need to have some handover time" Tony replied. "Sorry Tony you have little or no time. Your First Lieutenant will have to sort out those problems with the base staff. But I am pretty sure there will be a party for you, being laid on somewhere tonight." News travels fast round here." After a shower and a few hours sleep in the barracks wardroom for Tony, and a detailed briefing together with Anne-Marie taking the rest of the day, they arrived at the Keppels Head, hand in hand as twilight was descending, and Portsmouth was braving itself for its nightly bombardment by he Luftwaffe. Pushing past the blackout curtains Tony found to his amazement that most of the Tenacious crew were already there drinking. There was a big cheer as he entered the bar. It gave him a chance to introduce Anne-Marie to everyone as his prospective wife, and to a very puzzled ships company, who seemed at a loss as to why his betrothal had been kept such a secret. So Tony explained "Look chaps, my fianc? has been working away on secret war work for some time, so secret she won't even tell me, and it was essential for her that we did not advertise our relationship, now the situation has changed somewhat, so now we can get hitched properly. I am afraid also, that I am leaving you anyway, as you all probably know that I have been promoted. I now have my other half ring and I am now a full Commander, a new Captain and First Lieutenant will be joining you tomorrow and I am sure that you will give them all the loyalty and support that you have given me during this commission.." Tony said. Eventually after a number of drinks they got to their room, where a cold meal was waiting for them and as Anne-Marie had previously told him, Tony found all his personal belongings waiting for him, having been sent down from the depot ship in Scotland on a special flight. Anne-Marie's toilet gear, and few clothes were already hung up in the wardrobe. They had during the course of the day had a heart to heart talk, and had agreed to try not to bicker or fight with each other, after their initial clash. Now they were both making a very positive attempt to become better acquainted. Anne-Marie had apologized again, using the excuse that they had been planning the whole operation for about three weeks, and the success or failure of the whole operation had hung on his acceptance. Once in their room Anne Marie put her arms round his neck and said "Tony dear I am sorry. But this morning you had me very worried for a few moments. There is no-one else capable of filling your role, if you had refused the operation would have been cancelled." She kissed him passionately on the lips - "Welcome home lover and husband to be." She whispered. "Now we really do have to work at being husband and wife for real." Nest Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Anne-Marie Anne-Marie lay back in the bath and thought about the days events. She had been pleasantly surprised at first meeting Tony, although when she had first seen him unshaven and in his sea going uniform, she was a little put off, but something about him she found very attractive. If she had to have a make believe husband, at least she thought, it was nice to have one who after a shower and a shave looked a bit dishy, and she would not have to pretend too much with him. The photographs she had been shown had not done him justice. She knew she would always remember that first sighting of him, totally absorbed in the safety of his submarine, as he gave the necessary orders for her berthing as he brought HMS Tenacious alongside earlier that morning. Although at first she was frightened that he might not co-operate with the operation. She realised almost as soon as she had spoken, that she had been rather too hasty in her comments. She had seen his record, it was a record for any person to be proud of, he was something of a national war hero, but on a personal note, it had also been quietly hinted that if anything, he was a bit of a womaniser, so she had no doubts that the sexual side of their forthcoming marriage would not create a problem for him.. Now she was gradually feeling increasingly optimistic about the whole operation. She was even more sure after knowing him for a few hours that she could work with him. She was heartened at the party in the bar downstairs, by the obvious genuine respect and affection his crew had for him, and the dismay that had been expressed by almost everyone, at losing him. However, the big hurdle was yet to come. She had avoided all sexual contact since her disastrous marriage of a few years ago, and now to have to climb into bed with a strange man, was for her a bit nerve wracking. She knew though, that it had to be done, the Gestapo were no fools, and any inconsistency in their cover story would be fatal for both of them. Anne-Marie was 24 and had been born of a Belgian mother and a French father, and she had been brought up in a small town on the Belgian coast not far from Zeebrugge. They were a relatively wealthy family, her father was a local banker, and well known and respected in the area. After school she had not had to work and had stopped at home to help her ageing mother. In 1938 she had met a young German man named Wolfram, who was on holiday in Oostende. They had fallen in love, and despite her parents dislike, and virtual hatred of all Germans, they had married. The wedding in Zeebrugge had turned out to be a typical German drunken affair. His parents did not come to the wedding nor did any of her other relatives. His relatives were some way away in North Germany and although they sent their best wishes, it was a bit too far for them to travel. On her wedding night she retired to bed awaiting her husband, who she was sure would join her shortly to consummate their marriage. She had taken great care of her toilet, and was wearing a lovely silk nightgown which was a sneak present from her mother. It was past 1.oclock in the morning when he had arrived in their bedroom rather drunk. He had that night taken her virginity, in a brutal and drunken fashion. Leaving her dazed, and bruised. After he had finished, and before staggering away to get more schnapps, he had invited his best man to avail himself of his "French whore" as he called her. In all, she was raped four times that night by Wolframs friends. The next morning, Wolfram had been very apologetic, and eventually because she was so deeply in love with him when he was sober, she decided to stay with him, but above all, the real reason was that she was frightened of what would happen if she told her father what had happened, so she decided to stay with him. But the desire for revenge, burned somewhere deep inside her. She could never ever completely forgive him, and she stayed with him out of pride, and to give him a chance to redeem himself. She did however, ensure that in the few months before war was declared she never conceived. It was in July, when Wolfram was recalled to Germany to rejoin his SS unit. She was obliged to go to Germany with him, and they stayed in the family home at the village of Rickelrath near Wegburg in North Germany. She was heartened by the fact that his family were lovely respectable people, and made her very welcome, and when eventually Wolfram's sister Ursula, sensing Anne-Maries unhappiness, had after much probing, eventually discovered how her brother, had treated his new wife on their wedding night. She was extremely angry, and told the whole family. Naturally the family were shocked, at first they found it hard to believe her, but apparently unknown to Anne-Marie, Wolfram had previously been twice accused of rape offences against local single girls. Due to the fact that he was a prominent and active member of the Nazi party, he had not been prosecuted, or even censured for his crimes. His father was very bitter and blamed the SS doctrine, and his time in the Hitler Youth and the arrogance that resulted from their training for his anti-social behavior. His father personally hated the Nazi regime, and what they were doing to Germany, like many others of his generation he was convinced that they would ultimately bring disaster to Germany. But never did he voice his fears in front of Wolfram. Even his own father feared betrayal by his own son. In 1939 the war started, and shortly after the fall of France, Anne-Marie was informed that her husband had been killed by the resistance, in a partisan ambush. She was shocked, and saddened in one respect, but deep down she also felt a sense of relief. After a short period of mourning she was considering returning to her home in Belgium. However, the Nazi's firmly believing that she must be seeking revenge for the death of her newly wed husband, and knowing that she spoke both French, and German reasonably well, invited her to join them as a secret agent working with the Gestapo against the resistance. They wanted her to return to Belgium and join the resistance, and to betray the underground fighters. Her first instinct was to refuse, but Anne Marie sensing that it was more of an order than a request, felt that it could be dangerous to refuse, and much safer to go along with them, she was sure that back near her home, she could find a way to get out of her predicament. To refuse outright, could put her in greater danger. Thinking quickly, she agreed wholeheartedly, that she was seeking revenge and was the right person for the job. She was seeking revenge alright, but nor for her husbands death, but for the invasion of her country, and what they were doing to her beloved France and to Belgium her adopted home. Both her parents had died by this time, her father of a broken heart at seeing his country invaded and her mother from cancer. Thinking quickly, she decided this could be a good way to help throw a spanner in the works of the German regime, and if she was cunning enough, to get a measure of revenge on Germany, and the Nazi party. From there, and after a while, it was easy to convince her controllers that she could quite easily become a double agent. When the opportunity arose, and with Gestapo permission she defected to England, and offered her services, and during the next fifteen months soon proved her worth. Both sides making full use of her skills.. British intelligence provided her with snippets of intelligence. which had kept the Nazi's interested, until her Nazi controller Herr Schaeffer, made the suggestion one day in passing, that perhaps she could somehow get a high ranking British Officer to defect to Germany. He pointed out that the propaganda value would be of enormous help to the Third Reich. Anne-Marie promised she would explore the idea, but when she told her boss of the suggestion in London he had just laughed it off, but a quite junior clerk overhearing the conversation interrupted, and suggested that perhaps a Lt Cdr Tony Nash might be the ideal candidate, if they were to go ahead with the plan. Pointing out at the time it would be a good way perhaps of getting inside information on the U Boat war. For a time the idea was kicked around, and then when they at last made a full examination of Tony's personal record, which showed that he had a German background, and he spoke German fluently, and still had a Grandmother and other relatives living in Berlin, the idea became a distinct possibility. The fact that he also had his specialty in signals, and he would certainly have sufficient expertise to recognise any German codes, which would be of value, all this information quickly excited a lot of interest. The loss of merchant shipping to the U Boats was of national concern, and they all knew that if they could crack the German codes it would give them a fighting chance of diverting convoys away from danger. Somehow the idea took off and the operational details were quickly developed. However, they recognised that Anne-Marie participation would be vital in protecting him, from the retribution of the partisan movement, and for guiding his initial introduction to the Germans . So the idea was that Anne-Marie would have met the Commander at some time previously, whilst in the UK, and having met again, had fallen desperately in love with him, and they had become secretly engaged to be married. At the time they recognised the idea was not foolproof, but it was the best they could come up with. Now she realised the first step had been taken, and now between them, they had to develop a fool proof cover story that would satisfy the Gestapo. The obvious story, would be for Tony to insist that he had always felt that Germany was his home country, and that was where his roots were. It was a story which could from the German point of view be believable, and that politically he tended to be sympathetic to the Nazi regime, and the way in which they were restoring Germanys pride after the country had been so badly treated at the end of the first World war. He also wished to be re-united with his relatives, his grandparents, cousins, and childhood friends who all lived in Berlin, and he hated the thought, that he might be fighting and killing his own family.. Now the mission was underway. She gritted her teeth, and drying herself quickly, she came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped round her waist, her breasts bare as she moved over and sat on Tony's lap. At first Tony demurred, he was a bit shy, and he tried gently to push her off but Anne-Marie clung on to him. She told him. "Darling Tony from tomorrow, we are to be legally man and wife, and we have to play the part in every way, we dare not pretend. We have a week to get to know each other intimately. If the Gestapo get hold of us, we have to be word perfect in our personal knowledge of each other, our sexual likes and dislikes, and especially all the little intimate things, such as how we like to make love. It is important that we are perfectly honest with one another." As she finished speaking, she pulled his head down and started kissing him. Tony was startled at the rapid turn of events, but realising that she was right, he nervously followed her lead, he at first wrapped his arms round her. As he felt her body cling on to him, he heard a loud moan of satisfaction escape from his own lips. They collapsed on to the bed and within minutes Tony groaned, as he felt for the first time the wonderful sensations of Anne-Marie's slim sexy body against his. This was part of the job that he had not really considered until now. Obviously he thought, this job has its compensations? Anne-Marie clung on to him tightly and somewhat nervously, as he started to push his cock deeply into her. He was holding her tightly against his body. They paused for a second as she reached down and yanked the towel away, which was still round her lower torso. Tony gasped as he saw and felt the whole of her naked body against his for the very first time. He knew that he was making love to one of the most desirable women in his experience. His cock was soon thrusting deep inside her, and with that thought raging through his head he began to make love to her with great care and consideration, thrusting and pushing as deeply as he could into his new wife to be. Tony however, was a considerate lover, a fact which Anne-Marie soon appreciated, and which gave her greater confidence. As for the first time since her disastrous marriage, she started to enjoy the experience of sexual intercourse. It only took a few thrusts for Anne-Marie to reach her first orgasm. Tony felt her muscles clamp down on his cock, as if she was milking it. It was a fantastic feeling, as he thrust in and out of her at an increasing tempo, and the sensation was soon all too much for him to hold back for long. He looked at the beautiful young woman who lay beneath him, her eyes closed; she seemed to be making love with great enthusiasm and enjoyment. He couldn't believe it, the feelings were surging through his body like nothing he had experienced for a long time, when he felt his body tremble for the first, but not the last time that night, he came in long pulsating thrusts into that lovely lady writhing below him. For Tony that was a night to treasure, and to remember. When they eventually slept, they did not hear the bombs that fell in the near distance, which made an important yet vital change to their wedding plans. It was almost ten o clock when he awoke, to the sound of the shower in the adjoining bathroom. Today was his wedding day, but just as he was coming to grips with the idea then he became aware of the banging on the bedroom door. The landlord called out "Commander there is a telephone call for you in the lobby." He grabbed his dressing gown, and went down stairs where Mr. Broughton told him that they could not marry today, as the Registrars office had been bombed and gutted the previous night. "You will just have to live in sin for the present Commander, until and unless we can find an alternative. It is highly possible that the ceremony can take place tomorrow at the Portsmouth Guildhall. We will of course put the pressure on for you, to make sure it happens." One of the problems they faced, was that they were fairly sure that they were being watched. Portsmouth as a principal Naval Base was almost certain to have enemy agents or sympathisers in the area, such as the IRA, many of whom were active Nazi sympathizers, and the Germans would be watching Anne-Marie closely. Briefing for Tony would have to be done in a variety of less obvious ways, using a wide range of subterfuge methods. The easiest way was to use the ships handover procedure, as the excuse for several clandestine meetings at HMS Dolphin. But this virtually excluded Anne-Marie, but brought Tony up to speed on several important things he had to know. He also got a crash course on making small explosive devices and booby traps. Tony quickly learned that Anne-Marie was a very professional person, stubborn, and even at times a hard person; yet beneath this entire hard exterior, their was a very loveable personality, waiting to get out. Tony had no doubt that she would be prepared to die for any person she cared for deeply enough. She spent many hours that week turning him into an agent, and a believable husband and lover. Tony was told that he would be allowed to pass certain classified secret information on to the Germans, to make his cover more believable. It would be information that the British suspected they already knew, or would make no difference to the war effort. Anne-Marie in turn, left no stone unturned as she pumped him for information on his background, and his life story, and sought every bit of information a wife should have about a husband. In return she told him everything she thought was relevant about her past Tony was shocked at her experiences .It seemed to him that she had done well to get over her past marital bad experiences, and now she seemed to be able to carry out her marital obligations with Tony with zest and enthusiasm. One night she told him that he had been entirely responsible for this; she found Tony a completely satisfying, and considerate lover. The image they portrayed as a married couple, was not false, but was certainly on his part becoming very genuine. Later that first day they were told that a temporary register office had been opened at Portsmouth Guildhall. Shortly before the ceremony a knock on the bedroom door revealed a messenger from Gieves the naval outfitters, with a brand new reefer jacket and hat with gold braid as a wedding present from the crew of HMS Tenacious. the ribbon of his Victoria Cross had also been sown on. As Bill his ex First Lieutenant told him later. "We couldn't let our skipper get married in the wrong uniform now sir could we?" A reception had been laid on at the Keppels Head where some influence had been brought to bear, to provide a wartime wedding cake made hurriedly in the RN barracks nearby, and the booze flowed freely for a few hours until normal opening time. Over the next few days Tony gradually developed a deep affection for Anne-Marie, but inevitably, the time for their departure arrived, and the honeymoon was over. The time had come for them to make the first decisive step into enemy territory. Their first hurdle was to develop a plan to account for Tony's departure from the UK which took quite a bit of soul searching. This was not easy and took some time to formulate as total secrecy was imperative . Once they were in France, Anne-Marie could contact her controller, and his defection, they hoped, could go ahead quietly as planned. But first they had to provide a plausible way of escaping. They knew they were going into terrible danger, and they were also warned that the mission must remain a secret, especially from the resistance. The Germans had successfully infiltrated the resistance movement several times in the past. Tony had been warned, and was very aware that if he was captured he would be executed as a spy. Next Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Tony Tony Nash had been born in Berlin to a German mother, and a British father. His father had been a diplomat in the British Embassy in Berlin for some years, and Tony had therefore spent most of his early life in Berlin. His family had moved back to England in 1928, to the family farm in Wiltshire which was run by his Aunt (his fathers sister) in conjunction with her own farm, which adjoined theirs. He had finished his schooling, and then gone on to Oxford. He subsequently decided on a career in the Royal Navy, and had gone on to Dartmouth the Royal Naval College, and his career in the Royal Navy. He enjoyed his leaves from the Royal Navy and he very soon when he had time, started taking an active part in the farms management, together with his first cousin Jean an attractive brunette who was about his own age, and who was head over heels in love with her handsome cousin. Many of the local girls, including a few young married women set their hats at Tony, but he was a typical sailor and employed the philosophy "Love them and leave them." He studiously avoided any long term romantic entanglements, especially as increasingly it was fairly commonly assumed that war was imminent. From 1937 onwards the armed forces were actively recruiting for the Territorial Army, and the RNVR was busy training weekend sailors. Contracts were being given to local engineering works for military supplies. The whole environment had people expecting war, but quietly and desperately hoping for peace. Even in 1937 people were being encouraged to dig air raid shelters and schools and public buildings such as schools were pasting bandages over large windows, as a protection against flying glass from bomb explosions. Even Neville Chamberlains return from his ill fated meeting with Adolf Hitler waving a piece of paper and saying "Peace in our time" seemed only the signal to redouble the efforts in preparation for war.. Jean his cousin tried her hardest to get his attention, but Tony regarded her more like a sister. As far as he was concerned she was a good mate, and good fun, but no romantic thoughts ever occurred to him as far as Jean was concerned. Much to her secret regret. He was the man she wanted and she was prepared to wait if necessary. Tony was bilingual and could easily pass as a natural German. One factor that had eluded his records, was that he was also fluent in French, and had a good working knowledge of Flemish as well. He realised in the early planning stages of the mission that somehow this did not seem to be known. He decided at the time, that it might be a good idea to keep the knowledge to himself and not even Anne-Marie was taken into his confidence.. He had won his VC when he was First Lieutenant of an S Boat, which had found her forward hydroplanes entangled in the cable of a floating mine. He had worked for an hour to free the cable in freezing water in the North Sea, and at great risk to himself. Undoubtedly he saved the lives of all his shipmates and the submarine. Shortly after this, he had been selected and taken his Perishers command course which he passed with flying colours , and he had been subsequently appointed to his first command. Later he was appointed to HMS Tenacious which under his command had been very successful, and he had received accelerated promotion. Only the best officers were selected for the "Perishers course" and those who subsequently failed the course were returned to General Service. It was not a disgrace to fail, but the rule was that an officer could never ever serve in submarines again, after failing a command course.. One factor in Tony's favour for this operation, was the fact that prior to the war he had visited Germany frequently to visit his grandparents and friends. He knew his way round Berlin well, and had on several occasions as a young boy, gone on holiday to Bavaria and the Black Forest with his grandparents. For a time he had considered studying at the University at Heidelberg, but his parents had pointed out that a career in the Royal Navy was best served by studying at a British University. There was an element of truth in the fact that he did have many friends and family who as far as he knew were still alive in the Berlin area. In fairness Tony had since the start of war worried a lot about his grandparents, and cousins in Berlin, and he vowed that given the opportunity, he would pay them a visit if this operation went ahead. He had written letters to be sent via Switzerland, but had never received any replies. Now on the first night of his marriage to Anne-Marie, he lay in bed as she slept with her head on his shoulder, he had to admit that in the few hours that he had known her, she was getting under his skin, and he was quite quickly becoming quite fond of her. Their lovemaking was mind blowing, and Anne-Marie so far seemed to be the perfect wife. He shifted his body slightly to get her head into a more comfortable position. She was not totally asleep, but moved down his body and for the third time that night she had his cock in her mouth and licking and sucking him with enthusiasm. Suddenly she stopped and walked to the window to look at the flashing of shells and the crump of bombs as the Luftwaffe once again visited Portsmouth. Turning she walked back to the bed and taking her nightdress in both hands she pulled the silk garment over her head , tossing it on the floor behind her in one swift fluid movement before she reached down and took his head in her hands. She kissed him with unrestrained passion. "Damn you Tony Nash what have you done to me?" As she kissed him again and again. "I can not afford to fall in love in my job, and you are making me feel very vulnerable." Tony looked up at her as she stood naked in the faint light of the moon through the window. He held out his arms "Oh, God, Anne-Marie, I've fallen for you in a big way. We could lose it all." "I know I love you, but we must not let is show too much when we get over the other side." "I want you so desperately, even though I should know better." Tony said. "We can only live for now. I'm here and you are here, and the moon is shining, lets not waste it." "Yes. Thank God, we have these few nights to ourselves" She crawled up on the bed on her hands and knees. Her full breasts, tipped with moonlight, hung down just inviting his attention and he reached for them greedily. As he did she fell forward on top of him. She lay with the full length of her breasts pressed against his body. Feeling his hardness probing against her thighs. For some moments he caressed and fondled her. Enjoying her rigid nipples, the full roundness of her breasts, the warmth at the nape of her neck, the hot liquid wetness of her thighs. She lay still accepting his caresses, responding hotly. Her lips parted, her tongue pushed between them , she kissed his mouth and along his chin , his adams apple, and the lobe of his ear She closed her fingers over his on her breasts. We've got to be careful Anne-Marie. You mustn't get pregnant, it would be disastrous. "We have to be careful" "Darling you make it impossible." His hand moved down across the rounded planes of her belly, the muscles firm and taut. "I'm getting fat . She whispered. "I will have to step up my exercises." "Darling, fucking is said to be good exercise, but I think I will always love you." Tony whispered. "You will possibly meet other women and you will be expected to make love to them. You must promise me, that you will do what you have to do. You must stay alive at all costs, that is the most important thing." "Yes I understand. If that's the way its got to be from now on." Tony responded. Tony would not have had it any other way. Much as he loved Anne-Marie, Tony knew that given an another attractive woman, he could never be totally faithful. It was not in his nature During his leaves he had never been short of female company .There had been Maria the beautiful Spanish girl who had been a hot favourite and who was almost as randy as he was, but even she had been jealous of the amount of competition that existed for his favours, Maria was very hot and very sexy, but Tony took what he wanted - he loved her and left her Now he was with the one woman who had finally, at least for the time being captured his heart. She was something very special, and he could think of no-one else while he was with her, and when she made love, it was though she was giving him her all. It was a type of total abandonment. She lay supine in his arms, her blue eyes gazing up at him, silently commanding him to make love to her. She did not need to speak, her eyes conveyed the command and he could not refuse. His fingers moved down between the full wetly hot lips to her clitoris, which stood rigid, under his fingers. His breath hurt in his throat . Her hand caught his stiffened cock and worked it with a kind of gentleness. "You can't stand this ," she whispered. "I'll go down on you." "It's all right. Just hold me." His heart thudded and he felt his cock grow harder in her hand, engorged with fresh flooding of blood.. She slipped down alongside his body , tracing her tongue across and over the muscled ridge of his belly. She lay her head on his stomach and opened her mouth. He thrust her forward roughly and she took his cock inside, her hot mouth closing, nursing. His quivering hands closed in her blonde hair. His breathing rasped across his opened lips. and it was as if all the sensation in his body was concentrated in her sucking mouth. "Wait," he pleaded ."Please wait. She withdrew her head with a faint whimper, staring up at him in the darkness `I can't help it Anne-Marie, I've got to have it in you now." "I want you to." She rolled over on her back and lay with her knees bent, her legs spread wide. She extended her arms , pulling him down on her . "He thrust himself into her vagina , gasping I have to be in you Anne-Marie . Deep in you. Only then I will know you are mine." "I'm yours. For ever. Harder. Do it Harder." His lips battered, flogging her. He heard as if from a great distance her soft moans , felt her legs encase his waist , her ankles lock fiercely at his back ,. He could scarcely breathe: for that instant he felt as though his heart had stopped. He was conscious only of the fearful beating of the blood in his temples. He thrust himself upwards into her as deeply as he could and lay still, gasping for breath. He had difficulty speaking." "I have fallen in love with you which is crazy after two days." Anne-Marie became serious. "Remember if there is any trouble you walk away from me ... don't worry about me - you must complete the mission if it is at all possible." She shivered slightly. "No sense - in both of us being killed for nothing." Tony drove himself in her as hard as he could , pleasing her and punishing her in the same instant. He worked his hips faster and her head rolled back and forth on the bed. "You're my life Anne-Marie" he panted. I couldn't live without you now. You must know that" "I know that." Her own hips flailed upward in a savage rhythm. Matching his , increasing the tempo faster, faster until they lunged together that was more like hatred than love, more like a wish to destroy than to share, a totally unbridled passion. She sagged beneath him, spent and felt the full weight of his body on hers in helpless exhaustion. "I know darling but you must face the fact that you must, so many lives depend on us." The wedding had been a wonderful affair with all the ships company of HMS Tenacious turning out at the Guildhall at the temporary registrar's office. It was attended by a lot of senior officers, and even the Rear Admiral Submarines made a brief appearance. The new captain and First Lieutenant of Tenacious were also known to Tony and had attended the ceremony. The next few days were very busy as Tony underwent a crash course on helping him to survive in enemy territory. Much of this was trying to change his personality, to be utterly ruthless where it mattered. The mission was the major priority, nothing else mattered and it was hammered into him that unless the U Boats could be contained the very survival of the British Empire and the free world was at risk. For the first time he learned much about the Nazi regime, much of the information was not public knowledge. Information on Gestapo techniques, and what the fiends were capable of were trickling through to his instructors, and the British high command. He knew that he was being conditioned to learn how to survive, and how he must learn to be utterly ruthless in the pursuit of his mission. ` He now got confirmation of what Anne-Marie had been drilling into him even in the short time they had known each other. It was important that they must not show their intense love for one another. It was a weakness which the Gestapo would pounce on if they deemed it necessary. In a crash course he learned how to kill quickly and silently, to pick locks, and to make simple explosive devices. Above all he learned that he had to do what he had to do to complete his mission. To trust no-one not even his own wife, and to keep his own counsel. Little did he realise at the time that he would soon be called upon to put these lessons into practice Next Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Occupied territory One of the initial problems they encountered was the question of how would they get out of the country together. Anne-Marie was a double agent, and that could be easily arranged, but Tony could not just book a passage. It was with some difficulty, and with some helpful pressure from above, that he convinced the RAF controller that he was just going for the flight to finish briefing Anne-Marie, and would return on the plane, that he was reluctantly allowed to board the plane. After boarding the Lysander just after dark, the pilot came back to see them with his co-pilot before they took off. "Now when we land I will stop for only about thirty seconds, and you must disembark quickly with no fuss from the starboard side of the plane, that is the right hand side, and very quickly. If you break a leg 'tough.' I will not stop for more than 30 seconds. I will turn the plane into the wind ready for take-off, and there may be people waiting to board. They will board on the port side and I will pause for a further thirty seconds for them to get board and then I will be off again. If they are not on board within the time. I leave them. So its up to you to get off, and don't get in the way of boarders, or the prop." Tony was now dressed in just grey flannel trousers and a sweater with a small bag containing his shaving gear and one or two other personal effects. He had his naval identity card to prove his identity, and some family photos of his relatives in Berlin. The journey was uneventful, and they touched down as planned. The co-pilot had the door opened as they taxied, and Tony followed Anne-Marie on the short trip to the ground as the plane rolled to a stop. They were closely followed by a few assorted packages that nearly landed on top of them. Getting to their feet they ran towards a flashing light under the trees where they were greeted by two or three heavily armed muffled figures in the dark. Within minutes they were being led across some fields on their way to a safe house. They had originally planned to go straight to Anne-Marie's apartment, which her parents had given her as a wedding present in Zeebrugge. However, the leader of the partisans decided that because the Germans were very active that night that it was too dangerous. It was something they did at random and it was unfortunate that tonight was one of their random nights for a crack down. They were taken to a small farmhouse, and fed a lovely vegetable soup by the family, in the farmhouse kitchen in front of a roaring log fire, and then they were both taken to a barn where they were hidden in a small cubby hole room behind a hay stack, whose original use Tony guessed had been a tack room. Anne-Marie had genuine documentation, and the resistance leader knew her well. They were escorted to their hideout by his daughter a pretty young French girl called Janine. The fact that Tony was fluent in French, and had a working knowledge of Flemish had been overlooked by the Admiralty, and he had not told anyone even Anne-Marie. It allowed him to listen to conversations, and gauge reactions, obviously no-one was aware that he was following what they were saying. It was a decision which was to stand him in good stead in later days. Tony soon realised that Janine the farmers daughter was trying to come on to him, but it was easy for him to pretend he did not understand her. Although she had a good smattering of English. In desperation at his lack of interest, she used an opportunity to briefly attempt to snatch a kiss when Anne-Marie was not looking Although Anne-Marie did not see the incident, Janine's other actions were easily understood by her, and Anne Marie told her quite forcibly in front of her father, that Tony and her were husband and wife, and to lay off him. Tony wondered for a time whether Janine was a little suspicious of them, or somehow she may have found out something about their operation. But on talking to Anne-Marie it was quickly discounted Tony awoke some hours later to feel Anne-Marie's warm body lying beside him, her hand was gently fondling his cock, and her soft lips were nuzzling his neck. Anne-Marie whispered. "Please honey; we do not know what will happen from now on, so let's take this opportunity" His cock was as usual responding with enthusiasm to her delicate touch, and soon he was enjoying the feel of her lips, and the subtle aroma of her perfume. Tony was sure now that he was deeply in love with Anne-Marie, and she was the only woman for him, and he had to take this romantic opportunity. He turned towards her, and put his arm round her neck so it nestled on his shoulder, and they were face to face. Their bodies were touching almost all the way down to their knees. His cock was nestling between her legs rubbing up against her warm damp vagina. They lay like that for a few moments, their tongues intertwined, and he was enjoying the feel of her firm young breasts against his chest. After a few moments she lifted her head and rolled him over on to his back. She pushed one of her nipples into his mouth. It was as hard as a bullet and he nibbled it with his teeth. The effect was almost violent as her body responded vigorously, to the sensations she was obviously experiencing. After about two minutes she lifted her torso, and put her hand down to guide his cock into her incredibly warm and tight love tunnel. She gradually eased her body down as his cock penetrated as far as it could go. This was the girl Tony had come to love in only ten days. The feelings she was generating were out of this world, as she lay down on top of him, her breasts on his chest, gently rotating her hips as she started passionately kissing him again. Then she sat up, and started moving up and down on his cock her head thrown back as she savoured every inch of his cock as it entered her. Tony managed with her help to penetrate deeper, and deeper, and he could feel every inch of her with every penetration. It was only seconds later that her first orgasm came, followed in quick succession by a series of more violent orgasms. Tony could feel her juices running down his legs as quickly joining her he quickly came in a long orgasm of his own. He seemed to be pumping into her for a very long time, before they both collapsed breathing heavily on to the blanket. They lay their for about ten minutes before he slipped out of her, and she reluctantly got to her feet. Silently she slipped on her dress and left, motioning to Tony to stay where he was. Tony quickly dressed in the cramped space and waited. Anne-Marie returned after about five minutes with a mug of very strong hot coffee. Tony followed her out into the bright morning sunlight, as he drank his coffee, she pointed to a horse trough, telling him that was where he could freshen up. Tony took the opportunity to splash water over his face, and hands, immediately feeling fresher just as Janine came out the farmhouse door smiling warmly at him, as she crossed the yard towards him pointedly ignoring Anne-Marie and started chatting to him. An hour later Tony and Anne-Marie were sat together on a local bus, joining the morning exodus of local people carrying chickens and vegetables to market. They sat close together like two lovers as they made their way in the drizzling rain towards Zeebrugge. Anne-Marie had valid travel documents as a German citizen, and Tony's had been skillfully made by experts, so they had little worries in that respect. The resistance had provided two escorts, who sat well at the back of the bus. One of them was the beautiful Janine, and the other her older brother. Tony was a little bothered by Janine, and her persistence, who despite being told that Anne-Marie was his wife, still seemed determined to 'come on' to him at every opportunity. They had no problem at the check points, the mixture of Gendarmes and Wehrmacht seemed totally bored and fed up with their job, and seemed to be quite casual in their inspection of the identity papers. They arrived at her home without incident, and he was impressed with Anne-Maries small apartment. It was very feminine in decor, and it was nice to be able to relax with a glass of wine. Anne-Marie had a quick shower and left to make her way to the local Headquarters where her controller was based. Tony sat by the window overlooking the street,, he watched the local people going about their daily business, but it was the behaviour of people to a small portly man standing in the doorway of an empty shop opposite that attracted his attention. He noticed how people crossed the street to avoid him. The more Tony observed him he became increasingly sure that he was watching the apartment. This caused Tony some small concern, but their was nothing he could logically do, so Tony decided it was best just to watch discreetly, and wait for Anne-Marie to return. She would, he hoped know what to do. Anne-Marie had been gone much longer than they had both anticipated, and all he could do was wait patiently. There was little traffic on the road, and most of it was horse drawn or bicycle. After a short time watching, he became aware of a horse and cart coming slowly up the street, and as far as he could see from the apartment, it was full of semi liquid manure. Tony with his experience of farming almost felt as though he could almost smell it from where he sat in the apartment. He could see that the sludge was moving with the movement of the cart over the cobbles, and was obviously very liquid. As it came near the watching man in the doorway opposite, their was a terrific commotion, and the whole load seemed to slip sideway into the doorway of the shop , covering the wretched little man opposite with a generous portion of some very obnoxious dung. A few moments later as the commotion persisted, Tony heard a tapping on the door. He opened it cautiously and Janine slipped inside. "The Gestapo are watching you." She said. "So were we.". "I knew I was being watched." He told her. " Anne-Marie will be quite a long time I think. I think she is a Nazi" Janine said. "That she is not, I can assure you of that." Tony protested "Anyway why do you think that?" he asked. "We followed her to the German headquarters, and she is still their now." "Trust me, Janine we know what we are doing, it is all part of our mission." Tony said. Knowing full well that somehow, he had to divert her away from her suspicions. "Come and have a drink and lets talk a bit I`m a bit lonely." Tony said as his mind tried to come up with a solution to allay her doubts. Fortunately Anne-Marie had a good stock of drinks in her sideboard, and Janine asked for a cognac. Tony poured her a liberal glass. Being less generous with his own drink, as he knew he had to keep his wits about him. He sat down on the settee with her, letting his body just touch hers. "Take your coat off and relax." Tony suggested. Janine stood up and took her raincoat off and gave it to Tony to hang up. The thought struck Tony that he must play for time, and just hope that Anne-Marie came back soon. She would surely know what to do. Sitting down next to her once again Tony let his free arm rest along the back of the settee. He felt Janine relax a little as she took a swallow of her drink. He found Janine very attractive and her behaviour before at the farm, left him in no doubt that she fancied him. Then he said. "Janine we owe you and your family a lot for the way you have looked after us when we arrived, so I can tell you, that I knew that Anne-Marie was going to the Wehrmacht headquarters. I don't know why she is so long away, but the fact that is, we are in a long complicated nasty war, which means that there are many things that we have to accept, and do not ask questions about. We just have to live for the day, and trust our superiors know what they are doing." Tony knew that Anne-Marie had the task of organizing his defection to the German military authority. They had previously discussed the situation with their superiors in England, and Tony knew it would not be easy, to just walk into a German barracks, and announce himself. It had to be done with a certain amount of finesse, and that was what Anne Marie was attempting to arrange. Janine looked up at Tony, and not for the first time he was really tempted.. She was very pretty and obviously intent on seducing him. Fully realizing the implications of what he was doing, he leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. Janine's returned Tony's kiss with unrestrained passion, her doubts for the time being swept aside by her need for Tony. To her Tony was a breath of fresh air, he was a lovely sexy man who was kissing her, it wasn't just any farm labourer stinking of cow dung, or an immature schoolboy kissing her, but a mature handsome man, a sleek, powerful and beautifully hung man of her wildest erotic dreams, who she had heard making passionate love to Anne-Marie last night, while she lay outside listening and trying to sleep. Tony guessed that now the only way to buy time, was to make love to her. It was the sort of situation which he was sure and fervently hoped that Anne-Marie would approve. But he dare not let her loose And talk about her suspicions. She was young and impetuous, and he was convinced that she would be a loose cannon unless he could divert her attentions elsewhere. As they kissed he felt her fingers undoing his fly buttons on his trousers and within seconds she had leaned forward and taken his cock in her mouth, and was sucking inexpertly but with a lot of enthusiasm. Nevertheless, he felt his rising orgasm as within minutes he began erupting in her mouth. Now Janine sank her fingernails into his buttocks and gagged as the thick flood of his juices exploded in her, mouth until she thought she was drowning. Tony gently suggested "Lets go to the bedroom Janine it will be much more comfortable!." She looked up at him, her eyes alight with enthusiasm as she stood up and held out her hands for him to join her. In the bedroom, they wasted no time in undressing. As they lay back on the bed Janine moaned happily, and reached for his semi-limp cock, grasping it tightly in her fingers. With her hot fingers caressing him Tony was ready within a few seconds. When Tony started to climb on top of her, she shook her head, still fondling and pumping his cock in her soft hot hands. "Not yet," Janine panted, licking her lips. "Let's talk for a few minutes, Tony. I want to know about you and Anne-Marie, how long have you been married, and how many other girls have you had? Tony stared at her surprised. But Janine's eyes shone with burning curiosity, and her ripe flesh trembled eagerly. Her actions had been so obvious that he knew that Janine already had a crush on him, much to Anne-Maries annoyance. "Right now my darling Janine I am only making love to you". Tony said smiling down at her eager smiling face, and squeezing one of her nipples to make her shiver and moan. Tony knew that some young girls can fall madly in love with a man after he'd fucked them; so much so, it was often embarrassing at times getting rid of them later. But now he was hoping against hope, that this was one of those occasions. If he could ensure that Janine had fallen for him, she would be less likely to cause him problems, or so he hoped. He could see that she was wallowing in hot anticipation now, prolonging the suspense as she dreamily tit-fucked his huge cock. Tony was wanting her badly now. Naked, she was so sexy and silky and had a lovely ripe curved body and luscious buttocks, the most sensuous, provocative buttocks he had ever seen. "Anne-Marie and I have known each other for long time, but we only married 11 days ago, but I am wondering already, whether I should have married in wartime?" Janine looked at him and then said. "I would marry you tomorrow, if you were free Tony, war or no war. These days you have to take what you can get when you can get it." Tony thought rapidly, he was slightly embarrassed at her comment but then he said. "Thank you Janine, you are a really lovely and very brave and also a very intelligent girl, and any man who marries you must think he is very lucky. That is a wonderful thing you have just said to me." He could see that Janine was extremely hot now, and he could feel eager tiny tremors rippling through her body in anticipation. Tony embraced her gently and rolled her over so that she was underneath him with his cock now fully engorged He pointed his cock at her pussy, framed by her delicately blonde curly -hairs. He gripped her trembling buttocks in one hand and held it firm. Then he placed his cock against the entrance to her pussy lips, and slowly, and very carefully, he pushed inside her... "Oooow, Tony," moaned Janine, trembling from head to toe with excitement. "That's big! Ummm, but good, honey, oh so hot and good. He now grasped both her buttocks tightly in his hands, pulling her close as he worked his cock in slowly, enjoying her youthful delicious tightness and warmth. Gradually getting into a rhythm, she started to push back against him in time with his movements . Looking down he could see the lovely sight of her pussy swallowing his cock, which was now covered with her juices as he moved gently in and out of her. He began moving faster and faster, hot thrills racing through his cock and balls from her tight, sucking love tunnel. Each time Tony pushed forward, his cock created a delicious friction against her vagina-walls that made her pant and tremble feverishly. Deep, wild animal type moans came from Janine's throat now as she started to climax in waves of lust. She swung back enthusiastically to meet his thrusts."Oh, Tony, darling, this is lovely! I'm cumming honey Hurry, shoot it in me, oh God, HURRY!" He concentrated on fucking her to a steady, powerful rhythm, ignoring her sobs and cries for him to cum Janine was thrashing, and wriggling her luscious body in a frenzy on his cock, screaming that she was unable to stop coming, and demanding that Tony cum straight away! But he ignored her, concentrating on his own pleasure as shudders of excitement rippled through his body. .But for all his experience he was now having an ordeal trying to control his own nerve-jarring excitement, as Janine wailed and squirmed, and whipped her fiercely hot pussy in frenzy on his cock. Tony pumped steadily and forcefully, thrusting his cock into her incredibly tight pussy.. He could feel her boiling loins sucking at his, and her juices leaking in copious amounts on to the bed clothes. But inevitably, it was not long before he was soon spurting his juices in long hot bursts, as Janine's pussy sucked on his cock in spasms of unrestrained bliss. As soon as he started shooting into her love tunnel, Janine shut her eyes and her body tensed to keep from screaming at the top of her lungs. It was the best most mind blowing fuck of her life, Janine was hysterical with excitement. Gradually, after she'd sucked him dry with her wonderfully exciting and mind blowing cunt muscles Tony slipped out with a deep sigh, and flopped down beside her. Kissing her in a long passionate kiss. Now Janine wrapped her arms around him and burrowed her silky, sweating bosom against his chest, he saw the same adoring gleam in her eyes that he had seen in they eyes other young girls and he knew that for the time being, he had made a conquest, and she was not thinking of doing anything to harm him, or so he hoped. Chapter 5 Next. At Gestapo Headquarters Chapter 5 Anne-Marie sat impatiently, feeling very frustrated and nervous as she faced the Colonel.. She had not anticipated this level of indecision when they planned the operation. When she had reported she had seen her immediate controller, and he had immediately sent a man to watch the apartment as a matter of urgency, and to ensure Tony was safe. He had orders to observe, but not interfere. But her controller insisted on passing her up the line to the local Military Commander. Sitting there she waited and waited sensing his indecision, he was like most of the Nazi hierarchy, they preferred not to make controversial decisions which could come back and lay blame at their door. She was more than a little afraid of him, he was widely known for his vindictive self seeking attitude. But her unexpected success in recruiting Tony, had meant that it placed him in a quandary, and he did not know what to do about Tony and her, in the near future. It was typical of the Nazi regime they were all frightened of making the wrong decision. They had all agreed however, that it was a massive publicity coup, and she deserved great credit for her endeavors, but no-one could or would make a decision about what to do with Tony, until they got direct orders from Berlin. In Berlin were probably being just as indecisive, until they got orders from the Fuhrer himself. So now the Colonel had to come up with a short term solution of some sort to look after him, and then there was the problem with what to do about Anne-Marie herself. The fact that she had married him had created a problem, and had definitely limited her usefulness, in seeking out and informing on the resistance groups - he was now of the opinion that she was of little or no use at all to the Third Reich, in fact she was an embarrassment. The colonel had the reputation of being so very unpredictable, and very irrational. But he was no fool, and he did realise however, that Tony could be a very important person in the Third Reich when the propaganda machine went to work, and if he handled the situation correctly, he could get a large part of the credit, and quite easily himself become a man of influence in the Nazi party. To him it was very important he made a decision which could not be criticized later if anything went wrong. Therefore he eventually determined to act in a manner which would exonerate him from all future criticism. He said. "Frau Shuppen you have done extremely well, and no doubt the Fuhrer will ensure that your hard work is properly recognised. I doubt whether it was ever envisaged that your operation would succeed this well. You have indeed exceeded all our most optimistic expectations. To convince a hero no less than a VC to defect is a fantastic achievement. I am sure it is much more than Herr Goebbels would or could have anticipated." She said "Thank you Herr Colonel, but Herr Colonel I have delivered a high ranking officer as I was requested by Herr Goebbels. So for me this part of my mission is finished, I do however, care for the man, he is a good man and he is definitely genuine, that is all. But we are married, although the Luftwaffe bombed Portsmouth the night before the wedding, and the ceremony had to be postponed. However, we managed it in the end at a special ceremony at the Portsmouth Guildhall which became a temporary registry office. I have delivered him safely as I promised; he can of course live in my apartment for a time, but I sense that some of the partisans are already a little suspicious.. I do not want to be seen to be connected to him in any way, when the news becomes public, as it will damage my usefulness to the party. I need to leave him in your care, as I do not want my work with the partisans compromised, at least for a few days." That was a problem that the Colonel had already recognised, and now he was getting slightly exasperated with Anne-Marie. But he had made a decision "Frau Shuppen, you have done well, We need to keep him safe as the partisans will be after his blood when the word leaks out, and probably yours as well. I don't want to lock him up, as that would soon become known, and is scant reward for his change of loyalties. Anne-Marie replied "That is why Herr Colonel that I need to get my story in first with the Partisans, so that I can on the face of it disown him." "Point taken, but I will lay on some refreshments for you if you will wait outside, while I make the necessary arrangements.".. Just then a man in civilian clothes who Anne-Marie suspected was a senior Gestapo official by the way the Colonel reacted to his presence and asked her curtly. "How do we know that he has not been planted to spy on us?" Anne-Marie replied quietly. "Mein Herr you don't, but I do, I would not have brought him this far, if I was not 100% sure of him." Anne-Marie in turn was now getting very exasperated at the lack of decision over Tony's immediate future, as she moved to the waiting room where some coffee and sandwiches were eventually served.." After about half an hour she was recalled by the colonel, who said.." I have just had an idea. Frau Schuppen, I have arranged for your sister in Law to visit you to stay with you for a few days? Anne-Marie stood there looking at the Colonel utterly confused, but as the Colonel spoke he rang a bell on his desk, within a few moments a tall slim blonde lady had entered the room dressed in Wehrmacht uniform. She came to attention and gave the Nazi salute. "Here Frau Schuppen this is Fraulein Helga she can be your Sister in Law who has come to visit you for a few days and also of course to visit her brothers grave. That will allow you to renew your normal operations, and leave your husband in Fraulein Helga`s safe hands." Anne-Marie smiled at the Colonel "Danka Herr Colonel".. Inside she was hurting, she was jealous, she had no illusion about Fraulein Helga Nieumier, her reputation was not a well kept secret, but she dare not show her concern.. The colonel said with a giggle "Fraulein Helga here will look after him, she will fuck his brains out if I know her, and he will be too tired to be a nuisance or run away, and she can perhaps take him sightseeing." But immediately Ann-Marie suddenly sensed danger. "But Mein Herr, Fraulein Helga is well known, if he is seen with her in public, it will blow our cover, and the partisans will soon know that he has defected, and they will assume that I am also a traitor." The Colonel ignored Anne-Maries comments, and went on to say. "Fraulein Helga you will change into civilian clothes, and go with Anne-Marie. You will be Fraulein Schuppen, Anne-Maries sister in law from Wegburg, who has come to visit, and you will keep a close eye on the man she is keeping in her apartment who is her husband. He is vitally important to the Third Reich,l and he must be kept secure and happy. You can, and must entertain him and keep him safe, in any way short of physical abuse, for a few days, until I get orders from Berlin. She gave the Nazi salute and replied "Ja Herr Colonel." Anne Marie felt very sad, as once again she waited in the ante room for Fraulein Helga to change, she knew that her time with Tony was coming to an end, at least for the time being, but they both anticipated this would have to happen. She had been away from the apartment for nearly five hours, and now she was worried about him. She knew he was sensible, but she was worried, that some of the partisans could be a little suspicious, and she was sure that she had been followed when she left home earlier that morning. Coming here to the Wehrmacht Headquarters had been a risk she had been forced to take. She was also very worried about the reaction when Tony's defection became public knowledge. She was sure the partisans would surely blame her, because she was married to him. It could destroy her cover story, and she would lose all credibility. She had to get hers story in first. Previously it had been determined that the story that she should give to the partisans, would be that he had come to help them with communications problems, and when he defected, she would publicly denounce him, and even stage a realistic failed attempt to kill him. She had not even considered at the time, the possibility that she would fall so desperately in love with him. Being a double agent was full of hidden risks. She realised now that she had no option but to go through with the plan the colonel had ordered, and hope for the best.. But she sensed that everything was going wrong for her, and she had a sense of impending doom. While she waited for Helga to join her, she telephoned her apartment to tell Tony that she would not be too long. She told him that she had just met her Sister in law who had come to stay with her for a few days. She also told him not to worry if he saw someone watching the apartment.. To her dismay as she spoke, she had heard Janine's voice in the background, and she guessed that she had probably been 'coming on' to Tony in a big way. She felt a quick surge of hatred for the lovely Janine as she waited, but quickly she also realised that they knew that they would face a parting of the ways, and if Tony had fucked Janine then he must have had a good reason. They knew that while apart from one another, they had to do what they had to do, to survive. Meanwhile, Fraulein Helga was taking great care over her appearance, and she was reveling in the thought that for a few days she would have a strong healthy man in her power. It had been a long time since she had been given the opportunity to have unlimited sex put freely at her disposal. She had packed her sexiest nightclothes, and some of her best clothes as she put on her mackintosh, pulling the belt tight to enhance her superb figure; she took one last look in the mirror before leaving her quarters in the barracks. To report to the Colonel before rejoining Anne-Marie. Fraulein Helga had joined the Nazi party in 1937. She was now 25 years of age and had lovely blonde hair and blue eyes. She was extremely athletic, and had a figure the envy of most women. She was the typical Aryan beauty that the Fuhrer had sponsored. She enjoyed sex in all its forms, and was regarded quite rightly by many as a nymphomaniac. She had also quite willingly taken on the duties of being a very discreet assassin, and had become a useful tool in disposing of members who in various ways were embarrassing to the party. She had been the mistress of one of Hitler's close advisors before the war, and had been invaluable in many roles, where her sexual prowess was a distinct asset. She quite quickly had become an enthusiast of the Nazi party and all its aims. She obeyed orders willingly, and had no conscience where unsavory tasks were given her to perform. For two years she had gone as a mistress from one senior party leader to another when instructed. Pillow talk with her lovers, had been invaluable in revealing possible traitors to the party, which had on her information, been quickly disposed of, or punished in an appropriate way. Her role in occupied Europe was to get acquainted with, and spy on co-operative Business men, people who either for financial reasons, or for genuine political reasons had decided to support the Nazi regime. Unfortunately, most of these subjects had been older men, or in some cases men who were more interested in other men than ladies. They were not the type of bedmates that were best suited to her tastes. Having been told by the Colonel that her job was to safeguard Tony Nash the defector from Britain, she was burning with anticipation. The Colonel had been quite explicit that she had full permission to seduce him, and keep him entertained. She thrilled at the task before her, she had an extensive sexual repertoire, and she guessed that she would have no problem getting and keeping a young handsome man like Tony under control and safe, providing of course she could keep his so-called wife out of the way. She was looking forward with burning anticipation to having a young man like him all to herself; it had been a long time since she had been given the opportunity to carry out a task like this. She just hoped that Berlin would be as slow, as they usually were, in coming to a decision on Tony's future. The colonel has explained that one of her tasks with Tony was to endeavor if she could, to determine whether his defection was genuine. The colonel was afraid that a formal arrest and interrogation could damage his reputation with the hierarchy in the party. Much better, he thought, to use Helga's wiles and experience, to wheedle any secrets from Tony. In any case her personal assessment of the man, and his personal habits, and sexual inclinations would be invaluable. The colonel knew that the fact that he had taken positive action would stand very much in his favour. Helga was an adept linguist and spoke French fluently. Her only regret was that she had never married, she had a secret desire to become a mother, and she longed to be able to settle down and raise a family, but she had been shuttled at party orders from one man to another. Many of her past partners were very much to her taste, and would have made satisfactory husbands, and given her the children which she yearned for, but duty had stood in the way. She stood in front of the Colonels desk, and he whistled in appreciation "You have one last important task Fraulein. One which I am sure you will relish in the circumstances. The colonel explained in detail what was required of her ... She smiled. "Ja Wohl, Herr Colonel it will be a pleasure." She gave the Nazi salute, and turning she left the room to join the waiting Anne-Marie Meanwhile in the Admiralty London. Mr. Broughton stood with the First Sea Lord. His language was ripe and he said. "My Lord we have just sent one of our most promising Naval Officers to get the very information that HMS Bulldog has taken from U111. We have also compromised, and probably sent to her death one of our best double agents all for nothing. His was almost a forlorn task, but he undertook it willingly, because he recognised how vital this information was to winning the war. We all knew before he went that he had an uphill task, and that success was remote but we had to try something." The Admiral replied." Yes George, it is unfortunate, and you were completely right to take the risk, or rather those brave people are to be commended for taking the risk, but no-one could have foreseen that all this gear would fall into our lap like this. The Captain of HMS Bulldog is absolutely certain that the prisoners were certain that the U Boat was sunk before she could be boarded, and so there is no reason for the Germans to suspect a thing. Just tell Nash and the girl to abort and return home, if you can get a message to him, but don't give any details." Tony had enjoyed his sojourn with Janine and he was now confident that he had managed to allay her suspicions, but he was worried at the time Anne-Marie had been gone. The man watching the apartment had been replaced by another, and the mess cleaned up. The telephone call from Anne-Marie had triggered Janine's departure; she had no inclination to face Anne-Marie again having seduced her husband. She had no illusions about Anne-Marie, she was sure she was a traitor, and she was convinced that Tony was being duped. She kissed him, and whispered. "I will see you again soon darling, you are my man now." Tony breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed behind her, and he lay down on the bed for a nap before his wife arrived home. Chapter 6 Next Chapter 6 Tragedy Strikes It was about an hour later that Anne-Marie returned home accompanied by the glamorous Fraulein Helga. Tony was feeling guilty over his sojourn with Janine, but he quickly recognized that Anne-Marie was showing distinct signs of tension. He was highly intrigued by the glamorous blonde Fraulein Helga, and he reflected that Anne-Marie had never told him she had such a glamorous sister in law. They had both came in shaking their umbrellas from the afternoon rain, and Tony was a little surprised when he met Helga for the first time. She was by any standard extremely glamorous, and she exuded raw sex appeal, and she flaunted it as if she was taunting Anne-Marie. Anne Marie was not at all pleased with Tony's obvious positive reaction to Helga. "It's nice to meet you Herr Nash," Helga gushed, as she kissed him on the cheek, and took hold of his hand, not hurrying to release it. "I have heard so much about you, because Anne-Marie never stops talking about you, and I am so glad that you have come to join the Third Reich and help us to ultimate victory.. It must have taken a lot of courage on your part?. It is really fortuitous that I arrived just in time, as Anne-Marie has to go away on business for a few days, and I can be here to keep you company, so we can get to know each other more intimately, until your future is sorted out by Berlin. I am sure that we will get on famously together." I will leave you to say your goodbyes to your lovely wife now, while I unpack my clothes in the spare room. As Anne-Marie bent over and kissed Tony, she whispered.. "She is not my Sister in law; she is a Nazi Wehrmacht guard working for the Gestapo, sent here to watch over you." She whispered, "Beware, do not upset her, she is very dangerous. I suspect she is herein part to interrogate you and ensure that you are not a potential spy." Tony now understood the reason for her tension, but he was pleased that at least their story had been accepted, at least on the face of it, or he would now be under arrest.. He was glad that he had been warned, and he would have to play his part in making sure that he himself acted in a foolproof manner. Within minutes, Frau Helga was back in the room. "I don't have many clothes she told Tony, as I am only here for a few days. Perhaps Anne darling, you can spend few minutes to show me where everything is in the kitchen before you go. Tony was left in a daze, somehow, now he had few illusions about what Helga wanted, and expected, and would ensure that she got. He was sure that Anne-Marie meant just that when she had murmured the warning to him. "She is very dangerous." Anne-Marie had only just gone, when Helga said to Tony as she put her mackintosh on. "I will not be a minute, mein liebchen, I have to get some food in. Anne-Marie has not had time to do any shopping yet." Tony lay there, he had no illusions about Helga, her every action made the fact clear that she was certainly not intending to sleep alone that night. Tony knew himself well enough to know that he would not be able to refuse her, even if he dared. Her whole demeanor seemed to be promising him a night to remember, but anyway, discretion demanded that he keep her on side. It was a foul night outside, which suited Fraulein Helga perfectly, for the job she had to do. The rain was lashing across the open ground, gusting from the sea, and blowing in Anne-Maries face as she walked disconsolately across the waste ground adjacent to her apartment.. She was angry and dismayed at having to leave Tony an that bitches arms.. About twenty minutes later Helga was back with a bag of shopping, which she was busy putting away in the kitchen. She had completed the second part of her task, and she was looking forward to the night ahead. She had quickly caught up with Anne-Marie as she crossed the waste land adjoining the house. She had just called out to Anne-Marie "Just a minute mien liebchen, and as Anne-Marie turned towards her she had fired two shots into her. She looked closely at the corpse, to make sure she was dead, then pulled her body behind a pile of bricks, and rubble with just a another quick cursory look at the body, and a quick look into her handbag, removing her cash, and then she carried on to the local store. Helga had no fear of consequences, but she was unaware that the execution had been observed. Within a few minutes Janine and her brother who had been watching the apartment, had examined Anne-Maries body, Janine now believed Tony, that Anne-Marie had not been a traitor. They had recognised the assassin, but now she suspected she had to face an even more formidable foe if she wanted to keep him. She sent her brother away to arrange to hire a cart to take Anne-Marie's body away to be buried properly and to arrange to inform London of her death.. Janine was now convinced after this execution, that neither Anne-Marie nor Tony were Nazi agents, as she sat by the body trying to work out exactly what was happening. Fraulein Helga was known to the local resistance groups as a Wehrmacht soldier, and as an assassin of repute, but she had never been considered a worthy target for their attention. The fact that Anne-Marie had spent such a long time at the army headquarters that day had originally left Janine feeling very confused. Tony that evening found that Fraulein Helga was quite an acceptable cook, and they had a nice evening meal, with plenty of wine, and Helga took the opportunity to gently quiz Tony about his relations in Berlin. He answered honestly because he had nothing to hide. After dinner Helga had a long soak in the bath, leaving Tony with the bottle of wine after first making sure that the front door was properly locked,, as she prepared her body for the long night of sex ahead she had promised herself.. She re-appeared later to stand in front of Tony in a very sexy white silk nightdress. Her make-up had been replaced, and she stood there looking down at Tony, giving him a chance to anticipate what he had waiting for him in the bedroom. She smiled as she saw his cock reacting, and the bulge grow in his pants as he looked up at her. She reached out to him and took him in her arms as she passionately French kissed him before leading him to a night of passion in the bedroom. She was sure that he would not be a problem, and she knew that she could, and would have him that night all to herself.. She was already wet at the thought; it had been a long time since she had a man of her own age to have sex with. In bed she let him taker her in his arms and they kissed passionately on the lips, as their bodies came together . Tony then let her go. Helga looked at Tony pretending annoyance. "Mein Herr is that all I get? I am sure you can do better than that?" Tony' did not hesitate as his arms encircled her waist, pulling her close again. She gave a long muffled moan of happiness when once again his lips covered hers. Helga devoted her full attention to the probing intimacy of Tony's tongue while it probed and played over and under her own tongue. She pressed her body close to him, her ample breasts, thrusting against his chest. Her hands wandering to his groin quickly ensuring that he was ready for her. Tony was in no doubt of her intentions, and for the second time that day was intending to commit adultery. Tony pressed his groin tightly against hers. She trembled, her arousal flaring higher. Her hips pushing her pelvis over the large bulge in his trousers. "Mmmmmmm," she moaned when their lips finally parted. Helga artfully dodged his embrace, "I am in my nightdress, now mien Liebchen, you must now get naked if you want to play." All right fraulein," Tony said as he gave in. Helga watched Tony as he quickly disrobed and stood before her wearing only his bulging under pants. Her eyes dropped to his groin, homing in on the bulge that threatened to burst into the open at any moment. Her chest heaved; her juices flowed deep within her young body in anticipation of the lovemaking to come. With tantalizing slowness, Tony hooked his fingers beneath his pants,, and pulled them down. His cock, hard and fully erect jerked eagerly in the air. Its tip oozed a single drop of clear fluid. Her gaze focused on the length and girth of his cock, as she let her nightdress fall to the floor, now naked and moving closer to him she put her hands loosely round his neck looking into his eyes. She was a very happy girl at what she saw In bed Helga moved to kiss him gently on his lips, pulling him close and letting her nipples press into his hairless chest. One leg locked over his as their naked bodies came together. She enjoyed being naked and watching a mans expressions as he gazed on her almost perfect body. Tony's cock was betraying his naked lust, as it rubbed on the neatly trimmed patch of honey-blonde hair surrounding the mound of her pussy. A quiver of anticipation shot through her sleek, flat stomach--at the thought of what would soon fill that intimate crevice of her body. Tony opened his arms and pulled her sleek shapely body close, wonderful sensations coursed through her veins when naked flesh met naked flesh. To Fraulein Helga nothing in the world equaled that moment when two naked bodies first touched as a prelude to the final joining in making love. After one long, exciting kiss, Tony's mouth left her lips as he moved down to take one of her hard nipples into his mouth. A myriad of sensations fluttered through her body as he nibbled and sucked. On her nipples. His tongue, like a moist whip, taunted the flaccid button of flesh. She felt it come alive under his gentle ministrations. The nipple grew erect, hard with desire. Then he switched to the other nipple Meanwhile she was fondling his cock which stood out from his groin. Her fingertips lovingly ran up and down the pulsing length of his cock. It felt so hard and impatient ... Yet at the same time it was so smooth warm and gentle feeling. Each time she made love with a man she was impressed by the strength and tenderness that was a man's sex. It was so delicious just to have it and play with it in her hands. And beneath that wonderful cock hung the hairy bag of his testicles. She was very aware of the pain that could be caused by rough handling, something she became used to using when assisting in Gestapo interrogations, but now she fondled it with great care and loving. She thrust her breasts forward, stuffing a bit more of her breast into his face. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" a gasping moan writhed out over her red lips. as Tony's hand moved between her thighs and fondled the outside of her pussy lips. Her knees trembled as his fingers massaged the mound of her sex. Again she moaned as Tony slipped a probing finger up into the heated tightness of her cunt. Together they sunk back on the bed as fiery arousal washed through her body, allowing his kisses and his nibbling teeth to say more than he could ever put into words. Tony moved from her breasts and kissed her with a flourish of kisses. At the same time, he eased himself on to her waiting body Helga moved her hand down and guided his cock gently into the lips of her pussy "Jaaaaaaaaa," she hissed as Tony pushed his long hard cock deep into the liquid warmth of her body. She moved excitedly under him, enjoying the initial feel of his penetration... "Sehr Gut mein liebe Tony Sehr Gut" she muttered "I think my stay with you will be very enjoyable" Tony moved slowly, easing his cock almost out before pushing in again slowly and carefully causing Helga to moan with happiness as the sensations flooded through her body. Shudders of intense bliss ran through her body. As his body rose Tony slipped a hand down between her thighs. In and out he pumped while his fingers rubbed to each side of her clit. She groaned, knowing what he would do next. She whimpered, not knowing when he would do it. For the first time for a long time in her life, a man was in control. His mouth and hands played over her body, and she moved to their every whim. He controlled her, commanded her with the constant pistoning of his cock in her body. He was so big and so long, and his technique was designed to give her maximum pleasure. When he pushed inward, the wall of her pussy strained to cover the bulging girth of his cock, their rippled folds smoothing under his ponderous size. She wondered briefly whether he was thinking about Anne-Marie. All the while, his hands and mouth never stopped. His whole body seemed to focus on her, giving her, and her alone, his complete attention. In turn, every ounce of her awareness centered on this fantastic man who rode atop her body. Suddenly a fingertip slid between the slit of her pussy lips. Gently rolling her clitoris, sending quaking shudders of bliss blasting through her. She groaned, her pelvis arching and humping to meet the forceful strokes of his loins. She came, and then came again in quick succession. It was incredible how Tony had come to know her body in such a short time. He seemed to realise that her pleasure came not as one long, seemingly endless eruption of carnal ecstasy, but through a series of small increasing releases. Expertly controlling her pelvis muscles, she squeezed down, clamping herself around the engorged thickness of his cock. Again Tony groaned as her muscles sucked and vibrated round his cock the friction, created by the tightness of pussy enclosed over every inch of his manhood. She fitted him like a custom-tailored glove. Tony now used his finger and rolled the button of her clit. One atop the other, she came three times. And deep within her, she felt a building of passion, a tidal wave of feeling; she writhed using her free hand on his buttocks to pull him closer and to draw his cock even deeper into the yearning interior of her belly. Tony pushed his cock as deep as he could. Helga felt the tension building in his body. He was on the brink of coming, yet exercising total control of himself, he held back the mounting pressure of his loins. The tension of her own body grew. Closer and closer that threatening tidal wave rolled, was ready to break and drown her in complete pleasure. The rhythm of his cock consumed her. Twisting and bucking in reckless abandon, she gave herself fully to Tony. She matched his need; she hungered for that fulfilling moment. Then came a sensation that for her was out of this world, and matched anything that had gone before, her body lay racked by an onslaught of carnal fulfillment. She moaned and groaned, expressing the full satisfaction of their union. Simultaneously, Tony moaned in a deep throaty groan. His hips thrust hard and deep, his body going rigid for a long moment. His cock planted deep within the hot recesses of her quivering quim, a flood of semen blasted from his cock. Helga held him close, savoring the complete union of their bodies, wishing this moment could last through eternity, yet knowing their was a long fulfilling night to come. \ Helga now well satisfied, as she lay fighting off sleep, knew full well that Tony was no longer married, and guessed that sooner or later her body would be found. Now she wondered hopefully whether the Fuhrer would permit her to marry him. Not only was he the man for her, but she guessed that the glory attached to him from his defection would be good for her standing in the party. But then with a sigh of satisfaction she drifted off to sleep. Tony awoke about two hours later. To find Janine standing over him with a drawn pistol. And a scarf over her face., standing by the bed. Next Chapter 7 Chapter 7 In Nazi Hands Tony awoke as Janine whispered. "I am sorry to wake you Tony. You have been recalled to London and there is a plane to catch . So you will please get dressed and come with us immediately." As she spoke she put her pistol back in her raincoat pocket, but he was sure that she would use it on Helga if she had to. She stood back while Tony quickly dressed. Their was a rustle of bedclothes and Fraulein Helga rose up on her elbows. "Where are you going mein liebchen , then she became aware of the two masked figures standing by the side of the bed. Janine once again produced her pistol. "What do you want?" Frau Helga squeaked, obviously coming to the conclusion that they were resistance fighters, and that she was in some personal danger. "We want to take Herr Nash to say farewell to his wife, the lady you assassinated earlier this evening." Janine said quietly. Tony looked at Janine his eyes full of horror as he tried to assimilate what she was saying. "Yes Tony, she killed Anne-Marie just outside the apartment with two shots to the chest, and left her there." Tony looked down at Fraulein Helga with hate in his eyes. "Why?" he asked quietly. "She was no longer of any use to us." Fraulein Helga responded with a sneer. Tony looked at Janine. "Give me that pistol." And almost before Janine knew what was happening he had taken it from her, and he leaned over and shot Fraulein Helga twice in the head at point blank range. He gave her the pistol back and together they left the apartment in silence, turning down an alley they arrived at the back of the apartment block. Janine tucked her arm in his. "Tony we are going to try and get you back to England, we have had a message for Anne-Marie which reads Operation Cancelled, both to return as soon as possible. We will have to hurry, it took a lot of time to get into your apartment without waking Fraulein Helga. How could you sleep with that animal?" Tony replied. "Anne-Marie told me she was a Nazi guard, and to keep her happy, especially as the whole operation at the time seemed to depend on it." Tony heard a noise from behind and turning he saw that they had an escort of two powerful looking armed men walking about 100 yards behind them with what appeared to be rifles.. As they approached a side road and entered a field, they could see that there seemed to be a lot of unusual activity in the nearby roadway, there was a roadblock, and so together they went to ground by a haystack, as they tried to assess the situation. Just then two German soldiers in an armoured car came into the field to relieve themselves. There was nowhere safe to hide and they were in full view, so Janine thinking quickly said "Pull off my blouse. Maybe if they catch a glimpse of tit they'll push on." "Fat chance of that," Tony mumbled, tugging at Janine's blouse, pulling it over her head. Off came the blouse, displaying her luscious bosom wrapped in white lace bra. It was followed almost immediately by her brassiere. Janine's ample, soft, pointed breasts hung before his eyes. "You have beautiful tits," he told her in a whisper. "Shut up and suck them, you've seen them before anyway." Janine whispered in a commanding but quite nervous voice. They ground their pelvises together some more, while Tony licked and suckled at Janine's nipples. She tossed back her head and moaned softly. "What are they doing?" Tony murmured between licks." "Don't stop," She sighed. "Suck my nipples." "What are they doing now?" He repeated more gruffly. She growled and tossed her head around, glancing at the Germans as she did. She stared hard into his eyes. "They're watching us get off. What do you think?" "My cock is aching!" Tony complained. "Then take it out! They're expecting it!" She whispered. "You little bitch," he said, fumbling with his trouser buttons. But Janine was pulling his trousers down before he knew it, underpants as well. His cock was half-stiff, and angry red in the moonlight. Janine massaged it briefly with her mouth before assuming the mounted position again. "Ohhh," she cooed and moaned, grinding her panty-clad pussy against it. "Make it look good." "Oh, darling! I have been in a dream all day since this morning. I am sure that we have now missed your flight, so we will have a few more days together." Tony held her firmly against him as he ground his stiffened cock into the wet crotch of her panties. "OK then fuck me, make it look good you won't get any in a Gestapo cell if they tumble us." She whispered.. Then she kissed Tony hard several times, biting his lip in her passion . She took him a bit by surprise as she seemed more concerned with their love making then rather than fooling the Germans, and Tony realized that he was also more concerned in fucking her now, rather than making a show for two German soldiers. Grasping her hips, he pushed her away suddenly, so that she hung in mid-air for a moment, and snatched at her flimsy panties under her skirt. They ripped apart as she fell back on top of him, and he jerked them away entirely with one strong hand. Tony pulled her down firmly on top of him again, though she bucked wildly at first. After a moment of sliding and struggling, He found the strength to force her down fully upon his cock, her warm, wet pussy sliding down on his cock as she fitted him just like a glove. They groaned in passion together. Janine tore open his shirt and began fucking madly, her tits bouncing against her chest as she pounded down on his cock again and again. Tony thrust up against her, drilling his cock deeper and deeper into her beautiful love tunnel with every powerful push. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Janine gasped. "Fuck me," she hissed. "Love me, Tony darling! It's so good!" She begged in French, collapsing against him. "Jam your cock inside me!" Her red-hot lips sought his, and their two mouths came together in a passionate kiss, their tongues entwining, grappling desperately. Janine moaned plaintively and gasped, "Yes, darling. Fuck me, please! Oh don't stop!" She bent and took his kiss again, sucking his tongue eagerly, pressing her breasts against his bare chest. "I'm going to come, Tony, you must make me come now." Tony could fell his orgasm building as she muttered. "Fill me up, darling! I'm coming! Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Oh yes! And then, desperately, "Fuck me, Fill me up!" The waves of orgiastic bliss poured over them as they came together, furious and lusting, mad with desire. At last, they collapsed together in the darkening winter night, sweating, exhausted, completely drained of lust and anger, disheveled and nearly naked, like animals. "Oh god," Tony breathed. Janine said nothing, but she stole a glance at the Germans who had been watching. Slowly, they began to pick up and move, nudging each other lasciviously and gesturing lewdly. "We fooled them," she said. "No we did not" Tony murmured as he saw them hesitate, and then turn and start walking towards them. They were undoing their pants as they walked. Then suddenly there was a burst of firing. Tony had forgotten about the armed escort somewhere behind him. He felt his body suddenly give way beneath him then a sudden stab of pain. He awoke gradually, his head hurt, also his leg and very slowly he began to remember the happenings in the field. He had no memory of the actual outcome, just falling, and the pain had been the last thing he remembered. He became aware of the smell of antiseptics, and the feel of clean sheets. He opened his eyes slowly, and as his eyes began to focus. He realised that he was in a hospital bed. Janine sat by the side of the bed, she looked worried, and as he focused on her she smiled at him, and leaned over and hugged him and kissing him on the cheek and whispering. "I am sorry Tony, I could not get you back to the plane but the operation is cancelled." "Am I a prisoner?" "I don't think so, if you are, I will try and help you somehow, but I am not staying here too long. This is a German Military Hospital, and for some reason they let me come in with you. I spun a yarn that you had to leave the apartment in a hurry out of a window, as we saw the two armed men, and we assumed they were trying to get in the apartment to kill us, so I helped you, and was leading you to safety. I was going to take you to the nearest army post but then the firing started, and it seemed to satisfy them, and we were trying to get to the soldiers for help.. I will try and get to see you again." Janine said her goodbye's, but did not kiss him. It seemed that now she was being given the credit for rescuing him from the resistance fighters who were trying to kill him, and so it seems she may be able to get to see him again. He whispered in her ear "If you are asked, tell them I was trying to defect to Germany, and my wife had arranged it before she was assassinated, and you were helping me." Janine looked puzzled and Tony added. "It was all part of the operation and they should believe you." Tony cursed under his breath. He had put himself in danger for nothing, and Anne-Marie had been killed, he was now in a German hospital. He realised that he had been captured in civilian clothes, and so they could be getting him fit for interrogation, that was the only logical explanation for this first class treatment. He realised that there was a sentry smiling at him through the window of his room, who had been watching them all the time. The fact there was a sentry reinforced Tony's belief that he was a prisoner. As Janine left a young pretty blonde nurse came into the room; she gave him a lovely smile. Speaking in English she said. "Ah Herr Nash you are awake. It seems you are quite a hero. The newspapers are full of the way in which the underground terrorists tried to kill you, to stop you returning to the fatherland Mein Herr. I understand that Herr Goebbels is planning a big reception for you, when you have fully recovered." The nurse's comments gave him hope that at least he was still being regarded as being a credible traitor, and all he had to do, which in itself was a tall order was find a way to the coast and escape. He drifted of to sleep, and he awoke to find a very high ranking German General and his aides in the room. His young blonde nurse helped him sit up and supported his head, and offered him a drink, which he drank eagerly, not realizing until then, how thirsty he had been. She had his head nestled closely against her breast, with only the starched uniform in between, despite the exalted company, Tony felt his cock stiffening, and a little smile on the nurses' lips suggested she suspected just what he was feeling. Then the German General spoke. "Herr Kapitan Nash. I am here to welcome you back to the fatherland on behalf of the Fuhrer, and the people of the Third Reich. The Fuhrer has instructed me to tell you that he looks forward to meeting you personally, when you are recovered. In the meantime, you will be looked after by Fraulien Reidel here your personal nurse here, who will nurse you back to full health." Then he snapped to attention, and gave the Nazi salute, and left him. Tony was later informed that the Fuhrer had given him the rank of Korvettenkapitan in the German navy, and that he would eventually be posted to work with Admiral Doenitz as a staff adviser. Later that day Tony was visited by two civilians who introduced themselves as military police. He assumed that this was another name for Gestapo. The first question was "Herr Nash can you please explain how Fraulein Helga Niemeyer was shot please? "Yes Mein Herr I would have shot her, for shooting my wife." Tony went on to explain that the partisans must have shot her when they burst into the apartment.. They listened in silence Then the younger one said. "You admit you would have shot a German citizen Mein Herr?" Tony replied." That is so, but Frau Helga Niemeyer also shot a German citizen, my wife. She was married to an SS officer before, and had German nationality, and I loved her. But I did not know at the time and did not get the chance." His reply seemed to satisfy them, and Tony recognised there was no point in admitting to a murder when it was not necessary. Fraulein Reidel His nurse standing at the door suddenly disappeared, only to return a few moments later with a civilian, who took the police outside the room and talked to them. Tony could see through the window that he was laying the law down. He assumed , or hoped rather, that knowing his importance it would not be worth their while to make an issue of it, and, so it turned out, they eventually returned to re-assure him that no charges were to be placed, and after some pleasantries, they left without further comment, and Tony heard no more about the incident during his convalescence. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he was given the same nurse to look after him. Apparently she only had him to look after, being a selected nurse who only looked after high ranking party members who were hospitalized He was to his surprise occasionally visited by Janine but always Frauliein Reidel stayed in the room with them. He was also visited by some tailors who had been given the task of making his new uniforms, and two Gestapo officers, who visited him three times, and who quizzed him very carefully, and very patiently over the reasons for his defection, and a lot of general questions of military significance bout the navy, but Tony had been primed and had quite a bit he could give them.. They took details of his relatives in Berlin, and his relations with Anne-Marie, and Janine. Tony told them that they had been very much in love, and he missed her terribly. They were obviously aware that she had been a double agent. Janine had them a bit mystified, and it seemed everyone had assumed that she had been trying to help him escape from the partisans when he had been shot. . . The time came when Tony was allowed out of bed, and then, with the aid of a stick and accompanied by his nurse, and very occasionally Janine as well, he was allowed to walk in the grounds of the hospital. He was not encouraged to mix with other patients, and he was kept almost totally isolated. The fact that Janine was still allowed to visit him was a mystery to him, but the fact that she had been with him when he had been shot, and she had stayed and tried to help him when he was injured, was the only reason that they could think was why her visits were tolerated. They assumed that she was loyal to the occupying Nazi's. It was obvious his so-called defection was of vital importance to the Third Reich and that was taking priority. Next Chapter 8 Tony Meets a New Love Chapter 8 Tony was now seriously anxious about how he would get back home to the UK. He knew that his name would be reviled all round the free world, and this troubled him, especially as it had all been for nothing. For the first time he began to realise just how much his defection might affect morale back in the UK In hindsight, he now wished that he had refused the assignment in the first place. The fact that he had been given only seconds to make up his mind, seemed in hindsight rather unfair. At this time he did not know why the operation had been called off, and it seemed that his life and that of Anne-Marie had been put in jeopardy for no good reason. The thought struck him, that if he could not get out of Germany, and the invasion of Europe took place while he was still in Germany, he could be captured, and put on trial as a deserter, and traitor by the British or the Russians. Who would believe him? He had to trust that the people who had sent him would still be in their jobs, and still alive to get him out of trouble. He felt very much alone in enemy territory, and common sense told him that he would not be completely trusted by anyone in the Nazi regime. They were not that stupid. The only thing he could do, would be to go along with the charade, and hope that somehow, somewhere, opportunity would come his way. Soon the time came, when he was told he was fit enough to leave hospital, and that he would be going to a recuperation centre. His wounds had fortunately healed quite quickly, and he very politely said goodbye, and thanked the nursing staff for being so good to him. He did not know, if or when he would ever meet Janine again, as he had not heard from her for a few days. He was helped reluctantly by another wounded naval officer, who helped him get used to his new uniforms, and so resplendent in his new naval uniform, he was taken by car, closely escorted by two motor cycle outriders and two drivers to the convalescence centre. It was a long exhausting ride to the Black Forest, and his spirits sank the longer the journey took, as he knew that he was going to be a long long way away from the coast. Each hour took him farther and farther away from home and escape. Getting back to England now seemed a forlorn hope. He realised too that he was still not fully fit, as he found the journey very exhausting, and he slept fitfully for a large part of the way. It was a long boring tedious journey through very wet winter countryside with occasional stops. His escort would not even let him go to the toilet alone, He was guarded at nights by one of his drivers when they stopped at hotels. None of his escort seemed inclined to socialise with him, and so during the journey he got increasingly very lonely and slightly depressed. The rain fell constantly for the whole of the journey. They had to have an extra escort through Holland because of the threat of partisan activity directed at him. The underground fighters knew that if they could capture or kill him,. it would help redress the damage that had been done by his defection. It was pointed out to Tony by the officer in charge of the escort, that he was now a number one target on the partisans' hit list. It took them three days to complete the whole journey. He arrived rather exhausted, and found that he was in a rehabilitation unit for German Officers, in a little town called Unterjoch near the German Swiss/Austrian border. There were about forty officers from the different services, who had been wounded, or had been seriously ill, at the centre. The hostel had been a Gasthaus at one time and was made of timber Although it was not officially a Lebensborn hostel, there were a number of girls, who he understood were on the Lebensborn programme, who were resident, and who had been paired up with some of the officers. As soon as they were pregnant, he understood that they would be shipped out, and replaced by fresh volunteer girls, who were willing to provide pure Aryan children for the fatherland. When he was approached by the head nurse, he found that he had been paired up with a very blonde and a very actively fit girl whose name was Mona. Tony was pleasant to her, and enjoyed her company on a social basis, she looked after his welfare in most other ways, but he pleaded that he still suffered some discomfort from his wounds, and did not feel that he could do her justice in the bedroom. She was not happy at his rejection. He felt that in the past few weeks, he had slept with too many women for a variety of reasons, and to some extent after the tiring journey he was feeling rather disinterested. His rejection of Mona was not received very well by other officers, and increased his isolation from the rest of the officers who greeted him with suspicion. One officer said in his hearing that "Good German Fraulein's were not good enough for English traitors." Tony ignored this comment, and other similar snide remarks made in his hearing.. He enjoyed the views, and the fresh air of Unterjoch when the rain stopped, and he went for little strolls in the village, always with an escort, stopping for an occasional beer at a local Gasthaus bar. Being in a mountain range, and quite high above sea level, the rain had turned to snow quite early, and some of the officers were allowed to go skiing. Tony had been very nervous about being allowed to mix freely for the first time with other German Officers; he had not been sure what sort of reception he would receive. But usually his appearance in the dining room was met with a sudden deafening silence, as other officers turned to look at him, and then went on eating. Pointedly ignoring him. In fact he soon found that he received a very mixed reception, many of the officers just ignored him, or made very sarcastic remarks in his hearing about traitors. It all came to a head one day when one army officer actually stopped in front of him, barring his way out of the dining area, and called Tony a traitor to his face. He said "Herr Nash many brave men die on both sides in this war no-one likes war, but very few are gutless enough to change to the winning side halfway through. I am told you won the Victoria Cross. I have no doubt, that you have killed many of my countrymen, who were, or are German heroes in doing that. Mein Herr in my opinion you are utterly contemptible you should be shot.." Before Tony could make any sort of reply, a soft female voice spoke from just behind him "No doubt Herr Nieumier, I am sure the Fuhrer will be glad to hear your opinions, especially speaking to a senior officer in that manner,. I will make sure your observations come to his personal attention. It takes a brave man to change sides in a conflict like this, and it seems to me, that you have a very loose mouth, and are totally unaware of the circumstances of this case. Perhaps you feel safe enough behind your desk in a Wehrmacht pay office, to voice such an opinion, but I am sure that a man with such outspoken views about heroics, will be a most welcome addition in a fighting unit.. So Mein Herr I will gladly pass your comments and your unbounded enthusiasm for active service on to the proper authorities." The army officer concerned scampered away, looking very unsure of himself. Turning Tony saw the reason why. He found himself face to face with one of the most elegant, and gorgeous women he had seen for a very long time. She was quite tall, slim and a very beautiful specimen of German womanhood. She smiled at him showing perfect white teeth. "Guten Abend Herr Nash, ich bin Frau Elizabeth von Epp" She was dressed in a fawn raincoat, which was soaked by the almost constant rain. Her face was flushed, and her eyes sparkled in anger, obviously leading to her outburst at the unfortunate officer who had been on the receiving end of her displeasure. Taken by surprise, Tony bowed slightly, and taking her gloved hand he kissed it. She blushed slightly, and turning towards the silent group of officers who were close enough to be watching and listening to the conversation. "For your information gentlemen Herr Nash won the Victoria Cross, for his bravery in saving lives, by defusing a mine lodged on the casing of the submarine he was serving on at the time, not for taking lives, as our desk bound hero here has suggested. Herr Nash has also spent most of his childhood here in Germany, his mother was German, and he went to school in Berlin for many years. He has a Grand mother in Berlin, and many other relatives as well. Some of whom are serving in the Waffen SS. I note that you all seemed to agree with Herr Nieumier, so I will pass all your names along with his." Turning to Tony she smiled, and said in quite a loud voice. "I apologize for my lateness Herr Nash, and for the ungentlemanly remarks of some of our desk bound heroes, but I was delayed because of the weather. I was sent by the Fuhrer, to take you to Berlin when you are fit, to see your grandparents, and then we will go on to Burchesgarten when you are fully fit. My uncle the Fuhrer, is looking forward to meeting you and talking to you in great depth, as is of course Grand Admiral Doenitz." As her remarks were absorbed by the watching Frau Elizabeth were left all alone. Turning towards Tony again, she said. "Perhaps Herr Nash you will be kind enough to escort me to dinner, after I have had a chance to have a bath and change. I understand that I am in the adjoining room to yours" Tony was only too pleased to accept her invitation, and for her support, and together they walked back to their rooms on the second floor. Later they had a very pleasant dinner, and he found that Elizabeth was very pleasant and interesting company. She had a good command of English, although Tony insisted that they spoke German, as he needed to bring his German up to speed. She kept the conversation on a very light level, and during the following week they became almost inseparable. They had most of their meals together, and they walked and talked for hours in the adjoining forests and mountains. Very often ending up in a nearby Gasthaus by a mill pond for a meal. The attitude of the other officers at the centre changed rapidly, especially when they understood how highly he was apparently being regarded by the Nazi regime and the Fuhrer personally. She told Tony that she had been sent especially to look after him, but as their friendship developed he got several significant hints, that she was looking for a much closer relationship, he decided however, to play dumb, and see what happened. They had the use of a military car and driver, and they enjoyed driving to the adjoining forests, and walking in the woods in the area of Ulm. A trip to nearby Austria was also very enjoyable However when he suggested a trip across the border to St Gallen, in Switzerland that request was politely refused with a smile. She told him that she was a war widow, having had her husband killed in the Battle of Britain over England. He was surprised to find that she did not seem to show any bitterness towards the British, or him personally for it. Eventually he explained to her, that he had been married to Anne-Marie, for just short of three weeks and that she had been assassinated on the orders of the Gestapo. He explained that shortly after the marriage both he and Anne Marie found that they were in some ways rather incompatible, they had married in haste and they had both agreed privately, that perhaps they should not have married.. Of course Tony knew this was far from the truth, but he thought it was probably the right thing to tell Elizabeth at the time. "I admit I did have some feelings for her and she helped me defect, without her it would have been virtually impossible.." Gradually, despite Tony's reservations, romance gradually entered into their relationship, although Tony held back from making any overt moves, and tried hard not to get involved. But Elizabeth was a master of seduction, and she made all the first moves, and after two or three nights of exchanging kisses in the hallway before retiring to bed, she eventually pulled him into her bedroom. Although Tony made a faint but futile protest, as Elizabeth turning swiftly undid his jacket throwing it on to a chair and then she undid his belt and pushed his pants to the floor. "Herr Nash why have you been hiding this from me" She said as she reached down and started fondling his erection. He needed no more of an invitation, as he took her in his arms, kissing her passionately, feeling her breasts pressing into his chest. She pushed him away, as then they both swiftly undressed. He pushed her back gently on to the bed, wanting her so much, Elizabeth smiled invitingly up at him; her beautiful blonde hair splayed out across the pillow made her look so inviting...She opened her arms in invitation as she said "Come to me Anthony dear. Let's see just how good you really are." As Tony joined her on the bed, her hand unerringly pointed his cock as she guided him inside her, she moaned softly and invitingly as Tony gently pushed deep inside her. Then she whispered. "No Mein Liebchen, it's been such a long time for me, let me come on top." She rolled him on to his back, without losing him. She sat up straight letting her weight drop back down on to his cock, very slowly bringing a myriad of mind blowing sensations. Then she leaned over to kiss him, behind the curtain of her blonde hair that hung down around their faces, her body swaying slowly and rhythmically as she moved. Her kisses were wet and extremely passionate and Tony quickly realised that this lady was no novice. She rode up and down his cock, pushing them both closer and closer to the brink of orgasm with each careful stroke. Then she leaned right back, her hands resting on the bed behind her, and he could feel his cock pushing right into her, at a slightly different angle, bringing a whole new range of sensations and responses that raced through their bodies, quickly initiating the climax that came simultaneously. For a few moments they clung on to one another, enjoying the sensations that washed over their bodies. Eventually she slumped forward onto him, smiling and passionately kissing his face, as she tried desperately to get her breath back, while Elizabeth desperately gripped tightly on to the last inch of his straining cock. The rest of the evening and the following night was a time Tony would remember for years to come, as time after time they brought each other to new peaks of passion, and to new heights of ecstasy. Time after time he tried and managed to slow her down, carefully prolonging their heavenly agony. That first night it was very late when sleep eventually took hold of them, and the morning was well advanced when they woke. Once again Elizabeth took the initiative. She straddled him, her body covered in perspiration as she sat her weight down on him, forcing his cock right up inside her as far as he could go, she told Tony she could feel his cock touch her deep inside. She stopped moving, trying vainly herself to prolong their act, but it was rolling on to the inevitable, and another fantastic climax, even as she sat still feeling his cock getting even harder and even bigger inside her. It felt too good to stop, and he didn't really want it to. He looked up at her flushed face and he realised that he was in danger of developing strong feelings for this beautiful lady. When she felt Tony begin to gush inside her, she had no option but to follow him into the waves of pleasure, as her muscles gripped his pumping cock desperately trying to prolong the ecstatic agony. When it was done, he felt even bigger inside her than when they had started, and Elizabeth was a little sore as she eased up off of him. She contentedly laid her head on his shoulder. "Mein Liebchen we must go down for breakfast, and we also need to bathe. I am starving" She said. They hardy talked at breakfast in the deserted dining room, and when he did look as though he was about to say something. She hushed me up saying quietly.' "Not here darling walls and waiters have ears." After breakfast they returned upstairs to get ready for their morning walk. Once they got outside and started walking; Elizabeth hooked her arm in his until they came to a resting place where they sat and then abruptly turning towards him Elizabeth asked quietly. "Tony will you marry me" She sensed his hesitation. "Tony I have waited for you to ask me, but it appears that it is now up to me." Taking her hand he said, "Elizabeth I would marry you today, but I do not want to make you a widow again." She wrapped her arms round him "You silly man, if we only had a week of our lives together it would still be worth it." As soon as they got back to the home, Elizabeth phoned the Fuhrer her uncle to give him the news of their engagement, and of course Herr Goebbels quickly used the news as a good propaganda item. The news that a British Submarine ace who had defected to Nazi Germany was to marry a relations of the Fuhrer, hit the world press the next day. From that time on, he was referred to by Lord Haw Haw frequently in his daily broadcasts to Britain, and it did a lot to help sagging morale in Germany. Tony only learned about the vilification, he received in the British and American press much later. Tony's sense of frustration at the wasted operation, hit him as his name became prominent in the German Press. He knew full well that he would be receiving a bad press in the UK, and it was frustrating that it was all for nothing. Now he was trapped here in the middle of Germany, and not back in the UK fighting the war where he felt he should be.. It was only very much later, after his return to the UK that he found that the capture by HMS Bulldog of U110 had given the Allies all the German codes they needed. The tragic thing was when he compared dates; the codes were actually in British hands several days before he had left for the continent, with Anne Marie. Elizabeth and Tony were allowed to stop together for another ten days at the rehabilitation centre, then they were flown to Berlin to meet his grandparents and cousins. Tony was amazed at Berlin. The city was buzzing there was no real shortage of food, and the lights were switched on at night, without any form of blackout. When there was an occasional raid the whole lighting system was switched off at the source. But Berlin was not too worried at being bombarded with leaflets sent by the British Government. It was a city largely free from the worries and tribulations of the war, although now the Royal Air Force was just beginning to become a nuisance. Everywhere he went with Elizabeth, he was followed by the press and he was feted as a hero.. On his second day there the news came through that Germany had invaded Russia. Most people were very excited and full of national pride. His grandfather was quite scathing and said. "The man is a fool - he has just lost the war. Britain is growing stronger with the help of her Commonwealth countries and Russia will suck the blood out of our army. You can not fight a successful war on two fronts." His grandmother was his most scathing critic when they were on their own. She said. "It's lovely to meet you again Tony Liebchen, but why join this nest of vipers, and why risk your life. Why did you not stay in England where you are more safe?" His cousins were formally very welcoming. but did not express the same views. His cousin Ernst was a lieutenant in the Wehrmacht and was taking part in the invasion of Russia, Cousin Franz was in the Luftwaffe and even his cousin Greta's greeting was much warmer. She had developed into quite a stunner, with typical Aryan blonde hair and blue eyes and looked every bit an athlete. She was, he was quietly informed attached to the Gestapo. The whole family made a great fuss of Elizabeth on the face of it; Grandma Ursula however, was most scathing quietly. She hated the fact that the rest of her family on the face of it appeared to be supporting the regime, and she did not trust Elizabeth.. "Don't trust any of them and don't marry that vixen if you can avoid it." She whispered. "She is a hidebound Nazi through and through." Gradually, he did begin to wonder about Elizabeth, she seemed very formal at times, and now they had agreed to marry, it seemed that she had achieved her goal, and became a little more formal towards him. It was about the third morning in Berlin that she announced her pregnancy, and that was the morning when the whole family gathered for a press photographic session with Herr Goebbels, and his propaganda crew. Whether she was actually pregnant, or whether it was for propaganda purposes he never knew. His time in Berlin was largely taken up by visits to war factories to help encourage the workers or speaking to groups of Army or Luftwaffe officers, or groups of the Hitler Youth. He was very disappointed at some of the comments he heard and the anti Jewish sentiments expressed by young people. It was after the official photograph had been taken and they had moved back in to the house that Tony heard Elizabeth talking privately to Herr Goebbels. "I have carried out my instructions Mein Herr. The man is a tolerable lover, but I can not say as yet I have the same deep affection for him as I had with my husband." "Fraulein your Uncle is well pleased with you, you are doing well. Please remember any marriage can be annulled quickly with a bullet." The conversation made Tony think a lot more seriously about his position. Whether Elizabeth was just following orders, as the conversation seemed to indicate, or whether there was something more, he could not be sure. He was however, determined to watch his step very closely, and he reflected that it seemed that he was safe until at least until after the marriage. The following day Fraulein Elizabeth left, ostensibly to arrange the wedding, and to resign from her post as a Public Relations officer in Herr Goebbels department. She told Tony that she would be back to take him to meet her Uncle in about fourteen days time. Tony was left to get reacquainted with his family, and to continue his recovery, without too much outside interference. His second cousin Greta and he, had spent a lot of time together as children, and now she was acting very much as his escort. Greta herself did not seem to have changed too much, despite her supposed link to the Gestapo. She refused to get involved in politics, and warned Tony to keep any political views to himself, she was very good company. They went to a lot of nightclubs together, and film shows, it was inevitable they became quite close, and thoroughly enjoyed each others company. But never once did they discuss politics or his apparent defection. Next Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Burchesgarten Elizabeth returned to Berlin as promised, to pick him up for the long trip to the infamous Eagles Nest Hitler's favourite residence. The trip was both long, and nerve wracking, as Tony was not looking forward to meeting Adolf Hitler, he dare not reflect on his fate, should his true mission be found out now, especially after meeting Hitler, and yet in many ways the journey had its compensations. It was quite wonderful, both from the delightful scenery at the latter end of the trip, and the fact that both Elizabeth and Tony were together for many hours, in a convoy of cars, except for the times they stopped at a pre-arranged Gasthaus's or Hotels for meals, or for the nightly stops. Elizabeth seemed to be back to the warm loving girl he had first met at the convalescence centre. Wartime restrictions made the going slower than normal, the roads and the few Autobahns were busy with military traffic, and the periodic changing of their escort seemed to take an enormous time. All the time, about twenty SS Troopers with their notorious death head badges surrounded them, and stood guard over them day and night. Tony never really found out whether the escort was to protect him or Hitler's favourite niece. The whole trip, and stops were planned with Prussian precision, making due allowance for his convalescence. This had the benefit of allowing Elizabeth, and Tony to have a significant number of "love stops" as they liked to call them. Tony could not forget the conversation he had overheard, but he determined he had to play along with what was happening to him at least for the time being, he just wondered whether Elizabeth herself was also playing a double game. The problem for Tony now, was that he felt some strong feelings for Elizabeth, and yet his instincts told him he could not really trust her. He knew that he would have to leave her behind, if and when he could get back to England. If of course he could find a way to escape. Tony was in no doubt that to stay here in occupied Europe would go badly for him when the allies eventually invaded, especially, if he was captured by the invading forces. The fact that he had as far as most people knew defected would not go well for him. Tony had no doubt that he would also be treated badly by the public in England when, and if, he could return, but at least his name would eventually be cleared. They arrived at Burchesgarten in the late afternoon of the fourth day , and were taken to separate rooms in order that they could freshen up. Elizabeth told Tony, that her Uncle Adolf was quite strict when it came to morality, although this did not apply to all the staff, who had their own means of having liaisons, and they would have to be very careful if they were able to make love again during the visit. Tony met the Fuhrer with Elizabeth at dinner that evening. Hitler greeted Tony formally, and Elizabeth effusively. His propaganda chief, Herr Goebbels and photographers were present, also Hitler's partner Fraulein Eva Braun, who was very nice and obviously fond of Elizabeth, and the cameras were flashing furiously. They also had two newsreel cameras taking live film of Tony and Elizabeth for the news reels, they were asked to take up affectionate positions for the press, both with Hitler and Eva Braun and on their own. The Nazi hierarchy were making the most of his defection, and the forthcoming marriage. The Fuhrer publicly announced that evening, that he would personally give the bride away, as unfortunately her father was dead. Tony had a long private conversation with the Fuhrer, who asked him many quite astute questions about life in England in wartime. Tony phrased his answers carefully, very aware, that he could land himself in a certain amount of trouble, were he not very careful. He was told quite forcibly how well Germany were doing, and that he could be expected to play an important part later in the occupation of Great Britain. It was hard for Tony not to show his real feelings. Both Elizabeth and Tony felt a distinct sense of relief when the evening came to an end, and he could relax a little. Tony had no illusions about his security, and he knew that the Gestapo would be watching their every move with great care. However, he thoroughly enjoyed the alpine view from Burchesgarten was incredible, it was well known as the Eagles Nest and the views were absolutely incredible, but it became quite chilly at that altitude as the evenings wore on, and big log fires were lit in all the chalets to keep them warm. He had a brief meeting with Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz the head of the German U Boat fleet, The Admiral said that he would enjoy having Tony talk to some of his staff, and some of the U Boat captains when he had time at a later date. They dined with her Uncle the Fuhrer most evenings, and his partner Eva Braun together with various generals, and industrial dignitaries present. Tony quickly became intrigued at the mention of the word Barbarossa which was mentioned in conversation several times. But Tony asked no questions, nor did he show any obvious interest. Several times during discussions it was noted that when he was present and the conversation stopped. Tony quickly began to get the impression that Hitler trusted no-one, and he obviously delighted in keeping his subordinates at loggerheads. At first Tony thought it was just confused thinking, but then he began to realise, that Hitler did not want anyone to get too much power, as it could threaten his own position. Tony presumed that the fear of being overthrown at some time in the future was foremost in his thinking. By creating a certain amount of confusion, and confused authority, and no-one knowing who to trust, he was trying to keep any one of his subordinates from being too powerful. Burchesgarten was a lovely place to convalesce and while Elizabeth was with him Tony was relatively happy, but the holiday was almost at an end. After ten days, it was decided that Elizabeth would return to Berlin to her home, to make the final preparations for the wedding. Forty eight hours later, Tony would first of all, go to report to Admiral Karl Doenitz at Oostende, to meet some of his staff , and then subsequently fly back to Berlin, to meet Elizabeth, and her parents, and other close relatives. Then he would stay there for the wedding. It was to be a big affair with massive publicity. It soon became obvious to him that his usefulness as a naval officer to the Nazi regime was virtually nil. But his usefulness as a propaganda tool was extremely high. Tony paced up and down the room night after night, wondering how he was going to get back to England. Once Fraulein Elizabeth his fianc? had left to go to Berlin. He was feeling very lonely, and isolated here in Burchesgarten, The Fuhrer was pleased that he was marrying his niece, and so was Dr Goebbels, who obviously saw great opportunities for maximizing propaganda, with the wedding and he was being treated very much as an honoured guest. But to carry on any meaningful social intercourse with any of them was futile. Every conversation seemed to end up as a grilling, regarding the war, or conditions in Britain, which was usually followed by assertions, that it was only a matter of time before the Third Reich would be triumphant. Tony got the impression that many high up Nazi followers, were trying to court his friendship, as he obviously had the ear of the Fuhrer, or so they thought. On his last evening there Tony had packed his few possessions, and his suitcase was waiting by the door for an early start in the morning. He looked out of the window, and the view was beautiful in the moonlight, and for a brief moment he was lost in the beauty of the place. But reality soon came back to him, when their was a knock on my door, and he shouted "Kom", when the door opened, a dark haired, slim and very pretty scantily clad young girl, of about sixteen entered the room accompanied by Dr Ursi Schoke, the not unattractive head of Hitler's security, and Tony assumed an active member of the Gestapo. "Guten Abend Herr Nash we have here a young lady, who has been allocated to spend time with you. She is part of the entertainment programme for the troops here. I hope that she will entertain you, with all the skill that I know she possesses." The girl smiled at Tony shyly, and crossed the room towards him. Guten Abend Herr Nash I have heard so much about you." She said with a slight accent. "Pleased to meet you Fraulein." Tony responded, giving a bow and clumsily kissing her hand. Dr Schoke smiled at him coyly, and quietly left shutting the door behind her. He turned and sat down on a chair and looked at her. She was a very pretty girl, and he guessed she was a whore, from the brothel reserved for officers and high ranking Nazi officials. "My name is Heidi and I am a Jew. I have been sterilised Herr Kapitan. I am forced to fuck to stay alive, and I can and must satisfy you in every possible way Mein Herr, so you must tell me what you wish me to do for you" "I want you to do nothing Fraulein, I am betrothed to be married, and I do not wish to be disloyal to my fianc'e. However, if you wish to stop and talk I would be honoured to chat with you." Tony told her. A look of despair crossed her face, "But Mein Herr I will be in trouble if you don't use me. I will probably be sent to the Russian front for the troops, or to a concentration camp. They will think I am not co-operating and I want to stay alive." He felt his cock tighten; he had to admit he was missing Elizabeth badly. "I'd like to make love to you now." Tony told her. "You are very beautiful Heidi, but as I told you I am betrothed." She walked across the room and took his hand. She was standing just inches in front of him, and Tony gently pushed her away "Please Herr Nash, help me please." She said as they came together. His self control was gone and he hoped that Elizabeth would forgive him if she ever found out. "Kom!" She whispered, as Heidi pulled him towards the bed. Tony could feel his cock hardening as Heidi held out her hands to him and pulled him to sit down on the bed beside her. Then without warning she came into his arms. Her arms wrapped round his neck as she kissed him. She pressed herself tightly against Tony as they hugged. "Thank you Her Nash." She whispered, pausing briefly. "She pushed Tony back on the bed and started undressing him. Then she stood in front of him looking down at his now very prominent erection. Then moving quickly she disrobed, and knelt in front of him with her hands behind his head. Tony ran his hands slowly up and down the soft skin of her waist, and then pulled her towards him to kiss her breast. He kissed the soft skin around her erect nipples, and then began gently sucking. She pulled his head hard to her breast, and stroked his hair gently as he suckled her. At the same time he reached down and ran his hands over her shaven groin, carefully inserting his fingers between the wet lips of her sex, she responded very positively as she pressed her hips against his stomach. Tony could feel the moisture between her legs, and as she rocked her hips, her thigh brushed his erect cock. He held her hips, and pushed her gently down while he let go of her nipple, and began kissing his way up towards her neck. His lips tingled with every kiss, and his cock stiffened in anticipation as she then straddled him. She gently brushed the mouth of her vagina against the tip of his cock, and then she slowly dropped her body on to him, gradually engulfing his cock fully inside her. Tony hugged her close, as he felt her vagina sliding down over his cock, then he kissed her under the chin, and they began to move together. She pressed herself tightly against him, and with each gentle rock of her hips, Tony felt his body reacting. She kissed him gently on the lips, and as she gently rocked back and forth on his thighs, her tongue entwined with his. Her hands pulled him tight against her body as he touched her back, and then she broke the kiss with a moan, and began grinding her hips with increasing passion. He could hear the distant sound of the wind in the trees outside, blending with the pounding of his heart, as she shuddered and sighed in his lap, as she climaxed. She held Tony tight, as she kissed him with unbridled passion on the mouth. She leaned back, a contented look on her face, with her arms still clutching him and smiled a gentle smile. Once again she began pumping herself up and down on his cock. Tony reached for her breasts, fondling them briefly, until the sensation of her engulfing vagina overwhelmed him. His climax was almost overwhelming; as he thrust his cock into her, as she sat down hard in his lap. They came almost together after a few moments and they lay clutched together for a long time as they gradually relaxed in the afterglow of their orgasm. After a very busy night she left early next morning, kissing him. She thanked him for making love like a gentleman, and not like an animal. As she said goodbye Tony knew that if he had not made love to her, that she probably would never be allowed to leave there alive. He felt so sorry for her. It was with great relief that the next morning he started his journey to Oostende. Tony had a lovely young lady chauffer called Freda, she was only about 21, and very nervous at first. When Tony suggested he ride in the front with her, she seemed a little dismayed. They had four Wehrmacht out- riders, who were changed regularly at different stages during the journey. They would escort them for about fifty miles, and then turn back, while their relief would take over for the next part of the journey. They made good progress the first day, and as the journey wore on, Freda became more relaxed with him, and by the time they got to their first evening stop, she was quite relaxed. She told him that she joined the Wehrmacht almost straight from school, having first spent some time in the Hitler Youth and a few months later she started training as a Pharmacist. She wanted to go back to training as a Pharmacist as soon as the war was over. They spent the evening together drinking and eating and talking, and retired to their separate rooms at about 10.00 clock to the drone of aircraft overhead, as the RAF were making one of their rare sorties into Nazi Germany. The probing searchlights weaving patterns across the sky and the occasional bark of a solitary anti-aircraft gun.. Eventually this was followed, by a sustained barrage of anti-aircraft fire. As Tony watched through the window, with the lights off, there was a timid knock on the door, and Fraulein Freda entered. She was in a plain white nightdress and looked absolutely terrified. She ran across the room and clung to him. It was obvious to Tony that she was terrified of the noise, although there were no bombs dropping near them. The sound of anti-aircraft fire was quite deafening at times. He thought it unlikely that they would be a target, as they were so isolated, and the RAF would not waste bombs on a country Gasthaus. Freda slept with Tony that night, and they made love two or three times. The next morning they set off later than scheduled as the escort had not arrived, but they were soon turned back before long, as the RAF had knocked out two road bridges the previous night. So they spent a further two pleasant days and nights in the Gasthaus awaiting instructions. On the third day they received instructions to turn back, and take a more circuitous route. There escort arrived eventually and they arrived in Brussels on the fourth day, where Tony was to stay as a guest of the city Military Governor, and his very sexy young wife, before being escorted back to the coast by a local escort. Tony said goodbye to Freda, who shed a little tear as she left, and he decided to have an early night. The Governor had sent his apologies, but he had to attend a military function that evening, and left Tony in the care of his beautiful blonde sexy wife Frau Helga. As he entered the Governors residence, Tony thought, in fact he was fairly sure, that he saw Janine, or someone like her watching in the distance. Tony was indeed certainly very conscious of someone watching him. Being as it were in hostile territory, and knowing how active the partisans were. At the time he put it down to an overactive imagination. Tony hurried into the governors residence, not wanting to be the target for a sniper, who wanted to avenge his so called treachery. He had no illusions, and he knew that he would indeed be high on the list of some partisan groups for extermination. The Governors wife Frau Helga Schmidt, was something entirely different from anything Tony had expected. He had made enquiries before he left Burchesgarten about the Military Governor, and he had understood the Governor was in his mid fifties. Subconsciously he had assumed that his wife would be in the same age range. In this of course he soon found he was totally wrong. Frau Helga made quite a show as she walked into the room to greet him. She had quite a voluptuous body which suited her. Her hand was held out to him. "Guten Abend Herr Nash." Her naturally blonde hair was waved, and set to give it body, and was cut to shoulder length. She had a very pretty almost doll like face, with a slightly up turned nose, smiling blue eyes, with long dark lashes and a wide very kissable mouth, with full lips, white teeth, and a very pretty smile. Her make up was applied with great care which enhanced her natural beauty. Her white scooped neckline blouse was made of a cotton material. It was Tony thought slightly tighter than it should be, but showed her ample breasts to perfection. It also showed she was not wearing a bra as the nipples could be seen pressing tight against the material. She wore a knee length red skirt which reached her knees, and when she sat down and crossed her legs. Her shapely legs were shown to advantage, accentuated by her black thigh high stockings that she wore. On her feet, she wore red 4" high heel shoes. Her general standard of dress and 4' heels indicated that she had made a special effort for his reception. She looked absolutely delightful. She showed him to his suite and promised to call him in time for dinner. Having been shown to his room for the night Tony quickly undressed, and made his way to the bathroom. He lay back in the bath thinking about the day's events, and glad the journey was almost over. The trip to Oostende could be done in about four hours with luck. The possible sighting of Janine intrigued him and occupied his mind, but inevitably his mind came switching back to his present situation, and the flirtatious Frau Helga Schmidt. It was inevitable that he should get an erection as his mind wandered. He was almost half asleep enjoying the hot bath when the door opened and Frau Schmidt walked in to the bathroom. She was wearing a white satin housecoat "I thought you might be here, Herr Nash, I tried the door and to my surprise it was unlocked" Seeing him in the bath, she smiled broadly, and her eyes twinkled as she noticed his embarrassment." Tony sat up a little, his hands in vain, attempting to cover the intimate parts of his body as she stood by the side of the bath, obviously in no hurry to leave. "The door would not lock" Tony protested. "I know, I am sorry I should have told you." She said. Tony thought he had better get out the bath and thought briefly about standing up. But then he realised that would be worse and he would be revealed in all his glory. Frau Schmidt just stood there with a smile on her face, as she took note at his state of sexual excitement "Oooh Herr Nash have you been playing with yourself in the bath, or perhaps you were thinking of poor lonely little me?" Tony felt himself flushing with embarrassment, as she stared at the lower half of his body. His cock was quite prominent as the water was not deep enough to cover all of him properly. It hadn't occurred to Tony, that although he had been having erotic thoughts about her before she came in, her presence, her boldness and open invitation was also having the obvious effect. She was looking with very great interest down at his throbbing erection. He didn't know what to do, so he slipped back into the bath again and used his hands to cover himself. Tony stammered his apologies., "I'm so sorry Frau Helga ... I don't know what you must think" He stammered. "Oh darling man don't be ashamed" she said as she leant over the bath. "I trust Mein Herr you were thinking about me?" "Well yes I guess I was" Tony muttered, feeling horribly embarrassed. She reached out and immersed her hand in the water, as her fingers ran through the water across his stomach boldly fondled the full length of his cock. "Mmmmm, that's nice and very hard isn't it? She said, smiling happily as his cock jerked against her hand in response, as she gently wrapped her fingers round it. The sensual touch of her fingers was heightened by the lapping water caressing his balls. She stood there, bent over the bath, gently sliding her hand backwards and forwards. "Mein Herr. If you were thinking of me - then logically that beautiful cock belongs to me does it not?" She asked as a broad smile flitted across her face. Tony sensed that she was enjoying this, and suspected she was waiting for him to make the next move. Her face left him in no doubt that any move he made would be more than welcome. Not wishing to waste the opportunity, and feeling very bold, Tony stood up and put his arms round her, kissing her while one hand ran up the outside of her thigh, and inside her housecoat, and round her inner thigh.. Tony quickly realised that no barriers existed under her housecoat to his exploring fingers, as with a little moan of delight she opened her legs slightly, and eased herself against his wet body. Her fingers still had hold of him.' Tony put one hand on her shoulder to steady himself, his fore finger of his right hand teasing her blonde bush ... and gently probing her pussy lips. "Mmmm that's Sehr Gut Herr Nash, but we have got to do something more about this haven't we?" She said making as though to move away" I can't let my guest suffer like this can I? So Mein Liebchen I think we might do better on the bed." Tony quickly and enthusiastically got out of the bath and grabbed a towel in passing as she took him back to his bed. She lay back on the bed looking up at him eagerly; her housecoat had disappeared in the process of walking... "Now what am I supposed to do... ?" she asked smiling, and looking up at him and at his cock erect and ready for her. Tony knelt in front of her and inserted his finger into her pussy, as he started to finger fuck her, slowly at first and then faster as her juices started to flow, and she started to move against him, her arms went up round his neck pulling him down to her luscious lips, then she lay back and fondled her breasts, they were beautiful, and looked firm and soft to her touch as she cupped them in her hands squeezing her nipples gently and gasping in pleasure, her orgasm was not slow in coming and very intense as she shuddered against his hand... Tony released her from his grip, she stood up and then she pushed him gently back on the bed as she crouched over him. He could see the glistening droplets of her juices, coating the hairs on her pussy; she reached down and took the head of his cock between two fingers. "We do not have to be very quiet Mein Herr as we are all alone in this big house except for the servants, and they do not matter..." She said as she guided his cock towards her pussy. She guided him in, very slowly at first as just the tip went inside her as she changed positions to crouch over him and then she started to fuck the tip of his cock, just a little at first, up and down, up and down then further ... further ... she allowed more of him to penetrate inside her, stretching her as she gradually lowered herself all the way down. She continued to crouch over him, riding his cock as they moved together. She smiled down naughtily at him. "Oh yes Herr Nash, yeeeess., now please, yes yeeeeesssss." She screamed. She rode up and down on his cock, her hands on his shoulders, as she fucked him hard, and her juices flowed over him. Tony reached up for her breasts and held them tight, squeezing and pinching as they moved, quickly he felt himself building to orgasm, and her legs spread wide, in complete abandonment as Tony made his final thrust. Eventually she stopped, relaxed, and stood up her legs spread with one foot either side of him. She took a towel and wrapped it round her waist. "I think we should share the bath now Mein Liebchen." Kneeling down on the bed she kissed him passionately, and then she ran to the bathroom to prepare the bath for them both. There was only the two of them for dinner, as her husband had sent a courier to say that he would be detained until morning. There was plenty of wine and the lights were low, while Tony was quizzed continually by Frau Helga, about his contacts with the Fuhrer, and his relations with Elizabeth, while all the time she quietly extolled the virtues of her husband, as at the same time she took every opportunity to tease him, with her voluptuous body.. . Tony was in no doubt that he was hopefully, as far as she was concerned, being invited to put a good word in for her husband in the right quarters. It came home to Tony that having an entry to the Fuhrer, and anticipated marriage to his niece resulted in many people assuming that gave him a lot of influence in the hierarchy of the Nazi Party, but Tony knew that he had little if any influence, and that he would be quickly discarded when his publicity value ran out. However if that was what she hoped or thought, then he was quite happy to let her think that he had that sort of influence. Her loving ministrations carried on in his bed, for some hours after dinner, and Tony thoroughly exhausted vaguely remembered her leaving his bed in the early hours of the morning to return to her own suite.. At a late breakfast next morning Tony was introduced to the military governor himself, a fat pompous little man who apologised for his absence. He made a point several times of hoping that his had entertained Tony properly, and Tony was left with the distinct impression he was well aware of how his wife had entertained Tony the previous night, and that he had probably organized it Tony found it hard to build a mental picture, of this little pompous little fat man making love to such a beautiful young lady. The Governor apologised that he would have to devote himself to military affairs that morning, but said that a car and escort had been laid on to take Tony to the coast whenever he was ready "He said. Unfortunately Mein Herr; your delayed arrival caused a slight problem with my commitments. I would have loved to have spent more time with you, but as you can see I am a very busy man." While Tony would not have minded spending more time with his glamorous wife he was glad to depart for the coast.. Next Chapter 10 The Journey Home Chapter Ten The trip to the coast from Brussels was most boring; the escort consisted of two elderly Wehrmacht soldiers who were not inclined to talk, and seemed to resent being made to chauffer him. It was noticeable that he had no additional escort, and Tony was fairly sure that the Governor himself had been rather remiss in not providing a stronger escort for him, and if anything happened to him someone he would surely pay for it knowing the Nazi hierarchy. They were just outside Bruges, on a lonely country road when the car came to a sudden stop, ostensibly for a hay wagon which had lost a wheel, and was blocking the road. The two escorts got out protesting vehemently to the farmer, with a lot of shouting, and waving of arms, when suddenly, they were overpowered by about five men. The car door was opened, and Tony was roughly dragged out, blindfolded, gagged and his hands bound. He felt himself being tossed into the back of a truck of some kind, and covered with hay. It seemed about three hours later, that he was hauled out the truck, and allowed to fall on the ground. He was forced into some sort of building, and his blindfold was taken off. It was a farmhouse kitchen. He looked up to see himself surrounded by a number of rough looking men, obviously partisans and three women who were armed with an assortment of weapons. The men there were arguing about what to do with him, in a mixture of Flemish and French. It seemed to Tony, that it was a debate whether to hang him or shoot him. Tony was able to understand the conversation, and politely interrupted in French and said "I am not a traitor I was sent for a specific task from the UK but the operation was cancelled just after we got here. He told them that Janine herself would vouch for him. Only one person there seemed to know of Janine, and while a significant number of the partisans wanted to take no notice and execute him Tony interrupted their talk, and asked quietly in French. "Can I speak to your leader alone please?" There was a large amount of shouting and protests, but eventually he was left with a middle aged woman. "Are you the group leader." he asked. She said that she was. He explained briefly that he needed to get to England as soon as possible. She laughed and Tony could see that she was not convinced. He had to take a chance so he said. "Will you take what I have to say in total and absolute confidence?" "Of course, you are to be executed anyway, so talk while you can." Tony then explained his mission in detail missing very little out, while she sat and listened. Fortunately, he could remember the name of the leader of the group, who had picked them up from the Lysander drop, and he mentioned Janine and Anne- Marie. Halfway through, she got up, and gave Tony a glass of water, which was encouraging. After a drink she let him continue. When Tony had finished, she left the room, and he could hear talking in the next room. After about two hours the door opened and Janine came in, she rushed over to him, and undid his bonds and they embraced. She turned to the on looking partisans. "My friend's thank you, today you have made a wonderful capture. We have to get Commander Nash back to England as soon as possible." The relief Tony felt, was probably one of the best feelings he had felt for a long time. Janine and Tony spent the next two days almost joined at the hip. ^Tony wanted Janine to go back to England with him, but her parents would not hear of it, but having got Tony`s address in England her parents agreed that after the war they would allow Janine to visit him. They just wanted to be with each other so much. She told him that she had seen him in Brussels, and that they had set up an ambush to capture him, on the main road to Oostende, but it had failed as his drivers had taken a back road, and it was just good fortune that this group had managed to capture him. They had killed both his two escorts, and taken their uniforms and side arms. He was quizzed about his trip to Burchesgarten and Hitler by the group. He answered as honestly as he could about everything he had seen there. Janine was a bit cynical, about his explanation of his betrothal to Elizabeth. He told her that he had taken the opportunity as it arose, but he had to admit that he did have some feelings for Elizabeth at first as he thought that basically she was quite a nice woman. The next evening, now in civilian clothes, he was taken to a field some 20 Kilometers' away, to await his pick up. It was about 11.30 at night when the Lysander came into land. It turned round into the wind ready to take off without stopping. The plane had barely come to a halt when two ladies jumped out, and some packages were tossed out on to the grass, and he was halfway through the open door when there was a burst of firing. Tony was hit in both legs, but a pair of strong hands hastily dragged him into the plane, as the plane started its run to take off.. His presence took the crew by surprise, he as instantly recognized, as his photograph had been well publicized in the press, but his explanation was weak, as he told them his defection was a sham, and he had been on a secret mission. It was partially accepted and the fact that they half believed his story of being a double agent, it seemed to them to be partially credible. It was obvious that his name had been vilified in the popular press, and Lord Haw-Haw had made the most of his defection on his daily radio broadcasts. As he talked, the co-pilot had been attending to his wounds and had managed to stop the bleeding. On landing at an airfield in the south of England, he was met by two military policemen and escorted to the base hospital. He was handcuffed to the bed in a secure room and had a guard of two military policemen. After a few hours an intelligence officer visited him, and Tony asked him to contact Mr. Broughton, at the Admiralty, and or Captain S/M at Portsmouth, who would vouch for his identity, and confirm the operation that he had been assigned. He was however, kept under lock and key, for another 24 hours until Mr. Broughton arrived, together with the Staff Officer Submarines from the Submarine Base at Portsmouth. . The following day, he was transferred to a secure military hospital near Gloucester. It was in a large park in a facility normally reserved for VIP's. He was kept in a single room, and all his uniforms and personal possessions were returned to him, and he noted that all his uniforms had now been altered, and now had the three wide rings of a full Commander. Tony went through three days of intensive de-briefing, with officers from the various branches of the intelligence service. However, he did refuse to tell them the purpose of his mission, insisting that they got the details direct from the Admiralty if they needed to know. Tony was well aware that if the Germans knew what his mission was, and that it had been cancelled they would guess that somehow Britain had got the codes they needed, and that could be disastrous. Tony's cousin Jean visited him at the hospital. The news that he had defected, had been a terrible shock to her, and she was so relieved that he was not the traitor everyone believed him to be. She told him that she too had been vilified by a number of newspapers, and people as she was related to him, and many narrow minded people regarded her as a traitor as well. No-one from the admiralty had in any way done anything to alleviate her anxiety. The fact that Jean and he had been brought up very much like brother and sister, by her parents. had meant that of course they were close. The fact that Jean was desperately in love with him was a secret she had kept to herself. His parents during his later school years seeing the first signs of the Nazi movement in Germany, had elected to leave him with his Aunt in England, so as not to disrupt his schooling any further, and so he had completed his education in the UK. Meanwhile immediately pre-war Tony's parents were overseas, carrying on their duties in the diplomatic service. Unfortunately they had been tragically killed in a car accident whilst holidaying in Bermuda just before the outbreak of the war. His legacy from his parents had been the adjoining farm to Jeans. Her farm had also been left to her by her parents, before their death. She had continued in his absence to run both farms as one unit. The farm belonging to Tony, was known as Lower Hill Farm, the farmhouse had been let to a number of residents over the years, while Jean worked the land. Tony was aware that he had to be very careful what he said to Jean, as his mission had been covered by the Official Secrets Act, and fortunately she was sensible enough to understand that had to be the case. About a week after he had returned he was again visited by Mr. Broughton who gave him confirmation that his Victoria Cross had been reinstated, and that as he had guessed, his rank of Commander also re-instated with instant effect. He was pleased at that news. Mr. Broughton did however tell him, to his utter dismay " Their Lordships have decided that you are no longer eligible for sea service during the European hostilities. If you were captured by the Germans now, you would be shot as a spy, and you are too valuable to allow that to happen" "What happens to me now?" he asked. "Well you go on sick leave in a week or so, for about three months, and you are being allowed to wear civvy clothes for the time being for security reasons. You will be kept under close surveillance by special branch, as they understand the IRA have been asked to assassinate you by the Nazi's. If they did, it would restore some credibility to the Nazi regime, and they could boast that they could get to you, even in this country. There are a number of pending appointments under consideration, in which your experience will be vital especially in the Submarine Service." Tony could see that Mr. Broughton was trying to say something and was having some difficulty in saying it. But then he said. "Tony I have some bad news for you I am afraid. Your whole family in Berlin have been rounded up and taken away by the Gestapo as a reprisal, for you deceiving them. It is something I should have taken into account before asking you to take the assignment. In addition, your friend Janine was killed t the time of your departure, as somehow the Germans found out about your departure and they tried to stop you." Tony was heartbroken, but his only faint consolation was, that as his cousin Greta was attached to the Gestapo she might be able to ensure their long term safety in some way The following day, the announcement of his safe return was made to the press. His whereabouts, was kept from the press for obvious reasons, and the war office issued a D notice on any further articles concerning his activities or location. His public relations was kept very low key and he was ably assisted by a very young attractive lady called Joan Hanley from the admiralty, who organised the press release, and who managed the few interviews that the press were allowed. At first he thought she was from the press office, but as time went on, he realised that she was actually attached to one of the intelligence branches. She spent a lot of time with him, but always left him when he had visitors, unless she was asked to stay. One night, it was close to midnight when she came to his room, he was half awake when he saw her. At first she just stood in the doorway just looking at him. She looked quite beautiful and sexy in the moonlight. She was dressed in a white silk dressing gown which seemed to have a magical silver glimmer to it in the bright moonlight. He noticed that she was in her bare feet. She seemed to glide across the room, and sat on the edge of his bed, and he could just smell the fragrance she was wearing. She smiled down at him. "Can't you sleep either ?" Joan asked. "I guess you have had quite a traumatic time, haven't you.? It must have been terrible for you, having to watch everything you do, and say, knowing full well that the Gestapo could pounce at any time." Then after a few moments, taking Tony a bit by surprise. She lay down alongside him on the bed, and put her head on his pillow. Her lips were but a few inches away from his. "I am going to stay with you until you go home, because the more we talk, the more you will possibly remember about your experiences. You are an intelligent man, and you know full well, without me telling you, that your subconscious memory, can suddenly remember things you thought you had forgotten. I need to be here when that happens because all these snippets are so important to the war effort" "Yes Joan I know that, and right now, unless you get off this bed my subconscious memory has just remembered what having sex with a beautiful lady like you is like." She laughed. "You see I told you - didn't I? You see Tony we are making progress already. The boss told me to get close to you, but he did not say how close, so I have to use my own initiative." Then she put her free arm round his neck and kissed him, softly at first, and then with increasing passion. To his dismay, she then slid off the bed, and stood up. But instead of leaving him, she quickly took off her dressing gown and nightdress and she slid into bed under the bedclothes with him. "It was nice for him to cuddle up to a nice warm woman. "You see how we are already making progress Tony." She said. "But it would be much better if you had no pyjamas on." Soon with her assistance she had him as naked as she was. "Jokingly Tony said " Is this one of those dirty tricks you people use to make suspects talk?" "Yup darling. Pillow talk is full of value. So start talking." Her hand was following his body down to his groin "That's better Tony" As she spoke her hand was taking his erection in her hand. "Ooh yes," she sighed as her small hand began to caress his thickening cock. Tony opened his thighs to allow her exploring hands greater access. "Oh, I like it," he moaned. As he took her in his arms, and started to kiss her face, her eyes and nibble her ears. It was the early hours of the morning, when Joan left him before the night staff did their rounds. He slept soundly for several hours after that. The End of Part One Note Part 2 is being rewritten. Tony finds that he is a hunted man even back in England. And of course knowing Tony he soon finds plenty of willing ladies to keep him happy. .