Author: Siscentis
Title: A Helping Hand from an Overly-Nice Sister
Part: Part 2
Summary: Kenny might feel ashmaed, but a guiltless Mandy knows
her brother won't make it another two weeks, and is ready to help
Keywords: inc, mf, cons, handjob

Copyright © by the Author, 2015


So, okay. My sister had jerked me off.

My little sister Mandy, such a do-gooder, always so nice, kind,
honest, and earnest, had squatted down beside me and stroked my
cock until I shot off all over myself.

I still just couldn't quite process it.

Long story short, I'd burned my hands pretty severely, which had
required extensive bandages and meant I'd be unable to use them
for pretty much anything at all for weeks.

Mandy had felt guilty about it, and took it upon herself to be my
personal helper throughout the ordeal. Which was good because it
was summer, and she was the only one home with me on most days.

A week of not being able to masturbate took its toll on me,
leaving me with awful blue balls and what seemed like a
near-constant erection. Mandy noticed my problem, and, God bless
her, my ridiculously sweet little sister took it upon herself to
take my shorts off and relieve my tension.

I did feel bad; as the older sibling especially, I should not
have let it happen. But damned if I hadn't needed it. And while
it was happening, it had felt great. Whatever the morality of it,
it had happened, was over, and couldn't change, so by the next
day I did my best to chalk it up to hormones and pain killers and
simply move on.

The weekend passed with some minor amusements, and for her part,
Mandy stayed as nice and helpful to her laid-out brother as ever,
not seeming to avoid me at all. Monday rolled along, and again we
were home alone all day, with her as my only lifeline.

And it was on that Monday morning that I realized the coming
complication to my plan of 'just forget about it'. Around
mid-morning, my mind wandering, I got a hard-on, and my balls
started to ache again. That's when it struck me. One week had
been pretty torturous, and there were at least two weeks left
before the bandages came off. Mandy's help hadn't solved the
problem, only delayed it.

I was, of course, stationed in the recliner when Mandy came in to
check on me. As I heard her come in, I glanced down at myself; in
the loose athletic shorts I was wearing, it was simply impossible
to miss. My instinct was to cover my shame, but the pillow was on
the floor next to the chair and I had no way to grab it.

Mandy came up beside me as I made a useless paw at the pillow,
and quickly put two and two together. "Oh. Uh, here, let me get
that," she said, picking up the pillow and gently laying it in my
lap over my crotch. The act of her covering me managed to be more
embarrassing than just ignoring the hard-on in the first place.
"Now, do you need anything?"

She attended to a couple of things for me. "Make sure you drink
enough water, it's important for your burn to heal," she
instructed, freshening my drink and changing the channel and TV
volume for me. I hoped my erection would simply go down and I
could let this latest round of embarrassment pass.

"So how is it doing?" she asked, gently touching the pillow a
moment. "Is it still sore at all?"

"Just a little," I answered reluctantly.

"It didn't stop aching after I helped you?"

Damn it, how could she bring it up so…casually? I looked at her
face. Her expression was one of simple concern and interest, she
didn't seem a bit awkward. She wasn't the least bit ashamed of
what happened.

Of course. This was Mandy. She always does the right thing and
the good thing. And she did this because she loved and was
concerned for her brother. Why would she be ashamed? Sometimes I
did envy her black and white worldview.

"No, no, it did, it's just...started again."

"Oh, I see," she replied, and sat down on the couch, watching TV
silently. It seemed her wheels were turning.

Could she really be thinking it? She was willing to do it once,
and the situation is pretty much the same as it was. Knowing her,
she'd probably already carefully analyzed the situation, saw that
with weeks to go the problem would recur, and had decided what to
do when it did. And it's obvious she wasn't feeling too bad about
doing it the first time.

Damn it, she was going to do it again, I just knew it. Several
times. My stupid, sweet little Mandy had already decided she was
going jerk me off over and over until I was better.

She sat on the couch, seeming to consider something. Maybe she
was wrestling with the voice telling her it was wrong and gross
to jerk off your own brother. Or maybe she was just figuring out
her next approach. Sweet, innocent Mandy.

I didn't have to let her do it; if and when she brought it up, I
could just say no. Protect her from herself and myself like a
good big brother.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?" She asked suddenly.

"No, I went just a little bit ago."

"Okay. Did you have any trouble?" She was referencing days before
when my inability to manipulate my erection to pee had been a
problem. "Do you think you'll have trouble later? You need to be
drinking a lot so you'll have to keep going pretty often."

"Yes, I know. I'll be okay."

"You know, you've still got at least a couple weeks to go. That
might be rough if you're going all the time."

"Yeah, I know."

She stood up and walked a little timidly toward me. "You know, if
you needed me to, I could help you again..." Standing beside
where she had the other day, she put her hand on the arm of the

"No, I'm okay. Not right now." I replied. Damn it, I added 'not
right now'. I'd almost managed to turn her down flat.

"Okay, well, let me know if you do," she said.

Lunch and a few more hours passed uneventfully. Around
midafternoon I had to use the bathroom.

"You were in there a while," Mandy said when I came back into the
living room, sitting back in my recliner.

"Yeah, well..." I said. Some frustration got in, maybe on

"Did you have to wait for it to go down?"

"Yes." Man, she had a penchant for uncomfortable questions. "I'm
okay now, though." While I was trying to ignore where she was
going, some part of my subconscious obviously wasn't, and my
eager dick started to swell almost the second I sat down. It had
been dangling down when I came in, so as it grew it became very

Mandy noticed. "You know, it’s already 3:00. Time's starting to
run out if you need me to help you today." I clenched my jaw.
Something about her strategizing how to avoid Mom and Dad
bothered even more than the rest of it. I didn't reply, not being
sure what to say.

Seeing I wasn't answering, she stood and came over to me. "It's
okay," she said, touching my arm. "I don't mind, really."

"You don't?" I asked, a little incredulous. How could she not

"No. I mean, you kind of need it, don't you?"

"Well..." I started.

"Well, maybe not really need like you'd die, but otherwise you'll
be real uncomfortable, right?"

It was getting harder to say no. "Yeah..."

"And it’s something you do all the time anyway. So I'm just kind
of, doing it for you since you can't."

She had squatted down beside me like she had before, her hand
still on my arm but poised to move while she waited for my word.
I took a deep breath in and out.

"If you're sure you're comfortable with it."

"I am." There was no stress or innuendo in her voice, just an
earnest reply. Setting to her task, she got up and moved in front
of me, carefully pulling my shorts over my cock as she had done
before. My dick fell up against my stomach with a little slap.

She pulled my shorts completely off again, folding them neatly
and placing them on the couch, then returned to my side.
Considering a moment, she said "Let's get your shirt. Let's just
take it off this time so you don't have to hold it up the whole
time, okay?" I acquiesced, and she pulled my shirt up. I pulled
each arm down in turn while she carefully opened the sleeves
around my bandages, then pulling it off my head. With a few
well-practiced folds, she laid it with the shorts.

"Well, I'm naked," I said, trying to ease some tension.

"Yep," she said, coming to my side. Seeing my stress, she paused.
"Now, don't be embarrassed," she said, putting her hand back on
my arm. "I'm your sister and I love you," and she gave me an
innocent kiss on my forehead. It was a very simple, sisterly,
Mandy thing to do.

I was very confused but also very horny. She reached her right
hand down and took hold of the middle of my shaft. "Are you
comfortable?" she asked.

I nodded, and she started stroking, squatting down beside me. It
seemed so otherworldly, reclining there naked with both hands
carefully pointing palm-up while Mandy's arm reached across mine
and gently stroked my dick.

"Are you okay? You seem kind of tense."

"Yeah. It's just...this is kind of weird, isn't it?" I could
barely bring myself to say it.

She laughed a bit, pausing. "I suppose. But you kind of need it
anyway. Right?"

I paused for a long second. "Yeah," I finally said.

"Okay. Then just sit back and relax." She started stroking again.

I laid my head back and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.
Mandy's strokes were a little soft, and her hand felt so small
and cool. I could tell it was going to take longer this time. The
first time I'd been all wound up and it had gone quick. This time
I was feeling even more awkward, and after a couple of minutes
things hadn't moved along much and she was getting a little

"Am I doing okay?" Mandy asked.


"But is this how you do it? How do you hold it?"

"You're doing fine." I tried to will her to stop talking.

"Should I hold it more down here?" She asked, sliding her hand
down to the base, and then moved back up. "…or just keep it up
here? Should I be doing it longer, like this?" She started doing
long strokes, from near the head all the way down to the base,
stretching out the skin. "Or should I start one way and change as
I go along? Here, tell me how you do it."

I sighed a little. Now she wanted me to describe how I
masturbated. She really wasn't helping this not to feel weird. I
should probably just call her off.

"Well, I guess..." I stuttered. "Okay, um, you, you don't have to
start by just grabbing it right off. Usually I'll just kind
of...touch it for a little while."

"Oh, okay, I see." She placed my dick down on my abdomen, then
gently starting petting down it with her fingers, like it was a
cat. For the first time, she seemed somewhat timid, petting a few
times on one part of my shaft, then a few times on another.

"How's that?"

"That's good." After a couple dozen pets, she seemed to relax a
bit, and I did to, easing my back into the chair, which I found
I'd raised up a little. Running out of fresh territory to pet,
she drifted down my shaft, reaching some hair near the base. She
brushed up against it a few times, then, gaining some courage,
continued into petting it.

She soon determined from the way my dick twitched that she was
onto something, and began petting around it, taking some time to
pet down the pubic hair surrounding the base of my shaft. As she
circled around, she made a little contact with something else.

"What about your testicles? Do you touch those?"

"Uh... sometimes, but you don't have to worry about that."

She pet my hair down a little more, then up my shaft a few times,
while seeming to consider. She then stroked two fingers on one
side of my scrotum.

"How's that?" She asked.

I took another deep breath. "That's…nice." I was worried about
how much I was having her do, going beyond what was absolutely
necessary. And I was worried about how good it was feeling to me.
Still, I didn't want to be discouraging or make her feel bad, so
I kept going along.

She pet one side of my scrotum, then the other, ever gentle and
taking three passes at every part she hit. She went across the
top, seeming to take notice of how the skin moved easily over my
balls within.

When she moved to pet the front/underside of my balls, I inhaled
and tensed. "Kind of tickly there?" she asked.

"Yeah, a little."

"Too tickly or okay tickly?"

"Not too bad."

She stayed on that spot, petting three times and three times
more, before moving slightly to one side, then the other, clearly
testing to see if she was getting somewhere. She started making
slow pets from under my balls all the way up my shaft, and for
the first time touched my head. The third time she that reached
it, she noticed my reaction and started focusing on the head.

It was so sensitive to her touch, and as she continued touching
places in threes, it became almost too much. "Okay," I said,

"What? What now?"

"Now you can start stroking," I said, embarrassed and a little
surprised to hear the words come out of my mouth.

"Ah, okay," Mandy said, with a little girlish smile. She wrapped
her hand around my dick again. "So, how should I hold it?"

"Just like that is fine."

"Okay. So, just, uh, stroke it right here?" She started up as
she'd done before.

I couldn't deny that I was genuinely turned on again, and already
started to approach. "Yeah. But, hold it up a little higher."

She paused to consider, then inched her grip up my shaft a tad.
"Like this?"

"No, I mean, like, hold it up more," and with the back of my
fingers on a bandaged hand, I pushed my dick more perpendicular
to my body, not just flat by my stomach.

"Oh, I see," Mandy said. There was a little resistance from my
dick to standing up, and it seemed it make Mandy a little nervous
that she might be hurting me, and let it down a little from
straight out, but still well higher than it had been. She started
stroking again.

"Actually, if you don't mind..." I suddenly had second thoughts
about my next request. It seemed like I was getting a little too
into teaching Mandy had to jerk me off.

"What?" She could see my hesitation. "Sure, what do you need? I
don't mind."

Damn it, she was still so helpful and earnest, even now. She was
making it too easy to go along with. "If you could, hold it more
up around the top. Like on the head. Yeah, but kind of...pull up
the foreskin first."

I almost feared that I was asking too much, as she seemed so
unsure. "Okay, how do I..."

"Just kind of squeeze in the middle and push the skin up until it
goes over." She did so, pushing up slowly and barely moving when
she reached the edge of the head, until it slid up covering most
of my head.

"Oh." she said when it popped over.

"Now kind of grab it around there and then as you go up and down
you just kind of take it with you."

She took a few slow practice strokes, pulling my foreskin down
then back up. "Oh, I see."


Now using my preferred grip, or at least a reasonable facsimile,
she once again started stroking. Embarrassment from explaining
the last bit had only dulled me a little, and I was soon building
up again. I closed my eyes and lay down as flat as the recliner
would let me, soon starting to gradually tense and squirm a bit.

"Is it okay?" Mandy asked, slowing a bit at the wrong time.

"Yeah, it's just hard to sit here with my palms up."

"Do you want me to-"

"Keep going."

"Okay. Is this good?"

I kept my eyes closed and my breathing was audible. "Little
faster." I was building quick. I'd already given her this much
instruction, might as well help her finish. "Squeeze a little
tighter...yeah, like that, but keep it faster."

She dutifully followed every request. She was clearly getting
fatigued, but was bearing down, having turned to face the chair
from where she was kneeling down beside me. Jerking hard, she
pressed her chest against the chair, shaking it some.
I was so close, but not quite getting over; her inexperienced
hands didn't have the same touch I was used to and my body felt
so awkward with my hands unable to act. "A little more," I said,
eyes pressed closed hard. She somehow found it, pounding away and

Finally it came. I felt the release in her hand as she kept
pounding and breathed out hard, stomach making tensing and making
me contort a little. My legs tightened and tried to squeeze
together some and I felt several spurts hit my lower chest.

When it finally eased up and I relaxed, I found I needed to catch
my breath. Mandy slowed but kept stroking even after I finished,
finally stopping as I laid back into the chair. I opened my eyes
and surveyed. I had lines of cum all over my stomach and some on
my chest, it having gone wilder this time because of the higher
angle. Most of the thicker stuff was caught in my pubic hair.

My sister's hand was still holding my dick, thick globs of cum on
her thumb and running down nearly to her wrist. I forced myself
to look at her. She looked up at me as I did, an unsettling
satisfied look on her face, as if she'd just solved a puzzle that
she'd found amusing.

"So how was it?" She asked. She released my dick carefully,
setting it down and pulling her hand away slowly as the cum
stretched until some slid off her hand onto my pubes. "Oop."

"It was...good," I replied, looking to the side with an awkward

The remainder of the glob on her hand was still pretty sizable,
and she hesitated to move it too much, finally deciding to cup
her other hand below it in case any fell off as she went for
tissues. She didn't quite make it, though, and part of it fell
into the palm of her hand. I watched as she carefully grabbed a
tissue while keeping her hands together, then cleaned them off,
before grabbing the box and walking over to me.

I ought to have been ashamed of myself. There was my innocent,
naive little sister, cleaning my cum off her hands. She may be
too kind hearted to realize it was inappropriate in so many ways,
but I certainly  knew better. Intellectually, I knew I'd allowed
her to, even encouraged her to do something awful. Twice. And I'd
known it going in.

And yet I somehow didn't feel quite as bad as I did the first

"I can tell you're already more relaxed. It's good that we went
ahead and did it. Otherwise you'd have been uncomfortable all

I couldn't help but smile at her as she bent over me with the
first tissue, starting at my chest. She again went slowly and
carefully, searching out every spot.

"So was I doing it right? Did I hold it the right way?"


"Was it up too high? I was worried it would hurt if I pulled it
all the way straight up."

"No, it doesn't hurt. You did fine. It was...really good."

"Thank you," she said.  I think I might have blushed at being
thanked. On her fourth tissue she'd reached the globs, tugging my
pubes a little as she pulled the cum out.

As she got me dressed, I consider my dwindling shame, and just
how satisfied I actually felt. Mandy was certainly unique; I
couldn’t imagine a ‘normal’ sister doing anything of the sort,
and mine had volunteered simply because it would help me feel
better. I was incredulous and yet, still grateful for my
kind-hearted sister. But underneath, I realized I felt a little
eager. There was still weeks to go, and nothing was likely to
change before then. Resist as I might, it was only a matter of
time before she would insist on giving me another handjob.